groenendaelfic · 1 year
So I finally convinced my mom to give Young Royals a try.
A few minutes ago she calls me, all emotional and asks me how much longer that poor boy will have to suffer.
"Well, it is a drama," I say, "But it's well worth it for its beauty and depth and there are many lovely moments. I promise there will be a happy ending."
"But it's so sad!" she says.
"Well, how far did you get?" I ask, so I know how to best reassure her and also I'd love to talk about some of the scenes, especially the tough ones.
"Well, he and his brother just arrived at the boarding school a few minutes ago and now the choir is about to sing."
" ... "
Mom, I love you. Please never change.
In other news, mission make mom2 go on an excursion to ABBA The Museum to conduct some research for The Upgrade: Museum Drift was a complete success.
She took a high school friend who she only recently reconnected with and had a blast, and in turn I got minute by minute updates of them reliving their teenage years during peak ABBA times in more detail than I might have wanted, but I also got all the pics and now have a good idea of how I want Wilmon's date at the museum to look and go like, so yay.
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schweety · 9 months
i've been bitching about the ending non-stop so i sat down and thought about how i would've ended it, so here are my thoughts (unhinged)
first and foremost: hiyori's death
how i would have done it: she had an unique status as an half-ayakashi. a few chaps back, when she was almost sucked into that hole, i wholly believed adachitoka was planning for her to go to the underworld to meet izanami. i'd have loved to see her meet the goddess of death, somehow get the info on how to break the koto no ha (as izanami is surely still mad at father), making a promise to her to bring father to her and then return to the near shore (as she's half-human) to kill father without having to die for the melodrama of it all.
and to make her return to her body, yato'd have had to cut their ties once and for all, making her forget about him (this would have been just as emotional and dramatic as her death!)
second: the whole heaven arc
i would've shown at least SOMETHING about heaven (like a covenant) officially pardoning bishamon and co. and amaterasu announcing that heaven had to change their ways in order to never let anything like this happen again. amaterasu saw first-hand what corruption could lead to and an insight into her mind, her thoughts and learnings all brought to her by yato would've resolved at least some of the loose threads from the heaven arc.
third: god's greatest secret
this wasn't resolved at all by adachitoka. kazuma and yukine have been touched by GGS and lived! nice, but what about the secret as a whole? honestly, all gods should be deadly afraid of them bc of this and not allow their shinkis to hang with them at all lol.
the whole point of GGS was that the painful, regretful death of their past lives would corrupt a shinki. the solution to this whole thing, in my eyes? break the taboo as a whole. not sure how exactly i'd have handled this, but if all shinkis knew their past lives, they could start healing each other together, playing back into the famous quote that ,,only humans can help humans'', which shinki are. ofc, this would need like a whole arc of itself so the ending in the manga is fine, i guess. they just don't rly talk about it lol.
fourth: father
OOOH what wasted potential! he was so complex and then they went ''haha, bad guy go blubblub'' which i honestly don't even mind at all. but i'd have added at least one scene of him meeting izanami back in the underworld, with her wearing kaya's face once again. he'd hear kaya's words ''to let it go'' one last time before he accepts his death and failure, embracing izanami and meeting his end therem eternal limbo. it'd have been a deserved death, bc he was (comically) evil and did terrible things but with some more context and depth to his character (which he always had!).
fifth, yato's lifeline (the most important one)
the literal plotpoint of the manga was yato being recognized as a god by the people. the whole twitter debacle was funny, yeah, but oh so cheap.
i personally would've loved for him to realize, after saving hiyori, that he actually wasn't disappearing at all, making him realize that there were people believing in him (like masaomi). they could've cut back to the little boy with his cat, who still thought about yato as his saviour, or to the girl he saved in chapter 1, who remembered a god that had brought her happiness. he'd have realized that, while bringing calamity, he had also been a god of fortune to them all the time. would've been such a nice, full circle and such a good pointe to this whole lifeline thematic and another realization that father had been lying to him all along. BUT NO. TWITTER SAVED HIM. hsuiahfsdufhudzshf
and lastly, the timeskip:
honestly? i liked this about the chap. showing hiyori as a doctor, her thriving, i was so happy! i would've kept that. also i like the fact that yato hid her diary from her, in order to let her live her life after cutting their ties, peak drama, mwah!
of course, she remembers him, i loved how his name formed on her lips and boom, there he was, on the tree
i would've added a convo, something, anything!!! they haven't talked in yrs (real-time!) so they should've exchanged words, a hug, WHATEVER, accepting their love for each other, accepting that she has to live on on the near shore, as much as it dooms their relationship. some frigging acknowledgment of their feelings for each other, come on!
also, yatorine reunion, before we cut to the end page where hiyori writes in her diary about yato.
the rest? i was fine with. take has a good end, bishamon has a good end, nora especially won! i liked these points but like… everything else i pointed out? too sad we're left with these threads hanging loose, i guess :(
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the-tmnt-ficfinder · 1 month
Ficfinder finds: Reciprocity
Mutant Mayhem Fanfic Summary: “Raphael,” she said gently. “I know it’s difficult for you to use the past tense-” “It’s not difficult, it’s just wrong,” Raph growled. He couldn’t look at her. This was the thing. The thing that made everyone look at him with pity. Like he was defective or broken. Like he was some stupid idiot who couldn’t get with the program. But it was everyone else who was wrong. Raph was the only one who was living in reality. “Leo. Isn’t. Dead.” _________________ It's been two years since Leo's disappearance. The city has erected a monument in Bryant Park to honor and mourn New York's bravest young hero. While Leo's statue sits in the park, Raph sits in therapy. Everyone believes Raph is too traumatized, too wounded to process the loss of his brother. But there's something Raph can't explain, something only he can feel, something everybody wants him to ignore. It whispers softly somewhere in the deepest corners of his mind, he's still here. Raph listens. [non-canon compliant with Tales of the TMNT. Written pre-release of Tales]
Reciprocity: Appraisal and Ratings
(Don't know what fanfic "Appraisal and Ratings" means? Check out my explanation on my Main Masterpost! Looking for a different fanfic to read? Head on over to my Fanfic List Masterpost!)
Disclaimer: This fanfic isn't completed as of yet, and as such, this post will update as the fic updates. This fic is written by @the-peak-tmnt, so go show them some love and support!!
The fanfic ratings are not based on quality, favoritism, or how good I think it is, but rather, how intense a subject may be. Like a movie review, or the tags on Ao3, letting the readers know what to expect.
Plot: 💛💛💛💛💛
"Plot is five out of five!! The plot for this story is quite enthralling!! It starts out right in the thick of it, a mess of chaotic aftermath from an event not yet explained.”
Suspense/Mystery: 💛💛💛💛🖤
"Suspense/Mystery is four out of five!! The suspense and mystery for this story are both rather intense, especially the mystery, as a huge part of the plot isn’t explained till later.”
Angst/Hurt: 💛💛💛💛🖤
"Angst/Hurt is four out of five!! Reciprocity deals with lots of trauma, which of course equals angst and hurt. Some parts of the fic are certainly more intense than other parts, so make sure to read the tags!”
Fluff/Comfort: 💛💛💛🖤🖤
"Fluff/Comfort is three out of five!! While there’s plenty of trauma in this fic, there is some wonderful comfort paired with it!”
Emotions Conveyed: 💛💛💛🖤🖤
"Emotions Conveyed is three out of five!! This fic gives a pretty in depth view of disassociation, and PTSD. I know some of the flashback chapters certainly messed with my head.”
Drama/Tension Level: 💛💛💛💛💛
"Drama/Tension Level is five out of five!! This fic has some MAJOR drama!! Seriously, it gets intense!!!”
Triggers: 💛💛💛💛🖤
"Triggers are four out of five!! Reciprocity touches on some touchy mental health subjects, and some traumatic events. Make sure to read the tags, and check each authors note for warnings ^^”
Legibility (Reading): 💛💛💛💛💛
"Legibility (Reading) is five out of five!! The writing style for this fic is smooth, and easy to follow!!”
Legibility (Audio): 💛💛💛💛💛
"Legibility (Audio) is five out of five!! I would highly recommend listening to this one!! The formatting and the writing style are both complimentary to audio book format!!”
Length: 💛💛🖤🖤🖤
"Length is two out of five!! Currently this fic is planned to have 20 chapters, though there may be multiple arcs. This post will update as the fic updates!!”
Reciprocity: Chapter List
(Chapters will be added as I rate and appraise them ^^)
(Yet to be added)
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annieguardian · 4 months
Please share this article if you are able to. This article concerns some disgusting, yet sadly common behaviors in online communities, and the only way to combat this is for more awareness to be drawn to it.
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batmanego · 2 months
Top 5 comics?
sort of like asking me my top five blades of grass in the world. there’s a lot of comics out there and a lot of genres. however, here are 5 that i enjoy in no particular order:
1. batman: ego. in my opinion, THE quintessential bruce wayne story. understands him on a level rarely seen. beautiful art. highly recommend. also, what my url is.
2. books of magic 1990 + 1994. some of the best fantasy (a term i use loosely here) writing i’ve read in a while. genuinely compelling all the way through. tim’s miserable life is so beautiful to me. gorgeous art in the 1990 volume.
3. starman 1994. MASTERPIECE of storytelling and artwork and long cons and slow burns. i have my complaints with it, but on the whole one of the strongest pieces of superhero writing ive read.
4. stray bullets. stray bullets is not a dc or marvel comic. it is not even a superhero comic. it is not colored, all of the pages are arranged the same way. it is amazing. if you like crime thrillers/dramas or stories about bad people at all, read all of stray bullets.
5. deadpool 2013+2016. PEAK wade wilson characterization. i have many issues with these books, particularly how they conclude, but the writing with wade is on the whole phenomenally good. give it a try even if you don’t like deadpool and consider him an unpleasant comic relief character. it will surprise you with its emotional depth.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Yeah, one of my least favorite things in Warriors is the complete lack of any long-lasting, impactful friendships. Friends would honestly strengthen the drama of Warriors.
Like when a character dies, seeing how their loved ones would handle it would be interesting (like with your Bluefrost) or a character’s close friend being killed by someone from another clan could also lead to more clan conflicts and making the hatred of other clans more justified. Or if a cat decides to save their friend rather than their leader. But since these guys hardly have any relationship or even know each other, it lacks any kind of emotional depth to it. Also I don’t think that the Erins know that if cats had some sort of friendship prior it would make more sense and maybe even give them more chemistry if they were to eventually become mates…
Like I love giving my murder cats friends. I currently have a group of warriors that are the squad in their clan.
Yes!!! This is exactly how I feel!!!
Friendships are sooo important!!! I loved that u mentioned my Bluefrost bec she's a peak example of how giving cats strong friendships can make a story even more interesting! Giving Blue friends that she looses tragically over the course of her live gives all the more reason for her mental break!
Man... I kinda want to plan out who everyone's besties are... maybe I can list them in their bios too 🤔
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dykedragonrider · 3 months
Finished AW2 and am finally getting to my thoughts but to rehash what I said earlier, the game's quality scales exponentially with the time you play, it's artsy and weird in ways that are in fact, fuckin' lovely, it's got some issues, but I'm more willing to look past it because like, no one's doing it like this is and I want more weird things like this (endearing)
Getting my issues out of the way, for a game with as much exploring as you do, wow that movement speed is miserable. I get that you can't be zooming about in a horror game because that trims tension but I also didn't explore nearly as much as I wanted to because I'd ask myself "do i really wanna trot around at this speed" and the answer was usually no. The combat's also only OK, and with how much of that you do, I really wish it felt a little better? Also, the jumpscares feel bad, I don't like them, I'm here for the atmosphere and general horror narrative tropes, not the screamy faces.
To get more into the meat and taters though, the way this elevates the metafiction from the first game is really good. I especially want to praise Alan's segments of literal reality altering in the Dark Place through altering the script, there were some cool puzzles with that and I loved the way it would change the scenarios of the vignettes. I got a little stuck sometimes but I attribute that to the debuff that streaming a game gives you, because I did miss some audio cues, game makes it real easy to pick stuff back up though.
On the note of vignettes, I'm obligated to praise the spectacle for this game, because it's got some really cool moments with them that I love! We've got two musical numbers, each of which is entertaining in their own different ways, Champion Of Light was like the coolest 15 minutes in a game this year to me, but also like. Nightless Night was a really cool thing to have as a diegetic film, I didn't expect that but it was really fun to see how that interacted with the main story with its themes and, of course, characters.
Saga is like, I wasn't sold on her initially because I liked Alan and wanted more of him, but that's just the nature of sequels. The more I learned about her (norse god who is also a seer was a pull I didn't see coming given my unfamiliarity with the depth of that folklore, but it *was* cool), it was like, exponential how much I liked her? Family drama was a great way to interface with the weirdness of the Andersons, honestly, give them some depth. The dynamic she has between her and Casey was also nice, he's the straight man in their whole buddy cop thing, and I also like how she and Casey are cut from the same cloth with regards to the strangeness of how they interact with the fiction that permeates the world. I'm not familiar enough with Twin Peaks to point out some of the text to text stuff there, but I did have a cheeky laugh at that shot of them drinking coffee towards the start of the game.
Tor/Odin having more depth through Saga and the ways they advise/interact with her and Wake being very different, not just in the way between him and them in 1 and her in 2, but also them with him in 2, it's giving them a lot that I think really works for them being these figures of legend, both within folklore and the systems of the Lake, and them entering it as a "passing of the torch" in some ways towards the end was a good emotional moment, they're just a treat in this game. Sneaking Ahti in here as well, I don't have a lot deep to say about him or extra thoughts, I just like the guy. Perfect character, no notes, love him.
The real standouts character wise to me though, were Jaakko and Ilmo. I saw the ads as I could, and their banter's fantastic, these people have their own lives and a lot of interiority and so much is told through that, you find out about the cult and get some questions about them, they're up to some shit and know more than they let on, but in reality they were just doing their best to look out for a community they care about, and Jaakko's death was the moment I went from like, laughing along with them as just a good supporting cast to just. Their story fucking owns, it's a simple misunderstanding born out of bias that neither side is really interested in correcting because of unreliable narration, miscommunication/failure to communicate is usually a thing in media I'm very feast or famine on (I'm aware that "why don't they just ask x" is a mindkiller question, but in terms of meeting the story halfway it's one of my major shortcomings, because so often it feels contrived in the narrative), but in a story so based around metafiction (that is lampshaded in a compelling way I'll cover in a moment), it feels like it's a perfectly executed idea with how it's done that elevates the story significantly. These people existed alongside you, and of course the small town weirdos who made a cult and hijacked stuff to try and manage problems on their own terms get vilified, you don't know the whole story and there's no interest in it because the narrators aren't, it works!
And that segment is pretty quickly followed by the moment where the game gets self aware, which is normally a pretty touchy thing I find? However, using that as a tool for deconstruction, the fourth wall as another wall to decorate the set dressing of the narrative, as a way to examine it through the windows on that wall, each with their own decor, was clever? They knew what the player'd be thinking, and I think that landed pretty well, it didn't start feeling circlejerky, because it *also* laid the horror on so thick there, it was probably the most unnerving part of the game. I was internally hooting and hollering the entire time, even if that segment was a little annoying, just because it was *so* goddamn cool.
I'm probably missing a bit bc it's been a while so it's not all as fresh in my mind (wanted to talk about Saga's scene of controlling her narrative more bc that's peak as shit but this is already long enough+would wanna refresh myself), but the point is like, god this game's peak. Thank you Remedy for making weird little games for the freaks of the world.
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shrapnelstars · 11 months
The FNaF movie was pretty good. I really liked it. It felt like a pre-2000's movie, and I mean that as a compliment. Mostly practical effects, and there aren't 6000 subplots trying to get crammed in to launch a cinematic universe. (I know there are 2 sequels lined up.)
There are enough kills, there are enough scenes in the arcade, there are enough scenes with the animatronics, and the family drama scenes are perfectly fine and feel natural. They don't take over the spotlight like I've seen some people say. They are balanced out between arcade scenes.
The ghosts are written infinitely better than the fan and game interpretations of them. These are mean little fuckers that you need to be careful around, not uwu cinnamon rolls that need help doing the most basic actions. Their anger and adroitness is peak, and I'm so glad they have agency and personality instead of the fucking Puppet god-moding all over the place and doing everything for them and leaving them as background noise like in the games. And I'm glad Henry wasn't here to god-mode for the humans, either. This movie made me like Golden Freddy again, too. That's something I thought was impossible. That kid was vicious, and lives up to the title of The One You Should Not Have Killed.
The problem with the movie is that William Afton's arc is rushed, and this has a negative knock-on effect on Vanessa's arc and purpose in the movie. (sound familiar?)
(I go into a bit more depth below, but in general, I'd say to give it a watch. It's not bad by any stretch of the imagination. Just has a few weak points that could have been strengthened a bit more.)
William recognizes Mike and starts scheming within the first 10 minutes of the movie, after which he basically disappears, then only re-appears at the dead end to speedrun the Springtrap stuff. In a 2 hour film. He's too important for the few seconds he's in this (though the few seconds he's in it are still good). I know they wanted to avoid this being like 3 hours, or stretched out over 17 movies, but they really needed a few more scenes of Afton doing things or establishing his personality, because it would have strengthened his impact when he showed up at the end. There's a bit of hollowness to both his and Vanessa's later scenes because they didn't spend enough time developing them. The movie has them blurt out a few sentences telling you who they are and why you should feel X emotion toward them right before they do their respective things, and while the respective things are fine, they needed to be backed by deeper investment with the audience to really punch up the characters.
In some ways, it would have helped to save Springtrap for the next movie, but I do understand why they couldn't exactly do that. They probably could have spent this movie freeing the souls from the mind control, and then at the end, they learn who is behind the mind control, and then that sets up Springtrap for the next movie, but eh. I'm definitely going to have a lot of mercy on this, because the movie had A LOT of information to deliver for basically a rewrite of The Silver Eyes, which introduced a lot of concepts. Keep that in mind, too. This wasn't a movie based on the games. This was ultimately based on the first book with the teen friend group replaced with Mike, Vanessa, and Abby.
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hoppipolla · 2 years
↳ 8 Shows To Get To Know Me
Thank you @jyuubin for tagging me <3
I don't know if the shows I'm about to talk about will make you learn things about me but they're pretty much my favourites so i'm happy to talk about them ^^
18 Again
This drama was thought-provoking and beautiful in such an authentic way. Seeing a father learn to know his children through the eyes of someone their age was so tender yet so heartbreaking. This drama shed a light on how complex the human condition is and how people have more than one layer to their personalities. Hence the need to always be kind to one another. I don't remember all the details of that drama but that's the drama which made me discover Lee Do Hyun and his amazing and detailed acting ^^
Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai
One of the most beautiful kiss brought to screen. If you know, you know. Such a heartfelt drama :(( The absurdity of life doesn’t seem too insuperable when that life is lived while having the well-beings of others in mind. (Yes I am quoting myself, that's embarrassing. That phrase is from the review I wrote on MDL). That's basically what this series is all about. Loved the cinematography and the gentle vibe of the show (that makes no sense but it's hard to put into words what this series made me feel ><).
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The characters' developments in that show!!! I love well-written shows and this one was a blessing. I don't think any animated series can top this one. There is so many good things about it: flawed yet likable characters, thought-provoking dialogues, amazing story arcs, genuine friendships etc. (Iroh's the best character and we can all agree on that ^^)
You're My Sky
Such an underrated series!! Please do watch it, it's amazing! The three main couples all have different stories and everyone acts so well :( A well-written show with a beautiful cinematography? Count me in!
The Untamed
Oh my! Where to start? The Untamed was my first Asian drama and I've never moved on from it. I tend to hyperfixate a lot and so I usually quickly move on once I've finished a series/movie/book etc. but I could never move on from this show. The angst here is peak perfection. Wei Wuxian is one of the best character ever written and I love him to pieces. So many heart-breaking story arcs, so many amazing characters... Just so much pain but it's beautiful???
Weak Hero Class 1
One of the rare series which showed how genuine male friendships could be. WHC1 was really hard to watch but it was worth it. I am still trying to recover from it tbh... I just hate how cruel and brutal the human kind can be. I don't want to start any discourse but I liked Beom Seok. It doesn't mean I was ever okay with what he did but he is a much more complex character than most people think.
Beyond Evil
THE most amazing drama ever produced. I have written so many in-depths analyses on this drama — it's ridiculous — but it just gives you an idea of how impressive this drama was (both acting-wise and script-wise). I'll stop there because I won't be able to stop myself from rambling otherwise ><
180 Degrees Longitude Passes Through Us
I've written such an emotional review on MDL... Loved it so much. Brilliant performances, amazing dramatic references, stunning dialogues, gorgeous cinematography and a realistic plot. This drama sure felt like an out-of-time experience. I'm still sad I can't get my hands on HQ scenepacks because I would have loved to make some edits :(
So I'm basically someone who loves well-written series with nuanced and flawed characters. I like analysing things and I greatly appreciate subtle acting. I'm also a big softie lol so I like slow-burn relationships full of gentleness.
I'm tagging @ohmybitna <3 (I hope you haven't already done it. Feel free not to do it if you don't feel like. No pressure!)
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ginevrafangirl · 2 years
Love Between Fairy and Devil Commentary Part 2
More highlights from my reactions to this drama, episodes 13-24.
Part 1 | Part 3
oh no emo boy is staging a coup // also the actor for emo boy really has peak younger sibling face
his expression is EXTREMELYY badass rn // though you still need to redeem yourself after that unneeded kissing of girlie
omg i think batman actually cares about his friend, he just laid his head down ectremely gently
does batman love his bestie enough to transfer his cultivation? // omg he DOES
i LOVE me some depth to my villains
oh jin guangshan is the god of thunder and lightning! its always the king of the gods that has that power!! the parallels to greek and indian mythology!
oh dragon boy, you were so close yet so far // i love these loyal sweet slightly naive yet super powerful and badass right hand men of the male lead // dragon boy, welcome to the club that consists of wen ning, zhong li, chuanyu, and someone from eternal love i am most certainly forgetting (mdzs/cql, who rules the world, eternal love references)
lol people wrote smut about them // i meannnn its basically celebrity real person fic
sauron: i wanted to see you // girlie: see ME?? // sauron: i wanted to see you FIX THE BOOK
boy the moment you feel ANYTHING sweet for her you double down on being a dick
lesbian shopkeeper is a hustler and has STREET SMARTS
okay i suppose i gotta cut dragon boy some slack, he is indeed a literal dragon and doesnt understand human customs
jieli is the human 'are we dating' buzzfeed quiz
sauron: its EMOTION time baby
this is the game of thrones lesbian 'teaching you how to make love to our chief' scene
girlie is actually twirling her hair ornaments around her fingers
tragic misunderstanding brothers, my jammm
sauron: i have no emotions. thus i dont love you // girlie: i am so happy that means you dont hate me // like GIRL
i love when this show does comedy man, its so funny
i mean she is literally TAKING EDIBLES
is her hair jewellery getting more and more elaborate??
honestly batman could be honest about his true plan and i think iceman would understand
batman is growing on me as well. his motivations are kinda dark lwj, actual dean winchester vibes // and he actually cares about iceman. fucking yu wuyuan WISHES he had this kinda dimensions (mdzs/cql, supernatural, who rules the world references)
jin guangshan is the true villain of this show, just like hes the only true villain in mdzs
the love triangle i do not love, but its funny that in any other show iceman and girlie would 100% be the main leads, i mean their backstory set that up PERFECTLY
god is speaking to ice god // oh its jin guangshan speaking from the sky
damn man must not even be able to jerk off without big brother watching
dragon boy: you're also an orphan? // sir there are a lot of orphans in this world
dragon boy you want to be trustworthy and honest and you're working for THE LITERAL DEVIL
catwoman has a WHIP!? of CHAINS? thats BADASS
Tumblr media
she fixed it??? since when did she magically gain THAT ability
its really interesting how physical objects enter illusions and dreams // by that i mean the fucking golden leaf
'how dare you come for my people' cue ROCK GUITAR SOLO
sir you already broke the couldron once, aint batman just gonna glue it back together again?
they sure sacrifice the plot effects of the one heart curse in favor of romance quite a bit
evil god??? there is a god named evil god??
i think girlie has grown proper fond of sauron // she is acting so 'oppaaaa' aegyo-y to him rn
who tf sleeps with their arms crossed, sauron, you can be such a pouty child sometimes
i am glad they showed the effect on all the soldiers and families that die in meaningless battles
soooo since she looks like an old woman, i guess in this universe immortals do age, just really really slowly
cue the 'why are you running meme' except its sauron being chased by an emotion
oh his emotions are growing! its cause she is the goddess of xiyun that can cure anything (oop)
i think daddy was losing the war and got desperate and traumatized his kids
she is wearing more jewellery! symbolism of her falling more in love and growing more comfortable by his side?
sauron: oh NO i am feeling an EMOTION
the founder of the moon tribe is lady yan, aka princess yue heheeh (atla reference)
jieli, honey, why did you have to make things so hard for yourself and try to steal
jieli stealing makes no sense, she is a smart woman, she wouldnt take that kinda risk
so sauron here is incredibly op and the big struggle he has to overcome is dealing with his own emotions
this is a very thinly veiled metaphor for men being fucked up and emotionally repressed and the women in their lives having the responsibility (even if taken willingly) to fix the emotions
langhua is THE 'i can fix him' girlie now that she cares about him
girlie always finds her backbone whenever it comes to a man smh
i think girlie and lesbian shopkeeper should date, dragon boy and sauron should date, girlie and sauron should date, and just be a fun polyamourous quartet
daddy is a qi deviated nie mingjue (mdzs/cql reference)
if the book is burnt to ashes, how are you gonna find a random pile of ashes? how do you know its the book? // someone very conveniently collected the ashes and put them back in the original box and put the box in the throne
if the final step to the ritual is patricide, how will he successfully complete the ritual this time?
bro just became ghost rider
also why was there a throne in the bedroom of daddy?
difference between daddy and sauron and the nie bros is that nhs always knew his brother loved him very much (mdzs/cql reference)
she is INSANE to willingly jump into a whirlpool to go to the afterlife to ask a very scary demon lord if he loved his son // girlie is one dedicated pr agent
she is just supermanning through this water // and he is ironmanning through it
if the guqin was repaired by magic, why can you see the cracks?
its a tragedy innit
oh why do i get the feeling he is gonna have to kill her to win some kinda battle and control hellfire again
this dad is the exact opposite of elio's dad in cmbyn
they are practically shoving the cinematic parallels in my face
also there was absolutely NO need to get shirtless lmao he just wanted to show off
give him a hug, girlie // YES // wow // that must be his first hug since his nanny // fuck the patriarchy for not letting men hug each other
sauron with his hair down is a LOOK
emo boy wanted to spend time with his gegeee
she has huge asian mom energy by bribing him with food
i'm not sure if he still wants to take over the fairy tribe or not, this could be a potential conflict in the future
is girlie STILL in denial about her liking him? boy you like the IDEA of ice man but the actual sauron. stop lying to yourself
LMAO he's like i will kill everyone for you so you can go back homee
ice god is suffering from a sad case of second lead syndrome
wow security at the tower is BAD if she was able to sneak him out so easily
dont you dare follow him danyin // NO // do NOT // oh fuck me // ofcourse she did
i wanted some fun mortal shenanigans, not this angst
girlie there are only a few people in shuiyuntian that are worth leaving a powerful man who you've got in the palm of your hands
i think its so funny the mortal realm is called yunmeng lake
dragon boy and lesbian shopkeeper are slick wit it
so the show is shipping my bisexual icons the shopkeeper and dragon boy?? i can fuck with that
oh wow the girlies are gaslighting and manipulating love that for them
you mean to tell me a mansion of this size was simply up for sale???
being a brothel entertainer is probably what being an idol was like
DID BISEXUAL SHOPKEEPER JUST EAT A RAW BHINDI (a bhindi is a ladysfinger vegetable)
the voice actor is giving the ice mans dad so much more oomph than the actor
oh god mortal ice man is gonna fall for fake mortal girlie
sauron: what is this strange illness that has befallen me // dragon boy: idk man but i have it too // me: WUV
daddy again? i thought we were done with this arc // but i guess you cant heal from trauma that easily
that moon is huge, at this size it would most definitely flood the earth
i wonder whether lady si ming will make an appearance in this story
motral jack frost was BORN with the jade??? did it also come out of his mortal moms fanny??
sauron: jealousy jealousyy
jack frost, being the true artist that he is, getting creative in the middle of the night
the way you can tell that girlie is well and truly over jack frost is that she seems excited about his match with lady war
and that kids, is what you call a self fulfilling prophecy
this is a whole grown ass man, and theyre making him go back to school??
JACK FROST CALLED SAURON HIS ZHIJI??? // proof that polyamory is always the answer
finally!! the batman and lady war backstory i have been waiting for
honestly i am all for destroying shuiyuntian, i have no reason to side with the so called heroes of this show
what is it with disciples that are unhealthily attached to their masters and are willing to go to literally any lengths to revive them after dying // the sam and dean style of unhealthy attachement (eternal love, supernatural references)
human jack frost is such a simp
how is it ep 23 and there still hasnt been a love confession
so sauron is a makeup artist too?? // the james charles of ugly makeup??
i love when incredibly powerful men are vain bitches
they are beneficial conqueror vs peace loving hippie couple
jack frost is a playboy but he will never steal another mans love. it doesnt matter if the woman says no, the only barrier in his road is another man laying claim
siblings or dating: cdrama edition
pissy and bitchy dongfang qingcang IS SO FUNNY I AM DYINGG
dont just tell me that catwoman killed everyone, SHOW ME // i wanna SEE her go on a murderous rampage
honestly the bisexual power couple's dynamic, jieli and shangque, is suited to my taste. her just bullying him and him liking it
girlie has incest on her mind
"asking for a friend"
not jieli actually saying 'i am not like other girls'
jieli is a BUSINESSWOMAN she has no time for ROMANCE
girlie is having deja vu
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This was it for episodes 13-24! There will definitely be a part 3 for the last 12 episodes.
PS: I alternate between calling changheng ice god and jack frost, and variations, but they are the same person!
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pagebypagereviews · 15 days
From the moment you pick up *The Family Across the Street: A Totally Unputdownable Psychological Thriller with a Shocking Twist*, you'll be captivated by its suspense-laden narrative and intricate plot. Written by Nicole Trope, this gripping thriller propels readers into a terrifying mystery nestled within a seemingly idyllic suburban setting. Trope masterfully crafts a story that is as much about the secrets that fester behind closed doors as it is about the shocking and unforeseeable events that bind families together. With its aptly woven web of lies, danger, and deeply buried truths, this book epitomizes the allure of psychological thrillers, hooking readers from the very first page. In a genre notorious for repeated tropes, *The Family Across the Street* stands out not just for its vigorous pace and high-stakes drama but also for its keen insight into human psychology. The novel addresses the intricate dynamics of trust, betrayal, and the unseen horrors that can reside just a wall away. By offering a penetrating look into the lives of its characters, Trope doesn't just aim to thrill; she challenges readers to question their perceptions of safety and normalcy in their own communities. This book effectively resolves the problem of stale, predictable psychological thrillers, offering instead an enthralling experience punctuated with a twist so shocking, it leaves a lasting imprint on the psyche. ## Plot The plot of "The Family Across the Street: A Totally Unputdownable Psychological Thriller with a Shocking Twist" by Nicole Trope revolves around the mysterious and suspenseful dynamics between neighbors in a seemingly serene suburb. The story kicks off with the arrival of the West family in their new home, stirring curiosity and suspicion in the otherwise quiet neighborhood. The core of the narrative focuses on the escalating tension between the West family and their neighbors across the street, sparked by subtle yet disturbing events. Central to the plot is how the ostensibly perfect façade of the West family begins to crack under the weight of suspicion. Suspense builds incrementally, with the author masterfully employing misdirection to keep the readers guessing about the true nature of the family's secrets. The story is punctuated by multiple twists, each cleverly crafted to propel the narrative forward and deepen the mystery. One notable twist involves a hidden past that significantly alters the reader's understanding of the character dynamics and motivations, adding layers of complexity to the story. The plot is not linear but rather oscillates between present events and past incidents, allowing readers to piece together clues over time. This structure effectively maintains the tension and pacing, making the novel difficult to put down. The climax is particularly riveting, as all the built-up tensions reach a peak, culminating in an unexpected resolution that leaves a lasting impression. ## Characters The characters in "The Family Across the Street" are richly developed, each contributing to the overall suspense and emotional depth of the story. The protagonist, a seemingly ordinary neighbor named Kate, serves as the reader's primary viewpoint into the unfolding drama. She is a relatable and empathetic character whose curiosity and concern for her neighbors drive much of the plot. Her evolution from a passive observer to an active participant is both believable and compelling. The West family members are portrayed with layered complexities, making them multidimensional and unpredictable. The patriarch, John West, is a character shrouded in ambiguity. His outwardly calm and composed demeanor hides a tumultuous past, which slowly unfurls as the plot progresses. His wife, Alex West, is a particularly intriguing character, whose initial portrayal as a submissive spouse gradually shifts to reveal a more nuanced and tragic figure. Child characters also play a crucial role, adding to the emotional weight of the narrative. Their
innocence and vulnerability heighten the stakes, making the reader more invested in the outcome of the story. Secondary characters, like other neighbors and local authorities, are sketched with enough detail to add depth without overshadowing the main cast. These supporting roles are essential in creating a believable community setting and advancing the plot. ## Writing Style Nicole Trope's writing style in "The Family Across the Street" is characterized by its crisp, succinct prose and compelling narrative voice. The author excels in creating a tense atmosphere through carefully chosen words and phrases that evoke unease. Dialogue is realistic and serves to illuminate character traits and relationships without veering into melodrama. The pacing of the book is another standout feature of Trope's writing. Short, punchy chapters contribute to an urgent, fast-paced reading experience. The use of cliffhangers at the end of each chapter keeps the reader hooked, fostering a "just one more chapter" mentality that makes the book difficult to put down. Trope's descriptive passages are evocative without being overly verbose, striking a balance that allows readers to visualize the scenes clearly while maintaining the story's momentum. Her ability to weave nuanced emotional experiences into the fabric of the plot enriches the overall narrative, making the psychological aspects of the thriller more potent. ## Setting The setting of "The Family Across the Street" plays an integral role in amplifying the suspense and drama of the story. The suburban neighborhood is portrayed with meticulous attention to detail, creating an environment that feels both familiar and unsettling. The tranquility of the setting contrasts sharply with the undercurrents of tension, making the darker aspects of the plot even more jarring. Key locations within the neighborhood, such as the West family's home, the local park, and neighboring houses, are described vividly, each contributing to the story's atmosphere. The homes become almost secondary characters, their layouts and features providing crucial context for various plot developments. The West home, for instance, is depicted as both a sanctuary and a prison, reflecting the duality of what it means to the family members. Seasonal and weather elements are also utilized effectively to heighten the tension. Rainy nights, oppressive heat, and sudden storms serve as metaphors for the emotional and psychological turmoils the characters endure. Tiny, everyday details, such as the creak of a floorboard or the rustling of leaves, are imbued with sinister significance, turning the mundane into potential threats. ## Unique Aspects "The Family Across the Street" distinguishes itself from typical psychological thrillers through several unique aspects, one of which is the dual narrative structure. The story is often told from different viewpoints, giving the reader a multifaceted understanding of events. This approach not only builds suspense but also allows for a deeper exploration of each character's psychology. Another unique element is the novel's exploration of social themes such as domestic abuse, mental health, and the hidden struggles within "perfect" families. Trope tackles these issues with sensitivity, integrating them seamlessly into the story without diverting from the thriller elements. This gives the book an added layer of depth, encouraging readers to reflect on broader societal issues while being entertained. The unpredictable plot twists set this book apart from conventional thrillers. The author employs misdirection not just for the sake of surprise but to enrich the narrative and enhance character development. These twists are cleverly foreshadowed, making them feel both unexpected and inevitable upon their reveal. Attention to small, seemingly inconsequential details that later play a significant role in the plot is another unique characteristic of Trope's writing. These details, which might be dismissed
in a casual reading, often resurface in critical moments, adding a satisfying sense of coherence and forethought to the narrative structure. This meticulous attention to detail rewards careful readers and makes the book a satisfying puzzle to unravel. Similar to The Family Across the Street: A totally unputdownable psychological thriller with a shocking twist Book Review Pros Cons Engaging Plot The storyline is gripping and keeps readers hooked, impacting user experience by maintaining consistent interest throughout the novel. Well-Developed Characters The characters are complex and relatable, offering readers a deeper connection to the story and enhancing overall satisfaction. Shocking Twist The unexpected twist is well-executed, providing a satisfying sense of surprise that makes the book memorable and enjoyable. Fast-Paced Narrative The brisk pace ensures that there is never a dull moment, which enhances engagement and keeps readers eager to turn the next page. Predictable Elements Some aspects of the plot may be predictable for seasoned thriller readers, potentially impacting the overall sense of surprise and novelty. Pacing Issues While generally fast-paced, there are occasional slow sections that might affect the flow and potentially disengage some readers. Character Stereotypes Certain character traits might feel stereotypical or clichéd, which can detract from the initial interest in their development and interactions. Unresolved Subplots A few subplots may feel underdeveloped or unresolved, leaving readers with unanswered questions and a sense of incomplete narrative closure. Plot and Theme When considering "The Family Across the Street: A totally unputdownable psychological thriller with a shocking twist" by Nicole Trope, potential buyers should first contemplate the plot and theme. This book falls under the psychological thriller genre, known for its gripping narratives and unexpected twists. Evaluate whether you enjoy stories centered around ordinary families with dark secrets and unpredictable outcomes. Consider if the theme of mystery and suspense aligns with your reading preferences to ensure a satisfying literary experience. Author Reputation Nicole Trope, the author of this book, has carved out a niche in the psychological thriller genre. Before making a purchase, research her other works and read reviews from readers who have previously engaged with her books. Familiarity with the author's reputation can provide insights into the quality and style of writing, as well as consistency in delivering captivating and well-executed plots. This background information can be critical for fans of the genre seeking reliable storytelling. Reader Reviews and Ratings Examining reader reviews and ratings on platforms such as Amazon, Goodreads, and other book review sites can be invaluable. Look for patterns in the feedback to gauge common opinions about the book’s suspense level, pacing, character development, and overall satisfaction. These insights help in understanding what actual readers appreciated or disliked, enabling you to make a more informed decision based on collective experiences. Sample Chapters and Previews Take advantage of sample chapters or previews provided on various platforms. Reading the first few pages can give you a feel for the writing style, tone, and initial intrigue. This strategy can help determine whether the book captivates your interest from the beginning and if Nicole Trope’s narrative voice resonates with you. Many e-book retailers and libraries offer snippets to entice readers, making this an excellent opportunity to test the waters. Genre Suitability Consider your affinity for psychological thrillers and your previous experiences with similar books. Reflect on other titles within the genre that you have enjoyed or disliked and draw comparisons. This reflection helps establish a benchmark and aids in identifying whether "The Family Across the Street" fits your specific tastes.
Knowing your genre preferences can streamline your selection process and maximize enjoyment. Book Format and Availability Investigate the various formats available for "The Family Across the Street." For convenience, check whether the book is available in hardcover, paperback, e-book, or audiobook. Format availability can influence your purchase based on personal reading habits and preferences. If you prefer listening to books while commuting or during workouts, an audiobook might be more suitable. Conversely, traditional book lovers might prefer a physical paperback or hardcover edition. Price and Discounts Look at the pricing across different retailers, including online stores and brick-and-mortar bookstores. It’s also beneficial to check for any ongoing promotions, discounts, or bundle deals. Being aware of different price points and offers can help you make a cost-effective purchase. Many online platforms offer competitive pricing and occasional discounts, providing opportunities to buy books at a lower cost. Recommendations and Bestseller Lists Consulting bestseller lists and curated recommendations from reputable review sites and book clubs can provide additional guidance. Books featured in these lists often have a proven track record of reader satisfaction and widespread appeal. "The Family Across the Street" might have gained accolades or been featured in notable lists, indicating its popularity and quality within the thriller genre. ```html FAQ What is "The Family Across the Street" about? "The Family Across the Street: A Totally Unputdownable Psychological Thriller with a Shocking Twist" is a suspense-filled novel that revolves around the lives of a seemingly normal family. Tensions and dark secrets begin to unfold when unexpected events lead to a shocking climax. Is this book part of a series? No, "The Family Across the Street" is a standalone novel. You can enjoy the story without the need to read any other books before or after. What genre does this book fall under? The book is a psychological thriller, focusing on suspense, intense emotions, and unexpected plot twists that keep readers on the edge of their seats. Who is the author of the book? The author of "The Family Across the Street" is Nicole Trope, known for her gripping psychological thrillers that delve into complex human emotions and dramatic situations. What age group is the book suitable for? This book is intended for adult readers due to its complex themes and mature content. It may not be suitable for younger readers. Are there any content warnings for this book? Yes, the book contains themes of domestic tension, psychological manipulation, and some violent scenes. Sensitive readers should proceed with caution. How long is the book? The book has approximately 264 pages, making it a moderately lengthy read that can be comfortably finished within a few sittings. How would you describe the book's pacing? The book maintains a fast-paced narrative with constant developments and suspenseful turns, keeping readers engaged from beginning to end. Is there a film or TV adaptation of the book? As of now, there is no film or television adaptation of "The Family Across the Street." The book is currently only available in written format. Where can I buy the book? The book is available for purchase through various online retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and in local bookstores. It is also available in both digital and print formats. ``` In conclusion, "The Family Across the Street: A Totally Unputdownable Psychological Thriller with a Shocking Twist" stands out as a must-read for fans of suspense and psychological intricacies. Its gripping plot, well-developed characters, and unexpected twists ensure that readers are kept on the edge of their seats from beginning to end. This novel not only captivates with its thrilling narrative but also provides deep insights into human behavior and the darkness that can lurk behind closed doors. As you turn each page,
you will find yourself drawn further into a maze of suspense that makes it incredibly hard to put down. Whether you are an avid thriller enthusiast or new to the genre, "The Family Across the Street" offers an unforgettable literary experience that is both chilling and profoundly engaging. Don't miss out on this spellbinding read that promises to leave you in awe with its masterful storytelling and unpredictable ending. Other The Family Across the Street: A totally unputdownable psychological thriller with a shocking twist Book Review buying options
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duxiaomin-blog · 2 months
The Aesthetic Similarities and Differences between Baroque, Rococo, and French Chinoiserie
In the fields of art and architecture, the aesthetic styles of different periods exhibit distinct characteristics that reflect the social, cultural, and historical changes of their times. Baroque, Rococo, and French Chinoiserie, as three different aesthetic movements, emerged at different stages of European history, each presenting a unique and diverse artistic appearance.
The Baroque style originated in 17th-century Italy and quickly spread throughout Europe. Its core concept is to express emotion through exaggeration and movement while emphasizing grandeur and solemnity. During the Baroque period, artists often used rich decorations, curved lines, and sculptures to create a strong religious or political atmosphere. Typical architectural features include large domes, symmetrical structures, and lavish decorations. In terms of aesthetic concepts, Baroque works frequently used gold alongside deep, rich colors to emphasize the solemnity of religion and politics, focusing on the expression of the sacred and authoritative, with a tendency towards a more masculine aesthetic.
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The Jesuit Church in Vienna (German: Jesuitenkirche) is a two-story, twin-towered church influenced by the early Baroque style, redesigned by Andrea Pozzo between 1703 and 1705. Although its exterior is relatively plain, the interior is adorned with lavish faux marble columns, classic domes typical of Baroque architecture, symmetrical structures, gilded decorations, and numerous allegorical ceiling frescoes. The ceiling is divided into four compartments, with the frescoes employing trompe-l’œil techniques to create an illusion of depth, simulating a dome, even though they are painted on flat sections of the ceiling. This is a true masterpiece of the Baroque period.
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In Rubens’ paintings, he creates a strong sense of dynamism in the figures and scenes through vivid poses, flowing compositions, and rich colors. By using bright, full, and impactful colors with strong contrasts between light and dark, he enhances the dramatic and captivating quality of the artwork. This drama, generated by the dynamic postures and the contrast between deep and saturated colors, is a key characteristic of paintings from the Baroque period.
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The Rococo style, which emerged in 18th-century France, developed as an evolution and resistance to the Baroque style. While it inherited the sense of movement from Baroque, featuring rich curves and surfaces, Rococo diverged by emphasizing lightness, elegance, and whimsy. Its decorations were generally more delicate and lighter than those of the Baroque. Starting from the late 17th century, Europe was influenced by Chinese imports and the accounts and writings of missionaries, reaching a peak during the reign of Louis XV. As a result, the Rococo style was heavily influenced by the Oriental aesthetics of Chinoiserie, featuring asymmetric compositions and incorporating Eastern motifs such as scrolling vines and floral and bird patterns, with a greater focus on expressions of nature. Influenced by these Eastern aesthetics, the color palette shifted away from the solemn and oppressive tones of Baroque to softer pastels, focusing more on personal emotions and emphasizing a relaxed, joyful, and sensual atmosphere. It represents an aesthetic inclined towards feminine sensibilities.
From the Rococo-style gilded carved wooden mirrors in the Sotheby collection, one can clearly see the asymmetrical compositions derived from Oriental aesthetics and the Rococo’s classic pursuit of lavish decoration. This includes the gilding inherited from the Baroque style and the lightness and dynamic movement in the floral and vine decorations.
The true Chinoiserie began in the late 13th century when the Italian Marco Polo visited the Yuan Dynasty’s capital and reached its peak in the mid-18th century, influencing nearly every European country. The emergence of French Chinoiserie indirectly influenced the development of the Rococo style, uniquely blending Chinese elements with traditional European art. French Chinoiserie introduced Chinese motifs, expressing a longing for exotic cultures. Overall, French Chinoiserie features distinct Chinese characteristics, such as Chinese figures with hats, buildings with upturned eaves, and asymmetrical compositions, while incorporating European traditional art aesthetics. This includes the integration with the Rococo style, the light and shadow techniques upheld in Boucher’s paintings, the full-bodied European forms, and various fantastical imaginations about China. This made French Chinoiserie a new style, a European fantasy about China, and a cross-cultural aesthetic experience.
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The “Shimmering Crane” brooch by Chucui Palace, a high-end jewelry brand with roots in an Italian jewelry family from the mid-20th century, showcases French Chinoiserie jewelry that emphasizes the curves and surfaces characteristic of the Rococo style. The entire piece displays a strong sense of movement created by its flowing curves, embodying a “wind-and-water” dynamic. The design features the classic Chinoiserie asymmetrical composition and uses soft pastel blues, a color choice inspired by the Rococo palette. Beyond these Rococo influences, the piece draws inspiration from the traditional Chinese ink painting technique of shading, meticulously setting various shades of blue gemstones to achieve the purity and gradient effects of ink washes. The entire piece highlights the deep connections between French Chinoiserie, Rococo style, and traditional Chinese elements.
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Among the Sotheby’s collection is a gilt-bronze ornament from the reign of Louis XV, featuring German porcelain of a “Chinese family” motif. This piece of French Chinoiserie is adorned with a Chinese-style pavilion with a pagoda roof and three groups of Chinese figures. However, the figures’ full-bodied forms and the delicate decoration with rococo scroll leaves and gilding remain distinctly European and Rococo in style. While incorporating elements of porcelain, the piece engages with it through a European sculptural approach, imbuing the entire work with the dramatic tension inherent in French Chinoiserie’s cross-cultural blend of materials, elements, and expressions, making it highly valuable artistically.
At the intersection of aesthetics, Baroque, Rococo, and French Chinoiserie each bloom with unique brilliance, presenting a rich and colorful artistic realm. Baroque contributes its grandeur and solemnity, Rococo offers lightness and elegance, and French Chinoiserie provides a wondrous blend of exotic cultures, together forming an exquisite artistic tapestry. These three styles not only reflect the cultural essence of their respective eras but also create new aesthetic possibilities at their intersections. In this fusion of arts, we witness the continuity of history and the integration of cultures. This is not only a celebration of art but also a dialogue across time and space, awakening the viewer’s sensitivity and curiosity towards diverse cultures. It embodies the inclusiveness and innovation of aesthetics, showcasing the eternal allure of art.
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unitedstatesofworld · 2 months
Rolling Through Love: The Sweet and Tangy World of Jelly Roll Relationships
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Relationships, much like a jelly roll, are layered, sweet, and a bit sticky. Whether you're new to the term or have heard it tossed around before, "jelly roll relationships" might just be the perfect analogy for the romantic rollercoaster you're on. Picture this: soft, sweet layers of love, all rolled up with a sticky filling of emotions, passion, and a few unexpected twists. Intrigued? The sticky goodness and see what makes jelly roll relationships such a unique and captivating dynamic.
What Are Jelly Roll Relationships?
Layers of Love and Connection
At its core, a jelly roll relationship is about layers—lots and lots of them. Just like the desert, these relationships have a foundation that’s sweet and soft but come with layers that need careful attention and maintenance. Imagine rolling up love, trust, communication, and a bit of drama into one tight package. It sounds delightful, but if not handled properly, things can get messy fast.
Jelly roll relationships are often characterized by:
Intense Emotional Bonds: The “filling” of the relationship is usually rich with passion, emotions, and sometimes even drama.
Complexity: With so many layers, things aren’t always straightforward. These relationships require effort, understanding, and a willingness to navigate through the tangy bits.
Surprises: Much like a jelly roll might have a surprise filling, these relationships often come with unexpected twists—good and bad.
Why Do We Fall for Jelly Roll Relationships?
So, why are people drawn to jelly roll relationships? The answer is simple: they’re exciting! The rollercoaster of emotions, the deep connection, and the thrill of the unknown make these relationships incredibly alluring. People who crave intensity and depth often find themselves in jelly roll relationships, reveling in the highs and sometimes even the lows.
The Sweetness of Jelly Roll Relationships
Passion and Chemistry
One of the biggest draws of jelly roll relationships is the passion. When things are good, they’re really good. The chemistry between partners can be electric, making every moment feel like it’s charged with energy. This passion can bring out the best in both partners, pushing them to grow, connect, and explore their relationship on a deeper level.
Pro Tip: To keep the passion alive, don’t be afraid to explore new things together—whether it’s a hobby, travel, or even just trying a new restaurant.
Emotional Intimacy
In a jelly roll relationship, emotional intimacy is often at its peak. The connection between partners is deep, and there’s a strong sense of understanding and empathy. This kind of bond is rare and can be incredibly fulfilling.
Pro Tip: Communication is key to maintaining emotional intimacy. Make time to talk—really talk—about your feelings, dreams, and concerns.
Excitement and Adventure
Let’s face it: jelly roll relationships are anything but boring. The constant twists and turns keep things exciting and can make the relationship feel like an adventure. If you’re someone who loves spontaneity, this might be the perfect relationship style for you.
Pro Tip: Embrace the adventure! Plan surprise dates, spontaneous trips, or just do something out of the ordinary to keep the excitement alive.
The Sticky Parts of Jelly Roll Relationships
Emotional Overload
With great passion comes great responsibility—or, in this case, emotional overload. Jelly roll relationships can be overwhelming at times, with emotions running high and conflicts flaring up more often than in other relationship styles. This can lead to burnout if not managed properly.
Pro Tip: Don’t be afraid to take a step back and breathe. It’s okay to have some time apart to recharge and regain perspective.
Communication Breakdown
Given the intensity of jelly roll relationships, communication is crucial. However, with so much going on, it’s easy for things to get lost in translation. Misunderstandings can quickly escalate into full-blown arguments if both partners aren’t careful.
Pro Tip: Make sure to practice active listening. Sometimes, just hearing your partner out can diffuse a situation before it gets out of hand.
The Roller Coaster Effect
While the highs of a jelly roll relationship can be exhilarating, the lows can be equally devastating. The emotional ups and downs can create a rollercoaster effect, leaving both partners feeling drained and uncertain at times.
Pro Tip: Establish a strong support system outside of your relationship. Friends, family, or even a therapist can provide valuable perspectives and support during tough times.
How to Roll with It: Navigating Jelly Roll Relationships
Set Boundaries
In any relationship, but especially in a jelly roll relationship, boundaries are crucial. Knowing what’s okay and what’s not helps both partners feel secure and respected.
Pro Tip: Have an open conversation about boundaries early on. Revisit them as the relationship evolves to make sure you’re both on the same page.
Keep the Communication Flowing
It can’t be stressed enough: communication is the lifeblood of a jelly roll relationship. Without it, things can get sticky—fast. Make sure to check in with your partner regularly and express how you’re feeling.
Pro Tip: Use “I” statements when discussing your feelings. This can help prevent your partner from feeling attacked and keep the conversation constructive.
Embrace the Sweet and the Tangy
Jelly roll relationships are a mix of sweet and tangy moments. Embracing both sides of the equation is key to making the relationship work. Remember, it’s the contrast that makes the relationship dynamic and keeps things interesting.
Pro Tip: Celebrate the sweet moments and learn from the tangy ones. Every experience is an opportunity to grow closer.
Jelly roll relationships are as sweet, sticky, and satisfying as the dessert they’re named after. They come with their fair share of challenges, but for those who are drawn to deep connections and a bit of excitement, they can be incredibly rewarding. Whether you’re already in a jelly roll relationship or curious about exploring one, remember to embrace the layers, communicate openly, and enjoy the sweet moments as they come. After all, love is all about rolling with the punches—and the sweetness!
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suelenlasquevski · 4 months
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"The Idea of Being Seen"
I think it was in September 2022 that I read something about the fanfic "The Idea of You" being in production for the cinema. I wasn't surprised by this, as adapting this category of stories to film is a safe bet. After all, you can't hope for a more niche target and safer audience than that.
What struck me the most was learning that Anne Hathaway was not only starring in the movie but also involved in the production. And the Anne factor was the main reason why I gave this movie a chance a few weeks ago. I am very eclectic when it comes to music; however, I can be extremely picky when it comes to books, especially the ones that make it to the silver screen.
Although I think it is amazing that someone feels such a strong connection with an artist (or even well-known books) to the point of letting their imagination go loose enough to come up with creations of their own, I have this concept that, most of the time, art derived from infatuation for artists or characters tends to have weak plotlines. Since, most of the time, these types of fan art are not interested in telling a story; their goal is to make a fantasy come alive. Usually, the characters are poorly written: there is no emotional depth, there are no psychological traits that explain why they act the way they do. There is only the need to reach the climax: the scene where the ripped guy takes off his shirt because he is soaking wet from the rain that conveniently poured while he was on the way to the girl's house.
Don't get me wrong. I know that there is a big difference between this type of movie and porn. Usually, in fanfics, the "take off the wet shirt" scene comes right before the guy realizes, while he contemplates the emptiness of his life, that he is in love with this girl and he has to see her immediately to tell her about his feelings. They may or may not have sex after it, but this urge to run for the person the hunky character has feelings for and physically express their feelings is what is driving the wheels of the narrative. And right after this peak is reached, there is nothing left to do but to stall for a few more scenes, where usually the bad guys are punished for their actions and the side characters appear one last time before vanishing from the narrative. So, why the hell did Anne Hathaway get involved in a fanfic?
A smile always comes to my face when I think of her. I still remember the first time that I watched her in the movies. The messed-up hair girl who found out that she was the heir to the throne of Genovia. As years went by, Anne's roles in the movies evolved, and she tried on different genres: musicals, action, dramas. My absolute favorite being "One Day". The Emma Morley in me resonated with her interpretation of the British teacher turned-writer, who was forever in love with her best friend. I felt like I owed it to Anne. I had to understand why she decided to seal this movie. And I did.
If you look from the outside, at first glance, the premise of the movie revolves around the cliche of an older woman finding herself involved with a much younger guy. But there are certain nuances in the narrative that made me think about the underlined message of "The Idea of You" and maybe why the story was appealing to Anne.
To make my point, let's just ignore the fact that the character Hayes Campbell is heavily inspired by Harry Styles. That minor detail alone explains why anyone would buy the "take off the wet t-shirt and jump into bed with him" at any sight of a micro opportunity. The truth must be told.
Now, wearing the 40-year-old woman's shoes, which fit me perfectly since, just like Anne, I am also 41 years old, from the comfy gray couch I was watching the movie, I felt SEEN!
At every stage of our human existence, it is implied by society that certain milestones must be reached: college graduation, a steady committed relationship that leads to marriage and probably children, acquiring a house, a car, and making sacrifices to build a successful career. Not all people reach these targets, not all people arrive at these stages in the order I listed them, nor is it mandatory to check all these boxes to find fulfillment in life. However, even though we are a species with the capacity of being aware of our thoughts, we are constantly bombarded with subliminal messages that program us to function in an auto-pilot mode that leads us along this path. And although it is the same road, its traffic conditions can be quite different for men and women.
Who never heard that a certain man "is just like wine, gets better with time." Silver hair makes a man charming, but a woman sloppy. Being a man with high career goals is praised, while trying for that promotion in a law firm when you are a woman might be considered greed. Add a layer of selfishness if she chooses to prioritize her career and not have kids. And God forbid if she doesn't want to get married. What a bitch!
Life is not a video game; however, it is also made of levels, and we might fail and stumble on incredibly challenging obstacles before moving to the next one. Sometimes, we advance to the next phase and forget that the game is still on, and we must keep playing; otherwise, we might find ourselves back into a stage we thought we had overcome. Quite often, we stand still in a comfortable yet, borderline boredom place, and we stay there because we don't know the rules of what might come next.
Anne Hathaway's Solene had advanced and then went back a few levels in her game of life. She had a college graduation, a marriage, a house, a kid, and a job, but the stability that comes along with the doubtful feeling that you are winning the game also brought infidelity and divorce. Now back to the level of finding herself single, Solene had no choice but to focus on what remained from the previous experience: her daughter, her house, her job. And although it seemed that she was willing to play the game of dating again, she was not expecting that someone would deal the love card.
And it was not the usual someone that we are programmed to expect her to choose. It was not the guy who was also divorced with kids. Nor the 40-something serial dater who can't commit. It was someone who, although we are in 2024, might still be considered a "taboo," but only if you are a woman: it was a YOUNGER guy.
Being a member of a boy band was another part of the cliche, and I get it. Hot, rich, and famous equal appeal. But these adjectives only added an extra flavor to the excitement and the butterflies that normally come with infatuation. They were also necessary to "justify" the twists and turns of the narrative: trying to conceal a relationship from the media, the reaction of angry fans, and the jealousy that being happy may cause.
The audacity of a woman in her forties giving herself another chance and breaking free from societal expectations is the film's true conflict. Solene’s journey isn’t just about falling in love with a younger man; it’s about rediscovering herself and reclaiming her desires, regardless of age
The film subtly critiques the double standards women face and highlights the courage it takes to live authentically in a world that constantly tries to confine them to predefined roles.
Watching Solene navigate her feelings and societal judgment was a refreshing experience. It served as a reminder that life doesn’t have to be linear, and personal growth doesn’t cease at a certain age. Anne Hathaway’s portrayal brought depth to Solene’s character, making her struggles and triumphs relatable. The movie underscores that it’s never too late to pursue happiness and that love can come from the most unexpected places, challenging the notion that women over forty should settle for less.
The nuanced narrative of "The Idea of You" goes beyond the clichés of an older woman-younger man romance. It delves into the complexities of self-acceptance and the courage to defy societal norms. Solene’s relationship with Hayes, though unconventional, becomes a vehicle for exploring broader themes of empowerment and self-worth. It’s about a woman reclaiming her narrative and choosing what fulfills her, rather than what’s expected of her.
Anne Hathaway’s involvement in the project, both as an actress and a producer, adds a layer of authenticity and significance to the film. Her choice to back this story underscores the importance of diverse narratives in mainstream media, especially those that resonate with women navigating midlife. Hathaway’s Solene is not just a character; she is a representation of many women who dare to redefine their lives and pursue their passions unapologetically.
"The Idea of You" is more than just a romantic drama; it is a story of self-discovery, resilience, and breaking free from societal constraints. It resonated with me because it mirrored the reality of many women striving to find their own paths amidst societal pressures. The film serves as a powerful reminder that every woman’s journey is unique and that embracing one's truth can lead to the most fulfilling chapters of life.
A Ideia de Ser Vista
Acho que foi em setembro de 2022 que li algo sobre a fanfic "The Idea of You" estar em produção para o cinema. Isso não me surpreendeu, pois adaptar essa categoria de histórias para o cinema é uma aposta segura. Afinal, você não pode esperar por um público-alvo mais específico e seguro do que esse.
O que mais me chamou a atenção foi saber que Anne Hathaway não apenas estrelaria o filme, mas também estava envolvida na produção. E o fator Anne foi a principal razão pela qual dei uma chance a esse filme algumas semanas atrás. Sou muito eclética quando se trata de música, no entanto, posso ser extremamente exigente quando se trata de livros, especialmente os que chegam às telas de cinema.
Embora eu ache incrível que alguém sinta uma conexão tão forte com um artista (ou mesmo com livros bem conhecidos) a ponto de permitir que sua imaginação se solte o suficiente para criar suas próprias criações, tenho esse conceito de que, na maioria das vezes, a arte derivada do encantamento por artistas ou personagens tende a ter enredos fracos, já que, na maioria das vezes, esse tipo de fanart não está interessado em contar uma história: seu objetivo é fazer uma fantasia ganhar vida. Normalmente, os personagens são mal escritos: não há profundidade emocional, não há traços psicológicos que expliquem por que agem da maneira como agem. Há apenas a necessidade de alcançar o clímax: a cena em que o cara rasgado tira a camisa porque está encharcado pela chuva que convenientemente caiu enquanto ele estava a caminho da casa da garota.
Não me entenda mal. Sei que há uma grande diferença entre esse tipo de filme e pornografia. Normalmente, nas fanfics, a cena "tirar a camisa molhada" vem logo antes de o cara perceber, enquanto contempla o vazio de sua vida, que está apaixonado por essa garota e precisa vê-la imediatamente para contar a ela sobre seus sentimentos. Eles podem ou não fazer sexo depois, mas esse desejo de correr atrás da pessoa por quem o personagem bonitão tem sentimentos e expressar fisicamente seus sentimentos é o que move as engrenagens da narrativa. E logo após esse clímax ser atingido, não resta mais nada a fazer além de esperar por algumas cenas extras, onde normalmente os vilões são punidos por suas ações e os personagens secundários aparecem pela última vez antes de desaparecerem da narrativa. Então, por que diabos Anne Hathaway se envolveu em uma fanfic?
Um sorriso sempre aparece no meu rosto quando penso nela. Ainda me lembro da primeira vez que a vi nos filmes. A garota de cabelos bagunçados que descobriu que era a herdeira do trono de Genovia. Com o passar dos anos, os papéis de Anne nos filmes evoluíram e ela experimentou diferentes gêneros: musicais, ação, dramas. Meu favorito absoluto sendo "Um Dia". A Emma Morley em mim ressoou com sua interpretação da professora britânica transformada em escritora, que estava sempre apaixonada por seu melhor amigo. Senti que devia isso a Anne. Eu tinha que entender por que ela decidiu cancelar esse filme. E eu entendi.
Se olharmos de fora, à primeira vista, a premissa do filme gira em torno do clichê de uma mulher mais velha se envolvendo com um cara muito mais jovem. Mas há certos nuances na narrativa que me fizeram pensar na mensagem subjacente de "The Idea of You" e talvez por que a história tenha sido atraente para Anne.
Para fazer meu ponto, vamos apenas ignorar o fato de que o personagem Hayes Campbell é fortemente inspirado em Harry Styles. Apenas esse pequeno detalhe explica por que qualquer pessoa compraria o "tirar a camisa molhada e pular na cama com ele" a qualquer sinal de uma micro oportunidade. A verdade precisa ser dita.
Agora, calçando os sapatos de uma mulher de 40 anos, que se encaixam perfeitamente em mim, já que, assim como Anne, também tenho 41 anos, do confortável sofá cinza onde assistia ao filme, eu me senti VISTA!
Em cada estágio de nossa existência humana, é subentendido pela sociedade que certos marcos devem ser alcançados: formatura na faculdade, um relacionamento comprometido e estável que leva ao casamento e provavelmente a filhos, adquirir uma casa, um carro e fazer sacrifícios para construir uma carreira bem-sucedida. Nem todas as pessoas alcançam essas metas, nem todas as pessoas chegam a esses estágios na ordem que eu listei, nem é obrigatório marcar todas essas caixas para encontrar realização na vida. No entanto, mesmo sendo uma espécie com a capacidade de estar ciente de nossos pensamentos, estamos constantemente bombardeados com mensagens subliminares que nos programam para funcionar em um modo de piloto automático que nos leva por esse caminho. E embora seja a mesma estrada, as condições de tráfego podem ser bastante diferentes para homens e mulheres.
Quem nunca ouviu que um certo homem "é como vinho, melhora com o tempo". Cabelos prateados fazem um homem charmoso, mas uma mulher desleixada. Ser um homem com grandes objetivos de carreira é elogiado, enquanto tentar aquela promoção em um escritório de advocacia quando se é mulher pode ser considerado ganância. Adicione uma camada de egoísmo se ela optar por priorizar sua carreira e não ter filhos. E Deus nos livre se ela não quiser se casar. Que vadia!
A vida não é um videogame, no entanto, também é feita de níveis e podemos falhar e tropeçar em obstáculos incrivelmente desafiadores antes de avançar para o próximo. Às vezes, avançamos para a próxima fase e esquecemos que o jogo ainda está em andamento e que devemos continuar jogando, caso contrário, podemos nos encontrar de volta a um estágio que pensávamos ter superado. Muitas vezes, ficamos parados em um lugar confortável, porém, entediante, e permanecemos lá porque não conhecemos as regras do que pode vir a seguir.
Solène, de Anne Hathaway, avançou e depois retrocedeu alguns níveis em seu jogo da vida. Ela teve uma graduação universitária, um casamento, uma casa, um filho e um emprego, mas a estabilidade que vem junto com a sensação duvidosa de que está ganhando o jogo também trouxe infidelidade e divórcio. Agora de volta ao nível de se encontrar solteira, Solène não teve escolha senão se concentrar no que restou da experiência anterior: sua filha, sua casa, seu emprego. E embora parecesse que ela estava disposta a jogar o jogo do namoro novamente, ela não esperava que alguém jogasse a carta do amor.
E não foi o alguém comum que esperávamos que ela escolhesse. Não era o cara que também era divorciado com filhos. Nem o quarentão que não consegue se comprometer. Foi alguém que, embora estejamos em 2024, ainda pode ser considerado um "tabu", mas apenas se você for mulher: era um CARA MAIS JOVEM.
Ser membro de uma boy band era outra parte do clichê e eu entendo. Quente, rico e famoso equivale a apelo. Mas esses adjetivos apenas adicionaram um sabor extra à empolgação e às borboletas que normalmente vêm com a paixão. Eles também eram necessários para "justificar" as reviravoltas da narrativa: tentar esconder um relacionamento da mídia, a reação dos fãs raivosos e o ciúme que ser feliz pode causar.
A audácia de uma mulher na casa dos quarenta anos se dar outra chance e se libertar das expectativas sociais é o verdadeiro conflito do filme. A jornada de Solène não se trata apenas de se apaixonar por um homem mais jovem; trata-se de redescobrir a si mesma e reivindicar seus desejos, independentemente da idade. O filme critica sutilmente os duplos padrões que as mulheres enfrentam e destaca a coragem necessária para viver autenticamente em um mundo que constantemente tenta confiná-las a papéis predefinidos.
Ver Solène navegar por seus sentimentos e pelo julgamento da sociedade foi uma experiência refrescante. Serviu como um lembrete de que a vida não precisa ser linear e que o crescimento pessoal não cessa em uma certa idade. A interpretação de Anne Hathaway trouxe profundidade ao personagem de Solène, tornando suas lutas e triunfos relacionáveis. O filme enfatiza que nunca é tarde demais para buscar a felicidade e que o amor pode vir dos lugares mais inesperados, desafiando a noção de que mulheres com mais de quarenta anos deveriam se contentar com menos.
A narrativa sutil de "The Idea of You" vai além dos clichês de um romance entre uma mulher mais velha e um homem mais jovem. Explora as complexidades da autoaceitação e a coragem de desafiar as normas sociais. O relacionamento de Solène com Hayes, embora não convencional, torna-se um veículo para explorar temas mais amplos de empoderamento e autoestima. Trata-se de uma mulher reivindicando sua narrativa e escolhendo o que a realiza, em vez do que é esperado dela.
O envolvimento de Anne Hathaway no projeto, tanto como atriz quanto como produtora, acrescenta uma camada de autenticidade e significado ao filme. Sua escolha de apoiar essa história destaca a importância de narrativas diversas na mídia mainstream, especialmente aquelas que ressoam com mulheres que navegam pela meia-idade. Solène de Hathaway não é apenas um personagem; ela é uma representação de muitas mulheres que ousam redefinir suas vidas e perseguir suas paixões sem desculpas.
"The Idea of You" é mais do que apenas um drama romântico; é uma história de autodescoberta, resiliência e libertação das restrições sociais. Ressoou comigo porque espelhou a realidade de muitas mulheres lutando para encontrar seus próprios caminhos em meio às pressões sociais. O filme serve como um poderoso lembrete de que a jornada de cada mulher é única e que abraçar sua verdade pode levar aos capítulos mais gratificantes da vida.
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eternal3d2d · 4 months
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createstoryslides · 8 months
Create Story Slides
Create Story Slides, free Story Slides, online Story Slides
Title: Unveiling the Art of Storytelling through Engaging Story Slides
Introduction: In the dynamic realm of communication and presentation, the ability to convey a compelling story is a skill that transcends industries and captivates audiences. One powerful tool that has emerged in recent times is the art of creating story slides. These digital canvases offer a visually appealing and structured way to narrate a tale, delivering information in a manner that is not only informative but also captivating. In this exploration, we delve into the essence of creating story slides, uncovering the key elements and strategies that make for a truly engaging narrative.
Slide 1: Setting the Stage Every great story begins with a captivating introduction. The first slide serves as the stage-setter, establishing the theme and piquing the audience's curiosity. Whether it's a corporate presentation or a personal project, this slide should succinctly convey the essence of the story to come. A powerful image or a thought-provoking quote can be an excellent choice to grab attention and set the tone.
Slide 2-3: Building the Foundation Now that the stage is set, it's time to build the foundation of your story. Use the next couple of slides to provide context, introducing key characters, settings, or historical background. Depending on the nature of your story, infographics, timelines, or maps can be valuable assets to present information in a visually appealing manner. This is the phase where you lay the groundwork for the narrative, ensuring your audience is well-informed and ready to delve deeper.
Slide 4-5: Plot Development With the foundation in place, it's time to unfold the plot. These slides are dedicated to the core of your story, presenting key events, challenges, and turning points. Utilize visuals such as charts, graphs, or illustrative icons to convey complex information concisely. Incorporate a balance of text and images to maintain a dynamic and engaging flow, keeping your audience hooked as the story unfolds.
Slide 6-7: Character Arcs and Motivations Characters breathe life into a story, and dedicating slides to their development adds depth and relatability. Explore the arcs of key characters, their motivations, and the challenges they face. Use visuals that highlight character traits, relationships, or pivotal moments. This not only enhances the narrative but also fosters a connection between the audience and the characters, making the story more memorable.
Slide 8-9: Climax and Tension As your story reaches its pinnacle, create slides that amplify the tension and drama. Visuals should be carefully chosen to evoke emotions and suspense. Consider using color schemes, font styles, or background effects that align with the mood of the climax. This is the moment where the audience's investment in the story peaks, and the impact of your narrative is most profound.
Slide 10-11: Resolution and Takeaways Every story needs a resolution, and your slides should gracefully guide the audience towards it. Summarize the key outcomes, lessons learned, or the impact of the story's resolution. This is also an opportune moment to include calls to action, encouraging the audience to reflect on the narrative and apply its insights to their own lives or work.
Slide 12: Conclusion and Call to Action Conclude your story with a powerful closing slide. Express gratitude to your audience for joining you on this journey and leave them with a compelling call to action. This could be an invitation to discuss further, share their thoughts, or take specific steps based on the story's message. A memorable conclusion ensures that your story lingers in the minds of your audience long after the presentation ends.
Slide 13: Visual Consistency and Branding Throughout your story slides, maintain visual consistency to enhance coherence and professionalism. Use a consistent color palette, font styles, and imagery that align with your brand or the theme of your narrative. This not only reinforces your identity but also contributes to a polished and aesthetically pleasing presentation.
Slide 14: Interactivity and Engagement In the age of digital communication, incorporating interactive elements can elevate your story slides to a new level. Consider integrating clickable links, quizzes, or multimedia elements that encourage audience participation. This not only keeps your audience engaged but also allows them to interact with the story on a more immersive level.
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