#Orchids International School
allschoolscollege · 2 years
Orchids International School, Mahalakshmi Layout
Orchids International School, Mahalakshmipuram Layout in Bangalore, International School , know Admission Procedure, Facilities, Reviews and Contact information at Allschoolscolleges.com Read More:
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pebblegalaxy · 1 month
Mindful Parenting in the Digital Age: Insights from Digital Lullaby and Spotlight and Shadows by Orchids The International School
In today’s fast-paced digital world, parenting has evolved into a complex landscape where technology and family dynamics intersect in unprecedented ways. With this in mind, Orchids The International School has launched two compelling films, Digital Lullaby and Spotlight and Shadows, as part of their campaign to promote mindful parenting. These films not only highlight the challenges of excessive…
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maeral33n · 5 months
"I Don't Know..."
Description: Velvet and Orchid reunite for the first time since graduation. And with Velvet, nothing good lasts forever.
Characters: Velvet, Orchid, Veneer
Pairings: Velvet x Orchid
Warnings: Angst. Mild sexual implications, though nothing is explicitly described. Swearing. Internalized homophobia (kinda)
Authors Note: Hi everyone, I'm alive, yippee. Been super busy with uni and life. But expect more activity from me in the upcoming weeks. As usual, feel free to give feedback and enjoy.
Velvet curled beside the purple haired Rageon, her head resting on the others chest, reveling in the way it would rise and fall with each slow even breath. Under the messy sheets of Velvet's bed, their limbs were tangled comfortably, neither ready to let the other go yet. Velvet's arms were wrapped loosely around Orchid's waist, while Orchid rested one hand on the idols hip, the other playing with a lock of green hair.
This is so nice. Velvet thought. But it never should have happened...not like this.
Velvet opened her eyes to peer at the red lipstick stains that littered across the purples Rageons neck and chest. She trailed a perfectly manicured finger against one of the marks, smudging it. In response, Orchid hugged her tighter, burying her face into Velvet's hair.
This had started with a kiss about 6 years ago, in their final year of high school.
Orchid had always had a crush on Velvet, and Velvet certainly thought there was...something about that purple haired Rageon with the nerdy glasses. Of course, admitting that would be social suicide. She was the popular girl, the one that all the girls wanted to be and all the boys wanted to have. And Orchid was just...Orchid, a girl who was just average in every way possible.
But a kiss changed all of that.
Why she kissed Orchid back then, she'll never know, and the exact details of that night had been mostly lost to time. But she remembered it was after their graduation ceremony, she remembered sneaking off into one of the hallways outside the gym that were off limits to students. She remembered finding Orchid lurking around her locker, perhaps being all sentimental or something. She remembered striking up a chat with the purple Rageon, and then they kissed.
Velvet conveniently forgotten who initiated the kiss first, but she'd rather she not know at all.
That first kiss was short and soft, sweet. Despite all the guys Velvet had kissed over the years, it was like it was her first kiss all over again. Kissing Orchid felt different somehow, like a switch had been flipped, it made her knees weak and her heart thrum heavy against her chest, made her dizzy.
When they pulled apart, it was like she saw Orchid for the first time, truly saw her, she looked into her violet eyes and saw a new reflection of herself staring back.
It scared her.
So she ran away.
She had moved on since then, she and her brother deciding to leave their old lives behind and focus on their careers and rise to fame. She had sworn off of any romantic relationship since, believing that it would weigh her down on her way to success. Veneer thought differently, he fell in and out of relationship one after the other. Velvet brought it up to him once, warning him that could bring unwanted drama in their lives. He simply said it'll bring a special kind of spice to their music. Velvet couldn't argue with that.
Everything was going perfectly, Velvet and Veneer has grown a mass following with their enchanting voices and captivating performances. Every year they topped the charts and won many awards over the years.
Until she met Orchid after one of her performances.
Every five years, the twins hold an ultra exclusive raffle for their fans as a way of celebrating the anniversary of their first Life Award. Fans place their names down for a chance to meet their idols, be given exclusive merch for free and selfies with either twin. Only ten names will be selected and fans can only apply their names once. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity so many Rageons across the Mountain flocked in droves for the chance to even get a sniff of the twins.
So the fact Orchid was one of the lucky few to be randomly selected was pure luck.
Or perhaps fate.
A cruel fate.
It wasn't the first time someone from high school wanted to reunite with their fellow classmate now turned famous celebrity. Ever since she and her brother topped the charts, they've received dm's on all of their social from past friends and classmates expressing interest in reconnecting. Both twins would leave them on read.
Velvet wanted nothing to do with them. Veneer had better friends now.
But when she was faced with Orchid, many conflicting feeling churned in her gut. She wanted to throw her arms around Orchid's shoulders, tell her how much she missed her and ask her how she's been. But that would imply that they were ever close in the first place.
She also wanted to pretend like she didn't the person in front of her and act dumb when Orchid would evidently mention they went to the same school. But that didn't feel right either.
It didn't help that Orchid looked so...different. She was taller for a start, and she wore clothes and actually suited her figure, before she would wear only oversized t-shirt or hoodies, like she was trying to hide herself from everyone. Speaking of her figure, it was clear that Orchid hit the gym at some point, no longer was she skinny and scrawny, as evidenced by her toned biceps and torso.
Her hair was slightly longer too, what was once a cute little bob haircut was now tied into a short ponytail. Her ears were pierced with small diamond studs as well as a simple silver brow piercing.
She looked hot.
That brought up some unwanted feeling within Velvet.
"Oh my god, Orchid? Is that really you?"
Orchid chuckled and rubbed her arm nervously, her voice was deeper now too. "Yeah it's the hair isn't?"
A small laugh bubbled with Velvets chest, she couldn't help herself. She approached the purple haired Rageon, her arms open in invitation, to which Orchid happily accepted. "You look amazing."
Orchid patted her lightly on the shoulder as they parted, "You're not bad yourself."
Velvet giggled at her charisma and pulled a pen out of her pocket, "What do you want be to sign?" She smirked slyly as she cheekily added, "...Nerd."
Orchid quirked a brow at the pop star in return, lifting two bags worth of merch. "How much time you got?"
During the hour they had together, between Orchid passing a shirt, album or poster and Velvet signing her signature on each item, the two engaged in deep conversation as though they'd been friends for years. Velvet would ask what she's been doing with her life, what region of Mount Rageous she lives in, if she has any cats, etc. And Orchid would ask her what it's like being famous, what are the stresses she has to deal with daily and how Veneer's been doing.
They bantered back and forth and laughed so hard at times Velvet felt like her stomach was going to slip out her mouth. It felt great, to laugh so genuinely for once. But there was that nagging voice in the back of her head. The one that kept repeating itself like a broken record. This is Orchid, the one and only, this was the girl that used to sit in the back of the classroom, the girl that was never asked out to any school dance, the girl who arrived to school by herself and left school by herself. The girl she kissed all those years ago.
Both girls jumped when three loud knocks rapped on the door, signaling the end of their meet and greet. "Times up!" The gruff voice of the security guard echoed on the other side of the door.
"Just a minute!" Velvet replied, helping Orchid put her stuff into her bags. "Sorry. I wish we had more time."
Orchid gave a weak, thin lipped smile. "It's ok Vels. It was nice catching up with you. See ya."
Orchid clutched her bags as she turned towards the door to leave, if she goes through that door it would likely be that last time they could ever speak like this. The thought alone made Velvet want to throw up, and before she could even stop herself, words started spilling out of her mouth.
"Orchid wait!"
Orchid's hand hovered over the doorknob, her heard turned over her shoulder to peer at the pop star. Velvet could have sworn there was a flicker of hope in her violet eyes.
"Uhmm..." Shit. What was she supposed to say? She didn't think any of this through. Well she can't back away now. "Veneer won't be home tonight. He usually goes out nightclubbing after a big performance. Probably won't be back until later tomorrow morning."
She paused and inhaled deeply, attempting to calm her nerves. Why was she so nervous? "I was wondering if you'd...like to come over? Y'know, so we can talk more."
Orchid's face went visibly red, and she could help but let out a nervous, flustered chuckle. "O-oh my...one of the greatest pop idols in all of Mount Rageous wants ME to come over to her place. Somebody pinch me. Are you sure? What if the press see us and start some scandalous rumor?"
Velvet clicked her tongue, her nerves easing off slightly. "Ugh, don't worry about it. The tabloids make shit up about me and Ven ever other week. I'm used to it."
The popstar approached the purple Rageon, pulling out her phone. "What's your number?"
The rest of the night had been a real slog to get through. Velvet was exhausted after the meet and greet and was ready to call a limousine to take her home. Veneer was not fazed in the slightest and told Velvet he'd going out tonight, as per usual.
Now she waited for Orchid to arrive at her place. She had sent an message to Orchid with the address to her and her brothers mansion about five minutes ago. Orchid had replied with a short:
"Ok, thanks. See u soon."
While waiting, Velvet decided to get dressed into a pair of comfy silk pyjamas, the letter V embroidered intricately near the strap of her silk tank top. She stood in front of the mirror, deciding to touch up her make up. A part of her wanted to wash it off as she would normally with her routine, but tonight was different, a part of her wanted to impress Orchid.
Tossing her red lipstick aside and fixing up her hair quickly, she bolted down the stairs and towards the front door. Orchid was waiting their patiently, a black jacket slung over her shoulders.
"This place is sick Vels. But don't you think a marble fountain of you and Veneer in your front lawn is a bit much?" Orchid teased.
Velvet smirked back and dramatically placed a hand to her chest with a faux gasp of offence, "A bit much you say?! Do YOU have a marble fountain in your front yard to compare it to?"
The moment Orchid stepped foot into her home, the rest of the night's events became nothing but a blur. One minute they were on the couch with a cup of coffee in their hands, the wide flat screen TV turned on for background noise. Then suddenly, somehow, things got intimate, and like a magnet, Velvet felt a pull that made her want to be closer to Orchid, in every way possible. Just like she had all those years ago, she pressed her lips against Orchid's.
At no point before, during, or after the performance did Velvet take any illicit substances, but boy did she feel like she was on drugs. It only made the pull stronger and before she knew it, both women were stumbling up the stairs towards Velvet's bedroom.
It was now past 12am and Velvet wished she had never been born. That way she never would have made the decisions that led her to this moment.
She pulled herself away from Orchid, sitting upright, rubbing her hands over her face.
"Vels?" Orchid whispered, concern laced in every syllable. "You okay?"
Velvet sighed, not looking at the purple Rageon, instead deciding to keep her eyes locked on the night sky outside her window. "No." She said bluntly, she felt ashamed of herself, for all of this, and for what she was about to do. "We shouldn't have done this."
She didn't need to look at Orchid to see the hurt expression on her face, the purple Rageon shifted under the sheets. "I-I'm sorry Vel. Was I too forward? W-was it too much?"
"No." Velvet snapped, shutting the other up immediately. "I think you should leave now." That last part sounded more like a plea than a demand.
There was a long stretch of silence, the air rife with tension. She thought that Orchid was going to get a up and walk out any minute, but instead, she decided to open her mouth, every word dripped with bitterness.
"You know you never did tell me way you kissed me back then. Or why you ran away...but I suppose I can figure THAT out."
Velvet turned her head to look at Orchid, her brow furrowed in confusion. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Orchid leaned up, mirroring Velvet's position, "You know what I mean. Can't have the popular girl getting caught making out with the local nerd right?"
It seemed that Orchid developed a bit of an attitude since graduating, much to Velvet's dismay. She sent the purple Rageon a glare before returning her attention back to the window. "Consider what I did a favor. If we were caught both of us would never hear the end of it. Especially you."
"So then why did you kiss me?"
"Fucks sake Orchid I don't know!" She snapped, "I don't know why I did it. It was a long time ago. Now will you just let it go?"
There was another long stretch of silence, Velvet kept her eyes trained on the moonlight spilling into her room. She didn't want to look at Orchid.
Suddenly, the weight on the bed shifted as Orchid moved to stand up and started searching for her clothes. She muttered under her breath as she slipped on her shirt, "I guess some things never change."
Velvet felt a bile form in her throat and her face grew hot as tears stung her eyes. Don't look at her. Don't look at Orchid.
Then she heard a sniffle come from the purple Rageon and she couldn't help but turn her head to face her. Her violet eyes were brimming with tears. "Can you at least tell me why you asked me here tonight?" She pleaded, every word felt like as stab to Velvet's chest. "You could have just let me walk away and none of this ever would have happened."
Tears threatened to fall down her cheeks as she replied. "I don't know."
Wet streaks stained Orchids cheeks, she wiped them away hastily and shook her head. She was so utterly done with this, so done with Velvet. Why did she have to be so infatuated with her. The girl who would never love her back.
"See ya." She whispered shakily. Turning around and leaving through the door.
That was the last time Velvet would ever see of her.
Veneer was positively beaming as he parked his car in the driveway, still somewhat flush from a long night of clubbing. He stepped out of the car with shaky legs, locking the car doors as he approached the front door. His keys jangled as he went to unlock it until he slid his keys into the keyhole and realized it was already unlocked.
Strange? Perhaps Velvet unlocked it this morning for him?
No, she was never that considerate.
He felt a pang of panic as he opened the door and saw no sign of Velvet. She never would have left the door unlocked, not when anyone could break in and steal their precious expensive belongings.
"Vels! You here?!" He called out.
Her room. She had to be in her room.
Locking the front door when he closed it, tossing his coat on the coat hanger and kicking his shoes off he rushed up the stairs and down the hallway where Velvet's room was. The door was cracked open slightly.
He knocked lightly against the door, "You in there Vels?"
Silence for a moment, then he heard a groan. Phew she was in there.
"You left the door unlocked silly. Anyone could have just walked in."
Silence again, and then another groan.
"You okay?"
No response.
This wasn't normal. Something was wrong.
"Are you decent?" He asked, pressing a hand against the door, ready to push it open.
Still no response.
He slowly pushed the door open, peaking his head in first before approaching the lump in the middle of Velvets bed.
"Vels...what's wrong?"
The lump moved, the blanket being pulled down to show her mascara streaked face, red lipstick smudged across her mouth and chin.
She looked awful.
He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Hey hey, what happened? Talk to me..."
She only shook her head, bringing her hands to her to her eyes as fresh tear fell down her cheeks.
All Veneer could do was hold her as she sobbed.
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kimium · 1 year
What are your top 5 headcanons for Rook/Vil? 👀👀👀
Oh hi friend! Thank you so much for this ask! As you (and many) are aware, Rook/Vil is my favourite ship in Twisted Wonderland. I'm always so happy to talk about them. Before I get started though, I do want to make it clear that 1) This is just my opinion and my headcanons and 2) I play in the ENG server, so if there is something either I haven't seen because it's in the JP server or because of some "lost in translation" thing, sorry.
My Top Five Headcanons for Rook/Vil
5. Vil has met Rook's parents. The first time was entirely accidental.
With Rook casually revealing to Epel and Yuu that his family is rich and owns many villas around the world, there had to be a point that Rook offered one of the villas to Vil. Perhaps Vil was in the middle of some photo shoots, press tour, or acting and needed a place to stay. Or maybe it was a rare break for Vil from both work and school and Rook decided to offer one of his family villas as a get away.
Regardless, I love the image of Rook and Vil in a cozy villa, overlooking the ocean or maybe an orchid across the way owned by some family that Rook loves talking to every morning. They're enjoying the time together, playing a little bit of house. One morning Vil walks downstairs, expecting only Rook at the table, when he meets Mr. and Mrs. Hunt. I bet this is embarrassing not only because Vil isn't 100% put together but because he's not put together because of Rook. It's a first impression Vil wishes he could scrub from everyone's minds, but Rook's parents find it charming and adorable.
4. Vil and Rook's relationship is an "open secret" at NRC. No one is going to tell the media though; they like living.
Like many famous people, I think Vil wishes to keep his love life mostly out of the public eye/media. Not that he's attempting to hide his relationship with Rook (impossible on campus), but Vil hasn't made some public announcement. Why would he want to? The media already hounds him 24/7. (Vil thanks the Seven every day that NRC has strict rules about media presence on campus.) It also isn't that he doesn't want to someday announce happily to the world that Rook is his, it's just for now Vil is fine with the open secret.
I also think it's hilarious to imagine all of Pomefiore (and majority of campus) to either decide 1) It's really none of my business if Vil and Rook are dating. I'm staying in my lane. Or 2) Wouldn't it be funny if we collectively ignored every tabloid reporter or journalist looking for an easy story. Vil deserves his privacy from those vultures. Like, I'm imagining whenever students are off campus tabloid reporters are always waiting to "ask them questions" about -insert character in the major public eye-. All the students just blankly look at the reporters or say "WHO? I've never heard of him" to their questions.
3. Rook nearly got escorted off a set by security the first time he came to drop off something Vil forgot.
Sort of tying into my prior one, since Vil and Rook aren't publicly announcing they're dating there had to be ONE time that this happened. In the security guard's defense, they're used to people trying to sneak in claiming to either know Vil or sent to deliver something to him. Sure, Rook is in the NRC uniform, but that doesn't mean free access. However, those poor security guards probably had to sit through Rook wax poetically about their "devotion to their jobs" or something like that. It's a good thing Vil personally stepped out to meet Rook and didn't sent an intern or personal manager. Those guards would have been stuck for hours.
Also, imagining the guard's surprise when Vil sighs, walks up to this weird man spouting poetry (with random French intermingled), and drags him off with a "sorry, he's with me".
2. Rook and Vil have probably one of the spiciest sex lives.
Here is my one (1) sexy idea you'll get out of me for this list. I have many ideas but I don't want to share all of them. What I want to say is I think Rook and Vil are open to trying many things together and put their 100% into it. Sure they have boundaries but they're mature enough to communicate so it's fun and comfortable for both parties. They just know each other so well and are always on the same wave length! This translates to their love lives and I think it's Relationship Goals.
Rook is the one to propose to Vil.
While I think Vil wouldn't be opposed to proposing, ultimately I think Rook is the one who does it. It just suits him. Rook is already a romantic at heart. He's planning the proposal well in advance and doesn't even need to ask Vil his hand size because Rook already knows that. The proposal is a private one, definitely not a public proposal, but it's so soft, sweet, and filled with romance that it's truly a day Vil remembers fondly. Afterwards I think the first people Vil tells besides their parents are Jack and Epel. I love Vil's friendship with Jack and there is no way Epel wouldn't be one of the first. Though while Jack is very excited for his friend and congratulates him eagerly, I bet Epel sits there going "It's about DAMN TIME". Vil reflex scolds Epel.
(Also, Vil 100% takes over all wedding preparations. While Rook is calmly taking all of this in stride I think Jack, who is the best man despite believing someone else would be better, is overwhelmed. Epel is ready to Scream and throw something at Vil. Trey is in charge of baking the wedding cake and the poor man somehow manages to balance Vil's micro-managing and Rook's "passionate" nature.)
There we have it! My top five headcanons for Rook/Vil. I hope you like my ideas, friend! If there is anything you want to add for yourself, feel free!
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lavenderrosiefan · 3 months
Aikatsu: The Stars of Legend (Season 1)
Ok! So, here's some details...
A few months has passed since the events of Aikatsu on Parade. Raki Kiseki and Wakaba Harukaze, AKA Cheer Star, are one of the many Friends units rising in popularity. However, a mysterious organization called Eclipse Dawn, claiming to be looking for "sleeping legends", recruits them, along with some other rookie idols to attend their idol school called Shadow Moon Academy. On the other hand, Raki starts dreaming of a kingdom named Krezuzia, and its queen, Raveria, resembles Raki too much to be a coincidence....
Raki Kiseki-The main protagonist of the series and one half of Cheer Star. She is looking to expand her self-created brand, Maple Ribbon, to international audiences.
Wakaba Harukaze: The other half of Cheer Star, and one of Raki's best friends. Her ability of mimicry has led to the creation of an AiTube channel of voice impressions.
Radiance MacCreary (OC): An anxious, spirited girl from Edinburgh. She's very fond of streetwear and orchids. She forms the Friends unit Future Sunshine with Clara.
Clara Anderson (OC): A vivacious, energetic girl from New Orleans, and Radiance's pen pal. Cooking and making colorful ceramics are her favorite hobbies.
Susie Sokolova (OC): A stern, passionate girl from St. Petersburg. She enjoys dancing, sewing, and making hair accessories. She forms the Friends unit Papillon Bellflower with Alexandra.
Alexandra Johansson (OC): A gentle, resilient girl from Stockholm. She likes to plant flowers and practice kickboxing in her spare time.
Noelle Otoshiro: Another one of Raki's friends from the idol convergence incident. She loves talking about Angely Sugar and classical music. She forms the Friends unit Stellar Maestro with Yvoria.
Yvoria Tristess (OC): An alien girl from the planet Clerinia. She's shy and lacks self-confidence, but is sociable when her favorite topics come up-science, history, and hairstyling.
Ruthie Riaz-Cockburn (OC): A proud, haughty girl from London who forms a rivalry with Raki. She enjoys dressage and researching crystals and rare gems. She forms the Friends unit Green Baroness with her older twin sister, Rachel.
Rachel Riaz-Cockburn (OC): Unlike her younger twin, she's a demure, intelligent girl with a dry wit. Her favorite hobbies are sewing and reading detective novels.
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itsuki-minamy · 2 years
* List of Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
A year has passed since then.
"Granny, I brought him!"
When David, the third youngest of her seventeen grandchildren, roared through the front door, Mariana Campos Moreno was dozing in an Equipalace chair woven from orchid fiber and upholstered in tanned pigskin.
She fell asleep in the soft breeze that came through the arched windows.
Beyond that, she could see a courtyard filled with blooming marigolds. It was a flower that her deceased husband loved so much, and even now that her limbs have become useless, Mariana takes care of it herself, not her daughters.
For a moment, Mariana thought with a confused head after waking up.
(Oh, yes. Didn't David say he would bring a lifeguard?)
David Moreno was a headache not only for Mariana, but for his entire family. Even after graduating from school, he was dizzy, and on top of that, he started associating with the young gangsters who ruled that city.
Mariana warned them that he wouldn't get better, but as expected, a larger drug cartel took notice of him, kidnapped her and her friends and nearly executed them.
He looks like he was saved by a single man in the middle of it.
To be honest, it was a shameful story, but David was actually alive, and that was the reason why he cut ties with the gangs. It is said that the benefactor had business with Mariana.
In that case, she should at least make use of her modest special ability.
"Here. I'm here!"
In response to David's youthful voice, the rasp in her voice made her smile wryly. It may not be long before "Day of the Dead" turns from mourning to bereavement.
Hearing that voice, David entered the small room where Mariana was.
"Grandma! Look, he's the "customer" you were talking about."
Mariana narrowed her eyes.
In contrast to the exterior, which shone pure white in the reflected sun, the interior was gloomy, and everything was covered in gray shadows.
"Sorry. My eyesight is bad these days."
All she knew was that a tall man was standing behind David.
"Hello. It's an honor to meet you, Madam."
The man said in fluent Spanish. Mariana was silent for a while.
"What's up, Granny?"
David said anxiously. Mariana stared at the man, then...
"First of all, let me thank you for helping my grandson. Thank you very much."
At her thanks, the man shook his head at her.
"It was a total turnaround. Not something to be thankful for."
It was an elegant and calm voice.
"I heard from David that you are the best tarot reader in Chiapas."
"Yes, I think I'm in the top three even in Mexico. I've told the fortune of a member of parliament, a soccer superstar, and an international actress. It seems you're looking for something."
"Yes.", said the man.
"I'm looking for 'myself' for a while."
Mariana closed her eyes and smiled.
She just rejected him.
"Such "extraordinarily big thing" is not for me, I can't predict it."
David rolled his eyes.
"Wait! Granny."
"I see. It's a shame."
She could tell by his distant way of speaking. Perhaps David, who wanted to have a relationship with the man, even a little, kind of forced him to come here. The man himself perhaps had not the slightest obsession with divination.
Mariana said.
"Also, I'm really sorry, but when I'm around a ridiculously big man like you, my remaining senses go haywire. I'm sorry, but could you go?"
She said it bluntly. The man showed a funny smile without getting angry at all.
"Haha, sorry about this. Have a nice evening, Madam."
He bowed politely and left the room. At the same time, David angrily approached his grandmother.
"That's terrible, Granny! Even though that person saved my life! Even though it's the first time I've met someone I can respect!"
Then Mariana yelled at her poor grandson.
"You, idiot! You will follow that person until you finish paying them for helping you. You'll never let him out of your sight. Here you go! Let's go!"
David's eyes sparkled. It was the first time that his life had meaning.
He turned and chased after the man, yelling loudly.
She heard footsteps going away.
"Wait, Sir! Mr. Reisi Munakata!"
Mariana leaned back in the chair. The moment she saw his face, she knew.
"That man was a person with a "fate"."
In response to Slate's call, he became the "King".
He clearly realized who he was.
But now...
The Slate was also lost.
What is his current self?
Who is he?
Where should he go if he is not a "King"?
Reisi Munakata wondered, and kept wondering.
At first, he toured the country. He gazed at the twinkling stars on the farthest island, he sat meditating in an ancient temple built in a surprisingly difficult place, he strolled through the dazzling neon streets and slept soundly in the total darkness of the virgin forest.
He met, he broke up, fought and saved many people. Reisi Munakata was just Reisi Munakata and he remained Reisi Munakata, but as a result, many people appeared who were impressed with him, who felt indebted to him, who took aim at his life, and who had love and hate for him.
A promising manager who had a heated argument with him about the future of the world temporarily entrusted the company to his subordinates and followed Munakata.
When a wandering genius violinist looked at Munakata, he came up with a tune, so he accompanied him.
Trying to kill Munakata, an assassin walked behind him trying to find an opening.
Munakata did not reject any of them.
Eventually, the Munakata pilgrimage left that country and spread out to sea.
China, Vietnam, Iran, France, England, the United States and Mexico.
Reisi Munakata continued his journey as the wind blew and his feet followed.
And he continued to be Reisi Munakata in all parts of the world. As a result, nearly 100 men and women of all ages followed Munakata.
A martial artist whose dreams had been shattered. An old man wobbling on his legs. A college student who wanted to become a photographer. There was even a former gangster. A chef who made exceptionally delicious Chinese food. Also rich people and poor people.
Their race, age, and gender were all different, but they all had one thing in common: they possessed some kind of supernatural power.
Munakata and his group finally reached the tip of Cape Horn, the southern tip of South America.
Munakata kept looking at the sea at the other end of a remote area where the wind was blowing. How long had it been?
Suddenly, an old man appeared from a gap in the trees and slowly approached.
"Are you Mr. Munakata?"
When Munakata smiled and nodded as he asked hoarsely,
"I have a letter for you. Look, I give it to you."
He gave him the letter. Then slowly he made his way back into the forest. Curious, Munakata broke the seal and looked inside the paper.
"Listen everyone..."
Munakata looked back at his fellow travelers who had been watching the exchange.
"I have received a letter of complaint. It seems that it is high tide. Let's go back to Japan at once."
It was a somewhat radiant smile.
Fushimi Saruhiko was definitely cornering Kamimori Katsuya, the self-proclaimed Black Iron King, and his group.
Upon capturing Tamaki Genjo, the person who literally covered the organization with a veil of black mist, they lost their Strain ability and intriguing protection.
It was not a difficult task for Fushimi and the members of "Scepter 4" to individually contain the exposed members.
Fushimi and Awashima thought the incident would end soon, though the top favorite Kamimori was still on the run.
That expectation was immediately nullified by Kamimori's outrageous actions.
Surprisingly, he attacked the "Scepter 4" garrison with only a few of his subordinates.
An unprecedented outrage in which a Strain attacked a public facility staffed by elite members of the Blue Clan, the headquarters of Strain's anti-crime measures, the source of order.
The reason was simply to help his fellow prisoners.
"Fushimi, how are you now?"
Awashima's annoying voice could be heard from the other side of the PDA.
"I haven't been able to return to the camp yet either. At the moment, I was only able to contact Hidaka once, so I gave him instructions, but I don't know the actual details."
Fushimi's response was filled with a disgust that he couldn't hide.
"Yes. I'll be home in about ten minutes. Fushimi. Let's make those who did something so stupid pay a reasonable price."
"Of course, Lieutenant."
And they both hung up almost at the same time. They both felt their pride as members of the blue clan hurt.
According to Fushimi's style, "Scepter 4" was also underrated.
That was the expression.
The unfortunate thing for them was that Awashima and Fushimi were on duty, and Zenjo, Akiyama, and Benzai, Captain Class, who were excellent at swordsmanship, were also absent.
Currently, Hidaka is the only member of the special forces on the scene and seems to be fighting hard with a small number of members.
When the taxi he was riding in got stuck in a traffic jam, Fushimi finally jumped out and ran the rest of the distance on his own. Then, in front of the garrison, he suddenly had a bad feeling and braked.
That insight struck a chord.
A shelf used to store materials suddenly flew out of a window on the second floor of the building, scattering glass and crashing to the ground right in front of Fushimi, causing him to collapse with a harsh sound.
"Let's do it!"
Fushimi looked up with a dangerous glint behind his glasses. Without hesitation, Awashima rushed over.
She already had her hand on the hilt of the saber.
The two nodded to each other, breathing in unison, and tried to jump out of the main entrance.
And so...
They heard a nostalgic voice behind them and stopped involuntarily.
"It's going to be quite lively, isn't it? I've been sitting in the middle for a while, but do I have the qualifications to participate in this festival from now on?"
Katsuya Kamimori was just a simple man.
Tamaki, the superior officer, had told him to abandon him and escape the metropolitan area in the unlikely event of being captured, but he ignored him and retrieved Tamaki and his friends, boarding the "Scepter 4" base.
It was similar to raiding a warehouse where another group of criminals have a stronghold to help their fellow criminals who have been caught.
However, stupidity had to pay a painful price for the strategy devised by Fushimi and the young members of the special forces who carried it out.
The policy that Fushimi conveyed to Hidaka was simple.
In the first place, they were never to let Kamimori near the underground detention center (where Tamaki and the others were being held).
And until all the allies had the strength to do so, they would avoid starting battles as much as possible and build barricades and besiege the castle.
Fuse and Enomoto first.
Later, when Goto and Domyoji returned to his base, Hidaka finally decided to go on the offensive, neutralizing Kamimori's subordinates one by one and restraining them in turn.
Last time, he used the bitter experience of being pushed head-on by a god who boasted ridiculous physical strength. As a result, Kamimori had lost all of his companions and was trapped in a barricade in the middle of the second floor corridor and was left stranded.
Domyoji, Enomoto, Fuse, Goto, and Hidaka pushed him through the barricade, unable to move forward or back.
The shelf that fell in front of Fushimi had been thrown out of the window by the frustrated Kamimori, who was like a wounded bear.
Kamimori barked.
"You are dirty! Fight properly, blue clothes!"
His youthful face was dyed red with anger. Many had already decided. After that, it was a calculation how to reduce the damage and capture the god.
"I'm getting a little sad. I'll be your partner for a while.", Domyoji said.
"No, Domyoji-san!"
Hidaka hastily stopped him.
Although Kamimori has a finely chiseled face, he has a boyish face that could be mistaken for a teenager, with a golden shaved head and a white suit that he stripped off to reveal a bold patterned shirt.
Looking at his mischievous appearance...
"Well, even if he's the Black Iron King, he's actually an older brother who graduated from Yankee."
Fuse whispered.
"Perhaps they were abetted by the scheming Tamaki."
Enomoto nodded slightly. Nevertheless...
"But your reasoning is not completely unfounded. As long as the current measures against Strains don't change, I'm sure there will be more such people."
He muttered that under his breath, and the people around him heard that, his face was startled and he nodded his head.
People in the field felt it firsthand.
Some of the current Strains crimes are not due to malice on the part of the person involved, but rather a lack of social systems.
They were all silent for some reason.
"If you're a man, come right now!"
They were keeping watch as Kamimori yelled.
At that moment...
"Do you want a timer? So..."
They heard a very calm voice. They were all puzzled. A shadow was slowly approaching the scene of chaos, climbing the stairs.
"Let me be your partner."
Reisi Munakata, the "Blue King".
The boss of "Scepter 4", who had been absent for a long time, suddenly appeared with a smile on his face. Furthermore, he wore the uniform without any discomfort, and the sword belt was complete. Everyone was speechless at the sudden development.
With his hands folded behind his back, Munakata calmly passed through the barricade and stood in front of the divine guardian. Nobody had time to stop him.
Kamimori looked taken aback for a moment, but immediately...
"Oh! You are the boss of this place. What is it? Will you be the one with me?"
He said happily. Munakata agreed.
"Just like that."
Munakata immediately stopped Kamimori who was about to attack him.
"Let me ask you one thing. Why are you here?"
"You should have known the risks. If you escaped like this, at least you alone would have been safe enough."
Kamimori lowered both fists.
He was silent for a while, then...
"No, seriously, I never thought of that. How can you abandon your friends and run off alone?"
Kamimori looked directly at Munakata. With a desperate expression that he wanted him to understand something.
"Well, just because I woke up with such a strange power, I got fired from the place where I worked so hard. I was so angry, but I didn't know what to do, so I was alone all the time. But Tamaki taught me what I should do. After that, the number of friends gradually increased and they started to follow me."
He cried.
"I'm a hopeless bastard, but if they call me king once, I definitely can't abandon my comrades, right?!"
Munakata had a smile on his lips and closed his eyes. And when he opened his eyes again...
"Your words touched my heart very much. It's alright. As the King himself, I will face you with all sincerity."
He put his hand on the hilt of the saber.
Kamimori joyfully clenched his fists. Munakata still had a soft expression.
He drew his sword.
Kamimori rushed forward without pause. Munakata swung his sword across it.
A moment later, the results came out.
A strange noise resounded and the entire building shook violently. Domyoji was the only one there that he could understand exactly what had happened.
An admiration escaped from his mouth.
Munakata danced in the world of the speed of the gods, dodging the opponent's attack with a fine line, turning his body around and lowering the tip of his sword to directly hit the god's head.
Thus, Kamimori crashed into the ground, and the ground collapsed due to the impact. Kamimori was completely passed out as he was trapped in the construction material on the floor.
Munakata knelt down next to the unconscious Kamimori with a somewhat happy face.
"I'll tell you more when you wake up."
He patted him on the shoulder.
It was a spectacular sight.
After half a delay, the members of the special forces finally cheered and tried to approach Munakata.
But before that...
"Well done!"
"As expected of Mr. Munakata!"
"Good! Good! Munakata!"
People of different nationalities and ages climbed upstairs, jumped over the barricades and surrounded Munakata.
"Do not enter the garrison without permission!"
Fushimi raised his voice in anger and Awashima with a wry smile did the same.
The others were blank.
After that, Akiyama, Benzai, and Kamo, who had rushed back to their bases with Fushimi and Awashima, joined Munakata and gave a briefing in his own office.
By the way, Domyoji and the other members were busy cleaning up after capturing the divine guardians.
Meeting their "King" for the first time in a long time, everyone who stayed there was deeply moved.
Akiyama had a nostalgic face, Benzai had a smile on his lips, and Kamo had slightly teary eyes.
Awashima seemed relieved that Munakata appeared to be in good health. And Fushimi with a cold expression as if he dared to make up for it.
Munakata began to speak.
"Thanks to everyone, I was able to spend a very significant moment."
Then he added.
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know it's been a burden."
He bowed his head courteously and deeply. On the contrary, everyone panicked.
"No, it's not like that."
"Please raise your head!"
Akiyama and Benzai appealed.
Fushimi took a deep breath and said wryly.
"However, it certainly was a burden."
When Awashima rebuked Fushimi...
"You shouldn't say that to your boss who suddenly comes back to this place after wandering around. Being underboss was the hardest to handle."
"Is that so."
Munakata smiled.
"I made Awashima-kun do a lot of things. Thanks again."
He leaned in again. Awashima also blushed.
"It's my job."
She tilted her head back. Kamo asked when the atmosphere calmed down.
"So, Captain, what did you see and hear during this time?"
Munakata slowly said...
"The state of the world after the collapse of the Slate. The current situation of the growing and diversifying Strains. The changing species of humanity... that's the way it is."
The executives of "Scepter 4" kept their thoughts to themselves and remained silent.
Munakata suddenly remembered.
"Speaking of which, Fushimi-kun. You sent a messenger from Cape Horn to give me a letter. How the hell did you know I was going there?"
Fushimi smiled. It seems that Munakata's somewhat mysterious appearance was interesting.
"Don't you know who the head of the department is? It's easy. The head of the department causes various incidents and troubles wherever he goes, so if you look at the news from the overseas network, you can naturally read the route and date expected arrival."
"That's all."
Munakata nodded.
"Well, I thought the head of the department would definitely like that place."
Fushimi slightly averted his gaze and added that in a low voice.
"You read it, right?"
Munakata said with a smile. Fushimi asked back.
"By the way, you've been away for a while. Did you find what you were looking for?"
Munakata neither affirmed nor denied it.
Fushimi's face was dumbstruck. But before he could say anything, Awashima intervened.
"Captain. To me, the Captain will always be the Captain. That doesn't change, right?"
She looked at Munakata. Munakata accepted that sincere look with a soft smile. Then he turned his gaze to Akiyama, Benzai and Kamo in turn.
In response to that unspoken question...
Akiyama expressed his personal opinion.
"To me, the Captain is someone to look up to and he leads the cause of this country. It's the same now as it was in the past."
"I respect you. I will continue to follow you."
Firmly, Kamo said that wistfully.
"From the moment you recruited me, my time has taken on new meaning. I pledge my unwavering devotion and loyalty."
Finally, everyone's eyes were on Fushimi. Fushimi looked a bit shocked, but he immediately flashed a fearless smile that was typical of him.
"Well, it's you, right? I laughed so hard. I don't understand why you picked them up. Aren't there about 100 people? Since you're the captain, you'll make a place for them, right?"
Munakata closed his eyes.
He was called by various names along the way.
"Boss. General. Don. Okayashi. Adult. And most of all... King.
In the past, he advertised himself to the Slate.
But now...
"The boss is... our King."
Everyone including Fushimi nodded at Awashima's muffled voice.
Munakata's eyes widened.
"That's right. Now, I finally understand the "me"."
It was the time when Munakata's journey ended.
He traveled, walked, met, talked, fought and traveled the world.
He looked at what the world was like now.
He thought about what the world would be like in the future.
When he got some answers and returned to Japan, he was able to understand Reisi Munakata better than before.
He was naturally satisfied with what he had to do.
Reisi Munakata was just Reisi Munakata.
It was easy.
Munakata, who had reached that state of mind, left his companions behind and headed for the person he should talk to the most.
A building that almost reached the heavens where the "Golden King" who once ruled that country lived.
Munakata smiled and looked up. Currently, a silver-white airship is moored there.
That blimp will never take off again.
It will continue in the twelfth chapter, "The World of the Future".
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sinceileftyoublog · 8 months
Kali Uchis Album Review: Orquídeas
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With Orquídeas, singer-songwriter Kali Uchis proves she can do it all. On her magnificent fourth studio album (and second predominantly in Spanish), she dives deep into sumptuous, slow-burning club music and eventually expands, traversing the realms of music of the Latin American diaspora. The potential crossover hits? They're all at the end, catchy as hell but tossed as if they're the least important tracks on the record. Before showing her Latin pop prowess, Uchis looks inward.
Born in Virginia to an American mother and Colombian father, spending summers there while going to school in the United States, Uchis was bound to, sooner or later, make a terrific album featuring both of her formative languages. If her first majority Spanish-language album Sin Miedo (del Amor y Otros Demonios) ∞ seemed like a collection of experiments, Orquídeas (Spanish for "orchids") feels fully fleshed out. From the start, she alternates between chanting and singing, a sultry coo giving way to an expressive falsetto, on the propulsive shuffle of "¿Cómo Así?" Her transitions between tempos and aesthetics are as natural as her deft combination of Spanish and English is impressive. The R&B of "Me Pongo Loca" morphs into sparkling pop and back, while the ambient jazz synths of the Peso Pluma-featuring "Igual Que Un Ángel" introduce a straight-up funk track. And on the bossa nova stylings of "Tu Corazón Es Mío…", Uchis reveals a jaw-dropping multi-lingual rhyme scheme without missing a beat: "Este amor que tengo es para ti / Always been big on loyalty / Yo sé que eres mío entirely / All that you need's inside of me."
By the time Orquídeas reaches its centerpiece "Te Mata", you realize Uchis is widening her tent of influences. On the bolero song, she sings of escaping a toxic relationship but realizing she's being cast as the villain, ultimately embracing the role, cementing her status within the genre's mythology as a powerful and all-encompassing woman. Further on, there's the dembow of "Muñekita" and merengue of closer "Dame Beso // Muévete", both of which flowingly speed up and slow down, exemplary of their respective subgenres. But nestled between them is "Heladito", sparkling and crystalline early 2000s neo soul. It's the penultimate track on the album, using the act of getting an ice cream as a symbol of luxuriating in the royalty of life's simple pleasures. Dropped like an anvil in the song is the line that sums up what is Uchis' best album to date: "No soy popstar, pero sí soy internacional." She's not a popstar, but she is international, finding ways to scour the globe and peeling back the layers of the pit stops along the way.
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ecoguardiansorg · 9 months
Typhoon Koinu Strikes Taiwan: Record Winds Injure 190
TAIPEI — Early Thursday morning, Taiwan experienced the fierce onslaught of Typhoon Koinu. Directly translating to «puppy» in Japanese, this typhoon might bear a benign name, but its effects were anything but gentle. As it tore through southern Taiwan, it left 190 people injured in its wake, though no deaths have been reported.
A Historic Weather Phenomenon
Typhoon Koinu brought with it unprecedented wind speeds, marking a significant event in Taiwan’s meteorological history. As it neared Taiwan on Wednesday night, a monitoring station situated on Orchid Island, off the southeastern coast of the country’s main island, clocked a wind gust reaching a staggering 342.7 kph (212.9 mph). Sustained winds weren’t far behind, registering at 198.7 kph (123.5 mph). Huang Chia-mei, who leads the Central Weather Administration’s Taitung Weather Station, confirmed that these measurements surpassed all recorded wind speeds since Taiwan began its record-keeping in 1897. However, the instrument capturing this historic data met its demise shortly after, unable to withstand Koinu’s might.
By Thursday afternoon, the typhoon’s sustained winds had decreased to 155 kph (96 mph) with gusts dropping to 191 kph (119 mph), but its impact remained palpable throughout the region.
Nationwide Closures and Disruptions
Heavy rain primarily inundated the eastern counties of Taitung and Hualien, with Pingtung county in the south also facing the typhoon’s wrath. This led to widespread cancellations of school and work across various cities, most prominently in the southern port city of Kaohsiung. In contrast, the capital, Taipei, experienced a relatively calm morning as the rain ceased.
As reports from Taiwan’s fire department came in, the west coast cities bore the brunt of the injuries, including major centers such as Taichung, Tainan, and Kaohsiung.
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The storm also significantly impacted the travel sector. Domestic flights faced widespread cancellations, with several international flights also affected. Ferry services to the surrounding islands were suspended, causing disruptions for both residents and tourists.
Anticipated Impact on Southern China
Though Typhoon Koinu is showing signs of weakening, it’s set to bring heavy rainfall to the coastal regions of southern China in the upcoming weekend. Preemptive measures have already been initiated in cities like Guangzhou, where select flights and trains have been canceled. Meanwhile, maritime authorities have issued a Level 4 alert, urging caution.
The neighboring Fujian province hasn’t been complacent either, with a total of 137 passenger ferry trips being called off in anticipation of the storm.
Taiwan’s Tryst with Typhoons
Taiwan’s geographical location makes it vulnerable to tropical cyclones. However, direct hits have been infrequent in recent years. Typhoon Koinu marks only the second typhoon to make landfall in the past four years. It closely follows Typhoon Haikui, which affected Taiwan earlier in September.
Typhoon Koinu, despite its endearing name, will be remembered in Taiwan’s history for its record-breaking wind speeds and widespread disruptions. As it moves towards southern China, communities brace themselves, hoping the storm continues to lose its strength. The resilience of the Taiwanese community will be tested in the days to come as they embark on the path to recovery.
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allschoolscollege · 2 years
Orchids The International School, Newtown
Orchids International School, NewTown in Kolkata, International School , know Admission Procedure, Facilities, Reviews and Contact information at Allschoolscolleges.com Read More:
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oflostinfound · 10 months
What color is your aura?
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fern leaves, greenhouses, cloaks, bookstores, pine trees, chokers, snake scales. your essence is forest: you are insightful and intense, possessed by your thoughts. you seek the impossible; you are pulled between pragmatism and romanticism, never sure which is right. often you rest in the spaces between black and white, lost in theory. you are the observer. you are the hypothesizer. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of green, sage, moss, and teal, who share your deep contemplation. you are also drawn to the imaginative souls navy and amber, who will help you grow and help you let go of the rational. however, you may struggle to get along with the theatrical personalities of magenta and gold who are too loud in their pride.
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friendship bracelets, beehives, school busses, children's books, flower petals, honeyed toast, polaroids. your essence is honey: you are devoted and endlessly enthusiastic. your friendships are your security; you shroud yourself with people who make you smile and feel lost at sea without them. often you are quick to dedicate yourself to whatever hand feeds you. you are the companion. you are the confidant. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of peach, marigold, yellow, and orange, who share your love of teamwork. you are also drawn to the streamlined souls terracotta and chiffon, who will help you grow and discover your own confidence. however, you may struggle to get along with the heedless personalities of orchid and chartreuse who seem like fair weather friends.
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lollipops, warm cheeks, lip gloss, flowers, flamingo feathers, painted nails, heart glasses. your essence is blush: you are outspoken and protect your heart by never offering an apology. you seize your desires; there is a particularity to your passions, and not many are privy to your reasonings. you are protective and extend your heart in a way you will never accept in return. you are the trend-setter. you are the defiant. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of crimson, red, tawny, and coral, who share your aspirational intensity. you are also drawn to the honest souls lilac and cream, who will help you grow and realize you are not always under critique. however, you may struggle to get along with the internal personalities of sky and beige who are too self-effacing.
Tagged By: @xxlordalexanderxx & @thestupidmeanone Tagging: @strykingback, @heylinhenchman, & whoever else wants to do it!
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mixed-not-confused · 1 year
- But... you're mixed, right?
- How come you speak English so well?
I'm 40 years old, and I don't recall a year of my life I haven't been asked either one of those questions within minutes of new-acquaintance-chitchat and the obligatory "So, where are you from?"
Or, well, I'm lying. When I was a kid, I thought it was appropriate to take a deep breath and answer with all the details.
1999 in Hanoi, Vietnam, was the last time and place I volunteered my full introduction: "I'm half Thai and half Finnish, but I grew up in Ethiopia, Zambia and Kazakhstan." It's also the last time I went to an international school.
At an international school, that introduction still fits in a neat pigeon hole. It doesn't confuse anyone, and it is not followed up with this question:
- So where do you consider home?
I'll save the rant on how much I hate that question and why for another day, and instead, counter with my own question:
WHY is it important to you that I should have an answer to that?
Unless you also grew up like I did, perhaps you are shaking your head now, feeling sadness / confusion / disbelief at my rootlessness. But you know, I never felt it was a problem. In fact, I've always felt that it is a strength.
For many, that is really difficult to comprehend, and I'd rather spare myself the same arguments. So, after 1999, I've simply answered "Where are you from?" with "I'm from Thailand.*"
It's the closest I have to a simple answer.
And yes, if I answer like that, it often gets me the two questions I started this post with.**
If a person has left out some details in their introduction, maybe there is a reason for it. And no, you are not entitled to hear those reasons right after hello, simply because you were unable to pigeonhole that person.
Why? Because your pigeonholes probably reflect some dominant culture norms. So, what you are doing, when you ask those questions, is you are 'othering' someone, and revealing your unconscious biases.
Believe me, it wasn't the first time that month, week, or even day that the person has been reminded they don't belong.
Though my personal experience is mostly related to race and nationality, this applies equally to other identities, such as gender and sexual identity, disability, social class, etc.
Accept who people say they are. It's unlikely that you have better knowledge of their narrative and reasoning.
*Apart from being one of my passport countries, Thailand happens to be a natural habitat of the orchid, a plant that thrives without putting its roots in the ground.
**If you start our journey with those questions, then we are probably not going to be friends. This is also a topic I promise to rant about in another post.
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fatummortem · 2 years
what colour is your aura?
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dyed hair, scales, doc martens, borealis, stormy seas, kingfishers, agate. your essence is teal: you are unique and yearning, emotional without realizing it. you readily get pulled in deep; when you've found an interest, it anchors you, though you can become lost in the details. your identity is strong and you will not change for anyone. you are the free spirit. you are the observer. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of jade, seafoam, navy, and forest, who share your deep intuition. you are also drawn to the thoughtful souls moss and bronze, who will help you grow and learn how to try new things. however, you may struggle to get along with the forceful personalities of amaranth and garnet who are too attached to a single perspective.
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brooches, anthologies, stained glass, leaves, dining chairs, long robes, curtains. your essence is garnet: you are a quiet flame that dwells beneath your soft surface. self-confidence armors you; many would call you stubborn, though protective of what has come to dwell in your heart. always just a whisper away is your temper, promising to make the world bend if it would make your loved ones smile. you are the guardian. you are the volcano. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of terracotta, tawny, crimson, and umber, who share your proactive nature. you are also drawn to the vibrant indigo and marigold, who will help you grow and teach you to name what's inside of you. however, you may struggle to get along with the internal personalities of teal and hickory who are too willing to be silent.
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rose vines, blood, apples, velvet, sharp nails, galaxies, dripping jewelry. your essence is crimson: you are the strong, defiant and avoidant. you crave some sort of deviation; to walk in another's footsteps feels mundane, a waste of your time. you are possessive and never look back at the things you've lost or forgotten. you are the rebel. you are the one who will change the world. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of red, blush, garnet, and bronze, who share your impassioned existence. you are also drawn to the confident souls royal and gold, who will help you grow and show that not everyone seeks to break you. however, you may struggle to get along with the slow-acting personalities of navy and umber who never seem assertive about anything.
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friendship bracelets, beehives, school busses, children's books, flower petals, honeyed toast, polaroids. your essence is honey: you are devoted and endlessly enthusiastic. your friendships are your security; you shroud yourself with people who make you smile and feel lost at sea without them. often you are quick to dedicate yourself to whatever hand feeds you. you are the companion. you are the confidant. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of peach, marigold, yellow, and orange, who share your love of teamwork. you are also drawn to the streamlined souls terracotta and chiffon, who will help you grow and discover your own confidence. however, you may struggle to get along with the heedless personalities of orchid and chartreuse who seem like fair weather friends.
Tagged by: @merciedblood​ Tagging: if ya wanna do it, do it, just tag me in it so i can take a gander c:
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pcolossal · 1 hour
Locality Inside – Edition– Mamurdi
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Mamurdi, located in the north-western part of Pune, has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its excellent connectivity to major employment hubs like Hinjewadi. This town is approximately 30 kilometers from Pune and has functional connectivity via state highways and railways. This makes it an ideal location for those who want to live close to the city yet away from the hustle and bustle.
For more details, click the link: https://www.propertycolossal.com/LocalityInformation/mamurdi-l-id37
One of the key advantages of Mamurdi is its potential for development. With the increasing demand for residential properties, several renowned developers have established various residential projects in Mamurdi. These projects offer modern amenities like swimming pools, gyms, and clubhouse facilities, catering to the needs and requirements of modern-day homebuyers. Mamurdi is still at a growing stage, which means that property rates are relatively low right now and have the potential to scale up massively in the future.
The suburb's recent inclusion in the Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC) has given it a significant advantage in terms of infrastructural development. The upcoming Pune Metro's Purple Line, which will connect Mamurdi to the city center via Nigdi Station located just 7 km away, is expected to enhance connectivity. Moreover, the proposed Pune Ring Road, via Shelarwadi located 10 km away, will further improve accessibility. There are also plans to widen the Pune-Mumbai Highway, which will smoothen traffic movement around Mamurdi.
Apart from its potential for growth, Mamurdi also offers a lot in terms of social and retail infrastructure. Residents can access popular malls like Central Mall, Xion Mall, Premier Plaza Mall, and Westend Mall for a joyful shopping experience. For medical help, renowned hospitals like Varad Hospital & Critical Care and Dharaskar ENT & Paediatric Hospital are located within a 6km radius. Top-rated schools like Orchids International School, Cambridge International School, Akshara International School, and Elpro International School are situated within 5km to 10km from Mamurdi. For recreational activities, Mamurdi has several parks like Green Park, PCMC Garden, and Virangula Park & Jogging Track.
The town also boasts several tourist attractions like the Ghorwadeshwar Buddhist Caves, Murugan Hill, and Kundamala Waterfall. So, whether you're a homebuyer or an investor, Mamurdi is the rising star of Pune’s real estate that you cannot afford to miss! 
For more details, click the link: https://www.propertycolossal.com/LocalityInformation/mamurdi-l-id37
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brookstonalmanac · 16 days
Holidays 9.5
Achalasia Awareness Day
Amazon Rainforest Day
Beard Tax Day
Be Late for Something Day
Bill Murray Day (Canada)
Clifford the Big Red Dog Day
Day of the Languages of the Peoples of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan)
Dia de Santiago Iglesias Pantin (Puerto Rico)
Engineer’s Day (Egypt, Tanzania)
Entrepreneur Day (Finland)
First Day of School (Vietnam)
Flag Day (Mozambique)
Flag-Flying Day (Denmark)
Freddie For A Day
Freddie Mercury Day
Gaura Parva (Nepal)
Hassaku-sai (Kyoto, Japan)
International Day of Charity
International Day of the Vaquinta Marina
International Indigenous Women’s Day
International Multiple Myeloma Day
International Pierre Robin Sequence Awareness Day
Jury Rights Day
Mexican Marigold Day (French Republic)
National Actdumb. Day
National Cellulite Day
National GIF Day
National Shrink Day
National White Cat Day
On the Road Day
Red Cross Day
Regata Storical (Historical Regatta; Venice, Italy)
Scouts’ Day (Argentina)
Straight Story Lawnmower Day
Teacher's Day (India)
Tweet Like Werner Herzog Day
Working Mothers Day
World Day of Siblings
World Day of Tourism Journalists
World Spinal Cord Injury Day
Yrittäjän Päivä (Entrepreneur Day; Finland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bitter Beer Day
National Cheese Pizza Day
World Samosa Day
Independence & Related Days
Bir Tawil Empire (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
1st Thursday in September
International Day of the Orchid [1st Thursday]
Jeûne Genevois (Geneva, Switzerland) [Thursday after 1st Sunday]
Kid Lit Art Postcard Day [1st Thursday]
Thankful Thursday [1st Thursday of Each Month]
Therapy Thursday [1st Thursday of Each Month]
Thin Crust Thursday [1st Thursday of Each Month]
Thirsty Thursday [Every Thursday]
Three for Thursday [Every Thursday]
Thrift Store Thursday [Every Thursday]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
Festivals Beginning September 5, 2024
Ayden Collard Festival (Ayden, North Carolina) [thru 9.7]
Berlin International Literature Festival (Berlin, Germany) [thru 9.14]
Clinton Lions Agricultural Fair (Clinton, Maine) [thru 9.8]
DOKer Film Festival (Moscow, Russia) [thru 9.15]
Farm-to-Fork Festival (Sacramento, California) [thru 9.21]
Grape & Fall Festival (St. James, Missouri) [thru 9.7]
Greek Festival (Union, New Jersey) [thru 9.8]
Marion Popcorn Festival (Marion, Ohio) [thru 9.7]
Montgomery Turkey Trot Festival (Montgomery, Indiana) [thru 9.8]
New Mexico State Fair (Albuquerque, New Mexico) [thru 9.15]
Niagara County Peach Festival (Lewiston, New York) [thru 9.8]
Oktoberfest (Helen, Georgia) [thru 10.27]
Plattsmouth Harvest Festival (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) [thru 9.8]
Time-Based Art Festival (Portland, Oregon) [thru 9.22]
Tipton County Pork Festival (Tipton, Indiana) [thru 9.7]
Toronto International Film Festival (Toronto, Canada) [thru 9.15]
Utah State Fair (Salt Lake City, Utah) [thru 9.15]
Vancouver Fringe Festival (Vancouver, Canada) [thru 9.15]
The WhiskyX (Nashville, Tennessee)
Feast Days
Abdus of Susa (Christian; Saint)
Alto (Christian; Saint)
Bertin (Christian; Saint)
Caspar David Friedrich (Artology)
Cathy Guisewite (Artology)
Charbel (Christian; Martyr)
Day of Ganesh (Everyday Wicca)
Day of the West Wind (Pagan)
Duhamel [du Monceau] (Positivist; Saint)
Frank Armitage (Artology)
Gargling Day (Pastafarian)
Genebald (Christian; Saint)
Genesia (Day of the Dead; Ancient Greece)
Gregorio Aglipay (Episcopal Church)
H.L. Mencken Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Janmasthami (Birth of Lord Krishna; Hindu)
John Cage (Writerism)
Jupiter Stator (Ancient Rome)
Laurence Gustiani (a.k.a. Laurence Justinian; Christian; Saint)
Maurice Quentin de La Tour (Artology)
The Moes (Muppetism)
Ralston Crawford (Artology)
Teresa of Calcutta (a.k.a. Mother Teresa; Christian; Saint)
Three Candles Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Ursicinus of Ravenna (Christian; Saint)
Wag and Carrot Fancying Day (Shamanism)
Yodeling Day (Pastafarian)
Zechariah and Elisabeth (Anglican and Eastern Orthodox Church)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Batman: The Animated Series (Animated TV Series; 1992)
Blue Christmas, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
Bonanza Bunny (WB MM Cartoon; 1959)
The Chain Gang (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Citizen Kane (Film; 1941)
City of Illusions, by Ursula K. Le Guin (Novel; 1967)
The Criminal, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1953)
Dr. Zhivago, by Boris Pasternak (U.S. Novel; 1958)
Gnomes, by Wil Huygen (Art Book; 1976)
Greenpernt Ogle, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 105; 1961)
It (Film; 2017)
Just Ducky (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1953)
Louder Than Love, by Soundgarden (Album; 1989)
The Mail Animal or Bullwinkle Stamps His Foot (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 106; 1961)
No No: A Dockumentary (Documentary Film; 2014)
The One-Man Navy (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
On the Road, by Jack Kerouac (Novel; 1957)
Ping Pong Playa (Film; 2008)
Sherman’s March (Documentary Film; 1986)
Smile, Darn Ya, Smile! (WB MM Cartoon; 1931)
A Street Cat Named Sylvester (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Trolley Troubles (Ub Iwerks Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Disney Cartoon; 1927) [1st Oswald]
The Wrestler (Film; 2008)
Today’s Name Days
Albert, Larentius, Roswitha, Teresa (Austria)
Elisaveta, Hari, Zahari (Bulgaria)
Borko, Eudoksije, Lovro, Roman, Tereza, Terezija (Croatia)
Boris (Czech Republic)
Regina (Denmark)
Preedik, Priidik, Priido, Priidu, Priit, Reedik, Vidrik (Estonia)
Mainio, Roni (Finland)
Raïssa (France)
Hermine, Roswitha, Urs (Germany)
Zacharias (Greece)
Lőrinc, Viktor (Hungary)
Vittorino (Italy)
Klaudija, Perse, Persijs, Vaida (Latvia)
Dingailė, Erdenis, Justina, Stanislova, Stasė (Lithuania)
Brede, Brian, Njål (Norway)
Dorota, Herakles, Herkulan, Herkules, Justyna, Laurencjusz, Stronisława, Wawrzyniec (Poland)
Regina (Slovakia)
Obdulia, Teresa (Spain)
Adela, Heidi (Sweden)
Elizabeth, Raisa, Raya, Zachary (Ukraine)
Bert, Bertha, Bertie, Bertin, Berton, Burt, Burton, Rigoberto (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 249 of 2024; 117 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of Week 36 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 5 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guy-You), Day 3 (Red-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 2 Elul 5784
Islamic: 1 Rabi I 1446
J Cal: 9 Gold; Twosday [8 of 30]
Julian: 23 August 2024
Moon: 5%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 25 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Bouguer]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 78 of 94)
Week: 1st Full Week of September
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 15 of 32)
Calendar Changes
Rabīʿ al-ʾAwwal [ٱلْأَوَّل or رَبِيع] (Islamic Calendar) [Month 3 of 12] (First Spring Month)
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brookston · 16 days
Holidays 9.5
Achalasia Awareness Day
Amazon Rainforest Day
Beard Tax Day
Be Late for Something Day
Bill Murray Day (Canada)
Clifford the Big Red Dog Day
Day of the Languages of the Peoples of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan)
Dia de Santiago Iglesias Pantin (Puerto Rico)
Engineer’s Day (Egypt, Tanzania)
Entrepreneur Day (Finland)
First Day of School (Vietnam)
Flag Day (Mozambique)
Flag-Flying Day (Denmark)
Freddie For A Day
Freddie Mercury Day
Gaura Parva (Nepal)
Hassaku-sai (Kyoto, Japan)
International Day of Charity
International Day of the Vaquinta Marina
International Indigenous Women’s Day
International Multiple Myeloma Day
International Pierre Robin Sequence Awareness Day
Jury Rights Day
Mexican Marigold Day (French Republic)
National Actdumb. Day
National Cellulite Day
National GIF Day
National Shrink Day
National White Cat Day
On the Road Day
Red Cross Day
Regata Storical (Historical Regatta; Venice, Italy)
Scouts’ Day (Argentina)
Straight Story Lawnmower Day
Teacher's Day (India)
Tweet Like Werner Herzog Day
Working Mothers Day
World Day of Siblings
World Day of Tourism Journalists
World Spinal Cord Injury Day
Yrittäjän Päivä (Entrepreneur Day; Finland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bitter Beer Day
National Cheese Pizza Day
World Samosa Day
Independence & Related Days
Bir Tawil Empire (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
1st Thursday in September
International Day of the Orchid [1st Thursday]
Jeûne Genevois (Geneva, Switzerland) [Thursday after 1st Sunday]
Kid Lit Art Postcard Day [1st Thursday]
Thankful Thursday [1st Thursday of Each Month]
Therapy Thursday [1st Thursday of Each Month]
Thin Crust Thursday [1st Thursday of Each Month]
Thirsty Thursday [Every Thursday]
Three for Thursday [Every Thursday]
Thrift Store Thursday [Every Thursday]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
Festivals Beginning September 5, 2024
Ayden Collard Festival (Ayden, North Carolina) [thru 9.7]
Berlin International Literature Festival (Berlin, Germany) [thru 9.14]
Clinton Lions Agricultural Fair (Clinton, Maine) [thru 9.8]
DOKer Film Festival (Moscow, Russia) [thru 9.15]
Farm-to-Fork Festival (Sacramento, California) [thru 9.21]
Grape & Fall Festival (St. James, Missouri) [thru 9.7]
Greek Festival (Union, New Jersey) [thru 9.8]
Marion Popcorn Festival (Marion, Ohio) [thru 9.7]
Montgomery Turkey Trot Festival (Montgomery, Indiana) [thru 9.8]
New Mexico State Fair (Albuquerque, New Mexico) [thru 9.15]
Niagara County Peach Festival (Lewiston, New York) [thru 9.8]
Oktoberfest (Helen, Georgia) [thru 10.27]
Plattsmouth Harvest Festival (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) [thru 9.8]
Time-Based Art Festival (Portland, Oregon) [thru 9.22]
Tipton County Pork Festival (Tipton, Indiana) [thru 9.7]
Toronto International Film Festival (Toronto, Canada) [thru 9.15]
Utah State Fair (Salt Lake City, Utah) [thru 9.15]
Vancouver Fringe Festival (Vancouver, Canada) [thru 9.15]
The WhiskyX (Nashville, Tennessee)
Feast Days
Abdus of Susa (Christian; Saint)
Alto (Christian; Saint)
Bertin (Christian; Saint)
Caspar David Friedrich (Artology)
Cathy Guisewite (Artology)
Charbel (Christian; Martyr)
Day of Ganesh (Everyday Wicca)
Day of the West Wind (Pagan)
Duhamel [du Monceau] (Positivist; Saint)
Frank Armitage (Artology)
Gargling Day (Pastafarian)
Genebald (Christian; Saint)
Genesia (Day of the Dead; Ancient Greece)
Gregorio Aglipay (Episcopal Church)
H.L. Mencken Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Janmasthami (Birth of Lord Krishna; Hindu)
John Cage (Writerism)
Jupiter Stator (Ancient Rome)
Laurence Gustiani (a.k.a. Laurence Justinian; Christian; Saint)
Maurice Quentin de La Tour (Artology)
The Moes (Muppetism)
Ralston Crawford (Artology)
Teresa of Calcutta (a.k.a. Mother Teresa; Christian; Saint)
Three Candles Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Ursicinus of Ravenna (Christian; Saint)
Wag and Carrot Fancying Day (Shamanism)
Yodeling Day (Pastafarian)
Zechariah and Elisabeth (Anglican and Eastern Orthodox Church)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Batman: The Animated Series (Animated TV Series; 1992)
Blue Christmas, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
Bonanza Bunny (WB MM Cartoon; 1959)
The Chain Gang (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Citizen Kane (Film; 1941)
City of Illusions, by Ursula K. Le Guin (Novel; 1967)
The Criminal, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1953)
Dr. Zhivago, by Boris Pasternak (U.S. Novel; 1958)
Gnomes, by Wil Huygen (Art Book; 1976)
Greenpernt Ogle, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 105; 1961)
It (Film; 2017)
Just Ducky (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1953)
Louder Than Love, by Soundgarden (Album; 1989)
The Mail Animal or Bullwinkle Stamps His Foot (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 106; 1961)
No No: A Dockumentary (Documentary Film; 2014)
The One-Man Navy (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
On the Road, by Jack Kerouac (Novel; 1957)
Ping Pong Playa (Film; 2008)
Sherman’s March (Documentary Film; 1986)
Smile, Darn Ya, Smile! (WB MM Cartoon; 1931)
A Street Cat Named Sylvester (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Trolley Troubles (Ub Iwerks Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Disney Cartoon; 1927) [1st Oswald]
The Wrestler (Film; 2008)
Today’s Name Days
Albert, Larentius, Roswitha, Teresa (Austria)
Elisaveta, Hari, Zahari (Bulgaria)
Borko, Eudoksije, Lovro, Roman, Tereza, Terezija (Croatia)
Boris (Czech Republic)
Regina (Denmark)
Preedik, Priidik, Priido, Priidu, Priit, Reedik, Vidrik (Estonia)
Mainio, Roni (Finland)
Raïssa (France)
Hermine, Roswitha, Urs (Germany)
Zacharias (Greece)
Lőrinc, Viktor (Hungary)
Vittorino (Italy)
Klaudija, Perse, Persijs, Vaida (Latvia)
Dingailė, Erdenis, Justina, Stanislova, Stasė (Lithuania)
Brede, Brian, Njål (Norway)
Dorota, Herakles, Herkulan, Herkules, Justyna, Laurencjusz, Stronisława, Wawrzyniec (Poland)
Regina (Slovakia)
Obdulia, Teresa (Spain)
Adela, Heidi (Sweden)
Elizabeth, Raisa, Raya, Zachary (Ukraine)
Bert, Bertha, Bertie, Bertin, Berton, Burt, Burton, Rigoberto (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 249 of 2024; 117 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of Week 36 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 5 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guy-You), Day 3 (Red-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 2 Elul 5784
Islamic: 1 Rabi I 1446
J Cal: 9 Gold; Twosday [8 of 30]
Julian: 23 August 2024
Moon: 5%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 25 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Bouguer]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 78 of 94)
Week: 1st Full Week of September
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 15 of 32)
Calendar Changes
Rabīʿ al-ʾAwwal [ٱلْأَوَّل or رَبِيع] (Islamic Calendar) [Month 3 of 12] (First Spring Month)
0 notes
Adani Prive PBR | A Gateway to Easy Connectivity Benefits at Navi Mumbai
Adani Prive PBR offers more than just a place to live; it is the epitome of luxury, connectivity, and convenience. Situated along one of the most prestigious roads in Navi Mumbai, this residential project is strategically located to provide the perfect blend of serene living and easy access to bustling urban life. With connectivity that redefines convenience and a lifestyle centered around comfort and luxury, Adani Prive PBR is an ideal choice for discerning homebuyers who seek an elevated living experience.
A Location That Offers the Best of Both Worlds
Palm Beach Road has long been regarded as one of Navi Mumbai’s most sought-after locales, and it’s easy to see why. With its pristine surroundings, sweeping views of the Arabian Sea, and easy access to both Navi Mumbai and Mumbai, this area has become a coveted address for those looking to experience the best of both worlds.
Adani 9 PBR’s prime location allows residents to indulge in Navi Mumbai’s tranquil charm while enjoying seamless connectivity to South Bombay’s vibrant energy. Thanks to major infrastructure developments, including the fully operational Mumbai Trans Harbour Sealink (MTHL), the commute between Navi Mumbai and Mumbai has been drastically improved. The MTHL not only reduces traffic congestion but also enhances travel time, offering a seamless and hassle-free commute for residents of Adani Prive PBR.
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Seamless Connectivity at Adani 9 Prive
One of the key highlights of Adani Prive PBR is its unbeatable connectivity. The Sewri exit, just a 20-minute drive away, connects you directly to the bustling streets of South Bombay, putting you within reach of everything the city has to offer. Whether you're heading into Mumbai for work, entertainment, or dining, the ease of travel makes Adani Prive PBR an incredibly convenient place to call home.
For frequent travelers, the upcoming Navi Mumbai International Airport is a mere 15-minute drive from Adani 9 PBR, opening up a world of possibilities. The airport is poised to be one of the busiest in the region, making international travel simpler than ever before. Whether you're jetting off for business or leisure, the close proximity to the airport makes Adani Prive PBR an ideal residence for globe-trotters and business professionals alike.
The Mumbai Pune Expressway is also just a 20-minute drive from the project, offering residents easy access to Pune, another major commercial and educational hub. This kind of connectivity ensures that Adani Prive PBR is more than just a home; it's a launchpad for your aspirations, offering unparalleled access to key locations across the region.
Educational Excellence Within Easy Reach
One of the many advantages of Adani Prive PBR’s location on Palm Beach Road is its proximity to some of the best educational institutions in Navi Mumbai. Families with children will appreciate the easy access to top-tier schools, making the daily commute to school both quick and convenient. Some of the notable schools nearby include:
Delhi Public School – 5 minutes
Orchids The International School – 8 minutes
Ryan International School – 12 minutes
D.Y. Patil International School – 14 minutes
These schools offer world-class education, ensuring that your children receive the best possible learning experience without the stress of long commutes.
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Healthcare Facilities Just Minutes Away
Adani Prive PBR also benefits from its proximity to high-quality healthcare facilities, ensuring that residents have access to medical care whenever needed. Renowned hospitals such as Apollo Hospitals (8 minutes away), Vedaant Hospital (9 minutes away), and D.Y. Patil Hospital (15 minutes away) are all within a short drive, providing residents with peace of mind when it comes to their health and well-being.
Whether it’s a routine check-up or a medical emergency, the availability of top-notch healthcare facilities so close to home is a major benefit of living at Adani 9 PBR.
Shopping, Entertainment, and Recreation at Your Doorstep
Palm Beach Road is not only about convenience and connectivity; it also offers an array of shopping, entertainment, and recreational options for residents. Adani Prive PBR places you in close proximity to some of Navi Mumbai’s most popular shopping destinations and parks:
Nexus Seawoods – 8 minutes away, one of the largest malls in the region, featuring a mix of retail outlets, restaurants, and entertainment options.
Inorbit Mall, Vashi – 15 minutes away, offering a wide variety of shopping and dining experiences for a day of leisure.
Wonders Park – 5 minutes away, perfect for family outings and relaxation in beautifully landscaped gardens.
Jewel of Navi Mumbai – 9 minutes away, a picturesque waterfront park ideal for morning walks, evening strolls, or picnics.
For residents who enjoy outdoor activities, these parks and malls offer a chance to unwind and rejuvenate without venturing far from home.
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A Hub of Connectivity Which is the Life at Adani Prive PBR
Adani Prive PBR is not just a residence; it is a hub of connectivity designed to meet the needs of modern living. Its strategic location at Palm Beach Road offers easy access to key transit points, including Nerul Railway Station (12 minutes away) and Vashi Railway Station (17 minutes away). Additionally, the Nerul Ferry Terminal, located just 6 minutes away, provides a unique and convenient travel option for those looking to bypass traffic and enjoy a scenic ferry ride.
The well-planned infrastructure surrounding Adani 9 PBR ensures that residents can easily navigate their daily routines, whether it’s commuting to work, dropping kids off at school, or enjoying a day of shopping and recreation.
The Possibilities Are Endless at Adani Prive PBR
Adani Prive PBR is more than just a luxurious residence on Palm Beach Road—it’s a gateway to a world of opportunities. With its unbeatable location, seamless connectivity, and proximity to world-class amenities, Adani 9 PBR is the ideal place for individuals and families who seek a life of comfort, convenience, and luxury. Whether you’re a busy professional navigating the bustling streets of Mumbai or a frequent traveler who values quick access to airports and highways, this project offers everything you need.
The world is at your fingertips when you call Adani Prive PBR home. Where will you go next? The possibilities are truly endless. Contact us today to learn more about this exceptional project and take the first step toward owning your dream home in Navi Mumbai’s most coveted address.
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