#One part absolute bimbo (buff himbo)
majorxmaggiexboy · 2 years
Personally i think battinson is absolutely perfect but also i need like a one-off Batman movie with Mr Charlie Cox as Batman and it should come out right before daredevil reborn and it should have an ambiguous Did Batman Just Die ending bc that would be the funniest possible way to kick off daredevil reborn and also we already know Mr Cox could kill it as Batman bc he's been playing essentially the same character for years and also his Brucie Wayne would be incredible and also he should fight Bane @dc pls I have the movie ready to go let me have this
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mobbu-min · 1 year
Okay okay hear me out gyutaro from demon slayer twst!yuu like they sound and look horrible and the have a bloody nose all the time and their voice cracks a lot and is creepy too
!tw! blood, reader kinda creepy but we love them regardless, it's kinda implied that every character has a thing for reader, bc i couldn't help myself, also also, in my head reader is like tall and kinda buff like gyutaro cuz thats hot, also kinda a himbo/bimbo, really bad grammar mistakes :/
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why do i picture ever character instantly asking if then need severe medical help??? but any ways, the twst cast are all on the same boat of confused, severely concerned and disgusted and mildly in awe. I can picture Grim being 'huh??? is this how humans supposed to be?...Eh, oh well, this is how my human is ig.' and goes on about his day.
Ace and Epel are the quickest of the first years to get used to your voice cracks and bloody noses. To Epel you sound like his peepaw, but also not??? (the first time he heard you, he literally whipped his head back so fast it gave him a concussion) Epel honestly finds you super cool. Kinda envious at how strong you are despite your very raggard stature and looks. Def uses you as a distraction everytime Vil tries to get him to do his skin and hair routine. And Ace is a fuckin menance. Orginally grossed out, Ace comes around fast. Like Epel, he thinks your so cool and creepily hot. Like your tall and sorta buff, kinda gothy and kinda looks like a hobo, apparently Ace's type to a T. But back to the meance part, Ace does not stop making fun of your voice cracks (lovingly ofc) Be perpared, bc Ace is your permant echo.
Deuce and Jack remain severely concerned for your health. Like how could you loose so much blood in an hour and still act like nothing's wrong. Shouldn't you be dead???? Deuce constantly carrying tissues and towels to wipe the blood off your nose and lips. And oh boy does he blush like craze everytime you lean down for him to clean you up. Face as red as the blood on his tissue. Jack remains pretty neutral about his concerns, but always carries protein bars in his pocker or bag for you. Gets hella hyped when ever you agree to jog with him, even if your slow, Jack likes having you there because lowkey you kinda an inspiration to him??? He doesn't question it but neither do you.
Sebek will forever remain disgusted by you. And no the blush on his face isn't because you smiled at him with your creepy toothy smile. and it's most definitely not because you leaned against him and laughed softly into his ear! No, nope, no! (he's still grossed out, but he's also concerned. Sebek is a mess)
Cater, although concerned/weirded out, loves the idea of having a creepy bff. It'll look great on his account! Actually the first one to get used to you, surprisingly. Your cool, really really cool, in his eyes. A little dysfunctional and a little on the morbid side, but Cater finds himself vibing with your energy incredibly fast. Besides Cater, Lilia and Kalim quickly jumps on the 'MC is so cool and creepy and so very attractive' boat. Actually they're the co-vice captains and Cater is the main captain.
There's no way in hell, Lilia is creeped out by you! Lilia absolutely adores you! Constantly hovering over you with a silly little grin on his face. His mission is always to get you to laugh. Lilia literally swoons at the sound of your crackly laugh that fades into a giggle at the end. And your smile? Down right loves it!
Kalim has the same mission as Lilia! Constantly following behind you and giving you sweets/drinks that he knows you like, just to get to see you smile. Loves to hold your hand! And Kalim is down bad for your voice! Though he does often ask if your doing well, because you kinda look like you went through a garbage disposal.
I legit forgot about him, but Rook! Rook is down right amazed by you! You're just so new, so different, so creep! The vibe you give off is just so alluring that Rook can't help be memerized by you! You will get really creepy messages in your bag that complients and praises you like no other. Can I also just mention that you awaken something in Rook, something that you can or refuse to entertain. Imma just say it but Rook realizes that he wouldn't mind being hunted by you (does that turn him on? probably)
On the other side of the spectrum, Azul wants to find away to profit off of you. After he got over his fear (no one dares to bring it up besides the leech brothers), he's instantly asking you if you want some extra cash. He knows there a plenty of wealthy clients that would like to see you in different outfits. He also knows that there are plenty of people that are down right scared of you. Either way Azul will find a use out of you and no its not because this is the only way Azul could think of that gets your attention. (it is)
And have fun running away from the Leech brothers. One of them are always trailing after you. Both knows the terror of the deep blue, so you don't scare them. If anything you remind them of home. They both know that in the grand scheme of things they are much scarier and deadlier then you are. (i mean come one, you've helped plenty of people and they cause chaos)
Piggy back rides are Floyds favorite thing. Not many people are able to carry him (and those that are refuses to), but here you are! The perfect height with the perfect arms. Expect to be bombarded with squeezes and bites. Just a fyi, Floyd will lick any blood on you. He does not care for blood born pathogens, ig.
Jade, jade, jade. How to do I put this....he's fuckin enmoured by you. He's constantly observing you. Mismatch eyes trailing after you, trained you like a hawk. He wonders how much different is your antomny from his. Jade has pages full of questions and notes for and on you. He's simply waiting for his chance to corner you and take all your attention.
Riddle and Trey are on the same boat of 'please, just let us help you'. Trey kinda like your guadian angel, constantly making you food and helping you with chores. At first Trey does it, because he thought you were incredibly ill, but learns that is simply the way you're built. But he likes to help you, so he doesn't complain. Riddle also thought you were really sick, so he spent a lot of time in the library trying to find out how to help you. Like Trey he learns that simply how you are. Riddle, for a better lack of words, is completely in love with you. Sure, the blood that constantly coming out of you, is kinda gross. And he does worry if you're a chainsmoker, but there's something about your toothy smile, the way your sharp canines glint in the light, and your deep chuckles, that awakens something in Riddle he much rather keep hidden.
Leona could really care less about your appearance. At first, he thought you were going to fight him for leader or whatever, so he was on edge. That was until, you fell right in front of him because you were too busy following a butterfly. Let's just say, Leona realized he was moronsexual.
You're nice, a little dense, and intimidate everyone that does know you, so Ruggie takes full advantage of you. He's constantly trailing you, with all the intentions to get as much use out of you, but slowly begans to do the total opposite. Ruggie ends up giving you treats and cool things he's found just to see your smile. His tail wags everytime he sees you.
Despite Jamil's intial intentions to keep Kalim away from you (he thought you were a major threat, and honestly you couldn't blame him), he finds himself visting you at Ramshackle more often than not. Even through your appearance is less then conventional, Jamil finds he doesn't mind it. Again the bloods a little weird, but he doesn't mind clean you up. In fact, he kinda enjoys it. Oh! And the moment you bring him into a hug to thank him for everything he's done for you, he practically melts. You're so warm, arm's so conforting and great sevens, you're soft, kinda raspy, voice! Mans fighting his inner demons.
But you know who else fell for you the moment you whispered into their ear? Fucking Vil and Idia. For goodness sakes, Idia was as red as a tomato the first time he saw you. You looked like a big bad villian in his fantasy animes/games. The kinda a villain that took the internet by storm and caused a typhoon of fanart(some pg, some not). And for you to smile at him and whisper into his ear, while your sharp nails gently pulled back his hair and touched his cheek, Idia literally had to hold back his scream.
And Vil, fucking, Vil was totally disgusted by you at first. You looked ill, sounded ill and coughed out blood! Icky! Kept a ten meter distance from you at all times. It wasn't until he listened to Rook and Epel talk(basically gushed) about you was when he changed his perspectived. Vil studied you closer, and while yes, you did challenge his perception of beauty, Vil slowly bacame intrigued by you. You were creepy, a little freaky, but your smile was contagious, and great sevens, was your laugh always so attractive? Then there was your personality, it was the polar opposite of what your appearance suggested. And then ther was the crucial moment that engraved itself into Vil's heart, the moment you whispered into Vil's ear and told him you thought he was beautiful.
And Silver? Well, he never really cared for your appearance. He knew you had a good heart. His animal friends liked you well enough, and Lilia was always talking about you, so he had not reason not to like you. You were different, a breath of fresh air. Not to mention, he's woken up to you carrying him on your back or in your arms like a princess when ever he fell asleep. And to be greeted with your charming smile made Silver's day. His cheeks stayed a permanent rosy pink for the rest of the day.
I purposely left Malleus for last, because we all know his opinion on you. He's in love with you. There's not other way to put it. He finds himself opening up to you so quickly, because besides canon stuff, you understood what it's like to be lonely because of your appearance. You knew the fear that struck people's eyes when they saw you, you knew the whispers and threats all too well. And while those moments made you self conscious and filled with insecurities, you knew you were beautiful despite that. And Malleus was so awe-struck with your confidence. He was blown away by the way you treated everyone with kindness and shared your smile to anyone that would glance at you. Malleus thought you were down right stunning, and makes sure to tell you everyday. And of course, you being you, made sure to tell him that back. Mal is just so in love with you.
So basically a power couple.
Anyways, the boys are simps and you're way too cool for them.
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is wyatt logan a himbo? I feel like you're qualified to answer this
Ahahahahahahahaha. I had a good laugh at this one. Alas, my dear, although I have done my best to redeem him and adopt him, Wyatt is not a himbo.
A “himbo” is a positive term that basically means: big of heart, dumb of ass. This is different from a “bimbo” which is a derogatory term that means a woman who is pretty but stupid. Good examples of himbos are the title character of George of the Jungle and Chris Hemsworth’s character in Ghostbusters. They’re men who are kind, courteous, chug Respect Women Juice, and do hilariously but non-maliciously dumb things like explode a potato in the microwave, walk smack into a glass door, or get possessed by a ghost (oops).
Wyatt Logan, alas, is not like that. He is a dumbass, granted, and my all-time favorite Wyatt moment is when they’re in the gay club and he says “then why would your grandfather be–ohhhhh.” The double-take is PRICELESS. But Wyatt isn’t actually dumb.
Wyatt was a part of an elite military team, he’s a tactician, he stormed an entire Rittenhouse bunker by himself, he speaks four languages (one of which is German which is a ridiculously difficult language, and another is most likely Farsi which is ALSO a ridiculously difficult language), he’s an expert mechanic, and he’s also a history buff–he’s just a history buff about the things that interest him, like most people, as opposed to Lucy who’s a history buff about a lot more since it’s literally her job. Wyatt’s pretty damn intelligent.
He’s just also got some major character flaws when it comes to his emotions. He lets his temper get the best of him, he acts based on his emotions without thinking through the logic, he’s impulsive, and he’s impatient. He’s also very black and white in his views (which… I thought his season one arc was him starting to realize he has his own shades of gray re: Karma Chameleon, and that season two would be him realizing he and Flynn weren’t so different… ugh what opportunity wasted).
I love writing Wyatt as he should’ve been written/as he could be post-atoning for his mistakes: a puppy who is stupidly in love and doesn’t realize when a cute boy likes him back (or that he likes the cute boy in the first place) because Wyatt grew up in a small town in Texas and so isn’t as aware of things like bisexuality or polyamory. But someone being a dumbass in a few particular instances, like sexuality, when they weren’t raised to think about that kind of thing, doesn’t make them a himbo.
And unfortunately, Wyatt doesn’t drink enough Respect Women Juice for him to qualify. Even if he was dumb enough to qualify (which he isn’t, which is part of what makes his behavior so frustrating, because we’ve seen him show  intelligence), his behavior during his marriage to Jess alone kicks him out of the running. And that’s if we ignore his idiotic, frustrating, misogynistic, bullshit season two behavior.
Canon Wyatt is, sadly, a relatively boring but good man who has been affected by the toxic masculinity in which he was raised and as a result has become possessive, selfish, controlling, and sexist. The Wyatt that I have chosen to write is a Wyatt who has learned the error of his ways, atoned for them, and become a more respectful and thoughtful person. Or in certain fics I’ve just straight-up written him as he should’ve been written in the first place (such as in I See the Stars in You and its sequel): a rash and sometimes frustrating but lovable puppy.
In all three instances, though, I must unfortunately conclude that he is not a himbo. *waves himbo meter in front of Wyatt’s face* Ah, yes, here you can see by the readings… nope.
But that doesn’t mean we can’t call him a dumbass puppy. Because he is. A himbo is merely one species subclass of the overall “dumbass” genus. We can still celebrate Wyatt’s absolute idiocy whenever we choose.
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