if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
The building of Omotokyo or Oomoto-Kyo demolished on the orders of the police for violating the lèse-majesté laws of Imperial Japan.
日本語: 「大本教本山宮の取毀ち---十月二十日 一時社会の耳目を聳動させた大本教の公判は続いて進行し綾部本宮山神殿は取毀と決定し十月廿日よりこれが実行に着手した、即ち同日京都府警察部からは今江警部が十名の警官及工事請負人が二十名の人夫を引卒し大本教が神聖不可侵の地と定めた本宮山丘に至り先づ透塀の銅板より剥し始め翌廿一日には神殿棟木の取毀ちまで取かゝった。取毀しに際し同町在郷軍人は附近を警戒し又巡査、人夫が拝殿の上を土足のまゝ蹂躙せるなどは転秋風落莫〔うたたしゅうふうらくばく〕たるものである。写真は実況。」(京都府綾部)
Date: 大正10年10月20日  Oct 20 1921 Source:「寫眞通信」大正十年十月號 The Monthly Photographic Illustation Oct 1921. Author: 大正通信社、東京 (Taishō Tsūsinsha, Tokyo)
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jamaalw · 7 years
Sukyo Mahiriki Cult From Japan
Sukyo Mahiriki Cult From Japan
More information If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you can receive Him into your heart and He can deliver you from darkness and sin and have your name written in His Book of Life. If you are sincere you can say this simple prayer to the Father (it doesn’t have to be word for word): “God, I recognize that I have not lived my life for You up until now. I have been living for…
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