#PIU Central
athingofvikings · 3 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 156: Journey To The West
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Chapter 156: Journey to the West
Contrary to popular belief, Imperial Zhōngguó did have significant institutional and historical awareness of European states and societies prior to the diplomatic missions of Fa Mulan in AD 1043 and the opening of formal mutual diplomatic, economic, and academic ties to the west. In particular, they were aware of Imperial Rome, which they referred to as Daqin, although their detailed knowledge was mostly restricted to Rome’s eastern provinces in Syria and the Levant, with the oldest records dating back to more than a thousand years before Fa Mulan’s expedition.
Still, formal direct contact was rare, and information was normally passed through the intermediaries on the Silk Road. Typically, embassies went from west to east, such as the first formal contact in AD 166, featuring envoys dispatched in AD 161 by either Emperor Antoninus Pius or Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and meeting Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty. Later contacts with Fulin, the new name used to refer to the Byzantine Empire in contrast with the older Imperial Roman Empire, were mostly with merchants and craftsmen and the occasional groups of monks (some of whom stole silkworms that were smuggled back to the Byzantines), although there were some formal diplomatic contacts recorded. There is dispute, however, whether these were envoys from the Byzantine Emperor and his central government, or from the famously fractious peripheral governors.
—Constantinople: The Child Of Rome’s Empire, Venice, Italy, 1795
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er1chartmann · 9 months
Hermann Goring
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This is Hermann Goring, the Reich minister for Aviation, timeline:
1893: He was born in Rosenheim, 12 January.
1895: Albert, his younger brother, was born.
1904: He was sent to boarding school, where the food was poor and the discipline was harsh.
1909: He was sent to a military academy at Berlin Lichterfelde, from which he graduated with distinction.
1912: He joined the Prince Wilhelm Regiment (112th Infantry) of the Prussian army in 1912.
1913: His father died.
1913: He was admitted to officers' school.
1914: The First World War began.
1914: He served with his infantry regiment in the region of Mülhausen, a garrison town just a mile from the French border.
1915: He passed to the newly formed Luftstreitkräfte, the air force of the German Empire.
1915: He and his friend Loerzer were assigned as a team to FFA 25 in the Crown Prince's Fifth Army. They flew reconnaissance and bombing missions.
1915: He received the Iron Cross first class.
1918: When Manfred Von Richthofen, the legendary Red Baron, died Goring succeeded him as his successor.
1918: Highly decorated, he was also awarded the medal for valor Pour le Mérite, the highest German military decoration at the time.
1918: The First World War ended.
1920: He met his first wife, Carin von Kantzow.
1922: Göring went to Munich to study political science at university.
1922: He met Hitler and he joined the Nazi Party.
1923: He was given command of the Sturmabteilung (SA) as Oberster SA-Führer
1923: He married Carin.
1923: He take part in the failed Munich Putsch, and he was wounded in the groin.
1924: He and his wife visited Rome, passing through Florence and Siena. Göring met Mussolini.
1927: Thanks to a general amnesty, he and his wife were able to repatriate.
1928: He was elected deputy to the Reichstag.
1931: His wife died.
1931: He was sent on a mission to the Vatican, where he met Pope Pius XI.
1932: He was elected president of the Reichstag and from that position supported Hitler's bid for chancellor.
1933: He was one of the main actors in the Reichstag fire, used by the Nazis to eliminate any opposition.
1933: He was appointed Minister-President of the Free State of Prussia.
1933: He created the Gestapo.
1933: Adolf Hitler was appointed Reich Chancellor.
1933: He was appointed minister for aviation. 
1933: He was appointed General der Infanterie by President von Hindenburg.
1933: He built his home called Carinhall in honor of his first wife.
1934: He granted control of the Gestapo to the SS.
1934: He was one of the main instigators of the Night of the Long Knives together with Himmler.
1934: He was appointed Reich Minister for Forestry.
1935: He married his second wife Emmy Sonnemann.
1935: He founded the Luftwaffe.
1936: He was appointed Reich Plenipotentiary for the Four-Year Plan.
1936: He also became responsible for the plan to confiscate the assets of German Jews, which was supposed to finance the rearmament of Germany.
1938: His only child, Edda, was born.
1938: With the help of Himmler's Gestapo, he plotted first against von Blomberg and then with his successor, von Fritsch, causing them both to fall
1938: He played an important role in the Anschluss, the union between the Third Reich and Austria.
1939: He created the Reich Central Office for Jewish Emigration in Berlin, with the task of promoting the departure of Jews from all German territories, and placed it under the direction of Heydrich.
1939: Hitler designates him as his successor.
1939: The Second World War began.
1940: Göring was given a renewed mandate to direct the "Four Year Plan" for the next four years, which made him responsible for the war economy.
1940: By a decree on 19 July , Hitler promoted Göring to the rank of Reichsmarschall des Grossdeutschen Reiches (Reich Marshal of the Greater German Reich), a special rank which made him senior to all other army and Luftwaffe field marshals.
1940: He gave directives for the plunder of the occupied territories, mainly France.
1941: It was Göring who gave, on Hitler's behalf, the order to prepare a "final solution to the Jewish problem" to Reinhard Heydrich.
1945: He was arrested by the Allies.
1946: He was tried at the Nuremberg trials.
1946: He committed suicide to avoid execution.
Wikipedia: Hermann Goring
Military Wiki: Hermann Goring
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abr · 1 year
Il fatto: il Tar della Campania ha dato torto al ministero della Cultura sulla tutela del paesaggio e ha dato ragione alla spagnola Grupotec per costruire una centrale fotovoltaica di 31 ettari nella valle dell’Ufita (Avellino). Dice il Tar: la tutela del paesaggio sarà pure nella Costituzione all’articolo 9 (...), ma da un anno nella Costituzione c’è anche la tutela dell’ambiente e quindi la centrale fotovoltaica va fatta. In altre parole, il Tar ha infilato un cuneo nella crepa sottile tra paesaggio e ambiente e ne divarica i lembi fino a trasformarla in una frattura. E le associazioni ecologiste si dividono fra le due opposte anime (...) della transizione energetica (ecco le associazioni Legambiente e Wwf e Greenpeace) e della tutela dei luoghi (Italia nostra, gli Amici della Terra, il Cai e le sezioni locali di alcune delle associazioni nell’altro gruppo).  Il divario fra i due princìpi costituzionali e soprattutto fra le due anime (...) dell’ambientalismo potrebbe diventare sempre più largo con il rafforzarsi delle strategie climatiche. Bisogna costruire in Italia almeno 65 mila megawatt di nuove centrali alimentate da fonti energetiche rinnovabili; a mano a mano che (queste) saranno sempre più pervasive, potrà salire la riottosità delle comunità che potrebbero sentirsene invase. Il tema adesso è limitato a porzioni contenute (...) ma domani potrà diventare un problema di tollerabilità sociale.  
Il "cuneo nella crepa sottile", le due anime dell'ambientalismo : tua sorella. Ambiente e Paesaggio sono due cose totalmente distinte: l'uno è naturale, l'altro è edificato, costruito; il primo è Terra, Pianeta, geologia e natura, l'altro è architettura, intervento umano.
Interventi sovente belli, PIU' BELLI della Natura allo stato brado (il "BelPaese"): i famosi paesaggi toscani sono territori antropizzati al 100%, da millenni.
Sotto tale profilo, un impianto fotovoltaico Paesaggio Bello di sicuro non fa, ma farlo passare come "ambiente da difendere" è possibile solo per via dei neuroni surriscaldati dal terronismo sul cambiamento climatico.
"Le comunità potrebbero sentirsene invase": stiamo parlando non di tetti di capannoni o di aree edificate dismesse ma di decine o anche centinaia di ettari messi a specchi. Per singolo impianto. Aree che da agricolo-pastorali-forestali diventano cemento dei plateau di fondazione e acciaio dei sostegni: è CONSUMO DEL SUOLO nudo e crudo. Almeno una fattoria dura cent'anni se non cinquecento, mentre un impianto FV ha una vita utile tra i dieci e i venti anni. E poi? A proposito di economia circolare.
Ah' spetta, mo' si sono inventati l'ipocrisia molto latina del cd. AGRIVOLTAICO: solleva i pannelli e fingi che qualche pomodoro si possa piantare, lì sotto. Godono solo le pecore: adorano brucare all'ombra dei pannelli, la cosa peraltro fa risparmiare gli sfalci.
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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2000-Year-Old Roman Silver Coins Discovered in Sweden
During the Roman Period, Svealand (“land of the Swedes”) in central Sweden, was inhabited by a North Germanic tribe. Contact with the Romans was limited, however, archaeological evidence does indicate an emerging trading network in Svealand for the latest Roman fashions.
Archaeologists from the Södertörn University have been conducting excavations on Gotska Sandön as part of a joint project with Campus Gotland and the Gotland Museum.
Excavations revealed silver denarii from the Roman period, including one that depicts the emperor Trajan (AD 98 – 117), and the other, emperor Antoninus Pius (AD 86 – 161).
“These are exciting finds that raise several questions,” says Johan Rönnby, professor of marine archaeology at Södertörn University.
Although the Romans sailed as far as Scotland and documented the Baltic area, there are no historical records of their voyages that describes the island, making it uncertain whether they were the ones who brought the coins there.
The team suggests that the coins could be from a shipwreck on the Sandön coast, where many hearths and remnants of ancient fireplaces have been located. Whether the hearths are associated with a period of settlement on the island or ancient production of seal oil is unknown, but the team plans to return later in the year to investigate further.
“Finds of Roman silver coins are not unusual on Gotland, but they are on Gotska Sandön. This find is interesting because of its location,” adds Daniel Langhammer, officer at the County Administrative Board of Gotland.
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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"This man's blind eye to the genocide of our people has been known for over 50 years.
It caused my late father, an Auschwitz survivor, enormous anguish in the 1960's when books were published defending his inaction or even suggesting that he saved over half a million of our people."
Zalmi Unsdorfer
Pope Pius may have known about Nazi gas chambers as early as 1942 camps Jews in Holocaust
A newly released letter indicates the head of the Catholic Church may have known about Nazi death camps earlier than previously thought.
Pope Pius XII may have known about Nazi Germany’s attempt to exterminate Jews in the Holocaust as early as 1942, according to a newly released Vatican letter. 
The letter, dated December 14, 1942, was written by Father Lother Koenig, a Jesuit who was in the anti-Nazi resistance in Germany, and addressed to the pope's personal secretary at the Vatican, Father Robert Leiber, also a German.
Koenig tells Leiber in the letter that sources had confirmed around 6,000 Poles and Jews a day were being killed in "SS-furnaces" at the Belzec camp near Rava-Ruska, which was then part of German-occupied Poland and is now in western Ukraine.
The typewritten letter also made reference to Auschwitz and Dachau, two other Nazi concentration camps.
The letter is highly significant because of the date of Koenig's letter. The correspondence arrived in Pius' office in the days after the ghetto in Rava-Ruska was emptied between December 7 and 11, 1942. 
The letter was also discovered by an in-house Vatican archivist and made public with the engagement of Holy See officials.
It can't be certain that Pius saw the letter however Leiber was Pius' top aide and had served the pope when he was the Vatican's ambassador to Germany during the 1920s, suggesting a close working relationship especially concerning matters related to Germany.
Vatican archivist Giovanni Coco told Italian newspaper Corriere the importance of the letter was "enormous, a unique case" because it showed the Vatican had information that labour camps were actually death factories.
He added: “The newness and importance of this document derives from a fact: now we have the certainty that the Catholic Church in Germany sent Pius XII exact and detailed news about the crimes that were being perpetrated against the Jews.”
Asked by the Corriere interviewer if the letter showed that Pius knew, Coco said: "Yes, and not only from then."
The letter, according to Coco, was only recently handed over to the central archives where he works.
Supporters of Pius say he worked behind the scenes to help Jews and did not speak out in order to prevent worsening the situation for Catholics in Nazi-occupied Europe. 
However, his detractors say he lacked the courage to speak out on information he had despite pleas from Allied powers fighting Germany. 
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thricedead · 5 months
HIIII I'd love to ask some questions wheeeee. one character that rlly caught my interest was rantaro... he seems to be wearing a priest outfit and I was curious about his relationship with religion/level of religious belief as well as how it bleeds into his daily life and overall perception of the world :0
HI HI OMG HI LEMYA ^_^ i was hoping youd appear hehe. Im glad you asked about Rantaro! I keep his profile low and usually leave him out of the central 6, but he is the game's true antagonist and a very powerful, sinister figure.
I almost immediately decided that he would look like a catholic priest, and built from there onwards. I have a difficult relationship to religion, i essentially spent 3 years of early childhood being babysat and educated in a nunnery and severely abused by the nuns. When I realized how Christianity twisted itself very early in its life into a flag of violent conquest that abusers who like to justify their own greed readily rally around, it helped me make sense of how my own abuse within its walls wasnt an isolated case, and I was actually fairly lucky because i escaped his clutches. However, a strange image of beautiful, young, pure and kind nuns and priests stuck with me, even though Ive only ever met child abusers, bigots and thieves in my vicinity.. sorry for this digression but i had to explain this in order to explain rantaro! He is not christian, and does not hail from a christian family either. He was raised vaguely Buddhist and in fact he is still known by the public as a kind benefactor to a local temple. Religion anf spirituality dont really have any value to him, and neither does money even though he has a lot of it. He perceives trust to be the true currency of value in his world. When Rantaro was young, his father (a politician, albeit a small fish in a vast sea) stole from the european mafia that he had a give-and-take relationship with, and as a result was executed alongside his immediate family members. In a moment of desperation, fifteen-year-old Rantaro began begging for his life in a snivelling, embarrassing display, promising to swear loyalty to the mafia boss and be his dog if his life was spared. The boss was faintly amused with how he only begged for his own life to be spared and not his parents' and siblings' and promised Rantaro an office job in exchange for him disposing of the corpses. The boss fulfilled his promise, and young Rantaro became fixated on the idea that doing disgusting and shameful things for others' sake will make them trust and love you. He performed diligently at his job, and not long after he met Seiya. I will not spoil their relationship because it's central to the ending, but Seiya became the embodiment and object of Rantaro's obsession with establishing a tie through witnessing and being made to witness the most terrible parts of the other person. At some point, Rantaro created his stage persona called "Father Pius" (to separate it from his business persona). Father Pius is always portrayed on the stage as a priest in a confessional booth, usually ending up seduced and driven to lechery by characters played by his other 3 unit members. There's a dark irony in the man who abused Seiya, who in turn abused Odile, to paint himself to the audience as a paragon of purity being dragged down into the muck by outsider temptresses. Guilt and a feeling of responsibility and blame fester in his victims, and the stage play blends with real life.
All in all, his outfit represents a surface-level purity and deep-rooted depravity being brushed off as a momentary loss of sound judgement due to the seductivr powers of evil. The character of Father Pius is well accepted by the fans, though fans still favor the star crossed lovers dynamic between the Leader's character and Jiang Bin's character to the story of the Leader seducing Father Pius. Rantaro does not want to kill himself over this (self affirmation)
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SAINT OF THE DAY (August 19)
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St. John Eudes was a French missionary and the founder of the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity.
He was also the author of the liturgical worship of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. 
John was born on 14 November 1601 at Ri, France. At the age of fourteen, he took a vow of chastity and tried to live in imitation of the Lord Jesus ever since.
When he was ordained a priest in 1625 at the age of 24, he was immmediately thrust into the service of victims of the plague, whom he cared for at great risk to his own life.
He also began preaching missions and was known as the greatest preacher of his age, preaching missions all over France, especially throughout Normandy.
In 1641, he founded the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Refuge to provide a refuge for prostitutes. 
In 1643, he founded the Society of Jesus and Mary for the education of priests and for missionary work.
He was also instrumental in encouraging devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Holy Heart of Mary, writing the first book ever on the devotion to the Sacred Hearts, "Le Coeur Admirable de la Très Sainte Mère de Dieu."
He died on 19 August 1680 at Caen.
His virtues were declared heroic by Leo XIII on 6 January 1903.
He was beatified by Pope Pius X on 25 April 1909.  He was canonized by Pope Pius XI on 31 May 1925.
John Eudes is probably best known for the central theme of his writings: Jesus as the source of holiness; Mary as the model of the Christian life.
His devotion to the Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart led Pope Pius XI to declare him the "Father of the Liturgical Cult of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary."
Pope Benedict XVI, in his General Audience catechesis on 19 August 2009, praised Eudes as a "tireless apostle of the devotion of the Sacred Hearts," noting that Eudes was an example for priests during the Year for Priests.
The Pope went on to describe Eudes' "apostolic zeal" in the formation of seminarians into priests as well as the fact that Eudes was a model for evangelization and witness to the "love for Christ's Heart and Mary's Heart."
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thewahookid · 1 month
What is the difference between the Ascension (of Jesus) and the Assumption (of the Blessed Virgin Mary)?
Christ, by his own power, ascended into heaven. Mary was assumed or taken up into heaven by God: she did not do it under her own power.
The elevation of Christ into heaven by His own power in the presence of His disciples the fortieth day after His Resurrection is narrated in Mark 16:19, Luke 24:51, and in the first chapter of Acts. For Mary, although declared divinely-revealed dogma only in 1950, documentation of belief in the Assumption dates to at least the 5th century.
For one example of this long-held belief, at the Council of Chalcedon in 451, when bishops from throughout the Mediterranean world gathered in Constantinople, Emperor Marcian asked the Patriarch of Jerusalem to bring the relics of Mary to Constantinople to be enshrined in the capitol.
The patriarch explained to the emperor that there were no relics of Mary in Jerusalem and that “Mary had died in the presence of the apostles; but her tomb, when opened later . . . was found empty and so the apostles concluded that the body was taken up into heaven.” (2:41)
In the eighth century, St. John Damascene was known for giving sermons at the holy places in Jerusalem. At the Tomb of Mary, he expressed the belief of the Church on the meaning of the feast: "Although the body was duly buried, it did not remain in the state of death, neither was it dissolved by decay. . . . You were transferred to your heavenly home, O Lady, Queen and Mother of God in truth."
All the feast days of Mary mark the great mysteries of her life and her part in the work of redemption. The central mystery of her life and person is her divine motherhood, celebrated both at Christmas and a week later (Jan. 1) on the feast of the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. The Immaculate Conception (Dec. 😎 marks the preparation for that motherhood, so that she had the fullness of grace from the first moment of her existence, completely untouched by sin. Her whole being throbbed with divine life from the very beginning, readying her for the exalted role of mother of the Savior.
The Assumption completes God's work in her since it was not fitting that the flesh that had given life to God himself should ever undergo corruption. The Assumption is God's crowning of His work as Mary ends her earthly life and enters eternity. The feast turns our eyes in that direction, where we will follow when our earthly life is over.
The feast days of the Church are not just the commemoration of historical events; they do not look only to the past. They look to the present and to the future and give us an insight into our own relationship with God. The Assumption looks to eternity and gives us hope that we, too, will follow Our Lady when our life is ended.
In 1950, in the Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus, Pope Pius XII proclaimed the Assumption of Mary a dogma of the Catholic Church in these words: "The Immaculate Mother of God, the ever-virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heaven."
With that, an ancient belief became Catholic doctrine and the Assumption was declared a truth revealed by God.
Source: Cool Catholics
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archv3i · 3 months
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Title: The Coronation of Napoleon
Creator: Jacques-Louis David
Date Created: 1807 Not too long ago, I had the opportunity to visit the Palace of Versailles and the Louvre. When I visited both places, I realized that it had the same painting of The Coronation of Napoleon. At first, I was in awe of the absolute scale of this art work. I had many thoughts. How long did it take to paint it? How can someone scale each section so that it is consistent throughout? Did only one person paint it? So many questions... However, as I thought deeper and learned more about the painting I began to go through a deeper level of thought.  To begin, the artwork depicts the coronation ceremony of Napoleon I at Notre-Dame de Paris. The painting captures the moment when Napoleon crowned himself Emperor of the French in the presence of Pope Pius VII on December 2, 1804. The artwork showcases the grandeur, power, and significance of this historical event, which marked the beginning of the French Empire. The painting is an oil on canvas. The painter used a rich color palette, featuring deep reds, gold, and white to highlight the opulence and regality of the ceremony. The colors also serve to draw attention to the key figures in the painting.The composition is centered around Napoleon crowning his wife, Josephine, as Empress. Numerous figures surround them, including Pope Pius VII, family members, and other dignitaries. The interior of Notre-Dame is depicted in great detail, showcasing its architectural grandeur. The painting is displayed in a gold frame, enhancing its grandeur and importance. As mentioned before, the painting is very large, measuring approximately 6.21 meters (20.4 ft) in width and 9.79 meters (32.1 ft) in height. This painting depicts a political shift from a republic to an empire. This is interesting because it is depicting Napoleon crowning himself, the painter showcases the emperor's self-proclaimed authority and the centralization of power around him. This can be seen as a stark contrast to the ideals of the French Revolution, which sought to overthrow the monarchy and establish a more democratic system.
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momentsbeforemass · 2 years
Big Bang
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
That’s how the Bible, the first chapter of Genesis (and today’s first reading), starts. With the account of Creation.
For many people, this is a reason to doubt or discard the Faith right out of the gate. Because of science. Specifically, the Big Bang Theory.
Which, as Catholic clergy, I find hilarious.
Because that whole line of thinking is based on the assumption that the Biblical account of Creation is a literal account of how it all happened.
It’s not.
The signals telling us that it’s not a literal account? They’re right there in the book of Genesis.
One clue? The sweeping, poetic language of the first account of Creation. It’s radically different from the parts of Genesis (and the rest of the Bible) that clearly are literal accounts.
The more obvious clue? The appearance of a second, very different account of Creation in the very next chapter.
Which means? Understanding it as a literal account of Creation requires a very badly informed reading of the Bible.
But what about the Big Bang Theory?
The Big Bang Theory was developed in 1931 by Georges Lemaitre, a theoretical physicist (PhD from MIT). An astronomer. And a Catholic priest.
Fr. Lemaitre posited the Big Bang Theory as an explanation of the observable mechanics of the universe. And nothing more.
When Pope Pius XII wanted to call it “scientific validation of the Catholic faith” because it pointed to a moment of Creation, Fr. Lemaitre said (in physicist language) please don’t, the Big Bang Theory doesn’t speak to first causes.
Before the Big Bang Theory was misrepresented by the Internet it was misrepresented by a Pope.
Inserting first causes of any kind (pro-God or anti-God) into the Big Bang Theory requires a very badly informed reading of the Theory.
Why is arguing the Big Bang Theory against the Faith is hilarious? Because you’re telling people that you don’t read things for yourself without saying that you don’t read things for yourself.
Well, if it isn’t a literal account of Creation, then what’s the point? Why is it the very first thing in the Bible?
The accounts of Creation (both of them) are meant to be read together. That’s why both of them are there. To give us a clear picture of who God is. And who we are.
The “why” of the cosmic sweep of the first account of Creation is answered in the intimacy of God walking in the Garden with the first people in the second account.
Revealing the heart of God. And this central truth.
Our lives find their ground – and their fullest expression – in our relationship with God.
Today’s Readings
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istanbulperitaliani · 7 months
Moschea di Piyale Paşa
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La moschea Piyale Paşa fu realizzata da Mimar Sinan nel 1573 su commissione dell'ammiraglio Piyale Paşa, genero del sultano Selim II.
La moschea era al centro di un complesso che cosisteva in un hamam, scuola, mercato e cimitero. Oggi rimane solo la moschea ed il complesso cimiteriale dove riposa Pyale Paşa, insieme alla moglie e ai loro sette figli e quattro figlie.
A differenza delle altre moschee progettate da Mimar Sinan essa non possiede una sola cupola centrale ma 6 cupole identiche, disposte su due file di tre. Si tratta dell'unica delle due moschee di Istanbul con piu cupole, l'altra é la moschea di Karagümrük.
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Il minareto si erge al centro dell'ingresso e si trova sopra l'asse del mihrab, il punto che indica la direzione della Mecca. Il mihrab ha delle decorazioni davvero notevoli. Il minbar, il pulpito usato dall'imam, é scolpito nel marmo e bilancia il mirhab eccessivamente decorato con un design estremamente semplice. Mi é piaciuto particolarmente il porticato esterno della moschea.
La moschea é completamente ignorata dal turismo.
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Istanbul per italiani la tua guida turistica per Istanbul!
OrganizziamoᅠESCURSIONI con GUIDE TURISTICHE UFFICIALIᅠper chi vuole vivere e comprendere Istanbul. Percorsi speciali. Prezzi speciali. Adatti a tutti e con qualsiasi condizione meteo. Istanbul una metropoli caotica e affollatissima ma bellissima! Immergiti nella vita quotidiana di Istanbul e scoprila come non potresti mai fare da solo. Affidati a chi vive qui e conosce, respira e vive la metropoli sul Bosforo.
L’unica città al mondo che é su 2 continenti.
Realizziamo anche escursioni sul bellissimo lato asiatico di Istanbul! Ci sono tante cose da vedere! Ingressi ai musei senza file e senza problemi. Una esperienza diversa dal solito. Non per il turismo di massa e mercificato. Dal 2013 portiamo italiani in giro per Istanbul e li abbiamo resi felici.
Scopri la nostra offerta e scopri la differenza.
La mia Vita a Istanbul: consigli e informazioni turistiche. Disponibile come GUIDA per delle ESCURSIONI in città. Scrivi una e-mail a: istanbulperitaliani@gmail Seguici anche suᅠwww.facebook.com/istanbulperitaliani
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ilpianistasultetto · 2 years
Trova la differenza..
Il 26 Dicembre, il figlio di Matteo Salvini, Federico, viene aggredito in strada da 3 tipacci e minacciato con un collo di bottiglia rotta. Dopo le minacce il ragazzo e' stato rapinato del cellulare. Telefonata al padre Matteo che allerta la questura. Subito indagini, al setaccio i filmati delle telecamere della zona e dopo poche ore ritrovato il cellulare..
22 Dicembre 2021..mia figlia Giulia va in stazione Centrale per prendere il treno per Roma. Passa come un razzo un ragazzo che le sfila il cellulare dalla tasca del giubbino e scappa. Salto in caserma per la denuncia. Lei dice che quel tipo di cell ha il localizzatore per essere rintracciato. Controlla sul suo I-pad che aveva in valigia e viene fuori che sta in tale via a tale numero..risposta dei carabinieri.." e mica possiamo andare a suonare tutti i citofoni di quel condominio! Stia piu' attenta la prossima volta che c'e' tanta brutta gente dalle parti della stazione".
Credo sia la stessa risposta che le forze dell'ordine, pagate con i nostri soldi e non con i soldi dei politici, darebbero ad altri 59milioni e 900mila italiani.
Che dire..un vero Paese di merda.
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germanpostwarmodern · 2 years
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Sometimes it seems that the further up north you go in Germany the less monographs and comprehensive architectural studies are available, especially with regards to church architecture of the 20th century. One striking example of a neglected North German architect is the work of Theo(dor) Burlage (1894-1971), a TH Stuttgart graduate and a key protagonist of modern church architecture in Northern Germany. Between the mid-1920s and the late 1960s Burlage realized more than 30 Catholic churches in a predominantly Protestant part of Germany and actively contributed to the development of modern church architecture. This contribution also is the focal point of Anja Becker-Chouati’s study „Sakralbauten zwischen Tradition und Moderne - Entwürfe und Bauten des Architekten Theodor Burlage“, recently published by Schnell & Steiner, which offers foundational research on the architect’s church designs: based on a comprehensive inventory of all of Burlage’s churches the author maps the influence the contemporary discourse had on his work and vice versa. Burlage really internalized the sermon Munich archbishop Michael Faulhaber delivered on new year’s eve 1929 in which he addressed Christian art and the necessity of it to “…speak the language of its time.” Feeling reassured by this sermon Burlage probably felt even more confident about the significance of his Bonifatius church in Leipzig, a round central-plan church completed in 1930. Rounded ground plan forms also connect his early and late works: cut short by the ascent of the Nazis and the conservative immediate postwar years Burlage only by the mid-1950s started to rekindle central and rounded plans. In the meantime he had solely designed longitudinal plans and slowly moved from freestanding campaniles to integrated and less dominant solutions. But with the churches St Hedwig in Bremen, St Pius in Marl and St Ansgar in Twist, all completed during the 1960s, Burlage again introduced circular elements into his late work that drew on his early work and gave it an equally innovative character. Anja Becker-Chouati’s monograph finally provides an in-depth analysis of Theo Burlage’s church designs, very readable and comprehensively connected with the contemporary liturgical and architectural discourse.
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fridagentileschi · 11 months
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L'Hotel Plaza di New York in una foto del 1910.
L'Hotel si trova a Manhattan, nella Fifth Avenue, la via dello shopping newyorkese, la zona sud di central park, cuore verde della grande mela..fu progettato nel 1907 e deve misurarsi con la fama dei due maggiori alberghi di lusso del tempo: l'Ansonia e il Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.
Il Plaza fu immortalato negli anni Venti dallo scrittore Francis Scott Fitzgerald, che lo impiegò nelle sue pagine come frequente ambientazione, e fu dimora di reali, miliardari e celebrità le più varie.
Anche il cinema onorò l'Hotel rappresentandolo in moltissime pellicole, tra cui "Intrigo internazionale" di Alfred Hitchcock del 1959, poi "A piedi nudi nel parco" (1967), "Appartamento al Plaza" (1971) e in anni più recenti "Il Grande Gatsby" (2013).
Per chi volesse pernottare una notte nel famoso hotel i prezzi si aggirano intorno ai 350 euro nella bassa stagione...possono arrivare anche intorno ai mille euro a notte e anche piu'...
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stregh · 1 year
PARROCCHIA SAN CRISOGONO - (5.000x14.000 pixel) da Annalisa Giuseppetti Tramite Flickr: Storia L’edificio non sembra di origine cristiana e può attribuirsi ai primordi del secolo IV. La nuova basilica è stata costruita sull’antica dal Card. Giovanni da Crema nel 1123. Il Card. Scipione Borghese la ampliò e la restaurò nel 1625 dandole l’aspetto che attualmente presenta. La parrocchia vi fu eretta, secondo una lapide vicina alla sacrestia, nel 1127, ma risale certamente a prima della metà del secolo V: i suoi presbiteri infatti si trovano tra i sottoscrittori dei sinodi romani del 499 e del 595. Il papa Gregorio III (731-741), come narra il "Liber pontificalis", vi instituì un monastero che mantenne distinto dal "titulus", i cui presbiteri erano addetti alla cura d’anime. Il Card. Giovanni da Crema, come dalle due lapidi vicine all’ingresso della sacrestia, vi costruì nel 1128 un oratorio con chiostro (V. Forcella, "Iscrizioni", iII, 169 nn. 486-487). Calisto II, il 17 aprile 1121, ed Innocenzo III, il 23 luglio 1199, intervennero per risolvere i problemi di amministrazione parrocchiale di S. Salvatore della Corte nei confronti di quelli di S. Crisogono. Innocenzo III sostituì i monaci con i Canonici regolari del Salvatore i quali vi rimasero fino al 1480 quando Sisto IV affidò la parrocchia ai Carmelitani. Pio IX, il 1 giugno 1847, insediò nella basilica i Trinitari, i quali tuttora l’amministrano. Lo stato attuale architettonico si deve al card. Scipione Caffarelli Borghese, nipote di Paolo V che lo commise a Giovanni Battista Soria (1581- 1651). Nell’abside, Madonna con il Bambino tra i santi Crisogono e Giacomo, mosaico della scuola di Pietro Cavallini (c. 1290). La proprietà, per la legge del 19 giugno 1873 n. 1402 è passata al demanio del Regno d’Italia. NOTIZIE: PARROCCHIA SAN CRISOGONO Basilica Minore Piazza Sonnino 44 - 00153 ROMA Settore Centro - Prefettura III - Rione Trastevere - 1º Municipio Affidata a: Ordine della Santissima Trinità (Trinitari) (O.SS.T.) ___________________________________________________________________________ History The building does not seem to Christian origin can be attributed to the beginning of the fourth century. The new basilica was built on the Cardinal Giovanni by Cream in 1123. Cardinal Scipione Borghese enlarged and restored it in 1625 giving the appearance of which is at present. The parish was erected, according to a plaque close to the sacristy, in 1127, but it certainly dates from the first half of the century V: her priests are in fact among the subscribers of the Roman synods of 499 and 595. Pope Gregory III (731-741), as recounted in the "Liber pontificalis" we instituted a monastery that kept distinct from the "titulus", whose priests were involved in the care of souls. Cardinal John of Crema, as the two tombstones nearby the entrance to the sacristy, built there in 1128 a chapel with cloister (V. Fork, "Subscriptions", III, 169 nn. 486-487). Calisto II, April 17, 1121, and Innocent III, July 23, 1199, intervened to solve the problems of administration Parish Church of St. Savior of the Court in relation to those of S. Krševan. Innocent III replaced the monks with the Canons Regular of the Savior which you remained until 1480 when Pope Sixtus IV entrusted the parish to the Carmelites. Pius IX, June 1, 1847, settled in the basilica, the Trinitarians, who still administer it. The current state of architecture is due to the card. Scipione Caffarelli Borghese, nephew Paul V, who committed it to Giovanni Battista Soria (1581-1651). In the apse, Madonna and Child with Saints James and Grisogono, mosaic of the school of Pietro Cavallini (c. 1290). The property, by the law of 19 June 1873 no. 1402 has gone to the State the Kingdom of Italy. NEWS: PARISH SAN CRISOGONO Minor Basilica Piazza Sonnino 44-00153 ROMA Central Sector - Prefecture III - Trastevere district - 1st Hall Entrusted to: Ordine della Santissima Trinità (Trinitari) (O.SS.T.)
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libroazzurro · 1 year
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Dietro le parole ci sono i pensieri, dietro i pensieri le cose che tocchiamo nell’immaginazione. Queste cose che tocchiamo nell’immaginazione, secondo alcuni, sono lettere. Secondo costoro la creazione è un libro le cui creature sono le lettere. Un dio è autore di questo libro. Gli indiani lo chiamano Brahma. Gli egizi lo chiamavano Toth, il dio a cui attribuivano l’invenzione della scrittura. Qui da noi qualcuno lo chiama ancora, a volte, Hermes, un dio inaffidabile e ambiguo, il che ci induce a vedere il mondo certamente in una luce ambigua, come qualcosa di inaffidabile. Del resto, il mondo è ambiguo e inaffidabile. Questo riempie alcuni di stupore e smarrimento, e contraria il bisogno di purezza di molti. Chi ama la purezza non può amare il mondo, e, per prima cosa, disprezza l’artificio alfabetico con il quale è costruito. Platone si rivela dunque davvero devoto a Hermes, e amante di ogni ambiguità e del mondo, quando afferma: l’anima è un libro scritto.
Nell'immagine "Mercurio XXXXII", carta per Tarocchi con Mercurio dalla serie detta dei Tarocchi del Mantegna, databile tra il 1465 e il 1500, realizzata dal Maestro dei Tarocchi, conservata presso il Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Fondo Corsini, Istituto Centrale per la Grafica (immagine © Calcografica.it, licenza CC BY-NC-ND 2.5 IT).
Testo di Pier Paolo Di Mino.
Ricerca iconografica a cura di Veronica Leffe.
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