#Outer Space Magazine
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horizonaarc1726 · 6 months
What is the interpretation of the 1st, 5th, and 7th house conjunction in the 9th house for a Sagittarius ascendant?
Interpreting the conjunction of planets in specific houses for a Sagittarius ascendant involves understanding the characteristics of Sagittarius rising along with the nature of the planets involved. Here's a breakdown:
Sagittarius Ascendant: Sagittarius rising individuals are often enthusiastic, optimistic, and adventurous. They tend to have a strong sense of idealism, a love for freedom, and a desire for exploration and learning.
Conjunction in the 9th House: The 9th house is naturally associated with Sagittarius, making it a significant placement for this ascendant. It represents higher education, philosophy, spirituality, long-distance travel, and the search for truth and meaning in life.
Now, let's look at the interpretation of the conjunction of planets in the 9th house for a Sagittarius ascendant:
1st House Conjunction: The 1st house represents the self, personality, physical body, and approach to life. With a conjunction of planets from the 1st house in the 9th, there's a strong emphasis on personal beliefs, philosophy, and outlook on life. The individual may see their identity deeply intertwined with their spiritual or philosophical beliefs. They might have a strong urge to explore different cultures, religions, or educational pursuits that expand their worldview.
5th House Conjunction: The 5th house relates to creativity, self-expression, romance, hobbies, and children. When planets from the 5th house are in the 9th, there could be a blending of creative expression with philosophical or spiritual themes. This individual may find joy and inspiration in pursuits related to higher learning, teaching, or travel. They might also express their creativity through writing, teaching, or other forms of communication that convey philosophical or spiritual ideas.
7th House Conjunction: The 7th house governs relationships, partnerships, and collaborations. With planets from the 7th house in the 9th, there could be a connection between relationships and shared philosophical or spiritual beliefs. The individual may seek partners who share their ideals or who encourage their quest for knowledge and understanding. Alternatively, partnerships could involve activities such as travel, higher education, or spiritual pursuits done together.
If you need information based on your horoscope. Which planet is where in your horoscope. So you can use Kundli Chakra professional 2022 Software. Which can give you the exact answer of your horoscope based on your planet.
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misforgotten2 · 7 months
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No, not Freudian at all.
Cover by Malcolm Smith
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chernobog13 · 10 months
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"...a Vulcanized girlfriend..."
Cripes, who writes these things?
"Vulcanize (verb): to harden (rubber or a similar material) by treating it with sulfur at a high temperature." - Oxford dictionary.
I don't think even the usually emotionless Mr. Spock would want to do that to his paramour.
Meanwhile, the description of Leonard Nimoy Presents Mr. Spock's Music From Outer Space sounds so bad that I now am compelled to track it down and listen to it. Something I'm sure I'll instantly regret for the rest of my life.
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+ ‘gordian knot’ by noriyoshi ohrai
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maxcontract · 9 months
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dustedmagazine · 4 months
Cara Beth Satalino — Little Green (Worried Songs)
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Photo by Justin Flythe
Turning into an adult has never been easy, but the people who progressed from late teens and 20s into mid-life over the last couple of years have had an especially rough go of it, given the pandemic, the lockdown and the oncoming climate apocalypse. Cara Beth Satalino, the fresh-voiced center of country-folk Outer Spaces, was among this unlucky cohort. One day she was carefree, singing her songs in bars and small clubs, the next she found herself diagnosed with chronic illness, isolated in New Jersey and unexpectedly pregnant.
The title track of this first solo album tracks that series of events in luminous folk style, a fragile voice pushing up through reverb shrouded guitar. “I used to be puppy dog, I used to be a little green, little leaf unfolding, reaching out for anything at all,” croons Satalino in “Little Green,” the brief song that is, maybe, the key to the whole album. “I used to play on my guitar, up in there at the bar, I used to sing a yearning song, a little leaf unfolding, little leaf unfolding.” The “used to” part is heartbreaking, but the song suggests a path out, the possibility of tending a garden where other leaves may eventually unfold. Satalino sings in a tender but resolute way, making her peace with the new normal.
These songs have a fresh-scrubbed authenticity, centered on Satalino’s raspy soprano and forthright language, though they often swell, mid-cut, into multi-voiced, descanting fullness. “Time,” for instance, begin in simplicity, its jangling guitar paced by kick drum, a pedal steel curving up through the verse. Satalino’s singing is straightforward, rich but unornamented, until it blossoms in dizzying harmonies and counterpoints, suddenly overwhelming.
Satalino’s tunes range in tone from jangling folk pop to near country, think Waxahatchee but not as southern. She sings about Volvos station wagons, not pick-up trucks. A few, like “Daylight Savings Time,” feature wavery keyboard or maybe recorder melodies that shade them subtly into 1960s folk territory. Yet though the accompaniment can be flowery, the words are precise and workmanlike. Consider this, from “Daylight Savings Time”— “Today I woke up feeling rested/with an hour to spare/free time in my pocket/time that was not there yesterday/it’s on the front page/it’s the good news we never gave/one solitary hour feels like money to be spent.”
Though Little Green is a solo album, Satalino is by no means alone. Her partner in Outer Spaces, Chester Gwazda, is a big presence, playing bass and keyboards on most tracks, and guitar and drums on a couple.  Angie Boylan, who has toured with Sleater-Kinney and Maria Paternoster, picks up the rest of the drumming duties, while Dan Kassel adds cello. Nicholas Metz is especially effective on pedal steel, nudging cuts like “Outlaw” into rich twanging country. The arrangements never overwhelm. Satalino’s voice and stories remain the focus. But they do expand and enliven her songs, and you can hear a certain joy in the musicians’ ability to play together again after a period of separation.
Despite the troubles that surround it, this isn’t a sad album at all. It finds ways to celebrate the good parts of the last few years, as in “The Great Liberator.” Sings Satalino, “Walked down to the farm to watch the eagles catch the sun, it doesn’t seem like much but it’s a new brand of fun.”  Like Little Green. 
Jennifer Kelly
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taxi-davis · 1 year
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Center Of The Universe by Mark Ulriksen
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bendinglight · 9 months
Time Magazine covers from the 1950s by Boris Artzybasheff
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horizonaarc1726 · 6 months
Is Saturn and Sun opposition in horoscope bad?
The interpretation of an opposition aspect, such as between Saturn and the Sun in a horoscope, depends on various factors including the overall context of the individual's chart, the signs involved, and the houses where these planets are placed. Here are some general insights:
Sun-Saturn Opposition: The Sun represents the core identity, vitality, and ego in astrology. Saturn, on the other hand, symbolizes restriction, discipline, responsibility, and challenges. When these two planets are in opposition, there can be a tension between the individual's sense of self-expression, confidence, and authority (Sun) and the need for structure, discipline, and facing limitations (Saturn).
Challenges and Growth: Oppositions in astrology often signify areas of tension or conflict that need to be balanced and integrated. In the case of the Sun-Saturn opposition, there may be challenges related to self-confidence, authority, or feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. This aspect can manifest as a struggle between wanting to shine and achieve recognition (Sun) and feeling inhibited by fears, obligations, or self-imposed limitations (Saturn).
Potential Positives: While oppositions can present challenges, they also offer opportunities for growth and development. Individuals with a Sun-Saturn opposition in their chart may learn valuable lessons about perseverance, self-discipline, and maturity. They may develop resilience and inner strength through overcoming obstacles and facing responsibilities head-on. This aspect can also indicate a strong work ethic, determination, and the ability to succeed through hard work and perseverance.
Consider the Signs and Houses: The signs involved in the opposition, as well as the houses where the Sun and Saturn are located, provide additional context for understanding how this aspect may manifest in a person's life. For example, if the Sun is in a fiery, confident sign like Leo and Saturn is in a practical, earthy sign like Capricorn, the tension between self-expression and limitation may be particularly pronounced in career or public life.
In short, while the Sun-Saturn opposition can present challenges, it also offers opportunities for personal growth, resilience, and the development of inner strength. Like any aspect in astrology, one can use the Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 Software to gain a more nuanced understanding of how this aspect may manifest and how to navigate it creatively. For more accurate information you can contact 8595675042.
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misforgotten2 · 1 year
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Why would you need fletching on an arrow used in a vacuum?
Cover by Ed Valigursky -- 1956
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portal-to-the-past · 2 years
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Fantastic Adventures - July 1949 // Cover by James B. Settles
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lucidterminals · 2 years
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taxi-davis · 1 year
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Free Delivery by Bruce McCall
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pervertedreams · 8 months
gasp! even MORE farleigh hc’s bc now i’m having writers block and it’s easier to do lil short scenarios <3
asks are open and encouraged feedback is even more encouraging!!
general sexual themes. minors dni obviously
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- close talker. close talker. CLOSE TALKER!!! no kinda of personal space really, constantly invading your personal bubble. this goes hand in hand with my crouching and bending over to look at you allegations. sour cigarette breath always flooding your nostrils, sometimes almost so close your noses clunk together. he wants to watch you slowly lean back as he stalks closer to you, wants to watch your eyes strain to look up and maintain eye contact with him. he’s grabbing your hands without warning, pinching your cheeks and sides, sometimes placing his large hands on your hips and swiveling you around for whatever dramatic statement he’s making. like i said fave grabbing and again just overall being very invasive when holding conversation. not that you’re necessarily complaining.
- loves being naked, likes to air himself out. i think he especially enjoys skinny dipping. i don’t have any proof to back this up, it’s comin from the heart. he loves being bare in the water, he’s nearly bare anyways. the only thing holding him back is a unnecessarily expensive pair of swim trunks. and when he takes them off he throws the soiled material at your feet, because he’s a smart ass. we know this !
- i do feel as though he is naturally very quick witted and snarky, but i also believe it’s a defense mechanism. i feel as though it doesn’t take much to soften him even though i believe he’s stubborn, i feel like he’s actually very emotional. but maybe he believes being overly emotional gets you nowhere.
- homeboy loves eating box !! LMAO but no i think he loves giving head, just enjoys getting on his knees and pleasuring somebody. loves that intoxicating musky scent of whoever he’s giving head too, loves having his curls gripped and being manhandled and pushed around. mainly sexually. and he’s looking up at you with swollen heavy lips and glossy brown eyes, eager to make you cum. sometimes that smug, asshole-ish energy is still heavily laced throughout whatever sex he’s having, esp if he’s feeling more dominant. same quick yet dry comments, “now cmon baby you can do better than that.”
- ass slapper IDC. playful or not if you walk by or if it’s in his face at any given moment, he’s taking his opportunity every. time. you’ve gotten tired of swatting him away, there’s usually no winning with farleigh. some things are just set in stone. when you get up, when you walk by, if you’re bent over, skirt on, jeans, underwear, it doesn’t matter. if it’s in his line of vision he’s going for it.
- he snores, not loud or annoying but not necessarily quietly. and he’s a stiff sleeper, however he fell asleep he’s waking up the exact same way. despite the scene with him and oliver i believe he’s a somewhat heavy sleeper. he’s not a dead body but he doesn’t sleep like a fairy either. and def jerks off to playgirl to fall asleep if he’s having a tough time.
- speaking of playgirl he strikes me as the type to have a lil magazine collection, porn and fashion specifically. and yes he has both playboy and playgirl, he’s doesn’t discriminate!
- usually forgets to wrap his hair up at night or just straight up wraps it wrong. but to be fair there’s no one their to teach him any better.
- love language is touch and gift giving idk. like he always has his hands on you one way or another, he’s like a magnet. ringed pinky resting on your outer thigh, subconscious hair stroking, arms always somehow draped around your shoulders, hands always resting on your lower hips. sometimes when you’re too far away when he’s talking he’ll pull you by your belt, face touching, hand holding. he just needs skin to skin, or he’ll decay
- his go to response is always a condescending hum, he hums a lot LOL. with like this smugness in his nod and tone.
- feet swinger
- it’s pierced and has a slight curve, and ALWAYS groomed :)
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