#Omo fiction
thesecretomoblog · 1 year
Guard, Volume 2 is available now. It has an exclusive chapter I won’t be putting on Ao3. The ebook version is coming soon if you prefer that.
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cradle-quill · 2 months
I want to slowly unpotty train you.
Disclaimer: All content is fictional, consensual, and intended only for mature audiences. All characters depicted are adults aged 18+ _
I want to slowly unpotty train you. I’d start by having you wear pull-ups at night beneath your jammies. You’d be so comfy, snuggled up beneath the covers with Daddy’s arms wrapped around you. I’d give you soft pats on your padded bottom and make you feel so at ease. I’d gently encourage you to wet them. That's what they're for, after all. And before too long you’d be wetting then every night.
I’d convince you to wear them during long car rides, just in case you fall asleep or can’t hold it quite long enough to make it to the potty on time. But then I’d make sure not to stop until after you’d had an accident. Then I’d gradually have you start wearing them more and more often during the day, like when we’re out shopping. I’d make sure to keep us busy so there’s no time for bathroom breaks. Besides, you don’t really want to use those nasty public bathrooms, do you? Using the protection under your pants is a much better option.
You’d be wearing pull-ups almost all the time. And most mornings, you’d wake up unsure whether or not you had wet during your sleep. Until over time, more and more often you’d wake up with a leaky pull-up and soaking wet sheets beneath your bottom. I’d put you back in thick, crinkly diapers, because the pull-ups just aren’t enough to hold your accidents anymore.
You’d be in diapers every night and pull-ups during the day, until I pointed out how much you love your diapers. How safe and swaddled they make you feel. I’d tell you Daddy loves you in diapers too, and I’d start putting you in then during the day as well. You’d let little leaks out here and there until you barely noticed when you were wetting anymore.
Soon enough, you wouldn’t have any control left at all. You’d helplessly fill your diapers wherever we are, even in public and in front of friends, family, and strangers. And you’d just grow more and more embarrassed, and more and more dependent on Daddy’s kindness and care. You’d grow to love your diapers until you were nothing more than the helpless, thumb-sucking little diaper baby you’d always secretly wanted to be. _
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hrtmehyer · 29 days
a very underused omo trope is the fake pee. someone absolutely desperate to pee, they can’t hold it any longer. so they’re told to pull down their pants, sit on the toilet, and do nothing. after about two minutes they’re told to get up, pull their pants up and move on.
and they’ll complain that “wait, i still need to pee!” no you don’t, you just peed. and you can’t lie to me and complain you need to go. you just peed. your bladder is empty. now go, you need to replenish all the liquid that you lost. <3
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omo-my-gosh · 10 months
Some plausible wetting situations:
character is wearing a hazmat/protective suit and can't remove it due to situation/contaminants in the area
character is hiding and moving to a bathroom would reveal their position (home invasion, intense game with high stakes, tactical job/army etc)
trapped in one position (ski lift, amusement park ride, working up a ladder etc)
minor car accident (panic, seat belt pressure, door is jammed shut, or just stuck swapping information/waiting for tow truck)
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shameeater · 1 year
I feel frustrated trying to look for kink content centered around desperation... at first with omo when that was my thing, and then when messing became more of my thing, and remained so. 
I guess because content creators of this genre want to mess themselves, and it comes through in the videos. I just wish they would really make it convincing I guess? It doesn’t scratch the itch for me if it doesn’t seem like they’re fighting it or struggling. Pushing doesn’t do it for me, emotionless “oh no, oh I’m gonna piss my pants” doesn’t do it for me. 
Gas desperation literally isn’t a thing at all it seems, which is sad. No one puts up the act of being really embarrassed and trying to hold it in :\ I’m horny for the STRUGGLE. I’ve seen a couple of videos that do it for me where the creator really pushes themself to fight to hold things in until they come out, and that’s sexy to me. 
Humiliation as well is difficult, because someone may have the kink, but that doesn’t mean they can convincingly portray being humiliated when acting out a scene.
I wish I wasn't so picky about that because it’s annoying to not be into something that SHOULD be doing it for me but it does nothing 😭
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homo-rashi · 1 year
Roommates (Original Work) Ch 1.
The Start of Something (contains Omorashi)
Read it on my Ao3 here: Link
Augustine truly did not think this through. When the idea came to him a few nights after his parents sat him down and broke the news, He thought he was an geneious! It would solve everything. Having to see his mom and dad go though the whole process of selling the house and moving out. Not to mention, alternating weekends with his mom…Right now and for the foreseeable future, he would do anything to avoid that. August could only imagine it being unpleasant at the least and mildly suicide inducing at the worst, if he is feeling dramatic.
Which he was, feeling dramatic that is. Something about the cold, silent air of August’s bedroom at three in the morning, The feeling of time being liminal, like nothing else exists outside of the four poster-ridden walls, always makes his brain think he can do anything, like suddenly out of nowhere deciding to become a five-star Chef by binge watching every single episode of bon-appetit test kitchen. Or randomly gaining the motivation to transform his physic two weeks before break ends by following a single Chloe Ting workout video, but skipping all of the jumping because well, it's three in the morning and his parents are asleep downstairs. 
This time however, his three in the morning delusion led him to his current reality. He will admit, going to his mom with the cheesy powerpoint presentation he made about why boarding school would be the best thing for him after he refused to talk to her for a week, was probably teetering on the edge of being manipulative. But at the time, he found little shame in his well-devised plan.You can pretty much justify any morally-unjust action when your Mom recently admitted to her sixteen year-old son and her husband of 25 years that she had been unfaithful in their marriage with her boss of all people. 
It all went a lot faster than he had envisioned. They broke the news during summer, that way the move wouldn't have interfered with August’s school work and thanks to his somewhat good grades and rather impeccable attendance record (Just because his dad didn't know about the cheating didn't mean being at home was all that great…His mom didn't cheat for no reason, and school was always a great way to escape hell for a few hours) He was able to apply for a scholarship and get accepted to attend the one boarding school he found online that was still accepting new students this last into summer. St.Milton’s Academy for Boys.
Getting to St.Miltons was already too much for August.. The stress of getting on a plane without his Mom or Dad made him restless. Having never left the west coast before, Jumping on a plane with nothing but himself and his duffle bag from summer camp, trading coasts to live in Maine sounded fake. But here he was, duffle bag in tow, his childhood stuffed shark plush hanging out of the mesh outer pocket for everyone to see, boarding a charter bus to take him to his new life. Actually, being just stressed in an understatement, August is terrified. 
“Augustine Harrington?” The scary women with the crooked nose called his name seconds after him and twelve other boys, who were definitely younger than him, offloaded their things from the bus and lined up outside the large, intimidating brick building adorned with gold cross embellishments knockers on both of the large black front doors. 
“Yes?” August sheepishly puts up his hand, of course all eyes gravitate to him, 
“A simple ‘present’ would suffice.” The woman says with a slight twinge of annoyance in her voice that immediately steals August's ability to speak. He simply nods in response. The woman finishes taking the roll.  Everyone else gives her a firm ‘present’ in response to their names being called following August’s blunder. He has never wished someone named Aaron Anderson would have been by his side more then in this moment… 
“My name is Priscilla Constentine, But to all of you, I'm Mrs.Constentine or simply enough, Headmaster Constance.I make the rules here at St.Milton and enforce them, so see to it you follow them…” The headmaster looks down the row of students, Her beady black eyes stopping on August. “The lot of you, besides you, are all freshmen. The head of your floor and the person who you will come to with any questions you may have about your living situation is waiting for you just past those doors on the first floor, you are dismissed.”
Augusts watches as every single one of the other boys bealines for the two large black wooden doors, disappearing behind them without even looking back. The Headmasters eyes still laying rest on him. 
“Follow me. Since you're our only new sophomore, I'll just show you to your room myself, no use bothering your RA for one student.” August once again just nods and follows the women through the same black doors, but instead of going straight, She abruptly takes a left, leading to a large wooden staircase. “The sophomore dorms are on the fourth floor, don't ask me why, I make the rules not the floorplans, and yes, before you ask, there is no elevator, this building was constructed before such frivolous things were put to use.” 
The trek to the fourth floor is less than pleasant. Still carrying his duffle bag on one shoulder, combined with the lingering heat of summer and the humidity everyone back in California warmed him about, makes for his entire person to be coated in a thin layer of sweat by the time they reach a door marked 301. 
“What the fuck! Come on-no your left!---Your other fuckin left you cock-suckin piece of-” The headmaster opens the door with out announcing her presence, the loud screaming from beyond it stops abruptly. “I gotta go.” August follows in her footsteps, taking his first glance into the room, seeing a boy with start black hair taking off a gaming headset that's glowing red. 
“Mr.Wright. I do hope you atleast completed some of your summer reading and chores before you started playing…whatever that is?” She motions to the computer monitor tucked away on a dark oak corner desk. 
“Counterstrike.” The boy replied casually, rolling his desk chair away from his desk and towards one of the two lofted beds taking up most of the room. “This him?” He motions to August, before bending down and opening something under his bed, and pulling out a large green and black energy drink. 
“Augustine, meet Maxwell, Your roommate and the constant pain in my side. Be nice, and get along. He is in most of your classes besides swimming, so i'm sure you will be more than happy to help him out when classes start?” Maxwell offers a tilt of his drink to the Headmaster, who just shakes her head at the gesture before making her exist, leaving August awkwardly standing in the middle of the room. 
“You can call me-Aumax” The two boys words intersect into one jumble of words,
“Max,” They both say, this time being able to understand each other. “Okay look, This is my side, obviously. There should be uniforms and shit in your wardrobe, I had to clean my shit out with very little notice thanks to you so If it's a little sticky, it's just from spilled booze, confiscated now, of course. Didn't get the chance to clean it, not like I would have anyways… but yeah, If i'm not back before lights out, cover for me yeah?” August can barely move out of the way before Max is walking past him, quickly grabbing a gray and blue suit jacket off of the back of the door and throwing it over his shoulder. 
“Hold on! What time is light’s out?” August asks quickly, his voice feeling tense in his throat, 
“Whenever our lame ass RA decides he is done studying!” Max shouts, halfway down the hallway. The door slowly creaks shut, closing out any of the cold air that the breeze from the hallways opened windows was letting in. 
August lets out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. The air that left his lungs was probably what was left inside of him of california. The reality of where he is and what he is doing seems to settle into the quiet loneliness of the dorm room. 
“Maxwell Wright…Sounds like a rich-kid name but…” August says to himself, looking around the furnished side of the dorm. The computer is clearly the main focus of his roommate's side. The desk has multiple empty cans of energy drink placed randomly, not a care in the world for the faded circles the cars have clearly left all over the dark stained wood desktop. Nothing about him screams 'vaguely religious private school kid’ besides his name. 
Random posters line the walls above Max’s bed. The largest one being a spiderman:homecoming poster, with Tom Holland front and center. August takes a second to appreciate his roommate's taste in movies…or more his taste in men. At Least that's why August has seen any of the Spiderman movies from 2016-present. 
August looks closely between both of their beds, noticing they share the same bedding. Clearly, it's been provided by the school. This brings his attention to his side of the room, and he decides its best to take advantage of having his room to himself for the afternoon. He wastes no time throwing his duffle down and stripping the bed. 
At first he thought he could get away with it. The color difference between his special white sheet and the default white that bed was made with aren't that different, but the texture is far too obvious. If he wasn't to make his bed completely one morning, someone would be able to tell the sheet he was sleeping on is more coated, rubbery and thicker. 
He begrudgingly puts the thin cotton sheet on top of his waterproof sheet, being only slightly annoyed that that means when the invendible happens, he will have more laundry to do then he would have liked. But he quickly accepts that hiding his nighttime problem is more important than reducing his trips to the laundry room.
He finished unpacking, giving his very sticky wardrobe a wipe down before placing his runners and shower shoes in the bottom of it. The only decoration he technically brought is his stuffed ikea shark. He decides it's not as embarrassing as a teddy bear and throws it up by his pillows, making a mental note to look for a magazine or two at the store (do they even get to go off campus to the store?) to get some posters to hang up. Feeling content with his side of the room for now, and feeling like his skin is going to ment off from the lack of air-conditioning, he decides he should have a look around and find out where a few other important rooms are. 
His floor seems to be all bedrooms. He looks around every corner of the large square building but finds nothing but wooden doors with gold number plates, the occasionally one having a funny/mildy crude doormat placed in front of it. There is a small common area at the top of the stairs with a microwave oven and fridge, but other than that, nothing.
He ventures down the next three floors and finds the same thing. The only difference he spots between the two is that floor three has different flooring then the rest, possibly due to a renovation that was done at some time, not what he was looking to find. 
When he gets to the first floor he spots his first sign of life. A guy with blonde hair similar to his is sprawled out across one of the large green sectionals in the common room. Immediately when stepping into said room he sees the sign for laundry. Not ideal, but better than it being in a whole different building. He would have to be sneaky, so as to not get caught running through four flights of stairs with soiled bedding, but it wasn't the end of the world.
“Hey! I thought everyone arrived earlier? Did you need help finding your room?” August is started by the high pitched voice seemingly addressing him. He turns around and sure enough, the lounging boy is now sitting up with a bright smile on his face. 
“Oh- No! I got here earlier, I'm on the fourth floor…” He awkwardly motions upwards, as if it's not obvious that's where the fourth floor would be. 
“My bad! I thought you were one of my freshmen, but still, Can I help you with anything or are you just exploring?” The boy laughs gently, standing up from the sofa and walking over with his hand outreached, “I’m Rowan.” August reaches out and introduces himself, the one question he has lingering in his throat. 
“Floor four you said? Were in the same year then! Sophomores are always freshman R.A’s, Juniors are Sophomore R.A’s, Seniors…well they are their own R.A’s but between you and me, they don't really do much besides routine candle checks.” 
“Candle checks?” August asks, not the questions he wanted to ask, but it's what slipped out in his curiosity. 
“Banned item. You know like Hair straighteners,” Check, August thinks to the red and blue mini flat-iron he uses for his bangs every morning sitting on his desk in his dorm currently., “Candle and incense,” He brought the lavender incense his aunt gave him as a parting gift to ‘help him sleep in the dorms’ when she found out he was coming here…”and like hotplates and other cooking things that heat up, Basically if it can make a fire, you aren't allowed to have it.” 
“Oh okay, yeah don't have anything like that.” August smiles awkwardly, Rowan doesn't skip a beat in keeping the conversation going. 
“Hey, if you do it's none of my business, remember, Freshman RA, not my floor…not my problem.” Rowan winks, August immediately feels less awkward and afraid, He seems normal unlike his seemingly rouge roommate. 
“Um speaking of floors, Where is the bathroom on our floor because I couldn't find it.” August finally asks, the words no longer stuck in this throat. 
“Oh! yeah…Apparently like ten years ago there was a bad flood on floor three that caused like thousands of dollars worth of damage to the building's old ass structure, so the only restroom is on this floor, down the hallway opposite the stairwell.” August looks back to make sure he heard that right and sure enough, he sees a small arrow pointing that direction with a small stick figure of a man on it. 
“One bathroom for…how many of us?” August asks, in disbelief. 
“It's really big! Don't worry! You only run into issues in the mornings for the first like two weeks and then everyone falls into a routine. You barely even notice you sharing a shower with seventy-five guys after a while.” 
“Seventy-five guys…okay I'm gonna go check it out.” August say turning around rather abruptly, 
“I'll come with you, don't want you getting lost!” August freezes in place. Red flags going off in his head. 
“No that's okay, I was just gonna take a shower, You dont wanna have to wait for me.” August lies, again. He figured he would be doing a lot of that considering his issues, but two times within the first hour is crazy.
“Dude… You’re sharing with seventy-five teenage boys. Trust me, you don’t want to do that without shower shoes and the school doesn't provide toiletries so you have to bring your own shampoo and shit.” August sighs, he knows that, hence why he has all of that and a shower catty he bought at Target shoved in his wardrobe. He would have brought them if he was actually planning to shower… But he isn't. He was planning on finding the laundry room and then having a quick piss, a quick piss he can only take if he is alone.
“Yeah, okay I'll be back then.” August says as friendly as possible, trying to distract from his obvious annoyance. He turns the other way, up the stairs deciding he will just wait. He isn't desperate, no. He knows better than to let himself get desperate in an unfamiliar setting, but he still just got off a long bus ride from the airport and indulged in a few in-air ginger ales to calm his nervous stomach. 
“Dinner is at six, Just follow everyone and you should be good!” The callout is faint from the bottom of the stairs, but echoes up the tall empty space. August doesnt say anything back, but instantly devises a plan. When he sees everyone leaving the dorms for dinner, He will get to pee in peace, without fear of locking up because everyone will be busy eating in presumably, a whole different building. 
The problem with that plan is, it's currently three. That means roughly three hours, give or take however long it takes for everyone to get out of here and go to lunch. August isn't desperate right now, but in three hours…The problem is that he doesn't have a problem. It's not like he is sick or has some sort of condition, well not one that would normally cause issues of his kind. It's just anxiety. From his pee-shyness to the bedwetting. It's all brought on by stress and anxiety. No matter what meds doctors have given him throughout the years, starting when he was 10 and was still consistently wetting the bed, none of them really worked. 
Sure, they took away the surface level feeling of anxiousness that he lived with constantly. That was nice, but he was still worrying, constantly, deep down. The bed wetting and various other bathroom issues never got better, if anything, the meds not fixing him like the doctors swore they would, only made him stress out more, in turn making everything worse. So he was stuck like this. 
It’s manageable. He has found ways around the bed wetting. At home he would often wake up just as it would start and could manage to get to the bathroom with only having to change his boxers. He wouldn't even consider that an accident at this point in his life. 
His pee-shyness is a little more tricky, but he has found solutions…ones that aren't so practical when you have a roommate. If his dad was cleaning outside the bathroom at his house and he needed to go he would simply go to his room a whole floor away and find the nearest empty fast-food cup or coffee mug he had ‘conveniently forgotten’ to take out of his room and make use of that. Nobody would ever think he was peeing in his bedroom so he could always, without a doubt, pee in there. It's only in bathrooms he has trouble actually going.
He instinctively looks around his dorm once he closes the door. The steps having jostled his bladder far more than he would have liked, making him realize he would like to not feel like this for longer then he has to. There aren't any cups he would pee in, mostly because they aren't his, He isn't really picky. There are plenty of energy drinks cans he figures if worst comes to worst he could use, it's not easy but he has done it before.
Knowing his roommate, Max, isn't going to be back until what he insinuated was going to be well into the night, August decides he will try to wait it out. If he starts to feel desperate at all, then he will use the can and throw it out on his way to dinner, disposing of any and all evidence. The perfect plan.
* * *
The perfect plan that depended on one thing. His damn roommate. The roommate who made such a big deal about not being back till ‘lights out’ who just so happened to walk through the door the second August decided he was past the point of desperateness. 
He admittedly waited too long. The want to wait till six was in the back of his mind, along with the anxieties about someone coming into his room, Mac, or an RA for a ‘candle check’ or whatever it was Rowan mentioned. Both sort of froze him with anxiety, instead of working through it, August chose to sit on his bed and scroll on tiktok for the last two hours, becoming increasingly aware of his legs becoming crossed, and then his hand slowly slipping between his legs. The moment he felt the first bit of wet tricking into his boxers, he jumped up and grabbed the energy drink can. 
“Hey- Did you get into my stash!?” Max, because of course he would, barged through the door, immediately making eye contact with August who had the empty can in his grasps, getting ready to figure out the best place in the room to pee in it would be.
“What? N-no! I was just cleaning up!” August quickly looked around the room, spotting a small metal trash bin under Max’s desk. He bends down and chucks the empty can inside it, trying not to squirm around as he does so. 
“Okay…In case you didn't get the memo, My side” He points to where August is currently standing, “ And your side. We don't ‘clean’ each other's sides, got it?” His tone was less than savory. August just nods in response, quickly going to his side of the room and sitting down in his desk chair at his empty desk. He watched Max bend down and plug his cell phone into a charge by the side of his bed, before plopping down at his own desk. 
“I-I thought you were gonna be out all night?” August asks, seeing Max grab to slide his headphone on and power up his gaming computer. 
“Phone died, would be bored as shit without it, plus, it's almost dinner and I slept through breakfast. Now if you don't mind.” Max slipped head headphones on, tuning his back from August, who immediately shoved both his hands between his legs. 
‘Okay this is bad, very bad! Can you make it down the stairs?’ August thought, Even if lunch wasn't for another forty-five minutes, He could just go outside. Find a nice secluded tree and water it. He decided to stand up- ‘no! Nope! Bad, Bad, Bad!’ immediately his brain and body decided that was the wrong idea because not a little, but a lot of warmth coats the palm of his hand upon standing. 
Panicked, He jumps forward less than gracefully, practically throwing himself onto the lofted bed and under the covers. 
“What the fuck was that?” August rolls over to look at Max who now has one headphone off and is staring at him with an annotated look. “Your fuckin weird, Are you taking a nap? You know you have to go get dinner when they say right? You can't just go to the cafeteria whenever you want.”
“jetlag…I'm not hungry, just gonna have extra breakfast tomorrow.” August feels very, very proud of that lie. His best one of the day. He is just glad he got under the covers before Max was turned around because his hands are the only thing keeping him from squirming around like an idiot. 
“Where are you even from anyways?” Max asks, August does not want to talk right now, He wants to pee, He needs to pee. 
“San Diego, it's a town in Califor-” 
“I know where San Diego fuckin is-Wait, doesnt that make it like what, 2:00pm there? Shouldn't you be the opposite of Jetlagged?” August curses under his breath, That is true, He searches for an answer and finds it staring right at him, behind Max, 
“I stayed up late gaming the last few weeks with my friends, my sleep schedule is all messed up.” August does not in fact play any videos games, if anything they make him anxious and a little nauseous. 
“Oh, well, Fix it because I'm not gonna wait for you if you sleep in next week when classes start.” Max turns his attention back to his game, slipping his headphones back on. 
‘Fuck, fuck, fuck. This is bad. He isn't gonna leave until dinner? What should I do? I can't hold it that long and I can't walk all the way downstairs to the bathroom like this!’ August panicked, Internally freaking out while laying completely still under his covers in his bed…
‘Piss in the bed.’ His brain leapt at the idea, causing his body to force a long spurt out of him, this time no doubt showing on his clothes. Now he really can’t get up…But he couldn't just wet the bed while awake…He doesn't do that. Sure while he is asleep it happens, more than he would like to admit but doing it on purpose, that is a whole nother level of terrible. 
He rolls over so his back is facing away from Max after making sure he looked like he was really into whatever game he was playing. 
‘If I pee I have to do it slowly and make sure it doesn't get on the comforter, only the sheets.” August reasons with himself, because realistically, it's his only option. He spends another few minutes deciding if he should actually take himself out of his jeans and piss directly into the sheets, but decides he already has to wash his pants so he might as well use them to soak up some of the accident. 
With nothing but the sound of his roommates tapping away at his keyboard, August slowly removes his hands from between his legs. At first, when nothing happens he thinks either he misjudges how desperate he actually is or his pee-shyness that only exists inside the restroom extends to peeing while in a bed with someone in the room, something he has obviously never tried to do before. Both theories are thrown out the window when a thin stream starts to leave his slit. 
August bites down on his lip, trying to get control over the speed of his release. He can feel his pee soaking into his pants and then his leg and then the thin cotton sheet. Usually when he wets the bed like this, he is asleep and only wakes up to the smell of ammonia and the uncomfortable cold wet feeling that comes after, he has never felt himself actually fully wet the bed.
It's painful. It's actually painful to release his abused bladder as slowly as he is, but the waterproof sheet does not absorb much, that's kinda the whole point. So he has to wait for his accident to spread out and be absorbed by the sheets to avoid it pooling and getting on the comforter or worse, spilling off the side of the bed. 
After a few minor lapses in control causing him to release far more than he meant to, he finally started to feel relief. It feels amazing. It shouldn't because of the circumstance, but he really left it far too long this time. He is usually better about this, or well, back home it was easier to go if he let it get this bad…here he is realizing that it's not considering he is actively purposefully using his bed as a makeshift toilet, something he doesn't ever want to do again.
He finally feels his stream beginning to taper off. When he is finally done, he feels the familiar feeling of cold, itchiness up his legs. He can almost pinpoint the exact moment he usually wakes up from the discomfort. It's slightly disheartening how soon after his accidents he must be waking up. He always thought it must have been hours ago he had wet the bed and only noticed when his body started to wake up. Its annoying to know he was waking up less than a minute after pissing himself, meaning it could be avoidable if his dumb brain would just wake him up. 
“You awake?” August stifles a jump at the quiet of the room suddenly becoming not so quiet. He doesn't respond, immediately slamming his eyes shut. He hears a few sounds followed by a faint dial tone. “G, I’m on my way— No, it still needs to be charged. I’ll have to get it after dinner.---- No! fuckin lame ass you dont have to save me a seat, what are you a fuckin fag? wanna hold my hand too?---- yeah, no.----Shut the fuck up, i'll be down in a sec.” A few seconds later and August hears the door slam shut. 
‘Shit. He is homophobic??? He has the spiderman poster because he genuinely likes Marvel movies not because Tom Holland has a great ass… He didn't think he would have to deal with Homophobia as much here, considering it's an all boys school…He mentally notes that his sexuality is now on the long list of things he has to lie to people about at this school. 
His bout of self pitying is pushed aside when he realises just how gross he feels and he starts to actually smell the fact that he is covered in his own pee. His mind switches its train of thought instantly, when he looks over and see’s Max’s phone sitting on his desk on the charger but he remains Frozen in place wondering just how the hell he is gonna do all of this laundry and remake his bed before Max gets back from dinner…
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thesecretomoblog · 1 year
Omo Questionnaire- Jesse
general / casual (regular everyday peeing behavior lol)
What’s their preferred place to pee? (bathroom, outside, container…etc.)
Jesse isn’t particularly picky about where he goes. He’ll use a toilet if one is available, but if it isn’t then it’s not a problem to go somewhere else.
He’s peed onto the floor of his basement multiple times since an intense need to pee just hits him suddenly pretty often. It’s fine, the basement floor is already a mess due to other reasons. 
2. Do they prefer to pee standing up or sitting / squatting? At home or in public?
He usually stands, but for whatever reason, when he pees outside he finds it weirdly relaxing to squat down. He doesn’t know why it feels good, considering that it means he needs to pull his pants down or off all the way rather than simply unzipping them, he thinks it’s pretty illogical he enjoys the feeling so much. But, he just does. 
3. Can they aim well (or at all)? Which hand do they use? Both? None? 
His aim is generally good, and he uses one hand, often using the other to prop himself up against something while he pees. 
4. Are they vocal or quiet? Do they get chatty if there are people around?
Jesse’s not a super talkative person. He definitely doesn’t like to discuss his bodily functions unless it’s necessary. 
He’ll sigh while peeing, but would never want to talk while he’s doing that. Someone else speaking to him while he’s peeing will irritate him. 
5. Do they have any unusual bathroom habits? (whistling, leaning against the wall, pants all the way down when standing, looking at memes on their phone, etc.)
He does lean into the wall while going. Since he has a hard time noticing that he needs to pee until it’s an emergency, the relief can sometimes make him a little weak at the knees. 
6. Do they take their time or do they try to get done as quickly as possible?
He will sometimes take longer deliberately if he knows someone is waiting on him to finish. He’s fascinated by the pain tolerance of other people, and so seeing how long he can force someone to wait until they get mad and start shouting at him to hurry amuses him. 
7. Are they pee-shy? Do they get embarrassed? If yes, in what situation and by what? (the sight? the noise? people knowing they have bodily functions?) In front of whom?
Nope, no pee-shyness at all. Nothing can freeze him up or make it difficult for him to let go, once he tells himself to pee it all comes out right away, perfectly easily. 
This isn’t to say he doesn’t feel EMBARRASSED by it ever, though. He certainly doesn’t LIKE the idea of other people thinking about him peeing, but that embarrassment isn’t strong enough to prevent him from being able to go.
8. Do they prefer to go in groups or do they want to be alone / need privacy.
He wants to be alone, he has no desire to turn urinating into a social event. Julian sometimes follows him into the restroom anyway, though. And then refuses to take the hint that Jesse doesn’t WANT to talk to him while they’re at the urinals. No matter how many times Jesse mutters the words “Silence, moron,” Julian just will not be quiet. 
9. If they use the men’s room, stall or urinal? Do they stick to the unwritten bathroom etiquette? (no talking, no looking over, leaving a urinal gap, etc.)
He prefers urinals, since he’s forever (unintentionally) waiting until the last second to pee, he doesn’t have time for the door on a stall, or lifting the lid/seat up— He’s barely even got time to just get his zipper down. 
Jesse wants total and complete silence while he’s peeing, so he would never, EVER be the first to speak while in the restroom. If he DOES talk, it’s usually just to demand that Julian shuts up, haha. He won’t look over at anyone, either. But, as a kid, he thought it was funny to deliberately take the middle urinal so that anyone who came in after him would have to either pee right next to him or take a stall instead. (Some say this was the first indication of his sociopathy.) 
10. Do they refuse to use certain bathrooms? (too dirty, too crowded, wrong type of toilets?)
Jesse is uncomfortable with urinals that reach down to the floor, because of a bad experience when he was a kid where he accidentally went on his shoes. 
11. Have they ever peed in the pool (except as a baby)? On purpose or not?
Nope, but that’s just because he can’t swim, haha. If he COULD go in pools, he’d definitely pee in them. 
12. Do they pee in the shower / bath and would they admit it if someone asked?
Yep. Sometimes he’ll get in the shower, not noticing his bladder is full, and the water will prompt him to let go. He’s usually pretty surprised by it because, again, he didn’t even realize he had to pee and suddenly he’s going a whole lot. 
He would NEVER admit that he does this. He would deny it over and over. 
13. Have they ever locked someone out of a bathroom / kept them from going?
YES. Several times.
In pre-school, his classroom had a bathroom attached to it. The teacher had the key that went to the door. One day, Jesse somehow got ahold of the key, locked the door, and hid it because he was curious to see what would happen. The key was eventually found, but not until after a few kids had had accidents. The only reason Jesse wasn’t suspected as the culprit was because HE ended up wetting his pants, too. (He was unwilling to give up the location of the key once he realized he had to go, because he knew he would then be punished for taking it.) 
Jesse worked at a fast food place for a brief time. If someone came in asking to pee, he was supposed to tell them to buy something first. He would do this, and then take as long as he could to ring up the order and count their money, pretending to lose count over and over again so that he’d have to start back at the beginning while the other person squirmed. Just so he could be a dick, haha. 
If Julian has annoyed him particularly badly, Jesse will lock himself in the restroom until Julian either begs for forgiveness, or threatens to empty his bladder onto something Jesse loves. 
(And… I mean, when he has a victim tied up in his torture basement, I don’t think he’s gonna be taking them upstairs for pee breaks or anything…) 
14. Have they ever peed in the opposite gender bathroom? (if applicable) 
Nope. He would if he had to, though. 
15. Are they okay with or used to peeing outside? Do they do it often?
Yeah, he likes to pee outdoors. Sometimes he’ll take his morning pee outside near his house if it’s dark enough out there. He just finds it relaxing for some reason. 
desperation / wetting (yk, the actual omo stuff)
16. How do they say “I have to pee”? Are they blunt? Do they use weird euphemisms? Do they get offended if someone uses certain terms around them?
Jesse doesn’t like to talk about his bodily functions, and he hates vulgar words and phrases. He also desperately wants everyone to think he’s super intelligent and far smarter than he actually is, so likes to use long, complicated words that really only succeed in making him sound really weird. He will say things like “I must micturate,” or “I need to avail myself of some pressure” when he has to pee… Rarely will anyone know what he actually MEANS until they notice him squirming. 
He gets annoyed when Julian says things like “Piss” or “take a leak”, because Jesse thinks things like that are vulgar and make a person sound unintelligent. If Jesse scolds him, Julian will usually say “Well, at least when I say I gotta piss people understand what the Hell I’m talking about!” 
17. What are some “tells” that they have to go? Who can tell first if they don’t speak up?
Since Jesse doesn’t NOTICE he has to pee until he’s nearly wetting his pants, he doesn’t SHOW much need until then either. Once he needs to go badly enough that he’s doing anything to help keep it in, it’s super obvious what he has to do because he’s suddenly jumping around and holding himself. 
Julian doesn’t exactly notice before other people do, but he does try and REMIND Jesse to pee often so that he empties himself out BEFORE it’s an emergency. Jesse gets irritated by this, though. 
18. If someone asks if they have to go and they do, do they admit or deny it? Do they play it down as much as they can or do they exaggerate on purpose?
He does admit it— Because once he’s at the point other people can tell, he needs to go way too badly to be able to deny it. He neither downplays nor exaggerates it, just lets himself fidget as much as his bladder demands. 
19. How do they act when they’re desperate? Do they get angry? Do they squirm a lot or do they freeze up? Do they get quieter or do they talk more than usual?
He DOES get a bit angry/irritated. He doesn’t like how everyone else can FEEL their bladder filling up, whereas he only notices it when it’s about to burst. He also gets mad if whoever he’s with tells him something like “You should have gone earlier” because he literally didn’t think he had to go until right then. 
20. How do they act when someone else is desperate in their vicinity? Do they try to help them? Are they successful or do they accidentally make it worse?
Jesse thinks it’s funny, and will tease the other person. He’s also intrigued by how long they can hold it/how much taunting they’ll put up with before they either yell at him or wet themselves. Julian is a frequent victim of this game; Jesse sometimes mashes on his bladder when he’s complaining of desperation, or makes him listen to water noises, because he finds it interesting to see how Julian reacts to it.
Jesse likes to do this to the people he imprisons in his basement as well. The goal of his ‘experiments’ down there is to test the limits of someone’s pain tolerance, forcing them to hold it is a way to do that. But, he always needs to come up with a penalty for wetting themselves that they really wouldn’t like. Because, while Julian will hold it simply because he doesn’t want to pee his pants in front of Jesse, the basement prisoner would be unlikely to care that much about embarrassing themselves in front of him. 
21. How do they like to be treated when they have to go? Do they want comfort / encouragement / coddling? Are they okay with light-hearted teasing or jokes?
Even though Jesse takes immense delight in tormenting other people when they have to go, he gets mad if anybody does the same to him. He doesn’t want to be comforted over it, either. He just wants to be left alone about it. 
22. The same as the three questions above but with accidents (bedwetting too). 
While having an accident, he freezes up. And he stays frozen for a bit after he’s finished. Accidents aren’t even RARE for him, yet they still shock him every time they happen. 
He’s amused when he sees another person wet themselves, but there’s a bit of disappointment too if he’d been teasing them beforehand. He’s sad that the fun is over now and he can’t try any other ways to torment their bladder. 
He wants to be left alone for the most part. If Julian’s around, he’ll order him to help clean it up, but that’s it. 
23. Do they get upset or embarrassed over an accident or do they shrug it off? 
He’s pretty embarrassed about it, but not devastated. He certainly won’t cry or anything. Just, stand totally frozen and blush super hard as he empties out uncontrollably. Then, it will take him a couple minutes to be able to move again and clean up. 
24. What’s the last time they had a genuine full-on accident? How old were they?
He was eighteen. He and Julian were testing out new ropes they had, and a particular knot they’d learned. To do this, Jesse got tied down and had to see if it was possible to escape. When he realized he had to pee, he discovered that the ropes definitely couldn’t be escaped from. When Julian cut him free, he wasn’t able to make it up to the toilet, so tried to go on the floor of the basement, but his zipper got caught and he wet himself. 
25. Have they ever wet themself deliberately? Would they consider doing it?
Yep. When he worked at the fast food restaurant, he got locked inside the freezer overnight. He really, REALLY had to go, and he was super cold. Fearing both hypothermia and a ruptured bladder, Jesse just let himself pee, reasoning that the heat of his urine would warm him up. And it did! But, only for a couple minutes. After that, it started to freeze to his legs… 
26. Do they tend to wait too long or do they go when they feel the urge for the first time?
This is a tricky one, because Jesse DOESN’T feel the urge for the first time until he’s ALREADY waited too long and is close to an accident. He does try to go as soon as he realizes he needs to, but by that point he has so little time left that it barely matters. 
27. Do they have a weak / small or strong / big bladder?
He actually DOES have a pretty big bladder, it just doesn’t tell him when it’s getting full until it’s practically too late. 
28. What helps them cope when they have to go but can’t? What makes it worse?
Sometimes, if he recites facts to himself, this will distract him from his need for a tiny bit. 
Not being able to hold his crotch makes it a lot worse. His bladder needs that support, and if his hands are otherwise occupied, or he’s somewhere that it would be totally unacceptable to hold himself, he feels that much closer to exploding. 
29. Is there any type of drink (or food) that goes right through them?
Anything with lemon in it, for whatever reason, will make Jesse have to pee right away. 
30. Do they wake up to pee at night or do they sleep through? Do they ever wake up desperate or in the middle of an accident? Do they have pee dreams?
He hardly ever wakes up to pee during the night, but not because he doesn’t have to go. He just sleeps right through it as he soaks himself and the sheets. He does have pee dreams, and even when he REALIZES ‘I’m sleeping, this is a dream. I need to get up or I’ll wet the bed,’ he isn’t able to wake himself up in time. 
31. Do they ever pee in odd places / in public? What’s the weirdest place they’ve ever peed in? Were they drunk / on meds, sleepwalking, super desperate, etc.?
Yep, he’ll try his best to avoid an accident, even if it means peeing somewhere weird. Once when he was super desperate, he climbed up onto the sink at a train station bathroom to pee because Julian was using the toilet and he couldn’t hold it anymore. 
32. What’s the most desperate they’ve ever gotten past childhood and did they make it?
The incident I mentioned in the last question was the worst Jesse has ever needed to go. He’d been traveling all day with Julian, insisting that they couldn’t take any pee breaks until they were far enough away from the place they were running from, for fear of getting captured by law enforcement. After several hours of Julian begging for a toilet break, Jesse noticed he had to go as well, and REALLY badly, too. He struggled to hold it until their next stop and, as previously stated, had to relieve himself into the sink because Julian took the toilet. 
medical / childhood stuff (feel free to skip this ofc)
33. At what age were they potty trained? Were they ever potty-trained? (lol, I hope)
He was still regularly having accidents up until he was about six. He was extremely late to train because he wasn’t able to recognize any signals from his body that it was time to go. 
34. Same question as above but with bedwetting. When did they stop? Do they have one-off accidents in specific situations? (alcohol, nightmares, deep sleep?)
He NEVER stopped wetting the bed, he still does it to this day. Practically every night, Jesse will pee while he’s asleep. Sometimes, he’ll pee himself, wake up and get changed, then go back to sleep and have a SECOND accident before morning. He’s tried lots of things to get it to stop, like cutting off water after a certain time in the evening, peeing right before bed, and wearing a moisture-detecting alarm. But, none of it helps. Now, he just puts a protective cover over his side of the bed to try and minimize the amount of clean-up each day. 
35. Were they accident-prone as a kid? Are they still like that or did it get better with age?
Yes, very much so. When little Jesse asked for the bathroom at school, he wasn’t so much ASKING as he was WARNING his teacher that he was about to go. If he wasn’t allowed to leave, he would inevitably pee his pants within the next several minutes. 
He got better at remembering to go even if it didn’t feel like he had to as he got older. In middle and high school, he always went between every class since his bladder was so unpredictable to him. But, he would still forget sometimes if something else was on his mind. He wet himself in sixth grade because he forgot to go all morning, and when it all slammed into him at once, he wasn’t allowed to leave class to pee. Half an hour of squirming later, Jesse was drenched. He acted like he’d done it on purpose to give his teacher a lesson for not allowing him to pee, and everyone fell for it. (Which kind of backfired because, since the teacher thought he’d peed himself deliberately, she sent him to the principal to be punished for the disruption.) 
He still has accidents often, for pretty much the same reason. If he doesn’t remind himself to go often enough, then by the time he realizes he needs to, it’s almost too late.  
36. Do they wear protection or did they wear it in the past? (past baby/toddler-age)
He wore bedwetting pants to sleep when he was younger, but the older he got, the harder it was to find any in his size, so now he just has to sleep on top of towels and absorbent pads. 
37. Do they have any medical issues that make them have to pee more / have frequent accidents? If yes, how do they deal with them? Do they take meds?
Yes. Jesse is incredibly numb to pain, unless that pain is super severe. (This is part of why he became so fascinated with discovering how much pain a person can take, and why he developed the desire to perform cruel human experimentation in order to find out.) 
Example: Jesse will not flinch or feel much of anything if he sticks his finger into a candle-flame, the burning won’t register to him. But, if his whole arm was set on fire, THEN he would feel it. 
This is actually pretty dangerous for him, since pain is supposed to warn a person that something is wrong with their body. If he got an infected cut, he might not realize it since it won’t hurt enough for him to worry about it, and so the infection could spread and make him really sick. If he was cutting something and accidentally hit his own finger with the knife, he wouldn’t notice right away, would just keep going until the cut became deep enough for him to feel, at which point the injury would be serious. 
And, this also affects his ability to notice when his bladder is filling. Rather than realizing he needs to go when he still has plenty of time to find a toilet, he doesn’t notice it until he’s filled to the brim and in agony, and needs to find somewhere to go RIGHT AWAY. 
38. Does anyone know about said issues? Do they talk about them openly or not? (out of embarrassment? fear of bad reactions? because no one ever asks?)
Jesse doesn’t actually know WHY he can’t perceive pain the same way everybody else does. 
Jesse has tried to explain to Julian a few times that when he goes from saying he doesn’t need to pee, to squirming around miserably within a matter of minutes, he’s telling the truth when he says “I didn’t have to go then!” But, Julian doesn’t understand it. He just thinks Jesse is weird, haha. 
39. Do they have some trauma related to omo (being mocked / scolded / yelled at for an accident, bullying, weird / scary encounters in public bathrooms, etc.)
No. He actually WAS teased a lot for having accidents at school, but the insults never really affected him. He thought all his classmates were stupid, brainless and vapid, and he didn’t care what they thought of him. 
40. Did they ever have an accident or extremely close call while sick?
Yes. Illness makes it even HARDER for Jesse to notice when he has to go, so accidents are a lot more frequent then. 
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cradle-quill · 2 months
"But I don't need diapers!"
You say it with a whine, kick, and a pout. With all the conviction you can stir up in that meek voice of yours. As if saying it with more force will somehow make it more true. Fake it 'til you make it, right? Except that hasn't worked for you so far.
Daddy rolls his eyes at you. "You do need them, kiddo. Or have you forgotten about all those accidents you've been having?"
"I haven't had any accidents!" Your cheeks burn, but you insist on trudging down this course of argumentation, even if that means you won't be going gently. No, you'll go kicking and screaming, like a child having a fit and throwing a temper tantrum.
But Daddy sees through your false bravado. He stands there, smirking at you, as if he already knows every word you're about to say before even you do. "Oh really? Then who's been wetting your bed every night lately?" He points to a pile of your wet sheets on the kitchen floor, stinking of urine and begging to be washed.
"I... I..." You tighten your fists and stomp your feet. The anger boils up inside you, building and building, until it's ready to overflow.
"Aww, what's the matter? The little baby can't find the words? Or are you just out of excuses, kiddo? Go ahead, tell me how that pile of wet sheets isn't your fault. Or tell me how you've had six daytime accidents in the last four days. Come on, Daddy wants to hear it."
"Daddyyyyyyyy!" You let out the longest whine, a release from all the tension building up within you. But right as you let out your frustration, something else releases too. Your stomach cramps, forcing you to hunch over. Before you know it, a warm wetness is spreading over your crotch and flowing down your pants, followed by another sensation. The backside of your pants filling up as you helplessly huff and push out a big mess in your undies.
Daddy watches you, folding his arms and tapping his foot. You stand there, too afraid to look him in the eyes, but you can feel his glare all over you, interrogating every inch of your body. His eyes burn a hole in that shield of a facade you've been putting up, and once your pee stops trickling, and you've made your last push into your pants, the sudden, immense relief sends you falling to your knees.
Daddy walks over to you and rests a hand on your shoulder in a comforting pat. "There there, honey. Don't fret. You just proved what a little pants filler you are, so now we can skip the theatrics and go back to getting you in a diaper, right where you belong."
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hrtmehyer · 29 days
cw: extreme omo, 4buse k!nk, cnc,
make me drink too much. make me squirm and beg to pee. strip me nude, don’t mind how embarrassed i am. pull my hands away if i dare try and cover myself. make me drink more.
press your hand into my bladder. make me cry from the desperation. humiliate me for every leak and drop that comes out from my girlcock. “i told you to hold it. why can’t you hold it? i thought you were a big girl. stop peeing right now.”
i’m squirming, not allowed to hold myself, yet being forced to keep every drop of piss inside. i leak again, and you continue to embarrass me. “you’re peeing again! what, you can’t hold it? pathetic. hold it in, i don’t wanna see any more come out.”
i groan and nod, knowing that i can’t hold it for longer. you grab my girlcock, causing me to yelp. i leak onto your hand. you stand up and slap me across the face. i fall onto the floor, crying. you yell at me and call me a dirty slut. “how dare you piss on me!”
you pull me up by the arm and punch me in the stomach, right in my bladder. it fails. i begin pissing myself, a heavy stream flowing out the end of my cock. you slap me again, i fall backwards. i can’t stop pissing, i’m covering myself in the warm liquid, unable to enjoy the relief.
you walk over to me and harshly stomp onto my crotch, causing me to scream out in pain. my crushed girlcock continues spraying piss onto my tummy. you lift it up, wipe your shoe on me and kick me in the side. you spit on me, and walk away, calling me every mean name and insult under the sun. leaving me on the floor crying and still pissing all over myself.
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twinkleomorashi · 11 months
What’s your favorite wetting story you’ve ever read / video you’ve watched
My fave omo story is probably this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24810520
My favorite video is probably the one by pissqu33n where she’s locked out? Don’t have a link bc it’s paid content but I love her work.
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itsukishikatani · 1 month
the thing abt omorashi is a lot of it is abt the desperation... its not jus ooo piss its u gotta hav the buildup... the feeling in ur crotch where u wanna pee or w/e tht can sometimes feel arousing.... a combination of relief but Embarrassment if they Do end up pissing. n sometimes its not even ABT the pissing. they can manage to Not piss themselves bc, again, it's abt tht Feeling. w/o the desperation n the squirming n tht building sometimes-unintentional lust whats the point.
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chaos-monkeyy · 7 months
Another little original kinkfic for a patreon request... we're back with Anth and Dev for this one 😏
Recreational Activities (on AO3)
it's omo and watersports time again 💦💦 excerpt below, full work and tags on AO3 at the link above!
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Lounging in the shade of a large willow near the riverbank, Anth absently chewed on his bottom lip. It was a beautiful day in a beautiful place. It was warm and sunny and breezy. And Anth wasn’t paying a lick of attention to any of it, utterly and thoroughly distracted as he was by Dev squirming next to him.
Despite what Anth did for a living— and despite how much he enjoyed it— it had somehow never really occurred to him to explore any of that further in a purely recreational aspect. Dev, on the other hand…
Well. Dev, it turned out, had explored such recreational activities quite thoroughly indeed, and was proving more than happy to help Anth do the same.
“You look like a man who could use a distraction,” Anth said, still biting his lip with a crooked smirk. This wasn’t the first time he’d gotten to enjoy the sight his lover made like this— so desperate to piss that he couldn’t stay still, panting quietly and occasionally shoving a hand into his crotch with a wince until he finally had no choice but to let it all out— but today…
Today, Anth had wanted to try something new in addition, and Dev had been more than amenable to the idea.
“Come here,” Anth said insistently when Dev only groaned quietly, a pained huff of agreement. With a pout for good measure, he rolled onto his back on the blanket they’d laid out, still watching Dev with great interest and raising his eyebrows expectantly. 
Beside him, Dev grinned, and with a wince he heaved himself over to straddle Anth on all fours. “I do love it when you get pushy,” he murmured, lips still curved in a smile and brushing Anth’s as he spoke.
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omoghouls · 10 months
wanna give me a challenge while I hold? I’m really starting to feel full….
Aaaaa sorry I'm not really comfy with this sorta stuff (and im not good at giving challenges xD)
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homo-rashi · 1 year
Roommates (Original Work) Ch 4.
Safe With Me (contains Omorashi)
Read it on my Ao3 here: Link
August is sitting uncomfortably on the floor of Rowan’s room, borrowed sweatpants feeling like they are gonna burst at the seams, eyes cast down to his fingers, twiddling with the dark blue rug taking up half of the room. Gray is sitting a few feet away messing with Rowan's ipad, listening to some type of minecraft youtube video through Rowan’s airpods.
“You know…this is like breaking every single school rule imaginable, right?” Rowan says quietly, from the desk chair mere feet away from August, motioning to the kid.
“Hence why you weren't supposed to find out.” August says under his breath, feeling, not so in the mood for arguing after utterly embarrassing himself again.
“I think there is a lot of stuff you haven't told me, but I'm least worried about the kid. Seems like Max did the right thing, no kid his age should be around their parents when they're drunk. Bringing him to our super strict zero-tolerance boarding school…That was questionable but what can I do now? He is already here and it's the middle of the night.” August lets out a sigh of relief, he couldn't imagine Max’s reaction if Rowan took Gray to the headmaster. “But-” August snaps his eyes up to meet Rowans, for the first time since coming back from his shower. “We have to talk about what happened.” and, August once relieved tension skyrockers back up to his ears,
“I don't want to.” August wines, pulling his knees up to his chest, ignore the sounds of all the threats breaking in his pants.
“I know you said it's your anxiety that causes your…other issue.” Rowan says, looking at Gray while speaking vaguely, “Is what happened tonight related to that? I'm not trying to make fun of you or anything but, its-” Rowan seems just as much at a loss for words as August is.
“It’s weird that I keep pissing myself? I know…” August feels shame. He can feel this stomach tightening, his anxiety heightening, he angrily grabs onto the fibers of the rug with his hand, digging his nails into the padding of the rug, “The kid woke me up, I was dry but had to piss…tried the restroom…it didn't work. Thought I could make it here and you saw how that ended up.” August explains, hiding it will just make his anxiety worse, in turn making his issues worse.
“Why…um, did the restroom not work?” Rowan asks about the part August was hoping they would just jump over and move on from without acknowledging it, He should have known Rowan wouldn't give up that easily.
“The kid was with me…I couldn’t go with someone, you know, around.” August cringes, he actually cringes. He rips a few pieces of the rug out and bans himself from touching it, knowing he already defaced the floor of this room once tonight.
“Shit dude…If this is like- a thing for you…How the hell are you gonna manage sharing a communal restroom when the rest of the guys get back to the dorms tomorrow, It's never empty, not completely. Or during class? You can expect to run back to the dorms every time you have to go during class, you will get caught.” August swallows hard, that is exactly what he was planning to do. The dorms should be empty when everyone living in them is in class, he long accepted the fact that his classmates would think he was taking a dump every time he excused himself to pee because of how long it would take, but he would accept the occasionally poop joke at his expense to not literally pee his pants in class.
“I'm open to suggestions.” August shrugs, stumped and annoyed.
“What did you do at your old school?” Rowan asks, clearly trying to help. August looks to make sure Gray is still preoccupied before spilling another one of his horribly embarrassing secrets…
Most days August has his bathroom habits down to a perfect science. He would go before he left for school in the morning in his safe, perfect bathroom in his house. Of course, he would need to go by the end of the day on most days. Sure it was uncomfortable to have to walk home feeling like you have a liter of sprite sloshing around inside of you, but He managed. One unfortunate day he found he couldn't manage.
Somehow by fourth period, He was already a squirming mess. He couldn't for the life of him figure out why. His habits naturally included drinking less and making sure he didn't have tea or coffee or anything that would make him have to go more. He just knew he was not going to make it home like he usually did. Of course he tried to find a bathroom that was empty, but his public school was big, and did not have that many bathrooms. By the time he got out of fifth period and was heading to lunch, he was hardly able to think about anything else besides peeing.
So…When he got his lunch and his juice was handed to him in a tall, scratched up plastic cup, His eyes flicked with the idea. He didn't eat any of his food, ditching his tray at a random table and dumping out his cup in the trash, but holding onto the receptacle. He found an empty classroom swiftly, making sure he was far enough away from the cafeteria that nobody would wander in. Dropped his pants just enough to pull himself out and shamefully let go in the juice cup.
When he finished doing it the first time, he realized he still needed somewhere to put the cup and spill out the shameful liquid he had just filled it with. That day he ended up hiding it in his locker, asking to go to the bathroom during his next class and spilling it out in the sink in the bathroom, but all the times after that, because he did continue it for his entire time at that school, He made sure to sneak into an empty science classroom and pour his piss down one of the science station sinks.
Nobody ever found out. He never had to sit through his last period class being so immensely uncomfortable ever again, and he never had to step foot in the horrible school bathrooms either…
“So yeah, I'm disgusting.” August finishes telling his story, his horrible, embarrassing story.
“August, that's terrible. You shouldn't have had to do that, your needs should have been accommodated.” Rowan says, August can feel the genuine sorrow in his voice, but August doesnt feel bad for himself, the situation was of his own making after all,
“They would have, had I told anyone. I don't want to be the guy who uses the nurses bathroom, or hell, you know, the guy who changes in the stall. It's embarrassing to be different.” August would rather pee in a cup every single day then tell the Headmaster he has ‘potty issues’. His mom pavlov dogging him is another thing, it's not his fault, this thought feels like it is.
“Where the hell is he?” The door to Rowan's room slams open, Max stops dead in his tracks peering around the room. “Why the fuck would you take him out of our room? Do you know how much of an idiot you are?” August doesnt have time to react before Max’s hands are bundled in the front of his shirt, pulling him up to eye level.
“Hey, lets just calm down-”
“Shut up, ladyboy! this has nothing to do with you.” Max yells, Rowan takes a step back towards his bed, “You could have gotten me kicked out! Why would you leave? Whatever it was I was right there-”
“Stop!” Gray yells, standing up, Ipad and airpods abandoned, “It was my fault. I asked August to take me to the restroom because I couldn't wake you up!” Gray rubs at his tired eyes,
“Gray, Fuck dude. You know what I told you…” Max bends down to his brother's level letting go of August's shirt, He promptly backs away, knocking into Rowan in the process who places a leveled hand on his shoulder.
“What was I supposed to do? Pee on your floor?” Gray says, with a bit of sass in his voice, August is slightly amused,
“You drank a whole bottle of something to make you have to go, hmmm?” Max claps back, August can see the visible blush spread across the kids face,
“Hey! I'm sorry to break up…whatever this is but, It's two in the morning, I have 20 freshmen arriving in four hours and I promise not to tell anyone he is here, But can you get the fuck out of my room.” Rowan is already walking to the door, August goes first, purposely making eye contact with Rowan as he leaves his bag of soiled clothes hanging on the bathroom door handle, hoping He just washed them or tossed them.
Max stops when he gets to the door. August can feel his eyes running up and down his body, stopping on his legs.
“What the fuck is wrong with your pants? They look goofy as hell.” Max asks. August’s eyes fall to the group, meeting Grays for just a split second. He is caught. It's obvious. Anyone with half a brain would know why he is wearing Rowan's sweatpants.
“I got lost in the bathroom and he slipped on a puddle in the showers.” Gray says, taking a step forward in front of Max. August mouths ‘thank you’ to him as he passes by. He can only hope he isn't now indebted to owning miniature max any favors.
Waking up dry the next morning, or well, a few hours later is the only nice thing about waking up. He is immediately hit with the sound of chunky liquid splattering into a mental container of some sort. He opens his eyes to see Max, puking into his hydroflask…
“What the hell?” He jumps out of bed, almost forgetting about Gray, just barely missing stepping on him.
“Hnghh-hungover-sorry-” Max can barely get two words out before he is puking into the bottle again. August looks around for something else to hand him but the only trash cans in the room are mesh, not best for holding someone puke. “I’m going to huuuck- shower. Watch him and dont leave this room, get it?” Max gets up, taking the abused water bottle with him. August just hopes he tosses it at that point.
August looks down at Gray, who is still sound asleep. He decides to sit on his bed and scroll on tiktok, hoping Max won't take too long to shower. Thankfully, his prayers are answered when, gray still sound asleep, Max comes through the door, looking less green, way cleaner, with the pleasant smell of sausage and egg following him.
“Here-” He hands August a breakfast sandwich wrapped in a paper towel, all the while gently kicking Gray with his foot.
“Wake up idiot, it's already nine. Eat.” Gray groggily wakes up and takes the sandwich, and the carton of orange juice offered to him, groggily unwrapping the food and taking a sleepy bite.
“Max…” August didn't want to have this conversation, but he can't imagine anytime is a good time to talk about the elephant in the room.
“I know. I don't want to hear it from you. His mom comes back tomorrow. Then i'll send him home…just…help me watch him until then and i'll consider us even, or, i'll even owe you one.” August can almost detect an ounce of empathy and human emotion from Maxes tone so, he agrees, not like he was never gonna have the kid sent back to his drunk dad, who doesn't even feed him properly it seems.
Gray yawns, standing up and stretching his legs, rubbing his eyes to fully wake up, crumpling up the paper towel from his breakfast. “I gotta pee…” He looks up at His brother first then to August, who also has to pee, but has been dreading the idea of going outside the room, where he can hear its already busy with guys returning back for the start of the school year.
“Here, have at it.” August looks at Max with wide eyes as he hands his brother an empty water bottle from his desk. Max must notice August's shocked expression and take it as judgmental.
“Its not like he can fucking go out there! I was just in the shitter and it was crazy. Someone would see. So shut the fuck up and get out, give my little bro some privacy.” Before August can say anything, not that he really knows what to say, he is shoved out the door, his student card being chucked at him before the door is slammed and locked.
August makes his way down the stairs, slower than usual from all the people bringing in boxes and such to the higher floors. He doesn't even bother stopping by the bathroom, hearing a flush every so often he knows it wont work. Instead he resigns his fate and goes straight to Rowan's room, softly knocking.
“For the last time, No! I don't know how to work the air fryer in the lounge- oh! Hi August!” Rowman instantly looks relieved to see him, “finally, someone who doesn't look at me like i’m Cruella Devil. Wanna go shopping?” August motions to their entire floor filled with candles, hair styling tools of all different kinds, and one, large, red microwave in the middle of the small room.
“Uh-” August doesnt know what to say, but steps into the room anyways,
“Confiscated before they even made it to their rooms, funny, freshmen are so easy, if you ask to ‘borrow their straightener’ they hand it right over.” Roman laughed, kicking various straightener cords out of the way to get to his desk.
“I see now why they are afraid of you.” August doesnt sit down, or even move away from the door. He feels bad, suddenly, realizing he came here only to use the restroom, feeling like he is taking advantage of Rowan’s kindness. That still doesn't keep him from eyes up the bathroom door,
“Go piss girl.” Rowan says, seemingly catching on to August lingering glance at the bathroom.
“Sorry.” He ducking into the bathroom and quickly tries to relieve himself. He isn't as desperate as he was yesterday, so it doesn't come easy. He can hear Rowan out there, fiddling with his desk chair, but after some coaxing, he manages and for the first time in days, not even his underwear is wet. He feels embarrassed at how proud he is of that.
Walking out of the bathroom tho, he find Rowan sitting with his hands crossed over his chest,
“Uh oh, am I in trouble, dad?” He makes his way over to the bed, plopping down onto it.
“No…of course not but August. This can't keep happening. I love you, i've adopted you as my closted gay son of the school year but…you can’t only piss in my room…If you wanna talk to someone about getting a medical accommodation, i'll come with you...” August can tell Rowan is trying to make light of the situation, but he already knew he couldn't make a habit out of this…not really.
“Does this campus have cameras?” August asks, depending on Rowan's answer, he might have an easy solution.
“Like on every building, on every exit. None in the dorms though, for privacy laws or something, they can't.” That isn't the answer August wanted to hear.
“Guess pissing on a random tree isn't an option...” August wants to die. He can’t believe he is already in this type of situation, school hasn't even started yet. He cannot and will not become the weird outcast kid who has pee issues. He wants to actually have friends, besides Rowan and his crazy roommate.
“August…” He stands up. He doesn't want Rowan's sympathy, not right now at least. He has embarrassed himself enough in the last twelve hours,
“It's fine, Rowan, I can handle myself but…”
“If it's an emergency please don't hesitate to come here…” August goes to the door. Knowing he will now, always hesitate before coming here. To Rowan. And he can't even be mad. It's annoying to have someone barging in your private space when said person is refusing any help from adults. And it's not like Rowan can say no to a friend with their hands between their legs begging to let them use your bathroom, like last night. August decided then and there, he will come up with a fool proof solution to his problem once and for all…He cant put the stress of his anxiety on another person.
Unfortunately for August, the next time he found himself needing to pee was only a few hours later without a single idea of how and where that was going to happen. Luckily though, He had other things to worry about.
“No! I don't want to!” Gray kicked and all but screamed at the top of his lungs.
“Come on, you did it earlier without a problem.” Max looked just about done with his little brother. The two of them have been cooped up in this room for the better part of a day. August went and sat under a tree in the courtyard to clear his head of what happened this morning, only coming back to chaos. At first it was a lack of headphones that didn't hurt Gray's head, causing Max to have to sit and listen to some guy called Dream play minecraft on twitch for four hours. Now, it's a more alarming issue.
“That was when I was tired and didn't realize it was gross!” Gray literally bats the empty water bottle out from Max’s hands, it goes flying onto August’s side of the room, he stares at it, wishing he could grab it and just go inside it, but no, he couldn't…could he?
“I wanna go to the actual bathroom! It's not fair, you left to pee like, six times already!” August eyes widen at the embarrassing admission, Six times is a lot, Max also must know this as his demeanor changes.
“Fine!” he yells, storming over to his desk and slamming his headphones on. “Piss yourself for all I care, it's not like I had to get drunk to save your ass less than twenty-four hours ago.”
The room goes silent besides Max clicking away at his keyboard. If there is one thing August has learned, its Max might as well not exist in the small room when he is gaming. He can't hear anything with his headphones on and does not take well to being interrupted. August goes to roll over, to try and ignore his aching bladder, but he stops when he hears a muffled sniffling. He wants so badly to ignore it. So bad to just focus on his own problem and not some kid he doesn't know, but…he owes him for last night.
“Hey…” August gets out of bed and walks over to the kid, who is standing in the middle of the room, crying, aggressively wiping at his eyes.
“Hi.” He looks up, red rimmed and clearly annoyed at this current predicament.
“Max can be…a little…” August doesnt know what to say, mean? Is that mean? Rude? Not that worse than mean.
“A total dickass?” Gray blurts out. It takes all of August's willpower to not laugh, but he can't say he doesn't agree with the kids' statement. August looks up at at Max then back at Gray,
“Listen. You saw what happened to me last night…it's not fun to…have an accident. I don't think I ever thanked you for not telling your brother.” August whispers to the sobbing kid.
“I knew he wouldn't be cool about it. He has made fun of me before…it's not that he- He just, Ugh. I have to pee, please take me to the restroom.” August feels bad for the kid and he can more than sympathize.
“Would it help if me and your brother left the room?” August tries to think of what would make him most comfortable, and being alone definitely would help.
“Maybe, but…the bottle…its…” August can tell the kids want to say something but he is hesitating, looking back at his brother then back at him.
“Is it a secret? Wanna whisper it so Dickass doesn't hear?” August gets a chuckle out of the kid, who nods. He bends down so his ear is right next to the kid's mouth.
“The bottle didn't work earlier. It got all over my legs and… hands…I didn't tell Max because I was afraid he would make fun of me.” August feels the gears click into place. It makes sense. He definitely didn't have the best of aim when he was in middle school, at that it is embarrassing to admit. August looks around, His eyes lock on his hydro flask, that it is sitting atop a paper towel as if its been washed out and it drying, cap set just to the side.
“I think I can help with that.” August, begrudgingly, walks up to Max’s desk and grabs the bottle, in turn, making Max take off his headphones and give him a disgusted look.
“Hey!…I only washed that fuckin thing with a tide pod in the laundry room sink…it should be like bleached before you drink out of it.”
“Here. It's fine, I was gonna toss it anyway, it has a big opening, see. Come on dic- I mean Max, I need to talk to you in the hallway.” Max looks at his brother then back at August, with a less then please look on his face, but eventually, he gets up and follows August to the hallway.
“What?” Max says the second the door is closed,
“Huh?” August looks at him confused,
“Don't ‘huh’ me? You're the one who wanted to talk to me out here.” August rolls his eyes, he can now add dense to the list of stereotypical stupid bad boy stereotypes this guy lives up to.
“You really don't know why we're out here?” August asks, Max, annoyingly shakes his head and rolls his eyes.
“You were really gonna let your little brother wet his pants?” August can't believe those words are coming out of his mouth, and to his roommates of all people right now, but under these circumstances, he feels like he has to.
“He is a smart kid. He won't piss himself, he isn't a baby!” Max seems offended, August can't begin to fathom why.
“Being smart has nothing to do with when you have to take a piss...If I didn't give him my water bottle, he would have! by the way, thanks for ruining it, not like I didn't have a sentimental attachments to any of those stickers from my home town or anything!””
“Gray is…” Max’s eyes go wide, as if all the moving parts just clicked into place.
“Yeah, news flash, A thirteen year old might have trouble pissing into the opening of an arrowhead water bottle, especially if they are half asleep!”
“Fuck. He crawled back into bed after you left and didn't move for hours…did he…you know,?” Max motions to his pants, August cringes, but knows what he is asking.
“I think so… he didn't give me all the details okay…I shouldn't even be telling you but, he probably shouldn't keep wearing those pants and his underwear.” August knows sitting in even a little bit of piss can be really irritating, it's not comfortable.
“Stay here and lock the door… I gotta call his mom.” Max disappears down the hallway, August, who did a very good job of acting like he wasn't just terrified for his life, immediately throws his hands between his legs, slipping in the door of the room before anyone can see him.
“Hey thanks for th-oh.” August immediately stops wiggling around when he remembers the whole reason he was in the hallway, the kid. The kid who is holding his capped hydro flask, staring at him doing a potty dance for the second time in the day he has known him.
“No worries, just leave it by the door. I'll throw it out later.” August cringes at how forced his voice sounds, not that it's not completely obvious he is having a situation…
“It's not full, I mean- I didn't, you can… I'll hide in your closet.” August can't believe he is even considering it, but he is.
“You can't tell your brother, please, It's- I have, it's a long story.” August says wiggling in place over to snatch up his water bottle.
“Airpod are noise canceling…I know you- I heard you tell that girl about your problems at your old school.”
“Rowan is a boy and-” Gray cuts him off,
“Go potty, it can wait!” August waits for Gray to close the wardrobe doors, immediately uncapping the bottle and shuffling over to the farthest corner of the room. Cringing at being told to ‘go potty’.
“Please, please.” He begs his body to cooperate just this once. He pulls himself out, aligning his dick with the top of the bottle, seeing that it is indeed not too full, less the half it should hold majority of what he is holding, if any would come out. “No, come on. Nobody is here.” August pleads to himself, second later, a small, painful stream starts to exit his body.
His stream starts to pick up momentum. The tinny splashing noise it makes going into the bottle makes him slightly self conscious, but he doesn't care, he doesnt care at all until he hears a knock at the door.
“It's me.” fuck. August thinks to himself, trying to cut off his stream, but now that he is going, like actually, he can’t stop. “Hello? Can you let me in”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck” August doesnt know what to do, Suddently the wardrobe door opens. Gray comes out, with his hands covering his eyes. August tucks himself rather into the corner, trying to just finishing peeing,
“No. I’m mad at you.” Gray shouts back on the other side of the room.
“Gray, Where is August? August let me in!” Max pounds again, August stream has slowed down, not because he is near empty, but because of the voice, people talking. But he cant stop it, it would hurt and he doesn't know when he will have this chance again.
“He has headphones on and is in bed, he can't hear you.” August doesn't want to focus on what the two brothers are saying, but he is and he can't help but agree that Max was right, August is a smart kid.
“Come on, Gray. I’m sorry I got mad, you know what dealing with dad does to me…and alcohol.” Gray takes a step closer to the door,
“Yeah, I know what alcohol does to you. That's why you should have known I wasn't lying when I said I needed to pee.” August wonders what gray means by that, but he doesn't dwell on it, feeling his bladder finally run dry. He caps the bottle, tucking himself back into his pants.
August sets the now full, hydroflask down by the door, bidding it the weirdest farewell, since he is for sure throwing it out the second he has a chance. He taps Gray's shoulder, mouthing the most sincere thank you he can, before jumping in bed, and throwing on his own noise canceling headphones.
“I know you weren't lying and I was a dick, now let me in. I have good news.” August turns away when Gray opens the door, he doesn't have any music playing so he hears Max call him names before he feels his leg being shoves, he turns around and tries to act normal.
“Get up. We have to make this place look…not like this.” Max motions around the room, the various cans and bottles all over the place (on mostly max’s side) and the blankets on the floor.
“Why?” August asks, sliding his headphones off into his lap.
“Gray’s mom is on her way here.” August swallows. He doesn't know why, but he gets the idea that this woman, gray moms, not Max’s mom, as he keeps clarifying, is a scary woman.
“First, I guess ill run this down to the dumpster- Oh holy fuck!” August nor Gray can stop Max before he picks up the hydro flask, the extremely full hydro flask that to his knowledge his little, very little brother filled up.
“Damn little bro, impressive. Are you sure your underpants are dry?” Max teases, Gray laughs making eye contact with August, who's underpants and in fact not dry. But Gray already knows enough of his secrets. August gets to work tidying his side of the room, wondering what chaos his roommate is gonna bring him into next.
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thesecretomoblog · 2 years
I’m doing emergency commissions at the moment, so artwork is going to be 25 percent off, and for fics, the first 1k words will be free and then five dollars for every 1k after that.
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cradle-quill · 1 month
The Pull of Love, an ABDL Story by CradleQuill
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Disclaimer: All content is fictional, consensual, and intended only for mature audiences. All characters depicted are adults aged 18+
Image Credit: @babyvivi, who graciously granted me permission to use their photo. <3 _
This was a new experience for Vira. The sensation of a pull-up hugging her hips, of the padding between her thighs. As she laid in bed, she tossed and turned, trying to find the most comfortable position. All the while, her pull-up rustled from the movement, faintly crinkling as the cloth-backed material rubbed against her pile of blankets. She hadn’t expected it to be so difficult to relax while wearing them. She was alone for the moment, so it wasn’t like anyone could see her wearing the childish pink undergarment.
Perhaps it was enough that she knew. And that she knew her girlfriend knew, even if she wasn’t back yet. Vira had been wetting the bed off and on for as long as she could remember. Ever since she was little, she would wake up to the familiar feeling of wet, clammy sheets. Her bedwetting tended to come in waves, with her sometimes even going several months of managing to keep her sheets dry, only to then wet every night for weeks at a time.
Vira’s little bedwetting issue waned over time, becoming more infrequent as she aged into adulthood. But over the last few months, her little problem had creeped back up on her. It started as just a one-off accident, nothing to be too concerned about. She was sleeping over at her girlfriend’s house when she woke up early in the morning, before the sun had even risen, only to find herself in soaking wet sheets, with her girlfriend, Celia, asleep beside her.
Vira panicked, wanting more than anything in that moment to just disappear, but she knew she would have to tell Celia. Her accident was far too big to hide, and her panties were soaked. There would be no way to blame anything else, but she assured herself it would be okay, and that Celia would understand. And she did. After Vira gently massaged her girlfriend awake, Celia was nothing but compassionate.
There was no judgment in her eyes, not a hint of annoyance in her tone. There was just a soothing, almost melodic rhythm to her words as she consoled Vira, telling her it wasn’t a big deal, and that sometimes these things happened. Vira knew she was right. Sometimes these things did happen. They just happened to her more than others. But she was determined to do something about that. She would stop drinking so close to bedtime, and she would make sure to pee right before she fell asleep. She was an adult, already nearing her mid-twenties. This wasn’t going to become a frequent issue again.
And for a while, her precautions worked well. She stopped drinking after 8:00 PM, and always forced herself to sit on the toilet before bed, even if she didn’t have to go, until she finally peed. If Celia noticed her going to all those extra lengths, she was gracious enough to not say anything about them. They continued sleeping over at each other’s homes, and the next few weeks went by without issue.
But then one day, the two of them went to see a scary movie. Vira wasn’t much one for horror films, but Celia loved them, and she wanted to partake in her girlfriend’s hobby with her. So the two of them went to see the latest horror thriller haunting the local screens and causing all the moviegoers’ screams.
Celia made it through the whole movie without issue, of course, but Vira was on the edge of her seat the whole time. Every time there was a jump scare or moment of building tension, she gripped the armrests of her chair and dug her fingernails into the fabric, bearing down and gritting her teeth through the scene. By the end of the movie, she was actually quite proud of herself for how well she did, and Celia was ecstatic at what a good time she had.
They laughed and held hands the whole way home, reveling in each other’s presence and company. Celia was so impressed by how well Vira did. She even said she was so brave and really pushed herself out of her comfort zone. Vira felt the pride seep in as her cheeks burned blushing, and the two of them fell asleep that night holding each other, basking in the other’s warm embrace.
That night, Vira woke to her heart racing as she gasped for air. She shot up in bed, ripping the covers off herself and clamoring to the wall, where she felt safer and less exposed. Her dreams that night had not been kind to her. Haunting images of ghostly ghouls and ghastly sights flooded her mind, and even after she’d woken up, she couldn’t get them to cease their assault of her senses.
Vira was so scared she didn’t even notice that her panties were soaked once again. She was covered in sweat from head to toe, and the state of her underwear was the last thing on her mind. When Celia stirred awake to ask her what was wrong, she quickly realized the issue. She held Vira, even as she stood there in her sweaty, pissy clothes. Celia just consoled her, telling her it would all be alright, that she was there now. And at the sound of her melodic reassurance, Vira finally let herself relax. She clung to Celia, who held her tight and rubbed her back, until finally Vira was able to go clean herself up.
Celia offered to help, but there was no way Vira was letting her girlfriend help her clean up her bedwetting accident. So Vira pushed through it on her own, just as she had the time before. Celia seemed hesitant to let her do it alone, but she understood and relented. Once the bed was clean and the sheets were in the wash, Celia urged Vira to join her back in bed, but Vira refused. She stayed up the rest of the night, afraid that if she slept, not only would her nightmares return, but so too would her bedwetting.
Vira spent the next few days at home. Each night, she had another nightmare. And each morning, she woke up to a racing heart and soaking wet sheets. She tried everything she could think of to stop the accidents, but nothing worked. Not drinking before bedtime only made her dehydrated, and she still woke up wet. And sitting on the toilet for hours yielded no result. She was miserable, and the lack of quality sleep was making her even more cranky.
Celia had grown worried about her. She started coming over every evening after work, bringing Vira soup and a movie to watch together. These movies were much less scary, though. They were all cartoons meant for children, but Vira had to admit they brought her some comfort. She refused to let Celia spend the night, though, as she knew she would wake up in another pair of wet sheets each morning.
At first, Celia was understanding and obliged with Vira’s wishes. But as time went on, and Vira’s mood didn’t improve, Celia grew more and more concerned. One night, as they were watching a movie on the couch, Vira drifted off to sleep. She’d been struggling to keep her eyes open through the entire film, and despite her best efforts, she could not put off the call to sleep any longer.
Vira had no nightmares that night. She slept peacefully, and when she woke, she found her head on Celia’s lap. Her girlfriend had fallen asleep petting her hair, both of them still on the couch. For the first time in over a week, Vira’s heart was steady and calm, and she wasn’t afraid for her life as if she were being chased. But as her senses returned to her, she realized one thing had not changed. Her pants were still wet.
She’d peed all over the couch. A full puddle that had soaked the polyester, leaving a clear stain for all to see. The tears welled up, and though she tried to hold them back, she couldn’t stop them from overflowing, just like her bladder had. Celia woke to the sound of sobbing, and she hushed her girlfriend and continued petting her hair.
“There there, it’s alright honey,” she cooed.
Vira couldn’t find any words. She needed her girlfriend to hold her just to not have a nightmare, and even when she didn’t have one, she still woke up soaking wet. Her cheeks burned hotter than ever before, and she couldn’t look Celia in the eyes. As always, Celia was understanding and loving, even in the face of her girlfriend throwing what was in all reality a very childish pity party.
For the next few weeks, Celia spent almost every night at Vira’s place, only leaving to go to work, and only going home when absolutely necessary. Vira’s bedwetting didn’t stop. At first, she continued to insist on cleaning up each mess on her own. But as the days went on, and she grew more and more frustrated, Celia began cleaning up after her. She did all the laundry and hung the sheets out to dry.
The longer this went on, Vira noticed a change in Celia’s tone. She was still loving and kind, but her words grew more and more condescending, as if she were speaking to a child, someone so inferior to her that the very idea of them being equals would have been nothing more than an amusement. Part of Vira hated it. She wanted to lash out, to say something, but she feared that would just make her seem even more childish. And another part of her adored being doted on and taken care of, even if she would never admit it.
One day, Celia returned to Vira’s house late after work. Vira had prepared dinner for them, but it had grown cold while she waited. Immediately, she knew Celia’s absence was her fault. She was growing tired of her, getting fed up with having to take care of a bedwetting baby for a girlfriend. As soon as Celia walked through the front door, Vira was already apologizing to her. She told her how sorry she was, how she understood no one could desire a partner like this, and how she would understand if Celia needed space. The whole time, Celia just stood there, still in her coat, with a white grocery bag over one arm.
Once Vira was finished, Celia put the grocery bag down on the kitchen table, where the cold food awaited them. Vira stood there quietly in her shame, waiting for a response. “Honey, you’ve got it all wrong,” Celia said.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m not upset with you, not at all. I know you’re embarrassed about these... accidents of yours, but it really isn’t a big deal. I don’t mind doing your laundry or cleaning up after you. I kind of like getting to play Mo-... house wife; it’s fun.”
Vira blushed harder and averted her eyes. “Look at me,” Celia said. She reached for Vira’s chin and pulled her eyes up to meet hers. “You have to believe what I’m telling you. I can’t do very much about those mean thoughts lingering about in your head, but I can tell you the truth of the matter with my words. So please try to hear me when I say them. Can you do that for me?”
Vira nodded, feeling like a scolded child receiving a gentle lecture from a parent.
“I love you. I am completely enamored with you in every way imaginable. These accidents change nothing about that, or how I see you. You’re still my partner, the woman I love. I’m not upset in the slightest. I’m just worried about you. For a while there, you were hardly getting any sleep. And since I’ve been here, it’s gotten better, but I will have to go home at some point, and I’m worried about leaving you without my protection. So...” She took a deep, long breath. “I brought you something. Please don’t freak out right away. Just breathe for a moment and take it all in.”
From the grocery bag, Celia pulled out a pink package. Pull-ups, the same ones Vira wore when she was younger and still wetting the bed. She immediately hid her face in her hands.
“I know you’re embarrassed, sweetie, but I really think this is for the best. You won’t have to worry about waking up in wet sheets anymore. And besides... I kinda think it’s cute, in a way.”
Vira’s face shot out of her hands. “Y-you do?” It was Celia’s turn to blush and look away. Her cheeks burned the same shade of pink as the package of the pull-ups. She just nodded.
“What do you find cute about them?” Vira continued.
“I just... like taking care of you. They make you seem, I don’t know... kind of helpless, I guess. But in a good way! I’m sorry, I know I’m not making any sense...”
Vira looked down at the floor. She thought for a moment, diving deep within herself to see if this was really what she wanted. Once she took the next step, she could never go back. Their relationship would change forever, and Vira didn’t know if she was ready. But she wanted it so badly. It called to her, and she yearned to meet its call.
“I-...” Vira hesitated. “I kind of like it too... Not the bedwetting part! Or the... pull-ups... But the part about you taking care of me. It’s... nice.”
Celia looked at her wide-eyed, and Vira twiddled with her thumbs. “S-say something,” Vira said. Celia just burst out laughing. Vira huffed and gave her girlfriend a big pout. “Don’t laugh at me!”
“I’m sorry,” Celia said, wiping a tear from her eye. “You’re just so cute when you’re embarrassed.” Celia walked forward and pulled Vira into a gentle but firm hug. Vira felt held, felt safe there in Celia’s grasp, as if she had been dangling above a cliff for so long, and now someone had her. Truly had her.
“I would be happy to take care of you. But that means you’ll have to be a good girl for me. And that starts with letting me help you into your pull-ups tonight. Do you think you can do that for me, hun?”
Even through the sheer embarrassment, Vira nodded into Celia’s shoulder. That night, Celia did just as she said she would. She helped Vira out of her panties, then into her new nighttime underwear. First one leg, then the other. Then she pulled the pull-up up between her thighs and over her hips, leaving it snugly in place.
Celia wouldn’t stop gushing over how adorable her girlfriend looked, and even though it was super embarrassing, Vira didn’t want this newfound form of attention to stop. Celia apologized for being so late and for letting the food get cold. She told Vira to sit tight while she ran out to grab some fast food for the two of them. That way, it would give Vira some time to get used to her new padded protection.
After Celia was out the door, Vira laid down in her bed, letting herself feel the embrace of the pull-up. She tossed and turned, trying her best to get comfortable. After some time, she felt a small twinge in her bladder. She needed to pee. She went to hop out of bed when an idea hit her, one that sent shivers down her neck and back. Sure, she could pull the pull-up down and use the toilet, but that sounded so... boring.
It would be much more interesting if she pretended to fall asleep and just wet herself right then and there. It was a silly thought, and she wasn’t really going to go through with it. Until she got to wondering if Celia would like it. If she would enjoy coming home to her girlfriend taking a little nap, only to wake up needing a change. Then she thought about what it would be like for Celia to change her wet pull-up, and her mind was made up.
Vira remained in bed. She took a deep breath and relaxed her bladder muscles until, after a few minutes, a slow, steady flow began trickling out. It took a lot of effort to not stop herself, but she powered through it, wetting herself all the while. The warmth spread through the padding, getting sucked up to the point she didn’t even feel very wet anymore. Suddenly, the sensation thrust Vira back to her childhood. To wet pull-ups after nighttime accidents. To potty training struggles when she was only a toddler. And then finally, to the serenity of being a baby. Of not having a single care in the world. Before she knew it, while basking in that serenity, she really had fallen asleep.
When Vira next woke, Celia was there, leaning over her and smiling down. “Time to wake up, sleepyhead. I see somebody had a bit of an accident while I was gone. What happened, honey? You just couldn’t stay awake?”
Vira didn’t know what to say. Part of her was humiliated, hearing her girlfriend talk to her, a fully grown adult, like she was a child. But deep down, she knew she wanted this. She loved it. The slight teasing, the invitation to give in, to just let go. She needed it, and in that moment, she decided once and for all that she would embrace it.
“M-mommy...,” Vira said. “I hadda accident... W-will you change me?”
For a second, Celia looked taken aback. But just as fast as her surprise had arrived, it faded as well. She smiled even more lovingly, the corners of her mouth gently curling. “Of course, honey. Mommy will be happy to take care of that for you.”
This one turned out a fair bit longer, and more of a slow-burn, than my usual work on here. But I think it turned out fairly well, and I hope you all enjoy it <3
Make sure to check out @babyvivi's blog and give her a follow! She's adorable and super sweet :) _
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