pramgpro · 8 months
تنزيل اوبرا ميني القديم Opera Mini Apk عربي للكمبيوتر والموبايل مجاناً
تنزيل اوبرا ميني القديم Opera Mini Apk عربي للكمبيوتر والموبايل مجاناً عبر موقعنا برامج برو، لازال العديد من الأشخاص يبحثون عن متصفح قوي وسهل الاستخدام في الوقت نفسه حتى لا يجهدون أنفسهم في البحث الكثير حول كيفية استخدامه وما إلى ذلك، ويوفر لهم في الوقت ذاته كل ما يرغبون به من مميزات داخل متصفح، وقد يكون تنزيل اوبرا ميني القديم من أفضل الخيارات التي يمكنها توفير كل ذلك للعديد من الأشخاص الباحثين عن متصفح قوي وسهل الاستخدام أيضًا، بالإضافة إلى وجود نسخ عديدة منه حتى يتمكن الأشخاص من تحميله على أجهزتهم المختلفة سواء كمبيوتر أو هاتف ومن ثم الاستمتاع بالتصفح بداخله. Read the full article
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tatpiq · 1 year
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rausule · 1 year
Petrus autem ad illos jejunans et flens et planctus in ieiunio et fletu et planctu. Et scinde cor tuum, et non vestimentum tuum, et converte ad Dominum Deum tuum.
NOTE... Vidi quasi fulgorem lucis electricae: et quod vides numquam oblivisceris. Plena traditio debet esse antequam plena benedictio est. Deus te ab uno ad alterum permittit.”
7. Quid dicit Dominus, qualia verba peccator secum afferat? paenitemini Israel Domino Deo vestro... Tollite verba vobiscum, et resipisce Domino; Dic illi: Dimitte omnem iniquitatem, et accipe bonum. tunc labia nostra offeremus hostias.» Os.
8. In cuius nomine veniam petat peccator? Petrus autem dixit eis: Agite poenitentiam, et unusquisque vestrum baptizetur in nomine Iesu Christi in remissionem peccatorum.
9. Quid aliud dat Deus peccatori poenitenti?
Derelinquat impius viam suam, et qui operamini iniquitatem ; et paeniteat Dominum, miserebitur eius; et Deo nostro, quoniam abundanter dimittit, Isa.
10. Praeter remissionem poenae, quaenam vis spiritualis nova?
Dominus det convertentibus se?
a. Cor novum. Et dabo eis cor ad cognoscendum me, quia ego Dominus, et erunt mihi in populum, et ero eis in Deum, quia in toto corde suo revertentur ad me. 7. (Vide etiam Ezech. 36, 26. 27.) b. receperunt.» Act 2, 38;
11. Quomodo revelabitur vera poenitentia in vita? Facite ergo fructum qui correspondet poenitentiae: Matth.
NOTE - Conversio sine reformatione non potest esse. poenitentia est mutatio mentis; reformatio est concomitans mutatio vitae". Omnes praedicatores et alii, quorum interest, renascentes" oblivisci non debent. efficere ut non solum in conversione passionis, sed etiam in solidis fructibus, qui solos sunt
cautio est valoris passionis. Mihi videtur magna pars eorum quae ad evangelicam doctrinam transeunt, plenum Dei consilium de hominis salute non revelare, quia una postesque emphasin est. de fide et notione poenitentiae non effertur.»
12. Secundum Iesum quomodo generalis praedicatio paenitentiae est? Sic scriptum est, Et sic oportuit Christum pati... praedicari poenitentiam et remissionem peccatorum in nomine eius omnibus gentibus, ab Hierosolymis et ultra, Luc.
En Petrus sê vir hulle met vas en geween en rouklag. En skeur julle hart en nie julle klere nie, en bekeer julle tot die Here julle God." Joel 2:12, 13,
7. Hoe sê die Here, watter soort woorde moet die sondaar met hom bring? Bekeer jou, Israel, tot die Here jou God,... Neem woorde met julle, en bekeer julle tot die Here; sê aan Hom: Vergeef alle ongeregtigheid, en neem aan wat goed is; dan sal ons as offerdiere ons lippe aanbied." Hosea 14:2. 3.
8. In wie se Naam mag die sondaar om vergifnis smeek?
...En Petrus sê vir hulle: Bekeer julle en laat elkeen van julle gedoop word in die Naam van Jesus Christus tot vergewing van sondes." Hand. 2:38.
9. Waarvan verseker God die boetvaardige sondaar verder?
..Laat die goddelose sy weg verlaat en die kwaaddoener sy gedagtes; en laat hy hom tot die Here bekeer, dan sal Hy hom barmhartig wees; en tot onse God, want Hy vergeef menigvuldiglik." Jes. 55:7.
10. Behalwe die kwytskelding van die straf, watter nuwe geestelike krag sal die
Here aan diegene gee wat hulle tot Hom bekeer?
a. 'n Nuwe hart. En Ek sal hulle 'n hart gee om My te ken, dat Ek die Here is: en hulle sal vir My 'n volk wees, en Ek sal vir hulle 'n God wees, want hulle sal na My terugkeer met hul hele hart." Jer. 24:7. (Sien ook Eseg. 36:26, 27.) b. Die Heilige Gees.,,Bekeer julle... en julle sal die gawe van die Heilige Gees ontvang." Hand. 2:38.
11. Hoe sal ware bekering in die lewe geopenbaar word?
Dra dan vrugte wat by die bekering pas." Matt. 3:8.
OPMERKING.Daar kan geen bekering sonder hervorming wees nie. Bekering is 'n verandering van gedagte; hervorming is 'n meegaande verandering van die lewe."Alle predikers en ander wat met herlewings' te doen het, moet nie vergeet om aan
te dring, nie slegs op 'n emosionele bekering nie, maar op die soliede vrugte wat alleen die
waarborg is van die waarde van die emosie." Dit wil my voorkom dat 'n groot gedeelte van wat deurgaan vir evangeliese leer nie die volle raad van God openbaar ten opsigte van die verlossing van die mens nie. omdat dit eensydige klem le op geloof, en die idee van bekering nie beklemtoon nie."
12. Hoe algemeen moes die prediking van bekering volgens Jesus wees? So is dit geskrywe, en so moes die Christus ly...en bekering en vergewing van sondes in sy Naam verkondig word aan al die nasies, van Jerusalem af en verder." Lukas 24:46, 47,OPMERKING...Ek het dit gesien soos die flits van 'n elektriese lig: en wat jy sien sal jy nooit vergeet nie. Daar moet volkome oorgawe wees voordat daar volle seen kan wees. God laat u binne van die een tot die ander."
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ashburyfinite · 1 year
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discoverysitespeed · 2 years
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apkmart-blog · 5 years
Opera Mini Handler is available to download from our website for better results. It is the best concise application in the Android market from which you can use it worldwide and also download viral content like trending apps, videos and so on. It is downloaded and installed by more than 40 billion users from all over the countries. This is also saving smartphone battery and prevent damage. Now you can enjoy awesome features of this app after downloading from our website. You can also get benefits from its colorful user interface with the addition of unique wallpapers.
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ifourconsultancy · 5 years
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Our team iFour Technolab congratulates @operabrowser on the initial release day of #opera. One of the #oldest, #lightweight and #secure #webbrowser that lets you surf the #internet faster with its clean #interface and great #compatibility.
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djgucciblog · 2 years
Opera Crypto Browser Now On iOS
Opera Crypto Browser Now On iOS
Hello again readers, iOS users, and fans of Web3, As you surely know, Web3, the emerging decentralized internet, is gaining further momentum day by day. Recent reports show that a record 34 thousand developers have joined the space so far, steadily increasing the number of available dApps. If you’re not exactly sure what that means for you, or the internet in general, you’re not alone.…
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abhipanditburia · 3 years
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newscheckz · 3 years
Opera launches interest-based social Clubs in its chat service, Hype
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/opera-launches-interest-based-social-clubs-in-its-chat-service-hype/
Opera launches interest-based social Clubs in its chat service, Hype
Opera has launched Hype Clubs, public and interest-based group chats in Hype, the new chat service built into the Opera Mini web browser.
Hype is currently available and quickly gaining popularity in Kenya, South Africa, Ghana and Zambia.
Hype is the first African-inspired chat service built into a mobile browser, allowing users to easily set up an account and start chatting with secure end-to-end encryption right away.
Hype was built because younger generations of internet users are expecting more social connectivity from the apps they use on their devices.
With Hype Clubs, fans of sports, gaming, the arts, and even software development are now able to find a community they can truly belong to.
Hype Clubs are organized into topic-based channels where users can easily chat about their mutual interests.
If a user is into something, there is a good chance they can find a Club for it. There they can share opinions with others, or even create their own Club and gather interested people together.
All the Clubs are public, so no invite is needed to stay in touch and spend time together. The communities are generally centered around specific topics such as Euro 2020 or Minecraft.
Some examples of the clubs users can easily join include: Music and Art Club, Football Club, Relationship Drama, Citizens of Earth Club & Money Talk, Health Club and more.
“It’s important to belong. Hype Clubs is a place where users can be themselves and spend time with others who share their hobbies and interests,” said Jørgen Arnesen, EVP Mobile at Opera. “There’s no algorithm deciding what users should see, no endless scrolling, and no news feed. Conversations on Clubs are driven only by shared interests.”
Hype will suggest Clubs to users based on their interests. They can also use the integrated search function to find something specific.
Hype Clubs are currently available only on mobile with more to come. Joining any Club is free and invites are not required.
With Hype, Opera Mini has become the first major browser in the world to integrate a social component that keeps users connected to the ones that matter the most. This unique and innovative blend is something that no other mobile browser in the Google Play Store offers.
Opera is constantly working on improving the chat experience. Recently, Opera introduced new features to Hype: users can now use link previews, GIFs, and the unique built-in meme creator to make chatting with friends even more personal and fun.
As a response to the high data costs in Sub-Saharan Africa, Opera has partnered with nine leading carriers in the region to bring as many people online as possible.
Through these partnerships, they are providing free data every day to those who use Opera Mini as their personal browser on their mobile phones.
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bondwalker37 · 4 years
Mozilla Launches VPN Features for Android and Windows
Mozilla Firefox is one of the well known and most trusted open-source web browsers that have always served its users with its amazing services. It is the most commonly used web browser all over the world. This platform has recently announced the arrival of the service of Virtual Private Network (VPN) that is available for Windows users. However, the service for Android devices will be available sometime later in a few weeks. This step of Mozilla might provide it with some financial independence. This is a paid service that has started rolling out in some of the countries, including the US, Canada, UK, Singapore, New Zealand, and Malaysia. Anyone can have its monthly subscription that will be available at a price of $4.99. We all know how important the services of VPN have become these days. And keeping in mind the protection and security of the users, Mozilla has taken this significant step.
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Are you one of the users of this trusted web browser? Want to know more about this service. If yes, then here, in our following article, we are going to provide you with all the detailed information that you want to know about this new VPN service offered by Mozilla. Please go through the full article to know more.
More Info on VPN Service Provided by Mozilla
VPN services play a great role in ensuring the online privacy and protection of the people. That is why we all are always advised to use the best VPN services while browsing through any web browsers. These days, a lot of web browsers are designed with the inbuilt VPN services that manage the online security and safety of its users. Well, in the case of Mozilla, it has also introduced this paid service that you can have to protect your online activities. In fact, the VPN tools have become much popular these days that you can use to hide your online activities and location. VPN acts as a wall against the online threats that have become so common these days. It encrypts the details of your data while transmission through the internet and protects the sensitive information.
Millions of people all over the world use these VPN tools for hiding their online activities. With these tools, it is harder for everyone to track you down. Even professionals like advertisers or publishers cannot access your information. And now speaking of this amazing VPN service of Mozilla, last year, the company had tested the beta version of this service. And now, according to the company, this fast and easy to use VPN service promises to provide a faster browsing experience to all the users, and this is possible because of its stable structure. The subscription package of this service can protect up to five different devices at the same time. Previously, the company had offered the beta version of this service to its users. After its success, finally, the official version of Mozilla’s VPN service is released now.
With so many options of VPN services available in the market, it becomes quite difficult for everyone to decide which one is best for us. Well, if you are a user of this excellent web browser, then you might know the quality of its services. That means you can totally trust the VPN service offered by this wonderful browser company. This service comes with a friendly user-interface, and anyone can easily set it up on their devices. So, this was all about the newly launched VPN service of Mozilla. We promised to keep you updated with the latest information. And for more details and updates like this, keep following us and don’t forget to visit our website.
I’m Bond walker . I’m a web developer living in New york. I am a fan of technology, a publisher of guides at askme design, and programming. You can read my blog with a click on the button above.
Source:- Mozilla Launches VPN Features for Android and Windows
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sololinuxes · 5 years
Acelerar mi web con dns-prefetch
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Acelerar mi web con dns-prefetch (captación previa de DNS). La técnica dns-prefetch o captación previa de dns, es una operación en la que el servidor de nombres de dominio se resuelve en segundo plano para una URL determinada, para que me entiendas mejor... carga la url del dominio antes de que hagas click en el. La captación previa de DNS mejora el rendimiento del front-end de una web de forma considerable. Podemos decirle al navegar que debe precargar y que no debe precargar, sin ninguna intervención del usuario incluso antes de que el cliente visualice el recurso. Una página web contiene recursos que se cargan desde varios dominios, la captación previa de DNS comunica al navegador web que hay activos web, como un archivo de datos, una imagen o un archivo de audio, que se van a necesitar más adelante; el navegador escucha la propuesta y resuelve el servidor de nombres de dominio en segundo plano, por ejemplo las fuentes de google. Pero claro, como todo en está vida no todo es de color de rosa. Y es que dns-prefretch no siempre es compatible con todos los navegadores, solo con los modernos. Por ejemplo, si eres de los que aun utilizan el vetusto Internet explorer debes saber que IE 11 y anteriores no son compatibles. OJO!!!, eso no quiere decir que no veras la web, no, simplemente no puedes aprovecharte de esta aceleración extra. En la siguiente imagen puedes ver como trabaja.
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dns prefetch  
Acelerar mi web con dns-prefetch
Implantar la captación previa de DNS (dns-prefetch) es un proceso sencillo. Debes agregar una etiqueta que contenga rel="dns-prefetch" entre los y de tu sitio web. Vemos un ejemplo: Ahora completo, tal como debería verse en tu sitio web. Como puedes ver implantar dns-prefetch es sencillo, ademas cuenta con la particularidad de que es un sistema muy extendido. Si usas algún CMS por ejemplo Wordpress, debes saber que es posible acelerar Wordpress con esta técnica (ya que estamos te invito a visitar SoloWordpress.es que la tiene activada). Muchos de los plugins de cache la llevan incorporada, incluso algunas templates la incluyen para su uso interno. Mira la imagen siguiente:
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Prefetching en theme de Wordpress  
Que DNS debo pre-cargar?
Bueno, pues esa es la gran pregunta jajaj. Todo depende de tu sitio web y lo que necesites, pero revisando las métricas de GTmetrix te puedes hacer una idea. Aun dicho lo anterior te pongo un listado de las más comunes, muchas de ellas implantadas en nuestros sitios web.   Notas finales y apuntes varios Recuerda que los navegadores web buscan el encabezado HTTP de X-DNS-Prefetch-Control (no distingue entre mayúsculas y minúsculas) con el valor ON / OFF, dependiendo de su respuesta cambia el comportamiento. Si una página está excluida de la pre-carga se ignoraran los sucesivos reintentos. La captación previa de DNS es compatible con los principales navegadores (Safari 5.0+, IE 9.0+ (no 100%, mejor usa el 11), Firefox 3.5+, Google Chrome). Lamentablemente parece que no interesa esta fabulosa técnica con dispositivos móviles (nos meten AMP hasta por las orejas), no es efectiva con  iOS Safari, Opera Mini y Android Browser.   Canales de Telegram: Canal SoloLinux – Canal SoloWordpress Espero que este articulo te sea de utilidad, puedes ayudarnos a mantener el servidor con una donación (paypal), o también colaborar con el simple gesto de compartir nuestros artículos en tu sitio web, blog, foro o redes sociales.   Read the full article
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amiralihm · 5 years
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silentsanctummanga · 7 years
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flupertech · 5 years
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Differences between UC browser and OperaMini #UCbrowser #operamini #appdifferences #androiddifferences #Fluper
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