#Online Ordering System Texas
derrickjones · 2 months
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Online Ordering System Texas
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nexinov · 2 years
Easy to use online food ordering software designed to save you cost. Stand out from the competition with custom online ordering restaurant software designed to your restaurants exact requirements. Whether you have a website or not, our online ordering system texas will help to expand your business carrier. Add the online ordering link to an existing website, or let our designers will create a landing page for you. Add online ordering, curbside pickup, and delivery to your menu. Whether you're a small restaurant, a regional chain of coffee shops, or a global franchise, we makes online ordering easy, efficient, and profitable. Manage all of your online and in-house operations with Point of Sale from our cloud-based all-in-one restaurant management system. No matter how many digital channels you have, an online POS system makes online menu management simple and consistent, compatible. Measure sales and profit by channel and manage your digital brand from one place.
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cable-supplies · 2 years
Easy to use online food ordering software designed to save you cost. Stand out from the competition with custom online ordering restaurant software designed to your restaurants exact requirements. Whether you have a website or not, our online ordering system texas will help to expand your business carrier. Add the online ordering link to an existing website, or let our designers will create a landing page for you. Add online ordering, curbside pickup, and delivery to your menu. Whether you're a small restaurant, a regional chain of coffee shops, or a global franchise, we makes online ordering easy, efficient, and profitable. Manage all of your online and in-house operations with Point of Sale from our cloud-based all-in-one restaurant management system. No matter how many digital channels you have, an online POS system makes online menu management simple and consistent, compatible. Measure sales and profit by channel and manage your digital brand from one place.
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rallamajoop · 1 year
The Baker Incident Report and the Resident Evil 7 Guidebook
While I’m talking obscure sources of RE7 lore, there's a couple more I’ve been poking through lately: the Baker Incident Report file (only available with the RE8 Trauma Pack DLC), and the BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil kaitaishinsho or RE7 guidebook (only available in Japanese, though some translations have made their way online).
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I’m not the biggest fan of these kinds of ‘canon’ – fans shouldn’t have to go pouring through pages of DLC-exclusive-text-dumps or untranslated supplements to find out WTF was supposed to be going on – and both of these have other problems I’ll get into below. All that said, here's some of the more interesting new info they give us.
From the BIR, the Winters were moved to ‘Eastern Europe’, as witness protection from the Connections. That's still frustratingly unspecific, but more than we’re ever explicitly told in the game.
The lab that created Eveline is in Munich, Germany, per the BIR. This one does add up: close enough to Eastern Europe for Miranda to be involved, but not so close that it would necessarily ring alarm bells for Mia when the BSAA wanted to move them right to Miranda’s doorstep. Mia’s obviously been to the Munich lab, but presumably didn’t know exactly where the mould comes from (something redacted out even in their own reports). The guidebook also places the lab in Europe, but doesn't give a city. The BIR adds that the Connections are active in Eastern Europe, and we know they have facilities in Central America. Presumably there are offices in Texas too ‒ Mia can't be commuting cross continents to get to work every day.
Eveline was shipped to Central America due to an attempted raid by the BSAA, which is far more we learn from the "Orders" file from the game. The BIR goes so far as to imply that this botched operation was indirectly responsible for the whole Baker Incident, with Chris and his team leaving due to their frustration with the BSAA's attempts to cover the incident up. The guidebook, however, tells us Chris Redfield was actually the guy leading the team behind the failed raid. I assume we’re meant to take it that the mission failed because of an info leak, but I’m still amused by just how ineffectual this franchise keeps making Chris out to be.
Post RE7, Zoe is working as a reporter for a small paper in New Orleans. We don't know if she too went through witness protection but her name was listed among the dead at the Baker mansion.
Ethan is called a systems engineer in both the guide book and the BIR (this one does seem to have been spread around fandom more widely).
Eveline was created in the early 2000s, according to the guidebook. This one really doesn't add up for me: if the project started in 2000 and had already advanced through the A-E series by the early 2000s, why did it stagnate there for the next 10 years without further progress? Did Miranda leaving the project set it back so far? They can't have been waiting for Eveline to grow up, she can age 25x faster than usual, and is being deliberately maintained at the age of a 10yo girl. IDEK, I'd be inclined to ignore this one.
The guidebook states that Mia told people she worked for a "trading company," and was often away from home for work, something which had already strained the Winters’ marriage. I'd guess she told people she spent a lot of time accompanying shipments of goods when she was really smuggling materials or taking part in covert operations for the Connections.
The guidebook gives 2010 as the year she started working for the Connections (a year before her marriage to Ethan in 2011, though it doesn’t mention when they met, which may well have been 2010 or earlier). Mind you, this is also the one bit that randomly calls her "a researcher", so take it as you will (more on this below).
Of Mia's involvement with the project that created Eveline, it says only that the Connections' Special Agents Alan and Mia were assigned to transport Eveline to America. No real indication Mia was ever involved before then.
Of Mia's relationship to Eveline, it says that Mia "found Eveline creepy, but felt sympathy for her lonely situation." You and the rest of us, Mia.
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Eveline forced Mia to lure Ethan to the Bakers' property in hope that adding Ethan to their family would make Mia more compliant, according to the guidebook. Eveline was especially fixated on Mia, having known her longer than the Bakers, and was frustrated with Mia's continued resistance to her control. Mia seems to have tried to keep Ethan's existence secret from Eveline to protect him, but somehow let it slip. All this is already implied in-game, of course, but it's nice to have it spelt out.
The Bakers feed people infected food because “oral and mucosal infections” are supposedly better for mould-powered mind-control. Ethan is obviously already infected AF well before their attempts to feed him 'dinner' (there's no way his severed hand would be usable otherwise), but IDK, maybe ingesting some extra mould would have made it easier for Eveline to control him? I'm sure a 10yo girl and a family of hillbillies do not have this down to an exact science, and I wouldn't even be surprised if feeding people mould was counter-productive somehow, given their success rate.
So why did none of those infected prisoners join Eveline's "family" alongside the Bakers? The guide book tells us simply that all were "deemed unfit" as family members, and were thus killed, and converted into molded instead.
We get official names for all the molded types we meet in the game (Moulded, Blade Moulded, Quick Moulded and Fat Moulded – pretty self-explanatory).
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As a side-note, Ethan himself gets referred to as a ‘molded’ around this fandom a lot, which really isn’t correct. Ethan’s infected by the mold in the same manner as the Baker family, whereas ‘molded’ is a term coined to describe what amounts to mutamycete zombies (see above): the unintelligent, inhuman monsters that made up the generic enemy types of RE7, whose whole bodies are simply “superorganisms formed of countless mycelia.”
The guide book also implies that Jack’s final, mutated form reflects that he’s starting to become a moulded himself, which is a very interesting little detail.
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Notes attached to concept art suggest that most moulded are created from dead bodies, covered by mould in bathtubs to convert them. Eveline is also seen spontaneously converting people to shapeless mould though, and clearly converted much of the ship’s crew into moulded-creatures in a very short time after her escape. It’s not super-consistent, but it is all horror-logic at its best (read: the rules are whatever will make this scene scarier).
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There’s a bunch of additional stuff in the BIR naming the Connections’ founder as Brandon Bailey, someone who naturally has ties to Umbrella, blah, blah, blah ‒ I’m sure it all means more to fans of some of the older games. I can't pretend to have much interest in this part myself.
So with all that interesting info, what's my big problem with these sources? Well, for one thing, you don’t have to look far into the guidebook to find info that contradicts what we already know – and sometimes even itself. One page clearly describes Mia as a special agent working for the Connections ‒ a description that matches the wording used in the Orders document, and everything we see Mia doing in the game. But then another page randomly tells us Mia was hired as "a researcher" ‒ a description that matches nothing else we know about her (though it's an irritatingly common misconception, and this book may be the reason why). No-one's checking any of this stuff for consistency.
The guidebook also features such other gems as telling us Ethan currently lives and works in Los Angeles, when both Mia’s driver’s license and all geographical logic tell us they’re from Texas. Then there's that weird bit about Eveline being created in the early 2000s... and realistically, I can only assume a lot of what made it into the book may have come from earlier concept notes that were never updated as the story developed ‒ and if you read anything else on the production of this game, you'd know that concepts changed massively as development went on.
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But more frustrating is everything the book doesn’t tell us. There isn’t a word said about the oh-so-mysterious "imprinting protocol" that Mia references in the game. How does it work? Is it, as the ending text spiel seems to imply, merely something that can be implemented in a hurry when Eveline needs to be transported across the globe? Can she be imprinted on more than one person at once? Has she ever been imprinted on anyone else? That seems likely, given that the lab’s in Munich while Mia lives in Texas (and if she's really been around since the early 2000s and Mia joined the company only in 2010, she logically must have been), but we don’t find out. Does Eveline get similarly obsessed with everyone she’s imprinted on, or is Mia special? Not a clue.
Since the guidebook was released in March 2017, long before the Not a Hero and End of Zoe DLCs, neither expansion is mentioned in the text. And since we don’t even learn the name ‘The Connections’ until the Not A Hero DLC, the group that created Eveline is referred to simply as the “mysterious organisation” (with quotes) whenever it comes up.
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Nothing is said in the guidebook about the new incarnation of Umbrella which was so prominently involved at the end of RE7 either. Possibly, this too was to avoid spoilers for Not A Hero, which does at least give us some info on them – but then, the Baker Incident Report doesn’t mention the new Umbrella at all either, and it doesn’t have that excuse. That omission is all the stranger, considering that Zoe’s whole purpose in writing it is supposedly to expose the cover-up after the Baker Incident – doesn’t Umbrella factor into that at all? It’s like their whole role in RE7 has just wiped clean.
It's also obvious there was so much more lore written for this game that the guide book doesn’t share. Early versions of collectable documents that can still be found in the game files give the D-series head and arm some fascinating backstory, but there’s nothing about them in the guide book, which is a real shame.
Mia especially stands out as a character who must have so much backstory we never hear anything about. How did she get involved with a company as evil as the Connections? How did she justify it to herself for so long – what excuses did she make to herself? Did she genuinely believe they were finding ways to win wars without losing soldiers? Was she gathering evidence against them, was she scared they’d kill her if she left? Not one single word in either the guidebook or the BIR to explain.
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Even more annoying to me, though, is just what a wasted opportunity the Baker Incident Report is to add more to Zoe’s story, when she’s one of my favourite RE characters. Included in the text is a letter she received from Mia, giving what should have been the perfect opportunity to flesh out the relationship Zoe and Mia must have built in the three years they spent trapped in the Baker property, the only two (semi-)sane people present – and what does the letter do? Imply they hardly knew each other at all. It’s the most boring possible answer, it contradicts hints from the actual game (Marguerite outright tells us they've been working together, even!), and GDI, you do not get to tell me that my girls didn’t know each other! ;_;
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Ethan and Mia similarly get the short shrift. Throughout RE7 their every interaction is building to a big scene that never actually happens where Ethan finds out the truth – Ethan knows Mia’s been keeping secrets, he never stops asking questions about it, and Mia says outright that she wants to come clean. So what does the BIR tell us? Well, post RE7, Mia mentions in an interview that she doesn’t want anyone telling Ethan. Not a word about what changed her mind. Not a word about why Ethan would just stop asking. Total cop-out.
And there’s so much more it could have covered too. There's nothing about Ethan’s ‘military training’. Nothing about the Winters' relationship with Chris. Mia’s conversation with him in RE8 suggests he was personally involved in relocating them to Eastern Europe, but the BIR doesn’t mention that either. The BIR at large is basically just an extended lore dump, and it doesn’t even sound like Zoe’s voice.
So this is about where I finish up with both of these sources: frustrating, inaccessible, inconsistent, and more missed opportunities than real material. There’s a lot in both I’ll happily go on ignoring. But I’ll still pour through them for every last interesting detail, because I am that obsessed with this canon right now, and they’re what we’ve got.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
What’s an acceptable tip for a driver who delivers a $20 pizza?
A TikTok video purporting to show a DoorDash delivery driver in Texas swearing at a customer over the $5 tip she gave him has gone viral, sparking fresh online debate over tipping culture in the U.S.
“I just want to say it’s a nice house for a $5 tip,” the driver can be heard saying as he walks away from a home in the door camera video posted to TikTok earlier this week by a user under the name Lacey Purciful.
“You’re welcome!” the resident says, appearing surprised by the remark. “F--- you,” the driver responds before walking away.
“So how much should I be tipping for a $20 pie?” Purciful, who, in a separate post said she herself has worked in the service industry for over 10 years and tips “very well,” wrote in a caption.
Purciful, who did not immediately respond to an overnight request for comment from NBC News, said the driver was fired by DoorDash following the incident.
A DoorDash spokesperson confirmed that the worker had been removed from their platform. They said the company had also reached out to the customer regarding the incident.
“Respectfully asking for a tip is acceptable but abusing or harassing someone is never acceptable,” the spokesperson said.
“Our rules exist to help ensure everyone who uses our platform — Dashers, customers, merchants — have a safe and enjoyable experience,” they said. “We expect everyone to treat others with respect and we will enforce our rules fairly and consistently.”
The video added fuel to a growing debate in the U.S. over tipping culture, with some complaining current trends may have reached a tipping point.
“Tipping is out of control,” one social media user said, commenting on the video. They said they felt $5 for a $20 order was “more than” enough.”
“I doordash and most (not all) pizza delivery orders don’t tip. That was a Rockstar tip,” another user said.
Not everyone agreed, however, with some branding Purciful a “Karen” for contacting DoorDash over the incident.
One poster said they felt the driver should not have lost their job over the exchange, writing: “What he said was not right, but he didn’t have to lose job over it. Everyone is trying to make a living.”
Another commenter noted that the driver may have been concerned about mileage, writing: “Maybe $5 wasn’t enough.”
The COVID-19 pandemic brought consumer willingness to give tips, particularly during times of hardship, into fresh focus, with many ponying up to pay higher gratuities during the crisis, according to research.
Figures provided earlier this year to NBC News by payment processor Square showed the frequency of gratuities at full-service restaurants grew 17% in the fourth quarter last year from the same period in 2021. Meanwhile, tip frequency at quick-service restaurants, such as coffee shops and fast-food chains, rose 16%, according to the company’s data.
The apparent rise in tipping came despite a period of record inflation, which has eaten away at many consumers’ discretionary income.
While the pandemic appeared to spur widespread changes in tipping culture, the growing use of point-of-service, or POS systems, to process payments also appear to have made it easier than ever for customers to provide — and for businesses to ask for — tips.
In a survey of restaurant executives by industry group Hospitality Technology, 71% of respondents said using data to “understand guest preferences and behavior” was their primary reason for facilitating POS system upgrades, while for 57% enabling new payment options was the priority.
A recent Lending Tree survey found that 60% of Americans felt they were tipping more, NBC Boston reported. Around 24% said they felt pressured to tip when the option was presented, while 41% said they had changed their buying habits due to gratuity expectations and 60% felt tipping expectations had gotten out of hand. _________________
Door dash fired him, your opinion on tips aside that's not how you act to customers unless they are directly rude to you.
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king-sassy08 · 6 months
Did you hear? Texas just banned porn.
Did you hear the "offensive to minors" content bill that stipulated an age verification to access adult content or content deemed harmful or offensive to minors was passed??? Now you have to verify your age to view such content, which can be used to restrict minor access to LGBT resources, sexual health information, and anything else the government deems "offensive or harmful."
And also in a SHOCKING turn of events, Pornhub made itself and its two subsidiary companies unavailable in Texas, calling the bill haphazard and ineffective in protecting minors and actually harmful because it forces minors to interact with potentially harmful sites and denies access to other potentially useful sites. They also said it's an invasion of privacy and a violation of 1st amendment rights.
In order to access adult content in Texas now, it would need to be done by inputting your government ID numbers to prove you're an adult (and allowing the government to know what sites you're accessing, further watchdog activity) OR verify using 3rd party systems (by verifying your debts, student loans, education, job status, tax information, mortgage information to verify you're an adult), which opens the door for information to be sold to other third parties and can potentially expose all of your private life to outsiders.
Putting aside the porn thing, not out of a sense of moral righteousness, but because that is a whole different can of worms to dissect the way banning porn is awful for everyone. Putting that aside, how is this going to affect teens, children, closeted people?
To have zero access to LGBT resources that will be deemed offensive to minors? Goodbye Trevor Project. Goodbye resources on sexual health, what STDs are, and everything of the like. STDs and STIs will increase, health complications from such issues and from potential pregnancy complications (how do you have safe sex if you're not even sure what that means?).
Banning information will not guarantee people stop looking for it or needing it! Instead, they will get WRONG information from friends and other potentially misleading sources, and feel helpless when they have no way to figure out what is going on in their lives. People don't stop needing information because they can't find it. They just suffer because they can't find it.
You may not like Texas, but PLEASE, for the love of God, there are children here. They need your help. Don't turn your back on us. Don't forget the way you learned about sexual health online when your school wouldn't talk about it, or the way you watched that first porn and said, "fuck, I think I'm gay." Cast your gaze towards Texas! I'm begging you to have a little heart.
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Democratic attorneys general call for federal probe of Greg Abbott pardon | Chron.
By Brooke Kushwaha
Texas Governor Greg Abbott's recent pardon of convicted killer Daniel Perry is now the target of 14 Democratic Attorneys General who are calling on the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate the pardon.
The letter penned by New York Attorney General Letitia James and signed by 13 other Democratic Attorneys General urged U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to open a civil rights investigation into Perry, who was convicted of murder and later pardoned after killing Garrett Foster at a Black Lives Matter protest in Austin.
Governor Abbott vowed to pardon Foster before he was even convicted last year, citing Texas’ “stand your ground” laws permitting certain instances of armed self-defense if an individual feels threatened. Both Perry and Foster had been armed in the altercation, but Perry fatally shot Foster. Within a year, the governor-appointed Texas parole board recommended Perry’s pardon and Governor Abbott acted swiftly to approve his release. Perry walked free within an hour of the announcement.
In the absence of state intervention, James called on the federal government to bring Perry to justice, characterizing Perry's actions as racially motivated acts of hate.
“The facts of the case were egregious,” James wrote, noting that a jury of 12 had voted to convict Perry of murder after the discovery that he had posted online advocating for vigilante murder of racial justice protestors.
James cited the Dept. of Justice’s history of taking on civil rights cases superseding local and state justice systems, and expressed concern that Texas' "stand your ground" laws as enforced by Abbott could encourage others to commit further acts of violence against protestors.
“At the time of his murder, Garrett Foster was exercising his First Amendment right to protest, as a part of broader protests against police brutality and racial injustice in the summer of 2020,” James wrote. “Texas law does not prevent a federal prosecution for Mr. Perry’s act of killing someone for racial reasons in order to prevent him from exercising constitutional rights.”
Governor Abbott's office did not respond to request for comment.
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mariacallous · 3 months
A Texas bankruptcy court judge brought Infowars back from the brink of death on Friday, a surprising ruling which conspiracy kingpin Alex Jones attempted to use to—naturally—make more money. This time, Jones is promoting a supplement company owned by his father.
Judge Christopher M. Lopez issued a split ruling last week, saying that Jones can follow through with a plan his attorneys had requested and liquidate most of his assets to pay the nearly $1.5 billion judgment he owes to the families of children and staff members killed at Sandy Hook after repeatedly calling the mass shooting a “hoax.”
Though Jones lost by default in defamation cases brought by Sandy Hook families in both Connecticut and Texas, the families have yet to see a dime of the money owed to them; Friday’s hearing was one piece of a long-awaited day of reckoning for the man they said was the single biggest driver of lies about their dead children and hatred, threats, and harassment directed toward their families.
But the judge rejected a bankruptcy plan that would have also liquidated Free Speech Systems, the parent company of Infowars, the 25-year-old media empire that made Jones into the foremost face of conspiracism in America. The network will live for now, although it remains unclear how long. Jones responded to the crisis in his usual way: by shilling supplements, albeit this time with a curious twist.
As the bankruptcy proceedings have dragged on—and on and on—Jones has used his one true talent to powerful effect, urging his viewers to send money to an entity not directly owned by him, and thus not answerable to the Sandy Hook families and his other creditors.
In recent weeks, Jones has been promoting a new supplements site, Dr. Jones Naturals, on air. He says it’s owned by his father, David Jones, a dentist. Alex Jones has been urging people to spend their money there in addition to, or instead of, at Infowars' in-house store. “My dad is a sponsor, and he has a warehouse that’s not under their control, full of products ready to ship to you,” Jones said on-air last week. A representative for Free Speech Systems also testified in court that Infowars had stopped ordering supplements for its in-house store several weeks ago, expecting an imminent shutdown.
The things on offer from Dr. Jones Naturals don’t differ greatly from the things Infowars sells itself; there’s the usual bouquet of colloidal silver products, a longtime faux cure-all in the natural health world, along with something oxymoronically called Rocket Rest, a product called Top Brain, and, for the completist, a set of products called the Patriot Pack. There’s also a pack of “super silver lozenges,” where the product photo shows an expiration date of 2022.
“It’s an obvious fraud on the bankruptcy court,” Chris Mattei, an attorney for the Connecticut families, tells WIRED, referring to Jones' directing people on-air to his father’s supplements website. “He’s not supposed to divert assets.”
This isn’t the first time the families have credibly accused Jones of diverting Infowars’ assets to businesses owned by family members. When the company first filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2022, lawyers for the Texas families accused Jones of “conspir[ing] to divert his assets to shell companies owned by insiders like his parents, his children, and himself.” One of those companies was an entity called PQPR Holdings, an alleged Infowars vendor that claims to supply virtually everything in its online store. Other shell companies, the lawyers alleged, were holding companies that the lawyers said were “directly or indirectly” owned by Jones, his parents, or his children, and which in some cases bore their initials. (The fight over PQPR continues in bankruptcy court.)
For both sets of families, the concern about Jones allegedly looting the company on his way out the door remains very real. Lawyers for the families made clear during the hearing that they were ultimately looking to preserve the value of the company to create an equitable distribution of Jones’ assets to his many, many creditors, and, of course, prevent him from carrying out what they allege is the latest fraudulent scheme he’s using to keep money hidden.
In the hearing, Jones’ assets were ordered dissolved. Though he will be allowed to keep his house, other personal assets, like his gun collection, could also be up for auction. But since the court rejected a bankruptcy plan for Free Speech Systems, the families can now try to collect the judgments they won in state court. The Connecticut plaintiffs had asked the judge to pave the way for an “orderly wind down” of Jones’ business affairs, as several lawyers put it, while the Texas families favored a plan to keep the company operational for now, with their lawyers arguing that they could better pursue claims for their clients that way.
Besides hawking his dad’s business, in the leadup to the hearing, Jones also milked every bit of content and attention from Infowars’ possible imminent nonexistence that he could. He sat down for laudatory interviews with both Tucker Carlson and Russell Brand that aired on Infowars and loudly ruminated on what he called “the twilight” of the network and “the countdown to the end of this place.”
Jones’ last week of broadcasts was a greatest-hits of weird characters from across the conspiracy-verse. Besides Brand and Carlson, Mikki Willis, the filmmaker behind the viral faux-documentary Plandemic, also showed up with friends to promote a new project, as did Stew Peters, an antisemitic far-right broadcaster who has recently been named the communications director of an armed national militia. Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes also hosted a segment where he ranted about Black Lives Matter.
On Friday morning, Jones posted a video on X of himself driving down a Texas highway toward the courthouse, declaring that “the Democratic party and the Deep State” were trying to take control of his assets and social media accounts.
“This is real tyranny,” he declared, adding that if Trump is reelected, “he’s going to put them all in prison.”
Jones also claimed on-air last week that an Infowars shutdown would only make him more powerful. “You make it bigger by shutting it down, dumbos,” he declared. After the verdict, in an “emergency broadcast” over the weekend, Jones called the hearing “absolutely epic” and denounced allegations that he was “stealing money” as “fake.”
The verdicts against Jones, Mattei told WIRED last week, were “a cathartic moment of validation. And Friday if the judge rules that the company needs to be liquidated will be another moment where they feel like they’ve done everything they could do to protect others. They didn’t lay down.”
But that is, of course, not what happened. “It’s just Biblical,” Jones exalted over the weekend, speaking to one of his frequently replaced junior hosts. “It’s almost like God is really just being entertained by all this and is just wanting to see the fight continue.”
While the families have clearly fought hard, Friday’s split ruling is, instead, a signal that their fight is, for now, not even close to over. And as Jones and Infowars keep covering their own unlikely survival, they’re still hawking both their in-house store and Dr. Jones’ Naturals.
“We’re selling it for $12 and change,” Jones said at one point during the “emergency broadcast,” extolling the virtues of a certain supplement. He paused for a moment. “My dad is.”
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Ann Telnaes, Washington Post :: [h/t Robert Scott Horton]
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Standing up to Trump's political terrorism.
August 18, 2023
          Trump knows that a jury of his peers will convict him in a fair trial. He has therefore resorted to extra-judicial efforts to intimidate and prejudice the jury pool. His efforts are not only extra-judicial, they are undemocratic, thuggish, and illegal. Like a crime lord with feral instincts, Trump knows how to threaten without threatening and brutalize without leaving fingerprints at the scene of the crime. Instead, he grants permission to his followers to violate laws and norms, encouraging them to do the dirty work necessary to defend the indefensible.
          Over the last several days, the breadth and viciousness of Trump’s assault on the legal system became manifest as MAGA extremists attacked the judge and jurors in Trump's various criminal proceedings. Before reviewing the latest insults to the rule of law, let’s skip to the end to discuss the solution: We must recognize that Trump is engaged in political terrorism designed to frighten good people who are the backbone of democracy. We cannot let that happen. The solution is not to shrink in fear, but to swell in numbers, strengthen our resolve, and dispel the exaggerated fears created by a skulk of cowards who hide in internet shadows.
          In America, there is an ever-present risk of violence that cannot be entirely dismissed. Law enforcement and prosecutors should, therefore, vigorously pursue and prosecute the small, frightened, impotent cultists who threaten jurors, judges, and prosecutors. But we must recognize that the business model of political terrorism is for a few individuals to instill outsized and unwarranted fear in the masses. Recognizing that truth should allow us to keep in perspective the fact that a few thousand online pseudo-terrorists vanish to nothingness compared to 335 million Americans.  
          America is bigger than Trump and his minions. We should not cower in fear but should pursue justice with confidence and righteousness. We are protecting the Constitution and our system of laws. We cannot fail in that task—and there is nothing that cowards with keyboards can do to deter us.
          Against that background, let’s look at the events on the ground.
          Abigail Jo Shry of Alvin, Texas, threatened Judge Tanya Chutkan in a voicemail message that began with racial slurs and ended with threats of violence. Shry was quickly questioned, arrested, and charged in federal court. The magistrate ordered that she remain in pretrial detention for at least 30 days pending a determination of her danger to the community. That is type of federal response that will deter future threats.
          At Shry’s detention hearing, her father provided background on Abigail Shry’s threats:
Her father, Mark Shry, testified at her detention hearing and said his daughter is a “non-violent alcoholic,” according to the court filing. [Her father] testified, “that she sits on her couch daily watching the news while drinking too many beers. She then becomes agitated by the news and starts calling people and threatening them.” Her father said, “his daughter never leaves her residence and therefore would not act upon her threats.”
          There have also been threats against members of the Fulton County grand jury that indicted Trump and eighteen other defendants on RICO charges. See NYTimes, Officials Investigate Threats Against Trump Grand Jurors in Georgia (accessible to all). The Fulton County sheriff issued an anodyne statement acknowledging the threats and stating that the sheriff was investigating. (The statement said the sheriff was “aware of online threats against grand jurors and was working with other agencies to track down their origin.”)
          A stronger statement from the sheriff and the quick arrest of several perpetrators would go some distance to damping the false bravado of other beer-fueled couch terrorists. A stronger reaction is necessary because the online threats are directed not only against the grand jurors, but future jurors who will preside over Trump’s criminal trials.
          But there is more.
          Trump released a video in which he attacked special prosecutor Jack Smith as a “deranged lowlife” for obtaining Trump's Twitter feed. See Forbes, Trump Attacks Jack Smith For Gaining Access To His Old Twitter Account. This is the type of statement that should cause Judge Tanya Chutkan to remand Trump into custody. At the very least, the statement should be added to the list of offenses that will finally cause Trump to be detained pending trial.
          Detaining Trump before tria is not only inevitable but also necessary. Trump's continued attacks are having a corrosive effect that seeps into the nooks and crannies of the justice system everywhere. Many readers have commented on the raid on a Kansas newspaper because of efforts by the newspaper to report on the failure of local police to enforce DUI laws against a local businessman. Based on a questionable search warrant issued by a local magistrate, police seized computers, cell phones, and files—a gross violation of federal protections granted to members of the news media.
          The public outcry and obvious illegality of the seizure forced the police to return the seized items and the local prosecutor to withdraw the questionable warrant due to 'insufficient evidence’. But the question remains, “How could this happen? How is it that local police and magistrate could ignore constitutional and statutory protections for the press?” Some of the sordid answers are detailed in this investigative piece by The Wichita Eagle, Judge Laura Viar, who approved newspaper raid, has DUI arrests.  
          Apart from the local magistrate’s questionable potential bias due to her own history of DUI troubles, another answer is that the police and magistrate are modeling themselves after a national GOP in which the rule of law is an impediment to power. In short, they thought they could get away with trampling the Constitution. Fortunately, they were wrong—and will likely be charged with crimes and serve time in jail. As should Trump.
          If Americans see that Trump is punished for his attacks on the justice system pending trial, others will realize that they, too, must respect the justice system. We owe the Constitution nothing less.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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datascraping001 · 2 years
Electrical and Roofing Contractor Data Scraping
If you’re looking for an electrical and roofing contractor online, it’s about to be much simpler. That’s because many of these contractors usually have information on their websites about the services they provide. It’s important to find a Contractor Data Scraping Service or software that can help you get everything you’re looking for in one place.
Electrical and Roofing Contractor Data Scraping Services
This offer is perfect for any contractors looking to collect data from local businesses. We will provide you with the most up-to-date information about your industry and save you time in the process. Updates come out weekly, and we make it easy to order custom reports. Moreover, this offer provides an automated system that scrapes data from Home Advisor's directory, so it's easier than ever to get accurate information.
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Contractor Data Scraping
The DataScrapingServices team employs a variety of techniques in data scraping, including web scraping, third-party services, and APIs. Our top priority is customer success, and with this in mind, you’ll find affordable rates for every budget. You can also rely on us for support when it comes to gathering key contact information about those in your network or for individual use. We know that accuracy is important when recording key contacts, so we utilize our data-scraping expertise to collect this information quickly.
List of Data Fields
DataScrapingServices is an expert in scraping data from various websites using contractor data scraping services.
Contractor Name Contact Name Street Address City State Zip Phone Fax Email Website Business Category Review Business Ratings
Popular Contractor Directories List
We extract contractor data from the following list of directories:
Angi.com Buildzoom.com Contractorleadshq.com Everycontractor.com Easyleadz.com Fountain.com Homeadvisor.com Homestars.com Houzz.com Manta.com Merchantcircle.com Superpages.com Thumbtack.com Yelp.com
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With our Contractor Data Scraping Services, you’ll be able to obtain the latest Contractor data from any website or directory, regardless of whether it’s on a mobile or desktop device.
Using our Contractor data scraping services, you can collect information on potential contractors.
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cpirits · 8 hours
// vent
I just love it when my body is in so much pain that I dissociate for a couple of hours, and my alters are trying to pick up my pieces... I don't deserve my system sometimes, even if we're not like a normal system (which I can't say I know that many systems at all lol.)
Some of them want to be heard on here, and in different ways, but it's nerve-wracking, and some of them are scared, but I know my headmates can be who they want to be online, themselves.
I know I should put this on my personal blog, but I can't be bothered. This is relevant here, but I can't explain it too well, I just have this anger at myself for being so weak that my alters have to pick me up and be the ones who see me at this point, I can't even talk to my friends when it happens because I'm literally in my own head.
And as I've been dissociated, I've somehow gotten through two episodes of My 600lb Life without realizing it, yeah, I'm weird in that I enjoy watching shows such as this, in order to NOT somehow become that big, I'm over 200lbs myself, and I chalk that up to my bio-mom being big herself, family genes are one thing to blame, as I was skinny most of my life, until I hit 20, and maybe my hormones are off, and I'm breaking down as I age; though I'm only 31.
I sit here watching this and I am breaking for these people who are 400+lbs more than me, it's heartbreaking. But it's a little bit of a propellant to try and attempt to get myself on the right track. And that all starts with money, and cutting out things I don't need to eat/drink. I'm saying all this for myself and only myself, I don't expect anyone to comment or anything, I need to pick myself up and BE BETTER, DO BETTER. To not just say it, but start putting my thoughts into action.
I really FEEL this woman, Janine and her story of moving states to Texas to relocate to have the chance to get barbaric surgery and get a better life. I myself moved to Texas from another state to start anew and become more than myself, more than what my parents thought. I also hope her cat is okay. ;;w;; She brought a cat with her luggage.
My insomnia doesn't help anything, and I didn't take my melatonin around 1:30 like I should have. Though I know I shouldn't get dependent on it, and I should have talked to a doctor about it before starting it; but I still need to find a new doctor as the one I had seen twice moved practices, and I still have to call next month to see his replacement.
There are all these factors around my getting healthy, and things that get in the way; I myself am the biggest obstacle, but I might bring these up with my therapist when I see her, it can only do so much venting here...
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derrickjones · 7 months
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aclassicbloom · 12 days
Beautiful Flowers in Houston, Texas
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Send beautiful, affordable flowers and gifts with Flower Delivery in Houston, Katy, Bellaire, and other areas in Texas. Congratulate a colleague with live plants. Whatever the event, A Classic Bloom Florist got you covered.
With our easy online ordering system, sending flowers and gifts is a breeze. Whether you're at home or on the go, browse our wide selection of flowers, bouquets, arrangements, and more.
Make a lasting impression on your loved ones with dazzling bouquets and gifts from A Classic Bloom!
A Classic Bloom Florist 6560 Fannin Street Suite 230 Houston, Texas 77030 (713) 664-2020 https://www.aclassicbloom.com/
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Send beautiful, affordable flowers and gifts with Same-Day Delivery in Spring, Texas, and other selected areas.
With our easy online ordering system, sending flowers and gifts is a breeze. Whether you're at home or on the go, browse our wide selection of flowers, bouquets, arrangements, and more.
For Florist and Flower Delivery Service, order from Wildflower Family of Florists in Spring TX.
Wildflower Family of Florists 5115 Louetta Rd, Spring, TX 77379, USA (281) 370-4285 https://www.wildflowerflorist.com/
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govindhtech · 13 days
IBM Cloud’s DAL14 Boosts Hybrid Cloud And Data Redundancy
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In Texas, everything is larger, even the footprint of the IBM Cloud Network. The tenth data center for IBM Cloud, which supports its virtual private cloud (VPC) operations, opened its doors today in Dallas, Texas. The fourth availability zone in the Dallas, Texas, IBM Cloud area is DAL14, the most recent addition. It is an addition to the current configuration, which consists of one federal data center, two network points of presence (PoPs), and one single-zone region (SZR).
DAL14, the fourth availability zone (AZ) in the Dallas, Texas, region, is the newest addition to IBM Cloud.
The new availability zone in IBM Cloud’s Dallas area, DAL14, provides companies with a number of important advantages:
Enhanced Resilience: By dispersing applications and services over several zones, users can create highly resilient architectures using the four availability zones (including DAL14). In the event that a failure occurs in any one zone, this lowers the chance of downtime.
Scalability: In order to accommodate traffic spikes and demand surges without sacrificing performance, IBM Cloud users can scale workloads across several availability zones, including DAL14.
Data Redundancy: By offering a second geographic location inside the same region, DAL14 improves the choices for data redundancy. Ensuring that data is replicated and kept in a safe, remote location is essential for applications that need disaster recovery.
Low Latency: Dallas-area users can now execute and store data closer to their consumers by integrating DAL14. This improves response times and lowers latency, particularly for applications that need to process data quickly and in real-time.
Support for Hybrid Clouds: DAL14 facilitates the use of IBM Cloud’s security and flexibility to enable businesses to integrate cloud resources with on-premises data centers.
Strict regulatory and compliance criteria are followed by IBM Cloud, and the new zone will continue to provide strong security standards with firewall protections, encryption, and other security measures.
With this expansion, IBM Cloud’s overall capabilities in North America are strengthened, offering organizations more alternatives and flexibility when developing and implementing their cloud infrastructures.
The facility is built to support the utilization of enterprise-grade cloud computing workloads, including generative AI, secret computing, large-scale in-memory databases, and high-volume online applications with fluctuating traffic peaks.
According to Jay Jubran, Director of IBM Cloud Product Management Infrastructure Services, “the new state-of-the-art DAL14 expansion zone is a testament to our VPC growth providing additional capacity for our clients in the Dallas region and a commitment to our delivery of advanced networking solutions.” “Our customers can expand their workloads in IBM Cloud with peace of mind when they invest in our data centers.”
Refresher on terminology: zones, regions, and IBM Cloud VPC
Built on an extremely secure and robust software-defined network (SDN), IBM Cloud VPC allows you to create separate private clouds for your business needs while still enjoying the adaptable advantages of a public cloud. You select the processing, storage, and networking resources you need, and IBM Cloud offers hyperscalability and optimal availability.
Let’s take a brief look at the fundamental ideas behind zones and regions as they relate to IBM Cloud VPC setups.
Region: An abstraction associated with the geographical area where a virtual private cloud (VPC) is installed is called a region. There are several zones, or separate fault domains, within each area. A VPC can cover more than one zone in the designated area.
Zones: A zone is a physical representation of a data center that houses network, compute, and storage resources as well as the associated power and cooling systems. It also offers services and applications. To reduce latency, enhance fault tolerance, and remove shared single points of failure, zones are segregated from one another. Applications and databases are intended to be highly available, fault tolerant, and scalable through the use of availability zones.Image credit to IBM
Dallas’s cloud industry has a bright future
The Texas data center market has been expanding, and it doesn’t seem like it will slow down any time soon, much like the number of businesses relocating to the state. The Dallas data center market is estimated by Moder Intelligence to be worth 419.64 MW this year, and over the next five years, it is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.7% to 941.92 MW.
The report’s market trends list COVID-19, the need for hyperscalability, the demand for hybrid clouds, and the growing acceptance of AI as some of the causes driving up cloud computing demand in Dallas.
As the amount of data generated in Dallas increases in sectors including government, financial services, telecom, and healthcare, IBM Cloud hopes to increase its networking presence in the region in response to customer and business partner requests.
DAL14’s solutions for IBM Cloud VPC
Additionally, the complete IBM Cloud VPC line will reside in DAL14. Every affordable choice is designed to meet specific needs for platform as a service (PaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and hybrid cloud, including x86 with 4th Gen Intel Xeon processing capability, VMware, SAP, and IBM Z.
For example, IBM Cloud Virtual Servers, a portfolio that includes recent news on using Intel Gaudi 3 AI accelerators, will be housed at the new multizone region (MZR) site. IBM Cloud Direct Link, IBM Cloud Block and File Storage, IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers for VPC, and other features will also be supported. With seven MZRs in all and eighteen availability zones constructed to specification for fast access, low latency, low cost migration, and certified security, the complete range is global in scope.
Resiliency, performance, security, and compliance are at the heart of IBM Cloud’s commitment to supporting clients and enterprises who are expanding their operations to Dallas and other metro areas in the greater southwest region.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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juantvaldez · 1 month
How FedEx Guarantees Safe and Secure Deliveries
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FedEx takes package safety seriously. They use advanced technology to ensure secure delivery. Every package gets a unique tracking number. This number tracks the package from start to finish. A customer in Texas ordered a fragile vase. She could track it online at every step. The vase arrived undamaged, proving FedEx’s commitment to safety. Their tracking system also helps in case of delays or issues. FedEx can quickly locate and resolve problems.
FedEx also focuses on proper packaging. They provide guidelines for safe packing. For fragile items, they offer special packaging materials. An art gallery in New York used FedEx to ship a valuable painting. They followed FedEx’s packing guidelines. The painting arrived in perfect condition. FedEx also offers packing services in-store. This ensures items are packed securely. For heavy or large shipments, FedEx uses special handling. They have trained staff who know how to handle delicate items. This reduces the risk of damage during transit.
Security is another priority for FedEx. They use secure facilities and vehicles. Packages are protected from theft or tampering. A jewelry store in Florida shipped expensive items with FedEx. The store used FedEx’s signature confirmation service. The items were delivered safely and handed directly to the recipient. This level of security gives peace of mind. FedEx also offers insurance options. If something goes wrong, the value of the package is covered. This extra protection is important for high-value shipments. Through tracking, proper packaging, and strong security, FedEx ensures safe delivery. Customers trust FedEx to handle their important and valuable shipments with care.
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