#Oronsay priory
clancarruthers · 1 year
  THE MONASTERIES OF SCOTLAND   PREFACE   Many years ago I became fascinated by the re-introduction of the monastic life in the Church of England having in 1956 read a book by Peter Anson entitled “The Call of the Cloister”. Anson had been a novice in the community of Anglican Benedictines which had been founded in 1896 by one Aelred Carlisle as an attempt to once again establish the Benedictine…
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hebridescycle · 5 years
Day 7 - Jura to Colonsay/Oronsay
Now sat looking over the causeway from Colonsay to Oronsay (covered with water) drinking Bruchladdick whiskey, but heading to bed. So will finish this in the morning.
Suffice it to say that bird of the day was - otter (yes, I know).
Morning now lying in tent waiting for breakfest - a tactic which is unlikely to work.
Distance travelled - 8 miles back to the ferry, 3 miles this side and then 4.89 miles walking to Oronsay priory and back.
Adversity 3.
Rain over night and no wind meant midge fest first thing so opted for breakfest in the hotel.
Short ride back over the hill to the Islay ferry. Spotted an otter slip into the water as we cycled along the coast road and we then watched it fish before having to carry on to catch the ferry.
Basic shop by the ferry and got a few essentials - which was lucky as the Oronsay shop had just shut when we arrived.
My hour braving the deck of the ferry (whilst others “guard” the batteries charging inside) was rewarded with one whale (probably minke).
Fill the water bladders (5kg extra weight) and short ride to the Oronsay causeway. Lock the bikes to the sound of choughs and set off across the still wet sand as the tide retreats. Few huffs about wet feet and route choice. Mr M removed shoes by about half way, but we make it.
Oronsay sadly lacking interesting birds, but excellent old stones, very remeniscent of Iona (and closely related to as well).
Back to the bikes and start search for good camping ground. Requirements - flat, not rocky, above tide line, exposed to the breeze (anti midge) but not exposed, good view, away from road but not too far to make hard work. Criteria quite quickly satisfies by peaty hollows on top of rocky/heather knoll. Tents up, supper on and Bruichladick bottle cracked open - excellent.
Short walk after diner back up the road with a good sighting of a male cuckoo at 50m on a wire sadly only very brief call. Beautiful marsh and heath spotted orchids and some potential hybrids.
Back to the tents to by serenaded by drumming snipe - finally.
Another good day and the forecast set very fair for the next few days.
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hebridescycle · 5 years
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Lunch at the Priory ruins, Oronsay.
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