ensrensage · 10 months
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fightclubexposed · 4 years
[TGA 2020′s GoTY] At Least Games Do Bring Us Together This Year, or Do They?
2020 is obviously not a great for all of us, no doubt about it. Now that this year is coming to an end, I don’t think people expect anything much from 2021 either (but we really hope too). I’m not here to talk about it though, i’m here to talk about something that I’m sure help a lot of people to get through this year (and ahead). As you might guess with the title, i’m going to talk (well tbh, write) about Video Games, specifically about The Game Awards (TGA) 2020 Best Video Games Nominees. 
(Disclaimer: Hereby I’m just sharing my own thoughts regarding the nominees, I’m not saying which one are better than others or what game have to win).
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(Source: TGA’s Twitter)
During this pandemic, people been talking about how much a game can bring us together during this hard time. Especially Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it was out when most places are about to lockdown. Animal Crossing didn’t just bring people together but also become a coping mechanism for those who need distraction from the disaster that currently going. It was calming, fun, and most people are able to play it. As for myself, Animal Crossing did helped me a lot, I was really happy to see it able to be nominated. I honestly can’t wait for the orchestra to play the Animal Crossing: New Horizons theme during the awarding. 
So if a game like Animal Crossing: New Horizons which actually is not a so sophisticated video game, able to make it into the Best Game nominations, what about other video games with more story, content, and gameplay? Of course they won’t miss out and there’s now way they’re missing out. It might be hard for Animal Crossing to actually win the award (I’m not saying it’s impossible. okay?). Doom Eternal, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Ghost of Tsushima, and The Last of Us Part II, those titles are all obviously way more complicated than Animal Crossing. One have simplicity while others are all set for action. Well every games nominated here have their own distinction and that’s what makes them nominated.
I think that’s where things got heated, as TGA announced GoTY’s nominees people start to debate not just about which game should win but also which  actually didn’t deserve the nomination. All games are welcomed wholeheartedly but some are not happy with The Last of Us Part II (TLoU 2) got nominated. I personally never play TLoU before, not even the first one. I don’t actually have much to say about the game. But seeing how the gaming communities react back when it was released it was crazy in a way which actually not so good. People were splitted, there are actually those who love the game but there are a lot of people who were outraged about the game. The tensions were high voltage even today people are still mad about the game (And I think the term “mad” is actually an understatement). "The game was filled with so many agendas”, “The story was absurd”, “All the awards this game have won are all rigged” and the list goes on and seems never ending. Again i said i’ve got nothing about TLoU 2, I haven’t play the game so i’m not the one to judge. I know there are those who actually enjoy the game even with a lot of people hating it. You do you, you like the game then enjoy, you don’t like the game? It’s okay, everybody have their own preferences. But with how the tension goes within the community, if TLoU 2 somehow win TGA’s GoTY, the event probably gonna face a lot of heat and backlash afterwards, the same probably goes with other nominations TLoU 2 have. There gonna be people who’s just gonna be okay with it eventhough they don’t like it personally or don’t even play the game, those who loves it well gonna praise the awards, but the backlash might be inevitable so please behave. As for other games, thankfully people are not against them, i guess people won’t have any problem if other nominees win the prize. Remember, just because your favorite game doesn’t win an award, it won’t make it any less good/great. 
After all, the awards are all decided by a majority vote. Everybody knows when it comes to majority vote it’s going to be subjective because people are basically vote out of their own preferences. Don’t get me started on rigged voting because it’s something we can neither deny or confirm. So if you want your favorite game to win, don’t forgot to vote and share, don’t forgot to remind those who also enjoy your favorite game to vote. 
Before I end this article, i just want to say that since 2020 already do us bad, let’s try to be nicer. If video games really gather people for a greater good the so be it. Differences within the community are all okay, there’s nothing wrong with it. Let’s try to respect other preferences. I hope every video games in all of the nominations in TGA  win their deserveable award per se. 
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