karolinasnovotney · 1 year
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SUCCESSION 3x08 | 4x03
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jillvalentineismother · 4 months
Things like rape and sexual assault are 100% wrong and disgusting and need to be called out at every turn possible, but misconstruing a situation into attempted rape simply to undermine a fictional relationship you don't like is not only
A. Psychotic
B. Disgusting
C. Pathetic
So now apparently fans are calling the scene in 4x01 attempted rape which is pretty fucking idiotic if you ask me. Go rewatch the entire scene because she was kissing him, he literally said, “this is going to sound amazing but—” and she cut him off.
“Wrong time, wrong place, wrong equipment,” a warning from him to her before things went any further?
Y’all are the same people who refuse to admit that caroline was actually SA’d by Damon so y’all have to stoop low to insult people who rightfully despise Damon(and call it out) for what he did to caroline by insinuating that something as triggering as that happened in a scenario where it did not? Y’all are truly the most disgusting people in this fandom. How is Klaroline considered problematic in the SA area when that is blatantly obvious that none of that occurred? Why is drywood not considered problematic when it’s obviously is? And please don’t make up lies to defend it. 🙄
Y’all want proof that Damon and Caroline had a sexual relationship? Go rewatch that scene in season six where Damon was bragging about how great she was in bed. Or are y’all going to twist that to fit y’all narrative too? And I would like to add the fact caroline was compelled the entire time. Stop comparing her relationship with Damon to the relationship that she had with Klaus, the one where she actually had an equal footing. When he bit her, she did not beg him to heal her, or go “you poor baby”. She talked her shit and manipulated her way out of the situation. She held all the emotional power in her relationship with Klaus because he willingly gave it to her.
Stop the cap immediately. And using the situation to fuel an argument(that is nonexistent) when it’s convenient for you just because you don’t like the couple is lame. And y’all are the same people who call people ‘haters’ or get hella offended when people call out Ty Ty for trying to rape Vicki in the pilot.
Klaus may be a manipulator and a murderer but so is everyone on the show. He could have easily compelled caroline to be his girlfriend but he didn’t. Y’all painting Klaus as an attempted rapist when it’s convenient to your argument is sick. Y’all just look for any reason to shit on the ship and the people who like it. klaroline sure as shit ain’t caroline’s most problematic ship when steroline, daroline, calaric, and drywood exist. Go fuck yourself. 🙄
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bitchthefuck1 · 6 months
One of the things that stands out the most to me about succession on the rewatch is how many hugely significant plot points only happen because at some point someone was feeling petty.
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petruchio · 1 year
anyway yeah the little mermaid voice critique is dumb and tired anyway because ariel doesn’t give up her voice “for a man” BUT also enough with the whole lazy bad faith reading that it’s about being silenced or something. like the reason she gives up her voice is pretty basic from a narrative perspective. it’s because the only thing eric remembers about her after she saves him is her voice so she has to lose it so he can fall in love with the *real* her. he’s obsessed with finding her again based only on the sound of her voice, so the fact that he falls in love with her in spite of her not having it demonstrates that by the end he truly loves her as a person instead of just being infatuated with her because she saved him. that’s what the voice represents. it’s not some bs about “being heard” it’s just a pretty straightforward narrative device to develop the romance plot in a 90 minute cartoon. ok are we done with this yet
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katierosefun · 1 year
halfway done with babel by rf kuang and jesus fucking christ this woman really won’t let me rest!
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fuchsiamae · 1 year
where are they now? 2023
semi-retired tumblr user fuchsiamae is at the bottom of the trash pit, at 3am, scratching out various scenarios for caroline to have deranged freak sex. exactly where you left her.
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exaltior-a · 1 year
Enough portal aus with Dirk as Chell and Jake as Wheatley. L + you don't understand Jake's character +You don't understand Portal + Glados and Chell Yuri better + Jane as glados is way more compelling + Rose as chell as they share that unusual tenacity + Portal is an inherently saphhic game and so forefronting queer women in your au is the natural course of action
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lemort-vivant · 8 months
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my cats love the zenos pillow
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starry-simming · 2 years
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Decided to test out posing in @antiquatedplumbobs ‘s photo studio, let the Beckhams have their photos taken you know. Well only Caroline decided to cooperate because Tommy was being a shit. At least she looks pretty 
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movedtocahroline · 1 year
caroline always looking over her shoulder cause dallas ( @fuckedprophet ) can't be trusted NOT to pull some kind of prank on her </3 that includes tipping over the lifeguard tower with her on it , during her life-guarding shift lmao.
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serethereal · 1 year
“steroline makes more sense than the klaroline”
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jillvalentineismother · 4 months
I love reading kc fanfics because every character that I despise gets a reality check or their ass kicked *cough cough* Damon mostly.
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klayleyism · 4 days
I'm sorry, but if you genuinely still can't understand the reasons for why people hated Elena so much, after all these years, then I'm afraid you're a lost cause. All the hate, backlash, and criticism Elena received was 100% justified and deserved. She's by far the worst and most boring, bland, vapid, weakest, useless, and worthless excuse of a main protagonist I've ever seen in any movie, show, book, and media. Nothing remotely interesting or compelling about her in the slightest. She has no personality or agency, and she contributed nothing whatsoever to the show. Her only personality and the only thing she contributed was going back and forth between two brothers, constantly whining and crying and playing the victim, and being a selfish, self-centered, and self-absorbed little twat that makes everything about her and thinks the world revolves around her. 
And before you use trauma as an excuse to defend her, I've seen plenty of other female characters from other shows and movies that have been through similar or worse things than Elena did, and they were a million times better and more likable than Elena could ever be. Stop using trauma and abuse as a weapon and to guilt people into changing their opinions about Elena. Don't pretend to give a shit about victims of abuse and trauma, when I don't see any of you extending that same grace to people like Caroline, Bonnie, Katherine, Rebekah, and Vicki, who have all been through shit too, and were far more interesting and better characters than Elena were. And you hate them for the exact same reasons, just like how a lot of you hate female characters in general for trauma and abuse they've been dealt. 
So, don't act so innocent when a lot of you villainize the hell out of Caroline for being the only character on the show that actually acted like an actual teenage girl, had believable flaws and imperfections, and was actually a lot more relatable than Elena was. And when you also villainize and victim blame/shame and slut shame her for the rape and abuse she suffered at the hands of Damon. You hate Caroline for rightfully hating her rapist and abuser, and not wanting Elena to be with him. But you don't hate Elena, who's supposed to be the best friend, and clearly has no shame sleeping with a rapist, knowing exactly what he did. Makes perfect sense. 
And I will most definitely always hate Elena for her decision to kill Kol, along with thousands and thousands of other vampires in his sireline. I don't care what Kol did, she will always be a straight piece of shit and a fucking cunt for that. And the audacity she had to be mad at Stefan for sleeping with Katherine and Rebekah, when she was flaunting the fact that she was sleeping with his abusive, rapist brother? Yeah, 100% FUCK HER! She has no say in who Stefan can and can't see. 
How Elena even has fans or people defending her is beyond me. If she wasn't such a bland bitch and had an actual personality and something to offer to the story and was just a decent person in general, then people would've actually liked her and rooted for her. But she was never leading lady material. That should've gone to Caroline or Katherine, mostly Katherine. But I'd do fine with Caroline too, she doesn't need a family legacy or nothing like that to lead the show. LITERALLY ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN ELENA!
Jesus you hate her THIS MUCH 😭??
writing a whole article that only showcases you contradicting yourself is funny, Elena was not in fact any more of a morally corrupt character than the rest of them including bonnie and Rebekah whom you used as an example here who also befriended rapists/murderers so what's your point
Also how are you talking about the unnecessary hate female characters get for being rightfully traumatized after going through so much and then turn around to say Elena's trauma isn't justified
"she was whiny and self centered" so was every male character in that show
And what has Caroline done that's so much more impactful to deserve being the "leading lady" over Elena exactly?
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cahrolinehasmoved · 1 year
i just wanna say . . . the white oak infused daggers??? are most certainly a thing still on this blog : ') to temporary keep caroline "dead" lmao .
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katierosefun · 1 year
watched the deleted scenes/alternate scenes of the first episode of leverage . . . somehow, nate throwing up into a trash bin doesn’t surprise me after he explains to a hardware company that they’re being robbed and i kind of wish we had it in, if only because it demonstrates that this man is. much more sad and kind of cringefail than anything else, but i do also love introducing nate as the guy who threatens “i’m going to punch you nine or ten times in the throat” as well
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karouvas · 1 year
watching Damon endear himself to Liz by ‘heroically’ saving the life of her daughter (who he’s been preying on and abusing for the better part of 10 eps) 💀
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