#One Million Dollars
holywhorror · 3 months
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froggymp3 · 1 year
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adiodont · 1 year
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leupagus · 2 years
I need everyone to go read this right now - even if you've never watched Strange New Worlds, even if you're not a huge Trek fan, this fic is literally what they mean by "transformative works" and I cried (and laughed) a LOT. It is so good that I am suing spqr for emotional damages.
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soapsticks · 1 year
need more oomfies here grahhhhhh
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brukismusicblog · 1 year
10,000 gecs Review
Hi hi hi! Very excited to start my blog back up hehe.
Anyways, for my first post I wanted to talk about my favorite release of the 2020's so far: 10,000 gecs
I don't believe in rating music with numbers because I feel like that's stupid and takes away the fun! If you're looking for that you might wanna find another blog <3. Here's what I think is important for the readers to know about this album, general thoughts, etc.
Well first I have to acknowledge: Laura and Dylan took their sweet time with this album. But, it payed off. Slated for release a calendar year before actually seeing the light of day, this album absolutely fucks. Anyone in any 100 gecs online forums (especially r/100gecs) recalls the absolute torture of waiting for this album before any clarification on what exactly happened to the promised release date (and now inside joke between fans) of early 2022. Rumors spread of issues with record production - ironic considering the CD's for both this album and its predecessor 1000 gecs, sold out within 12 hours of being available for sale while it's vinyl counterparts are still in stock. Not for long, though, if my friend group and I - who now have a combined total of six (6) copies of this album between five (5) of us - have anything to say about it.
In their third big release, the duo finds themselves shifting from their iconic sound of glitchy, computerized, autotuned hodgepodges of notes. They spend a lot more time with their guitars in this album. While I do miss the mania of songs like stupid horse or 800 db cloud, I still love how it sounds. 100 gecs is a band with a musical progression that's pretty satisfying to follow. Every one of their releases is easily followed from their last, and the Snake Eyes EP (their first release to break the form of the 10^n gecs nomenclature) serves as a great in-between to 1000 gecs and 10000 gecs. I have to say, I was a bit sad to see the synths take the back seat on this album, but: as badly as I wanted is is as happy I was I didn't get it. Like Robin and Steve.
The interesting thing about this album is that you swear you've heard it before. One Million Dollars comes to mind. 1000 gecs is unlike anything you've ever heard, but at least it doesn't sound so familiar. 10000 gecs is like the dude in your stats class who looks just like the guy you saw at the library yesterday, who you can't shake the uncanny similarity to, despite the fact that they're clearly not the same person.
The SFX soundboard, luckily, isn't eradicated entirely this time around. 757 and mememe defibrillate it especially.
But enough about what wasn't on it, I really ought to get to the good stuff (I'm already how many paragraphs in?)
Firstly, there's some great polkas on here. Frog On The Floor and I Got My Tooth Removed will bring out anyone's inner slav.
It's equally as difficult to make guitars sound so annoying as it is to make annoying sound so good; both things the duo succeeds at. My personal favorite track on the record is The Most Wanted Person In The United States. 100 gecs must have laced these basslines with something. Slap bass is a surprisingly important characteristic on this album, which I love. I mean, who doesn't love slap bass?
1000 gecs tended to show Laura and Dylan's more sensitive sides, dripping with details about Laura's love life. While it did take its time to delve into some out of character topics (like race horse bets, money, and ovens), ultimately a decent amount of the lyrics resonate with the tuning forks of love.
The new album focuses a bit more on the artists themselves. As an STL native, finding out the two members of one of my favorite bands of all time come from my hometown was fucking awesome, and it's interesting to hear about their journeys in growing up there as artists. Hollywood Baby provides a euphoric insight into the glorious escape of the negativity of the midwest. I love it here, don't get me wrong, but this place is less than friendly to those of us who are maybe more inclined to write and be sensitive.
All around though, a grunge rock album from 100 gecs is exactly what the world needed right now. After foreshadowing the pandemic, 1000 gecs becomes a little exhausting, even to those of us who have secretly (or if you're cool, not secretly) loved it from our first rendezvous with stupid horse. What we needed, after years of journaling and whipped coffee, surprisingly wasn't a renaissance (which is not a Beyoncé reference, although I should talk about Renaissance). What we need isn't a return to where we were. It's a moving forward. An acceptance of new spirits, which is exactly what this album is. A metal infused baring of the soul to anyone who's willing to listen.
Now I need to ask, what happened to what's that smell and fallen 4 Ü? 100 gecs made the decision to tour this album before releasing it, which ended with them touring songs that never ended up getting released. Very sad for those of us who spent hour scrolling through gecs on the internet, impatiently bumping our heads waiting for the day our favorite tunes would end up on streaming services.
I also deep down think that 757 might be an allusion to 745 sticky. Could just be me.
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nyaambxr · 1 year
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simplezllenial · 1 year
So with 155k public sector worker son strike in Canada, I just want to tell you that 13.5% wage increase is not unreasonable.
Stop this useless infighting. From lower to upper middle class, we’re all the same. The elite ultra rich are the enemies.
The difference between 1M$ and 1B$? About 1B$.
The difference between 100M$ and 1B$? About 1B$
The sooner you understand that, the sooner we can make life for the average people better.
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sekwar · 1 year
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nickchristian86 · 5 months
If I hit it big
Bloganuary writing promptWhat would you do if you won the lottery?View all responses Sooo, missed one yesterday. Prompt streak broken. Still posted (thank you Haiku series and scheduling posts), but kind of got side-tracked. That being said, the first thing I did when I woke up was checked the prompt AND I’ve been thinking about this one ever since. One caveat to how I’m going to answer this:…
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rebuildingrob · 8 months
If I had a million dollars…
If you had a million dollars to give away, who would you give it to? If I had $1 million to give away, I would probably break it down something like this: $250,000 to the American Cancer Society – The Old Man died of cancer, so this is a biggie for me. $150,000 – to start a college scholarship. I don’t know how much the actual scholarship would be for, but I’d want to set it up in a such a way…
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everpresentache · 9 months
people are refusing to accept that the goal post for rich has shifted dramatically bc that means it’s even more unimaginable for them to obtain and also they’re poor.
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jchamphero · 1 year
Yeah baby!!
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fluttershyes · 9 months
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my comic rendition of @swollenbabyfat 's post
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