#One part soul of a brooding victorian teenager
majorxmaggiexboy · 2 years
Personally i think battinson is absolutely perfect but also i need like a one-off Batman movie with Mr Charlie Cox as Batman and it should come out right before daredevil reborn and it should have an ambiguous Did Batman Just Die ending bc that would be the funniest possible way to kick off daredevil reborn and also we already know Mr Cox could kill it as Batman bc he's been playing essentially the same character for years and also his Brucie Wayne would be incredible and also he should fight Bane @dc pls I have the movie ready to go let me have this
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the-madame21 · 5 years
How would you describe subaru as a character? You seem like you have the best grasp on the boys personalities out of all the blogs that provide dl content I’ve encountered so far. He’s the only one of the boys I really struggle to understand emotionally as half the fandom describe him as a ‘soft marshmallow boy uwu’ and the other half are like ‘he tortures the bride on the first day she’s in the mansion. Laughs at her misery. Lives to torment’ and I am Confused. Ps. ily you’re so talented
Oh wow that’s interesting usually people want me to describe Kanato so this is a little refreshing haha. 
Subaru hates himself. And it’s a bit of a hot mess as to why. Firstly he’s a child of rape. Karlheinz manipulated Christa (his cousin) because he thought maybe between them a First Blood would be born. Obviously, it didn’t happen. Here’s where it gets shitty though: Christa is in love Karlheinz. Even so she hates him for what he’s done to her. 
Subaru grows up watching his mother suffer and cry at the hands of Karlheinz’s mental games. He grows up hating Karlheinz and swearing to protect his mother. But then when Karlheinz does show up, Christa runs into his arms and is happy that he’s there. And baby Subaru can’t understand that. And so he starts thinking that he’s the reason for his mother’s misery. 
He’s an abomination and a monster and he never should’ve been born. 
This is where the whole “emo” thing comes from. He’s very um, brooding, Victorian, Edward Cullen type of vampire lmao. “I am a monster that deserves nothing, my soul is damned, if I even have a soul anymore…yadda yadda”
Because of all the self hatred, he’s got a lot of emotions that he never worked through. That, of course, manifested into his temper/rage. He sucks at controlling it because no one’s ever been there to control it. He’s also the youngest of his brothers, so I think the tantrums he throws are his way of showing how powerful he is. In other words “don’t mess with me.” 
The abusive part comes in because Subaru is always manhandling her, reminding her of his strength. Like I said, he never really had anyone to control it and his strength is how he assumes dominance but I think he seriously overestimates the amount of strength needed for a tiny human. He also threatens to bash her brains in, etc. Lots of verbal and physical abuse with the intent to manipulate her in that sense. At one point she screams when she sees him because he was right there when she opened the door (which must’ve been triggering for him, granted, considering he sees himself as a monster) but to get his revenge he chains her up in the dungeon/torture room and just…leaves her there. What pissed me off the most was that he TOLD her that once she’d reflected on her actions she could call out to him and he’d come get there. Yui is terrified and so she calls out and apologizes and says she’s reflected. But he doesn’t come. Asshole. Ayato would’ve come running. He also totally destroys her room for like no fucking reason (there is but I won’t go into it rn) and threatens to rape her countless times.
The soft side comes in because Subaru is actually a relatively soft guy as far as DL is concerned, and I’m convinced it stems from his need to protect Christa. It also helps that he’s the very definition of a fumbling teenager. There’s one scene where he completely bashes in Yui’s bathroom wall or something. He wants to make up for it so he’s like “since I saw you naked, I’ll let you see me naked” and he’s being all seductive and shit and basically is like “I’m gonna make you a woman” and Yui is freaking out and blushing and like nooo don’t do that please. And so he doesn’t. Because she asked him not to. But even so he’s noticeably confused as to why she rejects him. Which is super interesting if you consider what he grew up watching. 
Like the wives wanted nothing but Karlheinz. Obviously that meant sex and intimacy too. It’s probably the only thing Subaru really understands. He made her mad so he wants to fix it the only way he’s ever seen Karlheinz fix anything: with his body. (Which like, how freaking adorable is that??)
Buuuuut I think what everyone loses their absolute shit over is like the final scene where he tries to have sex with her again and Yui allows it. And he keeps asking her like “are you sure? do you know what this means? are you prepared to throw away god?” and he doesn’t do anything until she gives the affirmative to all of it. So in a way, they have the most “consensual” sex. And we know he didn’t rape her before that because of all the talk about how he wants to “change her blood into a woman’s blood” so Subaru did respect her wishes as far as that goes, at least. 
In short, he is a lost boy who did not receive hugs as a child and doesn’t want anyone getting close to him because he believes he’s a tainted and ugly monster. And even though he’s “accepted” the fact that he’s a monster, he so desperately wants to not be. 
Hope that helped!
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