#On Sona's Sign Language Accent
thiccowlladylife · 11 months
Oh shit, Mammon episode dropped! Time for some spicy thoughts!
-Mammon's design is... Okay? Not exactly the best design of a fat person, but I like that he's not red (he even goes through different clothes like a real person, holy shit!), and this is probably the only character where the chaotic details work well for his whole clown-theme
-it handles issues of stalkers and exploitation in entertainment with a modicum of respect (not that it does it well, exactly, but it's an effort, which is more than the show's done for other touchy issues)
-A decent-ish relationship conflict between Ozzie and Fizz? Still blowing Moxxie and Millie outta the water right now
-SIGN-LANGUAGE IMP KID (all things considered, the show is handling physical disabilities surprisingly well!)
-Not Fizz being relatable with his anxieties and sense of impostor syndrome (I'm pretty sure someone else wrote this episode because Viv has never handled topics like this well on her own)
-Spider Mammon? Spooder? SPIDEY??? Noice.
-Awesome Fish-Twin designs; they're nice one-off villains
-Better musical numbers in this episode than the last few ones combined
-whyisheaustralianWHYISHEAUSTRALIANWHYISHEAUSTRALIAN (I do not care for his voice; it is the shittiest most stereotypically bad accent I've ever seen)
-I'm seeing some more toxic, possessive traits of Ozzie coming out (looks like no relationship in this show can actually have conflict without being exploitative)
-Mammon has a low-key spider motif going on? So, he's fat, a bug, and overindulges in everything (food included) to the max...? Why does he seem like a better Beelzebub/depiction of Gluttony than Queen Bee/the show's actual depiction of Gluttony?
-Blitzø feels extremely shoe-horned into this episode... Also, he's not one to talk to Fizz about how Mammon talks to him, considering his whole... Thing with Stolas
-speaking of Stolas, I know the whole Ozzie revealing his love publicly (as sweet as it was) is totally gonna springboard more Stolitz shit in later episodes...
On an unrelated note, apparently Wally Wackford ain't Mammon like I theorized... My next best guess is that he's Satan's imp-sona. Not that I care enough to keep watching!
That being said... I'm done. Not exactly a highlight to end the show on, but it certainly ain't a complete shit show like the rest of the season has been. But I ain't watching anymore. I'll keep an ear out for info on later episode drops, but it's hard to be a fan, even critically, when the quality is this bad, and the only positive side of the fandom shreds apart anyone who critiques it.
If anyone needs me, I'll be playing with my OCs and AUs like dolls on here, and waiting for Hazbin to drop next year!
See ya later! Byee!
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
Headcanon - On Sona's Sign Language Accent
***Please do not reblog or steal***
// Because Galrin-village, the Buvelles’ curated sign, and Runeterra standardized sign languages have major differences among them with very little overlap, Sona has a mixed sign accent of primarily the first two sign languages.
Sona has most likely learned some form of Galrin village sign language from her early childhood years since the island is pretty secluded and she lives in a monastery. Her exposure to what may be considered Ionia’s official language may be scant since the island is quite distant from most of the country in a geographical standpoint. Thus, the culture and its spoken and sign language(s) and dialects would be removed to certain degrees as well. Due to uncertain her timeline is for when she moved to Demacia, for the sake of my portrayal, I’d gauge that Sona had left Galrin sometime before she was a pre-teen which plays a factor in how strong the Galrin village sign accent is in her sign language usage.
When she arrived at Demacia, she had to adapt to the Buvelles' curated sign which is surely worlds different from what she grew up with originally and definitely influenced by official Demacian. Given her family's involvement in politics, I wouldn't be surprised if she was exposed to the international standard sign since they must have interacted with foreign parties and Sona must have attended certain events to perform. Based on this timeline up until her color story when she fled, she would be learning two different languages, sign and spoken, well into her adulthood. 
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virtuosin · 4 years
"miss buvelle," the crown prince of nohr bows briefly towards the maven, his figure tall & regal, dignified in its humbler greeting. "it is a pleasure to be a guest in your house; i assure it is not taxing, to give shelter to me & mine?" xander is most certain that it had been a suggestion from the royals of demacia, from the military too—he remembers the vague suspicion as they gazed the nohrian, and reigned in his instinct to find offense for the sake of learning the why.
When word came that an unseen kingdom existed beyond the shores of Demacia, it fell upon the Demacian Council to extend an invitation of diplomacy. There were countless possibilities to be had at humoring foreign dignitaries. New alliances, an exchange of goods and services, a mutual sharing of culture and the arts. While the last one had particular importance to Sona Buvelle, it was her role to play the part of ambassador to ensure a beneficial relationship is formed between Demacia and this new kingdom--Nohr. There wasn’t much known of this faraway place, and in truth Sona relished at the prospect of learning what life is like beyond the coastal horizon. When the day arrived that these guests of Nohr came to her home, Sona would greet each and every one with the same amount of respect and courtesy as the other. Yet, when her ceruleans land upon his maroon orbs, she finds herself momentarily stunned. Aside from the distracting shade of his eyes, she found herself taken aback by his height as well. He was a foot above her, certainly. Years of etiquette and diligent training under Lestara have taught her to mask such startling observations, but she cannot help but feel diminutive before her newest guest. Humorously, she finds the need to levitate upward, as if to bandage her wounded ego of being so vertically challenged, but that would not be possible. To reveal her magics was a dangerous thing. In her own home, there was some safety, but these were to be future allies of Demacia. It is best she does not strip away the safety of her walls. A formal curtsey comes from the maven, her navy dress flouncing around her ankles while a smile most serene takes hold of her lips. Raising a dainty hand to silently beckon his patience, Sona pulls out a small notepad and begins to flick her wrist across the page, pen in hand. A moment later, Sona would turn the tablet around and offer it towards the man, her motions as graceful as a dove. “I am humbled and elated to host the Crown Prince of Nohr and his envoys. As part of the Demacian Council, it is my honor to offer any and all assistance I can to you, Prince Xander.” The script is written flawlessly, revealing countless years of harsh lessons and a noble heritage, though one would assume as much if she were given this task. What’s more, House Buvelle was a large estate, one with striking marble pillars, ivory décor, and touches of cobalt and gold accents. A home which bespoke of aristocratic lineage. It was almost comical how striking it was compared to the ebony and reddish-purple shades of the man before her. She nearly feels guilty, as if he might feel ostracized by appearance alone. Quietly, she’d turn the pad around to write up yet another message before promptly turning to face it towards Xander. “I am uncertain what you have been told of me. I am mute, so I communicate with sign language and written message, though I do not presume all are familiar with sign language. I do apologize for any inconveniences.” Forgetting the fact she can speak to his mind directly, but once more she refuses to do so. Even if it feels awfully rude. “May I help you settle in? I have slated my time for your leisure, whether that comes in the form of escorting you throughout the city, or by offering you tea in the garden with some light discussion. Of course, if the Prince require rest, we can delay our interactions until you’ve acclimated. I’d hate to burden you, Prince Xander.”
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froyolite · 3 years
Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
What is your character's voice in terms of speed, pitch, and/or inflection? Do they have an accent or use slang? Do they have an extensive vocabulary? Do they use contractions?
okok hi! so im gonna talk about Oliver (again) and his teammates :)
Oliver talks like me!! Just, however you read how I text and write? That's what it sounds like, he's a walking exclamation point. Very excited about most and all things and very talkative. Like all octolings, he does use a bit of octarian slang but it's faded over the years. He thinks it's funny when he teaches some rando squid swear words in octarian. For words like don't, isn't, etc, he'll use them a lot and maybe exclusively. But when it comes to words like bathtub and raincoat, he'll seperate the words like bath tub, rain coat. It's subtle but it's there.
Viridian has a much mellow excited tone. She knows when to keep silent and stop talking, but wouldn't hesitate asking some pedestrian how something works. She's still fluent in Octarian and it slips into her vocab every so often with just run offs? (idk how to explain this, it's like,, a different way to add pauses in speech? the same way someone goes "like" or "you know?") She sometimes talks to Oliver in octarian, and Oliver answers in inklish so it can be a really one sided conversation to other people. She laughs really loudly, and you can tell most of her emotions through her voice.
Uhh Pepsi! My best example of how I think Pepsi talks like is fireborn (the hollow knight speedrunner) and Kenma Kozume (Haikyuu!). Very calm and collected, and his voice is very stable and doesn't waver much. The only times you can get him to show any real difference in how he talks is when he's excited or scared. Doesn't have a really different accent because he was raised in inkopolis and so it doesn't sound any different from the average.
Sona (dyk her name used to be soda? to match with pepsi lol) doesn't like to talk much? So she mostly communicates non-verbally with sign language or body language. She can talk though! So far the only ones who's ever really heard her talk is her team and her past team. Her voice is as calm as Pepsi's but it's more strong. Like if you give her a reason to want to talk, she might as well make sure she's heard. She doesn't have much an accent, and unsurprisingly her voice matches how she looks.
ANYWAYS. thanks for the ask!!! I like talking about my ocs :)
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kiwiradiostation · 5 years
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Yay my new oc/sona-
here is a charcter info sheet template from kaishos from devianart!
General Information
First name: Everett (may change later on)
Middle name(s): none
Surname: Edenbirgh
Age: 18
Date of birth: June 6th, 2000
Race: German (mostly), British, Russian
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pan
Relationship status: Single
Traits of Voice
Accent (if any): strong German accent, can also do a strong Russian and British accent.
Language spoken: German
Other languages known: English, Russian, Ukrainian, French.
Style of speaking: calm
Volume of voice: quiet
Physical Appearence
Height: pretty tall
Eye colour: Blue
Skin colour: whiteish tanish.
Distinguishing features: Small freckles, an almost faded scar
Hair colour: Blonde
Hair style: in a small short messy ponytail,
Posture: timid, cautious, sometimes relaxed
Tattoos: none
Piercings: none
Typical clothing: traditional clothes (light tan shirt, red vest), also with a cyan scarf, black jeans, brown boots
Likes: being alone, reading, writing, singing, learning traditional dances and songs, research on tradition
Dislikes: being in a small space, being crowded in a large group, being way too long inside
Fears: Claustrophobia
Personal goals: being able to do traditional dances and songs to impress people
General attitude: quiet, kind
General intelligence: smart
General sociability: not too good
Illnesses (if any): none
Allergies (if any): none
Sleeping habits: normal, sometimes too early and sometimes too late
Energy level: below average, only by a tiny bit
Eating habits: normal
Memory: good
Any unhealthy habits: eating some candy when he does something good as a treat.
Birth country: Germany
Hometown: Berlin
Childhood: sometimes bullied, always told the teachers, not too many friends, friends would protect him
Teen years: pretty good, always invited to parties but declined, saying that he was busy.
Adult years: still good, having a normal life but likes to hang out with friends and visit houses
Past places of residence: his childhood home, his now home
History of family: Mother coming from Russia, Father coming from Germany.
Briefly explain life story: When Everett was young, he was the only child. He would always not go with his grandfather because he was abusive, which ie how he got the scar. As he was growing up, he continued to have scars, but his caring mother and father would make sure he's okay and would talk with the bullies parents. He made many friends along the way and made friends. He met up with Phoenix because he was visiting Berlin for a bit and Everett gave him a tour of Berlin. Phoenix told Everett that he would be leaving soon to London, and Everett was heart-broken, having his best friends leave. After a few years, his parents told him at age 12 that they were moving to Berlin. At this point, he had forgotten of Phoenix and didnt want to leave Berlin. After some convincing he said yes. When he made it to London, it was weird because his main language is German, and seeing all these English signs was like seeing gibberish. Everett took some more steps until he was thrown to the ground by an old friend. Phoenix! He had recognized him while he and his crush friend Aspen were walking down to the park. Phoenix and Aspen had wanted to help Everett get settled in Berlin and even teach him some English. Everett was put in the same school as his two friends and made some more friends along the way! He finally felt like it was home.
Parents: Marilynn (mother), Damien (father)
Siblings: none
Any enemies (and why): not any that I can think of, other than a friend-hate relationship with Daniell, because Everett sometimes thinks that Daniell is intimidating.
Children: no he's 18
Friends: Daniell, Dennis, Winter, and others.
Best friend(s): Aspen, Charlotte, Phoenix
Important friends/relatives (explain): none
Love interest (if there is one): maybe in the future-
Peaceful or violent: peaceful
Weapon (if applicable): baseball bat
Style of fighting: k i c k
Occupation: a nurse
Current home: 2 story house. A bit naturey
Favourite types of food: sweet, roasted foods
Favourite types of drink: glass of water
Hobbies/past times: gardening, dancing, singing, writing, reading
Pet peeves: when he finds trash like why-
Pets: german shepard
Talents: doing various traditional dances, writing and publishing books, and singing
Favourite colours: green, blue, white
Favourite type of music: calm, sometimes rock
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Nancy & Ava
Nancy: Hey Ava: Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona duit! Nancy: 🍀🧡🎩🌈💚 Nancy: impressed that you're not too 🍻 to type that out Nancy: anyone else would be disappointed, like Ava: Dad would say its a language you need a slur to speak properly Ava: but quietly 'cos he sounds too English for that to be a self-read Ava: Hope you demanded double complimentary drinks on the flight, it's your God-given right today Ava: every day might be a stretch, even on British Airways Nancy: You don't need to worry about repeating anything dad would say Nancy: on today of all days Nancy: unless you're gonna do it to make a point about our own accents Ava: Not like any of us are that Irish we need the translation Ava: There goes my speech though Nancy: Speak for yourself 'cause there's my excuse gone in the big 🍎 if not Nancy: and speaking of... Nancy: no need to worry about getting yourself to the airport either Ava: Americans can't understand anyone who doesn't speak through their nose and at full volume, facts Ava: Oh? Nancy: Yeah, I know Nancy: I've been working on the volume thing for a while now, I think I'm finally getting somewhere 🤞 Nancy: I'm sorry, Av Nancy: I'm not gonna make it back Ava: Sounds like hard work Ava: It's fine Ava: Priorities Nancy: You know what both mum and dad would have to say about hard work Nancy: Priorities too Ava: Exactly Nancy: I miss you though Nancy: catch me up Ava: When were you last here? Ava: Christmas? Ava: Hard to summarize three months really Nancy: It feels like forever Nancy: which is why I'm starting with you and not Saint Nancy: your larger vocab also helps, of course 😏 Ava: To say he's catching up is less and less offensive each day Ava: Probably a better conversationalist than you find Dad Nancy: No lie detected Nancy: but your dog is more fun to talk to than he is so Ava: Don't drag Frank into your petty feud Nancy: it'd only be petty if it started years ago for literally no reason and dragged on and on Nancy: oh wait... Nancy: yeah nevermind 🙄 Ava: Mhmm Ava: Not to mention one-sided Nancy: well he knows which side he picked Ava: 🙄 Nancy: those sessions where he joined me for therapy were definitely worth every penny Ava: Its psychiatry, not miraclework Nancy: 😂 Nancy: obviously should've 🙏 Ava: It's about self-improvement, is it not Ava: Not changing your parents Nancy: Ouch Nancy: am I not improved? Nancy: besides, wanting it all regardless is the McKenna mindset and getting your money's worth even more so Ava: 🤷 Nancy: wanting to drag me to Dublin for the festivities, understandable if not relatable but dragging me to hell Nancy: quite far tbh Ava: Its not like I knew you then or now Ava: And I'm pretty sure it's about internal validation too so I don't feel any need to comment Nancy: okay Ava: Have a nice day then Ava: Get a shamrock shake or go to a fake Irish bar Nancy: Oh lord Nancy: I won't be doing any of that, Americans who think they're Irish are vocal enough about it on every other day Nancy: they hear my last name and wanna tell me their great grandparents life story or something Ava: You're missing out Ava: But how many times can I repeat that either Nancy: You don't have to, I heard you the first time Nancy: my apologies can be repeated as many times as you like though Nancy: 'Cause I mean it, yeah? Nancy: I'll call mum, get you here soon instead Ava: Sure Ava: Easter, maybe Ava: I'm going away with my friends this summer Nancy: Definitely Nancy: Are you still with....? Help me out there, like Ava: Lyla Ava: and yeah Nancy: Right! Maybe you can bring her Ava: Cool Nancy: I promise not to point a camera in your faces the WHOLE time Ava: I don't care Ava: but she will give you an in-depth lecture on her angle, not plural so Nancy: if I can handle Ri's demands, I don't think I've got anything to worry about Ava: Possibly Ava: but I doubt Wren Taylor-Thompson ever commented on her 87 chins Nancy: point taken Ava: Next time I'll get a girlfriend who's less no flash photography Nancy: like you said, hard work and priorities Ava: Meh, not really Ava: Are you going to talk to Ri and Buster/Saint or am I passing on a message? Nancy: I'm sure he'll be too drunk to form a coherent sentence soon if he isn't already Nancy: but I'm sure I'll catch her Ava: It is a party here, after-all Nancy: Yeah Nancy: I remember what they're like Ava: Do you? Nancy: unavoidably so Nancy: my long term memory's the reliable one Ava: Sure Nancy: what? Ava: What? Nancy: if there's something you wanna say Ava: No? Nancy: okay then Ava: Bye then Nancy: I'll call mum this week about arranging Easter so I don't forget Ava: 'Course Ava: Don't do it now, we're all wasted Nancy: she'd never hear the phone over all that good craic Nancy: and Shane McGowan 🎵 Ava: As if they've not trained themselves to pick up vibrate from ten paces in any situation Nancy: 100 paces if it's a work call Nancy: but she knows I know better than to dial on such a holy day Nancy: it'd have to be life and death Ava: If she knew that she'd be waiting at the airport, like Nancy: she doesn't do waiting at airports Ava: Not for the forseeable Nancy: I'm doing her a favour and everyone else who'd have to endure how angry not being able to see through the crowds makes her Ava: Far as excuses go Ava: You can do better Nancy: if you wanna slag me off, you can do better too Ava: I don't Ava: I've got partying to do Nancy: 'course Ava: Don't try to put your feeling bad onto me Ava: or anyone else Nancy: I don't feel bad Ava: That's why you're convinced I'm slagging you off Ava: and you've spent the convo doing as much to everyone else Ava: sign of a clear conscience, that Nancy: convinced is a strong word Nancy: and I'm not slagging anyone off Ava: You've only felt the need to bring it up twice Nancy: I'm obviously reading this all wrong Ava: Obviously is a strong word Nancy: like you said, I must be projecting something Nancy: since nothing's wrong and you're well in the party mood Nancy: I've been working too hard, my 🧠 is clearly the only one mad at me Ava: Have you told mum and dad you aren't coming? Ava: 'Cos your 🧠 ain't nothing in comparison if not Nancy: they aren't actually expecting me Nancy: they know me better than you do Nancy: and that I'd already be there Ava: Not mad, disappointed Ava: Gotcha Nancy: exactly Ava: 👍 Nancy: go tell Buster to call me when he sobers up Nancy: but not a second before Ava: Maybe you should have a drink instead Ava: get on the level Nancy: drunk photography sounds better in theory Nancy: it never develops how you think it will and not in a good way Nancy: have one for me Ava: Its a holy day Ava: take it off Nancy: If I believed that I'd be there Ava: You said it Nancy: that they see it as one, yeah Ava: Mhmm Nancy: I don't drink unless I'm 💔 everyone knows that Ava: It's not compulsory Nancy: being the only sober adult in the room that isn't pregnant isn't my idea of how to spend a holy day well Ava: And working is? Ava: 🤷 Nancy: yeah Ava: Okay Nancy: so go make the most of yours Nancy: I'll be in touch Ava: 👋 Nancy: 💚 Slán 🧡
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dance--apocalyptic · 5 years
All About Lesedi
This is more or less an info sheet of Lesedi's abilities and stats because I keep forgetting them c:
Basic Info
Name: Lesedi Adisa
Pronunciation: Lay-said-ee Add-ee-sah
Meaning: "Light" in Tswana
Nicknames: Didi by her parents, 'Sedi by the other monks. One time Raimundo called her "Leslie" and she proceeded to call him "Raymond" as a joke. The two occasionally call each other that when they're fake mocking one another.
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Age: ~15
Birth-date/Zodiac sign: September 24/Libra
Birthplace/Ethnicity: Gaborone, Botswana/Motswana
Languages known: Tswana, English
Move: Spirit => Lesedi is able to produce small force fields in the form of flat discs
Shen Gong Wu: Mantis Flip Coin => Since Lesedi joins as the rookie on the team, she's not allowed to use the more complex Shen Gong Wu, so the main one she gets to use is the Mantis Flip Coin. As plain as its powers are compared to the other Wu, she's able to be a worthy enough of opponent since she uses it in junction with her wrestling moves
Move: Soulful Surge, Spirit => Lesedi can now create force fields that encompass a larger range, including in to a dome shape.
Signature Shen Gong Wu: Ring of the Nine Dragons => Her first time using the ring was pretty hectic, as her nine selves had trouble agreeing on anything. However, once she gets a better sense of who she is, she becomes more self-assured and is able to use the Ring of the Nine Dragons efficiently. Upon mastering this Wu, she can produce nine identical selves, each one able to use her Xiaolin moves. However, since she's spread so thin, this tactic doesn't work well in the long run, so it's best used as a last resort.
Move: Wudai Pluto, Spirit => Upon reaching this rank, Lesedi can now create force fields that can be used as projectiles. These are shaped slightly differently as they are crescent-shaped as opposed to full circles. Outside of battle, Lesedi is able to detach her spirit from her body and reattach it to a handful of non-living objects. She mainly uses this ability to possess her U-Bot and stealthily move around. If she possesses another person, she runs the risk of suppressing the other one's soul out of existence. Also if her spirit stays outside of her own body for too long, she may not be able to return to it.
Wudai Weapon: Psyche Sickle -> With this weapon, Lesedi can now produce more force fields without getting exhausted as quickly.
Elemental Shen Gong Wu: Blue Moon Crescent => Like the other elemental Wu, the Blue Moon Crescent amplifies her dragon abilities.
Move: Shoku Pluto, Spirit => Her final ability is to turn spectral, which is helpful in fighting other spirits, particularly Wuya. I'd like to think that there's more than 2 forms Wuya could make, so this would be most helpful if Wuya had a ghost form that wasn't as small and allowed her to use some of her Heylin powers.
General Things About Lesedi
One of the latent abilities of becoming the Dragon of Spirit is that Lesedi has a light sense of clairvoyance. This pretty much only gives her a slight intuition boost.
She doesn't fit in a 5-person formation with the other monks, but she's able to do one-on-one formations with each of the other monks. This amplifies the abilities of the monk that isn't Lesedi.
She absolutely LOVES fruit, particularly mangoes. At almost any given chance she's munching on some form of fruit.
She's good at rollerskating/rollerblading and a fairly good dancer.
Though she's bad at hiding it, she adores pro wrestling. She even has her own wrestle-sona. (And if you call it fake to her face she will not have it)
Because of her parent's occupations, she has gone back and forth quite a bit between Gaborone and Chicago. Because of this, sometimes her accent goes back and forth as well.
To the surprise of a lot of people, she isn't wearing eye contacts. There's no explanation for why her eyes are that color.
She's not the best at lying or keeping secrets. She just tries to keep her mouth shut to avoid telling a lie.
I Am Changing - Jennifer Hudson from the movie Dreamgirls
Golden - Jill Scott
If You Dare - Jazmine Sullivan
That's Alright - Laura Mvula
Can't Pin Me Down - Marina & the Diamonds
Too Close - Yuna
WTF (Where They From) - Missy Elliot
Light It Up - Major Lazer
I Like That - Janelle Monae
Froot - Marina & the Diamonds
Bring Night - Sia
Knock You Down - Keri Hilson
Un-thinkable (I'm Ready) - Alicia Keys
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
// Ya’ll ain’t ready for the essay I’ll post in due time about Sona’s Galrin-Ionian accent in her sign and her trying to learn a completely different system of it in Demacia. And neither am I, because I’m looking into scholarly articles about different languages and regional dialects. I have just learned last night that there are village sign language as well as what’s created within a family for family and friends. Need plenty of examples to draw points but the main thing is most Asian languages have 0 overlap with European languages at that should most definitely be noted. 
Also, please note, I most definitely will talk about racism that Sona has most likely faced while in Demacia which would include her accent being pointed out by some folks. This is important, especially coming from a place thriving on magic to a place that holds a lot of hate for something they don’t understand, there is and will be tension. There was also a bit in her color story where she had to put her hand down in the midst of signing which is making me speculate a number of things like Demacia being an ableist country for possibly suspecting sign language is witchcraft.
Edit: Just kidding, I guess I’ll be writing a thesis. LMFAO.
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
Short Headcanon Compilation 1
// I was inspired by someone to create a list of shorter headcanons. There may be more in the future.
There is a delay when Sona is listening to spoken language. Such can be recognized when she usually shows the speaker complete and undivided attention because she’s trying to weigh and tie everything said to the best of her ability while accounting body language as well. There are times when she will take a moment before replying either by writing or sign. Sometimes dialects and other accents can throw her off due to how something is said. If telepathy isn’t an option, her stronger suit is in reading and writing where there is visual cues for her to discern what is being conveyed to her. 
Sona enjoys puns. She is amused and intrigued by how many meanings can fit into a line in the right contexts. Think dad jokes. 
She keeps fanmail to go back to and read whenever she is having moments of doubt with her work, which is pretty often.
Being exposed to political topics from Lestara, Barrett, and Kahina, Sona enjoys learning and discussing different cultures, customs, and even history. 
Both Sona and Kahina were curious about one another upon meeting. However, Kahina was quick to be attentive to Sona when she succumbed to the effects from petricite. Sona long admires Kahina’s strength as she prepares herself to become a knight for the Illuminators. Like her relationship with the orphans in Galrin, Kahina usually seeks Sona out for comfort. 
She enjoys noodle dishes, mostly soups.
She has met a famous pianist whose music she fell in love with when she came to Demacia. He had told her that he also admires her work and hopes that they would share the stage one day.
Sona has lost sleep when drafting compositions. As a child and teen years, she’d wait until the servants aren’t anywhere near her chambers so she’d get out of bed and pick up with her work. There has been a number of close calls where she would be quick to douse the flames, slip back into bed as smoothly as possible, and pretend she’s sleeping. Sometimes she resigns that she needs rest and that her thoughts would be clearer the next day but she doesn’t always take that to heart.
Speaking of pushing herself, she tends to do everything she can to mask when she’s unwell. She’ll try. Hard.
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