#One YEar War
alphamecha-mkii · 1 year
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Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin Vol 8 Cover Art by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko
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bells-chaotic-brain · 18 days
My newest build is the Mg Kampfer,
it’s a little dated as far as the build quality went, but after I figured out the kinks and tricks for the older kit it was a great build!
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s3znl-gr3znl · 2 months
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Collection of tech and money shots from the trailer
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rokkupla · 4 months
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Finished HG WAFF. Did some pre-shading and mixed my own colors 🤙
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mikkachu3d · 2 years
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balrog-slayer66 · 4 months
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Char Aznable & Zeong illustrated by Kazuhisa Kondo
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standingtortoise · 5 months
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He'll yeah borther
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nickthetoony · 10 months
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Finished up this Zaku I diorama set sometime during the early days of the One Year War. The man in blue is trying to get the Zaku to stop walking forward so that he can carry the injured woman to safety.
I always like visuals which emphasize the size of a mech compared to a human, and how small and fragile the human seems in comparison.
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cryogenictendency · 6 months
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MS-06 Zaku II
First time drawing mecha in a long while and it turned out quite nice!!
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flameof · 1 year
The Terror of the White Devil (A Gundam 0079 Story)
Imagine, if you would:
You are a Zeon Mobile Suit pilot, stationed on Earth during the One Year War. This are looking well for your side; you have the technological advantage in the form of the Zaku II, the Feddies are on the back foot, Zeon has several ace pilots. Things are looking up.
Then, one day, you hear a report about the destruction of a Side 7 colony. You hear about the Federation battleship known to your superiors as the 'Trojan Horse', and its three Mobile Suits.
You hear about Char Aznable, quite possibly Zeon's best ace pilot, the man who can push the Zaku II to fly at three times the speed of anyone else, being forced to retreat.
You hear about the Mobile Suit called the White Devil.
At first, you laugh it off. Sure, it's a bit nerve-racking that the Feddies have Mobile Suits of their own now, but that's just how war goes. White Devil was probably just a spooky name to get the boys riled up.
Then, you hear about the battle at Luna II, and how the White Devil not only slaughtered a whole platoon of Zaku's, but forced Char to retreat again.
Now, you're rightfully scared. One MS, able to take down an entire platoon, and consistently go toe to toe with the Red Comet himself? And the Trojan Horse is heading for Earth?
Now, you hear about the battle to prevent the Trojan Horse's descent to Earth. You hear about how several Feddie ships got shot down, and that both the Trojan Horse and White Devil survived. They survived a third battle with Char, and have made it to Earth.
Days pass, and you are absolutely terrified of the prospect of fighting this monster. Your brothers in arms try to reassure you, but you can see the fear in their eyes. They're just as scared as you are, and somehow, that gives you comfort.
Then, the alarms blare. The Trojan Horse has been spotted in your airspace.
You sortie in a platoon of fifteen Zaku's, ten tanks, and ten fighter jets. Deep in your heart, you wonder if this'll be enough.
In the distance, you see the Trojan Horse. Such an odd looking ship; nothing like the musai-class ships you've seen. You seen one of its front portions closing, and conclude with dread that the White Devil is already out there.
Just then, a flash of light shoots past one of your fellow Zaku's. By all rights, that should have just barely been close enough to be called a graze, yet your ally's reactor goes critical anyway, and explodes.
Several mortar rounds rain down upon your tanks and jets, sinking them all in a matter of seconds. The Zaku's spread out, but more flashes of light strike, and soon, there's only three of you remaining, a cloud of dust obscuring your vision.
Your breathing is heavy. The radar, as you'd expect, doesn't work, due to the Minovsky particles in the air. All you can rely on right now is your camera and your gut.
Something in the dust moves. You and your comrades open fire, unloading the entire magazine of each of your weapons. The shadow moves what can only be described as a large shield in the way, and barely moves as round after tank-sized round slam into it. It didn't care.
The shadow raised its right hand, holding a rifle of some sort, and fired a flash of light. One of your allies fell over with a hole burnt through their cockpit.
Your other ally tries to flee, but the shadow is faster. It discards the rifle, reaches for a handle on its back, and leaps high into the sky, drawing a blade of light and cutting you ally in two, right down the middle.
The MS looks at you, and not in the way a Zaku looks.
The camera's on a Zaku were designed to be efficient. One camera, with a wide range of view. You only really needed a single camera to look forward.
This mech, no doubt the White Devil, had two cameras; two eyes.
You're terrified, but you draw the Zaku's Heat Hawk anyway. The Devil stares you down, and through the dust, you notice how unnatural it looks compared to the Zaku.
Its limbs are too slim. Its body is too square. Its corners are too sharp. Its 'head' looks more like a helmet worn by old Japanese samurai, with V-shaped horns cresting the top.
And those eyes. Those yellow, uncaring eyes, are still staring at you.
You scream as you charge the Devil. You swing you Heat Hawk down, but the White Devil was faster. Before you even realise it, you no longer have a right arm to you Zaku. With it so close, you finally get a good, long look at the face of this monster, and freeze.
You can clearly make out a chin. You think you can see a mouth, possibly even a place for a nose. You can almost imagine ears beneath that helmet.
You were suppose to be fighting a mechanical monster. Nobody told you it would look so...
So human.
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alphamecha-mkii · 6 months
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Zaku I by Hirotoshi Sano
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bells-chaotic-brain · 4 months
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gremoria411 · 1 year
So I’ve been seeing a lot of people chatting about the new Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance trailer, and there’s a part of it I’d like to throw my two cents in on.
Honestly, in regards to there being a billion Gundam’s running around the OYW, I made my peace with that fact years ago, so it doesn’t bother me. Yeah, yeah it’s a little silly from an in-universe perspective, no matter how many times they pull the “secret prototype” card. But from an out of universe perspective, Gundams sell, and they want it to sell. It’s a rare thing in the UC series that doesn’t have a Gundam in it.
But just for the sake of it, how many Gundams are (at present) running around in the One Year War?
Note: I was originally going to ignore things like Thunderbolt, The Origin and the Sidestories, since they all have a somewhat weird canon state. Then I realised that “Gundams that Canonically existed in the OYW” ≠ “Gundams that you see marketed in OYW sidestories”. So, I’m going to lead with the suits that we know existed, then move on to the other ones. I am, however, ignoring Manga, because I haven’t read everything and we’ll be here all day.
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Alrighty, so we start off with the original RX-78 series as built in Operation V (sometimes called the “Vinson Plan”). We have:
RX-78-1 “Prototype Gundam” - As its name suggests, the prototype unit to the entire line. Never deployed to my knowledge, I’m honestly not sure what happens to it. I usually read it as being destroyed during the attack on Side 7, but I’m not certain of that.
RX-78-2 “Gundam” - you know this one. Amuro falls into the cockpit at Side 7 and proceeds to pilot it from then until the end of the One Year War.
RX-78-3 “G-3 Gundam” - apparently recovered from Side 7 and used as a test bed for magnet coating technology. Beyond that we have absolutely no idea what happened to it, since there’s a bunch of conflicting accounts. My usual headcanon is that it was used as a basis for all the MSV suits, but we have absolutely no idea if and where it was deployed.
RX-78-4 “Gundam G04” - deployed alongside unit 5 at the Battle of Solomon.
RX-78-5 “Gundam G05” - deployed alongside unit 4 at the battle of Solomon.
RX-78-6 “Mudrock Gundam” - deployed in the defence of Jaburo and the re-taking of California base.
The other two units are part of the series, but were not (as far as we know) deployed during the OYW:
RX-78-7 “Gundam 7th” - completed and deployed after the war.
RX-78-8 - we know nothing about. There may have been an 8th unit, it may just have been design data, and we have no idea if it was deployed or what it looked like.
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Next; The Gundam Ground Types. There were 20 (-ish, some sources say 28) Gundam ground types produced during the One Year War from spare parts of the RX-78 series. This includes:
The units seen in 08th MS Team - 12 Gundam Ground Types were deployed to the Kojima Battalion.
The Ez8 - Deployed, as above.
Blue Destiny Unit 1 - Deployed
Blue Destiny Unit 2 - stolen by Zeon Ace Nimbus Schterzen.
Blue Destiny Unit 3 - Deployed in pursuit of Unit 2.
Slave Wraith - Questionably Canon, assigned to and deployed by Slave Wraith team.
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I’m also gonna quickly call out that we have no idea on the various Full Armor units (the FA Gundam, the Heavy Gundam, the FA Ground type, the FA type B etc). Some sources say they were built, others that they were only simulation data.
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And finally we have everything else:
Gundam NT-1 “Alex” - Developed at Augusta Base, then moved to side 6, where it was deployed against the Cyclops Team.
Gundam NT-1 “Prototype NT-1” - apparently an entirely separate suit to the NT-1. The prototype to the above. Presumably not deployed.
RX-78XX “Pixy/Pixie Gundam” - Questionably Canon, three units built. Unit 1 deployed in Belfast, Unit 2 in the Gobi Desert (and planned to be deployed at Odessa) and Unit 3 in Africa.
RAG-79-G1 Gundam Marine type - Sometimes known as the “Gundiver”. An underwater-spec unit. Unknown amount produced, primarily because it’s essentially a modified Underwater GM as opposed to a “true” Gundam unit.
And that’s about it for mainline UC. Gundam The Origin intentionally keeps things very vague as to how many Gundam’s exist there, so I’m not going to bother.
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Gundam Thunderbolt is a bit of an odd case, since at first glance, it adds three:
FA-78 Full Armour Gundam (Thunderbolt ver.) - deployed by the Moore Brotherhood at Side 4.
RX-79[GS] Gundam Ground type S - produced by the Federation during the One Year War and after, presumably deployed.
RGM-79/GH Gundam Head - a GM with a Gundam-style head in an attempt to reproduce the psychological effect on Zeon forces.
But that last one illustrates Thunderbolt’s position on the matter, which is later made clearer in the manga in regards to the Bull-G, a unit built postwar. The Bull-G is a prototype unit contending for the position of the Federations new main unit. However, it’s actually an upgraded GM, fitted with a Gundam-style head to make it more appealing.
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And this seems to be thunderbolt’s position on the matter - after a certain point it comes down to a suit’s performance rather than it being a Gundam. So yes, it adds a bunch of Gundam-style suits, but it also deconstructs that just because a suit looks like a Gundam doesn’t make it special.
Which is honestly a pretty interesting position to take.
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thetremblingroofbeam · 9 months
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mikkachu3d · 2 years
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balrog-slayer66 · 1 year
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Art for Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes
Illustrated by Yoshiyuki Takani
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