#Or burrow human kaminari
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Ok so probs done before but... KATAOW AU! With Kipo as Todoroki and Wolf as Midoriya!!! I also have ideas for Kipo!Izuku and idk for wolf as well as Kipo!Kirishima and Wolf! Bakugou.
For Kipo!Shouto I want Bakugou as a Newton Wolf(even tho Hummingbomber could fit him..)
Excuse the bad art still fivuring out how to do digital
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writingbakery · 4 years
“what’s new, pussycat?”
this work is my absolute pride & joy, one that i hold very near & dear to my heart! it was previously written for a different fandom, & ive reworked it to fit here. i hope you love it as much as i do, & yes - there will be more parts to this story! ✨taglist; @katsukisprincess @secondhand-trash @redbeanteax @monst @shinhoetoshi @shinsouzone @togasknifes
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[pairing; panther familiar! hitoshi shinso x green witch gn! reader]
[warnings; fluff, meet-cutes, magical au, bitchy witches, soft words, strangers to lovers]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
for a green witch in a relatively small town, you’ve got a pretty good life.
you’re not the most powerful witch around; your talents are more centered around healing, crafting potions & spells, but you don’t mind. you like helping people, whisking away their problems & leaving them happier than when they walked into your little shop.
your shop is perfectly situated right at the forest line at the end of town, making it easy for you to restock your supply. you don’t get many customers, but you treat everyone like they’re most important, focusing on what they need & providing them with just what they’ve asked for. you don’t have many friends, most of the other witches not thinking much of your talents or your profession - they were all more modern witches, using electricity & technology to help others - but the ones you do have treat you nothing but kindly.
you’ve got everything you need in your little shop; a tiny apartment just above it, a loyal customer base, & the forest to soothe your worries.
the only thing you don’t have is a familiar.
you turned twenty six months ago, the age at which every witch receives their familiar. sometimes, it happens sooner, sometimes it takes a little longer. you’re just a hint impatient.
you’ve been ready for your familiar since your powers emerged at six years old, little flowers & vines bursting from chubby fingers & small palms. your friends even had a betting pool set up, sero swearing that you would get a kitty cat, & kirishima insisting it would be a rabbit.
you don’t care what your familiar is. you just want to meet them.
you’ve nagged your mother more than enough over the years, whining & complaining at your lack of a companion - both the animal aspect of them, & the human. familiars often became their witches’ best friends, & on most occasions, have fallen in love with them.
it’s a romantic concept, really. two magical beings, tied together forever by their shared powers, falling in love.
you’ve had dreams about it. kaminari makes fun of you for it whenever he can.
still, you don’t need to fall in love with your familiar. you love them already for supporting & adding to your magic, even if you haven’t met yet. you just know you’re going to be the best of friends.
you also side with sero. you’re definitely hoping for a kitty.
you alway tell your friends you don’t mind being patient, but secretly, you wish your familiar would speed things up a bit.
the other witches in town don’t tease you outright, a bit more poised than that, but you’ve heard more than enough whispered giggles of “bet it’s a fly, & it just can’t find them” & “maybe [y/n]’s just too weak for one”. you know they consider you a joke, a laughingstock, but you do your best to ignore them, burying your head in your spellbooks & inventing new potion strains.
you’re good at what you do, & that’s all that matters. but with a familiar, at least you’d fit in. you’re not expecting anything huge, not like the wolf inasa got, or the pheonix momo was gifted. you just want something that’ll care for you, help with your little tasks & fill the hole in your heart.
you even have a little side room set up in your shop for them, complete with a small fluffy bed & lots of pillows. kaminari had wrinkled his nose at the setup. “what if they don’t like all the fluff?” he’d asked - his familiar, an overexcited ring tailed lemur named mina, had absolutely destroyed the setup kaminari made for her, choosing to snuggle the taller witch in her human form every night. you had a separate betting pool with kirishima & bakugou about when those two would finally start dating.
mostly, you just hope your familiar won’t be disappointed with you. you aren’t the fastest on a broomstick, or the smartest with spells. your potions are good, but they take you a while to brew, & you don’t get that many customers. you’re definitely not the best witch in town, but you try your best, & you hope that counts for something.
it ends up counting for a lot, even if you don’t realize.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
you’re looking through your little vials & plants one day, crafting a rejuvenation potion for mrs. parks - she’s got a garden to maintain if she wants to win first place in the landscaping competition next week, & at 85 it doesn’t always come naturally - when you realize you’re clean out of starflower. the pretty little orange & yellow foliage always added an extra boost to your energy potions, & you chance a glance out of your shop windows. it’s a nice day, sunny but not too hot, & you easily tug on your jacket & basket to gather some from the forest.
the air is warm, floaty with the smell of spring & you bask in the pleasant heat of the sun as you walk. the forest is unusually quiet, a sort of energetic thrum hovering just under the surface & normally, you would be concerned. but the day is so lovely, the warmth seeping into your bones & you brush it off as a slight imbalance in the woods.
you find the right clearing relatively quickly, sitting cross legged amidst the flowers & beginning to pluck them. you coo to the brightly colored petals gently, asking them to feel safe, protected. you wouldn’t hurt them, nor waste them unnecessarily. they were headed to a good purpose, & you reassure them as such as they make their way into your basket.
the already quiet air stills suddenly, birds silent in the trees & leaves pausing their ruffling. you shut your eyes & soaks up the sudden silence, an odd sense of calm settling over your body before you open them again.
a pair of amethyst violet eyes stare back at you, barely ten feet away from your face.
you open your mouth to scream, but let out nothing but air; your breath seems caught in your throat, lodged painfully deep. the creature in front of you is still, black fur gleaming glossy in the afternoon sun - a panther, twice the size of any normal big cat, sharp fangs glinting in its large mouth. you just stare, frozen & wide eyed.
the panther tilts its head at you inquisitively, letting out a sharp exhale through its velvety - almost cute? - black nose. you do scream this time, a barely there squeak that youd defend to your dying day as a very aggressive yell.
& then you pass clean out, slumping to the cool forest floor.
above you, the panther simply snorts, rolling bright purple eyes in mild annoyance as it curls its lithe form around your unconscious body, settling in for a nap.
it protects you from harm, patiently waiting for you to wake up.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
you wake up confused & a little dizzy.
you’ve only been out about an hour, but already the sun sits lower in the sky, a chill sweeping through the quiet wood. you’re disoriented, taking a few moments to remember where you are, & why. youre warm despite the cool forest air, body swathed in silky softness. you burrow deeper into the warmth, sighing softly as you toe the line between sleep & awake.
then you remember the panther.
shooting straight up from the dirt, you look around wildly, all traces of sleepiness gone as you take in your surroundings.
the panther lays curled around you like a warm blanket, keeping you tucked up against its shoulder with massive black paws crossed in front of your legs. it’s fast asleep, not even stirring as you shift a little to study its face.
gold runes run from the tips of each large, silky ear, trailing down either side of its face to its long whiskers. each rune matches one on your own arms, elegantly winding down your smooth skin. a little flutter settles in your chest.
this is your familiar.
you run one slim finger down the sides of the panther’s sleeping face, gentle & light as you trace over the marks that mirror the ones you’ve had since birth. it’s a little nerve wracking, a little unreal.
you’re so awestruck you don’t feel a pair of sharp violet eyes tracking your every move, looking just a little fond.
you start a little when the panther stretches, long heavy limbs arcing out into the air as it yawns. you get a good eyeful of sharp, gleaming white fangs & an impossibly cute pink tongue before the panther is staring at you again, seemingly waiting for your next move.
oh right.
hastily clambering to your feet, you stand in front of the lying animal, just about level with its head. you swallow a little nervously, shifting from foot to foot as you look up into bright, curious eyes.
“a-are you my familiar?” you ask, immediately cursing yourself for stammering & asking stupid questions. you’re supposed to have your shit together, you’re the witch here.
the panther seems unfazed, if not a little amused, as it nods once, then twice, eyes twinkling in the sunlight. your own eye twitches.
you’ve got a familiar. a panther familiar. you, [y/n l/n], who can’t fly a broomstick straight & nearly burnt down your shop crafting a potion last week.
suddenly everything seems a whole lot less simple than it was before.
bracing your hands against your knees to catch your breath, you let your mind go wild, running through a million thoughts at once. what would the other witches say? what would your friends say? how the fuck was this panther going to fit inside your house?
you don’t have a single answer for any of them that won’t send you into a panic.
your stomach ends up deciding for you, the low rumble of it breaking the tense silence. the panther actually does roll its eyes at you this time, standing to its full - very, very tall height & moving to kneel at your side. it motions towards its back a little impatiently, & you scramble to climb on.
you can feel lean, powerful muscle underneath you as the panther begins to walk through the forest, quickly shifting through the underbrush towards town.
it’s much quicker than you walking on your own, & you appreciate that.
you know you’re going to get plenty of stares once you hit town, & you’ve already got a plan set: make it through quickly, avoid questions, & once you’ve got the both of you locked up in your shop, the panther can shift to its human form & introduce themselves. simple.
the second you step foot - & paw - into the town, you know you’re screwed.
all of the townsfolk are staring wide eyed, giving the pair of you a very wide berth as the panther trots along the street. hushed whispers are already circulating, & you can feel endless sets of eyes digging into your back.
just a couple more feet, a few more moments. then we’ll be safe, you think as your shop comes into view, breathing a quiet sigh of relief. you slide down off the panthers back to unlock the door & usher it in, locking it behind you both with another relieved sigh. you relax too soon.
there, in your kitchen, sit sero & kirishima, both gaping as they stare at the massive panther in your foyer. sero’s got a teapot in one hand, the other cupping the air - a shattered mug at his feet.
“we came for tea,” kirishima squeaks. sero is dumbfounded where he stands. the panther huffs unamused, tail flicking & breaking one of the china plates along the wall.
you sink to the floor in despair.
what the fuck, is all you can think, burying your head in your hands.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
your friends take it all in surprisingly well. sero sweeps up the shattered mug & dish, kirishima makes them all tea, & you have a mild panic attack.
the panther simply curls up in a corner of the shop, avoiding everything delicate as it takes up a good chunk of the space. kirishima can’t stop staring at it, eyes blown wide as he takes in every inch of the creature.
“it’s really yours? your familiar?” he’d asked, voice hushed. you swatted at his arm with a scowl, glancing over at the uninterested panther. “stop talking about it like it’s not here! you know it can hear you.”
truthfully, however, you don’t even think the panther is listening. it has an air of disinterest clouded around it, lazily examining its paws & twitching its whiskers every so often.
sero maintains that he won the bet, much to your chagrin. “it’s just a really big cat!” he insists. kirishima simply rolls his eyes & tells him to take it up with bakugou.
it takes an hour or two, but eventually you manage to shoo your friends out of your shop, a headache building at their incessant questioning - “so what's its name? boy or girl? did it try to eat you? why is it looking at me like that?” - & all you want to do is sleep.
you lead the panther to the small side room you’d dolled up, albeit for a much smaller animal, wincing at the judgemental look you receive in return. “right, that won’t work. i mean, you could stay in my bed? it’s really big, just a bunch of cushions & blankets on a floor mattress?” you offer, twisting your fingers in your shirt a little shyly. the panther pauses, then nods again, squeezing its massive frame through the narrow staircase to follow you upstairs.
your bed - a custom made mattress that spanned nearly across the entirety of your bedroom floor - seemed to accommodate the panther just fine, and it paced around once, twice, before settling in one corner of it. its lithe form took up a good two thirds of the mess of blankets, & you can’t help but coo at the sight. it really was just a big kitty cat, although you’d probably never say it to the creature’s face.
you busy yourself with getting ready for bed, washing your face, brushing your teeth & changing into your baggy blue silk pajamas - they’ve got little yellow crescent moons sewn into them, & you swear the panther laughs at you in them - before settling between the sheets.
“goodnight, mr. panther,” you mumble sleepily, silently hoping that things would be easier to fix in the morning before drifting off to dreams.
above you, the panther huffs a little fondly, nuzzling your soft little cheek before falling asleep as well.
the next few days aren’t any easier.
for one, you’re swamped with customers for the first time ever, people crowding into the tiny shop to catch a glimpse of the enormous panther curled up in the corner. normally you wouldn’t allow it, but the panther doesn’t seem to mind, & everyone who walks in leaves with something - you’re making a killing.
another little problem: the arrival of your - rather powerful - familiar means your own abilities have gotten a much needed boost. everything you make is soaked in energy, & your plants are shooting towards the ceiling every other hour.
in short, you’re probably the most powerful nature witch in the country, let alone the county.
you appreciate the fact that you’re better at what you do, but it tires you out quicker, & you’re twice as busy now that you can do so much.
all of this would be reasonably manageable, if your familiar wasn’t still stuck in its animal form.
the panther’s refused to shift for the entirety of the time you’ve known it, staying in its animal form in the corner of the shop. it simply watches & observes, occasionally nudging the right vial or plant closer to you with its large black nose. it’s a cute sight, the little nature witch bustling around the shop in your emerald green robes, a huge black panther tracking your every move with a fond expression. you’ve started to get comfortable around it as well, but you would like to get to know it eventually, & you enlist kirishima’s help.
the more experienced witch drops by with an old history book one afternoon when you aren’t as busy, the pair of you sitting at the table to read up on familiars.
“it says here familiars usually shift within the first day of meeting their witch,” kiri reads from the book, squinting at the tiny text. you had shooed the panther into the garden so you could talk uninterrupted, & you watch as the large creature nips at the butterflies circling its head. it makes you smile, heart a little fond at the sight.
“it’s been almost a week, kiri,” you pout, looking up at the witch in concern. maybe it's not comfortable with me yet, you add in your head. your stomach twists uncomfortably at the thought.
kirishima, seemingly sensing your worry, ruffles a hand through your hair, a reassuring smile on his face.
“don’t worry, [y/n]. i’m sure they’re still getting used to being here with you,” the taller comforts you. “just give it a little time.”
watching as your familiar tramples your hydrangeas, looking up at the window with a guilty expression on its face, you can only sigh.
“i hope you’re right.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
nearly two months later, you’re starting to doubt kirishima’s advice.
your familiar still hasn’t shifted in front of you, although you’ve got a sneaking suspicion it does while you’re asleep, a smattering of all black clothes hidden in random corners of his shop.
you still know absolutely nothing about them, every question you throw at the panther met with unblinking silence. but the panther knows all about you.
it knows which tea you prefer in the morning & evening, nudging out the right canisters with one massive paw. it knows every plant in your shop & garden, delicately ripping out whichever ones you need with sharp fangs. it knows to growl when a potion is boiling over, or huff when a customer is at the door. it even ran off a few thieves a week ago, snarling with its hackles raised at the foot of the stairs as they screamed & ran. you had given it an hour long head massage, complete with ear scratches, as a thank you.
the panther has settled itself in your shop & your life almost perfectly, a constant presence that you’ve grown fond of. but it doesn’t change the fact that they still haven’t revealed themselves to you. you feel like this relationship is ridiculously imbalanced; the panther knows you inside & out. you don’t even know their name.
still, you push down any doubt or insecurities you’re feeling, determined to let the panther come to you in your own time.
the mayor’s birthday changes all of that.
the mayor always requests a grand celebration, complete with magical fireworks, charmed balloons, singing lilies, & a three tier magical cake. normally, he only requests singing lilies & roses from you.
this year, you get a golden invoice for everything.
the mayor wants you to craft the cake, enchant the balloons & streamers, gather the singing flowers, and charm the fireworks, all in less than two days. you immediately break into a sweat.
you can’t ask your friends for help, as they’re tied up in their own town’s festivities. your only choice is to get the other witches’ in town; surely they’d help with the mayor’s birthday celebration.
surely not. they laugh you away from their shops the moment you ask, a pleading expression on your face.
“you shouldn’t need help, little dirt witch. you’ve got that powerful familiar of yours, don’t you? unless you can’t handle it,” they mock you, & your fists clench unwillingly; you force yourself to breathe.
you don’t need their help, or their disdain. you’re going to do it all by yourself.
you start with the flowers, collecting the brightest & loudest singers from your garden & placing them in charmed rainwater to keep them pristine. the panther helps where it can, delicately holding them between its fangs.
enchanting the streamers & balloons takes the better part of the day, & you’re up late into the night crafting the fireworks the right way. you fall asleep in a spellbook, the cake left forgotten till the morning. the panther simply rests its head next to yours on the table, the pair of you fast asleep until the next day.
when you wake up, the birds are chirping steadily outside, sunlight filtering in through the windows. it’s calm & soothing, & for a moment you’re at peace.
then you see the time, panic immediately setting in.
“wake up! wake up! i have to have the cake ready in four hours! it’s going to take me three just to mix the batter!” you’re running around the shop in a flurry of robes & quick spells, arms full of supplies. the panther just watches from its position on the floor, eyebrow quirked.
you’re halfway through mixing the batter when you realize you won’t finish in time.
you can’t focus on charming all three tiers at once as he mixes, but if you do them one by one you won’t finish in time. you pause, turning desperate eyes onto the panther.
“i know you’re not ready, & i didn’t want to push, but please. i need your help,” you plead. hands clasped in front of you & flour in your hair. the panther continues to stare, unmoving, as though immune to your begging.
it’s too much all at once, stress & anxiety building until you snap.
“why not! why! i get it! i understand you’re disappointed! i’m not some high tech witch in a big city, i’m not powerful! i’m weak & i suck & i can’t brew potions fast without blowing them up & i fell off my broomstick in the garden & you saw, i know! i just need help, for god’s sake! just help me, & you don’t ever have to talk to me again!” you promise, eyes watery as you burst into tears.
dropping your head into your hands to muffle your sobs, you barely register the faint whirling of air in front of you.
hands suddenly flutter over your crying form, hovering just above touching you as a low, rough voice pulls you from your misery.
“please stop crying, shit, please, i’m sorry, i swear i didn’t mean to make you cry, fuck,” you hear, & you tilt your head up, rubbing tears from your eyes.
there’s a man standing in front of you, wearing all black. he’s got messy purple hair sticking up from all sides & dark eyes, a hint of violet flashing through them in the light. there’s circles as dark as his clothes under his eyes, a familiar look on his face - like you’d seen it every morning waking up.
this ridiculously handsome man, looking slightly panicked, is your familiar. every time you’d called him a “pretty kitty” suddenly flashes through your mind.
pushing all those thoughts to the back of your mind, you straighten up, hastily wiping your eyes on your robe sleeves. “can you stir the second pot, please? i’ll worry about the other ones,” you ask meekly, a little embarrassed now. you ignore the familiar’s prying gaze, simply muttering spells under your breath as you stir the first mixture.
the pair of you don’t speak unless it’s instructions, racing around the tiny shop to craft the magical cake. flour & sugar & icing cover every available surface as you wave your hands, whisking it all over the towering cake. you struggle a little to reach the very top, on your tiptoes as you attempt to frost the highest tier. warm, strong hands grip your waist & lift you right off the ground, holding you up to help; you blush furiously as you quickly finish.
you’re just putting the final smattering of glitter onto the cake when the mayor’s party attendants arrive to collect it. you can finally breathe as you watch them carry off everything you both had made, shoulders sagging in relief.
your familiar leans against the counter, wiping down the tables with a rag as he watches you. now that everything’s been finished, there’s no avoiding it.
“i’m hitoshi. that’s my name,” the panther - hitoshi - offers, presumably sensing your nerves. “& for the record, i think you’re a great witch. youre powerful all on your own, even without me.”
you can’t help your smile at that, a little flush to your cheeks as you sit at the table. “then.. then why didn’t you shift?” you ask softly. up close, you can see tiny freckles in place of hitoshi’s whiskers, the glossiness of his hair reminiscent of his panther fur.
the familiar shrugs, cheeks going a bit pink themselves as he stares at the table. “at first, i was just a little shy. it’s nerve wracking, meeting your witch. & then you just… passed out, you know? i was worried about how you’d react, so i decided to give you time.” you can understand that, listening closely.
“you were so nice to me, you weren’t scared at all. you scratched behind my ears & made me cleansing potions. & you let me stay in your bed, so easily. you were just…. nicer than i expected. and…. and prettier.” the familiar’s cheeks are a rosy red now, bright in contrast to his soft skin & prominent dark circles. you think it’s adorable.
“i just didn’t want you to think any different of me, you know? you liked panther me a lot, even though i kept breaking stuff, &.... i wanted you to keep liking me.” you outright coo at that, ignoring your familiar’s protests as you dissolve into giggles.
“really? of course i’d still like you, silly! i let you cuddle me! i called you mr whiskers for a solid month! oh god, i called you mr whiskers,” you whine, pouting a little. you’d called hitoshi a bunch of silly nicknames before he’d shifted, from pretty kitty to mr whiskers to sugarpaws. you’d been trying to compensate, in your defense, & hitoshi had seemed to like them.
hitoshi’s the one laughing now, smile bright as he gives you that same fond look. “it was cute. you were trying really hard,” he admits, head cocked to the side as he watches you.
you sit in a comfortable sort of silence then, simply taking in each other’s presence a moment.
“so, you thought i was pretty, huh?” you tease, breaking the silence as you move to stand in front of hitoshi. you giggle more at the flush that follows, ignoring hitoshi’s mumbling rant about “soft little witches” & “green robes & moon pajamas, that's ridiculous”, your smile growing ever wider.
you tap a finger against hitoshi’s nose, the familiar protesting in flustered panic. standing on tiptoe, you press a light kiss to the cranberry stained cheek, watching hitoshi absolutely melt.
“i thought you were cute too, pretty kitty,” you smile, turning to tidy up the pots & spellbooks & leaving an awestruck hitoshi at the table, hand frozen where you had pressed your lips.
i could get used to that, you think, giggling as hitoshi trips over himself to squish you against the counter, covering your face in kisses.
just you, your shop, & one pretty kitty.
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icedthoma · 4 years
merry crisis
--a holiday movie marathon with class 1A, where the reader is really good friends with Kirishima but also has a huge crush on him. During one of the movies he puts his arm around her, which causes her to jump and spill the bowl of popcorn she’s holding and everyone teases her about it. When she goes to make another bowl of popcorn, Kirishima confronts her about it? Absolutely love your writing btw!
Pairing: Kirishima Ejirou x Reader
Notes: My first Kirishima fic! 
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“A Christmas Carol!”
“Stop vetoing every movie we suggest!” Kaminari yelled, jumping to his feet and pointing an accusing finger at Bakugou. “I don’t see you making any contributions!”
“Home Alone,” Katsuki said. “The first one.” The rest of Class 1A gathered in the common room with various blankets and snacks mumbled their reluctant agreement. 
Kaminari sat down. 
You walked in carrying a bowl of popcorn just as Yaoyorozu was putting the movie in. “Oh...where should I sit?” you asked, looking at the crowded mess of blankets and people sprawled out in front of the TV. 
“Over here!” Kirishima called, waving to you from where he had managed to get a spot on one of the couches. “I saved you a seat!”
“You’re only saying that because you want to be close to the popcorn!”
“Shut up, Mina!” 
You smiled at your spiky-haired best friend and made your way across the room to sit beside him, pulling half of the blanket over Kirishima’s legs over your lap. He turned and grinned at you, and your heart skipped a beat at his small gesture. You hugged the bowl of popcorn closer to your chest in an attempt to distract yourself from Kirishima’s presence beside you. 
“For the record, I did not save a seat for you just because I wanted to be near your popcorn bowl,” he whispered to you as the intro for the movie came on and Iida turned off the common room lights.
You breathed a laugh as he grabbed a handful of popcorn from your bowl and burrowed deeper into the blanket. “Whatever you say.” 
You tried to focus on the movie.
You really, really did. 
But every time you tried to bring your attention to the movie, your train of thought always drifted back to the boy sitting beside you eating his way through your bowl of popcorn. His presence was warmer than the fluffy blanket over the two of you, and you had to resist the urge to put your head on his shoulder and snuggle into his side. 
Kirishima laughed at something, probably one of the pranks on screen, and by instinct, you laughed too, mind so fixated on your best friend that you were completely, irrevocably in love with. 
He turned to you in surprise. “Are you okay?”
“No--yes!” you blurted out, face reddening at your outburst. “I’m fine, why?” 
“I don’t know, I just felt something was off,” he muttered, shrugging and settling back into the couch. 
You scrunched up your face and tensed up under the blanket, internally screaming at how stupid you were. What were you thinking? 
You were so close to Kirishima your shoulders were touching. 
Cursing your traitorous thoughts, you forced yourself to pay attention to the movie. You didn’t even realize that the first movie had ended and that someone had put on The Nightmare Before Christmas. You were so focused on not focusing on Kirishima that a weight suddenly resting along your shoulders startled you. You screamed and jumped in shock, the popcorn bowl you were holding spilling its contents everywhere. 
“Are you that afraid of Kirishima?” Sero asked with a laugh. 
“What?” you asked, blushing hard at everyone’s eyes on you from your little mishap. 
Kirishima was staring at you with wide, innocent eyes. “I just put my arm around your shoulders, and you jumped ten feet into the air.” 
“I should have videoed it,” Denki said thoughtfully. 
“I’m sorry!” you stammered, heart hammering in your chest. So that was what it was? “I didn’t mean to make a mess--”
“Don’t worry about it,” Yaoyorozu said cheerfully, waving your apologies off with a smile. “Can you make some more popcorn while we pick this up?” 
“Yes, of course!” you said gratefully, dashing to the kitchen. Once you were alone, you let out a long-suffering screech. 
“Why me?”
You aggressively grabbed a new bag of popcorn kernels and a large saucepan (ever since Iida found out about the dangers of microwaved popcorn he always insisted on cooking it on the stove). “Of course it had to be me,” you ranted, dumping the kernels in the pot along with some oil. “I just can’t seem to function like a normal human being, can I? I could still be in the common room, possibly even cuddling with Kirishima, but no.” You frowned down at the few kernels that were beginning to pop. 
“Sounds like quite the dilemma.”
Gasping, you spun away from the stove to see Kirishima himself leaning against the open doorway of the kitchen. “Kirishima! I--you heard nothing!” you cried in an attempt to save your dignity, whipping back around to appear busy with the popcorn. “What are you doing here?” 
“You looked really upset, so I followed you,” you heard him say. 
“It’s fine! I’m fine! Everything is just fine--”
“You’re rambling.”
“Sorry!” You risked a peek over your shoulder and saw that he was still staring at you. “How--how long where you standing there?”
“Long enough,” he chuckled, folding his arms with an embarrassed smile as he got off the edge of the doorway. “Cuddles, huh?” 
 You made a sound that sounded like a mouse getting stepped on as you took off the lid of the pot to look at the popped kernels inside. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.” 
“Do you like me?” 
So blunt. You fixed your gaze on the popcorn in the pot, because if you made eye contact with him, you’d likely lose all ability to form coherent words. “Yes! I do like you,” you blurted out, and instantly you felt like a large weight was lifted off your shoulders. You had been stressing yourself out about your crush on your best friend for long, and now that everything was out in the open, you were quite relieved. “I thought I was just a friend to you, so I kept it all inside of me. I was so nervous about sitting close to you that when you put your arm around me I panicked and...” 
You trailed off as your eyes flitted up from the pot to see Kirishima standing right in front of you, red eyes soft and warm and never leaving yours as he gently took the pot from your hands and put it to the side. “Do I make you nervous?” he whispered, reaching a hand past you to the edge of the counter so you were trapped between it and him. 
“Yes,” you breathed in agreement, flustered at how close he was to you. His face was inches away from yours, and you could faintly feel the remnants of every breath he exhaled whispering across your skin. 
“Can I...can I kiss you?” Kirishima asked, voice shaking slightly, and you almost melted into a puddle on the floor. 
“Everyone will be wondering where we are,” you mumbled, cringing at your lame half-hearted excuse. 
He grinned impishly, leaning in by a fraction so his lips just barely ghosted over yours. “Let them.” 
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Nomiko’s Bug List!
Nomiko Assigns her Classmates, friends, and teachers specific insects that remind her of them.  Some have more than one.  For training, she adds as many of the mas she can to her swarm.  It helps her feel closer to her classmates.
Bug list below!
Kaminari: The denkimushi which is a caterpillar that ‘shocks’ people via stinging them with a venom.  Part of this comparison is the name.  She also related him with fireflies.
Bakugou: The bombardier is an ‘exploding beetle’ that shoots out a spray of toxins when startled.  Other options are flame-bordered Emperors, and fire ants!
Kirishima: The ironclad beetle because it has a VERY tough shell.  Entomologists need to use power tools to pierce their shells.
Todoroki: She’d assign him the grylloblattid, which are often referred to as snow crickets and they live in glacial areas and mountaintops.  They don’t do well with heat.  Alternatively, he reminds her of  The Red Pierrot butterfly, mostly for the coloration.  
Iida: The tiger beetle, because it’s one of the fastest insects out there!  Also, they’re very blue.
Aoyama: Very specifically, the compsus benoisti, often referred to as a ‘glittery’ beetle.  It sparkles in the light!
Tokoyami: Partly because of it’s color, partly because of their power, and partly because of their shape, she sees him in the Emperor Scorpion.  She thinks the tail sort of looks like Dark Shadow!
Jiro: Because of Jirou’s talent for music, Nomiko sees her in the bell cricket.  They are a Japanese cricket with a well loved song.  It’s tempting to give her a big with really long antennae as a funny haha, but the Bell Cricket suits her better, in Nomiko’s opinion.
Midoriya: Okay so, this one.  Uh.  She SWEARS it’s a good thing.  The Flea.  It’s the insect with highest jump height, and they are VERY strong.  She swears it’s a high compliment!  The kanji in her name means Flea, for Pete’s sake!
Sero: She assigns him the Darwin’s Bark spider.  It’s the spider with the strongest silk out there!  Their webs are massive and VERY tough.  However, they’re also relatively harmless to humans!  They’re not venomous.
Uraraka: Ladybugs!  They’re very helpful and considered to be a charismatic, and well liked bug.  The pink spotted lady beetle in particular makes her think of her, because of the pinkness of her cheeks.
Tsuyu:  She assigns Tsu the Colombian Lesserblack tarantula!  For good reason, too.  These tarantulas have a mutually beneficial relationship with dotted humming frogs!  The frogs live above their burrows and protect the spider’s eggs and the spider provides food and protection.  They make a great team!
Momo: She sees the Diaethria Clymena in Momo.  They sport a simialar color scheme in their hero costumes, and the idea that Momo needs to consume a lot to utilize her quirk, reminds Nomiko of caterpillars!
Koda: She knows he doesn’t like bugs, but she offers him the Velleda Lappet Moth.  They’re a mid sized moth, and they’re very fluffy and cute looking.  Nomiko thinks they kind of look like little bunnies.
Mina: The Nairobi fly has the nickname “acid bug” for good reason.  They dont sting or bite, but their insides are VERY toxic, causing burn like rashes.  Do NOT swat one of these bad boys.  As an aside, the rosy maple moth because of the colors.
Mineta:  She assigns Mineta the common aphid due to the sticky residue they leave wherever they go.  They’re also very small.  It fits.
Toru: For Toru, Nomiko assigns her the orange oakleaf butterfly which is a butterfly with VERY good camouflage, making it look identical to a dead dry leaf.  However, the inner part of its wings are dazzling, reflecting Toru’s strength with light!
Ojiro: She assigns him the mayfly because of its long tail-like appendage on its back end.  They’re also a very chill insect, very relaxed and happy to sit in the sun.
Sato: Unsurprisingly, she assigns him the banded sugar ant because of their love of the sweet stuff.  But also, as you may know, ants are incredibly strong for their size.  So it’s a pretty fitting bug.
Shoji: For Shoji, she offers the Amazonian Giant Centipede, which is among the largest of the centipedes.  They obviously have lots and lots of arms/legs, which is very fitting for a guy like Shoji.
Shinsou:  For this boy, she assigns him a butterfly that is known as the lesser purple emperor but make no mistake, in her opinion this is the better butterfly, because it has more complex colors and more intricate patterns on their wings.  They’re honestly one of her favorites.
Aizawa: This is a weird one, but she assigns him the Paper Wasp.  First of all, they kinda look like his googles.  Second, they’re one of the few insects that hibernate.  Although they do not sleep as humans do, they do something akin to sleeping.
Present Mic: Because he is so very loud, he is equated to the mole cricket, which is the loudest of the crickets.  They dig holes for themselves to amplify them like megaphones!
Midnight: Unsurprisingly, Midnight was assigned the Black Widow.  There’s a lot of reasons, namely their pheromones and deadly nature and proclivity for wrapping up and binding their prey.
All Might: Mostly based on appearances more than strength, he is like the golden stag.  In color, popularity, and they both have those... Little things.  On their heads.
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spideypool504 · 4 years
Little Things
Kaminari x Midoriya
Denki x Izuku 
The gentle morning sun is what woke up Midoryia  this morning. Which he's thankful for because normally Denki is the first one up, which just would not do for what he has planned today. 
It's their tenth  wedding anniversary and thankfully it's Izuku's turn to plan something for them. Ever since their first anniversary when they first started dating 15 years ago when they were 17, they've unintentionally slash intentionally  switched off every year with the planning.
Three years ago Denki surprised him with a three day trip off of work to go to America to visit Izuku's parents  in New York. After his mom got remarried  to the really nice man, James  Barnes, they lived in Japan for around six years before moving to America. They visit every few years or so and he and his mom talk to each other every Wednesday like clock work, but for Denki to go out of his way to not only get them the time off but book the tickets and plan things with his mom and step dad and fly them all the way to America? Izuku fell even more in love with him than he thought was possible. 
Then again Denki does things daily that make him fall more and more every day since their first together. It's small things like bringing him a cup of coffee made just how he likes it on his breaks even when Denki has days off. Small things like making sure to bring an extra one of Izuku's jackets with them to work because he knows that his husband will most likely get cold later on that night but won't admit to it unless he sees the jacket in Denki's hand. Izuku loves all the little thing Denki does for him in their daily life both at work and at home. 
He's the sweetest most loving person Izuku has ever met and it is a privilege that he chose Izuku to spend his life with. Izuku knows how lucky he is. 
Not only is his husband the sweetest, but he's also the most handsome and adorable person around. He's not the only person that knows this, the more than several magazines that have come out over the years ranking Denki as the cutest thing alive proves him in his drunk rants. He's just speaking facts. 
Denki knows Izuku better than he knows himself and takes care of him so well that he does his damnedest to make sure his husband knows just how much he means to him. That he really truly is the love of Izuku's life. 
So this year he's decided to make sure Denki knows it irrefutably. 
First on the list is go make breakfast for this human form of sunshine. Which sounds easy enough but that includes getting out of bed without waking up said sunshine who is currently latched onto him with a vice grip with no signs of loosening anytime soon. He's going to try though. 
He starts with the arms that are wrapped around his chest and clasped together at his side. Denki's often said that if he doesn't hold hands with himself while he cuddles Izuku then his arms will just fall to the side and "that's just not real cuddling babe". He can hear his  Honey Bee's  voice in his head and he has to hold back a chuckle but lets his smile make up for the suppressed chuckle. So he takes Denki's hand that's resting on top and gently pries it away from its twin. 
Which is when Denki intertwines their hands together and snuggles even closer to him. Okay so at least he's got his hands unwrapped from around his chest, even if it did create another obstacle to get through. He just has to try to slip a pillow in his place and he should be good, right? Well he slowly starts to slide his shoulder  out from under the blonde's head, keeping it level with his hand so he can put a pillow under him and then-
He's up.
He's staring right at me with amused sleepy eyes.
He's got his eyebrow arched in a way that he knows I know that he knows what I'm trying to do. 
"Are you trying to es-capay my sweet husband?" The humor in his voice brings a blush to the tips of Izuku's ears. 
Izuku mildly panics and draws out a "Whaaat? I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just laying here giving my husband the best cuddles, and I'm being accused of trying to leave him. I'm hurt. Truly." Izuku throws his head back on the pillow and huffs dramatically. 
"Just callin' it like I sees it." Denki shrugs his shoulder that isn't pressed to the bed and smiles up to Izuku. "Why were you trying to get up though, KuBear? We don't have to be in to the agency till tonight. What nefarious plans are you up too, good sir?" He snuggles his face into the broad and scarred chest in front of him, wiggling his body in content like a puppy would, even though they're 32. Well Denki is 32, Izuku's birthday is in a few days, today being July 9th and all. But he's positive that his short blonde husband will remain a child at heart for the rest of his life. He can't wait to see a grey haired Denki  pulling pranks on their friends, it's going to be great. 
"Nothing too serious, I just wanted to make you some breakfast before you woke up." Izuku pouts his bottom lip out because now his plan that started with a surprise breakfast is no longer a surprise. Even though he knew if he didn't give up his "nefarious plans" he would have gotten a zap to the hip till he gave them up.
"Aww! Babe! You're too sweet to me." The blonde stretches his neck out to reach Izuku's and plants a soft chaste kiss on his lips. He pulls away before it Izuku can even process the kiss. 
"Uh uh, come here." He pulls his giggling husband back to him and smiles into the kiss he gives the blonde. There's no fighting in the kiss, it's all soft passion filled to the brim with love. 15 years, countless fights and smile, laughs and tears and they're still hopelessly in love with each other. They truly married their best friend and it was the best feeling in the world. 
When they pull away from each other, Izuku is almost blinded by how big and bright Bee's smile is. He's mesmerized by it every time he's graced with it. With nothing but pure warmth and joy in his heart he starts covering Denki's face in kisses. He starts with his nose and then his cheeks to his eyelids, from there to his forehead and then hugging  him to his chest and a finally kiss placed on the crown of his head. He breaths in the smell of thunderstorm with is so distinctly Denki that he's come to look forward to when it rains so he can be even more surrounded by what reminds him of his love. 
"Okay, so I already had something in mind to make for breakfast but any suggestions or special requests?" His muffled by the hair he's burrowed himself into but he knows Denki heard him, or at least he knows what was asked. Just like he understood Denki's muffled response that was muffled into his chest. 
"Well what did you have in mind?" 
They pull away from each other and Izuku squints an eye at him and asks, "Well what do you want?" 
Denki squints back and it's quiet for a moment. Then they're both smiling at each other. "Same time?" They're in sync with their speech. They give a small laugh and nod to each other. 
"Banana stuffed french toast with chocolate chips"
"Banana stuffed french toast with chocolate chips"
"I knew it." Izuku does a little victory wiggle of his head at knowing exactly what his husbands favorite breakfast is. 
Denki sits up to give a full deep from the belly laugh and lightly pushes Izuku's shoulder while he's still laying down. "You dork!" he laughs loudly again and scoffs. Then the cracked door flings open and the bed dips and there's a total of two tiny bodies and a wiggling pit bull piled onto the bed with a 16 year old  leaning against their doorway. 
"I told them they had to wait till at least one of you were up and being loud. They heard y'all laugh it was on. Happy anniversary Dad and Pops." Wade sounds nonchalant but there's a really big smile plastered across his face. 
"Thank you, sweetheart. Wanna come join the pile? You know you wanna." Denki enticed their oldest son to come join the pile including his brothers and family fur daughter with a waggle of his eyebrows and overly big smile that pulled his face tight. 
Wade laughed at his Dad's antics and came to sit next to Izuku who wrapped an arm around his son's shoulders. The whole family was in the King sized bed  and the small family decided that before they got up for the day they'd watch an episode or two of cartoons, just because they could. 
Izuku watched his family enjoy the morning with no worries in sight and felt content with the world. He began to think back on how they'd gotten to where they were right now and smiled back at his memories. 
While the two were in America visiting Izuku's parents, they ran into the then 13 year old. Like Wade literally ran into them. After settling the situation between Wade and the shop owner who accused Wade of stealing, which he didn't by the way, they walked the boy back to the orphanage he lived at. While they walked him home, they got to know the boy and were actually sad when they finally reached the orphanage. The boy ran had run inside before they could ask him any questions so they left back to their hotel room. 
He and Denki talked about it all night before canceling their lunch get together with Izuku's parents, telling them that they had something important pop up, but not to worry because they were still going to make it for dinner that night. Then they made their way back to the orphanage that they'd dropped the boy off at and walked inside to speak with the social workers. When they told the social worker there that came to the front desk after recognizing them, when they mentioned Wade by name the lady had gotten exasperated with the situation before they'd even said another word. She told them that she apologized for whatever Wade had done to them and said that she'd make sure to reprimand the child herself. Then she went on a mini rant about how terrible of a child Wade was and Denki had cut her off before Izuku could, which was probably for the best.
Well what happened then is for another story. By the end of Denki's quiet and polite "go fuck yourself" rant the head social worker, Pepper, had shown up and taken them into her office in the back. She actually listened to what they wanted and needed to say and to say she was just a little  surprised at what they wanted was lying. She had brought them to one of their meeting rooms the was filled with toys and had a table and two sets of chairs  in the middle of the room. There were also bean bags so of course Denki had drug one over next to the table and plopped down on it. Before Izuku could call his husband an "overgrown child" and ask him to pull another one over for him, Pepper had walked in with a disgruntled Wade. 
He had looked surprised to see the two of them  but sat down with a weary eye nonetheless. The boy had seemed to be on edge like he wanted to get right to the point, so with a quick look between Izuku and Denki then the former just came out with it. "We want to adopt you." 
The way Wade's face went from surprise to excitement and then watch his face fall and then have him tell them, "I don't to be adopted by you. Either of you." He looked heartbroken.
Then he had startled at Denki asking him,"Why's that? Is it because I accidentally zapped you? I'm so sorry! I didn't mean too! I promise my quirk doesn't misfire almost ever anym-"
"It's not that. I promise." Wade held his hands out to stop Denki from trying to apologize any further. Which had calmed Denki down considerably, he'd always been afraid of accidentally hurting anyone with his quirk after a small electrical fire when he was younger that burned his mom. 
"Oh." Denki paused and then looked back up to Wade. "Why then? If you feel comfortable telling us that is. It's okay if you're not, we're not here to push you into anything that you don't want. We're just curious if there's anything we can do to maybe change your mind? We'd really like for you to be apart of our little family." Denki looked hopeful but there was an acceptance in his eyes that told Izuku that he'd be crushed if Wade decided in the end to not allow them to go through with the adoption. It would be hard to walk away but he knew neither him nor Denki would force the boy. 
Wade stayed quiet for a moment and looked around the room for a moment till Pepper spoke up. "How about I go get some water for everyone? Would it be okay if I left you with Izuku and Denki for a moment Wade?" Wade looked up to the red head and gave her a small smile before nodding. "I'll be right back then." With that she nodded at Izuku and Denki and closed the door behind her quietly once she stepped out. 
Wade's shoulders dropped a bit like he'd relaxed when he heard the door close, it made Izuku quirk his eye up and look towards Denki who was almost hyper focused on the boy in front of them. 
"Would you like to tell us now? Or is it something you'd rather to keep to yourself? We'll understand either way, Wade." Izuku tried this time, letting him know that it wasn't just Denki who was hoping to fix whatever it was that was keeping Wade from telling them that he wanted to be apart of their family. 
Wade was quiet for a moment before he uttered out a quiet reply. "I'm sorry, I just get kind of nervous around any of the worker here. They don't really like, Mrs. Hogan is really nice to me, but I just don't want to accidentally say or do anything that would change that." The duo nod in understanding, they'd noticed the side looks they got mentioning Wade's name. They didn't like it one bit. 
"That's okay, there's no need to be sorry." Denki was quick to reassure the brunette boy. Wade nods and then looked like he wanted to say something and then bit his lip to stop himself. "What? There's basically nothing you could tell us that we'd get mad at, hun." The word "hun" coming from Denki in his Japanese accented English was... it was something else. He's so glad he spent so many hours with Denki on his English work in school. He struggled sometimes but he was pretty fluent because of all the interviews the duo have ended up doing in the past 13 years of being pro heroes. 
"It's just," Wade looks like he's struggling to find the words to put with his thoughts, "they're not going to be mad, White." There's a pause and the husbands look to each other in concern. Was wade okay?  "They said they wanted to know how to fix it, they actually want us. No, Yellow. Just because they'll know about him won't mean they'll just throw me to the side. They said they wanted me first, they can't go back on that. But they're not like the others White!" Another pause and the duo look to the boy in concern, what was going on in the boy;s head?Wade had his face turned towards the table so they couldn't see his expression but they could tell from his voice he was getting desperate in his thoughts, or conversation it seemed.  Izuku almost had a flashback to when he used to mumble bad when he was still in school. He only really ever did it anymore when he was really excited or nervous or stuck in an extra delicate or complicated situation. This though seemed like Wade was talking to someone, two someones, in head head. "Peter!" The two across from the boy jumped a little at the outburst. 
"Peter who Wade?" Izuku asks him quietly when nothing other than the name comes from the boy's mouth. 
"Parker. Peter Parker. My best friend." Wade looks up with tears brimming on his eyes and Izuku sees Denki clench is hands in his lap to keep from going to hug the boy who seemed to be almost on a mental break. 
"What about Peter Parker, Wade?" Denki is quiet in his question trying to not startle the boy. 
"I can't leave him. I can't leave him here Mr. Midoriya." Wade's bottom lip wobbles and Izuku knows his husband is already on the move to hug him before he even looks over. "Pete is so tiny and he gets picked on because of his quirk and I have to protect him because he doesn't deserve that! Just because his quirk lets him be like a bug doesn't mean he is one! Spiders aren't even bugs! They're arachnids! But none of the kids care so they call him Bug Boy and it hurts him and it makes me angry and it makes me want to hit them but if I did that then Peter would get mad at me and then he'd be sad because he's mad at me because he hates being mad at me and then I get sad because he's sad and I JUST CAN'T LEAVE HIM!" Wade was full on sobbing into Denki's chest now and they could barely make out half of what Wade said but Izuku heard enough to be mad. 
With both Izuku and Denki being victims of bullying as children they knew how bad other kids could get when they latched onto something. Izuku growing up quirkless and Denki growing up being teased for his quirk misfires, it was hardly a thought they needed actually discuss with words. Just one look into Denki's bright yellow eyes and Izuku was up and walking out of the room to ask Pepper to find a little Spider quirk boy named Peter Parker. 
Peter now sat snuggled next to Denki, who was holding their youngest and newest addition to the family Hitoshi. Hitoshi was supposed to be just a foster child that was with them for a short while but with how well he got along with  Wade and the way he and Peter almost clung to each other through mutual bullying experiences over their quirks and the way Denki looked at him like he was already apart of the family, Izuku had just filed the papers to adopt him not even a full three weeks after he started staying with them. 
Wade was almost as broad shouldered as Izuku, so he laid back in Izuku's lap with his arms crossed. Their rescue pit, Knick Knack, was contently laying at the foot of the bed  sleeping not bothered by the random laughs and giggles of her family. 
Izuku looks over to his right and finds his husband mid laugh at something Bugs Bunny was doing and fell just a little bit deeper in love with him. 
It's mornings like this filled with hundreds of little things with the love of his life and his sons that keep him happy. 
"Pops, I'm hungry. Can you and Wade make breakfast already?" Peter pipes up from his position cuddled into his Dad's side. 
Izuku chuckles and asks Wade, "Wanna help me in the kitchen?" Wade's head thunks against Izuku's chest to look up at him and then a smile graces his face accompanied with an enthusiastic nod of his head. "Alright, then." Izuku turns his had to kiss Denki, Peter, and Hitoshi's foreheads. A groan comes from all three of them.
"You're blocking the screen Pops!" Peter pouts  at him. 
"Yeah Pops!" Denki sarcastically agrees with Peter with a pout of his own. 
"Alright, alright. We're going. I'll come get you guys when we're done." The smile on Denki's lips warms his heart. 
He and Wade duck under the television that's mounted on the wall and make their way out of the room to happily go make their family breakfast.
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nyxdelanuit · 4 years
A Dream In Red Ch14
He awoke that morning with a deep warmness in his chest. The softly sleeping girl pressed up against his chest contributed to the warmth, but he felt it more from her presence in his arms than from her slumbering form. He slipped his arms around her slowly, not yet willing to wake her up. Once he was able to tear his eyes from her face- calmer than he had ever seen when she was awake- he took in the splendor surrounding them.
She must be sleeping well. Blooms and butterflies bordered them in an ephemeral fairy ring. She seemed so apprehensive of her quirk, but who could be afraid of something so beautiful? Every time he witnessed a new side to her quirk, a new side to her, he felt himself drifting deeper. She burrowed into his thoughts day and night.
She stirred in his arms. He knew this moment would end. Life inevitably went on. But his mouth worked faster than his mind, and he asked her to stay a bit longer. To his surprise, she did. She nestled into his chest, tracing scars and sending a sweet tingle through his skin. They had shared so much of themselves last night, not with words but actions. Now would be the time for words. Maybe if he said the right things, he could make this work.
Instead, he felt her stiffen in his arms. Of course, she wouldn’t want a confession from him, not now. Whatever happened last night, they were both drunk. It didn’t have to mean anything, but it already meant so much to him. He swallowed his feelings, he didn’t want to do anything that might jeopardize what they already had.
He watched her move across the room, not wanting to move from her bed. He didn’t want to leave, everything carried her scent, her warmth. She left to shower, and he let himself get lost in this moment. If this was all he would have from her, he wanted to commit it to memory. He’ll take this moment for himself and then dedicate himself to being the best friend he could be for her.
It was even harder once he stepped into the bathroom. The scent of her shampoo drifting through the air almost made him dizzy. He forced himself through the motions, his mind drifting. He had seen so many things this morning that may have been a clue, that maybe he had a chance. Even if he did, after all of the drama with Inasa, he knew he couldn’t rush it. Just let the pieces fall where they may.
The whole day was littered with small interactions that fueled his hope. He was her favorite support throughout the day, leaning and laying over him with no hesitation. If she was bothered by what had happened last night, she didn’t show it. If anything, her affections came easier the more time they shared.
He couldn’t help but feel a bit victorious. He watched her fawn over the new splash of color in her hair, matching his own. It made him feel a bit possessive as if he had laid a claim on her that everyone could see. Although he couldn’t take credit for it, he thought that Mina may have staged a bit more than she let on.
She stayed later than she should have. He should have made her leave sooner. The darkness outside felt oppressive to him at that moment. He had always liked the night, but what good was it when it meant she had to leave? There was so much more he wanted to experience with her, so much more he wanted to know. How could he when he only got the daytime? So much time remained untouched.
Their goodbye was soft and quiet. His door shut and his dorm room felt so much quieter than he remembered. He was so tired before she had left, but now he laid awake in his bed. He wished he hadn’t washed the scent of her shampoo from his hair.
Maybe he was reading into this too much. She really didn’t do anything more with him than any of their other friends. Sure, he was the one who got her attention most often, but he also had the privilege of having the most time with her. Who knew how that would work out in the future?
If she did choose someone from their group to fall for, why would it be him? He knew he was nice, but what else? If she wanted possessiveness or brashness, or someone to protect her, surely Bakugou was a better choice. He knew she had a good sense of humor, and she could flirt all day if she was in the mood, and he already saw how well she got along with Kaminari. Not to mention he could think of plenty of good Hero Duo names for them. Shockwaves, Blackout, Shock Therapy… And Shinsou. The looks she gave Shinsou at the party. He would kill for her to look at him that way. Once she met the rest of his friends, he stood no chance.
He wasn’t flashy, or funny, or all that strong. The familiar threads of insecurity filled him. He knew he had grown as a hero throughout the years, mostly due to Fatgum and Suneater’s constant support, but that didn’t mean he grew to be a good person or a good boyfriend. None of his previous relationships went very far.
His fears sat heavily on his chest. He felt himself sinking slowly into his fears, but it wasn’t anything he hadn’t felt before.
You awoke to your alarm in the early hours of the morning. You had gotten too little sleep, but the train ride to your parent’s home would be decently long. If it wasn’t too busy, maybe you would be able to get a few minutes of precious sleep.
You walked the barely lit streets. Dew clung to the grass and clung to your ankles as you passed. The chill of April air seemed to pass through you, causing you to shiver every now and then. The sun peaked above the horizon as you neared the station. It would be a two-hour train ride and another long walk before you arrived.
The sun was warming the streets. It seemed like the train was running late, and the new warmth pulled a yawn from you. You fought your drowsiness, urging the train to come faster. You wished you were back in your dorm, snug in your blankets and pressed up against the warm chest of your friend. That thought brought you a surge of energy, coloring your face with embarrassment. You really needed to learn how to control yourself.
As you reprimanded yourself, the train pulled noisily into the station. Luckily for you, not many people seemed eager to take the early train, and you quickly found a secluded seat. Once you situated yourself, you pulled on your headphones and let the scenery flashing by lull you into a light sleep.
You awoke a few stations from your stop. The train had filled more while you had slept, but everyone seemed to have the decency to keep clear of your space. With a stretch, you stood to depart. A solemn melancholy filled you as you realized that you would have taken this trip with Inasa. He would have let you sleep, watching over you. He would have walked you to your parent’s home, stopping by to greet your family like they were his own. The two of you may have even had dinner at his parent’s house, and they would have gushed over how much you had grown.
Your feet carried you through the familiar streets as your mind drifted. Inasa would often chastise you for walking through the streets with your head in the clouds, but he wasn’t here to ground you now. Why did he have to do this to you? Both of you? The two of you were supposed to be best friends, basically siblings. It wasn’t fair to you. You pushed through the gate of your parent’s home absentmindedly, only pulling out from your thoughts as a gentle hand smoothed the crease between your brows.
“I can hear you thinking from inside.” Your mother smiled warmly at you, pulling you into a soft hug. Every time you saw her, you felt like a child again. She had that effect on you, grabbing your hand like a toddler and leading you into the house. She had snacks waiting for you, guessing correctly that you’d forget to eat before you left.
She sat across from you as you nibbled at the offered food, grabbing your free hand. Your mother had always taught you to be open with your feelings and to freely give your affection. Words can be misconstrued, but actions showed intent. Not to mention she could very easily just pry into your thoughts if you didn’t.
“So what’s got your attention this time?” She smoothed a thumb over your knuckles. You sighed, not wanting to have a full-blown therapy session with your mother, but this was in her blood. She didn’t know how to leave it alone.
You sat with your mother into the early afternoon. Once you started talking about Inasa, she pulled you to the living room. You leaned into her loving embrace as you told her all you had experienced in the last week. You left out the party on Friday, still wanting to keep something of a private life from your mother. Even without the party, she still sensed your confusion and budding feelings for your friend.
“Would it be so bad to take a chance?” Your mother said simply, smoothing down your hair. “It seems like you and this Kirishima may be extraordinarily compatible. You are able to communicate openly and candidly, and when faced with adverse situations, you have been able to work through it quickly and completely.” She spoke almost clinically as if human emotion was nothing more than an academic issue to her.
“I just told Inasa I wasn’t ready for a relationship. Wouldn’t that make me a hypocrite?” You sighed another problem that seemed to have roots in Inasa. “And besides, as my mom, I thought you might want me to get to know this guy a little bit more?” Your mom shrugged with a laugh.
“I’m not saying go elope. A date or two wouldn’t hurt you. And as far as Inasa goes, tell him the truth. Just because you aren’t interested in him does not mean that you are unable to have feelings for others.” Her face fell as she spoke, “I do wish the two of you would make up, though. Inasa was your only friend for so long. While time may not excuse everything, it is worth something that he’s been around so long.” You nodded against her shoulder.
Your father walked in later that day, tired from a long day at work. Although you could see the exhaustion weighing on him, his face still lit up when he saw you. “Hey kitten, how’s my college girl?” He wrapped you up in his sweaty arms and placed a kiss on your forehead. You had talked with your mother about the early days of their relationship, and you couldn’t comprehend that this man was the same ‘emotionally stunted man-child’ your mom told you about.
Your mom had set up a hot pot for the three of you. They knew it would be harder for you to visit the further you got into the semester, so they made the most of the time you had today. You sat cozily between your parents after dinner, barely paying attention to the news on TV. Your dad talked about all the new projects he was working on, even a new Hero Agency on the other side of town.
The sun had begun to set much too early for your liking. You all knew that you had to leave soon, but you couldn’t help but wish for a few more hours. There was nothing as comforting as being in your childhood home.
Your dad walked you back to the station, arm in arm. “I’m proud of you, kitten. Your mother is too. Don’t ever forget that. I may be able to make skyscrapers with the blink of an eye, but you will always be my greatest work.” You teared up a bit at that, you would never get used to your dad’s praise. With a final hug, you boarded the train. You watched as your father grew smaller, and the setting sun swallowed his silhouette.
You rode the train for an hour or so, watching the colors of the sky bleed out onto the landscape. “Y/N?” A welcoming voice called out to you, causing you to turn with a grin. Kaminari stood next to you, a big smile stretched across his face.
You pulled him into your seat and into a hug. “What are you doing here ‘Minari?” You were so happy to have company on this long ride.
“Well..” A flush overtook his face, “Shinsou had to go back yesterday… so I went with for a while. We just noticed how late it was so I caught this train back. What are you doing here?” He seemed eager to switch the subject, and you wondered if Mina and Sero weren’t the only ones to cement a relationship this weekend.
“I was just visiting my folks. I haven’t been this far from my home for a while.” You felt a bit bashful about how close you were to your parents. A lot of your classmates didn’t have the same privilege as you did or didn’t understand why you would want to be close to your family.
You and Kaminari spent the remainder of the ride chatting and playing games on your phones together. It was nice to have a companion, and you wondered if any of your friends would join you the next time you went.
Kaminari insisted on walking you back to the dorms. “Kirishima would kill me if he knew I let you walk home after dark. ‘It’s not manly!’” You laughed at his impression but shot him a confused look.
“You wound me! So it’s only Kirishima that wants to make sure I’m safe?” You nudged his shoulder, laughing at the way he scrambled to take back what he said. It sat in your head still, out of all the people, why did he say Kirishima?
Kaminari left you at the doors to the dorm with a quick hug. He was eager to make his own way home after his long weekend. The dorms were eerily quiet as you snuck in, which wasn’t much of a surprise for this time on a Sunday. You felt fatigue set in as you clambered to your room, unlocking the door with a little difficulty.
You collapsed into your pillows, catching a faint scent of Kirishima’s shampoo on the pillowcase. You brought the pillow to your face, allowing yourself a moment of weakness. This weekend had brought a lot of things for you to think about. Those would have to wait for another time though, you had classes in the morning that would need your undivided attention.
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the-lightest-shadow · 4 years
post some of those dank kin memories!
Oh boy there’s so many kintypes. There’s more memories to some than others, but I’ll just share a random one of each.
My mate, a Kitsune, loved chicken dishes. I would cook him some every other day. When I wasn’t cooking for him, it was usually wild boar or, on rare occasions, human meat. I did a lot of cooking back then.
Sasuke Uchiha
I can tell you this much easily: my timeline deviates from the canon starting when Itachi died. I don’t keep being a dumbass after then. I don’t lose my arm. The world doesn’t get as close to ending as it did in canon. Just... all kinds of things.
The Mangle
Despite being robots, all of us toys had emotions. I was happy whenever the kids were and could get sad along with my friends. I could actually go off on Mangle for a while but yeah.
Nagito Komaeda
I... Never stopped attempting to cook. There were a lot of fires.
The Older Brother
I was so non-canon it wasn’t funny. My sleeping and awoken worlds started to blend together because I stopped having proper sleep, so the Nightmare Animatronics would be in my peripheral vision while awake.
Burrowing Snagret
Limited memories, poor vision really was there, and it made everything look like color blobs.
Blue Pikmin
The most nuts Rock Pikmin was with me on this life. It would constantly go where ever it wished, even if it had a chance of dying. Almost did 5 times in my life.
Winged Pikmin
The sun against my flower as I flew was just the best.
Underfell Gaster
Listen, I was a terrible, terrible person who just kept being rude at best and cruel at worst to every human I saw during and after the war. I apologize to Chara randomly all of the time.
Sweet good. Bitter bad. Helmet heavy.
F/0werfe// Chara
{Written weird in hopes to keep it out of search} The buttercups on my face didn’t hurt unless one tried to uproot them. Instead they’d randomly itch.
Undercontrol Sans
I was colorblind and it made my clothes, which were a yellow-y brown, look the same as pink. AU created by my brother.
Underlust Papyrus
The literal only thing important is heat is painful when it’s neverending.
Do you know how horrifying greencough is? I do.
Undersight Chara
It turns out it can be just as easy to hook onto a monster SOUL as a human one. I probably drove Sans nuts. AU by me.
Candle Queen
Sorry, no memories at the moment.
Non-Canon Bonetter
The entire ground of the Cap Kingdom was soft felt! I liked to roll around in it.
Winter? Spear? Non-canon Vox Villager
So many snails on the hill every rainy day! My friend {a non-canon Rabbit} and I liked watching them!
Dust Sans
Papyrus wasn’t the only one I’d hallucinate, and that’s all I’m saying.
Miu Iruma
I had a massive crush on Kaede but refused to get close to anyone because I had a terrible life before then, and a bit during as my parents were very neglectful.
Denki Kaminari
Despite my headcanon nowadays on him, I was straight. I had no interest in guys. Don’t @ me it happens.
Ochako Uraraka {Reborn AU}
A lot of memories are blurry and confused as I’m also still trying to work on the AU itself.
Turkey {Food Fantasy}
Me and Eggnog were a thing. I was an adult and so was he. We were dating. This is the second kintype where I had a couple there’s not a lot of art for as my canon without it being an OC partner. Denki being the other.
Male!Miu Iruma
Big ‘ol manipulative, slur using, yandere asshole. My least favorite kintype but like... You don’t choose your kintypes so...
I’m gonna copy+paste something on my kinlist page: “at one point 053 got in my containment and started trying to play with me. I had to tell her a number of times that I’m not a toy and I don’t have any games on me.”
I don’t have any memories here either.
Gamer!Shuichi Saihara
Full talentswap, but still pretty close to canon on events. The only other talent I remember is Kaede’s, which was Soccer. She was a soccer star.
Mr. Redd
I was pretty pissed about just... being abandoned. Not just by Wondertainment, but by the other Little Mister’s as well.
This ended up taking almost a full episode to fill out. I’m all kinds of happy now tho because I love talking kintypes. Feel free to ask more and for specifics if you want!
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aidendh · 3 years
Mirac/Bnha! Rabbit! QL! Bakugo
Name: Katsuki Bakugo
Nickname(s): Kacchan, Bunny boy, Kat
Alias: Bunnix
- Present 15
- Future 23
Species: Human
Birth: 20th April
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Nationality: Japanese
Sexuality: Bisexual
- UA Hero Course Student Class 1A
- Bunnix Hero Agency (Future)
- He was diagnosed as Quirkless at the age of 5
- He was then bullied alongside Izuku but stood up for himself
- When older he ran into a Villain attack and helped save a civilian but got injured in the process
- He later found a pocket watch on his way home
World: Bnha Quirkless! Bakugo AU
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{Gacha Club}
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{Persona 5}
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Likes: Spicy Food, White & Blue, Mountain Climbing, Parkour, Bunnies
Dislikes: Quirkless Criticism, Being looked down upon
Hobbies: Mountain Climbing, Parkour
Personality: Short Tempered, Loyal, Secret Keeping
- Observation
- Hand to Hand Combat
- Strategising
{Real Quirk}
Quirk: Quirkless
Type: N/A
Description: N/A
{Age14 'Quirk'}
Quirk: Time Burrow
Type: Emitter
Description: Enables him to create portals that lead into a pocket dimension known as the rabbit burrow. In this space, anyone can view all outcomes of events in the past, present and future. It also allows the user to travel through space and time
Hero Name: Bunnix
Miraculous: Pocket Watch
Same as cannon, Hit image limit
Same as cannon, Hit image limit
Type: Cannon
Animal: Rabbit
Element: Time
Weapon: Umbrella
- Enables the holder to create portals that lead into a pocket dimension known as the rabbit burrow
- In this space, anyone can view all outcomes of events in the past, present and future
- It also allows the user to travel through space and time
Timer: Dots on Pocket Watch
Other: Dangerous in the wrong hands
- Power: 3/5
- Defense: 3/5
- Speed: 3/5
- Magic: 5/5
- Technique: 4/5
- Intelligence: 4/5
- Cooperativeness: 3/5
Name: Fluff
Pronouns: She/Her
(Same as cannon)
(Hit image limit)
Personality: Curious, Energetic, Easily Startled, Time Confusion
Food: Carrots
Transformation: "Fluff, Clockwise!" "Fluff, Anti-Clockwise!"
Weapons: Umbrella
- Power: 2/5
- Defense: 2/5
- Speed: 2/5
- Magic: 1/5
- Technique: 2/5
- Intelligence: 4/5
- Cooperativeness: 2/5
- Mitsuki Bakugo (Mother)
- Masaru Bakugo (Father)
- Inko Midoriya (Like an Aunt)
- Izuku Midoriya (Like a Cousin)
- Eijiro Kirishima
- Tenya Iida
- Denki Kaminari
- Mina Ashido
- Hanta Sero
Love interest:
- Ochaco Uraraka
- To update his quirk, his Adult self went back in time to prove his 14 year old self's Quirk.
- His Adult self often helps out in the past, present and future
- Erasurehead met his future self 3 years before 'present' become his student
'The man of thunder is about to meet their end if they don't keep out of the rabbits den.'
Kaminari was gonna snoop in Katsuki's locker
(When he 'borrows' his pocket watch)
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