#Elegant yet dorky as hell
majorxmaggiexboy · 2 years
Personally i think battinson is absolutely perfect but also i need like a one-off Batman movie with Mr Charlie Cox as Batman and it should come out right before daredevil reborn and it should have an ambiguous Did Batman Just Die ending bc that would be the funniest possible way to kick off daredevil reborn and also we already know Mr Cox could kill it as Batman bc he's been playing essentially the same character for years and also his Brucie Wayne would be incredible and also he should fight Bane @dc pls I have the movie ready to go let me have this
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cottelini · 2 years
In relation to this post
The following questions are focused on my OC Sky ((they/them))~! I may focus on other OCs for the following prompts
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Does your character have good aim?
absolutely not lol
i have a distinct scene in my head of Sky making snowballs for the first time and trying to throw it, only for it to somehow land on top of their head
What would history remember your character for?
having really unique and strong abilities in light magic~
Does your character prefer to work in silence or with noise and of what kind?
they may like listening to the radio or soft music but they focus better in silence
Has your character ever been handcuffed or tied up?
yes :-(
Can your character cook?
they learn to cook a select few dishes but they always taste... off lol
Who did your character look up to as a child?
their doctor
Do any of your characters have depression?
oh plenty lmao, though Sky struggles specifically with PTSD
Who has the worst luck?
honestly i dont think much about luck. everybody has their wins and losses-- i dont really think about it as a competition
Could your character win an arm wrestling competition? How well would they do?
oh hell no hahaha Sky is a pretty baby who would snap like a twig if forced into a physical confrontation. they rely on their magic for such scenarios
Would your character give up the chance to come back to life as a god so that someone else could be saved?
...probably not lmaoooo. i mean, it depends on the person!!! if it was a friend or family member then yah probably!! but not a stranger or acquaintance. i think Sky would really like the power and status of godhood tbh
What is your character’s favorite historical or fairy tale figure?
Sky really likes knights, but not a specific person
Would your character marry someone their family didn’t approve of?
Sky usually does whatever they want-- other people's opinions dont often affect them. though, if the disapproval came from Giran (Sky's legal guardian) Sky would prolly be pretty upset.
if it came to a choice, i'm not sure who Sky would choose. at the end of the day, i highly doubt Grian would even make a fuss at all if it meant Sky was happy
Do/Did any of your characters have large ears they had to grow into as a kid?
lol yeah all nymphs have big ears but i wouldnt say they grow into them haha
i tend to think of an oriental shorthair cat when imagining nymphs-- massive ears as a baby, still pretty big ears once they're grown up lmao
Are any of your characters nonverbal?
Sky is selectively mute and only speaks around people they're very close with!! even then, they dont speak louder than a whisper (and it takes a while to get to that point). they cant bring themself to speak unless theyre comfortable and feeling safe
Sky prefers to speak through pen and paper-- they have a notebook that they bring everywhere to chat with. Giran offered to teach them sign language but Sky refused, saying they wanted to overcome their selective mutism!!! and so they'd rather put energy into speech therapy instead of learning sign.
but, until then, it's pen and paper~!
Did your character ever want to be a cowboy?
lol no, but they've played with the idea of becoming a knight or at least learning some sword skills
this dorky teen thinks knights r the coolest thing ever after reading one good fantasy series lmao
How does the way your character present themselves in public differ from how they are in private?
Sky always remains elegant and refrained regardless of where they are or who they are with... however they do act more aloof around family and (especially) friends
How petty is your character?
Sky can get pretty darn petty lmaooo. i'm not exactly certain yet of when their first time speaking in the story should be but i like to play with the idea of it being a very petty scenario. mustering up the strength and courage to speak for the first time in like a decade and it's just to dish out a shitty little insult ajdkafljakdfsjk
Is your character pro or anti union?
Sky does not know what a union is but would probably be pro
Does your character like carrots?
yeah sure, i think they'd prefer pomegranates tho
How self-confident is your characters?
in some ways they are highly confident-- certain and unapologetic in their motives, identity, and expression. however, they are also very uncertain and insecure as well-- in their appearance, surroundings, and skills.
ah, the life of a teenager
Do any of your characters have heterochromia?
i dont think so no? Sky definitely doesnt (i have so many OCs lol) but i did contemplate it for them in the beginning of designing their character
Do any of your characters have someone named after them? Or are they named after someone else?
I dont believe anyone is named after someONE, no
Do any of your characters have facial markings?
Sky has segmental vitiligo which give them white patches on the left side of their body (including the face and white hair streaks). Lucie's older sister, Morgana, has a few moles and some of Fern's siblings have freckles~
What is your character’s opinions on squirrels?
fear-- Sky is afraid of smaller animals
Does your character experience sexism for the job/title they hold? (ie: she’s a girl, she can’t be x,y,z because only boys can be)
Sky doesn't have a job but will certainly face some criticism for being nonbinary in the workplace/academy at some point in their life. not like they'd care, but they would find it annoying if it became too much. i highly doubt anything could get in their way once they'd become set on something
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manggaetteokkie · 4 years
Why 2HA adaptation might not be as bad as we think...
Okay so BL novel “The Husky and His White Cat Shizun” (chinese title: “二哈和他的白猫师尊”) aka 2HA is getting a live adaption which will be called “Immortality” (“皓衣行”). I know that usually, fans of original works are less than excited about this kinds of news and with good reasons. The issue is that those who buy the IP rights to a novel simply see its popularity and think that they can profit off of it without actually trying to understand the reason behind its popularity. Too often, BL fans see themselves forced to endure any of the following: 1) sex change of one of the male leads, 2) creation of a random female love interest, 3) turning a happy end into a bad end, 4) adding a bunch of scenes unrelated to our main pair that ends up dragging the series, 5) turning romance into brotherly affection... the list goes on and on. Sometimes, companies think that as long as they film any two guys together and sell a bit of physical touching here and there, fans will jump on it like rabid dogs which... is kinda stupid because, y’know, we have eyes (and standards) too.
So obviously, with the unprecedented popularity that came with the release of The Untamed, even more producers are starting to see the potential of danmei (BL) novels and with it came an onslaught of IP rights being bought and adapted. The list is pretty extensive, with some big names that I’m sure anyone who’s even slightly in the Chinese BL novel community has heard of before. Of course, included in that list, with the casting for the leads done and filming underway, is 2HA.
Quick overview of the story for those of you that don’t know: the story is set in the POV of the “gong” (top), a character named Mo Ran (also known as Mo Weiyu) who is the disciple of Chu Wanning, the “shou” (bottom) of our story. In his original life, Mo Ran had become the Emperor of the cultivation world through slaughter and tyranny, with the only one ever coming close to stopping him being his shizun, Chu Wanning, who eventually lost his life trying to stop him. After achieving the top by committing pretty much all crimes and sins known to men, weary and tired, Mo Ran decides to take his own life and ends it all. Unexpectedly, instead of dying and going to Hell, he transmigrated to the first year he became a disciple. As a thirty-something man in the body of a teen, he decides to do things right this time around and save the one he couldn’t save the first time around. As he goes through life a second time, truth after truths reveal themselves, with the biggest surprise being that the Shizun he hated so much in his previous life, and who Mo Ran thought hated/scorned him, actually turned out to be protecting him the entire time. 
Mo Ran, in his past life, was powerful, cruel, merciless and arrogant. There was nothing he could not obtain and he knew it. He was cynical, had a very jaded view of the world and was kind of unstable (lots of mood swings and temper tantrums). After his rebirth, he still maintained some of the arrogance and cynicism, but is more mischievous, confident and cheeky. He is very much like a husky, looks kind of scary and big, but can be extremely loyal to the ones he recognizes and can be a bit dumb sometimes. Chu Wanning on the other hand, is an unflappable person with a frost-like exterior, but a heart of gold. Basically, he cares a lot but it’s easier for him to look like he doesn’t than to voice his feelings. He gets embarrassed easily and covers his embarrassment using anger. He is extremely strong, likes peace and quiet, and always abides by the rules. 
Their relationship is kind of complicated. Initially, Mo Ran was in love with a fellow disciple called Shi Mei (despite the word meaning junior female disciple in Chinese, it’s actually the name of a male character). In the original timeline, Shi Mei died and that was the start of Mo Ran’s decline. After his rebirth, Mo Ran decides that he will do everything in his power to prevent Shi Mei from dying again. Don’t be mistaken though, Shi Mei is NOT the male lead. You’ll see as you read more that despite being in love with Shi Mei, Mo Ran is pretty obsessed with Chu Wanning because their relationship was kind of... complicated in the original timeline.
This is pretty much the premise for the story, but do be warned that it goes much deeper and darker than what you might expect (it’s rated R-18 for a reason). So why exactly am I writing all of this? To put it simply, I just kind of want to hype up the series and its adaptation a little, or at least, pique enough interest to give the live action adaptation a chance. Not gonna lie, when I heard 2HA was getting adapted, I was pretty skeptical because how. Mo Ran and Chu Wanning had a pretty physical relationship in the pre-rebirth timeline and that’s partially where the obsession that Mo Ran feels towards Chu Wanning stems from. There’s just basically a lot of unresolved sexual tension between them throughout the novel that I simply couldn’t see getting adapted. However, after thinking about it and reevaluating things from a low-expectations-standpoint, I think it might actually be possible to film something close enough to the original work. Here are some of the factors that influenced my opinion:
First, the series is set to air for 50 episodes (just like The Untamed). Why is the number of episodes important? Because it will determine how closely the adaptation will follow the original story and how much random stuff they can fit into it. Let’s take a step back and evaluate: 2HA’s novel has 311 chapters + extras while MDZS has 113 + extras. Obviously, people might have an issue with the number of episodes (”How are you going to air the same amount of episodes for a series that’s thrice as long??”) but I think it’s a good amount. Why? Because it pretty much guarantees a solid pacing that’ll keep the story moving forward without stagnating. I don’t think there is too much to worry in terms of too much source material being cut because quite a few chapters are R-18/romantic lining scenes that would not have gotten adapted anyways. Once those get deleted, I think 50 episodes is an acceptable amount.
Second, the entire production seems to be solid. The rights were actually bought by Tencent who, if you forgot, was also responsible for The Untamed. With prior success, I believe that they now have a pretty solid idea of how things should be run. Also, the CGI and world-design team is the same one as for Ashes of Love, which has me pretty stoked because while CG in chinese dramas has always been a hit or miss, Ashes of Love is definitely amongst some of the best I’ve seen (see below for examples). (P.S. there are also rumours that Lin Hai, the one responsible for The Untamed’s OST, might be working on 2HA but this is mere speculation at this point.) Overall, 2HA is looking to be like the most high-profile and expensive BL adaption yet.
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Third and finally, the casting.
This is what has me the most hyped. 
Let’s start with Shi Mei, who will be portrayed by actress Chen Yao (or Sebrina Chen).
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I know I’ve said that despite the name, Shi Mei is a male. As it turns out, likely for censorship reasons, “Immortality” could not escape from the clutches of the dreaded sex change so they went ahead and turned him into a girl. While not ideal, in my opinion, it actually works out pretty nicely here. In this case, it means that Mo Ran is in love with a female character which would further draw censorship’s attention away from the fact that Mo Ran really has a thing for his beautiful shizun. While it would have been perfect if everything could go according to source material, the fact that it’s Shi Mei that went through a sex change actually works pretty favourably in the grand scheme of things. Not to mention the actress set to play Shi Mei has some good experience acting similar roles so overall, I say that I trust her.
Next, we have Chu Wanning who will be played by Luo Yunxi (or Leo Luo).
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For this character, I have no worries whatsoever. If you’re unfamiliar with this actor, I highly recommend you give Ashes of Love a try. He played the 2nd lead and ugh. He’s so good at playing beautiful and elegant characters that are forced to undergo a ton of suffering and pain. Luo Yunxi used to be a professional ballet dancer so he moves with grace and his fight scenes are amazing to watch. Also, he has great control over his facial expressions. He’s able to act out characters that suffer a lot without making them seem weak or powerless. Even the way he cries can be considered both beautiful and heartbreaking.
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Finally, we have Mo Ran who will be portrayed by Chen Feiyu (or Arthur Chen).
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Mo Ran is an extremely complex character. From pre-rebirth’s insanity and arrogance, to post-rebirth’s hope and reservation, to post-revelation’s love and devotion, the actor’s going to have a lot on his plate. Originally, when I first googled him, I thought that while he’d manage to pull off post-rebirth teen!Mo Ran fairly well given how clean and refreshing his face looks, he’d have a harder time pulling off pre-rebirth’s arrogance, craziness and general “hardness”. However, after seeing some costume designs and makeup edits, I think that the boy might just pull it off. Also, while the actor is nowhere near as solid as Luo Yunxi is, it seems that he’s willing to put in extra time and effort (as seen by his Weibo post about how he’d been studying the source material) to make up for it. I think that with enough dedication, he might just be able to pull it off.
(Psssst! By the way, keeping this strictly between you and me, another reason why I’m such a fan of this pair is because of the height difference. I mean just look at this?? Their height difference is pretty much bang on with the novel height difference after Mo Ran grew past Chu Wanning’s height. Not to mention, don’t tell me you see this and don’t automatically picture a the big dorky puppy following his reserved and cool master around?)
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So yeah, all of this just to say that it might be okay to kind of have some expectations for 2HA. I really want to keep my own expectations down as low as possible given the amount of times we’ve been burned but I want to remain hopeful that, with the success of The Untamed, it can pave the way for better and more faithful danmei adaptations, with 2HA being one of them.
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whatwashernameagain · 4 years
Keep him safe - Chapter 34
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You can read the previous Chapters here: Ch 1, Ch 5, Ch 10, Ch 15, Ch 20, Ch 25, Ch 30, previous chapter, Ao3 Link, Lo’s, Pat’s and Virgil’s aesthetics, You are Magical, I’m dying to be with you, The Dreamer
Pairings: Logan/Patton, Roman/Virgil
Words: 9.007
Warnings: Roman and Virgil’s horny thoughts (not explicit), slight mention of cross dressing, scratches, political criticism, cursing – let me know if I forgot one!                 
Summary: Detective  Logan Sanders and his best friend and dorky partner Roman Prince have  made a dear friend in the lovely pattisier Patton. Logan however, feels a  lot more than friendship for the sweet man, even though he knows he  cannot possibly have him. Their routine is broken abruptly when Logan  finds bruises on Patton’s fair skin and slender wrists he could hardly  have received from his costumary clumsiness.   Meanwhile his partner  Roman has his own demon to fight, which comes in the form of a little  delinquent who seemed to have been pulled into a street gang quite  against his will. Roman is determined to help the strange young man. It  would be so much easier though if he just stopped hissing at him!
Notes: Thanks to @sebthesnipe​ for proof reading even though she is the busiest person in the world and to @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2​ for being amazing and running the KHS Discord server for two amazing years now.
Chapter 34
“Hey asshole, pick your shit up! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Virgil screeched at the unsuspecting dog walker from his spot at the front door of their apartment building, already seething with anger. He’d just gotten back from his early morning training at Talyn’s place and had been looking forward to finishing it with Logan, who was currently on his run. And now this dirtbag was getting all up in this shit – or… Virgil was getting up in the dude’s shit. Well sue him!
The man startled, looking down at the cigarette butt he’d tossed to the ground carelessly.
“What’s wrong with me? You can’t just call me an asshole over nothing! Who do you think you are? Where I throw my fags is none of your business.”
Oh, that had been a mistake.
Virgil abandoned his attempt to unlock the door and got right into the man’s face, ignoring the bulldog happily yaping around his heels. He was so ready for this.
“Over NoThInG? Listen up, you hollow walnut!”
Before he could start ranting properly, a familiar tall man wearing a band tee with a ripped collar, no shoes and wild eyes materialized next to him.
“Oohh yay, are we throwing away our stuff???” He cheered, immediately emptying his pockets and throwing everything on the ground with glee. Bloody tissues, clothespins, a folding knife, crumbling dog treats (immediately slobbered away by enthusiastic dog) and a worn, tiny bible. Papers immediately started spilling out of it – some filled with scribbled thoughts or to do lists, others with faded printouts. In his back pockets he found a bunch of candy wrappers he immediately threw up to rain around himself, unintentionally tossing a pocket Quran along with it which he hastily fumbled with so not to drop it.
Virgil ducked out of the radius of his debris, as usual weirded out and awed in equal parts by professor Duke. The dog-walker looked at him like he’d just bitten off his own foot.
“The hell? Fags aren’t the same as your garbage, you crazy freak!” The man exclaimed, thoroughly disturbed.
“No, dude. They’re much worse!” Virgil growled, ignoring Remus trying to free his fingers from a distressed looking worm on a string he’d gotten tangled in. Quite a few people had stopped to watch them, yet with the professor cheerfully making a scene next to him, Virgil managed to keep his head high despite the heat and anxiety making his heart race.
“Cigarette butts contain over 4000 toxic substances and are virtually indestructible.” The young delinquent hissed. “The filters are made of a plastic called cellulose acetate and they take 10 years to decompose completely- just one of those fucks poisons one cubic meter of water and kills all the fucking fish in it.”
“You should pick it up, friend. Before I get ideas about where to put it out.” Remus cooed sweetly, before ruining the elegant subtly of his threat by becoming way too graphic.
“In your face!” He screeched, flailing grandly and wiggling his fingers, the bulldog distracting him by nosing at his pockets, hoping for more treats. Its owner used the chance to sullenly grab his cigarette stub and get away.
“You shouldn’t have a doggy-dog if you can’t handle being a clean boy!” Remus hollered after him, way too loud and shameless. “Do you not wipe your ass after you take a shit either? You naughty, dirty boy? Is it a sex thing? That is the one sex thing you keep in your bedroom!”
Virgil was blushing thoroughly, not enjoying the attention despite the righteous fire still fueling his anger. What the fuck was wrong with people throwing their garbage on the ground? What were they thinking? Not only did somebody else have to pick it up, it also fell apart to become microplastic and the nicotine, tar and heavy metals – all 4.5 trillion of them that were thrown away each year. Fuck smokers who did that! They were what was wrong with the word! Seriously, could you be any more of a useless human if they were not even able to throw their trash away properly? Full offense, Virgil wanted to kick them in the face.
People were staring and murmuring around them and though he didn’t feel bad about his reaction, his heart was still in his throat at all the attention.
“What? Are you not entertained enough, you mindless sheep?” Remus roared brightly, spreading his arms and bouncing up and down on his toes, placing himself in front of the younger man. “Would you like me to sing you a song about the misfortunes of little Jimmy who doesn’t pick up his litter? Spoilers – he gets eaten by an octoshaaaark!”
He struck a dramatic pose and drew a deep breath. People started fleeing.
“Aw dang.” Remus pouted.
Virgil chuckled, feeling surprising affection well up in him. Remus was scary, yeah, definitely, but he was also an ally to his cause, and that meant a lot to him.
Crouching down and using the opportunity to let his hair fall over his face, he started picking up the non-bloody articles Logan’s neighbor had scattered on the ground.
“Why do you have a bible and a copy of the constitution?” He asked, trying to shake the paper from his fingers and finding it disconcertingly sticky. Was that a cough drop? Ugh, he’d have to disinfect his whole body.
“For arguments with conservatives!” Remus answered happily. “I like slapping them in the face with the dick that is my arguments every time they go all bibly-christiany on me! They don’t love the fact that Jesus was a sandal wearing liberal that much – a lot like I am, actually! Not that facts work well with them – I found that barking and bending over backwards with your tongue lolling out works best. Makes an impression!”
He’d settled down next to Virgil cross-legged, bouncing his knees, and started munching on the dry little cookie thingies the bulldog had missed. “Dog treat?” He asked generously, holding one out.
“Why?” Virgil asked, completely bewildered. They were, indeed, little bone shaped dog treats.
“I like the way they crunch!”
Virgil still tried to make sense of the interaction he was currently having and found that using facts was indeed a lost cause with many republicans – which in this case was a generous euphemism for racists and Nazis, so one could just as well try what the crazy man did. Not everyone deserved to have a stage, after all.
Quietly, he examined the other. The ripped T-shirt made the wide collar slip down one of his skinny shoulders and the jeans he wore had definitely seen better days. His dark skin didn’t do much to hide the bluish shadows under his eyes. And also his naked, dirty feet were disgusting.
Dumping the stuff he’d picked up into the professor’s lap, he stood up. “Take a shower and come up at twelve, I’m making veggie burgers.”
There would be so much complaining once Roman found out he’d invited Remus.
Logan ran a hand through his sweaty hair, pulling the damp, raven locks out of his face. His muscles were burning pleasantly from his run and he was looking forward to his post workout stretch with Virgil. It would be illogical not to use the knowledge of an experienced gymnast for advice, after all. Though his little delinquent was still shy about it, the detective found he appeared to enjoy exercising together, as long as they were doing it in the safety of Virgil’s room where he could comfortably hide in his oversized sweaters.
His thoughts amusedly circled back to the way Virgil had to shake his hands free from his overly long sleeves whenever he reached for his feet while he fumbled his keys free from the little pocket sewn into his close-fitting trousers. As usual, Logan fetched the mail on his way up, sighing as a stack of colorful envelopes fell into his hands. Glitter rained down from one of them. With more gentleness than he felt inclined to, he beat the stack of bulging papers against the side of the building to loosen the shimmering plastic particles. Did this action constitute a case of littering, he wondered. He resolved to bring down his vacuum cleaner to deal with the mess after his shower.
On his way up, the detective separated the pile into his and Roman’s mail, ending up with sensibly sized, white envelopes in one hand, and a bunch of offensively colored, suspiciously rattling, sticker covered, perfumed fan mail his partner was greedily waiting for. He kicked the professor’s apartment door closed as he passed it, satisfied to hear him mumbling over the running shower in the also open bathroom.  
Roman was already lurking in the opened door to Logan’s own apartment like a silk-clad dragon looking to expand his hoard, bouncing excitedly on the balls of his feet. Logan rolled his eyes. Despite having received letters for a week already, he was still overly enthusiastic about them every day. And he still refused to get them himself, instead he let Logan hand them to him exasperatedly like some strange ceremony.
The young detective snatched the pile eagerly, pouting as Logan held back two of them, not liking the powdery, sandy sound they were making when he tilted them. It was likely more beads or glitter, yet they still went into the box by the door to be checked in the lab (as they all should). He had ordered the post office whose address the fan-mail was sent to, to be extra vigilant before delivering the mail to his apartment, but he would most certainly not put the safety of his family at risk. He wondered, once again, whether he ought to borrow a service dog to check the mail for – preferably the rest of their lives actually.
“Look, Patton fairest, what the wind has blown in!” Roman sang cheerfully, twirling around the baker gracefully and then taking him for a spin and dip.
Patton giggled, stumbling and holding on to the tall detective, getting his lovely curls all tangled up in the frame of his glasses.
Smiling contently, Logan slunk into Virgil’s room to engage in what he hoped to turn into a routine. The young man was already waiting for him – playing on his phone curled up on the dresser between the planet lights he had kept, hair curling slightly with dampness from his private routine in Talyn’s gym he was slowly taking up again.
Meanwhile, Roman flopped onto the couch and yanked Patton into his arms enthusiastically, wanting to share his happiness and also maybe trying to distract him a little bit from his preparations for his return to the café. He wanted to support his friend, he really did, but he couldn’t help trying to put off unpleasant tasks for as long as possible instead of facing them. It was an issue he’d always had – one that had driven Logan half-crazy before he’d started to deal with many of those tasks himself and handed over others to Roman instead. They were making it work.
Roman didn’t actually have to do anything for the café, but the plan to reopen it, no matter how much Patton needed it, still made him antsy. Trevor-the-villainous-fiend could be lurking there. Who knew what could happen? After all, they had neatly avoided any contact, despite how often he had secretly talked the little baker out of calling him in the night when he’d been frightened and guilty. Which had been a lot of times. Better not tell Logan about that.
Well, distracting himself until the problem went away or got horribly unavoidable was a strategy that had gotten him through life just fine (now that he had Logan to read his paperworky-mail which he had an almost insurmountable aversion against dealing with), so he cuddled the baker close and settled in for some pleasant distractions.
Patton probably knew what he was doing, considering the way he pushed their cheeks together and hummed sweetly. Ugh, Roman felt so loved, it was too much for words. He squeezed Patton’s little body at his side closer to himself, just needing to hold on so suddenly. He loved him so much his heart was pounding with it. Feeling giddy with it, Roman jiggled and rocked them happily, delighting in the laugh he elicited.
“Alrighty, my most precious Patton, shall we discover the adoration of my beloved fans together?” The young man cheered, bright with eagerness.
“Yes! Now that I’m enveloped in a hug letters begin!”
Pulling his legs close to curl comfortably into Roman’s hug, and lean against his warm, broad chest, Patton selected the first envelope – a loudly patterned lilac one. Roman ripped it open with childish pleasure.
“Ohhhhhhhh!” He cooed, the sound almost too high for a man this large. “Isn’t this the most delightful thing you have ever seen, my fairest friend?!”
He was unfolding a drawing of himself in full superhero regalia, cape and sash and all, clearly drawn by a little child. Picture Roman was holding hands with a little kid each – a dark skinned girl in a princess dress and a blonde child of indeterminable gender due to the quality of the drawing. They were wearing a knight’s armor with a lightsaber as much as he could tell. It was adorable and Patton was putting it on the fridge. His eyes were watering at how cute it was.
“Oh.my.god. Virgil, my starry night, come here and see this!” Roman howled, very close to Patton’s ear.
The grumbling from next door indicated the delinquent’s feeling about the nickname as well as the interruption.
Roman waved the letter around with so much enthusiasm it nearly dislodged Patton. With a squeak, the baker held on to the tall man’s neck, even though the strong arm around his waist held him safely where he was almost pulled into Roman’s lap entirely.
Virgil, dressed in a mix of his old gymnastics’ clothes and his newer, oversized hoodie that hid as much as possible and fell all the way over his hips, didn’t really feel like being seen by the attractive detective right now. He didn’t mind Logan seeing him in his pants that fit his toned, long legs like a second skin, but with Roman, he felt a little more self-conscious. Especially about the combination with the ratty, overly long hoodie.
He used to wear tight fitting shirts that he now knew could look quite enticing when they slipped up his middle as he stretched or exposed his shoulders, but he didn’t feel confident enough to pick them out himself anymore. He wanted to look pretty for Roman more with every day, but considering the way the man had seen him in the past, he didn’t know if he could pull it off. Maybe Roman would feel like he was dressing up like a whore again - wearing a costume to seduce him. He didn’t know what made him so reluctant to dress better, it was just – such a big step and he didn’t know how to go about it anymore. So he wrapped his arms around his middle and hoped not to look too annoyed and uncomfortable. Especially considering how happy Roman appeared. So bright and innocent.
He was radiant.
And he was reading fan mail.
Virgil didn’t love the fan mail. Not at all. Remy had been forced to listen about it for a long time. He just hated the thought of those dirty minded, thirsty bitches getting to tell his man about all of the horny things they came up with while they drooled over his pictures. The fuck was wrong with them, trying to steal his- his- argh Virgil hated them with a passion, okay?! Who knew what ideas they were putting into that beautiful idiot’s head?
Remy was still patient with him thought, however the fuck he managed to do it. Virgil had the feeling he was being indulgently laughed at when he raged about the letters over the phone. So what if he hadn’t actually read any of them?! Roman kept singing their praise to anyone who would listen, why would he need to look at them himself? He was sure they were every bit as awful as he imagined.
Roman looked too happy with them. Fuck that.
He really looked quite happy, actually.
Virgil slowed his steps suspiciously.
Giggling, Roman flattened the paper before his eyes to read to Virgil. He even tried to do the voice. A voice Virgil immediately recognized.
‘Tell my anxious doll to, like, not to be such a moody diva and come look at some cute fan mail with his eye-candy detective.’ Roman took a break to preen. ‘I promise you don’t have to be scared, babe. Y’all are just making tasks bigger and scarier by avoiding confrontation with unpleasant chores and then they, like, build up in your messy little minds and that is not cool cause it makes me work for my not-money. So have a letter written by my precious little baby girl angels as a treat, okay girlfriend?’
“Awwwww so sweet!” Patton sighed.
Roman looked thoughtful for a moment as he pulled out the third sheet of paper written with a rainbow pencil, probably by Emile since the girls were too little to write themselves. The words were all enthusiastic little girl, though.
“How would you feel about looking at just one or two letters with us before returning to my dearest partner?” Roman asked sweetly. “They truly are quite entertaining. Just yesterday I received one from the utterly ravishing miss Van der Beek. All her other friends promised to write as well. It turns out I am quite popular with distinguished ladies with more experience enjoying the finer things in life!”
“What he means to say, kiddo, is that old ladies just love our dashing prince. Most of those are sent by the cutest grannies from retirement homes.” Patton explained with a warm smile that was just a little mischievous. “That doesn’t mean they’re all innocent, though.” He added cheerfully. Truthfully, he was already itching to get his hands on the hilarious letters. Those ladies really weren’t shy and Patton secretly wanted to be just like them someday. Enjoying the good life and making the best puns about butts.
Roman didn’t mind the fact that most of his paper-mail was written by children and elderly women (and grandpas, sometimes). He received emails and even digital art from younger fans as well, and he adored them, so, so much, but since he couldn’t keep them in a box with the pictures and drawings and ribbons and whatnot he enjoyed the letters even more. He just loved how creative they were. They really made him feel special. He should have known they’d make his dearest raven anxious, though. He really hoped to put him at ease with this gentle introduction Remy had created for him. And it worked! Of course it did – Remy’s children were the most precious things in the world! He could barely wait for their play date next weekend!
He was a little relieved to find the other letters they opened to be just as fun and cute. They usually were. Patton had a talent for selecting the nice ones from looking at the envelope alone. Not all letters were super sweet of course, but that was why he rarely opened his fan-mail alone. Both Patton and Logan made the creepy ones disappear quite quickly. Virgil could handle those, Roman was sure, but there was one person whose letters would just upset his dear wildcat.
They’d come in fine, yellow envelopes with pressed yellow roses inside and were written in the most beautiful calligraphy he’d ever seen. Recognizing the handwriting on the outside, Roman had squirrelled them away quietly. He hadn’t been able to stop running his fingers over the gracefully curved ink and flowing, tender words for a long time. Guiltily, Roman kept them in a separate box. He didn’t know how to contact his nemesis/admirer and wanted to let them down gently, after all. Before he caught them to lock them away, of course. He just wasn’t entirely ready to give up this feeling. He’d never been courted this way before and it had softened him towards his nemesis.
Virgil returned to Logan more relieved than he had been before, especially since Miss Van der Beek’s friends had come through and had written the most outrageous fan-mail. Roman huddled up comfortably, opening one last letter with Patton before lunch. It was a square, heavy envelope made from cream colored thick, expensive paper. The card inside was heavy and decorated with ornate, delicate gold finishing on the curved corners. It opened in the middle and admitted a view of a beautifully printed card. It read
to the Morgan’s annual charity ball 2020
at the Ritz Carlton
 All the air seemed to have left the room. The paper tilted in front of Roman’s eyes and slipped from his numb fingers.
“I just don’t understand – after all those years…” Roman stared at the invitation, almost vibrating with nervous energy. Whenever he closed his eyes, he saw his father’s face turn to stone as he refused to change his ways after nana’s burial. Even after such a long time, it was still crystal clear in his mind.
He wanted to jump up and pace frantically, yet he couldn’t bear to lose the grounding touch of the men gathered around him. Patton had pressed himself against his side as tightly as possible while Logan stood over him, tall and solid, keeping a firm hand on the back of his neck. Only Virgil was sitting with some distance between them since he was clearly too upset to soothe anyone. The golden embossed paper seemed to cause his fury to boil over almost entirely by itself. He looked pale and angry and… he snatched Roman’s sleeve with a thin hand, holding on tightly. His eyes were dark and so hurt on Roman’s behalf.
“They chased me away. Why would they want me there now?” He asked softy, looking at his family with a lost, helpless gaze.
The young detective agonized over the invitation for most of the day, carrying it around and reading it over and over again. Even the presence of Remus during lunch didn’t manage to get a rise out of him in this distraction, which clearly made the professor sulk. Especially since he had a few words to say about those republicans! Thankfully, Virgil and Logan made him some calming herbal tea after lunch (leaf piss, in his opinion but okay), and spent some time debating the advantages of actually murdering and eating the rich while nesting on Logan’s cozy balcony. Patton took Roman’s hand to go on a walk to help him clear his head. It helped.
“A Prince doesn’t shy away from a challenge. I owe it to my pride to go. I can and will do this with my head held high!” He proclaimed proudly at the dinner table the same night. Patton squeezed his hand in support, smiling at him warmly.
“I can’t do this! What was I thinking???” Roman wheezed, trying to calm his racing heart the next morning. “This is the height of hubris – I have fallen victim to the folly of man! There is no way I’m going!” He howled, pulling on his hair and staring at the letter like it would explode. What had he been thinking???
By midday, Roman proudly projected his voice through the entire flat from his perch on the coffee table. “I will be proud and gallant and dazzle everyone with my charming compliments and dashing appearance and my family shall be devastated to see what they missed when they threw away their most glittery offspring!”
His figure was bathed in the brightest sunlight. His fears forgotten, Roman was ready to take on anything!
“What if it was a mistake? Is this a mistake?” Roman wailed, flailing around with the mangled invitation in hand only an hour later. His eyes were wild. He’d been carrying the expensive paper everywhere with him, swinging erratically between nervous episodes of self-doubt and fear of his father and loud and boisterous assertions of confidence. His hair had become an utter mess from running his hands through it during dramatic monologues and moments of insecurity alike. The others were trying to allow him to come to a decision himself, but the lovely detective appeared to be coping poorly with the freedom.
Half an hour later, he was once again standing on the couch, posing heroically.
“Finally they shall see what a marvelous protector their son has become! A shining knight! A handsome hero dressed in blue!” He boasted, wide eyed and clearly trying to convince himself of his own worth – even as he was asserting his superiority, he was slipping into a pit of self-hate.
Virgil wanted to kill someone.
Seeing this beautiful, confident man spiral so deeply into mental instability because of a letter was ripping him open inside with nowhere for the blood and fear to go but the boiling maelstrom that was his protective fury.
That wasn’t what Roman needed now, though. Taking a deep breath, the barista reached for his man.
Virgil grabbed a hold of Roman’s surprisingly trim waist and pulled his heavy body down next to him. His mood swings between elation and terror were wearing the young man thin. Resigned and too tired to overthink, he yanked the already slightly worn invitation from the tan hands, chucked it on the coffee table, and folded his body onto the large detective’s lap in the wild, desperate hope to pin him down finally. He seemed to love when Patton did it.
The bold move made him sweat with anxiety, yet it was a much more comfortable form of comfort than talking about the issue and ending up insulting Roman’s family as he so desperately wanted. Physical contact had helped calm Roman down most so far, but Logan wasn’t here to grab his partner in a silent, firm hug that squished him against his chest until he grew quiet and Patton was on the phone with his staff, so no tangling his soft limbs with Roman’s now either.
Virgil had tried to keep his distance from the issue after Remy had explained that Roman needed to make his own decision. He probably hadn’t meant brooding in silent fury (while telling Patton what he was angry about and awkwardly reminding him that he loved him all the time).
He couldn’t help hating that republican trash that was Roman’s parents even more than before, though. He wasn’t confused about their motivations for a second. Those filthy pieces of shit were sensing an opportunity to improve their reputation with millennials who were rallying against billionaires who exploited the world – the environment as much as their workers – without even paying fucking taxes. Seriously, fuck Trump, fuck Jeff Bezos, fuck the Morgans! They would try to use Roman’s fame and honesty to claim him as a token to show off to liberals, to make themselves look tolerant and likeable with their beautiful, gay hero son. He was acceptable when it was useful to have a diversity card they could pull in debates, now that their homophobia and racism wasn’t as accepted as it used to be. Fuck them with a broken chair.
He couldn’t say all that, though. He’d just make Roman defensive in this terrible way that left Virgil nothing to work with. The taller man was never aggressive with him. Instead he grew quiet and sad and tried to make Virgil feel safe by being submissive and gentle and letting him have his way as he swallowed all of his pain and fear for everyone else’s sake. Roman didn’t need his anger. Logan had already gently told him about all of the fears he and Virgil shared and had offered his support, he didn’t need a reality check Virgil was desperately holding back. Roman knew they were using him – intellectually at least. Yet, his heart was probably hoping they were finally willing to love him.
So Virgil pulled himself together and silently leaned his lithe body against Roman’s broad chest and tried to gather the courage to say yes to the lovely man’s unspoken question.
The invitation contained a plus one.
Virgil had seen the way Roman’s gaze had sought him out hopefully. He wanted him there, which was astonishingly sweet, since Virgil was… well. Virgil. The fact that Roman, who was beautiful and elegant and charming to a dazzling degree wanted to show Virgil on his arm when he knew how judgmental this fucking crowd was, when he knew what they would think…
Yes, it was also completely and utterly terrifying.
Seriously. A charity ball. At the fucking Ritz? Even young and not so messed up Virgil would have hated the thought with the passion of any idealistic, liberal activist. Fucking corrupt money bags trying to look like they cared while they marinated in their arrogance and wealth while kids in America couldn’t pay for their school lunch and went hungry. While they supported putting fricking kids in actual fucking cages seriously what the fuck this really was the cursed time-line.
Also was there a person alive on this planet who fit the aesthetic of the fucking Ritz less than he did? He didn’t think so. Fuck he needed Remy now. He’d promised to help, thank Tesla. Virgil was clinging to that voice in his memory that had told him to ‘breathe, doll. Daddy has fixed lots of tiny girl hair and fashion disasters in his time. We’ve got this, okay, babe?’
Sure. Dressing a feral bat like Virgil for a FUCKING BALL was a piece of cake.
Well, first he needed to see if Roman actually wanted him to come or if that had all been in his head and Virgil was about to humiliate himself so badly, he would have to move out and change his name. Maybe Roman hadn’t asked yet because he wanted to avoid pressuring him with something he knew he was anxious about. OR he had recognized how badly Virgil would look on his arm.
Virgil felt like he couldn’t breathe for a terrifying moment. He used his position in Roman’s lap he’d chosen in a moment of courage to hide his face against the tan, smooth skin of the detective’s neck.
A deep breath left the taller man as Virgil curled close. He wrapped his arms around the thin body and sunk against him gratefully. The purple mane was so soft against his cheek. All thoughts drifted away – invitations as much as sunflower-yellow letters – leaving only the sensation of warm breaths against his skin and a gracefully curved back under his palms. Everything seemed to quiet, to slow down.
Virgil’s body moved slightly with every breath. He was so warm and alive, such a grounding weight in his lap. He arched against his chest willingly to press himself closer, letting Roman feel the way his ribs expanded on every inhale. The darkness behind the young detective’s closed eyes felt soft and safe. He gently moved his palm over the prominent spine, between wing-like shoulder blades. Stress flowed from his body like water. Slowly, their embrace lost its purpose and became lazy and comfortable, a hug for no other purpose than allowing them to exist so close to each other.  
After what felt like a long time of soft tenderness, Roman felt Virgil tense again, knowing he had to get it over with. He couldn’t keep hiding in a cute cop’s arms for the rest of his life because he was embarrassed.
“Listen, man…” He murmured quietly, pulling back slightly. Despite Roman’s hands still resting loosely on his hips, now that he wasn’t curled up and hidden anymore, he felt silly and out of place, suddenly. He really had just sat down in Roman’s lap, huh? What the fuck, Virgil? Heat rose to his cheeks and that just made things a lot worse. He pushed his head down and braced his palms on that hard chest and barreled on.
“Uhm, about- about that invitation. I know you’re anxious about it, and I’m really not good with that shit – I mean – that’s obvious, considering-” He gestured to – all of himself self consciously. “I really don’t know anything about your, eh, your social class and those fancy parties and shit. We’re from pretty, pretty extremely different backgrounds after all, and-”
Roman’s large hand rose to tip Virgil’s blushing face up in order to reassure him (and because it made him feel like a chivalrous knight). His fingers found the pale delinquent’s throat instead. Feeling the racing pulse, he curled his hand around the slender neck right under the jawbone with utter gentleness and brushed it upwards, pushing his chin up slowly.
Virgil’s breath hitched upon feeling the intimate hold he was captured in. It would be easy for the grip to turn punishing, yet he only brushed his thumb over the edge of his jaw and that felt very, very good. Vulnerable in all the right ways.
“What are you trying to say, dearest?” Roman rumbled softly, catching the younger man’s attention from where it had wandered to inappropriate places.
“Uh…” Virgil needed a moment. Roman’s eyes were so vividly green, like sunlight filtered through freshly grown, thin leaves. His mascara made his lashes so long and dramatic and so pretty.
I, uh…��� He stuttered again. Roman was biting his lip in amusement, so pleased to have muddled Virgil’s brilliant mind and the barista felt like a useless, horny teenager for the first time in too many years.
A chuckle escaped the detective that was deep and rumbled under Virgil’s palms. He looked at the young man in his lap like he was the sweetest thing.
Feeling his blush flare up, Virgil ducked his head, allowing Roman’s palm to slip onto his cheek. He didn’t force his chin up as he was composing himself. Instead, the manicured hand moved across pale skin and scratched lightly across his scalp. A shiver broke out and raced over the delinquent’s entire back. His mouth fell open in a pleased sigh as he leaned into the caress.
Hell yeah, he could just keep doing that forever, please and thank you. His large palm rested on the pronounced bones of his hip, gripping gently, safely. Virgil could feel the detective’s intense gaze on him like a physical touch. He felt very warm as he leaned closer to that powerful hand in his hair that gave him so much pleasure.
His flush was still hot on his cheeks, yet the heat rising under his clothes wasn’t caused by embarrassment despite the intimacy of the moment. He’d never thought he would be able to let his guard down and be looked at this intimately when Roman made him feel this way. The detective’s other hand moved slowly, brushing up and down his back in the lightest of touches.
Virgil couldn’t help the breathy moan that escaped him. It was totally justified, okay? He felt those muscular thighs shift underneath him, adjusting their positions just a bit, so he was brought more securely into the hold of those strong arms and felt a warm breath on the side of his face.
Suddenly, Roman yanked his hand back as if Virgil had electrocuted him, yelping like a frightened dog. His whole body jumped, jostling Virgil.
“The fuck- Cat, what the actual fuck?” The younger man screeched at the ball of gray fur that had wedged itself between them and was furiously hissing and biting at Roman’s hand. The detective flailed and squirmed, unbucking Virgil in the process and dumping him on the cushions as he tried to escape over the back of the couch from the vicious raccoon. He landed face first with a ‘thump’ and an unmanly whimper.
Patton peeked in from the kitchen, phone between his cheek and shoulder, kitten purring in his big cardigan pocket and mixing bowl in hand. Finding Roman trying to twist into a sitting position while his legs were still sticking over the back of the couch and Virgil being slobbered over by an overly affectionate, possessive raccoon, he shrugged and closed the door behind himself. He and Nugget were not getting involved in that particular jealousy triangle. His kiddos would just need to make do.
“Oh shit, Roman, are you okay, dude?” Virgil asked and he knew, he knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help the laugh bubbling up his chest.
Cat was squishing her fat butt all over his lap, pawing at his shirt and lovingly gnawing on his fingers, looking fucking pleased, fricking narcissistic levels of proud and awed at her prowess, like she’d owned the biggest, baddest villain of the kingdom, like she’d saved the princess and gotten the whole cake. While Roman – well…
The young detective/tragic victim heaved himself up on the backrest and was immediately hissed at fiercely. He snatched his hands to his chest to protect them from more scratches. Peeking over the couch just enough to look over it, his precious hair a mess and his lovely hands badly wounded, donning his best, hurt puppy dog eyes, he found no sympathy from his beautiful wildcat.
Virgil snorted helplessly.
“I’m sorry-” The barista gasped, really, seriously feeling sorry and knowing he shouldn’t be rewarding Cat, he was creating a monster here, but Roman looked so messed up. All of that magnificent hair that usually made him look like a prince falling over his face in messy, fluffy tufts – that betrayed, gorgeous, hilarious face-
He doubled over, snickering turning to wheezing laughter the more he tried to suppress it, and felt Cat purring up a storm from where she was throned on his lap, Queen of the couch, breaker of horny cuddle sessions, bane of Roman’s existence.
Since the purring somehow seamlessly turned to spitting, frothing hissing whenever Roman got too close, the poor, beaten hero had to settle into the armchair facing the love of his life (stolen by a villainous adversary), where he tried not to mope too much. He felt a very justifiable pout coming up.
However, tears were now streaming down Virgil’s face while he made himself lightheaded trying to scold Cat and repress his laughter. He only succeeded in making himself hiccup and devolve into a new peal of giggles.  
Roman melted into the armchair.
They were quietly folding blankets and putting away pillows, comfortable with each other even though Cat was still sitting in Virgil’s hoody, occasionally touching the back of his head and neck and gurgling threateningly.
It was alright.
Roman wasn’t a malicious man.
And he would get her back for this…
Glaring secretly at the bristly beast whenever Virgil wasn’t looking, the young detective finally remembered that they had started a conversation before their mutual attraction had overwhelmed them like swooning lovers in a romantic novel.
Giddy at the memory, he briefly amused himself with imagining them on a paperback cover – his own shirt open halfway over his gleaming, muscular chest, even longer hair flying in the breeze, Virgil fainting in his arms, pale and lovely in a Victorian dress – oh my lord. A flush rose hotly to his cheeks, especially as he imagined that trim waist encased in lace and possibly even a corset.
This time, he felt Cat was justified in hissing at him while she reached for him with sharp little paws, trying to take a swipe, craving destruction.
Thankfully, Virgil took his blush as a sigh of anger as he twisted around and saved the enthusiastically violent racoon from tumbling out of his hood in its quest for blood.
“Sorry, Dude. I’ll figure something out.” He promised.
Roman thought he didn’t look nearly alarmed enough. However… his little bird deserved all the valiant defenders he could get. The beast might make him feel safe while Roman wasn’t there to watch over him like the tireless defender he was. In principle, the young detective would not mind prospective rivals to be scared off. Just not himself, did this beast not have any taste?
Perhaps he’d just have to invest more effort in his quest to win over the scraggly protector of his dashing not-damsel’s honor! That he could surely do!
Filled with a new sense of determination, he maturely stuck his tongue out to the raccoon.
Virgil snorted. He was happy.
Roman liked that a lot.
“Before I forget…” He started casually, remembering how important the question had seemed to Virgil. “You wanted to ask me something before we were torn apart so viciously?”
The barista startled, his heart missing a beat with nervousness. Right. That.
“Um, yeah. Yeah, I was just- you don’t have to say yes – obviously! It’s just if you don’t want to go alone- though you probably have plenty of people to go with- I know you have friends and coworkers and… fans… and Logan could go too so you really don’t need me to be in the way but if you want, I – uh…”
“Virgil,” Roman interrupted him gently, hoping with a fluttering heart he wasn’t misinterpreting the stuttering proposition. “Are you offering to go to the ball with me?” He asked gently, quickly adding for his lovely raven’s nerves benefit, “Because while I don’t want to pressure you in any way, going with you on my arm would make me the bravest and happiest man in the world.”
His words were very, very honest. Having Virgil there, as his date, as his to hold in his arm and show off, showing that the gay failure of the family had captured the most beautiful, smartest and strongest creature in the whole word – he would feel like the king in his castle. Nothing could make him feel like he’d succeeded despite being ashamed of his sexuality for so long than to show Virgil as his beautiful prize. Having him would validate all his struggles and make all the suffering worth it.
So no pressure to say yes. Roman was cool with whatever.
Virgil flushed brightly, ducking his head in a familiar gesture to hide under his hair. His heart beat a mile a minute, filling him with awed elation.
And a little bit of terror.
Looks like he was going to the ball after all.
AAAAnd it looks like Virgil will finally need an outfit for the ball. I wonder who will help him???
As always, comments and reblogs are appreciated! If you want to support me, here is my Ko-fi page. Love you guys! Take care and treat yourself to something nice <3
Next Chapter
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trustingofwinds · 3 years
Hiii! I love your posts! How did Jin become your bias? :) And have you ever been to a BTS concert or would you like to go? Have a nice day/night!!
hiii boo! ah, I feel like this ask has been sitting in my inbox for a while now so I’m so sorry. but! I will answer it now <3
note: I’m going to be using a lot of astrological language to explain my love for seokjin and why he is truly My Type because I’m a gay™ and that’s how my brain computes lmao
note #2: this also became way longer than I thought it was going to be, so be ready for an essay below the cut
the story of how seokjin became my bias is a ride lmao. initially, I had eyes for namjoon onlyyy - he truly was my og bias, while seokjin was my wrecker. now that I sit back and analyze why he was the first to catch my eye, it’s because I think him and seokjin are similar in a lot of ways. I have a thing for charismatic people - pair that with being (lack of a better phrase) leader-ly, loud, dorky, and flirty, I’m fucking putty in their hands lmao. I also love when I can just sit with people in either comfortable silences or engage in deep deep deep conversations. I can see myself doing either with the both of them!
now, I became an army around 2019. I was still learning a lot of their music, as well as watching their music videos, documentaries, and episodes of run/bon voyage to catch up. every time I watched their interviews as a group or their individual ones, seokjin in particular always captivated me. I was really blown away by his mindset. as a person usually bogged down by my insecurities of what other people think, he truly is an inspiration for me. he’s discussed many times how he lives in the moment and seizes every opportunity while refusing to be swayed by the past or his fears, which is something I strive to do. he doesn’t take himself seriously, but is also a source of wisdom and rich perspective for the other members. I swear, he made me fucking WEAK for sagittariuses man...
he’s also incredibly sharp and witty (shout out to the scorpio mercury and aries moon). that man and his burns fucking send me every timeee. I need someone who can keep up with my millions of thoughts at a time (shout out to my double gemini ass) and he sure as hell could. but with the scorpio mercury comes his own abyss, proven by his song Abyss. as a scorpio myself, I’m immediately attracted to other people’s depths and this man has a lot of it.
and that venus in capricorn... man oh man. the way he is so elegant!! I think he really showed his elegance in the BE photoshoot with the gems - refined, sophisticated, comfortable yet stylish. also, this capricorn placement is just huuuge daddy vibes... do I need to explain my attraction anymore? 😌
the last straw for me that rocked my whole fucking world (and ultimately pushed namjoon to wrecker status) was the Save Me music video lmaooo. I am only a simple whore: seokjin in all black with a hat on AND blond hair? I was like, “yep, he’s my bias now”.
so, that was my whirlwind explanation on how he became my bias. it fucking PAINS ME how much of my type is. I not only lust for him but admire him so so so deeply. he’s just amazing 😭
*flicks tears away like jungkook during that one acceptance speech*
okay!!! now onto your other question of “have you ever been to a BTS concert or would you like to go?”
I have not been to a bts concert. I was supposed to go to this past one, but we all know what happened... ugh, I had such amazing seats too! but, I’m making it up to myself by either getting floor seats or soundcheck tickets, AND buying tickets for another city lol. I want to see them so baddd, especially before seokjin (potentionally, most likely) leaves for service 😭
thank you so much for your questions, anon! I’m so sorry for how long this is lmao. I hope you’re having the loveliest day/night too x
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In A World Like That Ch One
Magnus and Alec have been pushed into their TWI roles by a meddling demon who feeds on their happiness. It puts them in a deep sleep and the only way to get out there is to find each other in TWI and fall in love. If they can do that, they will automatically fall out of the magical slumber the demon has placed them under. Otherwise, they fall into an eternal sleep. It’s upto Malec to find their way back to each other. It is set after the TWI episode in the show, so they have met each other once already. Here is the masterlist. My AO3: malecplusotherthings
Warnings: swearing, TWI characters, angst obviously, some fluff, slight show divergence
When Magnus Bane woke up that morning, something had been very different. Everything around him looked as it always did, but felt extremely strange. He quickly shook the feeling and went about his day as he normally would. Magnus reached over to the table by his bed and grabbed his glasses. He brushed his teeth and poured himself a giant pot of coffee. He then fumbled around in his closet to find the only clean shirt left and paired it with a random pair of jeans. Great, now I’m going to have to do some laundry. I fucking hate laundry.
Magnus then headed downstairs to the antique store. His father had left him the store when he had passed a few years ago. Since then, Magnus had kept it in almost perfect condition. He grabbed one of his frayed light grey sweaters off the hook behind the door and went outside to get the mail. Usually there was nothing interesting in the mail, but today was different. Between all the credit card statements and electricity bills, Magnus noticed a deep purple envelope with beautiful silver lettering. He frowned as he grabbed a butterknife to open the letter. Inside was a wonderfully designed lilac invitation with gold writing that matched the silver on the envelope. The invitation asked Magnus to join an antiques exhibition at the Institute over the weekend. Well, they’ve got style, I’ll give them that. This was Valentine Morgenstern's way of including other smaller businesses in his circle. Between taking care of this business and his tarot readings, Magnus didn’t exactly have time for such events.
The day had been quite busy with people coming through the doors of the store constantly. It had been hours and Magnus hadn’t had a chance to sit down yet. He glanced at the clock above his head. It was already past noon. The exhibition would have started by now. He wouldn’t be able to make it even if he wanted to. He was snapped out of his thoughts by a customer asking for assistance. After helping them out, Magnus finally had some time to himself. Or so he thought. Surely enough, the door swung wide open once again. However this time, a familiar face walked through it.
“You got the invitation?” Catarina called. She was a co-owner of Magnus’ antiques store so it was obvious that she would have received an invitation as well. “I think you should go, Magnus. It might be good to get our name out there.”
“I’m a bit busy here, Cat. Besides, it’s already 1 PM. The exhibition started over an hour ago. They’re probably even done by now. I couldn’t go even if I wanted to.”
“Well, the invitation said it goes until 2 PM, so if you hurried you could make it.” Catarina said matter-of-factly.
“Well, I’m still busy so you go on ahead if you want to.” Catarina jumped over the counter to get behind the cash register.
“I would, Magnus, but you see I’m not the one who has a crush on the Institute’s Party Planner.” Magnus knew telling Cat about the boy he had met during the Morgensterns’ Mad Hatter party was a mistake. He rolled his eyes at her and glanced one more time at his watch.
“Well if it’s so important to you I guess I could go.” Magnus smiled at her. He grabbed his coffee off of the counter and marched out the door.
By the time Magnus got to the Institute, the crew had already begun to pack up. All the tables had been cleared and the chairs were neatly stacked in the corner.
“Hi...I’m Magnus Bane. I was invited here for the antiques exhibition?” Magnus pulled out his invitation from his pocket and tried asking one of the security guards at the door.
“I’m sorry but that exhibition has shut down for the day. Mr. Lightwood gave us strict orders to not let anybody in after 1:30.” Magnus let out a sigh of disbelief and threw his hands up in exasperation. All this was clearly for nothing.
Alexander Lightwood had been planning his exhibition for quite a while. After seeing his work at the Mad Hatter party, Valentine Morgenstern had asked him to take up a job as the Head of the Institute’s marketing and public relations team. It had been Alec’s idea to plan an exhibition in order to get to know the smaller businesses in the city. Many people would say that this whole thing was a charade for Alec to meet the man he saw at the Mad Hatter party. Magnus, that’s his name. Those people would be right. Shy, adorable and dorky was exactly Alec’s type. He knew that Magnus was an antiques store owner so Alec had sent an invitation over to his store. Being the nerd Magnus was, Alec was certain that such an exhibition would draw him out. He had called antique collectors from all over New York to take part in this event. Despite having been planning this for months, something felt odd to Alec. Something was different.
“You know, if somebody planned an entire party just to get my attention, I would probably love them for the rest of my life.” Alec turned his head and saw Simon standing in the doorway. He smiled. Simon was one of his oldest and best friends.
“Well, seeing as I was the one who planned the housewarming party for you and my sister…”
“And I do love you. What can I say, I have a thing for Lightwoods.” Simon shrugged. Alec laughed at that. “You ready, Alec?”
“Yeah, I’ll be right down just give me a minute.” Simon shut the door behind him and Alec turned his attention back to the mirror. He was wearing a perfectly tailored navy colored suit with a well ironed white button-down shirt. It brought out the blue in his eyes. His dark hair was messy but in an elegant sort of way. Silver rings adorned his long, graceful fingers. Alec picked up the black eyeliner laying on his dresser as a finishing touch to his ensemble. Alec had always been one for a little extra flair.
Satisfied with his look, Alec made his way downstairs to manage - according to Izzy, the correct term is micromanage - the details of the event. Guests were filtering in through the doors of the Institute but there was no sign of Magnus. Alec glanced at his watch and sighed. It was almost 1 PM. Maybe he was wrong about this. Maybe he was wrong about Magnus altogether. He signalled his crew to start packing up for the day. He made his way over to the drinks table where his friends were waiting for him.
“Is he pining?” Alec heard Jace ask Simon.
“Oh, he’s pining.” Simon said. Alec shot them a glare.
“Alexander Lightwood does not pine.” He retorted. “If Magnus isn’t going to come here, I’ll go to him.”
With that, Alec went to the address he had delivered the invitation to. He figured that if Magnus didn’t show it was probably because he got caught up at work. It was a bit of a walk but Alec didn’t mind. Magnus’ antiques store was very well maintained. It had a certain class to it. Alec made his way through the store, searching for Magnus. He spotted a woman behind the counter and went over to her.
“Hey, uh, Catarina, I’m looking for Magnus?” He said, reading her name off of her badge.
“Oh, he actually left for the day. Can I take a message?” Alec shook his head. Dammit, Magnus. Maybe this hadn’t gone the way Alec had planned for it to go, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to give up.
Malec Taglist (please let me know if you want to be added or removed):
@thatwinchestergirl67 @quickbright @julialightbane @bestieswithmydarkthoughts @plaggherondale
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eikyun · 5 years
Eishi Tsukasa Essay; how I met him, and 10 reason why I love him
Caution: it will be pretty long. Please bear with me >_<
In this post, I’m going to spill out all of my feelings I have for this guy. Stay away if you hate him, okay :) Hating Eishi is a bad civilization :p
I met Eishi 3 years 9 months ago, exactly at November 2015. After I finished watching the 1st season of Shokugeki anime, I was interested to read the manga. For the most thing I was more curious about the rest of Elite 10. With the information I got from Google, I clicked ch 119 and... tada~ At a manga panel, I saw a beautiful white haired male sitting while drinking a cup of tea.
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“Wow, he is hot.” I mumbled. Yes, I was attracted to his looks at first glance. He is totally my type, appearance wise. Two next pages later, the cool, collected guy I saw before suddenly turned into an anxious, shy dorkie boy. 
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“Is he actually the 1st seat?? Omg this is getting interesting.” I thought. How could soggy guy like him can gain the highest rank in the friggin Totsuki Academy?? This fact tickled my curiosity more, I wanted to know more about this guy. I skipped to ch 132, where Soma and Megumi met Eishi in his booth (I read the chapters in order later, though). It was more emphasized that our 1st seat is a true introvert, and a perfectionist. This guy... is very similar to me. 
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He automatically jumped into my most favorite SnS character. No, he became my most favorite anime/manga character at that time.
After I read SnS until the latest chapter (ch 145), I eagerly waited for his next apperance. When ch 148 released, I saw him on a pretty big panel, sitting leisurely while watching the Souma vs Eizan from the screen... my heart skipped a beat, my lip drew a wide smile. What’s up with me? I just knew him for like... less than a month, and yet I felt like an idiot when I saw him. Did I... fall in love?
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It took 4 months until his next appearance (ch 161). I was extremely happy to see him again, and I couldn’t wait to know about him more and more. During that Souma vs Eishi battle arc, I learned more about Eishi, I was amazed that the way he talked... the demeanor he showed... is very similar to me. I never met a 2D character (or perhaps irl people) who shared a lot of similarity (personality wise) with me. I felt more kinship with him more than with Megumi, who is also a shy character. This fact just made love him even more.
From ch 118 until Le Dessert ch 1, plus Betsubara 6 and 7 and some extras, my feelings for Eishi remains same. Here’s my 10 reason why I love a chef named Tsukasa Eishi.
1. Let’s start from the shallowest thing; looks. Yes, he is undoubtly good looking, I’m sure everyone must admit it! Nobody can resist that beautiful pale lavender iris with outstanding long eyelashes, combined with that gorgeous shining white hair... Oh, how ethereal. His fair skin, slender and long fingers, his alluring neck, his collarbone, his body shape, his waist— aaaaah ok ok I’ll stop >////< in tl;dr, people would fall in love by his looks alone, but when they find out his true self, who knows?
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2. Fashion sense. I know you guys might find his flying necktie weird, but I admit, it looks so damn cool on him. Not to mention, I love how he wears his uniform, both school and chef one. The unbuttoned collar, half-rolled sleeves... What an unexpected style for a shy boy like him, huh? But I don’t care, if it makes him looks hotter, I’ll take it~ Not to mention the collection of casual outfits he has. He’s not on the fashionista tier for sure, but he still has good sense. Well, I can say that he looks good on everything.
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3. His voice. This is something I admitted way later. At first I wasn’t too fond of Akira Ishida’s voice on him. Too ‘husky’ for me, I thought. However, the more I hear him talking on anime, the more I’m used to it, then it grows on me. Now everytime he speaks, my heart throbs faster. The power of love is too strong haha.
4.      The adorable gap moe! Gap moe! Gap moe! Eishi’s gap moe is... too cute and irresistable >///< I’m sure people’s first impression of him is... a cool, elegant, and handsome guy... he must be a very cool guy like heroine’s love interest in shoujo manga or Korean drama! Who knows if he’s actually a huge dork! He can show you his anxious, worry-wart side at unexpected time, wrecking his previous prince-like image completely. What a gap! Would he stay calm and stoic everytime people surround him? Please don’t scare this soft guy, he would be freaked out and get nervous >_< 
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His gap is also shown by his demeanor towards people. If it’s someone he barely knows and cares, he wouldn’t bat an eye, hence you call him an absolute selfish guy. However, he shows his care towards someone close to him. Just look how he treats Rindou (hmph, I’m so jelly :<) I’m sure he’d super sweet to his girlfriend and treat her like a princess, if he has one someday! >_<
5. If he is that spineless, is he actually an incompetent guy? Hell no! You all must know that he’s one of the best chefs in the series! If you’re going to deny this, you must read/watch a wrong series lol. He had sit on the throne of 1st seat of Elite 10 for freakin’ two years (there’s a plot hole about this, but regardless he gained the 1st  seat on 2nd year or 3rd, my point still stands). The more amazing thing is, he gained it not by magic or ahem, plot no jutsu. Many said that he’s a natural genius chef, however, he worked hard for that sweet 1st seat. You can reread/rewatch the whole of SnS to prove his competence in cooking.
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6. His elegance. French cuisine as his speciality alone proves that. His dishes always have luxurious presentation. The taste? If only I could actually taste it... ;_; Throughout the series, it’s proved that he never fails to make a lot of people amazed. Not only by his dishes, people are also enthralled by his elegance in kitchen. The way he keeps composure while cooking, the way he interacts with ingredients, the way he set the plating of his dish... it’s like watching a prima ballerina dancing in an opera. Oh, not to mention, his nickname sounds elegant and noble as heck! Let me say it; Weiss Ritter der Tafel! The White Knight of the The Table!
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7. Have I said he’s a hard-worker? Sure he is. Since junior high, he had set his goal to be the 1st seat of Elite Ten, and he didn’t just sit down for the whole of his time in Totsuki. He was famous as ‘Teacher Crusher’ for his effort to drag teachers nearby to try his countless test dishes. 
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Even after he gained it and graduated from Totsuki, he still aimed to be a better cook! Can’t you just imagine how persistent—I mean, hard-working he is? His hardwork isn’t limited to cooking only; he is a diligent boy in general. As he got the 1st seat title, he didn’t throw his responsibility down to the rest and walk away like a boss. He hates paperworks and especially public speaking, yet he’s responsible enough not to ignore his duties. People might see him as a doormat for letting himself doing Rindou and the others’ paperworks, but not for me. Who’s the selfish one then? :p 
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He deserves my highest respect for his hard-working nature and being responsible.
8. His innocence— I mean, it’s more like his naivety. This trait might be irritating for some people, and in Eishi’s case, it lead him to earn the ‘bastard/asshole’ title by those who misunderstand him, due to his incompetence to understand people’s feelings. It’s emphasized by the fact that he tends to be straightforward, both in words and act. 
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His naivety makes sense, he lacks social/communication skill since he’s an introvert (not all introverts sucks in social skill, though). He doesn’t interact with a people much. Eishi’s own world is just around cooking and nothing else lol, that’s why he’s focused on his own cooking and prioritizes it above anything else. Sounds like an autistic person, you say? Maybe. As someone who has a tiny bit of autism, I understand this side of him well and I can’t blame him for that. I always find myself being busy in my own world, and I tend not to interact with people much. I’m not saying that he’s diagnosed with autism, no. He might have a bit of it, just like myself. So don’t blame him for forgetting Kuga after his match with him, he was just way too busy in his own world XD
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Talking about innocence... isn’t he also actually an innocent, adorkable boy? I mean, he seems to have a relatively pure mind. He never actually means to harm people. If the others think so, it’s mostly a misunderstanding. He might be blunt with his words, but he’s just being honest, you know. He never lies. 
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Please give him a chance, I believe he’ll grow to be a better person in future.
9. The previous point has connection with this one, his introverted nature. I can say he is 90% introvert. Isn’t it obvious? He is undoubtly shy boy, hates public speaking, easily gets nervous in front of a lot of people, prefers to cook alone, lacks of social skill... he is socially impaired, Rindou said so. However, he tries to overcome his social anxiety for the sake to be a better chef. Isn’t it great?
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As a fellow true introvert, I find Eishi very relatable, thus I feel a deep connection between me and him. Every time I feel anxious in front of people, I think of Eishi that he would feel the same and imagine that we would overcome our shared obstacle together.
10.  Eishi isn’t Tsukasa Eishi without his dominant trait: perfectionist. 
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Let’s start with the fact that his blood type is A. People with this blood type (including me) tend to be perfectionist and organized. You can search more about it on Google, and you’ll find out that Eishi fits most of A-type traits! You might see his obsession for perfection a bit annoying, but that’s Eishi for you. Everything he does must be perfect. He’s someone who makes plans and he wants to follow those plans completely. It leads him to be a hard-worker, but it also makes him prone to stress and worry. Is being a perfectionist a good thing? Yes, but it would drain yourself if you’re way too obsessed with perfection. Eishi seems... quite perfection obssessive. I’d say it’s way too much because I don’t want to see him being trapped in the endless loop of reaching perfection and drained him both physically and mentally. I’m also a perfectionist, but not as much as him, yet I understand how painful it is. I love this side of him for another reason; he always has a clear goal; honing his cooking skill to be perfect, and works hard for that. I’d prefer someone like that than a hopeless person who has no goal in their life. I admire people who try hard to reach their dreams. Also, he always gets things done properly and never try to be half-assed.
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My conclusion: Eishi isn’t perfect, despite of being obsessed with perfection. He isn’t a perfect husbando material, but he’s perfect in my eyes. He has flaws and weakness, but I’d embrace those and keep loving him. I love you, Tsukasa Eishi.
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Together Since...
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Summary: You and Joe just graduated together from college. But Joe wishes to celebrate it with just the two of you. Basically just general fun and fluff~
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Reader
Warning: FLUFF. College AU.
Word Count: 2770.
Inspired by and perma-tag: CONGRATULATIONS @ohmygoditsanthonyedwardstark FOR GRADUATING!! I’M SO PROUD OF YOU <4444 THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF SOMETHING GREAT, SO DO YOUR BEST <444
You almost jumped when Joe suddenly grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him—practically hugging you and showing off your obvious relationship with him. He leaned his head in and already posing for the camera. You try your best to hold back and keep the joke later whilst also giving out your best smile to the photographer. It doesn’t take long for everyone to joins in and pose, from silly and complex stance to a literal boring statue.
“Okay! Now be as funny as possible!” Shouted the photographer that happens to be your most favourite professor.
You have promised yourself to keep the joke and your ridiculous antics for later, but mind bubbling from the overwhelming happiness suggested only one thing; to kiss Joe right there right now. Funny enough, Joe got the same idea and carry you, receiving some; “ew!” and “get a room!” comments from your friends. Neither of you cares, and you will let nothing ruin the beautiful day of your college graduation.
After receiving the last OK from your professor, all of you throws your hat in the air. Cheerful laughs soon follow, you and Joe hugged and spins, giggling whilst he showers your face with kisses. In return, being the rowdy one, you rub and scratch his head frantically, making it as messy as it can get. You almost fell down when he finally put you on the ground, but him refusing to let you go saved you.
“Almost nothing’s changed. Still dating. Graduating together. Still very fucking childish too.” Ben remarked, tipping his head at you. “I salute you, y/n, only true masters can endure this clown for so long.”
Shortly after Joe is chasing Ben, trying to drop kick the blonde, Rami and Lucy join you. They too are another couple in your friend circle that’s graduating together today, and you can’t be any happier to be friends with them still. Just like your usual hobby, the three of you starts making fun from the sideline of Joe-Ben duo dynamic that’s getting goofier the older they get. Ben purposely circling Gwilym and his girlfriend which resulted in Gwil also hunting him down. You could never be any prouder of seeing your boyfriend and the other two boys running around the field, becoming the centre of attention for being so god damn childish you can almost hear their parents start yelling at them. You even have forgotten about your earlier jokes for him.
“No, seriously. How can you handle him?” Ask Lucy, still chuckling. “It’s like having a child!”
“We’ve been together for so long, if I still can't handle the boy then I have a serious problem!” You answered whilst you wave him to come. You ready your old polaroid as fast as you can, but Joe is quicker and by the time you see him through your camera lens, he’s already posing. “Damn it, babe! Be more natural!”
“I’m not letting you take an ugly picture of me!”
Too late for permission when you have made that your goal for today. Besides, you’ve got a couple already, so it doesn’t really matter. But your mind quickly shifted as you click the capture button, only to see Lucy’s face dominating the entirety of your view. If only she’s not too busy laughing at your shocked face, perhaps you won’t get the chance to tackle her on the grass.
“Geez, you guys.” Rami shakes his head. “Those two kids? Not my friends.”
When you hold Lucy down trying to tickle her, Joe ran towards you and hide on your back. Before you could even ask what on earth he’s doing, you see Ben is stomping close to you as he tries to clean his suit underneath his graduation robe.
“Joe, you’re a fuck!”
“Honey, he’s being mean to me!” Cry Joe, hiding his face on your shoulder. “I didn’t do it on purpose! I swear!”
“Don’t think that was the truth.” Gwilym laughs whilst he looks at Ben’s pants. The dried mud Ben tries to get rid of with tissues and a piece of cloth still looks like it was glued permanently.
“I fucking rent this! Now I have to goddamn—.”
You kneeled and take a closer look at the damage. Try to pick it with your nails but you can’t even scrape the outmost layer. You stare at Joe. When he can only shrug, you sighed and stand up.
“When will you return it?”
“Tomorrow!” Ben answered, staring dagger at your boyfriend. “Anyway, I shouldn’t have started.”
“You shouldn’t, but I will transfer the cost anyway. How much was it?” You take out your phone whilst Ben whispered the numbers. It’s difficult to not shake your head at the price and damage fee, but Ben really don’t mess around when it comes to dressing himself up.
Joe pouted as he saunters next to you, putting his arm over your shoulder.
“Sorry, dude.” He finally says, eyeballing your phone’s screen and Ben’s trouser back and forth. “Just to impress Chelsea? What a good boyfriend.”
“Yeah, unlike you, letting your girlfriend paid for your damn mistake.” Ben retaliation receives your instant kick on his knee. “Jesus Christ! I'm joking! Don’t ruin this suit anymore!”
Once you’re done, Joe leaned in and whispered; “I’ll pay you back later. For now, let’s get the hell out of here.”
“So soon? Baby are you alright?” You say it like a concerned mother, checking every centimetre of his face and body. He only rubbed his stomach. “Hungry? We’re about to have lunch with the others.”
Joe give you last confirmation shrug before he grabs your hand and drags you to the car park. You can’t even say goodbye, so whilst you’re being treated like a suitcase, trying to catch up with Joe’s speed, you make sure you tell the others through group chat that you and your boyfriend are bailing early. If Joe doesn’t worry you a little right now, maybe you’ll pay more attention and make a better excuse than ‘we got something to do! See y’all soon!.’
“So... You’re gonna tell me what happened?” You break the silence after you finish eating your last slice of pizza. Joe is still chewing and staring at you, which, if you’re quite honest, a bit unnerving, despite knowing well how weird he can be sometimes.
He downed his soda and wipe his lips in a slow and elegant manner. He finally smiles when he has successfully made you chuckle. Although both his smile and your laugh doesn’t last long when you slap his hand from stealing your fries.
“Not much, hun. Just want to be with you all day.” You raised one of your eyebrows. “What? Why is it odd that I only want to be with my girl today?”
“Sorry. Cause it’s usually you that loves to hang with your friends, you know?” You pushed your plate of fries to him. “Already got a plan or we’ll just wing it?”
You gave out a ‘come on!’ and almost protests his yet another nonchalant shrug, but he points at your Polaroid camera on the table. Even though it’s almost four years ago, you quick to pick up what he meant. This is just like when you two both graduated high school. As you reach for your camera bag, pretending to be a magician, Joe laid three photos you’ve taken at the prom night.
“People got a poor taste. We should’ve been the king and queen that night.” He started. “At least we’re still going strong, what, Robert and Jessica broke up immediately a week after prom, right?”
“Popular kids. They’re both an arsehole. They tried to break us up when we first started dating.” You inspect the yellowing photo and thought you should’ve added a transparent film on them since these particular three also your most favourite. “But let’s not talk about them and instead...”
“You want me to grow my hair again?” He snickered, still snacking on your fries with no mercy. “Sure, if you want to wear that dorky glasses again every once in a while when we’re on a date.”
“Worry not, my love,” you take out your eyeglasses case. As you wear them Joe can’t stop laughing. “Hey! You wanted this, you nerd!”
“I guess we’re thinking the same thing for today.” He grasps your hand that was resting on the table. “When you’re so innocently and naively say that we’ll graduate college together too, I’m not so sure about that you know?”
“Yeah, I know. I don’t think you can catch up with me and graduating late all by yourself.” He softly pinches your hand. “Ow! Joking!”
“Hey slowpoke, finish your fries and let’s get going!”
“What fries? You just massacred ‘em!” You swing your leg to him, but he expected that and dodged it easily. “You promised you’ll pay me back, just pay for our foods and get more fries for the go!”
“Look at that, the pot calling the kettle black!”
The banter didn’t end there. On your way to the car, the two of you hasn’t stopped what started as friendly insults to full-on sharp jabs. Gwilym once overhears the two of you being that lovey-dovey, he thought you two are actually fighting and trying to be the middleman. Even Ben call you two a weirdo for having such bad habit stays. But neither you nor Joe care, the two of you feel comfortable and secure with each other, and that’s all that matters. Soon after the fake fight, you both will be like any other normal couple, giving each other hugs and kisses and praises.
“Huh, I really didn’t think you’ll take us to the beach. Totally isn’t like when we’re graduating high school.” His laugh was cut short when you tickle him on the rib. “Watch the road! Don’t want us to die this early!”
“Say the man that records vlogs whilst driving, yesterday.” He gives you silly faces which you happily return. “Hey, they still got the ice cream stand from four years ago! I wonder if they still got UniHazel flavour.”
“UniHazel? Oh, that rainbow coloured hazelnut flavour?” Joe opened the window absent-mindedly, in an instant, the nostalgic sweet-salty smell of the sea fills the car. The sound of the waves feels just like a warm blanket that envelopes the two of you on a cold night. You can already feel the rough sand on your feet or the gentle caress of the water. Joe put his hand on your thigh but still have his eyes gazed out the window, enjoying the afternoon scenery. The cloudless sky radiates the beautiful purple, orange, and blue that mixes like a watercolour painting.
“You park the car, I’ll get us some of them UniHazels.” He leans to kiss your cheek before he reaches his jacket on the back seat to get the wallet out. “Careful, honey. Meet me by the stand.”
“You too, babe.” You kissed the back of his hand only for him to give you an eye roll. “What, a woman can’t be romantic?”
“Just go!” He sticks out his tongue before closing the door. When he walked away, you can’t get your eyes away off him through the rearview mirror. Whenever he’s not around, you always feel so empty. How long has it been? After you say you find Joe cute to your friend, suddenly everyone knows about it. Some jerks tease him for it and you feel so guilty when that happens. You promised you will kick the arse of those dare to hurt him in any way, and that makes him starts liking you back. But seriously, you forgot when the two of you officially boyfriend and girlfriend, after several hangouts and dates, you only remember saying; “We look like a couple right now.” To which he replied; “Are we not already?”
You almost panic break when you hear your phone chimed, it’s Joe’s scream that you cut and isolate to use as a text notification specifically from him. He told you that the line is long, so you don’t have to hurry and plough through the crowd. You text back; “Shouldn’t worry about me. But you don’t get into a fight with kids, I know you’re impatient.” He spams you ten thumbs down emoji in respond.
Now, where were you? Oh right, that sweet, sweet, high school memories. You think when Joe says that, he’s half-joking, but you take it seriously and practically dared him to promise and mustn’t back down or he’s a loser. He retorted saying it’s a lose-lose situation then, because dating you, a loser, means he will be a loser as well. Your genuine pout causes him to said in panic and nervous laugh; “But since when are we not a loser? Right?”
You think that happens around two years before graduation, and the two of you become a kickass couple that’s still going strong even until today. So it’s six years then. You make sure to mentally note it, since it’s always been him that memorise the exact date of your anniversary, and he makes sure to throws tantrum after knowing you don’t remember, not even the month. Joe screamed again when you’re just turning off the car. “Where are you? I miss you already :(” You smiled and replied; “Okay, whose kid beats you? I’ll talk to their parents for picking a fight with my kid.” It’s another thumb down for you, but he added; “His name is Kevin, that bastard! He throws sands at me! It’s coarse and irritating my eyes so he got me on the spot!”
You don’t mind people staring at you for giggling by yourself, and you haven’t stopped texting with him until you’re near the ice cream stand. After he sees you, you purposely take out your Polaroid, and when he’s already posing, you aim the camera towards the beach.
“Arsehole!” His yell causes even more people to stare at you. “I ain’t giving you no ice cream! Nu ‘uh! Bully doesn’t get no sweets!”
“That’s a double negative. You’re going to give me it." You can tell he’s considering running away with the two ice cream on his hands, but he knows it won’t worth the risk of getting you mad if the ice cream fell on the sand. “Thank you, baby, I love you.”
“Yea, yea.” He returns your kiss as you grab his hand. “Pretty sure you say that because I got ice cream.”
“Whaaat, I am not Ben.” You say that as you start eating the ice cream. “No, no at all.”
“And I’m not jealous to damn ice cream right now—ew! Don’t kiss me! Your mouth is sticky—y/n! How dare you—! Come back here! Don’t you want me to pay you back? Why are you running huh?!”
You screamed and laugh as you quickly finish the ice cream that’ll allow you to run better. The chase didn’t last long though, because this time it’s Joe’s ice cream that makes you jealous. And whilst he’s busy making out trying to return the favour, you grab your camera and take as many pictures of him as you can. He only turned around when he notices you, so you ignored him and take pictures of the beach instead. Later he joins you by your side.
“Finished with the ice cream? You got them all over your mouth there.” You didn’t bring tissue, so you use your hands to wipe them then you wash it on the sea water. “Look at the sky, babe, it’s so pretty right?”
What originally was you trying to look as pretty as possible for his eyes to feast upon, only for you to be stunned by his as he enjoys the salty wind and vivid colour of the sky. You feel your eyes getting teary and your smile starts to hurt your cheeks, this moment is far too much. Your heart swells with love and compassion towards him. And you don’t mind if this moment can’t last, so long if you can stay with him forever. Showering him with love and kisses. To swear you’ll protect his smile at all cost. You’ll take care of him. You’ll give him everything you have got. In return for his love.
“Am I that handsome?” He jokes, but you can only nod. “You can’t imagine how beautiful you are to me too.”
“Oh, I know.” You raise your camera, “last one? Please?”
“I love you, y/n.”
“I love you too, Joe.” You smiled before you finally clicked the capture button.
Click. (End)
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Chapter 7: As useless as a broken mirror
In which you realize your life is crap... 
for now
*Your POV*
Talking with someone yesterday was good, I guess. I normally talk about work topics only, so it feels weird to have a casual conversation about... anything. And it was weirder, considering Sans was the one talking.
It would be today, though, the day where we would see each other again in order to discuss... more terms. They all deserve to know and I also need a few papers for them in order to get them into society. I just need the basics, though- report cards, previous jobs on the Underground, and I will put them some tests in order to see which educational level fits better each of them. But that will be later.
So there I was, waking up and trying to french kiss the morning as Bon Jovi does. And failing miserably, just as always.
I tried my best to keep a smile on my face. It didn't work out, either. I groaned loudly, realizing that it was four in the morning. So yeah, I just can't french kiss the morning when it isn't morning, you know. And so I felt stupid and went back to sleep...
Except I didn't.
No matter how many positions I tried or how many different pillows I took, I just couldn't get my head together. I was thinking about everything and, at the same time, about nothing at all. I felt numb yet desperate to be a normal person and fall sleep immediately, considering how freaking tired I actually was.
I sat on my bed silently and put on the lights. Bad idea, but I still do it every night like this.
I frowned remarkably and stood there until my eyes got accustomed to the light. And then I started to question what the hell was I doing, as usual.
I looked at my annoying digital clock again: 4:11 am.
Great, guess I'll stay like this until the day officially starts... or until I pass out, that is.
Maybe a good drink would have been great to forget it all. Then I remembered that I had work and that, besides, I don't drink. I groaned again.
I felt like crying, like screaming or like to go outside and let a fucking weirdo kill me or make me disappear forever...
That's the worst idea I've ever had.
I wanted to punch something; maybe a mirror, maybe that elegant flower vase with a dead daisy on it, or the TV. All of those were great options, honestly. But I wasn't up to clean the mess or to deal with angry neighbors, so I didn't move.
I shoot a glance at one of my bureaus, that only had an old book on its top. Maybe I could read. I tried to stretch my hand and get it, but I ended up falling out of the bed, making my head hurt like hell. Ouch. Maybe I couldn't, after all.
I, unsurprisingly, groaned again. If I had a cent for every time I have groaned in my life, I could probably have a car instead of taking that goddamn subway. Or I could get a house. Or a life...
Nah. That's way too expensive.
I eventually got up and stared at my drawer. Then, without thinking, I opened it. My heart sank when it did.
Medicines here, medicines there. Medicines FUCKING EVERYWHERE! There was barely any space left for even a fricking pill. This is not the first time I have seen this, though, but it still hurts to see how pathetic I am. This is just a small proof. There's more, that's for sure.
I stood there silently, anxiety consuming me over. I could even make a fucking drug store out of this drawer...
Actually, that doesn't sound like a bad idea.
I shook my head, resisting the urge to be sarcastic to myself... again.
But, yes, I had such a huge variety I could make a store out of it. Do you have anxiety? Well, Zoloft for you, that is! Are you depressed like me? Well here, took a Prozac pill! Come here and get your problems away...
And contribute to mine.
Oh my god, just end my suffering.
Thanks to my wonderful boss and work partners (including college and the monsters' case, of course), I forgot that I had emotional problems as well. And that means that I haven't been following my treatment. For months.
Then I started to wonder when I had to see my psychiatrist again. I probably missed the date he gave me. Just wonderful, right?
I sighed and closed the drawer, feeling worse than before. I went to the bathroom to see my wound but there wasn't anything there. Thank God.
I ended up looking at my face, slightly frowning. People have said that I'm pretty, yes, but I think that's just out of sympathy. Therefore, I haven't been comfortable with my looks since... a long time ago.
My (e/c) eyes looked paler than when I was a kiddo. Ah, childhood. It was wonderful in its own way. No problems, no low self-esteem, no nothing. Just laughs and friends, videogames and nights playing Dungeons and Dragons with my dorky dad and my aunt. Those were good days.
I remember that I received a lot of comments, telling me that I would have a brilliant future. Hard to believe in that now, looking at what was happening.
I work in Congress and I am finishing my studies to finally become a biochemist. Being a scientist has been my dream, and I'm just a few steps before I can call myself "Dr. (Y/N)". And I'm just twenty.
When I was little, my dad took me to a neurologist in order to see my IQ. She said, in a few words, that I was super smart and super talented. I believed it but never used it as an excuse to think of me better than anyone else. Right then, I thought everyone had talents and intelligence. Now... I'm seriously doubting all those encouraging words were true. Because, even if I was a nerd, that never meant my future would be brighter.
A lot of my school partners and friends are being way happier than I am, having a perfect balance between emotions, college, and work. Me, who 'has it all' to become an important person, somehow has three mental breakdowns (at least) in one day, and it's struggling between having or not new friends, afraid of screwing up.
Is this what my parents would have wanted? For me to be a coward?
Well, surprise surprise. Your daughter is such a disappointment of a kid.
I'm a genius. That's what experts told me. They also said that this high IQ thingy may include problems socializing and, well, even mental illnesses. To be honest, I prefer being normal and not having these things than being a Leonardo Da Vinci and die internally every five seconds.
Then I noticed a warm feeling on my cheeks.
Oh crap.
I snapped back to reality and saw myself in front of the mirror, crying as if my life depended on it. Well, it kinda does, but that's not the point.
I tried to wipe them as quickly as possible, trying to banish that feeling instantly. But instead, I cried harder. And harder. And I felt more miserable than before, if that was possible.
My legs felt like jello and my eyes turned all red and puffy. My mouth was shaking, trying to transform itself into a smile. Why was I crying, again? Oh yeah, because I hate myself so much. I look awful, I'm just full of myself, lonely, and easily replaceable. There's nothing I can do about it.
I will finish my dream career, but all for what? To be more stressed? I don't know if I can quit at the Congress since I kind of accepted to be the ambassador of the monsters. Wow. I should have left someone more capable than I am to do the job. Now I'm going to disappoint them as well, whenever they see how weak I am. I mean, I'm crying while I'm looking at myself in the night... again. This is isn't new. But it just feels worst every time.
I gasped for air, almost forgetting how to breathe thanks to all that crying. I blinked a couple of times and took long breaths until I calmed down. When my vision wasn't blurry anymore, I saw my face again. All red and uglier than before. I looked like a baby losing its toy, like a child whining, or like a teenager who has an impossible crush.
I frowned, knowing I wasn't any of them. I was an adult, for God's sake.
Can this get more frustrating?
Can I be more pathetic?
I closed my fist and punched the mirror until my fingers went numb and my blood painted my whole hand...
*Frisk's POV*
I woke up later than usual, rubbing my eyes at the incoming sunlight. I groaned at the clock, seeing it was 10 am. But deep down I knew that Toriel would come for me, and so I got up.
I took a quick shower and put into more presentable clothes. I colocated a cute ribbon on my brown hair, feeling quite silly yet pretty. I stared at the mirror and saw my look with satisfaction. I was looking great! I even made some silly faces and giggled a little before coming out, interrupted by an angry skeleton who wanted to take a shower.
"kid, just fucking get out of there! what're you doin'? takin' a trip to narnia?"
"Sans, behave yourself!!!"
"...sorry ari-mom..."
I contained my laughter, knowing that Sans would be really angry if he heard me, and I walked out of the bathroom. Just a second passed before a quick flash of white ran into the room and locked the door. Oh, Sans, since when are you this desperate to take a shower?
The ones who hadn't showered groaned impatiently. I would have too since Sans lasts a long time in the shower. One time I swear I heard him singing a popular rock song (so popular I don't remember its name) and then eventually creating a song of how much he loved ketchup...
...I must admit I feel worried about his future...
Eh... let's just hope for the best.
After a bunch of complainings towards him and more people showering, we could finally take breakfast together. Thank God they were pancakes, or else Undyne or Papyrus would be trying to find out the best egg combination (which, according to them, hasn't been found yet). At first, it is fun to hear their crazy ideas, but then it turns into a competition that I get somehow dragged into it. Most of the time voluntarily, though.
However, I was too excited to let all my energy be drowned into an egg fight. Today we will be seeing (Y/N) again, and honestly, I was looking for it! She's nice, and I've been waiting to be friends with her all this time. So now that everything was, well, settled, this was my chance!
We all ate rather quickly and head out of the house. However, Asgore stopped us before we could go running to... anywhere, actually.
"Let's wait here a moment, ok?" he smiled eagerly, making me suspicious.
So we waited there for five minutes or so until a simple-looking taxi made its way towards the house. Then a 5'5 feet tall woman got out of there, who I recognized immediately.
"(Y/N)!!!!!" Papyrus screamed unearthly loud, hugging (Y/N) immediately. She looked a little bit startled by such a sudden move but hugged back shortly after him.
"Hello, Papyrus. It is good to see you again...!" she tried her best to sound enthusiastic, but she felt somehow... different. Why, though?
"Oh, (Y/N) sweetie, I'm so glad you could make it!" Goat mom added with a smile, which (Y/N) returned it kindly. Maybe I was just imagining things, after all "But, hey, come in! We want you to see where we have been living all this time!"
Sans looked a bit tense but quickly relaxed. He must have forgotten for a second that Papyrus was his roommate. Therefore, there was NO WAY his room could be dirty. Since when he cares about that, though?
And so we gave (Y/N) a small tour through the small house. She behaved as always; shy, anxious, not wanting to intrude or sound rude, making small compliments and comments in amusement. She was just super nice! I think she's one of my favorite humans.
After making her laugh a bit and answer some of her own doubts about the Underground, we all headed off to the Congress, talking about the simplest of topics.
"Oh! I remember hearing a song called 'Imagine' one day!" I told (Y/N), keeping up with the musical topic (at Sans's petition).
"You have? Well, I mean... which artist are you talking about?"
"I think it was Marshmello"
"...then no, I haven't heard that one"
"Is there another song called 'Imagine'?" Alphys asked, curious about our conversation.
"well, there's john lennon's, y' know..." Sans added, smiling lazily.
(Y/N) seemed perplexed for a second, then smiled widely.
"Yep, John Lennon's 'Imagine' is my kind of... 'Imagine', you know"
Throughout all the way we all were talking about music. (Y/N) turns out to be a Rock N' Roll and Indie listener, similar to Sans's taste. She is kind of a music nerd, actually. She would give a casual comment of something history-related to music. I think Sans felt like he was on his own mind, opening up strangely. Then I realized he was just another music nerd, and that both of them were never given the chance to talk about this with others so freely.
However, I noticed an unusual expression on Sans's face. Not a good one, I must say. He wasn't suspicious or anything- by any chance, I think he was worried...
but of what?
*Sans's POV*
It feels good to have someone to talk about these things. I mean, someone that at least can say who Slash is.
While I was talking to (Y/N), however, I noticed a wound on her right fist. Not to be rude, but she is a bit taller than I am, and I didn't want to look at a... private part of her body. Therefore, I ended up noticing a serious-looking injury on her fingers.
Should I ask?
I saw how happy she looked, talking about when she started to hear Rock N' Roll and watch concerts on TV.
Eh, I'll do it later...
Still, my mind wandered about that topic the rest of the road. And so, I didn't talk anymore, focusing on other things. Well, can you blame me? That looked like some serious shit happened.
When we arrived at the Congress, I noticed different looks from her work partners. I recognized one of the feelings on their looks: shame. They probably felt ashamed after hearing that we succeed. My smile grew wider, at least a bit, after thinking that.
We discussed a few things in her office like it was any day. Except it wasn't.
The human president made a public announcement on TV, radio, and social media, saying that monsters would be finally released and be accepted as legal citizens. Despite everything, I felt a bit uneasy. He might have been nice, but the others are clearly not like him. I just don't want to put Papy's security on risk.
We ended up leaving sooner than I thought, and for the first time in our lives, we used public transport. We received some glances, but in between, there were also kind smiles. Just like (Y/N)'s, just less dorky...
Did I just call the ambassador a dork?
I mentally groaned and took a seat, never erasing my apparently permanent smile. I felt like I was forgetting something, so I made a quick rewind on my head. But what would I have forgo- oh.
You forgot to ask her, you idiot.
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wistfulcynic · 6 years
A Dream Together
Summary: Killian is stuck in the Enchanted Forest while the woman he loves in in New York with no memory of him. His only consolation is his dreams of her… dreams that are starting to seem disturbingly real. Meanwhile, Emma Swan is starting to have some disturbing dreams of her own. 
Notes: This is an idea I had when I started thinking about what to write for Cocktober, but then it started writing itself and now I like it so much I don't want to hold on to it for another two months. Rated M but maybe E, because I still don't really know what the cutoff point is, but what I'm saying is that there's quite a lot of smutty smut. Also, I kinda blame @teamhook for getting me started thinking about whether I could write something purely smutty. Turns out I can’t, and quite a lot of romance snuck in when I wasn’t looking. 
Also on AO3
A Dream Together
The night was dark and largely silent, lit only by the stars and by the thin slice of a silvery moon, the only sounds made by the waves against the hull of the Jolly Roger. Killian sat at his desk, flask of rum in hand, idly digging his hook into the wood, tracing a pattern there. When he realised he was carving the outline of a bird with a long, elegant neck, he pulled his hook away and sighed. 
She’s gone, mate, he reminded himself, for what must be the thousandth time. You’ve got to stop this
Taking one last swig from the flask, he re-corked it and began preparing for bed. At least in his dreams he’d see her again, if only at the edges of his vision, dancing away from him as he reached for her. He wasn’t sure if that was better or worse than being awake knowing she was in another realm, out of his reach forever. Wearily, he lay back on his pillows and closed his eyes. Normally it took him time to relax enough for sleep to overcome him, but that night his lids had barely closed before he fell into a dream unlike any he’d ever dreamt before. 
They are on the beanstalk, and he sees her cut her hand on a jagged piece of woody vine. She doesn’t seem to notice. When they reach the top he bandages it for her, watching as awareness and reluctant interest dawn in her eyes as he flirts. He wants to kiss her as he had wanted to then, and this time he goes for it, knowing that he will wake seconds before his lips touch hers… but he doesn’t, and she tastes even better than he’d imagined, her lips hot and welcoming as she tilts her head and opens her mouth, her tongue tangling with his. He groans and suddenly they are in Neverland, devouring each other with hot, greedy kisses, the taste of his rum on her tongue driving him mad. Her hands grip his collar holding him tightly to her even as she pulls away from the kiss. He chases her lips with his and this time she lets him catch them, kissing him even more fiercely than before, letting go of his collar to slide her hands under his coat, pushing it from his shoulders. “Hook,” she whispers in his ear, “I want you.” He moans helplessly and tangles his fingers in her hair, his hook pressed into the small of her back so hard it must be painful, but she simply pulls him closer and purrs “I want you to fuck me,” and he wants that too, gods yes, more than he’s ever wanted anything in the whole of his long life, but not here, not against a rough tree or scrabbling in the dirt of the jungle floor, he won’t take her here… and they are in his cabin on the Jolly Roger, in his bed, naked, she is straddling his hips, her head thrown back, golden hair wild and tumbling over her rosy tipped breasts, which are there within his reach— so he reaches, cupping one in his hand, stroking his thumb across her nipple and she moans. “Do that again,” she says, “that feels amazing,” and Killian marvels at how cooperative his subconscious is being but knows he must wake soon, this can’t last. Her hands slide down his chest as he fondles her breast, and then they are on his cock and he can’t believe he hasn’t woken yet. She strokes him once, twice, then lifts her hips and positions him at her entrance. “Any minute now,” he thinks, but no, she is sliding down onto him and he knows this is a dream but he swears he can feel her tight, wet heat around him, squeezing him as she begins to move. She rides him hard and he grasps her hips, fingers and hook digging into her soft skin as he thrusts up to meet her. She takes his hook and runs it across her body, bringing it down between her legs, just above where they are joined. “Touch me with it,” she demands, and he strokes the cool metal across her clit, making her moan. She’s about to come, and he’s close too, so close, and she leans down and takes his mouth again, kissing him deeply, her tongue in his mouth and her teeth on his lips and he explodes inside her, feeling her walls clench around him as she comes. She collapses on his chest and he wraps his arms tightly around her, his face in her hair, breathing her in, and he knows this is a dream —he thinks he knows it— but it feels so bloody real.  
Emma jerked awake, gasping and sweating, pleasure and release still coursing through her. Did I just come in my sleep? she thought. Well, that’s embarrassing. Must’ve been a hell of a dream. She tried to remember, grasped at the wisps of the dream that danced just on the edge of her consciousness. She’d been climbing something, then in a jungle, then in a narrow bed in an odd, small room. There had been a man with her each time, the same man. She couldn’t quite remember his face, just a pair of bright blue eyes, a deep voice, a rough hand that felt amazing on her skin and something metal? Something sharp and dangerous that she’d somehow known wouldn’t hurt her. 
It had all felt so real. She squeezed her thighs together, prepared to swear that the dream man had been between them not moments before, stretching and filling her, his cock deep inside her, driving her to heights she would never have imagined possible. Which of course it wasn’t. It wasn’t possible that she’d just had hot sex with a pair of blue eyes attached to a man she couldn’t remember because she was here in her apartment in New York, alone. Of course she was. 
But maybe not for long, she thought, remembering her date from the night before. At least that man’s face she could picture in her mind. It was a nice enough face, nothing remarkable, but charming in the kind of dorky way that she actually really liked, with a wide smile and friendly eyes. Walsh was his name, from the furniture store. She could remember that too. So why did he seem so much less vivid than the faceless man from her dream? 
Well, never mind, Walsh was perfectly nice and Henry liked him. She was going out with him again next week, and actually looking forward to it. The dream would fade, as they always did, and in the meantime she had to make the best she could of her reality. 
* * *
Killian awoke slowly, his body sated but his mind troubled. He felt guilty and tainted. To take sexual pleasure from dreams of a woman who didn’t know him felt intrusive and wrong. It felt like a violation, and he cringed at the idea of what Emma would think if she knew. He had vowed in Storybrooke that he would live his life in a way that was worthy of her, even if she was lost to him forever he still wanted to be someone she could value. Yet here he was, failing at every test of his resolve, first by double crossing Ariel to get his ship back, now by coming into his sheets dreaming of Emma. Perhaps he’d never be anything but a pirate, he thought in disgust, taking what he wanted no matter whom it hurt. 
He ran his hand down his face, unable to keep the images from his dream from flooding his mind. They were unusually vivid, as the entire dream had been, and also unusually for a dream he’d been aware somehow that he was dreaming. He had recognised as they’d climbed the dream beanstalk and kissed in the dream Neverland that they had been in those places before, with far different outcomes. And then finally on the dream ship, where in reality they had never been together, his favourite fantasy of her coming so almost-true, seeming so painfully real… 
“Argh!” he growled, flinging himself out of bed and grabbing his clothes. It was just a bloody dream, he told himself. You need to stop obsessing. Emma is gone, this nonsense must end. For your own good, mate.  
Grimly determined, he flung his coat around his shoulders and headed up to the deck to do some pirating. 
One week later…
Killian is in a room he’s never seen before, similar to the rooms he’d visited in Storybrooke but sleeker somehow, full of bright, soft furniture and plants in pots. The door opens and he turns to see Emma, her slim body sheathed in a red dress that makes his mouth go dry, her hair tousled around her beautiful face. He wants to grab her with greedy hands and never let go, but he resists.“Swan,” he manages to croak, “What are you doing here?”
Her eyes are wide. “Hook,” she breathes, like she’s just found something she thought was lost forever. “What are you doing here? This is my apartment.”
“It is?” He turns to look out one of the windows, recognising the tall, grey buildings from his last visit to New York. “How the bloody hell did I—” 
His words are cut off by her lips as she grabs his collar and pulls him to her, in a replay of Neverland. “I don’t care how you’re here or why,” she pants, breaking the kiss only long enough to wrap her arms around his neck and sink her fingers into his hair. “I only care that you’re here. I’ve missed you so much.” 
She fuses her lips to his again and he is there to meet her, mating her tongue with his as he caresses her hair, tangling his fingers in it. They exchange deep, wet kisses for several long moments, drowning in the intense pleasure of each other’s mouths. She pulls away to catch her breath and trails kisses down his neck as he runs his hand and hook down her body, slipping them beneath the short skirt of her dress and pulling it up over her hips. He slides his hand between her legs and moans at the slick heat he finds there. “Gods, Emma, you’re so wet already.”
“I’m always wet around you,” she says. “It’s damned annoying.” 
He chuckles and strokes her, rubbing his thumb over her clit and sliding two fingers inside her, curling them against her most sensitive spot. Her breathing is rough and frantic and she grips his shoulders desperately. “I want you inside me,” she moans. 
“I believe I’m already in—” he begins, but she cuts him off, her voice tinged with frustration. 
“Your cock, Hook,” she says, “I want it inside me. Now.” …. abruptly they are in a bed, a large one with soft, pale sheets. Their clothes are gone and they are twined around each other. “Where are we?” he asks, and she looks around. 
“I don’t recognise it,” she replies, “And I don’t care.” 
She wraps her legs around his waist and he rubs his cock through her folds, coating it in her moisture before thrusting it inside her with one smooth stroke. She moans and digs her heels into his ass, her fingernails carving half-moons into the skin of his shoulders. He buries his hook into the wooden headboard for leverage as he thrusts hard and deep, his hand stroking down her body, over her hip and up her thigh then back down to curve around her ass and pull her hips even more tightly into his. 
“Fuck,” she gasps, “Fuck, yes, right there.” 
She tightens her inner walls around him and he falters and bites back a curse, fighting off the release that threatens to break over him through sheer force of will.”Don’t do that again,” he growls, “if you want this to last.” He picks up the pace again, marvelling at how this could be happening, even in a dream. She feels so incredibly good around him, warm and wet, and her hair smells like sunshine and he loves her, despite his best efforts not to, and he wants to stay buried inside her forever. But she’s making little choked noises in her throat and he knows she’s nearly there, so he brings his hand back up between their bodies and presses his thumb lightly against her clit then watches in awe as she shatters beneath him. He thrusts twice more, savouring the feeling of her quivering around him and then he follows her into oblivion. 
Emma was still quivering when she awoke, immediately aware that another dream of the mysterious man had ended in another stunningly intense orgasm. She remembered this dream more clearly than the last, remembered everything, she thought, except the man’s face. She remembered how badly she’d wanted him, how astoundingly quickly he’d turned her on— a brush of his fingers over her hair, a stroke of his tongue against hers and she was dripping and desperate. She remembered how right he’d felt inside her, how every touch of his body on hers had been exactly what she needed, what she desperately craved. Thank fuck for dreams, she thought. Sex like that doesn’t happen in real life. At least, not in her experience.
She’d known him, she realised. She was comfortable with him, trusted him. Trusted him enough to give herself over to him completely in bed. She never did that. 
Who was he? 
And why was she having sex dreams about him each time she went on a date with Walsh? 
Okay, it had only been twice. Two dates, two sex dreams. Two wasn’t a pattern. 
But it was the beginning of a pattern. 
Emma had another date with Walsh the day after tomorrow. She was already excited for it. 
For the dream far more than for the date. 
* * *
Killian groaned, cursing his weakness. He’d done it again, woken up drenched in his own cum, his mind flooded with images from his dream, images of sex with Emma so real they felt like actual memories, so real he could still taste her, could still feel her pulsing around his softening cock. 
He’d hoped the first dream was just a fluke, and when a week had gone by in which Emma appeared in his dreams only as he expected to find her there, just on the edges, always outside the range of his grasp, he had begun to relax. 
And now this. Worse than the first one in many ways, set entirely in unfamiliar places, his dream Emma speaking words the real one would never utter, telling him she wanted him, that she missed him, when that was impossible. She didn’t even remember him. 
Where had the apartment come from, he wondered. He had little experience within the living spaces of her realm, and her apartment in his dream had borne little resemblance to the rooms above Granny’s or her parents’ loft. How had his mind conjured it? He recalled a conversation he’d overheard whilst handcuffed to a bed in Storybrooke’s hospital. Dr Whale speaking to a nurse about Belle. “There’s a lot about the mind we don’t know,” he’d said, “It sometimes works in ways we can’t anticipate.” Perhaps the answer was that simple. His mind was working in ways he could never have anticipated, producing things he was struggling to process. He wished it would stop. At this rate, he was never going to get over Emma. 
Let’s be honest, mate, getting over her was always a long shot, whispered a voice in his head. Look how long it took you to get over Milah, and you love Emma far more deeply— “Enough!” said Killian aloud, quieting the voice. “I may never stop loving Emma, but that doesn’t mean I want to be plagued with dreams of fucking her every evening, dreams that seem real even when I know they can never be. Men have been driven mad by less.” 
The day after tomorrow…
Emma is already there when Killian arrives in the dream. She lounges on the bed, draped in a thin bedsheet and nothing else. It’s the same bed they were in before, only this time he can see that the bed is in a room in what seems to be a house, a room with large windows that are open, curtains billowing, the breeze carrying a hint of the sea. 
“Where are we?” he asks her. 
“I told you before, I don’t recognise it. Though I think it might be in Storybrooke.” 
“How is it that you remember Storybrooke, Swan? How is it that you remember me?”
She shrugs. “It’s a dream. I won’t remember these details when I wake up.” 
“It doesn’t feel like a dream.” 
“It doesn’t, does it? But it must be, or I wouldn’t do this.” She lets the sheet slip off her shoulder, revealing her bare breasts and taut stomach, and the merest hint of the golden curls between her thighs. He swallows hard, his eyes drinking in her loveliness, and he realises that she is eyeing him in a similar way. He looks down and sees that he is naked, his cock standing up hard and proud, and bobbing slightly. He looks up again and meets her eyes. 
“You’re so hot, Hook,” she sighs. “I can’t believe you’re even hotter out of your ridiculous pirate clothes. Are you going to come over here and fuck me, or what?”
He hesitates. If this is a dream, he has no reason to hide his desires. “I wish you’d call me Killian,” he says. 
“Killian,” she repeats, and holds out her arms to him. “Come here.” 
He wastes no more time, crawling into the bed and into her arms, feeling her wrap them tightly around him as he sinks down onto her, kissing her deeply, stroking his hand down her thigh and over her hip, then up her torso to cup her breast and rub his thumb across her nipple in the way he now knows she loves. She moans into his mouth as her fingers comb through the hair on his chest and she runs the ball of her foot up his calf and thigh before hooking her leg around his waist, urging him to thrust into her. But Killian realises that this dream is different: it seems less rushed, there’s no change of venue, their passion is softer and less wild than before. If he can’t prevent these dreams, he reasons, he might as well enjoy them, might as well take the opportunity to do to his dream Emma everything he longs to do to the real one. He snags her ankle with his hook and unwraps her leg from his waist, draping it over his shoulder as he kisses down her chest, pauses briefly to lick her nipple and suck it lightly between his teeth before trailing kisses down over her stomach stopping just above the apex of her thighs. He breathes deeply, inhaling the musky scent of her arousal, and she releases an unsteady breath. “Killian…” she says shakily. Her toes curl in anticipation and her hands fist themselves in the bedsheets. 
“Brace yourself, love,” he teases, and dives in. 
He licks her more roughly than he intended, the blood pounding in his ears and his own intense arousal robbing him of his usual finesse, but she doesn’t seem to mind. She moans and grips the sheets even more tightly. “More,” she demands, “More of that.” 
He is happy to comply, stroking his tongue through her rosy flesh, dipping it inside her, swirling the tip around her clit, almost but not quite exactly where she wants him. She makes a choked, frustrated sound and he looks up at her through his lashes. 
“What do you want, Swan?” he growls. “Tell me.”
“I want you to lick me,” she says. “Lick my clit and suck on it, hard. Make me come.” 
He is desperate to please her, but this is his dream, and he can have what he wants. He hovers over her, letting her feel his breath on her swollen nub. “Beg,” he tells her. 
Her breath hitches in excitement but she shakes her head. “Never.”
He blows a soft stream of air on her, holding her down as she pumps her hips, trying to reach him. “Beg me, Swan,” he commands in his pirate captain voice. 
She resists for all of five seconds. “Fuck,” she groans, “Fuck, Killian, please.” The pleading in her voice is genuine. “I’m begging you, damn it, make me come.” 
“You had only to ask, darling,” he purrs, and latches his mouth onto her, sucking her between his lips and swiping his tongue roughly across her most sensitive spot. She comes almost instantly, with a hoarse scream, and he continues to lick her through it, prolonging her pleasure. She is boneless and shaking, but he shows her no mercy. Keeping her legs draped over his shoulders, he rises to his knees and thrusts himself inside her so hard she gasps, and braces her hands on the headboard to stop her head from slamming into it. He buries his hook in the wood again and lets himself go, fucking her hard and deep, knowing that here in his dream she will take whatever it pleases him to give her. She whimpers helplessly, her breath rasping in her throat. He wants her to come again, wants to come with her, to tumble into ecstasy together. He caresses her breast, more roughly this time, flicking the nipple with his thumb as he leans down to whisper in her ear. “You’re so beautiful, Emma,” he moans, “So beautiful when you come. Come for me again, love.” With a choked moan she does as he asks, digging her heels into his shoulders. Her walls clench around him, making him gasp as he explodes deep inside her. He rips his hook from the headboard and collapses, gathering her close to his side. He buries his face in her hair, knowing the dream is nearly over, needing to speak before it ends. 
“I love you, Emma,” he whispers. “You know that, don’t you?” 
She nods. “I know. I— I have feelings for you too, Killian.” 
They aren’t the words he longs to hear, but they are more than he ever thought he’d have, more than he could hope for anywhere but in his dreams. They are enough. He cuddles her close, clinging to her as the dream dissolves around them.       
This time, the dream left Emma tangled in her sheets, limp and sated but with a strange yearning ache in her chest. The dream man had said he loved her, and she had recognised the truth in his words, felt that she had known it for some time. She had wanted to say the words back to him, but something had stopped her, had stopped the words in her throat, stopped her from voicing what she knew to be true.
Who the fuck was he? Where was he? Was he even real? How could she feel so strongly about a man who existed only in her mind? She felt that there were important details of her dreams that she couldn’t remember, things like his face, for one, and his name, which she was sure he’d told her, and how they knew each other so well that she would allow him such intimacies as he had demanded from her the night before. 
She needed to see him again, and she rather thought she knew how he could be summoned. Three dates, three sex dreams. Three was a pattern. She needed to go out with Walsh again, and soon. 
* * *
He was going to have to start washing his own sheets, Killian thought wryly, lest his crew take notice of his evident lack of self-control. He wondered a bit bleakly how long these dreams would continue. Each was more intense, more detailed than the last, and though there had been only three he feared that if they did not cease soon he might come to depend on them. A world where he could touch Emma in any way he pleased and she would welcome it, where he could speak his feelings openly to her, even though he knew it wasn’t real that was a powerful temptation indeed. Killian had seen men succumb to sirens, seen them taken in by pixie dust and Pan’s tricks in Neverland. He had felt nothing but pity for those men and their weakness, their inability to deal with reality, their preference for pleasant fiction over harsh fact. He had fought for much of his life against the lure of easy fantasy, yet now for the first time in nearly three hundred years he felt that he would happily leave reality behind, if it meant he could be with Emma. 
And that, he thought to himself, is how men go mad. 
* * *
Walsh held Emma’s hand as he walked her to her door. “I’ve really enjoyed our time together, Emma,” he said with a shy smile, and she nodded absently, her mind already consumed by thoughts of the night’s imminent dream. “Maybe you could come to my place tomorrow, and I’ll cook you dinner?” he suggested, and she jolted out of her reverie. “Tomorrow?” she said, trying not to sound too excited. Two sex dreams in a row, could she handle it? She decided she could. “Yeah, tomorrow will be great. See you then.” She gave him a light kiss on the cheek then turned away and entered her building, so eager to get to sleep that she entirely failed to notice the way Walsh’s happy smile twisted into something dark and menacing the moment her back was turned. 
Killian can tell immediately that this dream is different. There is no soft bed, no familiar surroundings. Instead, he stands in the yard of a farmhouse, icy wind swirling snow around him, chilling him to his bones. He looks for Emma, but she is not there. 
“Swan!” he calls. 
He hears her reply, faint and distant. “Killian!” she cries, and there is fear in her voice. He runs towards it, into the woods. There is the sound of wings, then a crash, then Emma shrieks in terror, and his heart nearly stops. He runs faster, bursting into a clearing and skidding to a halt, horrified at the sight that meets his eyes. Emma is standing with her back to a tree, a thick branch in her hands, fighting off what appear to be monkeys with wings. One approaches her and she swings the branch at it. It bursts into dust, sending her spinning with the force of her swing, and before she can regain her footing another monkey is upon her. Killian draws his cutlass and attacks it, swinging his sword in a wide arc that catches two of the simians at once. As they explode into particles, Killian snags Emma’s coat with his hook and pulls her behind him, stabbing a third monkey as it swoops at them. The final remaining monkey makes a grab for Emma, but she flings her branch at it, and when its dust clears Killian and Emma are alone. He drops his sword and spins around, pulling her roughly into his arms. “Are you all right, Swan?” he asks, brushing her hair back from her face as she closes her arms tightly around him and buries her face in his neck. 
“I’m fine,” she replies. “They just took me by surprise. Killian, it— it was Walsh.” 
“Walsh. I’m kind of dating him.” “You’re dating a flying monkey?”
“Well, obviously I didn’t know he was a flying monkey when I started dating him,” she snaps, and he is relieved that she has recovered enough to snark at him. She pulls out of his embrace and looks around. “I want to get out of here,” she says, and Killian does too but this dream is not as accommodating as the previous ones, and the clearing stubbornly refuses to change.
Emma gasps, and he follows her gaze to where a tall, skinny man stands sneering at them. “Walsh,” she says in surprise, “I thought I’d—”
“Oh, it’s not that easy to get rid of me,” taunts Walsh. “I’ll be seeing you very soon, Emma, and when I do you’ll have forgotten all of this. You’ll remember it, of course, Hook, not that it will do you any good. I’m in her realm, and soon I’ll be in her bed and in her heart, and she’ll be in my control.” 
Killian snarls and lunges at Walsh, but the dream begins to swirl around them and the other man is gone. He turns and reaches for Emma, holding her close as the dream pulls at them, tries to tear them apart. “I’m coming for you, Swan,” he says fiercely, even as the dream rips her from his arms. “I love you and I am coming to find you, I swear it.” 
She tries to hold on, clinging to his hand for as long as she can. “Killian, I lo—,” she says, and then everything is black.  
Killian was out of bed and half dressed before he even fully awoke. The images from the dream were pounding in his brain, filling him with an urgency that bordered on panic. He knew now beyond any doubt that the dream was real, that they had all been real. Emma was in danger and he had to get to her, somehow, and soon, before she saw the monkey-man again. His options were slim. He knew of only one way to move through realms, and that was with a magic bean, and he knew of only one way to get a magic bean. He also knew what the price for it was likely to be. His heart twisted at thought of paying it, but he did not hesitate. Emma needed him and there was nothing he wouldn’t do for her, nothing he wouldn’t sacrifice to save her. He paused for one last long look at his ship, then turned away and moved purposefully through the crowds towards the darkest corner of Tortuga.
* * * 
Emma awoke feeling deeply rested and crushingly disappointed. There had been no dream, no blue-eyed man with his rough but gentle hand and his deep voice that rumbled through her body when he held her close. So much for my pattern, she thought. 
She wanted to cry, which was ridiculous. She was a grown woman with a child to look after, not a lovesick teenager weeping because she’d missed seeing her crush. 
Dragging herself out of bed she headed for the kitchen to make breakfast. 
Pancakes today, she thought, I definitely need some pancakes. 
Emma and Henry had just sat down to breakfast when there was a knock at the door. They exchanged surprised looks. 
“Someone coming over?” asked Henry. 
“No,” said Emma, eyes widening as the knock came again, louder and more insistent this time. “Henry, wait here,” she said, getting up and switching off the radio as she went to the door. She opened it, and gaped for a moment at the man on the other side. He was dressed head to toe in black leather, somehow looking much less ridiculous and far more attractive than he should have in such a getup. She had never seen his face before, but his eyes… she caught her breath. 
She knew those eyes. 
“Swan,” he said, looking at her like she was the most precious thing in the world to him, and she knew his voice too, recognised the way it spoke her name. 
“I know you can’t remember me, but—”
She did remember him, though. How could she not? He was literally the man of her dreams. 
Driven by instinct, she grabbed the collar of his absurd coat and pulled his lips to hers, into a kiss that was achingly familiar. 
Bright white light burst from their joined lips, and Emma remembered. 
She remembered him. 
She remembered everything.
"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality." --Yoko Ono
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bluboothalassophile · 7 years
Rooftop Dances
Selina had probably always loved him, ever since they were kids. Different kinds of love, of course, but she’d loved him all the same.
The first time she ever saw Bruce Wayne, not in the papers of course, but in person, was on the worst night of his life. She’d witnessed his parents’ murders, heard his screams of anguish, and she could still hear those screams on the bad night. And those screams had made her hard, young, cynical heart bleed for another human who wasn’t Ivy for the first time in a long time. So she’d tried to help him out, Gordon seemed like a straight shooting kind of guy, so she went out on a limb and trusted a cop for the first time ever in her young life. Of course that went horribly but that was another matter entirely.
The first time she met Bruce Wayne she had been told she was safe. That broken kid was so genuine Selina had just wanted to guard him against the world, and scratch the eyes out of anyone who dared to come near him. The kid was wicked smart too, a bit of a stiff, but holy shit, he was so fucking smart! Selina couldn’t keep up half the time with his thought process though she did try. But the kid was clearly a genius which worried her a bit because at that time he was so damn trusting. Seriously, if someone offered the kid an ice cream cone out of a pedophile van he might have taken it not knowing to be afraid.
However, his friendship was a shock to her life; and actual damn frustration at times.
Not that it mattered, she loved the kid, and for a long time she was convinced that love was platonic, at least until one of those preppy prep school princess started looking in his way. He was fifteen, growing into his jaw, growing tall like a fucking weed, and had this voice he was breaking into. Bruce was going to be a handsome man, and those princesses were not worthy of him, at all. Selina had initially dismissed her possessive feelings as looking out for a genius level, naïve kid who she’d come to care about despite all the hells, the troubles, the antics, and disruptions he caused to her simple life.
She was sixteen the first time she’d seduced him, neither had really expected it, neither had planned it, and neither had stopped it. Selina loved knowing that later, despite all the others, she’d been his first, like he’d been hers. Bruce left Gotham shortly thereafter, left her with a goodbye note, and Wayne Manor was shut up for the first time in her memory.
Of course, she’d been concerned, but then again she had her own life and her own worries to worry about as she sharpened her thieving skills. She wasn’t staying down in the gutter for forever. There wasn’t much time for her to worry about her friend as she struggled to survive on her own.
Quickly she built up a rep for her skills, and she was good too. All she had was her juvie record, which she’d disposed of because  she was that good.
It was when she was turning twenty-six that it hit the papers: Gotham’s Prince Returns!
Selina had snatched up a copy despite herself and just stared at the cover image of him. Her cold, hard heart did that annoying thing it usually did when she saw him and she just stood there in the fog, the sleet, and the cold staring at his image. The tender barked at her and she paid for the paper as she walked home to her nice penthouse to read this. Curled up on her favorite chair she owned she scratched Isis’ head as she stared at the image of him.
He hadn’t changed, well, that wasn’t true, he had. He’d grown into those looks he’d been coming into. A nice strong, square jaw, those icy blue eyes of his. God, he was so handsome and tall, thick, he’d really grown up well. She smiled a bit as she read his story.
Of course, she wasn’t going to see him.
She’d changed, he changed, they weren’t kids anymore.
Selina went to London to steal a Bast statue. Which lead to her staying away from Gotham for a bit. Well, a bit turned out to be a year, and she hadn’t paid attention to Gotham news, so upon her return, for a job to liberate a rare diamond she had gotten a hell of a shock to her system.
Her first encounter with the Bat had been a true shock. He’d intercepted her on the roof as she was running, free as a cat and then she wasn’t. The man was huge, shit he’d scared her, she swung hard, he evaded, and for a man that size he was fast. Really fast. Kicking for his gut, he caught her leg, his voice was gruff and it sent a thrill down her spine. Even despite how he was dressed; seriously!? The man must have had mental issues or something! He was dressed as a Bat!
Somehow that was a massive turn on even as she struggled to keep her prize for the first time in over a decade, but the man was relentless. Eventually, she was teetering on the edge when she felt the call was about her life or the diamond. Selina lost the battle, but the war was far from over as she scampered off after she blew him a kiss, tossed the stranger a wink and skedaddled like no one but she could. She knew she’d left him in the dust, and felt a thrill down her spine at the thought of going toe to toe with him again.
Over the next year she and Batman went toe to toe more and more often, often leaving them at a draw, but the thrill of it got to be so much more fun. It was like a game, or a seduction, he was so serious, and such a tease, and she couldn’t help but be drawn to him. Like a moth to the flame. The first time they’d kiss, she tackled him off the roof in hopes of startling him. He’d ended up startling her, when he whispered her name in a ragged tone, and he’d saved her as he snatched her prize away and disappeared into the night.
Now it was an obsession, she would figure out who the Bat was, she would do it. He was so familiar to her, and yet so different she was trying to figure it out. He was far too familiar for her not to know. But she couldn’t place her finger on it.
Bruce Wayne’s takeover of his family’s company was news which had her cheering the awkward genius kid she’d once known, and she hoped he could change the world. His revamping project in the area she’d once lived in, the same neighborhood she’d let him live with her in, was his first of many changes. The man proved himself to be Gotham’s White Knight, even if he was uncharacteristically involved with so many women. Selina didn’t like the feeling her gut would get when she saw the headlines of his latest conquest. Some small vicious part of her wanted to claw their eyes out, but she couldn’t. Her claim on Bruce had long since ended, she’d been his first though, and that held her a special spot in his life no matter what was to come.
Her rooftop dance with the Bat continued to escalate. Their game of Cat and Bat became more of a seduction, a dance they both excelled at as they pushed themselves. The kisses turned into something more, she couldn’t get enough of that flavor of his. He was something cold, a bit metallic, but damn he tasted divine, and she was hooked. Besides, she liked having him all over her, the man was huge. It was during one of these make out sessions that it clicked in her mind who he was, as she let him ravish her.
He had obviously gotten more skilled, but it was the way he touched her which had her biting her lip to keep from whispering his name, his real name as she clung desperately to him. Bruce, he was Bruce, the hard, imposing, intimidating, terrifying Bat was the dorky, awkward, naïve kid she’d loved. He clearly had grown up a lot, and to be kind of honest, she wanted to know more about him as she brought his lips to hers again. She’d missed him so much.
She decided to pay him a little visit, as she pulled on an elegant evening gown and a mask for a masquerade ball he was throwing at the museum, she had work there and she wanted to see him. Slipping in wasn’t a problem, even as she cased the joint.
“It’s been a very long time, Miss Kyle,” his voice was behind her which had her red lips curling a bit as she tilted her head back. Fuck he’d gotten tall, she was an average athletic woman, standing at five foot six, but Bruce, he now towered over her.
“Not as long as you’d like me to believe,” she informed him. Bruce blinked as his lips curved a bit. “Been a while kid, how’s life treatin’ ya!?”
Bruce laughed, a real laugh she’d later learn, not one of his social laughs. “I suppose alright, and you?”
“You know me, always surviving,” she purred.
“Uh-huh, you can return my father’s watch to me, Selina,” he dryly mused.
“Just wanted to see if I had taught you anything,” she promised holding up the watch. He shook his head in exasperation no doubt, and she smiled innocently. She’d kind of forgotten how much she had loved him. Even as her stomach was all in a flutter, and there was a heat pulsing in her blood which made her want to kiss Bruce Wayne the way he’d kissed her last night when he’d been the Bat. But she didn’t, she’d let him keep the illusion for now, that she didn’t know. It was for the best, people like Joker, and Penguin would kill to know who the Bat was, and she didn’t want it known she knew.
Catching up with Bruce was so much fun, she hadn’t even remembered to case the joint. Oh well. There was always later.
Two weeks later it was in the news that Bruce Wayne had been at the circus when the Flying Graysons died leaving behind an orphan. Bruce was photographed with the boy, and her heart bled a bit for the kid, and for Bruce.
Two months later was the biggest news to ever hit Gotham press, ever. Even she’d been thrown by this loop. Bruce Wayne takes in Circus Kid.
The rooftop dances between her and Bruce slowed a bit, but she figured it was single parenthood and wondered if she should swing up to the Manor or something as Selina to say hi and meet the kid. It was for the best though if she didn’t. After all, she had never fully won Alfred over, though as a kid she hadn’t been trying to. She supposed now though she should have, Alfred Pennyworth had been a pretty cool, but terrifying, dude.
Nearly eight months later the Bat had a partner. She’d been livid! Not because he had a partner, no, but rather because he was willingly putting a kid into this life; after all the shit they’d been through as kids! Oh, she was furious, she was about to march right up to that Manor and give Bruce a piece of her mind, she didn’t care if she ousted him on his little secret, this should not be left to stand! Richard Grayson was a kid; and she had no doubt that’s who was behind the colorful mask and in that green speedo trapezing through the city as if he were born to fly.
However, the first night she officially met Robin, was her first night back from a job in Rome. She was tired, she was hunting up Bats, dressed as the Catwoman, and she knew that was the fastest way to catch him. She was not however planning to meet the kid who was going to be the focus of her talk.
There was a cackle behind her, she turned just as he threw some of Bat’s favored toys at her which had her evading and the kid came at her. He was bright, he was angry, he was so full of life she went easy on the kid as he attacked her.
“Mind telling me what it is I did here squirt?” Selina asked as he came at her with some impressive flying kicks, she caught his ankle and dangled him over the side of the building, he was smiling though. Damn he was tiny; he was what? Ten, eleven?
“Well, you’re Catwoman, you’re a bad guy, I’m gonna catch you!” he stated impatiently. It was that tone, just that impatient, black and white tone Bruce had had as a kid which had her softening and warming up to the kid. She sighed.
“Kay squirt, if I put you back on the roof, you have to promise not to attack me,” Selina said.
“And if I don’t?”
“Well, I don’t mind tying up the Bat’s brat for a bit, and waiting for him to come for you, I need a chat with him anyways,” she purred.
“He’s not my dad!” the boy shouted.
“Never said he was,” she stated. The kid’s optic eyes were assessing her before he nodded, and she set him on the roof; kid was tiny, she’d put him at maybe eight pounds, and he was on the leaner side. However, she was seeing he was a hell of a gymnast. “So, what’s eatin’ ya, squirt?”
And thus started her relationship with the Robins, though at the time she didn’t know it’d be more than one Robin to come.
Dick was the kid’s name, she’d later learn he was ten, could not sit still for five minutes, he had a motor mouth, he was bright, happy for the most part, but there was an anger in him which had her thinking the worst could come. She would keep an eye out on the kid and Bruce.
Ivy met Harley that year too, and love sprung up for her redheaded friend who pined for the blonde. But the blonde was trapped in that toxic relationship with the Joker, and Selina knew there was nothing to be done to save Harley or Ivy from this. Even as Ivy went about befriending Harley. It was like a sick twisted game for the Joker though, and Selina couldn’t stop it.
Then there was the matter of her own complicated relationship with Bruce, and Batman, because she knew Bruce knew she knew who he was. It was complicated. The years slipped by, the game between them manifested into quickies, and late nights, early mornings, unspoken agreements between the two of them that it wasn’t serious, this was just a release from the tensions between them. She had even said as much on morning after as she walked around her penthouse wearing his shirt.
Bruce had had her bent over her counter and screaming his name in minutes when she’d said she’d find a better lover.
Yeah, no, she wasn’t going to find a better lover, it just wasn’t possible. Bruce, a man skilled in fighting styles that were extinct, and the world’s greatest detective, was almost a god in bed (or anywhere else for that matter), and she’d never had better sex, ever.
Dick was sixteen when he ran off to Blüdhaven, Bruce had been frantic to find him. Selina had ended up in the car with her friend (lover Bruce may be, but he was also a friend to her and had been for a very long time), and drove with a madman all the way to Blüdhaven. Selina wasn’t there for the fall out between Dick and Bruce, she’d gone on a walk, beat the shit out of two would be muggers who’d have probably been rapists if she didn’t happen to be good at ass kicking.
The drive home was rode in silence.
Whatever was said, it must have hurt because Bruce didn’t seem like himself, though he seemed relieved a bit. Selina just let it be, she’d talk to Dick later, they had a standing weekly call she’d started shortly after their first encounter.
Blüdhaven’s new hero was Nightwing, Selina laughed a bit at Dick’s flamboyant costume, he looked like some Egyptian pharaoh wanna be. But the kid was smiling again, and she was told he talked to Alfred regularly. He had forged some papers making himself eighteen as he applied to the Blüdhaven Police Academy, and Selina promised to show for his graduation. Bruce would show as well, she knew that about Bruce, but whether or not he’d interact with Dick was a different matter. For as smart as Bruce was, he was not good with emotions which was why she and her lover weren’t on speaking terms at the moment.
It was a short six months later that Bruce appeared in the news with one Jason Todd as his ward. Selina had been infuriated, especially when the kid had donned on Robin for the first time. She was outraged on Dick’s behalf, and she would have had a shouting match with Bruce if the night she met Jason.
The Crime Alley was so thick in his voice, even as he tried to hide it, he had a cigarette in his hand, and the kid was small, smaller than Dick, he was twelve and he was smaller than Dick had been at twelve. The moment she saw the newest bird, she had faltered in her conviction to yell at Bruce. Especially when she started talking to the kid, she got it, she got the kid, she felt a kinship to the kid. More than she’d felt for Dick, or Bruce. This Robin was special, he made her smile. The kid was sharp, he was special, and she could see what Bruce saw with Jason, she really could. But it didn’t excuse him replacing Dick so Bruce would still get a piece of her mind. Though Jason quickly became one of her favorite people in and out of the life, he was just a bundle of life, despite the pain of his life, that kid was alive, and damn if she didn’t love him.
When Bruce’s… you know, she wasn’t even sure what that woman was to Bruce, but when Talia al Ghul showed it wasn’t good.
Selina wanted to scratch the woman’s eyes out, but she’d gone to New York on a job. She got back to her apartment though and Bruce was a wreck, not Batman, Bruce, and Jason was frantically calling, and everything was a mess; and she knew it was bad when even Alfred called her. After calming both Alfred and Jason down, and Dick who’d called after the panicked calls he’d gotten from Alfred and Jason when no one knew where Bruce was, she when about soothing Bruce. She didn’t know what had happened, he didn’t say, but it was apparent that Talia was behind this and Selina swore if she ever saw that woman again she’d scratch her eyes out. Bruce left that night.
The years blurred, and Selina remembered shattering one day when she flipped on the news.
It’d been a bit since she’d talked to Jason, he’d called because he was mad at Bruce’s lecture and she’d patiently waited while he ranted and raved. When he was done they had chatted a bit about his school, a girl he was thinking to ask to homecoming but was nervous because Jason was Jason, and he didn’t think he stood a chance. She had given him a pep talk promised to talk soon, and they’d hung up.
Now she collapsed seeing the news, and the footage as the coffin was wheeled off the plane with Bruce there. She screamed, she cried, she wept, and she hated the world for stealing that bright boy away. A kid who had been so damn proud to get out of the Alley, to have a shot at life, and to live, he’d had a future, he’d had hope, he had a life.
Selina didn’t go to the funeral, she went underground to weep her sorrows away. But she couldn’t stay there. No, she couldn’t. She had slapped Harley upon sight for Jason’s death and screamed and raged at the blonde for her lover’s crime, she had nearly scratched Ivy’s eyes out when Ivy had intervened. Selina hated the clowns, and she wanted them dead, and if she ever encountered Joker, God have mercy on him because Selina would have no mercy. The Joker had broken her Robin, and Jason had been hers, just as Dick had been, and she took that personally, though she knew Bruce wouldn’t kill the Joker, she would. If Selina ever encountered clown he was dead, and she’d consider every second in prison for his death worth it. No questions asked.
It was shortly after Bruce didn’t save the Joker from a helicopter crash and they thought the Joker dead that there was an invasion. The Darksied invasion a few months after Jason’s death, which spurred the hero world into action not that she was involved with that. No, Selina had kept a low profile, helping out the little guys, keeping kids safe. Making sure the people no body would save were safe, because that was what Jason would have wanted. Not that she was a saint the entire time. A lot of precious gems left uncared for found their way into her possession. By the end of the invasion the Justice League had officially been formed; it’d been unofficially formed for a few years now.
Six months after Jason’s death she caught the news, and her fury knew no bounds as she stormed to Gotham to shred the pretender wearing her birds’ costumes. She knew Dick was west coast with the Robin costume, eighteen and he hated it. But he was keeping it. The new kid though had it, and she was going to shred him like mincemeat. Then she’d rip her lover apart.
However, before she ran into Bruce she encountered the newest baby bird donning the Robin suit. The kid had a homemade suit; and trust her, she knew the difference. The littlest bird yet, he was about Jason’s size, or smaller, he was sweet, cute, a bit innocent too, and God the hero worship that kid had for Jason. Selina couldn’t hate that kid. His name was Timothy, Timothy Drake, and fuck did she ever come to love that baby bird.
Bruce took to the kid too, he reigned back on some of his more violent tendencies, he didn’t smile anymore, but he softened a bit.
It was after meeting Tim that Selina finally made good with Ivy and Harley. Ivy and she worked on getting Harley out of the relationship with the Joker; mostly so Selina could kill the fucker and not have to deal with a weepy Harley. It wasn’t easy, Harley was used to the Joker’s abuse, and Ivy wasn’t having anymore of it. Selina was only helping because when she stopped and thought about it, Harley didn’t have anything to do with Jason’s death and could be forgiven for poor taste in lovers. Ivy’s reasons for wanting Harley out was because Ivy was fully in love with Harley, so Selina had surrendered to help, knowing just how much love sucked.
She visited Jason on his fifteenth birthday, the grave was undisturbed, quiet, he was with his mother, Catherine, whom he’d loved very much. Selina pulled a small little figurine for the boy, something she had from her mom she’d intended to give to Jason because he’d shared a similar love for his mother as she had hers, and both had lost their mothers young to then been on the streets. Selina knew what that was like, which was why she’d looked out for Jason so much.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there, and I’m so sorry Bruce couldn’t save you,” she whispered to the grave as she stood there for a long time alone in the August heat staring at his name. Too young to have really lived, too young to have known so much pain, and yet, she didn’t think she’d met a more empathetic, or compassionate soul in all her years of life. The world was just a bit dimmer without Jason Todd in it.
The first time Bruce came to her bed was a year after Jason’s death, the grief was something shredding her lover and her, she cried that night, and though they ended up in bed he didn’t touch her. There were no words spoken, no touches exchanged, no love between them, they only hung onto one another as April twenty-seventh tore them apart internally.
Dick called her shortly thereafter, she’d been shocked to hear from the now eighteen year old, he was not happy, still serious and so unlike himself, commanding, and trying to embody Bruce’s persona of being tough. He’d taken the mantle Robin, though Tim still had Robin and Bruce had taken to training Tim too. Dick was still stubbornly clinging to Robin to try to oust the kid so another Jason didn’t happen.
It wasn’t working. Mostly because ‘Batman needs a Robin’ was Tim’s motto, and Tim was doing this for Jason.
As the call progressed Selina heard all about Dick’s new team, the Cyborg from the invasion, an alien princess named Starfire (Selina was pretty sure the kid was in love, not like with Barbara, but full head over heels in love with the alien princess), there was a greenling, named Beast Boy, and then there was a sorceress, Raven. Selina listened in amusement at Dick’s frustrations, but she thoroughly enjoyed the call all the same.
The first time her lover touched her was a year and a half after Jason’s death, and actually she came onto him. She couldn’t stop herself because she’d missed him, missed their dance, missed them. Billionaire Bruce Wayne was a family man, and still a ‘player’ according to the papers, but she knew he was done with his wild ways, he wasn’t looking for relationships, he wasn’t seeking companionship, Jason’s death had been the thing which had shattered him. He acted so alone
Oh, her lover wasn’t alone, not by a long shot had his boys, angry Dick, sweet Timothy, and the newest addition was Timothy’s little girlfriend, Spoiler. Bruce had Alfred still, and he had her, but Selina didn’t think he’d ever fully recover from losing Jason. Instead, she decided to love him broken and all because she hadn’t ever stopped loving him even when he pissed her off, even when he hurt her, even when she wanted to hate him for bringing those boys into her life only for her to lose one.
That kiss had lead to a weekend where they both forgot about their games, forgot about the Bat and the Cat, and just let themselves feel. She reacquainted herself with his old scars, and some new ones he’d collected over the year she hadn’t seen him and she loved him. She just let herself go as she loved him, for she’d always love Bruce, the ever awkward man he was, for he was awkward when he was himself and not being the Bat, or Brucie, or Bruce Wayne CEO, or any of his other personas. And she loved Bruce, sweet, awkward, dorky, broken Bruce.
Selina was never going to be a good girl, she knew it one night when their rooftop dance resumed. The Cat and the Bat, they danced with one another, and Selina thoroughly enjoyed their dance again.
Again the years blurred.
Harley finally ditched the clown, Selina had helped Harley and Ivy move into their new place, the lovers were now happy. Though there was a long road ahead for Harley.
Bruce got a daughter, he adopted two assassins’ neglected daughter. Her name was Cassandra, and Selina didn’t know what to make of the new comer other than she adored Bruce, which was cute and it furthered lightened Bruce up to being closer to who he had been before Jason’s death.
Tim joined the Titans, as Robin, he was very proud of this and told her all about it one night when he’d intercepted her on a jewel heist. She had listened with pride and amusement at the littlest bird’s accomplishments, and she hadn’t been too upset about losing her score that night.
Dick took up Nightwing after it was clear Tim wasn’t dropping Robin, and actually, Dick had kind of come around to Tim. Though Selina would testify that Tim was a very pushy, invasive, but likeable kid, one who she looked out for far better than she had Jason. Joker was not taking another of her birds, well they weren’t hers’ technically, the kids were Bruce’s but a the kids were hers’ in a smaller way, and she loved them all.
The year the Red Hood tore through Gotham was the year of the biggest change, and it wasn’t necessarily for the worse. No, Red Hood had taken over the crime underworld, he had a network superior to Bruce’s of informants, and gangs, and weaponry. He’d decimated Black Mask, which she could not find to be a bad thing since Black Mask had killed five of her best fences for fun. He’d also driven Maroni’s forces back and claimed all the working girls; who were no longer terrorized or threatened but actually taken care of.
Of course Bats didn’t like the Red Hood’s methods, and the war between the Bat and Red Hood was of legendary skill. Whoever the Red Hood was, he was good, he was very good, he could almost match Bruce punch for punch, pound for pound, and round for round. The only major difference was, unlike Bruce, the Red Hood was not afraid to kill, as she learned one night when she’d encountered him. Selina was moving off her score’s run to intervene on a gang rape.
Red Hood had gotten there first.
Five dead would-be rapists later, and him jotting down a number for the victim to call before he walked her home.
The Red Hood was lethal, but what Bats didn’t see was what she’d seen, he had compassion, perhaps not for the ones he killed, but for the victims. Bruce didn’t see that, but Bruce hadn’t seen what she’d seen, which made her only respect the Red Hood and leave him to his business as she went about hers. She wasn’t going to tangle with him anytime soon.
She’d been in Venice when the news of the Red Hood’s disappearance hit the Gotham papers. She’d come home only to find a very conflicted looking Bruce sitting on her bed looking as if he hadn’t slept in weeks. He’d aggressively, and passionately taken her, as to what was bothering him, she had no idea. Again.
Selina found out about Oracle quite by accident, she’d remembered the crippled Batgirl; who’d been attacked by the Joker to hurt Bruce, also, but as Selina had never been particularly close to that one she hadn’t ever thought about what had happened to her. But the Oracle ran a Birds of Prey, Selina found out one night, as she met the former Spoiler, now Batgirl, and the Black Bat. The Cat hadn’t ever encountered them, it’d been an interesting night, which only landed her in her lover’s bed, and her score thwarted again. Don’t ask her how because she was trying to figure that out still.
The year of the biggest change came when Bruce and she decided to try the dating thing rather than just their normal rooftop tango which landed them in bed. She and Bruce had been at this for so long that dating was still terrifying, but it seemed… it seemed safe. Or at least it did Talia al Ghul reared her head again, Selina had been out of Gotham at the time; L.A. on a job. She’d come back to find herself looking at a very angry, tiny version of Bruce in her apartment.
The kid’s name was Damian Wayne, he had olive skin, and sharp green-blue eyes, she wouldn’t go so far as to say green or blue for there was a shade of ice and a shade of emerald in those eyes. He was waiting for her when she walked into her apartment.
Yeah, she’d gotten the heads up from a cut up, frustrated, angry Dick Grayson who apparently was not thrilled about his latest youngest sibling. Selina had only half listened to him at the time but found herself looking at Damian now.
“So you’re the harlot mother warned me about, you don’t look like much,” was the first words out of the kid’s mouth.
At that moment Bruce appeared, which was good for the kid because for the first time in Selina’s memorable life she wanted to knock a kid’s lights out. After Bruce had dragged Damian, no, Robin, away she’d encountered a frustrated Timothy, who’d also been hiding in her place (Selina felt she needed to get a new place if all the kiddies were just popping in now). A tub of ice cream and ranting later, Tim, now Red Robin, leapt off her balcony which had her about to shut it when her lover appeared. Selina cocked her hip and demanded to know just what the hell was going on with him and the newest kid and everything.
They’d spent most the morning going over what had happened and Selina really despised Talia (apparently she was more than a lover to Bruce, who had apparently married her about fifteen years ago but that had shattered after a miscarriage). Talia had shown up about ten years ago and drugged Bruce, Selina remembered then that time Bruce had just shown up at her place wigged out, apparently that’s what that’d been about and Damian was a product of it. Selina didn’t like it, neither did Bruce, however, Bruce was determined to be a father, even if how the boy had come about wasn’t how he’d wanted.
“The boy’s innocent, he doesn’t deserve the backlash of what is between Talia and I,” he said awkwardly. And Selina remembered right then just what it was she had loved about this man, and Jason’s death hadn’t snatched it away, just buried it. She smiled as she rested her head on her lover’s shoulder then and they sat in silence together. She was proud of Bruce, very proud of him for taking this child in, and taking this on.
Though she wouldn’t tell him how much she loved him, or inform him of how proud of him she was, she showed him all morning and most of the day until Alfred called with a WE emergency.
Selina tried to like the new Robin, but the kid was not making it easy, and as the next few months slipped by she felt it was a herculean task. Almost a year had slipped by and she only knew one thing for certain about the newest Wayne, and Robin:
The Kid Was A Handful.
Which was why her lover and hers’ relationship was more scattered, moments more desperately stolen in the shadows, and their carelessness for the need came about. They’d had more than one slip up in their desperation for a moment or two without one of Bruce’s many kids interrupting them. Funny, she really missed the days when her biggest worry was if Bruce would pocket her score when he was distracting her. Now it was trying to get a moment around Dick, Barbara, Cassandra, Tim, Stephanie, and Damian, how the hell had she gotten tangled up with a man who had so many damn kids!? And better yet, why did she care about them, and think of them as her own in small ways? Thoughts for different times though as Bruce spun her around as they fell off a roof, her lips on his as she wrapped around him, knowing he’d catch them. They landed on a secluded rooftop finally and she pinned him as she frantically, and careless worked them free. Time was limited at this point, none of the kids were around and she needed him. Again they were careless, forgetting years of protection in their need, not that they had cared at the time.
Which was why she supposed that’s what brought her to today as she stood in her bathroom staring at the results.
Two pink lines.
“Shit,” she sighed as she dragged her hand through her short hair. Barely dating, on-again-off-again lovers, and frienemies, but nothing strenuously serious was between them. Until now as she stared at the damning stick and wondered how she was going to tell Bruce. This was going to further complicate them and their rooftop dances. Sighing her head fell back as she just breathed, she could handle this, and Bruce, and his brood, but for right now, she wasn’t going to think about it as she heard her balcony doors open and she dropped the stick in her linen closet towels as she poked her head out to see her lover walking in. A rare night when he came to her place, and dawn was peeking out now, so patrols were over.
“Heyya lover boy! Miss me!?” she asked as she smiled at him.
No words, not that she expected any from the Bat, as he cupped the back her head and caught her mouth. No words were needed for the rooftop dance, or the spark between them, it was too old and familiar to need words as she hopped into his arms with glee.
Worries for another day left her mind as she decided to enjoy her lover.
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Just cause you said please
Haha aw, thank you ♡
• Virgin? - No
• Shoe size - European 37, can use 36 👟
• Do you smoke? - I do
• Do you drink? - Not too often but yes
• Do you take drugs? - No and I know I won't
• Age you get mistaken for - pretty much any age that is above my age? 😂 hopefully between 20-25 tho
• Have tattoos? - two small ones💕
• Want any tattoos? - oh hell yeah
• Got any piercings? - tongue web, septum and belly button (excluding my tunnels)
• Want any piercings? - been wanting a vertical labret for a long time 
• Best friend? - @kaijumon 14 years and going strong ♡• *12; answered*
• Biggest turn ons - treat me with respect, touch me softly and kiss my neck, make me feel safe, smelling nice af
• Biggest turn offs - shitty personality, bad kissing or simply too much tongue, bad hygiene, showing no respect..
• Favorite movie - there are a lot of them, but I will never get tired of or stop loving Daylight with Sylvester Stallone 🙈
• I’ll love you if - you’ll let me.
• Someone you miss - my baby angel Penny💔
• Most traumatic experience - uhm.. I’m honestly not sure
• A fact about your personality - I’m pretty dmn introvert
• What I hate most about myself - man idk, I’m loaded with selfhatered
• What I love most about myself - the way I care for the people that are important to me
• What I want to be when I get older - an author and a mum
• My relationship with my sibling(s) - great with my older brother, could have better contact with my younger brother and sister..
• My relationship with my parent(s) - definitely great with my mother and still growing stronger, nothing to say about my dad
• *25; answered*
• My biggest pet peeves - people chewing loudly, seeing long stray hairs on others clothes (I always want to pick at them and take them away), dirty dishes in the sink, misplaced items f.ex. A book in the store that is obviously in the completely wrong spot 🙄 and probs more but I can’t think of any atm 🤔
• A description of the girl/boy I like - okay, well he’s about 5 feet 8 and ½ inches and has light brown-dark ashy blonde hair, big lovely blue-ish eyes that are a bit sunken in with dark long lashes, a rather wide yet snatched jawline and a bit big yet super cute ears. He has a long elegant neck with a very visible Adams-apple and he has these birth/beauty marks on his neck and along his jaw. High cheekbones and smaller/thinner lips, long fingers but I find his hands rather sexy with a few veins visible pretty much all the time. He’s dorky and sweet and he doesn’t even know I exist yet I’d do anything in the world to get to meet him and for the opportunity for him to get to know me..
• A description of the person I dislike the most - uhm.. Donald Trump?
• A reason I’ve lied to a friend - I was scared to tell them the truth
• What I hate the most about work/school - the stress
• What your last text message says - “Oi da😂😂” from @kaijumon meaning ‘woops’ I suppose 😂
• What words upset me the most - uhm idk, I suppose it depends on the situation and how the words are used
• *33; answered*
• What I find attractive in women - Confidence and smell
• *35; answered*
• Where I would like to live - Anywhere but here.. or London would be cool
• One of my insecurities - my proportions
• My childhood career choice - princess, duh 💁🏻
• My favorite ice cream flavor - real pistachio 👌🏻
• Who wish I could be - someone else
• Where I want to be right now - wherever my crush is, really
• The last thing I ate - some boring crackers that I love, but I’m about to get myself a KitKat
• Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately - Bob Morley
• A random fact about anything - everything is built up by molecules and the human skin is the biggest organ - that was two facts you’re welcome 😂
• 45. Selfie - I don’t have any new ones atm but I can try to take one, even tho I don’t feel too attractive at this moment.. 😅
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seokjins · 8 years
what is your magic (witch) au? i'm very curious please tell me more..
anon THANK U FOR ASKING omg i’m so excited abt this au!! these are just character descriptions bc i don’t have a plot yet (or a plan to actually write this out lol), but these are all the hc’s i have
namjoon + yoongi
they’re both witches! their official designations are music makers bc they’re able to conjure stronger spells using …. music …. lol. i haven’t exactly figured out how that piece relates to their magic in particular (do they compose pieces that become the spells themselves? do they get a power boost via certain songs?), but i still really like the idea that they’re able to draw magic from music u know ?? just bc namjoon + yoongi both produce a lot of stuff for bangtan irl ;;______;; makes me real emo it does
they are incredibly powerful, the kind that goes down in myths and stories and fairytales when they set their minds to it. they can raze entire kingdoms and set the the forests on fire and kill a thousand soldiers w/o even lifting a finger, or so the legends say ,, but they mostly bitch at each other and ride their stupid enchanted broomsticks everywhere bc they’re too lazy to enchant a chair and it’s funny to see monarchs shit themselves when they pass overhead their castles lol
is a shapeshifter with magical inclinations! this means he’s not gonna be as powerful as sugamon, but he doesn’t have to make his bed or cut up the carrots or clean his house or wait for water to boil and can heal minor wounds :0
i was gonna be like “he can transform into a bunny!!” lol but nah he’s a wolf you gotta go big or go home right??
he’s got enhanced senses like sight, for example. sight, smell, hearing are probably the most noticeable for him, but he’s also unusually agile, so he can jump walls and climb houses and travel via roof hopping if he so wishes. transformations are whenever and wherever he feels the need !!! sugamon’s been training him in some potion making, since that’s less of a magical art and more of a physical one, and he’s been doing well !!
he’s a mermaid ,,, IM SORRY HOLD ON HEAR ME OUT OK IT’S NOT AS BAD AS IT SEEMS ,, he lives in the river and chills by the lake but can also handle saltwater for a couple weeks before he needs to go back to his regular abode,,, he’s able to walk on land, but he hates having legs since swimming is much faster tbh
he’s got the prettiest chrome tail and creepy ass gills on the side of his neck and his teeth are all pointed (think ..vampire Extreme) and he’s got that second eyelid film that scares people who meet him for the first time ??? + his skin always has a slightly blue tinge underneath it. he’s also got sharp ass scales down the backside of his arm that will draw blood upon contact, his elbows have smth that protrudes out of it (think the top crest of an angelfish, but weapon-grade), and he’s able to produce a note high enough & loud enough to shatter eardrums within a 0.25mile radius :^))
he’s small in human form, so lots of people try to take advantage of him bc he has a sweet smile, but he’ll still have it on when he kills u ,,, so. ur gamble my friends
ah yes our resident pixie :^)) he’s got huge ass dragonfly wings and hair that changes color with the season and one of the brightest smiles in the entire world !!!!! literally part of his defense mechanism is that he’s able to blind people w just a Look ok his eyes turn gold and his skin starts glowing and before u know it,, you’ve literally been murdered by sheer beauty
he flies around everywhere ???? (walking is for mortals lmao) and is a nature based sprite, which means he spends a lot of time tending to gardens and wildlife, helping flowers and trees and plants grow !! he’s honestly not that scary, but when provoked - his internal temperature rises to above 500K, which means he’s literally walking on smoldering ground like the devil himself and one touch will send anyone up in flames !!!!! aka the reason he Glows lol
ONE OF MY FAVES omg HE IS 100%  A FAIRY but not the one from disney stories Oh No he is beautiful as fuck w his huge ass butterfly wings (he flies around with taehyung) and they’re pink and silver and elegant as hell?????? he sings a lot and is generally very dorky, incredibly kind, likes to cook, has residual magic but isn’t able to wield it in a free format like sugamon & jungkook - it’s all an extension of his magical self
he’s  a fairy, but a fairy that’s a pseudo siren..he lures bandits/thieves/criminals/etc through the forest w his pretty voice & pretty face & when they’ve got nowhere to go, he turns on them & kills them dead lol. his eyes go completely red and his face turns dark and his nails become claws and his teeth sharpen out at the ends (not so much as jimin’s mermaid ones tho) and the last thing they do is shit their pants and scream???? literally (╥_╥) he’s terrifying as hell never get on his bad side y’all don’t want him to come after you
last but not least: hobi is a sylph !!!! he works the summer winds most of the time, but he also dabbles w the other seasons too, really depends. he hasn’t got wings like taehyung or seokjin, but he can fly, so it’s a common occurrence for the three of them to go out together,,
he’s very sunshine/sweet/kind, but he’s prone to mood swings as the weather changes. he’s also incredibly, uncomfortably straightforward, not in the way that yoongi is, but the kind where he calls you out for something big with a smile on his face??and u can’t exactly tell howhe feels about you??the free wind spirit is really evident in his personality lol.
he also gets really scary when storms are around the corner bc his hair changes depending on weather, so it usually goes silver or black and his lips turn blue and the veins start pooling under his skin and he looks incredibly dead but his eyes are an unsettling shade of milky white and he’s very spaced out??? then before u know it he’s gone and ur running for your lives lol
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