#The Bakers
over & over resident evil animation
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k1ru-https · 3 months
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Welcome to the family, son.
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rallamajoop · 9 months
The Baker Incident Report and the Resident Evil 7 Guidebook
While I’m talking obscure sources of RE7 lore, there's a couple more I’ve been poking through lately: the Baker Incident Report file (only available with the RE8 Trauma Pack DLC), and the BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil kaitaishinsho or RE7 guidebook (only available in Japanese, though some translations have made their way online).
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I’m not the biggest fan of these kinds of ‘canon’ – fans shouldn’t have to go pouring through pages of DLC-exclusive-text-dumps or untranslated supplements to find out WTF was supposed to be going on – and both of these have other problems I’ll get into below. All that said, here's some of the more interesting new info they give us.
From the BIR, the Winters were moved to ‘Eastern Europe’, as witness protection from the Connections. That's still frustratingly unspecific, but more than we’re ever explicitly told in the game.
The lab that created Eveline is in Munich, Germany, per the BIR. This one does add up: close enough to Eastern Europe for Miranda to be involved, but not so close that it would necessarily ring alarm bells for Mia when the BSAA wanted to move them right to Miranda’s doorstep. Mia’s obviously been to the Munich lab, but presumably didn’t know exactly where the mould comes from (something redacted out even in their own reports). The guidebook also places the lab in Europe, but doesn't give a city. The BIR adds that the Connections are active in Eastern Europe, and we know they have facilities in Central America. Presumably there are offices in Texas too ‒ Mia can't be commuting cross continents to get to work every day.
Eveline was shipped to Central America due to an attempted raid by the BSAA, which is far more we learn from the "Orders" file from the game. The BIR goes so far as to imply that this botched operation was indirectly responsible for the whole Baker Incident, with Chris and his team leaving due to their frustration with the BSAA's attempts to cover the incident up. The guidebook, however, tells us Chris Redfield was actually the guy leading the team behind the failed raid. I assume we’re meant to take it that the mission failed because of an info leak, but I’m still amused by just how ineffectual this franchise keeps making Chris out to be.
Post RE7, Zoe is working as a reporter for a small paper in New Orleans. We don't know if she too went through witness protection but her name was listed among the dead at the Baker mansion.
Ethan is called a systems engineer in both the guide book and the BIR (this one does seem to have been spread around fandom more widely).
Eveline was created in the early 2000s, according to the guidebook. This one really doesn't add up for me: if the project started in 2000 and had already advanced through the A-E series by the early 2000s, why did it stagnate there for the next 10 years without further progress? Did Miranda leaving the project set it back so far? They can't have been waiting for Eveline to grow up, she can age 25x faster than usual, and is being deliberately maintained at the age of a 10yo girl. IDEK, I'd be inclined to ignore this one.
The guidebook states that Mia told people she worked for a "trading company," and was often away from home for work, something which had already strained the Winters’ marriage. I'd guess she told people she spent a lot of time accompanying shipments of goods when she was really smuggling materials or taking part in covert operations for the Connections.
The guidebook gives 2010 as the year she started working for the Connections (a year before her marriage to Ethan in 2011, though it doesn’t mention when they met, which may well have been 2010 or earlier). Mind you, this is also the one bit that randomly calls her "a researcher", so take it as you will (more on this below).
Of Mia's involvement with the project that created Eveline, it says only that the Connections' Special Agents Alan and Mia were assigned to transport Eveline to America. No real indication Mia was ever involved before then.
Of Mia's relationship to Eveline, it says that Mia "found Eveline creepy, but felt sympathy for her lonely situation." You and the rest of us, Mia.
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Eveline forced Mia to lure Ethan to the Bakers' property in hope that adding Ethan to their family would make Mia more compliant, according to the guidebook. Eveline was especially fixated on Mia, having known her longer than the Bakers, and was frustrated with Mia's continued resistance to her control. Mia seems to have tried to keep Ethan's existence secret from Eveline to protect him, but somehow let it slip. All this is already implied in-game, of course, but it's nice to have it spelt out.
The Bakers feed people infected food because “oral and mucosal infections” are supposedly better for mould-powered mind-control. Ethan is obviously already infected AF well before their attempts to feed him 'dinner' (there's no way his severed hand would be usable otherwise), but IDK, maybe ingesting some extra mould would have made it easier for Eveline to control him? I'm sure a 10yo girl and a family of hillbillies do not have this down to an exact science, and I wouldn't even be surprised if feeding people mould was counter-productive somehow, given their success rate.
So why did none of those infected prisoners join Eveline's "family" alongside the Bakers? The guide book tells us simply that all were "deemed unfit" as family members, and were thus killed, and converted into molded instead.
We get official names for all the molded types we meet in the game (Moulded, Blade Moulded, Quick Moulded and Fat Moulded – pretty self-explanatory).
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As a side-note, Ethan himself gets referred to as a ‘molded’ around this fandom a lot, which really isn’t correct. Ethan’s infected by the mold in the same manner as the Baker family, whereas ‘molded’ is a term coined to describe what amounts to mutamycete zombies (see above): the unintelligent, inhuman monsters that made up the generic enemy types of RE7, whose whole bodies are simply “superorganisms formed of countless mycelia.”
The guide book also implies that Jack’s final, mutated form reflects that he’s starting to become a moulded himself, which is a very interesting little detail.
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Notes attached to concept art suggest that most moulded are created from dead bodies, covered by mould in bathtubs to convert them. Eveline is also seen spontaneously converting people to shapeless mould though, and clearly converted much of the ship’s crew into moulded-creatures in a very short time after her escape. It’s not super-consistent, but it is all horror-logic at its best (read: the rules are whatever will make this scene scarier).
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There’s a bunch of additional stuff in the BIR naming the Connections’ founder as Brandon Bailey, someone who naturally has ties to Umbrella, blah, blah, blah ‒ I’m sure it all means more to fans of some of the older games. I can't pretend to have much interest in this part myself.
So with all that interesting info, what's my big problem with these sources? Well, for one thing, you don’t have to look far into the guidebook to find info that contradicts what we already know – and sometimes even itself. One page clearly describes Mia as a special agent working for the Connections ‒ a description that matches the wording used in the Orders document, and everything we see Mia doing in the game. But then another page randomly tells us Mia was hired as "a researcher" ‒ a description that matches nothing else we know about her (though it's an irritatingly common misconception, and this book may be the reason why). No-one's checking any of this stuff for consistency.
The guidebook also features such other gems as telling us Ethan currently lives and works in Los Angeles, when both Mia’s driver’s license and all geographical logic tell us they’re from Texas. Then there's that weird bit about Eveline being created in the early 2000s... and realistically, I can only assume a lot of what made it into the book may have come from earlier concept notes that were never updated as the story developed ‒ and if you read anything else on the production of this game, you'd know that concepts changed massively as development went on.
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But more frustrating is everything the book doesn’t tell us. There isn’t a word said about the oh-so-mysterious "imprinting protocol" that Mia references in the game. How does it work? Is it, as the ending text spiel seems to imply, merely something that can be implemented in a hurry when Eveline needs to be transported across the globe? Can she be imprinted on more than one person at once? Has she ever been imprinted on anyone else? That seems likely, given that the lab’s in Munich while Mia lives in Texas (and if she's really been around since the early 2000s and Mia joined the company only in 2010, she logically must have been), but we don’t find out. Does Eveline get similarly obsessed with everyone she’s imprinted on, or is Mia special? Not a clue.
Since the guidebook was released in March 2017, long before the Not a Hero and End of Zoe DLCs, neither expansion is mentioned in the text. And since we don’t even learn the name ‘The Connections’ until the Not A Hero DLC, the group that created Eveline is referred to simply as the “mysterious organisation” (with quotes) whenever it comes up.
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Nothing is said in the guidebook about the new incarnation of Umbrella which was so prominently involved at the end of RE7 either. Possibly, this too was to avoid spoilers for Not A Hero, which does at least give us some info on them – but then, the Baker Incident Report doesn’t mention the new Umbrella at all either, and it doesn’t have that excuse. That omission is all the stranger, considering that Zoe’s whole purpose in writing it is supposedly to expose the cover-up after the Baker Incident – doesn’t Umbrella factor into that at all? It’s like their whole role in RE7 has just wiped clean.
It's also obvious there was so much more lore written for this game that the guide book doesn’t share. Early versions of collectable documents that can still be found in the game files give the D-series head and arm some fascinating backstory, but there’s nothing about them in the guide book, which is a real shame.
Mia especially stands out as a character who must have so much backstory we never hear anything about. How did she get involved with a company as evil as the Connections? How did she justify it to herself for so long – what excuses did she make to herself? Did she genuinely believe they were finding ways to win wars without losing soldiers? Was she gathering evidence against them, was she scared they’d kill her if she left? Not one single word in either the guidebook or the BIR to explain.
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Even more annoying to me, though, is just what a wasted opportunity the Baker Incident Report is to add more to Zoe’s story, when she’s one of my favourite RE characters. Included in the text is a letter she received from Mia, giving what should have been the perfect opportunity to flesh out the relationship Zoe and Mia must have built in the three years they spent trapped in the Baker property, the only two (semi-)sane people present – and what does the letter do? Imply they hardly knew each other at all. It’s the most boring possible answer, it contradicts hints from the actual game (Marguerite outright tells us they've been working together, even!), and GDI, you do not get to tell me that my girls didn’t know each other! ;_;
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Ethan and Mia similarly get the short shrift. Throughout RE7 their every interaction is building to a big scene that never actually happens where Ethan finds out the truth – Ethan knows Mia’s been keeping secrets, he never stops asking questions about it, and Mia says outright that she wants to come clean. So what does the BIR tell us? Well, post RE7, Mia mentions in an interview that she doesn’t want anyone telling Ethan. Not a word about what changed her mind. Not a word about why Ethan would just stop asking. Total cop-out.
And there’s so much more it could have covered too. There's nothing about Ethan’s ‘military training’. Nothing about the Winters' relationship with Chris. Mia’s conversation with him in RE8 suggests he was personally involved in relocating them to Eastern Europe, but the BIR doesn’t mention that either. The BIR at large is basically just an extended lore dump, and it doesn’t even sound like Zoe’s voice.
So this is about where I finish up with both of these sources: frustrating, inaccessible, inconsistent, and more missed opportunities than real material. There’s a lot in both I’ll happily go on ignoring. But I’ll still pour through them for every last interesting detail, because I am that obsessed with this canon right now, and they’re what we’ve got.
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purplekittybanan · 4 days
Welcome to the family
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every now and again I think that the Bakers were going to have a dog possibly called Diane and how the director regrets having to take her out
and I can’t say I blame him
from the making of RE7 begining hours video
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joonebugg · 5 months
Secret santa for @drearyymoth !!!
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grimalkinsims · 6 months
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naughtydogg · 3 months
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i’ve never seen this particular picture before 🥰
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savage-rhi · 1 year
Lucas. My vacation was incredible! I tried peyote, and I had an ego death.
Wesker, about to have a stroke: baker, I’m fighting the urge to give you a regular death.
@bumsonsblog here ya go!
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Wesker combed through the last of the bodies. There was still no sign of the key card both he and Lucas needed to make it further into the lower base of the facility. He sighed through his nose, feeling the virus within himself constrict the nerves within his chest. If he didn't know better, the virus was acting in time with his rage that was slowly building up. It didn't help that Lucas's mouth yapped away like a petulant child.
"You wanna hear an awesome tale?" Lucas exclaimed.
Wesker's left eye twitched. "Not in particular."
"Well I'mma tell you anyway!" Lucas said with a chuckle that made Wesker feel like his blood vessels were going to explode. "Before I settled my lot with ya'll, I went on a vacation and it was incredible! I tried peyote, and I had an ego death then--"
Before Lucas could continue further, Wesker immediately interrupted by standing straight up from the corpse he had been ransacking and glared at the younger man with such seething rage, that for a moment, Lucas's skin began to turn white with fear.
"I'm fighting the urge to give you a regular death." Wesker said blatantly. For further emphasis, he took off his glasses. The display of his red-yellow eyes had Lucas visibly swallow, to which Wesker couldn't help but smirk if only briefly.
"I've been calm with you up to this point," Wesker began. "Unfortunately for the two of us, we don't have time to mess around. Time is of the essence. If we are to retrieve those samples both our respective parties require, we need to remain focused. Us having a conversation about a crazed induced drug spree isn't going to get us anywhere, now is it?"
"I reckon not..." Lucas murmured and swallowed. He rubbed the back of his head, averting his gaze from Wesker and made a face while shrugging. "What do ya'll want me to do anyhow? You said you had this in the bag."
"I did," Wesker said as a matter of fact. "Until I couldn't find the key card. Now search a damned corpse. I can't be the only one picking up the mess we made."
"Fine, fine, fine!" Lucas rolled his eyes and waved his enemy turned adversary away. He shook his head and crouched down to the body of a young early 20s female scientist. Lucas's brows scrunched into a glare at seeing all the blood and then he began his search.
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goeldicotton · 8 months
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I really want to rewrite this series.
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cruncherzz · 2 years
⚠️Shadows of Rose Review⚠️
On my initial playthrough of the Shadows of Rose DLC, I expressed a lot of facts that weren't true and had been explained to me. So, I thought I'd do the people justice and actually review this game after reading every note I could fucking find on my second and third playthrough:
Alright, so, on my first post I made a lot of judgements on the story and plotholes that I didn't bother to look into. People brought to my attention that I was wrong about a few so I'm gonna review them.
The Masked Duke- He's not really changed in my eyes. Like, I understand that a lot of people came at me for accusing the Duke of being evil for no reason which still stands. I understand that Miranda experimented and made this new entity but the plot devices that he's used for also don't really hold profit? I stand by my complaint that he was evil for no reason, in general. Capcom could've picked anyone else.
Actual story-wise? Yeah, it still doesn't do it for me, gotta be honest. I may not like Ethan or Rose very much but this isn't a bias towards either. I just think the plot wasn't fleshed out and the character "Rose" wasn't developed very thoroughly. I mean, for god's sake, she was a baby in the last game. She was never very memorable other than people poking fun at her looking like a mini version of the Duke. The exposition is rushed and characters aren't really put into the story in a way that makes you think this is cohesive to Rose's development. Like, who the fuck is this "K" guy? Lol, he shows up once and then Miranda says it was her all along? Just a little bit wasted.
Voice Acting
So, I didn't do this in my last post because it was a rant not a review but this is so yeah... voice acting.
Liked it a lot. Rose sounded like she was actually reacting to stuff unlike her dear old Dad so it was an immersive DLC, for sure.
The reverb on Eveline's voice during the mannequin Mia challenge was great. "Don't let Mommy catch you," was just chilling and just really sold me on the creepiness factor.
Ethan was alright as usual, he was meh. Y'all know my opinion on him. Although, he was better as Michael in my eyes. I liked the words and nonverbal communication between him and Rose. It was cool.
Miranda was lovely as usual, her laugh still gives my spooky goosies, so yeah. Voice acting was nice.
Castle Segment -
This part of the game was easy enough, you find the masks, get the fuck out. Simple. I will say that the lack of ammo was a bit challenging and irritating. Yes, it felt a lot like RE7 where you had limited everything which was good but when you're trying to cleanse one of those flower cores and 5 dementor ripoffs just pop out of the ground and you have 2 bullets to your mf name; you're gonna freak out a bit. WHEEZEE! The fight with the Gardener hybrid looking thing was cool, I guess. It was kind of annoying to have to unlock the hallways with the cores everytime you downed him once but I suppose there's not much else to do in a battle pit in a lush castle, lmao.
Overall, okay section.
Dollhouse/Beneviento House-
Fucking adored it. Holy shit. I loved it so fucking much. It really just sold that horror theme to you on a platter.
The Mia Mannequin challenge was fucking horrifying for me who has a more than slight phobia of mannequins and faceless creatures; it was terrifying to see them Pinocchio speed walk at me while I'm trying not to shit myself and just get to the kitchen doorway.
The hide-and-go-seek game with the dolls was really entertaining, I really enjoyed how everything was big compared to me. I felt like a toy in a toy set and it just sold me on this area. I was having a blast just letting myself get caught to see these dolls attack. Their little chittering laughs were adorable and so refreshingly childish. Just like Eveline--speaking of Eveline...
Eveline was an excellent addition given she's Rose's "sister" and she was with Mia first. She believes herself to be in the right to be upset about this girl who stole her mother from her. She's this bioweapon who was never given the chance to be a kid. She's tormented by this feeling of uselessness because of Miranda throwing her away, Mia rejecting her, and even the Bakers freeing themselves of her influence. She's alone in this moldy super hell and she has literally no one.
Overall, great fucking section and I have a save for it just to replay it over and over again.
Miranda is an interesting character, I'm not gonna go into detail about her because I'm making that RE8 character post soon anyway but yeah... she's Miranda! Her section gave all the plotholes of the game a relative fix. Aside from the obvious ones I'll point out soon, I read them all and sort of just... don't get it.
I understand her motivations and all but that Mold and Megamycete just... don't make sense. The way that the Megamycete is presented in RE8 suggests that once you die with its gift in your system, you'll go to that Mold Hell we see the Baker's in and just live there. Yet, Miranda can influence the outside world and even shapeshift when she has no physical form anymore? Like, K was literally Miranda. It's just confusing.
Her fight is really entertaining but the new controls for the fight are jarring and the instructions for how to use them didn't show up on my screen. Overall, it was cool... enough.
The mold and Miranda have always been confusing, moving on!
Okay, so, she's still not... good in my eyes. She's really just not a good protagonist. Her motivation is literally to be normal. Okay? Cool, I can get behind that--wait, you want to be normal because a few kids bullied you when you were younger? You were essentially raised by Chris--which I'll get to why that ticks me off later--who is the Alpha/Head Honcho/Big Man of the BSAA striking team. He's a fully decorated bioweapon-fighting war hero? And you're afraid of a few "you're a loser" insults? There are worse backstories in the franchise that deserve more focus but do they get their own DLC? Nuh-uh. She's just not a very fleshed out entity in all this and I just... could care less.
Mia -
A thing that REALLY bothers me is that Mia Winters, the mother of Rosemary Winters, her last living parent, isn't in her daughter's life?! Rose establishes in one of her notes that: "I haven't seen Mom in ages," which just completely boggles my mind? Her own mother let a criminal organization take her and experiment on her in subtle ways for years? My personal headcanon is that Chris had her killed so she couldn't stop Rose from joining them. That's the only acceptable answer, I mean, really? You expect me to believe that after everything Mia endured and everything she fought to protect Rose from, she'd hand her own baby over to the same organization that delves into the suffering she endured? Bruh.
Overall, the DLC wasn't the best and not the worst but it is low and down there so yeah.
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k1ru-https · 3 months
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That’s not groovy… (Redoing an Old Wip :) ))
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jackbatchelor3 · 1 year
I wanna be excited for the new family, but after the popularity of The Bakers started to dwindle, I'd rather wait to see how they play out.
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"what does a TARDIS malfunction sound like?"
"idk just dump the entire goofy sound effects library in the span of 10 seconds. That should do it"
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The Hannah can't drive in video games section of the evening
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