#P 162
House of Leaves, Chapter 10 (and like the last few pages of 9)
This chapter is fucking incredible. As the frenetic haze of chapter nine wends its way to an end the extra passages thin out. We're still hopelessly lost in nothingness, but now it's a quiet, empty one. Small, like the room Jed and Wax find themselves in.
...And then there's Johnny¹. Sleeping around and having mental breakdowns once again. There's something particularly seedy about his time here with Hailey. Like he's always kinda gross but this one was... more so. And then he has a fit and a breakdown. It's only thanks to the Editors that we see none of the things he was scared he was doing even happened.² Curious.
Johnny can fuck off though it's time for Chapter 10. We're back with Navidson and co. attempting a rescue mission. And, well, compared to Holloway's attempt, everything is so much neater and more organized. I'd go so far as to call these early parts "playful". I love this section here,³ where Navidson is going up and down the Grand Staircase. It is... brilliant that when Will is at the top, the passages are at the top. When he's at the bottom, the passages are at the bottom. I can't explain why, exactly, but I found it so completely, totally silly I started laughing.
To say nothing of Reston's comment just a page earlier about the house's accessibility options.⁴ I love this guy, he's a bright shining spot in the story. He's just... fantastic, there's this very true friendship between him and Navidson at the moment of my writing this. One where he'll wheelchair around the house to support him.
Also look, a thematically-appropriate footnote.⁵ The house is smaller because it would be boring if it were large. Vitally, it would be narratively boring if the house was so large. Our characters speed through because it's just good diction to do so. I hope I'm phrasing this right but it is incredible that the characters' impetus, the house, and the narrative all have the same reason to follow story conventions. Will as a character is equipped to deal with the house. His psychology is impressed upon the path and is the key to understanding the house were this a character-centric work. the house has a reason given for being this way, it is altered based on perception. The explorers know it has been explored, and so it's no longer cavernous. Narratively, it is small or else the reader would skip the long passages of retread ground. I can't stop geeking out about this it's so vitally cool to the whole experience.
But then it does get even better. Tragically so. I was so happy to see Jed found in that little cubby. It's a total miracle. Fucking, Navidson and Reston can do anything, they got the power of friendship, anime, and this gun Billy found.
No footnote. Pages 192 - 205 are...I almost said mind-blowing but that's a pun too far. These pages are everything to this story. Just as Jed has hope again, the second he's remembered his life is torn away and we see it as the purported film sees it. Frame by painful frame in full un-embellished detail. It's painfully slow. It has to be, these are the last frames of a life. They're dragged out as far as they'll go but it doesn't change the fact that this is his last thimbleful of time. You can make all you want of it and it won't fill a page.
This chapter is so fucking cinematic to my reading. the remainder is a mysterious figure with a gun all their own. Its text is small and center of the page like the center of a hall.
The doors
are slamming
Down the
Hall. Towards
Navidson and Reston.
And it travels down the fucking page to them. Moon above it's insane how impactful just the format is, explaining so much without crimping the horror at the edges. I don't envy Danielewski's position of having to defend using an entire page for two words. Just imagine having to explain that it needs to be this way or the story won't be right.
Just.. wow. The invention on display is worth a much longer essay. But for now we're heading to Chapter 11.
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commetombeunarbre · 2 years
en ik zou bloeien bloeien ja eindelijk een volheid van vleselijke en geestelijke ervaring bereiken eindelijk het onthullende genot waarvan ik altijd al altijd al vermoedde dat het bestond maar waarmee ik me tot nu toe niet rechtstreeks heb verstrengeld
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fluffy-appa · 5 months
Wuhayb ibn al-Wird said: “It’s said that wisdom is ten parts: nine are silence, and the tenth is being alone.”
Source: Zuhd al-Kabir by al-Bayhaqi (p. 162)
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iamvercnika · 3 months
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ㅤㅤ❪ ⠀ VERONIKA ⠀ ❫ ⸻ ❝ here is how i spend my days now. i live in a beautiful place. i sleep in a beautiful bed. i eat beautiful food. i go for walks through beautiful places. i care for people deeply. at night my bed is full of love, because i alone am in it. i cry easily, from pain and pleasure, and i don't apologize for that. in the mornings i step outside and i'm thankful for another day. it took me many years to arrive at such a life. ❞
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₊‧⁺˖ ⠀⠀⠀ IDENTITY  ! 
LEGAL  NAME  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ choi yoona ( 최유나  )
ARTIST  NAME  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ veronika  (  베로니카  )
NICKNAMES  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ nation’s  witch,  nana,  blooby
BIRTHDAY  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ april  30,  1997
ZODIAC  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ taurus
ETHNICITY  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ south  korean 
OCCUPATION  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ idol, producer, actress
LANGUAGES  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ korean,  english,  japanese 
₊‧⁺˖ ⠀⠀⠀ PHYSICALITY  ! 
BODY  TYPE  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ mesomorph
BUILD  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ athletic
HEIGHT  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ one  hundred  sixty-two  (  162  )  centimeters  |  five  foot  & three inches  (  5’3”  )
DISTINCTIVE  FEATURES  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ piercing eyes, sharp jawline, full lips, beatific smile, a cybersigil tattoo on her left thigh, big scar on her right knee ( always covered with a knee pad or pants )
FACE  CLAIM  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ kim bora  (  dreamcatcher  ) 
₊‧⁺˖ ⠀⠀⠀ PERSONALITY  ! 
OVERVIEW  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ VERONIKA exudes an air of mystery, often leaving fans intrigued by her enigmatic persona. she embraces the unknown and is not afraid to delve into darker themes, both in her music and her public image. she faces challenges head-on and is deeply involved in the creative direction of her music and visuals, showcasing her creativity and artistic vision. VERONIKA enjoys pushing boundaries and experimenting with different styles, keeping her fans engaged and intrigued.
POSITIVE  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ VERONIKA's ability to connect with her audience on an emotional level, sharing her own experiences and struggles, nurtures a sense of empathy and understanding among her fans. she demonstrates remarkable resilience in the face of adversity, bouncing back from setbacks and using challenges as opportunities for growth. she treats others with respect and kindness, valuing the contributions of her collaborators and showing appreciation for her fans. despite her dark image, VERONIKA is deeply compassionate, using her platform to raise awareness of social issues and advocate for positive change.
NEGATIVE  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ her dedication to her craft can border on perfectionism, leading to self-criticism and a reluctance to release new music until it meets her high standards. VERONIKA's introspective nature may lead her to withdraw from others at times, preferring solitude to social interaction, which can create challenges in building and maintaining relationships. VERONIKA's strong-willed nature can sometimes manifest as stubbornness, making it difficult for her to compromise or consider alternative perspectives in collaborative settings. may use her music as a means of escape, withdrawing from reality or avoiding personal challenges rather than confronting them directly.
₊‧⁺˖ ⠀⠀⠀ OTHER  ! 
HABITS  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ staring into the distance / spacing out, playing with jewellery or accessories, nail tapping, twirling hair, humming softly in random moments, subtle smirks, stirring drinks clockwise FEARS  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ loss of identity,  abandonment, being trapped, betrayal PET  PEEVES  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ interrupting her creative process, disrespect for boundaries, disorganisation, being treated as a stereotype HOBBIES  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ songwriting, reading, collecting crystals, yoga, collecting plants, gardening, cooking live, photography TALENTS  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ singing, dancing,  visual art, production,  acting, voice mimicry, calligraphy
₊‧⁺˖ ⠀⠀⠀ BIOGRAPHY  ! 
PRE-DEBUT  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ VERONIKA began her musical training in her early teens, studying vocal techniques and music theory. inspired by a diverse range of musical genres, including rock, pop, and classical, VERONIKA honed her skills as a vocalist and songwriter. in addition to her love for music, VERONIKA also had a passion for the arts. she enjoyed drawing, painting, and exploring different forms of creative expression. this early interest in visual arts would later influence her approach to music videos and stage performances. despite her natural talent and passion for music, VERONIKA faced challenges along the way. like many aspiring artists, she encountered moments of doubt and insecurity, wondering if she had what it took to succeed in the competitive music industry. however, her determination and love for music always prevailed, driving her to continue pursuing her dreams.
PRESENT  ⸻   ⠀⠀⠀ since her debut, VERONIKA has continued to push the boundaries of music, exploring themes of darkness, mysticism, and empowerment in her music. she has released several successful albums and singles, each showcasing her evolution as an artist and her commitment to her unique concept. VERONIKA's influence extends beyond music, as she has become a fashion icon known for her bold and avant-garde style. she is also actively involved in various philanthropic efforts, using her platform to raise awareness of social issues and support causes close to her heart. despite her public persona, VERONIKA maintains a relatively private personal life. she is known for her introspective nature and deep connection to her art, often drawing inspiration from her own experiences and emotions.
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talonabraxas · 8 months
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"Thus Lucifer - the spirit of Intellectual Enlightenment and Freedom of Thought - is metaphorically the guiding beacon which helps man to find his way through the rocks and sandbanks of Life, for Lucifer is the Logos in its fullness." Helena Blavatsky , HP - The Secret Doctrine, v. II, p. 162
The Morning Star Anima by Leilani Bustamante
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withbroombefore · 3 months
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Behold: the Big Warm Rectangle! My monstrous son is seven feet long and 28 inches wide, and used approximately three years' worth of scrap yarn left from other projects.
Cables: Twist Argyle, p. 192-193 in Norah Gaughan's Knitted Cable Sourcebook; #162 in Japanese Knitting Stitch Bible by Hitomi Shida
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tmblrcolouredpaper · 1 year
♡Solitaire Quotes♡
We are hand in hand, but definitely not in a romantic way. (p.147)
How am I supposed to decide on a University course? Most of the time at school I can't even decide which pen to use. (p.149)
Fine. Fine, yeah, cats are pretty fabulous. (p.152)
I wanted to be a Jedi so badly when I was a kid. My lightsabor would have been green. (p.159)
I don't know why I can't just say that we're friends and be done with it. (p.162)
I hate parties. I always have. I always will. (p.216)
I love snow. Snow can make anything beautiful. (p.226)
I don't want people to try and understand why I'm the way I am, because I should be the first person to understand that. (p.264)
I disgust myself. I close my eyes and hold my breath for as long as possible. (p.276)
I was always very good at doing things by myself. I gues I sort of enjoyed looking after him. (p.280)
Tea is the elixir of life. (p.289)
... and I think he kissed the top of my head and it might just be a snowflake... (p.294)
Such a scarily relatable book that has a special place in my heart.
I wished I would've known that it existed back when I was in high-school, but even having it read years later, it brought some peace to me and my younger self.
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toasttt11 · 9 months
carter hughes
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Carter Reese Hughes
Number: 86
Season: Second
Position: C
Height: 5”8
Hometown: Toronto, Ontario
S/C: R
Prev Team: Regina Pats
•Drafted first overall in 2019, the first WHL player with exceptional status, and won the Jim Piggot Memorial Trophy as the league's top rookie player in her debut season. In her third year in the WHL, she won the Bob Clarke Trophy as the league's leading scorer and was given the Four Broncos Memorial Trophy as its most valuable player, before also earning the Canadian Hockey League’s Top Scorer and Player of a year honors.
• Selected 1st overall (first round) by the Vancouver Canucks in the 2022 NHL Draft.
Team Canada
2023 World Championship- Gold Medal, 9 G, 8 A, 10 GP. Most Goals, Assists and Points in the tournament.
2023 U20 World Junior Championship - Captain, Gold medal, 11 G, 15 A, 7 GP
2022 World Championship- Silver Medal, 8 G, 9 A, 10 GP.
2022 IIHF World U18 Championship- Silver Medal, 8 G, 10 A, 6 GP
2022 U20 World Junior Championship -Captain, Gold medal, 10 G, 9 A, 7 GP
2021 World Junior Championship- Silver Medal, 10 G, 8 A, 7 GP
2021 World Championship- Gold Medal, 9 G, 7 A, 10 GP
2021- IIHF World U18 Championship, Gold Medal, 10 G, 8 A, 6 GP
2019 World U-17 Hockey Challenge- Bronze Medal, 5 G, 6 A, 6 GP
Regina Pats
71 G, 69 A, 67 GP
Regina Pats
15 G, 17 A, 15 GP
Assistant Captain
HV71 Jr.
3 G, 1 A, 4 GP
Regina Pats
86 G, 81 A, 56 GP
Vancouver Canucks
68 G, 62 A, 140 P, 78 GP
Received the Rookie of the Year award.
Second in most points in the whole NHL.
Signed a Contract for 13 Million dollars for three years and a 1 million dollar signing bonus.
Vancouver Canucks
72 G, 80 A, 162 P, 82 GP
Hart Memorial Trophy.
• Born June 8, 2004
• Daughter of Jim and Ellen Hughes
• Has Three siblings, Quinn, Jack, Luke.
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choco-pudding · 1 year
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Space Channel 5 Part 2: Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book p. 160-169 (Translations by @lavoszero and myself. Edits and typesetting by myself)
Last part of Report 6 and the beginning of the bonus content.
Imgur link to all of the Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book translations we’ve done thus far.
Plain text below.
p. 160 Noize's Evaluation: The Curtain Falls on the Rhythm Rogues' Attack
Whereabouts of the Blown-Away Purge Thanks to the Astrobeat Jr., I was able to watch, firsthand, as the dance energy of 86,429 individuals combined into something truly spectacular. But I wonder… what happened to Purge? I don't recall Ms. Pine arresting him… were you content with him being blasted away? I dunno. Looking at the lyrics, "All the whole wide galaxy dances for me; yes, I'll make each one of you very happy," maybe he really thought he was the good guy here. Near the end, I think he said something like, "I won't forget this!" Or maybe it was, "See you next week!" Honestly, I’m a lil' worried. Even Mr. Blank was able to covertly return, so…
Ms. Ulala Marching On Anyway, the last was really cool, wasn’t it. Just wow… The Super Ulala Dimension dance and melody was so powerful I could see and hear it from the outside, too. It felt like something straight out of “Ten Billion Days and One Hundred Billion Nights.” It was like a holy cosmic showdown! It really was… I wonder if the “power of love” did all that. To cap it all off, everyone joined in to do the Space Channel 5 pose. I was so relieved everything was finally over. After that, as you know, we marched away like it was a regal procession. I couldn’t just leave after Ms. Ulala cheered, “Let’s march to the ends of the galaxy!" so I ended marching about 24 more space kilometers.
That’s where the report itself ended. Ms. Ulala, though, she was still so full of energy, even after marching, that she went off to dance somewhere else (laughs). The day after that, my team had the day off. Not that we had much to do in the first place. By then, the incident became a huge story picked up by all the regular news shows, rather than special report teams. Despite the whole fiasco, the government didn't really give us anymore commendations, and everything soon went back to normal. Ms. Ulala is still being routinely scolded by Mr. Fuse. I don't think that will ever change.
Groove Guru 155
Up Up Down Down Hey Hey Toyota
p. 161
When Mr. Fuse Returned Sometime after I landed the Astrobeat Jr. to watch Ulala and the other’s grand march, Mr. Fuse came down to join me. While we were watching, I said to him "Nice job, Mr. Fuse. I can't believe you're alright." I really thought he met a gruesome fate after the Astrobeat was blasted down. Apparently, he was able to escape unscathed due a number of factors (you can hear the details right outta Mr. Fuse's mouth on the soundtrack CD released on April 24, 2002). I guess it was a traumatic experience regardless, since he went to his usual drinking spot as soon the show was over.
What Did I Do Next? Right now, I'm being interviewed by the Space Police… I don't really mind, they're being nice. But after the incident, I had my hands full! I was involved in the major project to recover all the antennas that had been modified by Purge; it happens when you’re a Technical Development chief with deep connections in the industry. At least the huge dance floor Purge constructed made it easy for all of us to work simultaneously. After about three days, we finally finished and I returned to modifying microphones for Ulala to use while incognito. I made some that look like an ice cream cone, an ear of corn, and a couple of other things.
Groove Guru 156
Up Toyota Up Toyota Down Down Down
p. 162 Fuse's Broadcast Notes
Report 6 & Repeat 6 Last but not least, here are the final instructions prepared by director Fuse for the live broadcast of "Ulala's Swingin' Report Show," presented in an easy-to-read fashion. Its contents show useful tips for succeeding on the secret input locations. Modifications made for the rerun broadcasts for "Ulala's Swingin' Report Show" (Reruns have unique features from the first airing) are also included. Note, the timing and locations of the secret inputs are exactly the same between the main (Lap 1) and rerun broadcasts (Lap 2).
The Hidden Inputs
[1~2] Return of Mexican Flyer It’s finally back, the last "Jan, Jan, Jaaaan!," featuring the fan-favorite second and third beat of "Mexican Flyer." After Report 2,"Mexican Flyer" took a long hiatus, but these "Jan, Jan" timings haven’t changed one bit! Let's go, all together now! "Jan, Jan, Jaaaan!"
Jan! Jan! Jaaan!
Groove Guru 157
Down Down Down Down Hey Hey Toyota
p. 163
[3] Ulalaaa! U! La! La! Purge the Great had overwhelming power in the confined space of Dance Dimension X. Ulala skillfully dodged the volley of beams, but even she couldn’t outmaneuver an all-out attack, and fell unconscious. However, Ulala came to her senses once she heard the rhythm of her friends calling to her in her mind. But, there was only three seconds left before the Ballistic Groove Gun fired! That would've be the end of the report! What was your quote, Ulala? That's right, it was "when have I ever lost at dancing! Get the secret input "pikoon" right after "lost!"
When have I ever lost [beat] at dancing!
[When Ulala's face pops up, that's the signal that she's ready to shout. The ratings are almost at 200%, rise up and give it your all!]
Flub the Final Finale and Face the Staff Roll Be careful not to miss the final "Chu! Chu! Chu!" mixed in with all the hype. A few mistake here and there before then is fine—reasonable, even—but the ending of the game changes if you flub here. This ending is a not-so-special shortened staff roll against a pitch-black screen, devoid of President Peace’s song. Needless to say, there's no group "March to the End of the Galaxy" either. And on top of all that, Purge won't perform his last hurrah (an input that can increase your ratings by one percent) at the end of the credits! So, if you screw up right at the end, you'll have to redo the entire report again, no matter what! Try again!
[Here’s the rundown on the failure ending; Mexican Flyer plays and the credits roll by super fast. The ratings? 149% at the most.]
[Now, the successful ending. We get to march to the ends of the galaxy and you get to hear the full lyrics of President Peace's soulful song. You get the complete credits roll, too.]
Groove Guru 157
Down Down Down Down Hey Hey Toyota
p. 164 Reference Material Direct Hit Interview with Pres. Peace, Post-incident
~Tachibana, interviewing Space President Peace~ Hey, Texas here. The following is an interview conducted by Tachibana of Channel 01. But really, I’m sneakin' this in 'cause Piney, who was with me during this, was being so adorable and hilarious while we moved through the crowd. After the battle with Purge was over, the press started surrounding President Peace, so the president had to walk with Pine leading the way.
Pine: Attention, all members of the press, Space President Peace is very tired at the moment. Reporters, please get out of the way immediately. Reporter 66: Mr. President, a word please… Pine: Please, move out of the way! Reporter 59: Mr. President, do you have any comments… Pine: Get out of the way! (The press still are pouring in) Pine: I said outta the way! Tachibana: Excuse me, Mr. President, may I have a word? Pine, who's heart skips a beat: Oh my gosh! It's Tachi, (Pine's nickname for him), my ideal man, so full of reason and intelligence aaaah!) Pine: Alright (ba-dump), Tachibana from Channel 01, you may approach. Tachibana: Mr. Peace, I hope you're in good health. Peace: Thank you, I'm as healthy as I can be. Tachibana: Could you comment on the recent disturbance? Peace: I believe I can disclose this now, since the case has been successfully and safely resolved… That being said, please, don't hate Purge too much. I don't think his goal to make the galaxy happy was overtly malicious. I think it was just… over the top? He meant well, but went about it the wrong way. Tachibana: I see, thank you very much. Reporter 21: Mr. President, may we have a comment? Pine: Shut up! Tachi is still talking! Reporter 21: Oh, my apologizes… wait, "Tachi"…? Pine: … (I'm done for, I wanna run away). Tachibana: I can ask the question for you, if that's alright? Pine: Ah, alright. (Angrily turns to Reporter 21) Since Mr. Tachibana also asked, I'll allow you to do so, too. But please, limit it to just one question. Reporter 21: Right. Mr. President, what do you make of Ulala? Peace: When I saw the live report of the "Morolian Incident" I was honestly so moved. The fact there are still youngsters who can deeply inspire others, it reminded me that how much good is still in the universe. Disregarding my presidential status, I cannot help by appreciate the fact she saved so many people, including myself, who were under the influence of dance beam. However, I'm not judging her solely as a reporter, but her nature as a person. That is all. Reporter 21: Thank you very much. Pine: Mr. Tachibana, would you like to ask one more question? Tachibana: Yes. Mr. President, what are your thoughts on the current security? Pine: (ba-dump) Peace: Even though I was abducted, I was saved and guided to safety by Miss Pine here, so I think she gets a passing grade. Aha ha ha ha ha! Now then, if you'll excuse me. (Pine shakes Tachibana's hand and slips him a piece of paper) Tachibana: … A phone number??? Pine: (Tachi…)
Groove Guru 159
Up Down Toyota
[[Translator’s note: I believe it’s implied that Pine’s internal dialogue is all Texas’s interpretation of her sister’s thoughts. Basically, she’s teasing her.]]
p. 165 Bonus
Groove Guru 160
Toyota Toyota Toyota
p. 166 Miss Ulala’s Changing Room
Costumes Cleaning isn’t in Miss Ulala’s repertoire, so the burden of tidying up the Changing Room always falls on us. She'll swear she’ll pitch-in but she never follows through. It’s kinda irritating. Most outfits are returned as soon as the report ends, but some aren’t collected until a few hours after. So, it’s not unusual for some to go missing during that gap. I wonder when we'll have them all again.
01: Channel 5 Retro Gear [Unlock Requirements] Unlocked from the start.
Newly-supplied company reporting fatigues. Made from ultra elastic material for easy movements.
02: Flower Costume [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 2.
Aromatic Multi-Functional Suit. Regulates body temperature and humidity for extra pleasant reporting at all time.
Groove Guru 161
Toyota Toyota Hey
p. 167
03: Gogo Gear (w/o helmet)  [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 3.
Designed to protect the human body from space dust at high speeds.
04: Gogo Gear (w/ helmet)  [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 4.
Must have for any space-roaming citizen. The helmet can usually be stored in the back.
05: Spy Suit [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 5.
Designed for infiltration. A special wire attached to the back allows the wearer to move like a spider.
06: Old Retro Gear [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 6.
The company-issued suit Ulala used during the Morolian Invasion. It was in her closet.
p. 168
07: Old Retro Gear (Dirty) [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 6 (Extra Mode).
Designed to protect the human body from space dust at high speeds.
08: Super Ulala Costume [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 6.
A super costume that is an amalgamation of dance energy. Rumored to be just underwear.
09: School Uniform [Unlock Requirements] Clear 24 consecutive trials in Ulala's Dance Mode.
A modified version of a uniform from School M. Altered by Ulala herself.
10: China Dress [Unlock Requirements] Clear 100 consecutive trials in Ulala's Dance Mode.
Used for the undercover investigation of the Shanghai Restaurant.
p. 169
11: Woolen Wear [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 1 with the Ratings at 100%
This was a suit that Ulala used to wear for her part-time job a while back.
12: Stealth Suit [Unlock Requirements] Have save data for Rez (PS2). Have save data for Rez (DC).
A super futuristic suit that apparently looks like a wire frame.
13: Pudding Costume [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 2 with the Ratings at 100%
A costume of Pudding. You can also use it to imitate Padding, who is imitating Pudding.
14: Pine Costume [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 3 with the Ratings at 100%
A costume of Pine, the Eastern Galaxy Space Police Chief. It can also be used to dress up as Texas, of the Western Galaxy Space Police.
Straight Up Filthy Groove Guru 164
Honda Honda Honda Honda
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daily-utsu-p · 10 months
Daily Utsu-P #162:
ディス・イズ・ラブソング / This Is Lovesong feat. Megpoid GUMI | Rework from MOKSHA
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moonlitfalls · 2 months
- oc questionnaire -
thank you @living-undead for the tag! <3
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name: Reno Solaris
nickname: Ren or Renny
gender: female
star sign: taurus
height: 162 cm (5'4" ?)
nationality/ethnicity: simnation/sixam - how do these work for sims idk
fav fruit: raspberries
fav season: fall
fav flower: tulips
fav scent: the strawberry scented plushie she got from lenora - also rainy days
coffee/tea/hot cocoa: iced tea
average hours of sleep: 7 hours
dogs/cats: cats cats cats
dream vacation: tartosa - unfortunately for her i don’t have mws
number of blankets: 3
random fact: she’s on a mission to watch every alien related movie/tv show
i’m not sure who to tag so if you want to do this then consider yourself tagged :p
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stabbyfoxandrew · 1 month
can we p l e a s e get some more vampdrew i miss them 🤗
WIP Wednesday (8/7) | Vampire Andrew AU (Part 162)
Kevin stays slumped against the wall in the bedroom until he hears the door shut, signifying Andrew’s return. It’s only then that he can bring himself to move. Because he fucked up. Fucked up big time. He should never have taken that risk. Shouldn’t have kissed Andrew’s hand, shouldn’t have said anything, shouldn’t have thought anything… 
After this, he has absolutely no idea where he stands with Andrew. Hell, he’s not sure where he stood with Andrew before. But his chances evaporated the moment he opened his stupid mouth earlier. He saw it on Andrew’s face. And now he’s got to deal with this ridiculous feeling. At least he’s alone—
“Kevin, come here!” calls Andrew from the living room. Kevin freezes up.
‘Am I in trouble still?’
“Come out, come out wherever you are,” Andrew singsongs, making Kevin roll his eyes. Of course he’s going to ignore him now. “Kevin.”
Kevin stands up and shakes out his arms before heading into the living room. Andrew’s made himself a seat on top of his desk, Aaron and Nicky are sitting on the sofa with a paused DVD on the TV screen.
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commetombeunarbre · 2 years
Mijn geheim schuilt erin dat ik mezelf vergeet in de dingen,
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methed-up-marxist · 2 months
"When one reads Hegel on causality, it appears strange at first glance that he dwells so relatively lightly on this theme, beloved of the Kantians. Why? Because, indeed, for him causality is only one of the determinations for universal connection, which he had already covered earlier, in his entire exposition, much more deeply and all-sidedly; always and from the very outset emphasizing this connection, the reciprocal transitions, etc. etc." -Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 38, p. 162,
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homestuckreplay · 4 months
dropping a soda into the kernelsprite to create spritesprite
(page 176-193
This is the most desperate I've been to know what happens next after any update. What's going on in the sky?? Looking back at p.162 now it seems like obvious foreshadowing, with John remarking on how there's nothing in the sky - but I'm sure there's a dozen other moments that could be foreshadowing, but actually aren't. Unless they all are. I guess time will tell.
Some things that could be in the sky:
weird bird
moon in the day time
hot air balloon
nuclear missile
Sburb logo to match p.82's Homestuck logo
comet named after John Egbert
Dad's car, which can fly now
another perfectly generic object
cloud shaped like Matthew McConaughey
ghost that needs busting
new game construct TT deployed that's about to fall and wreck some shit
Some sort of attack kinda feels plausible? We know that John's on a countdown, and originally I thought the cruxtruder itself was going to blow up since it's already been shown to have things inside - but I could believe that something is coming to damage the house, whether an object or a monster. This would mean John's and TT's first objective is to build a shield to block whatever's incoming, and the game becomes a defense game. John becomes increasingly 'homestuck' as he continues to reinforce the walls against outside threats.
So, this kernelsprite! John's worst nightmare is probably a clown (sorry, harlequin) that follow him everywhere, but that's what he's got. On p.184, the kernelsprite 'speaks' in a language of indecipherable squares, which I can't help but link to the cube of the Perfectly Generic Object. Then, on p.187 once the harlequin has been Tier 1 prototyped, the sprite 'speaks' in fleur de lis, a shape reminiscent of the harlequin's hat. This suggests to me that a cruxite dowel could also be combined with an object somehow, and that would change its 'language' - the alchemiter can 'read' the dowels, and their data is stored in the Atheneum.
Kernel made me think of popcorn first, but after a quick search - 'The kernel is a computer program at the core of a computer's operating system and generally has complete control over everything in the system.' So this is a really crucial part of the game engine. I think destroying the kernelsprite somehow is what leads to a game over state - the house can potentially be built back up if destroyed, it'll cost resources but it can be done, but there's only one kernelsprite and it's irreplaceable. As it follows John around, it'll be in danger whenever he is, unless he can protect it somehow. My big question is what its function is, and how it changes mechanically based on what it's prototyped with.
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talonabraxas · 29 days
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"Thus Lucifer - the spirit of Intellectual Enlightenment and Freedom of Thought - is metaphorically the guiding beacon which helps man to find his way through the rocks and sandbanks of Life, for Lucifer is the Logos in its fullness." Helena Blavatsky , HP - The Secret Doctrine, v. II, p. 162
Lucifer Lucifer Magazine 1887 to 1897
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