#On the 19th-ish instead of on the 16th but details
cak31ssuperi04 · 2 years
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vinceaddams · 3 years
One thing that annoys me about red carpet looks is that even when the men’s outfits are a bit more elaborate and fun in their decorations, it’s always more or less the same basic cut and fit. Why always use a modern suit jacket shape when there are so many shapes you could use? There are so so many ways to put fabric around a body, and if these designers picked up a few historical pattern books they could do so many more interesting things.
I want to see tightly fitting 1790′s shaped sleeves with elbows! And things cut and tailored like 16th century doublets! Not everything needs shoulder pads! Try some medieval square cut patterns! Try drafting something that’s not based on the same basic modern pattern block!
I love the idea of Billy Porter’s black velvet tuxedo gown, but I don’t think it was very well executed. It looked nice enough, but could have been so much cooler if there was some 19th century dress bodice inspiration in the seam placement, instead of it just looking like a normal jacket plopped on top of a skirt. Edit: On second thought, after looking at some closeup pictures, it’s actually pretty badly tailored... Did they even press the lapels at all?
(This is also why I’m annoyed by a lot of historically inspired fantasy costumes in films. So often they take modern shapes and add historical-ish details, and it usually just looks bad and costumey. The cut, fit and the silhouette are, in my opinion, the most important elements in historical dress, and things would look so much nicer if they started with that and just played around with the materials and details.)
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tisfan · 6 years
What I’m Working On
Or The Fic Report in more detail
Mostly for me, but also for you
Stuff with due dates
Resilience of Memory - final chapter to write, 1200 - 1500 words, due April 7th
In Search of Something - Chapter 7 (also, I should write up the actual outline instead of making this shit up as I go, because I HAVE NO IDEA how many chapters there are going to be, or where I’m intending to end up.) April 16th
Phoning it In sequel, titled Star Sixty-Nine. Have done 1337 words on this so far, I’m aiming for about 3200 give or take. I’d like to be done with this by mid April, so somewhere in the April 15-20th range
Off the Menu -- Or Proof that I can Be Bribed with art and or Ko-fi, (for a 3 kofi donation, I will write your up-to-3000 word ficlet) I was convinced to write another chapter of this. the first chapter is ish about 2650 words, so second chapter would be in the same vein (probably, also that’s a pun) I’m going to call that “due” at the end of April
But Not To Me -- Cap/RBB story, 5,000 words, due May 19th. I have done 2,479 words on this so far, so I’m about halfway to the minimum. Based on my outline, I’m GUESSING I have about 3-4 more chapters to do (I’m mostly done chapter 2 right now, with chapters of about 1600 words each)
Physical Therapist!Bucky / Heart Patient!Tony -- my second piece for Fandom Trumps Hate, due in November, 5,000+ words.
two prompts for @imaginetonyandbucky -- I’m still trying to hit 2 prompts per month for IT&B
Stuff without due dates
Enhancile Wars, Vol 3 -- wrote up a summary of events the other day that was approved by my co-author. (in our division of labor, I am primarily responsible for making the messes to get our characters into, she comes along behind me and tightens up my wildly over-ambitious and needlessly complicated plots and makes it into something writable)
Sea Flowers -- Wanda and Sam’s sandbridge story. We have a summary of event for this, as well
To Victor Goes the Spoils -- 2 chapters of this left to write, and I PROMISE I am going to get back to it, Victor never shuts up, but Bucky doesn’t like Victor and the two of them argue in my head all the time.
Possible Thorki story, a short thing but sad. I don’t know, this is still really tentative.
Quakerider novel -- I have a summary of events, but without any content on AoS, I’m losing momentum. I may have to go back and re-watch last season.
Obviously there’s some other stuff on my list, but it’s kinda... like those leftovers in the back of the fridge that you’re not entirely sure what to do with...
I’ve also been like SUPER SICK this week; my daughter (who refuses to cover her coughs) finally gave me her damn chest infection, so yay. I’ve been dizzy and coughing and feverish and just Not Feeling The Thing as well as Excessive Adulting March. (spending over $5,000 for necessary home repairs makes me want to cry if I think about it too much, but at least it’s DONE)
The child is off from school next week, but that’s a good thing, it means I can Sleep Late since I won’t have to drive her in. 
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