#PCM Property Group
shrvinmanagement · 7 months
Unlocking Wealth: PCM Property Group Introduces Fractional Investments In a groundbreaking move, PCM Property Group is reshaping the landscape of real estate investment with the introduction of fractional investment options. This innovative approach opens doors for a broader audience to access the lucrative world of property investment. Invest Smarter, Invest Together: PCM Property Group believes in the power of collective investment. With fractional investment, individuals can now own a share of prime real estate, making the dream of property ownership more attainable. Every fraction represents a stake in a carefully managed and professionally maintained property. Infinite Opportunities Await: Fractional investing at PCM Property Group offers infinite possibilities for investors. Whether you're a seasoned investor or someone looking to enter the property market, this approach provides a flexible and affordable way to diversify your portfolio. Your Partner in Prosperity: PCM Property Group is committed to being your trusted partner in prosperity. The fractional investment model aligns the interests of investors with the success of the properties. As property values appreciate, so do the returns for each fractional owner. Pioneering Financial Inclusion: This move towards fractional investment is not just about financial gains; it's a step towards financial inclusion. PCM Property Group is breaking down barriers, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to build wealth through real estate. Discover the PCM Advantage: When you choose PCM Property Group, you're not just investing; you're joining a community of like-minded individuals seeking financial growth. With a proven track record in property management, PCM ensures that your investment is in expert hands. Every Share Unlocks a World of Investment Possibilities: PCM Property Group invites you to explore fractional investing, where every share unlocks a world of investment possibilities. Whether you're looking for a passive income stream or long-term capital appreciation, PCM's fractional investments are designed to meet your financial goals. Conclusion: In a market where innovation is key, PCM Property Group stands at the forefront, transforming the real estate investment landscape. Fractional investments offer a way for individuals to participate in the wealth-building potential of prime properties. Discover the power of many – invest with PCM Property Group today. Feel free to modify and adapt this article to align with the specific messaging and details you'd like to emphasize for PCM Property Group's fractional investment options.
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Why I call Abortion Violence a Genocide
The reason I stand by my use of "genocide" is because abortion violence follows "The Ten Stages of Genocide" as defined by Dr. Stanton of Genocide Watch in 1986.
To prove this, I will illustrate stage-by-stage how abortion violence meets the criteria of the framework below. Note that I am working from the reasonable premise that all human organisms are people by default, and burden of proof rests on those who claim a class of "human non-persons" exists.
1: Classification
"All cultures have categories to distinguish people into “us and them”. Bipolar societies that lack mixed categories, are the most likely to have genocide."
"Us" is the class of born people, "them" is the class of preborn people.
2: Symbolization
"We give names or other symbols to the classifications. We give the pariah class a name, or distinguish it by colors or dress; and apply the symbols to members of the group."
Born people gave the class of preborn people the name "fetuses".
3: Discrimination
"The powerless group may not be accorded full rights or citizenship. The dominant group is driven by an exclusionary ideology that deprives less powerful groups of their rights. The ideology advocates monopolization of power by the dominant group. It legitimizes the victimization of weaker groups."
The powerless group is The Preborn. They are denied the right to protection from aggressive violence, and they are not recognized as citizens by law. The dominant group, The Born, uses political power and custom to maintain this status quo. Their ideology excludes people with certain age-appropriate limitations of ability from human rights. It advocates for born people to have exclusive power to grant or deny the humanity of powerless preborn people.
4: Dehumanization
"One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases. Dehumanization overcomes the normal human revulsion against murder. Hate propaganda is used to vilify the victim group. The majority group is taught to regard the other group as less than human. They are indoctrinated to believe that “We are better off without them.” The powerless group can become so depersonalized that they are actually given numbers rather than names. They are equated with impurity and immorality."
Born people deny the humanity of preborn people. The Preborn are equated with primitive animals, property, parasites, or tumors. The Abortion Industrial Complex (AIC) and its activist wing, the Pro-Choice Movement (PCM) uses propaganda to blame The Preborn for patriarchal oppression. The Born are taught to regard The Preborn as not yet fully human. They are indoctrinated to believe that "we are better off without unplanned babies". Preborn people usually are not given names. They are equated with sexual stigma and shame.
5: Organization
"Genocide is always organized, usually by the state, often using militias to provide deniability of state responsibility. Sometimes organization is informal or decentralized. Arms are purchased by states and militias to facilitate acts of genocide. States organize secret police to spy on, arrest, torture, and murder people suspected of opposition to political leaders. Special training is given to murderous militias and special army killing units."
The State sanctions elective feticide and organizes it under NIH population control programs (eugenics campaign by the 20th century elite), using the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) to provide deniability of responsibility (see: Alan Guttmacher.) Facilities are built and supplied to facilitate mass feticide. The State uses the DOJ & FBI to spy on, arrest, and incarcerate pro-life activists. The Ryan Residency gives special training to abortionists.
6: Polarization
"Extremists drive the groups apart. Hate groups broadcast polarizing propaganda. Motivations for targeting a group are indoctrinated through mass media. Extremists intimidate moderates, silencing the center. The dominant group passes laws or decrees that grant them total power over the targeted group. The laws erode fundamental rights. Targeted groups are incapable of self-defense, ensuring the dominant group control."
Pro-Abortion Extremists drive the PCM apart from the PLM (Pro-Life Movement). PPFA broadcasts polarizing posts and ads. Motivations for seeking an abortion are indoctrinated through social media. Pro-Aborts intimidate moderates, silencing the center. A Supreme Court decision grants born people total power over preborn people. The repeal of abortion regulations erode the right to life. The Preborn are incapable of self-defense, ensuring The Born have total control.
7: Preparation
"Plans are made for genocidal killings. Perpetrator group leaders plan the “Final Solution” to the targeted group “question.” They often use euphemisms to cloak their intentions. They indoctrinate the populace with fear of the victim group. Leaders often claim that “if we don’t kill them, they will kill us,” disguising genocide as self-defense. Inflammatory rhetoric and hate propaganda are used with the objective of creating fear of the other group."
PPFA plans to increase their abortion sales quota and expand their business into the global south. The AIC leaders plan the "Solution" to the unplanned fetus "epidemic". They call it "healthcare" to cloak their intentions. They indoctrinate the populace with fear of The Preborn. AIC leaders claim "without abortion, women will die," disguising feticide as self-defense. "Gestational slavery, forced birth" and "unwanted children, rapist's baby" are used in order to create fear.
8: Persecution
"Victims are separated out because of their class identity. Sometimes they are even deported or confined and starved. They are deliberately deprived of resources in order to destroy them. Programs are implemented to prevent procreation through forced abortions. Children are forcibly taken from their parents. The victim group’s basic human rights become systematically abused through killings, torture and forced displacement. They are acts of genocide because they intentionally destroy part of a group."
The Preborn class is treated as separate from the rest of humankind because they exist where and how humans do at that age. They are expelled from their literal place of origin, or held captive within it and slaughtered. They are deliberately deprived of oxygen or nutrition. Preborn babies are forcibly extracted from their parents with vacuums, forceps, and curettes. The basic human rights of preborn humans are systematically abused as they are lethally injected without due process and dismembered alive without anesthesia. The unplanned, imperfect, and unprivileged are intentionally destroyed.
9: Extermination
"The mass killing called “genocide” begins. It is “extermination” to the killers because they do not believe their victims to be fully human. Acts of genocide demonstrate how dehumanized the victims have become. Already dead bodies are dismembered. Destruction of property is employed to annihilate the group’s existence from history. They do not differentiate civilians from non-combatants. They result in widespread war crimes: mass rapes of women and girls, all men of fighting age are murdered."
Mass feticide began with industrialization. It is "termination" to the abortionists because they do not believe The Preborn to be fully human. Brutal later procedures demonstrate how dehumanized The Preborn have become. Already dismembered babies are burned for electricity. Disinformation is spread to eliminate the existence of The Preborn from serious consideration. They do not differentiate viable fetuses from unviable. They result in widespread social and economic coercion: the mass predation by the AIC upon vulnerable women and girls, the silencing of all men who would fight for the lives of babies.
10: Denial
"The perpetrators of genocide try to cover up the evidence and intimidate the witnesses. They deny that they committed any crimes, and often blame what happened on the victims. They block investigations of the crimes, and continue to govern until driven from power by force, when they flee into exile. There they remain with impunity."
The AIC covers up the inhumanity of abortion, malpractice at facilities, and extralegal fetal tissue trade. They intimidate PLM activists and deny the existence of abortion survivors. They lie about evidence and falsify data; they gaslight women who regret their abortions as "sensitive to stigma." They block legal investigations by colluding with corrupt officials. Dangerous abortionists continue to operate with impunity until driven out of business by force, when they flee to a vulnerable community and practice under the radar.
Further commentary:
Over the past few weeks, especially with current events between Israel (committing a genocide) and Palestine (Gaza is a death camp West Bank is apartheid), I've gotten more pushback than usual on using the word "genocide" to describe the mass killing of abortion.
And the critics aren't wrong: abortion doesn't fit the definition in the strict sense. If you are limiting genocide to the original meaning, then it refers exclusively to systematic extermination of the population of an ethnicity, nationality, or religion. In fact, in this sense, "holocaust" probably better describes abortion, as it refers to a sacrificial killing en masse; however, calling abortion "THE Holocaust" is anti-Semitic, so avoid the term altogether. Democide is another option, but it is limited to a mass killing executed by a government power.
And simply calling abortion a "mass killing" or "massacre" frankly doesn't communicate the extent, gravity, and urgency of the human rights violation. Some genocide scholars have generalized the term to describe any widespread killing of a targeted class of people.
When I say "abortion is genocide", I don't mean abortion fits the DEFINITION of genocide. I mean abortion violence fits the PATTERN of a genocide. I'm open to arguments against this, but it's where I stand for now, and I hope I have illustrated my argument well.
ps. The genocide of Gaza is NOT up for debate. FREE PALESTINE!
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rupalic · 1 year
Microencapsulation Market: Key Factors behind Market’s Rapid Growth
The report "Microencapsulation Market by Technology (Spray, Emulsion, Dripping), Core Material (Pharma & Healthcare Drugs, PCM, Food Additives, Fragrances), Application (Pharma, Household, Agrochemicals, Textiles), Shell Material, and Region - Global Forecast To 2025", The global microencapsulation market was valued at USD 8.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 15.5 billion by 2025 at a CAGR of 12.9% from 2020 to 2025. The market is driven by factors such as the increasing demand for fortified food products with health benefits, the increasing demand for agrochemicals due to its controlled release property, growth in construction and construction materials, as well as the widespread application in household & personal care.
North America is estimated to dominate the microencapsulation market in 2020
North America accounted for the largest market share of the microencapsulation market in 2019. The market for microencapsulation in the North American region is driven by the growing demand and awareness for value-added products in various areas such as nutrition, food, healthcare, and personal care. Due to this awareness and increased demand, companies are focusing on manufacturing functional products, with novel technologies such as microencapsulation.
Download PDF Brochure: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=83597438
This report includes a study on the marketing and development strategies, along with a study on the service portfolios of the leading companies. It includes the profiles of leading companies such as BASF (Germany), Royal FrieslandCampina (Netherlands), Syngenta Crop Protection (Switzerland), Koninklijke DSM (Netherlands), Givaudan (Switzerland), Firmenich (Switzerland), Symrise (Germany), International Flavors & Fragrances (US), Sensient Technologies (US), Lycored Corp. (UK), Balchem Corporation (US), Encapsys (US), Arcade Beauty (US), and Koehler Innovative Solutions (Germany), Ingredion Incorporation (US), Kerry (Ireland), Cargill (US), Firmenich Incorporation (Switzerland), Dupont (US), Aveka Group (US), Advanced Bionutrition Corp (US), Tastetech Encapsulation Solutions (UK), Sphera Encapsulation (Italy), Clextral (France), Vitasquare (Netherlands), and Microtek (US).
The pharmaceuticals and healthcare drugs segment, by application, is estimated to account for the largest share in 2020
Based on application, the microencapsulation market is segmented into pharmaceutical & healthcare products, household & personal care products, food & beverages, agrochemicals, textiles, construction materials, and others. The pharmaceuticals and healthcare drugs segment is estimated to account for the largest market share in 2020. The rising demand for pharmaceutical drugs is expected to drive the demand for the market.
Speak to Analyst: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/speaktoanalystNew.asp?id=83597438
Market Driver: Increase in demand for fortified food products with health benefits
The demand for microencapsulation is increasing with the growth in demand for functional and fortified food & pharmaceutical products. Microencapsulation provides integration of minerals, vitamins, flavors, essential oils, and other additives in food products to enhance the functional properties of products. The pharmaceutical sector is also greatly influenced by microencapsulation technologies due to the benefits achieved by the manufacturers. Along with the encapsulation of drugs, other active ingredients such as peptides, proteins, and DNA/RNA molecules are also encapsulated in the pharmaceutical sector to meet the market demand for value-added products.
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What Are The Vital Subjects To Concentrate On For JEE Main?
You undoubtedly already know how important the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main is in determining your career as an engineer if you're a student getting ready for it. 
The JEE Main exam is a requirement for admission to prominent engineering institutes in India, and success here necessitates thoughtful preparation. It's crucial to recognise and concentrate on the JEE Main topics that matter most and receive the most attention if you want to perform well in the exam and get accepted into a respected engineering school like the Bansal Group of Institutes.
In this article, we'll examine the crucial JEE Main subjects and ideas you should focus on when preparing for the exam.
JEE Main: An Overview
The National Testing Agency (NTA) in India administers the extremely difficult JEE Main engineering admission exam. It serves as the entrance exam for a number of engineering schools, including the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT). 
JEE Main is open to students who passed their 10+2 exam or its equivalent in the scientific stream (PCM) with a minimum of 75% overall marks (65% for reserved categories).
JEE Main encompasses physics, chemistry, and maths. Math and physics require a solid understanding of calculus, algebra, mechanics, and thermodynamics. 
Chemistry depends on physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry. Before exploring more complicated ideas, it's essential to master the fundamentals.
The Secret To Success Is Math
The foundation of the JEE Main syllabus is mathematics. A solid foundation in mathematical ideas and methods for solving problems is essential. Some key areas to concentrate on are as follows:
Equations in Quadrature
Large Numbers
Determinants and Matrices
Combinations and Permutations
Mathematics Differential Mathematics
Calculus of Integrals
Limits and Persistence
Derivatives applications
Geometry of Coordinates
Static lines
Circular sections
Physics: Understanding The Basic Principles
Another important topic to succeed in JEE Main is physics. It necessitates a thorough comprehension of key ideas and how they are applied. The following are some key areas to pay attention to:
Motion Laws
Work, Power, and Energy
Gravitation Rotational Motion
Waves and Optics
Optics Ray
Optical Waves
Electrical Waves
Noise Waves
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation in Modern Physics
Semiconductor Devices Atoms and Nuclei
Chemical Reactions In Nuclear Physics: A World Of Exploration
Physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry are the three subfields of chemistry. Following are some key subjects for each category that can help JEE candidates perform well on the JEE Main:
Chemical Physics
chemical fusion
Chemical Harmonics
Chemistry (Inorganic)
Periodic Properties and the Periodic Table
Compounds for coordination
Chemical Evaluation
Biological Chemistry
Simple Principles
Ethers, Phenols, and Alcohols
Biomolecules and Polymers
Guidelines For Successful JEE Main Preparation
After going through the important subjects, let's look at some advice for improving your JEE Main preparation:
1. Create A Study Schedule.
By creating a schedule, you can ensure that you give each subject and topic the necessary amount of time.
2. Recognise The Exam Format
Learn about the exam format, scoring system, and time management techniques.
3. Examine Last Year's Test Questions
To familiarise yourself with the exam's difficulty level and enhance your time management abilities, complete practise exams and sample papers
4. Seek Counsel
Clear concerns and gain insightful information, enrol in coaching programmes or ask an experienced mentor for advice.
5. Editing Is Vital
To improve your comprehension, regularly review the material and put problem-solving practise to use.
NITs And IITs Are Important For JEE Main
Top engineering schools in India like NITs and IITs offer practical training, research opportunities, and technical instruction to prepare students for the workplace. Aspirants for the JEE Main prize these institutions for their comprehensive curricula and emphasis on innovation. 
Additionally, candidates who pass JEE Main can apply for admission to these institutes. Concentrating on these chapters will help candidates improve their chances of being admitted into these prominent universities because of the considerable weightage assigned to topics like algebra, calculus, probability, vectors, trigonometry, surface chemistry, and more in the JEE Main exam pattern.
The Final Say
An organised study plan is necessary to perform well in the JEE Main exam. You can improve your chances of passing this difficult exam by concentrating on the crucial JEE Main topics in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. 
Don't forget to set aside enough time for practise and review. Maintain your motivation, have faith in your abilities, and think positively as you approach the exam. You can accomplish your objectives and gain admission to prestigious engineering universities with the appropriate strategy. Good fortune!
About BGI
The Bansal Group of Institutes offers a wide range of engineering, management, and nursing courses. It has the best and top-placement colleges in its various campuses across Bhopal, Indore, and Mandideep. With credible faculty and well-equipped laboratories, BGI ensures a top-notch learning experience. 
Visit Our Websites
Bhopal- https://bgibhopal.com/
Indore- https://sdbc.ac.in/
Mandideep- https://bce.ac.in/ Click on the link to get yourself registered- https://bgibhopal.com/registration-form/
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Why You're Failing At Decorative Concrete Pool Decks Miami
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Basic Pool Decks & Patios installs 2.375-inch “Thick” Pavers to switch concrete driveways and walkways. A paved front walkway, driveway, and entry porch with enrich the control attractiveness of your house!
This household challenge was installed in 2013 in Sonoma, CA - Full spot appx five hundred sq ft. The concrete pool deck was tension washed along with a water dependent stain Ameripolish Coloration Juice was used in mild layers to make a Light marbling. The stain was sealed with Ameripolish acrylic distinct sealer. See additional pics from this contractor >>
Personalized concrete overlays can revive distressed, stained and pitted concrete surfaces so they appear like new again, manufacturing effects that resemble natural stone and rock, such as flagstone, cobblestone, slate or brick. To be a as well as, Concrete Craft resurfaced concrete overlays are “inexperienced rated” In line with LEEDS standards.
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This pool deck on the Watergate Hotel in Washington D.C. not too long ago obtained a makeover. First, 4 or five layers of coatings from your previous 20 a long time ended up ground off. Then cracks in the initial concrete had been dealt with by incorporating them in to the stone pattern.
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Once we do pool deck resurfacing our coatings incorporate a thickness of about two quarters stacked on top of each other (just under a quarter-inch). Having said that, if a concrete surface area is uneven, we use our blending overlay which may rise up to 2 inches thick.
Brien at PCM Group not too long ago submitted this Neighborhood pool deck he completed in Indiana.The pool coping as well as the ribbons are coloured and textured with the Italian slate texture skin though the inset fields are integrally colored concrete uncovered with Grace's 05 Topcast products. See much more pics from this contractor >>
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mcbastardsmausoleum · 6 years
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Mondo Macabro releasong BLOODLUST (1977) and THE INHERITORS (1983) this October!
BLOODLUST (1977)– The world Blu-ray premier of a sick 1970s shocker!
Label: Mondo Macabro Release Date: October 9th 2018 Duration:  92 Minutes Region Code: A   Video: 1080p HD Widescreen (1.78:1) Audio: English & German PCM Mono Director:  Marijan Vajda Cast:  Werner Pochath, Ellen Umlauf, Birgit Zamulo, Gerhard Ruhnke, Peter Hamm, Charly Hiltl, Hary Olsbauer, Marion Messner
Haunted by a childhood trauma... a deaf-mute accountant develops a fixation with blood spilling across his skin. Brief flirtations with ketchup and red ink seem to satisfy him at first, but he soon develops a taste for the real thing. Though he nurses a weird fascination for a neighborhood girl who passes the time by dancing on the rooftop, he remains socially withdrawn with his co-workers and can't even find comfort in the arms of a hooker. One night he breaks into the property of the local undertaker and ravages the prettiest female corpse. Now addicted, he habitually raids the tombs of the dead and drinks blood from their throats via a spiked, double-pronged glass straw. Authorities and citizens are incensed by these crimes and the search is on for this modern day vampire.  
BLOODLUST is one of the darkest and most affecting horror movies to come out of 1970s Europe. Based on the macabre true story of Kuno Hofmann, the “Vampire of Nuremberg”, the film plays like a kind of grown-up fairy tale, albeit one that includes bloodsucking, eyeball evisceration and voyeuristic lesbian sex scenes among a host of other activities. Cut and banned in many countries, this is the full-length version in all its gruesome, gory, glory.
SPECIAL FEATURES: - Brand new 2k transfer from the film negative. - Exclusive interview with the assistant director. - Exclusive interview with actress Birgit Zamulo. - Original UK trailer. - German/English audio choice. - Newly created, optional English subtitles. - Mondo Macabro previews.
THE INHERITORS (1983)- A chilling and timely look into the twisted world of the extreme right.
Label:  Mondo Macabro Release Date: October 9th 2018 Duration: 90 Minutes in English and German Region Code: A Video: 1080P HD Widescreen (1.78:1) Audio: English & German PCM Mono Director:  Walter Bannert Cast:  Nikolas Vogel, Roger Schauer, Wolfgang Gasser, Anneliese Stöckl-Eberhard, Jaromír Borek, John Ottwald
On his way home from school, 16-year-old Thomas helps Charly, an unemployed teenager, escape from the police. Despite their differing backgrounds, the boys become good friends and Charly persuades Thomas to join a neo-Nazi youth group. Intrigued and confused by his new friends, Thomas, who is experiencing trouble at home and school, is drawn deeper into a web of sex and violence that leads to a tragic end.
In 1979, Austrian film director Walter Bannert was among a group of Vienna cafe patrons beaten up by a gang of young neo-Nazis who wrecked the place. Researching the burgeoning movement in West Germany and Austria for 3 years, Bannert infiltrated their private meetings by convincing party leaders that he wanted to make an objective documentary. His film, THE INHERITORS is the result, a disturbing and timely fictional drama based entirely on real characters, events and conversations that Bannert came across in the neo-Nazi camps. The film was highly controversial on its original release and theatres screening it was threatened with violent action by neo-Nazi sympathizers. Although it is now over thirty years old, the film remains incredibly relevant as we witness, across the world, the rebirth of right-wing extremism using exactly the same lies and tactics exposed so powerfully in this film.
THE INHERITORS was not screened in its native country for many years until it was rediscovered at the 2015 Viennale Exhibition, where it was praised as a rare and powerful example of Austrian genre cinema with a strong political message. The film was selected at the 1984 Cannes Film Festival for the prestigious Directors Fortnight section. In the same year, it also won a jury prize at the Montreal World Film Festival.
SPECIAL FEATURES: - Brand new 2k scan from the film negative. - Exclusive 12-page booklet with essays by Michael Gingold and filmmaker Paul Poet. - Original theatrical trailer. - English/German audio choice. - Newly created subtitles
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fsmbuddy121 · 3 years
buy 2-oxo-pcm
BUY 2-Oxo-PCM buy 2-oxo-pcm . 2′-Oxo-PCE (also known as as Eticyclidone, and O-PCE) is a lesser-known novel dissociative substance of the arylcyclohexylamine class that produces dissociative, anesthetic, stimulating and hallucinogenic effects when administered. It is structurally related to arylcyclohexylamines like MXE, 3-MeO-PCE, and deschloroketamine and is speculated to produce its effects through its activity as an NMDA receptor antagonist.
The structural similarities O-PCE shares with DCK and ketamine which has been speculated to have antibacterial properties,[1][2] has raised some concern as to whether it also shares these properties as well. However, due to the lack of scientific research on the subject, whether this is true currently remains entirely unknown. It is advised that users of this substance should keep in mind that the possibility of prolonged use may pose a serious threat to one’s health and immune system if this does prove to be the case.
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O-PCE is an example of a contemporary designer drug specifically chosen to mimic and/or replace the functional and structural features of its predecessors. It has recently become commonly available through online research chemical vendors[3] where it is being marketed and sold as a designer drug replacement for MXE and other dissociatives for recreational purposes. Unlike many other research chemical dissociatives, there is almost a total absence of scientific literature on O-PCE, particularly with regards to its toxicity, addiction and abuse potential in humans.
Due to its novelty and extremely short history of human usage, all information related to the use of this compound should be treated with extreme caution. Users should also avoid frequent redosing as it is reported to be relatively easy to overdose due to its potency and stimulating nature. It is strongly recommended that one use harm reduction practices if choosing to use this substance.
Chemistry Of  2-oxo-pcm  (buy 2-oxo-pcm) O-PCE, or 2′-Oxo-PCE, belongs to the arylcyclohexylamine chemical class. Arylcyclohexylamine drugs are named for their structures which include a cyclohexane ring bound to an aromatic ring along with an amine group. Deschloroketamine contains a phenyl ring bonded to a cyclohexane ring substituted with an oxo group (cyclohexanone) at R1. Bound to the adjacent alpha carbon (R2) of the cyclohexanone ring is an amino ethyl chain -NCH2CH3. 2′-Oxo-PCE, like MXE contains an amino ethyl chain rather than the amino methyl chain found in DCK and ketamine. 2′-Oxo-PCE is homologous to DCK, differing only in the length of their carbon chain.
Pharmacology to know before you buy 2-oxo-pcm Further information: NMDA receptor antagonist Due to the lack of research regarding the substance, all discussion regarding the pharmacology of it is purely based on its structure and subjective effect similarities to other arylcyclohexylamine dissociatives such as ketamine, PCE and methoxetamine (3-MeO-2′-Oxo-PCE). While no scientific studies have been conducted to verify this, structure-activity relationship analysis suggests that 2′-Oxo-PCE likely exhibits its observed effects principally as an NMDA receptor antagonist, although other neurotransmitter systems may be involved.[citation needed]
NMDA receptors (a subtype of receptors for glutamate, which are the principle excitatory neurotransmitters in the nervous system) allow for electrical signals to pass between nerve cells in the brain and spinal column; for the signals to pass, the receptor must be open. NMDA receptor antagonists have been shown to disrupt this signaling by blocking these receptors. This disconnection of information flow in the nervous system leads to loss of sensation (anesthesia), difficulty moving (motor discoordination), and eventually this substance’s equivalent of the “K-hole.”[citation needed]
Subjective effects to know before you buy 2-oxo-pcm In comparison to DCK, ketamine and MXE, this compound can be described as generally more stimulating with fewer cognitive and sensory suppressions. The first half of its duration has been reported to produce primarily stimulating effects with minimal dissociation whilst the second half is primarily dissociating with minimal stimulation.
Users have compared the nature and cognitive effects to MXE specifically, albeit without the pronounced “body warmth” or physical euphoria and a having a tendency of producing rather stimulating and chaotic responses with higher dosages.
Disclaimer: The effects listed below cite the Subjective Effect Index (SEI), a research literature based on anecdotal reports and the personal experiences of PsychonautWiki contributors. As a result, they should be regarded with a healthy degree of skepticism. It is worth noting that these effects will not necessarily occur in a predictable or reliable manner, although higher doses are more liable to induce the full spectrum of effects. Likewise, adverse effects become much more likely with higher doses and may include addiction, serious injury, or death. .
Toxicity and harm potential in regards when you buy 2-oxo-pcm Further information: Research chemicals § Toxicity and harm potential The toxicity and long-term health effects of recreational O-PCE use do not seem to have been studied in any scientific context and the exact toxic dosage is unknown. This is because O-PCE has very little history of human usage. Anecdotal evidence from people who have tried O-PCE within the community suggests that there do not seem to be any negative health effects attributed to simply trying this substance at low to moderate doses by itself and using it sparingly (but nothing can be completely guaranteed).
O-PCE shares a close structural relationship to deschloroketamine (O-PCM) and ketamine (2-Cl-O-PCM), which has been speculated to have immuno-modulative properties.[1][4] It is not known whether O-PCE also has these properties due to the lack of sufficient scientific research. However, the possibility should be kept in mind because prolonged use could potentially pose a serious threat to one’s health and immune system.
It is strongly recommended that one use harm reduction practices, such as volumetric dosing, when using this substance to ensure the accurate administration of the intended dose.
Tolerance and addiction potential As with other NMDA receptor antagonists, the chronic use of O-PCE can be considered moderately addictive with a high potential for abuse and is capable of causing psychological dependence among certain users. When addiction has developed, cravings and withdrawal effects may occur if a person suddenly stops their usage.
Tolerance to many of the effects of O-PCE develops with prolonged and repeated use. This results in users having to administer increasingly large doses to achieve the same effects. After that, it takes about 3 – 7 days for the tolerance to be reduced to half and 1 – 2 weeks to be back at baseline (in the absence of further consumption). O-PCE presents cross-tolerance with all dissociatives, meaning that after the consumption of O-PCE all dissociatives will have a reduced effect.
Urinary tract effects of buy 2-oxo-pcm In terms of its long-term health effects when used repeatedly and excessively for extended periods of time, O-PCE seems to exhibit similar bladder and urinary tract problems to those found within ketamine, although to what extent is unclear. This is likely because O-PCE is significantly more potent than ketamine, meaning that less of the drug needs to be consumed. Symptoms of ketamine-induced cystitis can become extremely serious and can be described as:
Urinary frequency – Urinary frequency is the need to empty the bladder every few minutes. Urinary urgency – This can be described as a sudden, compelling need to urinate. Urinary pressure – This is experienced as a constant sensation of fullness in the bladder that is unrelieved by urination. Pelvic and bladder pain – Pain can develop suddenly and severely, particularly as the bladder fills with urine. Hematuria – Hematuria is visible blood in the urine. Incontinence – This is the leakage of urine. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that these symptoms can be largely avoided by refraining from using O-PCE on a regular basis (e.g. weekly at the bare minimum) and carefully monitoring and limiting one’s intake of the substance.
Dangerous interactions Although many psychoactive substances are reasonably safe to use on their own, they can suddenly become dangerous or even life-threatening when combined with other substances. The following list includes some known dangerous combinations (although it is not guaranteed to include all of them). Independent research (e.g. Google, DuckDuckGo) should always be conducted to ensure that a combination of two or more substances is safe to consume. Some of the listed interactions have been sourced from TripSit.
Stimulants – Both stimulants and dissociatives carry the risk of adverse psychological reactions like anxiety, mania, delusions and psychosis and these risks are exacerbated when the two substances are combined. Depressants – Because both depress the respiratory system, this combination can result in an increased risk of suddenly falling unconscious, vomiting and choking to death from the resulting suffocation. If nausea or vomiting occurs, users should attempt to fall asleep in the recovery position or have a friend move them into it.
Germany: 2-Oxo-PCE is not a controlled substance under the BtMG.[5] It is legal, as long as it is not sold for human consumption, according to §2 AMG.[6] Switzerland: O-PCE is a controlled substance specifically named under Verzeichnis E.[7] United Kingdom – 2-Oxo-PCE is a class B drug in the UK and is illegal to possess, produce, supply, or import. As an N-alkyl derivative of 2-Amino-2-phenylcyclohexanone, it is covered by the arylcyclohexylamine generic clause added to the Misuse of Drugs Act by S.I. 2013/239, which came into effect on the 26th February 2013
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thebuzzerinfo · 3 years
Sony’s PCM-D100 audio recorder is designed to deliver the highest sound quality in professional audio applications including live music events, theatrical performances, and news gathering.  The recorder supports the latest high-resolution codecs and formats, including 192kHz/24bit PCM and DSD.
Compatibility with the DSD format enables the recording of source sounds using digital signals, but in a format that closely resembles analogue waveforms. Compatible with recording and playback in 192 kHz/24-bit linear PCM, the unit can reproduce ultra-high range, delicate music components with excellent audio quality from low to high range. Its broad playback frequency band easily exceeds the audible band of 20 Hz to 25 kHz.
A highly sensitive directional microphone uses a new 15 mm unidirectional mic unit. The mic’s sound collection range adjusts to suit various sounds, from performances with a small number of people to concert halls with a large group of performers. The highly sensitive, broadband recording functionality expresses frequency properties up to 40 kHz, to maximize the advantages of DSD recording.
The PCM-D100 recorder has 32 GB of built-in flash memory and a combination SD Card/Memory Stick slot for expandable storage. The recorder’s lightweight metal aluminium body is built to withstand the demands of professional applications and offers long battery life via four AA batteries (up to approximately 11 hours in DSD (2.8 MHz/1-bit).
The PCM-D100 recorder is part of Sony’s newly announced High-Resolution Audio initiative, a complete series of products designed to help music lovers conveniently access and enjoy the digital music they love in the best playback quality.
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We also support these products via Boot Camp, part of Mac OS X that lets you install and run Windows (and Windows-based applications) on a Mac. Inventor for Mac Professional-grade product design and engineering tools for 3D mechanical design, simulation, visualization, and documentation. Aug 31, 2009 Max leverages open source components and the resources of Mac OS X to provide extremely high-quality output. For example, MP3 encoding is accomplished with LAME, Ogg Vorbis encoding with aoTuV, FLAC encoding with libFLAC, and AAC and Apple Lossless encoding with Core Audio. Many PCM conversions are also possible using Core Audio and libsndfile.
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rupalic · 1 year
Upcoming Growth Trends in the Microencapsulation Market
The report "Microencapsulation Market by Technology (Spray, Emulsion, Dripping), Core Material (Pharma & Healthcare Drugs, PCM, Food Additives, Fragrances), Application (Pharma, Household, Agrochemicals, Textiles), Shell Material, and Region - Global Forecast To 2025", The global microencapsulation market was valued at USD 8.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 15.5 billion by 2025 at a CAGR of 12.9% from 2020 to 2025. The market is driven by factors such as the increasing demand for fortified food products with health benefits, the increasing demand for agrochemicals due to its controlled release property, growth in construction and construction materials, as well as the widespread application in household & personal care.
North America is estimated to dominate the microencapsulation market in 2020
North America accounted for the largest market share of the microencapsulation market in 2019. The market for microencapsulation in the North American region is driven by the growing demand and awareness for value-added products in various areas such as nutrition, food, healthcare, and personal care. Due to this awareness and increased demand, companies are focusing on manufacturing functional products, with novel technologies such as microencapsulation.
To know about the assumptions considered for the study, Download the PDF Brochure: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=83597438
This report includes a study on the marketing and development strategies, along with a study on the service portfolios of the leading companies. It includes the profiles of leading companies such as BASF (Germany), Royal FrieslandCampina (Netherlands), Syngenta Crop Protection (Switzerland), Koninklijke DSM (Netherlands), Givaudan (Switzerland), Firmenich (Switzerland), Symrise (Germany), International Flavors & Fragrances (US), Sensient Technologies (US), Lycored Corp. (UK), Balchem Corporation (US), Encapsys (US), Arcade Beauty (US), and Koehler Innovative Solutions (Germany), Ingredion Incorporation (US), Kerry (Ireland), Cargill (US), Firmenich Incorporation (Switzerland), Dupont (US), Aveka Group (US), Advanced Bionutrition Corp (US), Tastetech Encapsulation Solutions (UK), Sphera Encapsulation (Italy), Clextral (France), Vitasquare (Netherlands), and Microtek (US).
The pharmaceuticals and healthcare drugs segment, by application, is estimated to account for the largest share in 2020
Based on application, the microencapsulation market is segmented into pharmaceutical & healthcare products, household & personal care products, food & beverages, agrochemicals, textiles, construction materials, and others. The pharmaceuticals and healthcare drugs segment is estimated to account for the largest market share in 2020. The rising demand for pharmaceutical drugs is expected to drive the demand for the market.
The emulsion technologies segment, by technology, is estimated to witness the fastest growth in the microencapsulation market in 2020
By technology, the microencapsulation market is segmented into spray technologies, emulsion technologies, dripping technologies, and others. The emulsion technologies segment is projected to record the highest CAGR. The demand for emulsion microencapsulation is increasing due to the simplicity of the process, process safety, and its cost efficiency.
Speak to Analyst: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/speaktoanalystNew.asp?id=83597438
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glassbob · 4 years
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Type of Property: House
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bigyack-com · 5 years
CBSE Class 12 boards 2020: Last minute subject-wise expert advice for science students - education
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With less than 2 weeks to go before the CBSE Class XII Board Exam begins, students from science background (i.e. PCM group) are now gearing up for it. Majority of them would have appeared in JEE Main 2020 (in January) and now their focus is to maximize their performance in the board exam. Here are few tips to help them tide over the next few weeks:* Understand the syllabus and make proper study plan: Assess the weight-age of different sections to decide the time to be devoted for revision. Practicing questions of 5 or 6 marks will certainly help.* Set Daily Target for studies: Set a daily target for studies, keep a note of it to strengthen your resolve.* Prepare revision notes: Make separate notebooks for theorems, formulae and methodologies. This will help you to read and quickly brush up the concepts.* Practice questions by yourself: Try to solve the questions by yourself in the 1 st attempt. If you are unable to do it, then refer to the solution or discuss it with your teacher.* Practice Full length Question Paper: It is a good way to mentally prepare and get exam ready. The more you practice and solve question papers the more confident you become.* Address your problem areas: Address your doubts the moment you encounter it, do not procrastinate.* Analyze your mistakes: It’s extremely crucial to spot and analyze mistakes if you do not want to repeat it in the actual exam.Subject-wise tipsMATHEMATICSThe new pattern introduced this year will comprise 80 marks for written exam and 20 marks for practical. There will be 36 questions divided into 4 sections carrying 1, 2, 4 and 6 marks respectively. A systematic learning is essential for Mathematics.* Follow NCERT books for building micro concepts of chapters. Practice solved examples and exercises.* Many a times questions asked are not the most expected ones. Hence cover the whole syllabus.* Devote more efforts on topics that you think you are weak and/or topics that you think are less interesting.* Solve and practice previous years question papers and also mock tests.* The most important topic where you can score is Calculus (weightage 35 marks). Focus on continuity and differentiability, logarithmic differentiation, high order derivative, increasing and decreasing functions, maxima and minima word problems, integration, area, differential equation* Algebra (Matrices and Determinants), 10 marks.* Relation and Function and Inverse trigonometric function (8 marks)* Vectors and three dimensional geometry ( 2 - 4 marks)* Linear programming has a weightage of 4-6 marks.CHEMISTRY* It is important to practice multiple choice questions and very short answer questions from NCERT exempler.* In Physical Chemistry, there will be numerical based questions, so write important formulae of each chapter and practice enough numerical.* While Attempting numericals:o Write formulae used.o Substitute the valueso Calculate and write final answer with units.* Attempt old board question papers and attempt mock tests within fixed time limit.Organic Chemistry* This is a scoring section but requires systematic revision. Typically the type of questions asked are :* Conceptual questions (reasoning based)* Conversions/Word Problem* Name Reactions* Distinction Test* Mechanism of reaction (as per NCERT)* A lot of practice is needed so try to solve as many questions as you can on a daily basis.* Don’t just read; write the solution yourself several times to develop that flow and gain speed and accuracy. Remember, balancing of reaction is not needed.* Most of the students ignore and/or do not revise certain chapters like Polymers, Bio-molecular andChemistry in everyday life. But these chapters collectively carry a weightage of 10 marks and henceone must devote some time to revise them.Inorganic Chemistry* In this section, questions that asked are based on:* Reasoning* Structure* Complete the reaction* p-block elements : Write all important reactions in a sheet and revise them on a regular basis.* d- and f- block elements : Revise and practice reasoning based questions; revise preparationstructure and properties of compounds like KMnO 4 and K 2 Cr 2 O 7* Coordination Compound : It’s an important chapter as different types of questions are asked.* Metallurgy : A wide variety of questions are asked hence revise thoroughly.* Attempt old board questions papers and attempt Mock test papers within a fixed time limit. This will help to develop exam temperament, flow and speed. Follow it up with few mock test papers just before the exam.Physics* Sufficient time must be devoted to revise lengthy chapters viz Electrostatics and Optics.* Practice few subjective questions like those based on Cyclotron, Magnetometer and other similar apparatus.* Do not neglect small chapters like Alternating Current.* You will have to be thorough with the following chapters :* Magnetic properties of materials* Semi-conductor* Diffraction* Polarization* Optical Instrument* Electromagnetic Wave and Communication System* While solving numerical type problems, draw diagrams and label different parts appropriately, ensurethat you are putting correct values and units.* The language for definitions should be original, altering them must be avoided.(Author Partha Halder is Centre Head of FIITJEE Punjabi Bagh Centre. Views expressed here are personal.) Read the full article
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airpurifiers-blog2 · 5 years
10 Best Facebook Pages Of All Time About Pictures Of Decorative Concrete Pool Decks
I used Miami Concrete Artisans to try and do my pool deck spot they usually have been wonderful! Not just have been they handy in exhibiting samples, shades and many others… they ended up exceptionally arranged and past successful! I plan on applying them in the future for more tasks! I'd personally hugely suggest this firm!
Saws Slice in to the concrete surface to create a style, a method that is simpler and faster than stamping. Although it is possible to obtain curved styles scored into concrete, scoring is often made use of to supply designs made up of straight strains. This method is superb for emulating tile and producing border designs.
To give you a glimpse on the possible strategies you can beautify concrete, here’s a quick description of each and every:
Comment: Pool deck, stamped concrete, seems to own 2 coats of deck paint. Major coat as chipping & peeling. We would want to receive a quotation on cleaning it up and re-surfacing it using a slip resistant coating.
The feel was developed employing several sized rock salt up to 3/eight” in dimensions. The concluded area intently resembles travertine. For that cantilevered techniques pre-Forged treads ended up established in place with the excavator. Then the risers were being poured in position. See a lot more images from this contractor >>
The selection of 16 Signature Hues and the option to combine present cracks right into a custom made rating line sample gives an answer to most pool deck desires.
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Consent is not really a affliction of obtain. is not currently accepting assistance requests from HomeAdvisor in .
Don’t want the whole pool deck with stamped concrete? Take into consideration a border round the edge of the pool to make a coping outcome. Make use of a stamped border across the perimeter of the pool to established it off in the lawn or patio.
Brien at PCM Group recently submitted this Neighborhood pool deck he concluded in Indiana.The pool coping plus the ribbons are coloured and textured with an Italian slate texture pores and skin while the inset fields are integrally colored concrete uncovered with Grace's 05 Topcast solution. See a lot more pics from this contractor >>
Let's carry you that common accent or contemporary touch you’ve been on the lookout for. Create a new look for your private home or Professional Assets currently!
presents homeowners the freedom to love their outdoor deck, instead of paying numerous several hours and funds on deck routine maintenance and repairs.
Business enterprise Description: Odyssey Properties offers what we think about the maximum high-quality solution and workmanship available in the market. We've got a proven background of happy buyers and we'd appreciate the chance to do the job with you on your own project. A
Understand that you can use any style to nearby pathways, patios, or other concrete surfaces to make a cohesive glimpse.
We're exceptionally delighted Together with the finished products. The custom rating selection was a fantastic Resolution to our cracked concrete. Your group was by far the most courteous, Qualified and knowledgable workers We have now experienced the pleasure of working with. — Karen & Ross Ponder - Deltona, FL Dave, just a short Observe to Enable you to understand that our driveway seems to be fantastic.
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lemonade-libra-blog · 5 years
Getting Tired Of Decorative Concrete Pool Deck Bradenton? 10 Sources Of Inspiration That'll Rekindle Your Love
I applied Miami Concrete Artisans to carry out my pool deck space and they had been astounding! Not merely had been they useful in exhibiting samples, hues etcetera… they were being very organized and further than efficient! I approach on applying them Later on for more initiatives! I'd personally remarkably recommend this firm!
Spray Deck surface area is what you see close to Practically all professional pools. Naturally, large-stop accommodations usually select a more glamorous appear like stamped concrete. 
Our balustrade programs are crafted with beauty to offer calming and aesthetically productive Areas. They are also crafted with precision in top quality supplies which are intended to past and maintain your new balustrade method hunting as gorgeous given that the working day you install it.
Also known as acrylic overlay, epoxy coatings, decorative concrete or concrete resurfacing is the process of transforming your grey concrete sidewalk, patio, driveway or pool deck into a lovely surface in a fraction of the expense of true stone or stamped concrete.
Ideal for renovating out-of-date and delaminating surfaces. Immediately after the prevailing floor continues to be prepped effectively, significant-toughness Acrylic Cement is applied to create a sturdy new base flooring.
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Tuscan Wooden Plank Overlays supply the seem, feel, and durability of genuine hardwood floors. Develop that custom, rustic look for your patio region and compliment your pool deck with “boardwalks” in your favorite wood complete. Have that very same Wooden Plank explore your basement to get a seamless changeover.
​Now, The fantastic thing about the decorative concrete flooring has made it considerably more lovable compared to others. It versatility has enabled it to be used in each the private and industrial properties. It's also seriously strong.
Concrete Craft’s vertical concrete resurfacing apps can totally improve the exterior façade of your private home, indoor and out of doors fireplaces or shower and accent walls by setting up reliable wanting fake stone siding above the prevailing floor – all with no have to have of highly-priced demolition.
Brien at PCM Group not too long ago submitted this community pool deck he accomplished in Indiana.The pool coping along with the ribbons are coloured and textured by having an Italian slate texture skin whilst the inset fields are integrally coloured concrete exposed with Grace's 05 Topcast item. See much more pics from this contractor >>
* ConcreteNetwork.com would not own or handle any of the above mentioned detailed providers. Thus the buyer accepts responsibility for executing research on any agency ahead of contracting with them.
And who doesn’t adore a splash of color to go along with the brilliant blue pool h2o? Don’t Believe you’re by yourself on this, for the reason that we’re listed here that can help. Read on for the step-by-step guidebook regarding how to paint a concrete pool deck.
These more locations not just incorporate dimension and variety in your concrete design — Additionally they give you a location to invest time and rest with an excellent watch of your respective pool!
The distinctive texture on this pool deck was created by way of slate textured stamps. The colours utilised were Adobe buff hardener and Terra cotta launch. See extra shots from this contractor >>
Make an aged pool deck appear like new Irrespective of whether your pool deck is in very good form or is wanting repair service, we may help! Let's give it a classy, new appear.   Notify us your ideas and we will make them a truth with tailor made models and finishes. All set to remodel your pool location using a decorative concrete pool deck? Call Decorative Concrete Coatings now. 318-398-1885 Enhance the search of one's pool region with decorative concrete Your pool deck is an ideal destination to chill out. Allow Decorative Concrete Coatings make your pool spot a true paradise. With personalized concrete decks, furnishings, waterfalls and drinking water characteristics, we can assist you rework your out of doors location.
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Nanotechnology Trends in Fashion and Textile Engineering- Juniper Publishers
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Nanotechnology is a growing interdisciplinary technology often seen as a new industrial revolution. It is offering a novel means of processing fabric that could transform the clothing industry. The expectations ofmodern day consumers regarding the textile products they use have increased dramatically; consumers want textiles that suit their taste and are comfortable, hygienic and eco-friendly. The ever-increasing demand for sophisticated fabrics with special features and exceptional comfort drives the need for the use of nanotechnology in this industry. It is now a very important parameter for the textile industries to reconsider the technologies and chemicals used towards the rich group, so that they can satisfy environmental and consumer requirements. There comes nanotechnology, which brings extremely promising and significant developments for textile industries. Nano-textiles is an emerging and interesting application of nanotechnology. It involves dealing with nano fibers at the atomic and molecular levels in order to tweak their properties. For example, Nano-Tex, a leading company in the field, has developed processes that make traditional cotton and silk fabrics resistant to spills that would normally ruin clothing. Fashion and technology are an astonishing and will inevitably intermingle into one another. The biggest technologists like Apple, Google, and Amazon are curious to create their own path into the world of fashion; however, the interest is mutual. For example, Apple Company is so consistent in doing fancy wearable smart tech like watches; Google hit the market with conductive smart fabrics embedded in a jacket; and Amazon with voice recognition devices and a platform for shopping.
The inclusion of nanotechnology in the textile industry results in next-generation materials with multifunctional properties such as UV protection, anti odour, antimicrobial, antistatic, breathability advanced durability, improved softness, better tear strength, water/spill repellency and wrinkle- resistance. It is used to develop desired characteristics in textile materials without disturbing the inherent properties of the textiles including flexibility and washability. Nanotechnology also offers numerous advantages over the conventional process in term of energy saving, economy, eco-friendly, packaging, and control release of the substance. The main applications of nanotechnology in textiles are nano-finishing, nano-chemicals, nano-coating, nanosilver as smart material for textile materials. The most frequently or commonly used nanomaterials incorporated into textile materials are silver, gold, silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, aluminium hydroxides, nanoclay, carbon nanotubes, carbon black, graphene, copper, and iron hydroxides. In this communication/opinion we like give our views on nanotechnology trends in fashion and textile engineering.
Nanotechnology in fashion
To modernize the clothing industry, nanotechnology offers a new approach for the processing of fabric materials. The nanotechnology embedded fabrics can be designed in a way to do almost everything viz; resist liquids, fight off wrinkles, quick drying and breathe. Unlike topical treatments (which wear off eventually), the effect of nanotech in fabrics will be long- lasting because the chemicals used in nanotechnology results in a molecular bonding with the fabric materials. By embedding nano-sized particles or fibres with fabric results in an improved fabric properties without significant changes in thickness and weight. For instance, Nano-Tex (a leading nanotechnology company), developed a technology for stain repellent cotton and silk fabrics. Similarly, lightweight water and spills resistant pants were produced by incorporating nano-whiskers into fabrics. Once a material becomes tiny, it begins to perform in different ways [1].
Nanotechnology in textiles
The conventional methods used in fabrics to impart different properties fails to impart permanent effects and thus leads to losing their functions after wearing or washing/laundering. Consequently, nanotechnology-based textiles or nano textiles gained promising commercial values and are in great increasing demand for the development of sophisticated fabrics with amazing features. Nano-additives can offer higher durability for fabrics because it tweaks their properties in atomic and molecular levels. Accordingly, the first generation of nano embedded textiles results in incredible surface properties of fabrics such as water or stain repellence, wrinkle resistance, dirt-free, colour durability, odour-less socks, flame retardancy with enhanced thermal performance and smart clothes that can perform climate control. In addition, these nano-fabrics wear longer between washings and also will not affect the breathability or hand sense [2].
The nanoparticle coated textiles and clothing results in the production of extremely active surfaces for UV-protection and self-cleaning properties. These nanofabrics are also having antimicrobial and antistatic properties through nanometal and metal oxide coatings. The silver (Ag) nano particles possess antimicrobial activity naturally and thus extensively used as coatings in sports clothing to eradicate odours from sweat. Similarly, Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles incorporated in polymer matrices like soluble starch are used as functional nanostructures for anti-bacterial coatings in inner wears and medical textiles. However, they also cause a great risk to the consumers and the environment as well [3]. As per the study of Rickard Arvidsson on wastewater treatment plant in Gothenburg (Sweden), nanosilver in clothing is found to be largest sources of silver ions in wastewater. They are also found to be injurious to microbes and aquatic organisms even at low concentrations and thus lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria [4].
Smart textiles
Smart textiles are defined as fabrics that symbolizes the next generation of textiles likely for use in numerous fashion and technical textile applications. Smart textiles have been developed and designed to fuse technologies (integrated computing power) that can able to sense and react to environmental conditions or stimuli. The incorporation of smart materials and technologies into fabrics paves the way to achieve numerous potential applications such as communication between devices, conduct electricity or energy, sense, react and protect from hazardous environments. Smart textiles are not only for clothing and apparels but also have extended applications in many fields such as robotics, space, automobiles, medicine, aircrafts, surgery and military/defence battlefields which virtually can act as a life saving materials. Smart textiles also used for releasing moisturizer or medication into the skin [5]. Moreover, smart textiles control the body temperature, muscles vibration in athletic activities and can potentially change light and colour in patterns, pictures and video. The recent examples of smart textiles are energy-scavenging fabrics (charged through ordinary body movements), self-powered smart suits (recharged by sunlight), the nano electronic circuit on folded paper and gloves, energy storage textiles (graphene yarns), and graphene-coated 'e-textile' that sense poisonous gases [6].
Waterproofing with Nanotechnology-Researchers from the University of Zurich made this fabric from polyester fibres that are coated with minute silicone filaments. Swiss chemists have developed a water proof nano-fabric that does not get wet, it was also claimed to be the fabric which is the most water- repellent clothing material available in the market to date. Actually, it revolves around the idea that has been taken from naturally water-repellant surfaces such as lotus leaves, which have a similar combination of tiny nanostructures and (super) hydrophobic substances.
Intelligent textiles
Intelligent textiles are capable of think for themselves and act accordingly For example, it will keep us warm in wintry environments or chill in hot environments in our normal day today activities. It is not only confined to the clothing sector, it can be used in protection and safety applications. The most significant examples of intelligent textiles materials are:
a. Phase Change Materials (PCM).
b. Shape Memory Materials (SMM) /wrinkle free materials.
c. Chromic materials (Colour change).
d. Conductive materials and
e. Electronics incorporated textiles.
Wearable textiles
Wearable textiles are the combination of sensors and small flexible light emitting displays. It enables the warning signal (displayed or sent) as a result of stimuli from the body. The sensors monitor the heart rate, temperature, respiration, and pulse oximetry readings [7]. If signals were below significant values, a wireless communication system automatically could send a distress signal to dial telephones or pager messages in a remote location. For example, Smart Shirt™ System developed by Sensatex exclusively for the protection of public protection personnel viz; police officers, firefighters, and rescue teams. The health and safety of public safety personnel or victims who trapped in a building and the exact location can be monitored by Smart Shirt™.
Present status
As on date, there are around 30 countries in the world are working on innovations and development of nanotechnology- based textiles materials. At present, the application of nanotechnology is in sportswear and spacesuits become one of the greatest emergent segments [8]. The most popular application of nanotechnology in textile is sharkskin suit based on a plasma layer enhanced technology. Speedo's Fastskin® swimsuit was developed by means of V-shaped fibres which imitate the ridges present on the skin of a shark and it helps a trouble-free gliding through the water. Similarly, nanomaterial functionalized textiles are developed specifically to protect exposure from UV radiation, anti-allergenic, absorbent and antimicrobial products used in medical health applications. The moisture management systems incorporated fabrics are used for swift evaporation of sweat, reflective textiles, insulations and resilience fabrics for water-based activities. Nano-textiles are also used in the healthcare industry in the form of smart surgical gloves and gowns. Clima Ware developed a fabric material which turns into a personal climate control systems (personal ACs or heaters in shoes, jackets, and helmets) by incorporating nanotechnology.
Anti-bacterial/Anti-microbial fabrics
The microorganism's growth on fabric causes a range of unwanted effects, not only on the fabric itself, but also on the user. These effects include the generation of unpleasant odor, reduction in mechanical strength, stains and discoloration and an increased likelihood of user contamination. Microbial contamination is a great concern, mainly for textiles used in hospitals as medical devices or for health and hygienic care, but also in sports clothing, water purification systems, animal feed and the food industry. The infections acquired in hospitals may be caused by several bacterial/microbial species, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, and Acinetobacter baumannii. Therefore consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the implications on personal hygiene and the health risks associated with some microorganisms, the demand for antimicrobial textiles has presented a big increase over the last few years.
Aloevera is an important biomaterial extracts are commonly used in cosmetics. It also possesses antimicrobial properties, especially against gram-positive bacteria. A textile specimen fabric treated with aloevera showed antimicrobial activity that could withstand even after several washings. Extracts from Ricinus communis, S. auriculata and Euphorbia hirta in the ratio of 1:3:2 showed excellent antibacterial activity. Meconopsis napaulensis D.C. leaves were used to dye cotton fabric to impart antifungal properties with activity over 75% for Alternaria brassicicola and Leptosphaerulin trifoli fungi and 46% antifungal activity against Trichodermasp. Senna auriculata and Achyranthes aspera are used to finish cotton fabric to impart antibacterial properties. Dystar Auxiliaries developed a textile finishing agent comprising set of vitamins, aloevera and jojoba oil in a silicon matrix for UV protection [9].
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Future Trends and Outlook
Future trends of nanotechnologies in textiles and fabrics will be in two ways. Firstly, the advancement of existing characteristics and their performances in textile materials. Second, development of smart and intelligent textiles materials with extraordinary functions [10]. In future, advertisements, the music and phone calls can be managed seamlessly with the help of control panel placed externally on your sleeve. Similarly, one-touch phone control panel and one-touch iPod control panel connected jacket and the phone will be used for controlling the voice calling (caller ID features) and music (track controls) with an LCD panel present in the sleeve. Some new functions with textiles to be developed may include,
a. Wearable energy storage devices and solar cell.
b. Wound healing and healthcare systems.
c. Sensing abilities and information transferring technology
d. Self-cleaning and self-repairing functionalities etc.
e. Sophisticated and diverse protection.
There is no doubt that nanotechnology holds enormous opportunities and will break through into every area of textile industry in the next few years.
In the last few years, the customers desire for comfort, hygiene and well-being, concerning odor control and microorganisms protection, has created a large and rapidly increasing market for the expansion of antimicrobial textiles. Presently, industries are trying to adopt advanced technologies and increase the use of sustainable materials for manufacturing processes. Research working for the above parameters too nanotechnology in fashion and textiles to improve and categorize as Smart Textiles, Intelligent Textiles, Wearable Textiles, Anti-bacterial/ anti-microbial fabrics. Application of nanotechnology and other technologies in textile finishing will certainly show promising outcomes and can also reduce the consumption of chemicals, energy and water [11].
The application of plant extracts in textile finishing has a wide scope in healthcare textiles. The textile industry is currently not operating in an entirely eco-friendly and sustainable manner; however, there are numerous methods utilizing nanotechnology ways some parameters can be improved. Integration of modern chemistry principles, physical methodologies and advanced technologies may play a major role in developing smart, intelligent and wearable textiles.
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