eclipsedoll · 11 days
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Merry Go Round ✁ 2000
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daily-hyosatsu · 7 months
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An uncommon version of a common name! There are a lot of people named 真鍋 Manabe, so I was able to assume the reading, but I'd never actually encountered the variant character 眞 before. And 眞鍋 is also read Manabe, or potentially Shinnabe.
眞, which is only used in proper nouns, is a variant of the jōyō kanji 真. Both characters mean true or reality, or Buddhist sect. They're read ま, まこと, or シン.
鍋 means pot, pan, kettle, or hotpot (yum!). It's read なべ or カ. This is another case where the left radical (金 metal) hints at the meaning and the right radical (咼) provides the on-yomi.
(Gotta admit: I didn't know what 咼 meant on its own [evil, dishonest, or crooked mouth]. It's rare, but it provides the on-yomi カ for kanji you should know, like 過 [exceed, too much, or past], 渦 [whirlpool, eddy, or vortex], and 禍 [calamity, misfortune, evil, curse].)
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siteofscaffold · 18 days
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highfashionparalyze - COLOURS 2
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kuri-cley · 2 years
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One of my favorite piece EVEEER ♥
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moko1590m · 3 months
エイプリルフールは嫌い。 デマは平気で広まるものだし、よくよく調べないと(or調べても)ウソかマコトかよくわからん場合だらけだから。 エイプリルフールって、よっぽどホントかウソかがはっきりしてると思い込んでなきゃ成り立たない娯楽だと思う。
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ninelanguages · 4 months
Kanji for "song", "sing"
歌 = utau/ uta/ ka
和歌山県- wakayamaken - Wakayama prefecture (of Kinki area) - わかやまけん
歌手- kasyu - a singer - かしゅ
歌声- utagoe - singing voice - うたごえ
演歌- enka - a kind of melodramatic Japanese popular song - えんか
歌う- utau - to sing/ to hum/ to chart - うたう
歌- uta - a song/ a ballad - うた
Kanji for "bright", "clear"
明 = mei/ myou/ a•kari/ aka•rui/ aki•raka/ a•keru/ a•ku
明朝- myoucyou - tomorrow morning - みょうちょう
明るい- akarui - bright/ cheerful/ sunny - あかるい
明日- asu - tomorrow - あす
明らかな- akirakana - clear/ distinct/ plain/ evident/ obvious - あきらかな
明かり- akari - a light/ a lamp/ light - あかり
説明- setsumei - (an) explanation/ (an) exposition - せつめい
Kanji for "(the) most(est)", "ultra", "extreme"
最 = sei / motto•mo
最近- saikin - recently/ lately/ of late - さいきん
最後の- saigono - last/ final/ ultimate - さいごの
最も- mottomo - most/ extremely/ exceedingly - もっとも
最高の- saikouno - the highest/ maximum/ superlative/ supreme - さいこうの
最低の- saiteino - the lowest/ the minimum/ the worst - さいていの
最初の- saisyono - the first/ the earliest/ the initial/ the original - さいしょの
Kanji for "stand (up)", "establish", "set up", "erect"
立 = ritsu/ ryuu/ ta•tsu/ ta•teru
立つ- tatsu - to stand/ to rise (to one's feet)- たつ
国立の- kokuritsuno - national (park)/ governement (school)/ state - こくりつの
自立する- jiritsusuru - to become independent/ to support oneself - じりつする
立場- tachiba - a position/ a situation - 立場
立てる- tateru - to stant (something) up / to put (set) up -たてる
役に立つ- yakunitetsu - to be helpful / to be useful - やくにたつ
Kanji for "noon"
午 = go
午前- gozen - morning/ A.M. - ごぜん
午前様- gozensama - a person who stays out all night - ごぜんさま
午前中- gozencyuu - in the morning/ throughout the morning - ごぜんちゅう
正午- syougo - (at) noon/ midday - しょうご
午後- gogo - afternoon/ P.M. -ごご
午後二時- gogoniji - two (o'clock) in the afternoon/ 2 P.M - ごごにじ
Kanji for "return"
帰る= ki/ kae•ru/ kae•su
帰る- kaeru - to return/ to come (go) back/ to come (go) home - かえる
帰国する- kikokusuru - to return (go), (come) to one's country - きこくする
電車で帰る- densyadekaeru - to return (home) by train - でんしゃでかえる
帰す- kaesu - to let so,leave/ to see so, out/ to send so, home - かえす
帰り- kaeri - coming (going) home/ the (one's) return - かえり
日帰りする- higaerisuru - to go and return in one day/ to make a day-trip - ひがえりする
Kanji for "true", "real", "actual", "truth"
真 = ma/ shin
真実- shinjitsu - truth/ reality - しんじつ
真っ白な- masshirona - pure white/ snow-white/ immaculately/ honest - まっしろな
真面目な- majimena - serious/ sober/ grave/ faithful/ honest - まじめな
真ん中- mannaka - the center/ the middle - まんあか
真っ先に- massakini - at the very beginning / first (of all) / at first - まっさきに
真っ赤な- makkana - very (bright, deep) red/ crimson - まっかな
Kanji for "real", "actual", "true"
実 = jitsu/ mi/ mi•noru
実は- jitsuha - really/ in reality/ to tell the truth/ the fact is (that) - じつは
実- mi - (a) fruit/ a nut/ a berry/ a seed - み
果実- kajitsu - (a) fruit/ fruit(s) - かじつ
確実な- kakujitsuna - certain/ sure/ definite - かじつな
実る- minoru - to bear fruit/ to fruit/ to ripen/ to grow ripe - みのる
口実- koujitsu - an excuse/ a pretext/ (a) pretense - こうじつ
Kanji for "(romantic) love"
恋 = ren/ ko•u/ koi/koi•shi
恋人- koibito - one's sweetheart/ one's boyfriend (girlfriend) - こいびと
恋- koi - love - こい
失恋する- shitsurensuru - to have (suffer from) a broke heart - しつれんする
恋しい- koishii - dear/ dearest/ sweet/ darling/ beloved - こいしい
初恋- hatsukoi - one's first love - はつこい
恋愛- renai - love - れない
Kanji for "love", "affection", "have affection for", "fond of"
愛 = ai
愛犬- aiken - one's pet dog - あいけん
愛情- aijou - love/ affection - あいじょう
愛- ai - love (for a person, of a thing)/ affection (for) - あい
愛する- aisuru - to love/ to be fond/ to care for - あいする
愛層の良い- aisounoyoi - friendly/ amiable/ affable/ hospitable - あいそうのよい
相茶がある- aichagaaru - to be attached (to)/ to be fond (of) - あいちゃがある
Kanji for "good", "fine", "favourable", "excellent"
良 = ryou/ yo•i
仲良し- nakayoshi - a good (an intimate) friend/ a pal/ a buddy - なかよし
改良する- kairyousuru - to improve (a plan)/ to reform - かいりょうする
良好な- ryoukouna - good/ fine/ excellent/ satisfactory - りょうこうな
心地良い- kokochiyoi - comfortable/ pleasant/ agreeable - ここちよい
良い天気- yoitenki - (favourable) weather - よいてんき
不良- furyou - bad (poor) quality/ badness/ evil/ depravity - ふりょう
Kanji for "hate", "dislike", "detest", "disagreeable", "repulsive", "disgusting"
嫌 = gen/ken/ kira•i/ iya
嫌がる- iyagaru - to dislike (to do)/ to hate (to do)/ to be reluctant (to do)- いやがる
期限- kigen - a mood/ (a) humor/ a temper/ spirits - きげん
嫌う- kirau - to dislike/ to not like/ to hate/ to detest/ to loathe - きらう
嫌悪- keno - (a) hatred/ (a) dislike/ (a) disgust/ (an) aversion - けんお
機嫌を直す- kigen (w)o naosu - to recover one's good humor/ to cheer up again - きげん を なおす
好き嫌い- sukikirai - likes and dislikes/ taste(s)/ preference(s) - すききらい
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crowseyeviewed · 10 months
In your sleep, you used to reach for a flower to cradle in shaking, scarred hands.
And now, you turn away.
I see your silent shadow creep up the walls, and it stares back at me.
If it could speak, it would curse me.
If I could step into the walls and paint my world with viscera… perhaps I would.
And perhaps you, then, would change.
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time-sound · 4 months
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noco3n-com · 5 months
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It smells like spring.
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terrylove · 2 months
Mayu Suzuki / 鈴木真夕
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jaoneko · 3 months
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daily-hyosatsu · 1 year
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Two lovely contrasting typefaces today, for two names which I imagine you can at least half read! 若林 is Wakabayashi or possibly Wakahayashi. 真島 is read Majima (as you can see) or Mashima.
若 (new kanji!) means young or immature, and, by extension, low number. For arcane (to me) reasons, it can also mean if, perhaps, or possibly. It's read わか.い, も.し, も.しくは, ごと.し, ジャク, ニャク , or ニャ.
林, made up of two 木 tree radicals, means forest or grove. It's read はやし or リン.
真 (also new!) means true or reality, or Buddhist sect. It's read ま, まこと, or シン.
島 means island, and it’s read しま or トウ.
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siteofscaffold · 2 months
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deadman - deadman_11.doc
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purplepostbirdo5 · 3 months
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mero-na072 · 5 months
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poetors · 2 years
當世界都是假的, 只有我才是真的。 創作主題:世界與我 創作者:元明 創作時間:中華民國壹佰壹拾貳年參月拾玖日
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