#Online fraud
degenezijde · 3 months
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hidden homosexuals???? in my friend group??????????????
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digitalxnode · 2 years
Digital fraud growth in India – Threat to digital transformation
India is considered by many as a digital testing center for innovators to hackers. The unprecedented digital inventory w.r.t connected device, digital assets such as social media, and digital content consumption is attracting many to offer products and services.
India is second to China in terms of mobile internet users, mobile users, application users, and application downloads with loosely coupled regulatory & policy enforcement offering golden opportunities to fraudsters. Digital Fraud is increasing day by day in India.
To read full blog, Click Here
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andromedarune · 2 years
Notice on Comments
Hello! Just popping in real quick to say that I’ve gotten a couple suspicious comments with nonsense & a link. For reference, they look like this:
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I am deleting comments like these without regard because they are likely spam or malicious links. As such, please refrain from posting any links on my fanfics -- of course, exceptions can be made with thorough explanation and verification that the links aren’t malicious or spam, but if they seem suspicious I will 100% delete comments from here on out that strike me as bots or as potentially dangerous.
That being said, allow me to run through a little Online Scam PSA. If you are unsure of the warning signs of a scam, hazard links, etc, please click to read more :)
 I highly recommend all my followers to study up on ways to prevent yourself from being hacked or scammed -- be wary of any suspicious/unprompted emails, comments, or messages promising some kind of financial support or “free” gift. If you can, avoid even clicking on a message (especially DMs or texts) as these can potentially lead to your computer or account being hacked. Absolutely, under no circumstances should you ever send money to people you are unfamiliar with, unprompted and unreasonably. If they are accusing you of debt and are demanding payment through gift cards or Bitcoin, it is a 100% a scam and you will not be able to receive your money back.
I am not a legal reference, but my dad is a fraud detective who specializes in Embezzlement, Pyramid Schemes/White Collar Crime, and most common forms of Fraud, so I try to offer that knowledge whenever possible to protect others. If you’re ever unsure if something is a scam or if an offer seems too good to be true, it’s likely bad news :D But seriously, don’t be afraid to drop in my DMs any questions/comments/concerns if y’all have any questions on the matter bc the world is crazy rn and none of us can afford to lose more money than we already are XD
I’m more active on my main Tumblr @danni-dollarsign, so send DMs there if you can! Thank you and pls be careful out there!!!
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bopinion · 2 years
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2023 / 06
Aperçu of the Week:
"We wanted the best, but it came as usual."
(Viktor Chernomyrdin, former Russian prime minister, in 1993)
Bad News of the Week:
The image of the "People's Democratic Republic" of North Korea is often described as Stone Age communism. While the majority of the population suffers from extreme poverty and, in some cases, famine, Kim Yong Un stages himself as a monarch and operates a strange cult of nuclear weapons and long-range missiles, which he sees as life insurance for his own despotic regime. All of this is done under the eyes of China, a protective power that is difficult to understand, and in distinction from the economically successful brother nation of South Korea.
For a long time, North Korea existed like a country on another planet. Hardly any information penetrated to the outside or the inside, the communicative isolation seemed perfect, the media control total. This still works internally, but in recent months it is the World Wide Web, of all places, on whose map the country is no longer a blank spot. On the one hand, North Korea operates extremely successful hacker cohorts who, in addition to various espionage and disinformation campaigns, also managed to collect at least $1.2 billion in cryptocurrency through online fraud and data extortion. In other words, a concretely lucrative business that flushes foreign currency into the state coffers.
What is unclear, however, is the objective of what is currently the second notable North Korean Internet phenomenon: an apparently broad-based social media offensive. In a series of channels, which according to CNN are new and have been astonishingly successful in a short time, the country is staging itself as a pleasant home for seemingly normal teenagers. Who speak perfect English with a British accent. Who, for example, enjoy popsicles and love to read Harry Potter. Only the former is hardly available and the latter is even officially banned. Why is this done? Good question.
The videos "look like a well-prepared play" scripted by the North Korean government, said Park Seong-cheol, a researcher at the Database Centre for North Korean Human Rights. The scenes shown from the alleged everyday life of youngsters are not completely fake, but staged. For example, there is a water park, a movie theater and an amusement park in Pyongyang. Only these facilities are reserved for an elite class of party officials, military officers and government employees. Like the Internet access these strange influencers use - just like the smartphones that aren't actually available. What's the point when, according to the CIA fact book, only 26% of the population even has electricity? It would be nice if the North Korean tourist office, which wants to open the country's borders to international tourism, were behind this.
More likely, however, it is a red herring. With which the regime wants to influence the current narrative: North Korea is not an isolated country that could attack its neighbors and the United States with nuclear weapons. But rather an ordinary East Asian country where ordinary people like you and me live ordinary lives. Combined with the recent spate of missile launch tests, the latest expansion of the Nyŏngbyŏn nuclear facility documented with satellite imagery, and a new solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) unveiled just last Wednesday at the 75th anniversary of the founding of the armed forces, this leaves a queasy feeling.
Good News of the Week:
Probably the death toll of 28,000 from the earthquake in the Turkish-Syrian border region is out of date by the time I post this. The worst series of quakes since scientific records began has devastated an area where nearly 20 million people live. And as events unfold, a whole series of negative findings are coming to light.
The Turkish government is not implementing the regulations that actually apply to buildings in the latently earthquake-prone region. Neither Syria's ruler Bashar al-Assad nor the rebels in the north of the country are allowing solid disaster relief by foreign forces. Enemy nations cannot be stopped from attacking each other even in this situation. Even in the Near East, there are sub-zero temperatures at this time of year. And the Kurds remain constantly the biggest loosers of them all anyway.
Fortunately, many humanitarian highlights are also showing up in the face of adversity. For example, even Sweden, reviled by Erdogan, is sending aid workers to eastern Anatolia. So is the beleaguered Ukraine, which surely would have been admitted a different set of priorities. And those that don't have appropriately equipped aid workers, like the United Arab Emirates, are opening their wallets. And every day there are - still! - improbable miracles, such as the rescue of a heavily pregnant woman who was rescued yesterday after 115 hours under rubble.
What somehow makes one optimistic despite the terrible circumstances is humanity. When people stand by each other in times of need, even though the religion they believe in actually dictates enmity. When official requirements are suspended in order to allow family members who have become homeless to travel to their relatives in Germany, for example. Or when the international community thinks not only about the current rescue, but also about reconstruction afterwards - the EU has already announced a donor conference for those affected.
Even the self-proclaimed crown of creation, which likes to define itself in terms of greed, resentment, jealousy or hatred, is capable of empathy. It's nice that the term "humanity" still has a positive connotation. Even though we so often seem to go out of our way to change that. The heart is probably more than just a blood-pumping muscle after all. And conscience more than a transmission in the synapses of the brain.
Personal happy moment of the week:
I broke a bottle of red wine while shopping the other day. And moistened various purchases in the carrier bag. I noticed most of it and was able to clean and dry it. That the red wine also flowed into a box of cigarillos, I did not even notice. Not until I wanted to smoke one and had a damp, soft stem in my hand. So I put the box open on the heater in the office. And discovered two pleasant side effects of my mishap: the smell of red wine and tobacco at work has an comfortable calming effect. And the taste of the cigarillos gets a pleasant additional flavor. From that perspective, I was able to profitably recycle some of the spilled red wine.
I couldn't care less...
...whether the former head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Hans-Georg Maaßen, who is increasingly conspicuous for his racist and conspiracy-theory tones, can be officially expelled from the conservative CDU. Or whether the high good of freedom of speech also protects him within the party from accountability for his unspeakable statements. The fact that an obviously extreme right-winger could rise as a political official to become the head of the most important authority for upholding the state of lawfulness, of all things, weighs considerably more heavily and calls for more consequences than which membership card he carries around with him.
As I write this...
...I'm drinking a beer not even five hours after I got up today. A tough week in many ways takes its toll. And I tackle the challenge of relaxing Bavarian style.
Post Scriptum
In the German capital Berlin, the House of Representatives will be newly elected today - as a repeat election. This is because the regional election that took place in the fall of 2021 parallel to the federal election was declared invalid by the Administrative Court due to numerous mishaps - from ballots running hout to polling stations closing too late. Realpolitically less relevant, since no result of the election would change e.g. the majority conditions in the Bundesrat, is a look on Berlin nevertheless interesting. On the one hand, out of sarcasm, since this debacle also fits perfectly with the prejudice that simply nothing works in this city. On the other hand, out of curiosity, since in the end every conceivable party constellation is indeed possible. The extent of my tendency toward the former will depend on the first projection in less than an hour on the latter.
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You matter!!!
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techhacktalk · 12 days
Are you having any issue?
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rightnewshindi · 15 days
शातिरों ने 'कौन बनेगा करोड़पति' के नाम पर युवक से ठगे 11 लाख रुपए, फेसबुक लिंक से वारदात को दिया अंजाम
Hamirpur News: हिमाचल प्रदेश के हमीरपुर (Hamirpur) में एक युवक के साथ बेहद शातिर अंदाज में ठगी कर ली गई. यह मामला ख्याह गांव का है. यहां युवक से ‘कौन बनेगा करोड़पति’ में साढ़े आठ लाख के कैश प्राइज के नाम पर 11 लाख की ठगी हो गई. इस मामले की शिकायत पीड़ित ने पुलिस से की. पुलिस ने केस दर्ज कर मामले की जांच शुरू कर दी है. जानकारी के अनुसार, पीड़ित युवक हमीरपुर के ख्याह गांव का रहने वाला है, जो…
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lyricsolution-com · 23 days
Dating App Scams On The Rise: Understanding The Reasons And How To Spot Fraudulent Profiles | Relationships News
In recent years, dating app scams have become increasingly prevalent, leaving many individuals defrauded and disillusioned. The rise of these scams can be attributed to several factors, and understanding how to identify and avoid these fraudulent profiles is crucial. Here’s a look at why dating app scams are so common, how to analyze potential scammers and some notable examples from India. Why…
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townpostin · 25 days
Cybercriminals Cheat Jamshedpur Man of ₹6 Lakh on Pretext of Overseas Job
Ashwini Kumar Sinha, a resident of Telco, Jamshedpur, files FIR after being scammed by cybercriminals promising a foreign job. A resident of Telco, Jamshedpur, was defrauded of ₹6 lakh by cybercriminals under the guise of securing him a job abroad. JAMSHEDPUR – Ashwini Kumar Sinha, a resident of Manifit Dhobi Line in Telco, Jamshedpur, has filed an FIR at the Bistupur Cyber Police Station after…
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techdriveplay · 1 month
How to Keep Your Online Accounts Secure in 2024
The importance of safeguarding your online accounts cannot be overstated. The year 2024 brings with it new threats, advanced hacking techniques, and increasingly sophisticated scams. Learning how to keep your online accounts secure in 2024 is not just a precaution; it’s a necessity. This guide will take you through the essential steps to protect your online presence, drawing on my own experience,…
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sumivenky · 1 month
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lenrosen · 2 months
We Were Almost Victims of Online Fraud
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rdx-blog · 4 months
Be Aware Scammers They Are All Around The World
Go To This Link And Checkout For Scammers :
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growbusinessworld11 · 4 months
Cyber Crime Complaint Kaise Kare
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That any crime which is committed using computer, internet or any other technology comes under the category of cyber crime. If any cyber crime happens to you, then you do not need to go to the police station to report it. You can go online. You can report it on the cyber crime portal, for example, if someone is threatening you online, someone has shared your photos, a fake profile has been created in your name or there has been a financial fraud with you, someone has taken money from your bank. If your debit card has been stolen or your credit card has been borrowed and money has been withdrawn from it, this has been done to you in the name of job, then you can report all these on the online cyber crime portal.
In this video I am going to show you the complete process of filing a report on cyber crime portal so let's start A [Music] To report any cyber crime you have to come to cybercrime.gov.in if you are with us If a financial cyber crime has taken place and you want to do immediate reporting, then you can also report by calling the helpline number 1930. If you call the office below, you will get some examples of how cyber crime can be committed. If you click on View More, then you will see all the details. Exams will come to them, now Hindus can think in English, so I am talking to the bank, it became black on you that I can tell you the lottery number, madam, told the seats for half an hour, the bank will touch the nifty, the offer is this.
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That you will have to pay Rs 20000. You can download these audio files from here and can also share them to make the public aware. On this portal you will get two options, if any crime has happened against a woman or child and you want to know about it. If you have to report then also tell your name, otherwise you can report from here. To report any other cyber crime, you will click on Report Other Cyber Crime. Whatever you complete should be correct, if it is found wrong then for this You will be labeled I Accept. If you are visiting this portal for the first time then you will click on Click Here for User.
In this you will use your state, in this you will enter your email ID, enter mobile number here, click on Get OTP, OTP will be sent to the mobile number, enter the TP here, fill this chapter and submit, now to complete your profile. You have to fill some details like you will select the title, enter your name, use date of birth, select gender, enter your father's or mother's name, click on your present address below, after this, your Seven Continue profile will be updated. You can complain from here, first you will have to field the complete details of the incident that happened to you, in this you will choose the category of complaint and which type you have to complain.
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For example, if it is time related to online and social media, then you will choose this option. If online financial fraud has happened to you, then you will choose this option. Whatever crime has happened to you, whatever category it falls in, you will choose it from here. After this, you do not have to choose all the categories here, like if any online job is mature then you will choose this option. You will put the date and timing of the incident here, on which date this crime happened to you. If If you are reporting late then you will do this and here you will give a reason why you are reporting late and if you are reporting on time then you will ignore this. Where has this update happened to you?
You will select it here like on Facebook, on Instagram, on Twitter, on WhatsApp, on any website, on YouTube, on Telegram, on email, on any other place, you will select it here, this crime has also been committed through this medium, they will select it here. And here you will get its details, like if someone has sent you a threatening e-mail, then you will enter the email ID from which the threat has been sent to you, friend, you will take a screenshot of it and whatever evidence you have. For example, you will upload any photo, audio or video file here, after uploading a document, you will click on add, it will come here, similarly you can add more here, after this you will also get the details of the incident here. I have to do what happened to you
Also Read - bank account freeze by gandhi nagar cyber crime
And how it happened will be written in details here and click on save. After this you will have to fill in the details of the person i.e. the person whom you suspect has committed a crime with you, then whatever information you have about him will be filled here. For example, if you know its name, then you will put the name here, after that you will use this code like if you know its bank account number, driving license address, email address, mobile number, PAN card, voter ID card or whatever you know. If the suspect is more than one, then you will select the email and enter his email ID here. Click on add, then it will be added. If there is more than one suspect, then you can spread it from the other one. You will enter your name here, you will get this juice, you will enter your ID number.
And we will add it. If you have any photo of the pack, then you will choose the photo here and upload it. If you also know the address of the pack, then you will use it and fill its address here, but if you do not know the address. So we will do no and click on save, after this here you will have to fill the details of the victim, in this you will upload any ID proof of the victim, below you have to enter the address of the victim, after this the seventh review, the complete application will appear in front of you, you will complete it correctly. We will check if everything is absolutely correct then you will agree and click on submit confirmation, your complaint will be registered and friend you will get this number in the technology, it is also sent to your email ID and mobile number.
Below you will get the option to download PDF, by clicking on it you will download your report here in PDF format. After this, your report will be sent to whatever police station is located at your address, where an officer will investigate the crime related to you. We will investigate what has happened, your name and mobile number will also be SMSed to you. To check the status of your report at any time, you will come to this portal and click on Track Your Complaint. In this you will enter the acknowledgment number and click on Get OTP. Pass OTP will be sent. If you enter OTP here and submit, then the status of your complaint will appear in front of you and if cyber crime has happened with you, then in this way you can report cyber crime online.
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newswithown · 5 months
Navigating the Digital Landscape: Understanding and Preventing Online Fraud
In today's interconnected world, the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, shop, and conduct business. However, with the convenience of online transactions comes the risk of falling victim to various forms of online fraud. From identity theft to phishing scams, cybercriminals continuously devise new ways to exploit unsuspecting individuals. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of online fraud, explore common tactics used by cybercriminals, and provide practical tips to protect yourself from falling prey to these scams.
Understanding Online Fraud:
Online fraud encompasses a wide range of malicious activities aimed at deceiving individuals into divulging personal information, making unauthorized transactions, or compromising their digital security. Some common types of online fraud include:
Phishing Scams: Phishing involves the use of deceptive emails, messages, or websites to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, or social security numbers.
Identity Theft: Identity theft occurs when cybercriminals steal personal information to assume someone else's identity for financial gain. This can involve opening fraudulent accounts, applying for loans, or making unauthorized purchases.
Payment Fraud: Payment fraud involves unauthorized transactions made using stolen credit card information, compromised bank accounts, or counterfeit payment methods.
Online Shopping Scams: Online shopping scams lure unsuspecting consumers with attractive deals or counterfeit products, only to steal their payment information or never deliver the promised goods.
Protecting Yourself from Online Fraud:
While online fraud can seem daunting, there are proactive steps you can take to protect yourself and minimize the risk of falling victim to these scams:
Stay Informed: Educate yourself about common online fraud tactics and stay informed about the latest scams circulating online. Awareness is your first line of defense against cyber threats.
Use Strong Passwords: Create strong, unique passwords for your online accounts and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible. Avoid using easily guessable passwords or sharing them with others.
Verify Sources: Be cautious when clicking on links or downloading attachments in unsolicited emails or messages. Verify the sender's identity and scrutinize URLs for signs of phishing attempts.
Secure Your Devices: Keep your computer, smartphone, and other devices updated with the latest security patches and antivirus software. Enable firewalls and encryption to protect your data from unauthorized access.
Shop Securely: Only make online purchases from reputable websites with secure payment systems. Look for HTTPS encryption and padlock symbols in the browser address bar to ensure a secure connection.
Monitor Your Accounts: Regularly review your bank statements, credit card transactions, and credit reports for any suspicious activity. Report any unauthorized charges or discrepancies to your financial institution immediately.
Protect Personal Information: Be cautious about sharing personal information online, especially on social media platforms. Limit the amount of personal information you disclose and adjust privacy settings to restrict access to your profiles.
Report Suspicious Activity: If you encounter any suspicious emails, messages, or websites, report them to the appropriate authorities or organizations. Reporting scams helps protect others from falling victim to similar fraud schemes.
As our lives increasingly move online, it's essential to remain vigilant and proactive in protecting ourselves from online fraud. By staying informed, using strong security practices, and exercising caution when navigating the digital landscape, we can minimize the risk of falling victim to cybercrime and safeguard our digital well-being. Together, let's build a safer and more secure online environment for everyone.
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aiolegalservices · 6 months
Fraud and Money Recovery Services
In the fast-paced world of international commerce, fraud can strike unexpectedly, leaving individuals and businesses grappling with financial losses. AIO Legal Services understands the gravity of such situations and stands ready to provide comprehensive fraud and money recovery services tailored to recover what’s rightfully owned by our clients. We offer a wide range of money recovery services,…
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