khaeeel · 6 months
Okay but I'm in love with you.
I'm in love with me too
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lyriakisser · 1 year
ahh... if only we were to get to know each other a little better, i mightve been inclined to join your ever growing list of admirers but alas~ no point if i wouldnt be special in your heart already, hmm? still, i do hope youre remembering to be kind to yourself today. it simply wouldnt do if you be so harsh on someone so sweet.
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15-lizards · 7 months
AGOT Dash simulator
⚔️ ser-bran Follow
Going climbing again today!! Trying the highest tower in Winterfell 😝
⚔️ ser-bran Follow
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☀️ dornedaydreams Follow
🍇redwhined Follow
Girl what did he do to you
☀️ dornedaydreams Follow
Old and busted
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🐉 conquerors-girl Follow
That new Khaleesi in the grass sea is fourteen. She should be learning her letters from a septa!
🐉 conquerors-girl Follow
Just found out she’s pregnant…I need Drogo to get Rhaegar’ed IMMEDIATELY
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⬛️ bro-in-black Follow
Mormont just gave the 5’6 fourteen year old asshole bastard who’s been here five minutes his ancestral sword. I will take us all out with wildfire
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🕊️littlestbird Follow
Was snooping for the spider today and I overheard Lord Ned asking about a book of noble family lineages and physical traits after whipping his head back and forth between Robert and Queen Cersei’s kids for like five minutes straight
🕊️ littlestbird Follow
Which could mean nothing
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🍋 ladyjonquil Follow
First tourney today guys!!! I’m sososo excited the knight of the flowers literally gave me a rose! If he wins I might be his queen of love and beauty omgfggnnd
🐺 nymeriiia Follow
👁️thosuand-eyes-and-one Follow
Lost thirty dragons betting on Ser Jamie for the twelfth time. Can someone who’s good at budgeting help me. my family is dying
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🐈‍⬛ lordpounce Follow
⭐️ lancel-the-lancer Follow
👑 lannisportlady Follow
🌲 house-whoare Follow
Lmao y’all are acting like Jofferys any better when there have literally been reports of him skinning cats alive
🐕 thehounddawg Follow
How do those Baratheon boots taste
🌫️ quite-quiet-isle Follow
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🏹 flea-top Follow
I hate this stupid city watch job so fucking much. Someone manifest an execution or something so I have some entertainment while I walk the parapets by the Sept of Baelor
🏹 flea-top Follow
By the mother this can’t be happening
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🔥 Targupdates Follow
Exiled princess Daenerys Targaryen has been seen stepping out of her husbands pyre with three dragon hatchlings on her shoulders
Keep Reading
🦁Lann1girl Follow
Guys please don’t buy into this type of stuff, do your own research. These gossip accounts are a bunch of targ loyalists. Dragons died out during the dance please do not spread false information!
🧜‍♀️ womanderly Follow
Cersei Lannister isn’t gonna fuck you man
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🔥 red-rhollor Follow
🐦‍⬛ wallravens Follow
🪷lys-living Follow
Girl what
🌊 father-rhoyne Follow
Is there lead in the dragonstone water
🌞 sunspearsss Follow
So glad to witness episodes of true psychosis on this website
🌏 westerosi-heritage-posts Follow
Heritage post
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ibadst · 1 year
Say this 10 times a day & whatever you ask for Allah will give you | Muf...
to bless them to bless every one of usto grant us forgiveness during thisbeautiful beautiful season and we askAllahto be pleased with every one of us Imean my brothers my sisters every one ofus has needs we call out to the almightyhow do we call out to the Almighty weneed to seek the Forgiveness of theAlmighty we need to praise him we needto express our dependence on him hisindependence from us the fact that hehas what we want we call out to him veryhumbly we use the most beautiful wordswe send blessings and salutations uponMuhammad sallam at the beginning and atthe end and we make sure that we obeyAllah's instruction thereafter and whenhe gives us something we must bethankful to him also we show gratitudeto the Almighty we must show gratitudeto the almighty for what he has alreadybestowed upon us we're going through thesupplication of the Prophet Ayub and Imade mention of a Hadith of the prophetsalallahu alaihi wasallam in theprevious episode where he says thatthose who are tested are the ones whoare closest to us and then the othersare tested less and less and lessand a person is tested he Bears patienceuntil he moves on the earth withoutwithout a single sin on his back so thisis actually a bonus from Allah sayingthat you will definitely be forgiven asa result of the tests if you are to Bearpatience remember one thing don'tquestion the decree of Allah no matterhow difficult the hardship is take it inyour stride remember that the good dayswill always follow and remember that ifyou are being tested there are otherswho are better than you who were testedwith that which was bigger than the testyou have may Allah make it easy forevery one of us I now want to move on tothe prophet yunushe was also known as the noon then noonyou know the one who was swallowed by afish the type of fish we don't knowthere is a great discussion about whattype of fish it was the reality is itwas a fish and he was swallowed by itvery quickly and very briefly he wassent by Allah to certain people hecalled out uh you know he called themtowards Allah they did not listen so hedecided you know he was upsethe was upset with them so he walked awaythinking that you know what it's okayAllah is not going to punish me becauseI tried my best and now I'm going awaynot realizing that Allah would causesomething to happen for him to return tohis people because the message stillneeded to be completed and delivered inin the way that Allahhad wanted it to beso Allah makes mention of something veryinteresting that this man called out toAllah he called out to Allah at his timeof need when exactly was the time ofneed you see he jumped onto the ship andthe ship was sinking so they had to asksome of the people to jump oversubhanallah subhanallah it's very toughmay Allah not test us with this so theyknew this man was a good man theystarted they wanted to draw the lot soevery time the number came onto thishe was asked to go out the first timethe people said no let's try again theytried again it was his name again theytried a second third time it was hisname all the time so they asked him toleave he jumped in he was swallowed by abig fish and it was Darkness Darknessand the fish went right down to thebottom of that ocean and it was veryvery dark darkness of the whale thebelly of that in fact fish I called it awhale but the more accurate term is afish and darkness of the the the lowestthought of that particular sea or oceanand in that Darkness he called out toAllah now there is an amazing narrationthat I want to make mention of thatspeaks of regarding this DuaAllah says in the Quran in Surah versenumber 143had he not been from among those whoalways used to praise Allah he probablywould have stayed in the belly of thatfish until the day of Resurrection whichmeans because he used to praise Allahevery day on the ordinary daysthe day he needed it Allah respondedimmediately it goes back to a narrationof the prophethe saysget close to Allah get acquainted withAllah during your days of ease and Allahsubhanahu wa ta'ala will be acquaintedwith you during your days of difficultythis reminds me of yunushad he not been from among those whoused to always praise us declare ourTasmania he probably would have stayedin that condition right up to kriyama sothis goes to show my brothers andsisters praise Allah during your days ofease when nothing is really wrong praiseAllah search for the gifts of Allah uponyou and thank Allah for what he hasbestowed upon you when you don't havehardship when you don't have hardship sothat the day you have a hardship and youcall out to Allah Allah will definitelyrush to your assistance like the prophetsalallahu alaihi wasallam has taught usin[Music]remember the prophet yunuswhen he left his people he was upsetwith them and he went away thinking thatAllah will not punish him because hewent away from people who he had he haddelivered the message to and they didn'tlisten to him and then he found himselfin a certain condition we spoke aboutthat condition and he called out toAllah in that Darknesswhat did he say just like we heard aboutthe Prophetthis Prophet known as eunus the prophetJonah may peace be upon him he too didnot ask Allah to remove him from thehardship he only praised Allah anddeclared that I was wrong I didsomething wrongsubhanallah that's all he says and Allahloved that so much you know when youadmit your sin when you admit your errorto Allah Allah loves it a person whowants to earn the Forgiveness of Allahone of the conditions is to admit thatyou were wrongso we as Muslims do not confess our sinsto anyone we confess them to Allah Allahalone no matter what you've done it'syour secret between you and Allahno Sheikh no Imam no scholar no priestno husband no wife no child no one noone needs to know the extent of the sinyou've committed between you and Allahyou need to know it Allah needs to knowit and you ask Allah's forgiveness youconfess to all to Allah saying oh AllahI committed the sin I did wrong I regretit I'm seeking your forgiveness I'm notgoing to do it again the minute thosefour conditions are met the sin is wipedout so this is uh the noon uh yunus heis saying uhyou know he called out to Allah sayingthere is none worthy of worship besidesyousubhanallahI indeed was from among those whowronged myself I I was a wrongdoer I didwrongso Allah heard this beautiful Dua thisDua has in itthree different aspects that's whatmakes it so so powerful[Music]foreign mean there is none worthy ofworship besides you indeed I havecommitted something wrong I have wrongedmyself I've done something wrongsubhanallahwhat's the power of the Dua let's lookat the three different angles of it thefirst is declaring that Allah is theLord he is the owner he is the only oneworthy of worship no one else is goingto help me this is my Lord I worship himalone he is the only one worthy ofworship you know if we take a look atthe translation of in the Englishlanguage all of us would say there is noone worthy of worship besides Allah ifyou think about what you've said yourealize that that means you will onlyrender acts of worship to Allah becauseno one besides Allah is worthy of beingworshiped so that is the first aspect ofit where he is uhhumbling himself to Allah declaring thatAllah is my maker he is the one who hasdefinitelyyou know owned every aspect of worshiphe is the only one owed worship and fitto be worshiped then he says subhanakso he started off by sayingyou know none worthy of worship besidesyou subhanaka subhanaka is theglorification of Allah glory be to youso he's actually now declaring thegreatness of Allah he's sayingnon-worthy of worship besides you andthe word subhanaka is actuallyworshiping him he's worshiping Allah Iwon't worship anyone besides you here Iam declaring a statement that is filledwith worship I'm saying glory be to youwe wouldn't say glory be to anyone elseyou know it's just subhanallah no onewould say glory be to another creatureof Allah that's subhana is owned only byAllahso he's declaring that worship and thethird thing he is sayingI am now admitting my sin I was wrong ohAllah I'm wrong so these are the threethings one is he's declaring Allah aloneto be worshiped two is he's thenworshiping Allah alone and three is hesaying I was wrong I did something thatI'm not supposed to be doing I'm notsupposed to have doneand this is why the prophet salallahualaihi wasallam tells us in a Hadithnarrated by Imam Ahmad and also appearsalso a Hadithlet's listen very carefully it's a verypowerful narrationsaysthe supplication of eunus when he calledAllah from the belly of the fishno one will everno muslim will ever call Allah with thesame words except that Allah willrespond that call to that callamazingyou want a guarantee of a response fromAllah here's the Dua Allahof worship besides you o Allah glory beto you indeed I am from among the wrongdoers I did wrong and in your heart youknow what it was in your heart you knowwhat you want because he was in thebelly of that fish he knew I needed toget out of here I needed the help ofAllah I needed to be saved somehow sohe's he wants to be saved he wants toreturn back to where he was and he'sthanking Allah so my brothers andsisters this is a powerful Dua and thisis why Allah saysforeignwe responded his call and we saved himfrom that sadness and the sad conditionhe was in and that is how we save allthe Believersan amazing Dua of yunus and somethingwe've learned again is he didn't say ohAllah take me out of this condition oAllah he just declared the praise ofAllah he declared that oh Allah Allahalone is worthy of worship and he saysoh Allah what I did was wrong so Allahsays we responded by by removing himfrom his sadness anyone who is facedwith sadness you may use this Dua it isa beautiful wording that is mentioned byAllah in the Quran and it was definitelyspoken also by the prophet yunusmay Allah grant us a beautifulunderstanding I want to move on to theprophet Musawhat a great prophet of Allah theprophet Moses may peace be upon him heis the one who's mentioned the most inthe Quran his story takes up a largepart of the Quran many surahs manychapters have the story of Moses or partof it and a lot of his prayers are mademention of you know he was Young And ashe was young he grew up when he wasgrowing upuh in the first or second episode wespoke about how he punched someone andas a result the person died immediatelyhe admitted his faultwhat did hesayshe says oh AllahI've wronged myself look at the words oAllah this is from the the handiwork ofthe deviloh Allah if you don't forgive me I'mgoing to be a losersubhanallah so to admit your sin is onething then you call out to Allah youknow you can blame shaytan foreverything because shaytan definitely isat work all the time butit's a good gift for a Believer to blamethe devil so that he comes out of it youknow I always tell people who are whodon't get along with each other thatwhat a great gift it is when you canjust say no my brother you know shaytancame to me and shaytan made me do thisand shaytan made me do that and thebrother said yeah yeah I I know Iunderstand shaytan came to me too and itwas and then you Embrace each other andyou hug each other and you sort yourproblem out and who was blamed shaytanshaytan although sometimes we do becomeLittle Devils ourselves but may Allahnot let that happen however it is notwrong to blame shaytan because even inthe Quran we are taught that theprophets of Allah also said that wasshaytan you know look at Musa he saysthis is from the handiwork of the devilI'm not this way this is not me you knowI shouldn't have done this and Ishouldn't be doing this so that wassomething that we had already spokenabout but as a result they began to lookfor him and he left the city upon theadvice of a man who came to him sayingif you want to be saved you need to nowleave the city as he's leaving the cityhe called out to Allah now sometimes weare faced with a situation where youknow we are no longer at a workplacesometimes we're no longer weak we ifyou're an expatriate somewhere you're nolonger working somewhere or you justlost your job or you need to leave forsome reasondepending on what it is you might take alesson from what happened to Musaso Musa here saysand I'm just going to read the verseverse number 21 of Surat al-qas Allahsays[Music]he came out from that City he wasfearing and he was watchinghe said oh my God save me from thenation who are oppressors from thesewrong doers from this group of peoplewho are wrong doers oh Allah save mefrom them so he the Dua isa beautiful I can use it you can use itif ever we would like to ask Allah tosave us from a specific people oh Allahprotect us from this group of people whoare wrongdoers the Sinners you know thePharaoh and the likes they had committedand perpetrated heinous crimes they werekilling people and they had done so muchand he is saying oh Allah saved me fromthese people and then Allah says[Music]foreignbecause now he was heading in thatdirectionhe made a Dua he says oh my rub I I hopeI have hope in you that you will guideme to the best of past to thestraightest of pathsnow when we are making auh decision when we're trying to go toanother city when we're opening a newbusiness when we're going for a new jobetc etc we ask Allah oh Allah guide usoh Allah I have hope that you will guideme to the best decisions sometimes thedecisions are tricky we don't knowexactly what decision to make look atMusa he's forced to leave behindeverything he's going on his own perhapsa little bit of provision that he hasand he is leavingand he's saying oh Allah I I have hopein you that you're going to guide me tothe straightest of paths to the best ofdecisions so he sayslet's fast forward a little bit so hegets to Midian he sees these ladies hehelps them with uh the quenching of TheThirst of their flock and thereafter hemakes a Dua to Allah he as he'sreclining under the tree he asks Allahuh something elsehe says[Music]that isa beautiful verse that Allah makesmention of whenI am in dire need of any goodness thatyou are going to send in my directionright nowsubhanallahoh my LordI amfor anything good that you are going tosend in my direction in great need I'min great need of anything any form ofgoodness so whether it was food or drinkwhether it was material no matter whatit was and he did not know exactlywhat's going to come in his Directionbut as a result guess what happenedImagine Thisremember that Duaas a result Allah subhanahu wa ta'alabestowed him with someone who comfortedhim by listening to his story number oneand this shows us that when you have atrustworthy person that you can relateyour story to or you can you can trustwith what's happened it's good sometimesto speak but remember to you need atrustworthy person Musa did not justspeak to anyone and everyone Musa didnot just come and say words to anyone hemet that you know this is what happenedthat's what happened but rather what hedid he called out to Allah to help himand then he found someone he could trustand after that he told this man thestoryand there were a few signs that he sawthat would prove that that would provethat this person is actually genuine youknow and after that he found a confidantthen he found a job subhanallah he got ajob as a result of this Dua the joblasted 10 years and after that he founda wife subhanallah so marriage camefirst he found a very good friend whobecame his father-in-law so marriage andhis boss which means he found a jobsubhanallah if people are looking forjobs looking for spouses looking for somany thingsoh Allah whatever goodness you're goingto bestow upon me I am in desperate needof it right now subhanallahand we repeat the Dua and there are somany other supplications it's not justthis one now someone might ask how manytimes should we repeat that Dua a lot ofpeople ask me a question you know uhthere's this Dua in the Quran how manytimes should I repeat it you knowsomeone told me to say it a hundredtimes I've heard of someone who toldanother person to repeat it to ah onemillion times I want to tell youto put a figure at how many times youshould make the Dua is usually not inthe Hadith of the Prophet salallahualaihi wasallam when it comes to thevikr and the remembrance of Allah youhave the prophet salallahu makingmention of a hundred times uh you know acertain Dua a certain certainremembrance or the subhanallahalhamdulillah 33 33 33 or 34 Etc orthree times four times uh certainin the remembrance of Allah but when itcomes to Dua a supplicationyou say it with conviction even if it'sonce twice ten times a hundred timesthere is no fixed number you need tocall out to Allah based on yourconviction until you are happy that I'vecalled out to Allah and you might wantto repeat it and repeat it again atevery moment that you think about it youmay repeat it it's permissible there'sno cap and there's no recommended numberby the prophet salallahu some peoplemight recommend numbers but that's notfrom the prophet salallahu I wouldadvise you to follow your heart and toquench The Thirst that you have withinyou to call out to Allah and keep itgoing with Allahdon't lose hope look at this man he'sasking Allah he's just been driven outof his City he enters a new city he'sbeen very helpful that shows us when youhelp people and when you help even thosewho are who might be strangers withgoodness you know when you help peoplewith goodness obviously we're living incountries where it's not so easysometimes to just help any stranger butthere are signs you will get that thisis a legitimate cause when you helppeople the chances of your Dua beingaccepted are far greater than if youwere just to be selfish and make Dua ohAllah help me help me but you are notready to help othersAllah continues to help his servantuntil that person is occupied in helpinganother remember this my brothers andsisters so we call out to Allah here isthe man he just helped someone he wasdesperate he saysAllah sent him a wife Allah sent him ajob Allah sent him a confident and afriend and thereafter Allahgave him prophethood my brothers andsisters what beautiful lessons we'vejust learned from thisI'm looking forward to seeing you againwith the next episode where we will belooking at more of these supplicationsfrom Revelation until then
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elenamegan14 · 4 years
Yandere!One Piece vs Tough F!Reader
Yeah, we get it. We saw those “sweet, innocent” readers so much getting captured by their yanderes, but can you imagine how this would work with a tough-as-nails reader?
I am talking about a reasonable, no-nonsense and “I literally just send ten people to hospital for intruding my private space” reader who give no fucks - you don’t like how scarily violent and stalkerish tendencies they got and you bet your sweet bippy that you will fight tooth and nail to escape them. 
I mean, duh! They’re pirates! Docile, cute admirers are okay, but they like feisty, hard-to-get people that just as challenging as getting One Piece. After all, pirates loves the thrill of chasing after difficult “treasures”. 
And like that treasure, you are REALLY difficult to claim. 
Imagine slowly raising a gun to the temple of a lovesick Eustass Kid who trapped you inside hundreds of metal weapons, kabedon style. He doesn’t care, even your insults and threats hurled at him sounds like one hell of a metal music. He loves a feisty prey and he will not let go of you. 
Imagine actually calling the freaking MARINES while you were binded under Luffy’s rubberhose of an arms. He’s not willing to let you go and he will drag your unconcious body back to Thousand Sunny if he had to. Look, the scary thing about Luffy is that once he set eyes on someone to be his “nakama”, he will pursue them no matter how you are hurting him with a seastone brass knuckles that you have miraculously found on the ground. 
Imagine angrily yelling at Sanji to please let go of your leg AND your hips, even after you hit him multiple times and he still gets up, Terminator-style. Sanji’s eyes are still heart-shaped as he kept saying how he will devote himself to you and shish-kabob anyone who goes near you and by the way, he saw how good you are with that lace bra last night- the latter just earned him with a boot to the face. 
Imagine trying to resist every last fiber of your body from Doflamingo’s puppet strings as he beckoned you to sit on his lap like a good doll you are. You don’t care - you can slit his throat and he will still drag you with his strings if he has to. Never has Doflamingo encountered a fiery, tough individual and he sure as hell would not give it up. 
Imagine crawling away from Charlotte Smoothie and Charlotte Katakuri with nothing but daggers as both of them stampede towards you, intending to make you a part of their family. They already got permission from “Mama”, plus they are both single and horny for this strong person who actually and actively tried to get away from them...
Imagine getting into an epic swordfight with Zoro, your blade and his three powerful swords clashing, all for the possession of your freedom. Zoro might have not held any sexual attraction, but once he saw the warrior spirit in your eyes and how you really are serious about killing him, that’s when Zoro knew he had found his soulmate. He’s after a tough soldier like you and he WILL have you at all cost. 
Imagine Ace just literally pinned you down to the bed, the closest any of them ever had, peppering kisses upon your neck and shoulder as you kept biting like a hyena on his arms, leaving deep, bloodied teeth marks. Ace just laughs - those marks can be his victorious reminder that you have left behind for him. After all, he did burn those goons near you to crisp right in front of your freaked out face, right? 
Imagine running and shooting at Black Maria and her cronies as you wandered straight into her brothel room. Black Maria easily overpowered you with her devil fruit - she is a spider who finds her prey and as she picks up you, whoare  trashing around wildly and demanding to be released at once, she knew that you’ll be her favorite. 
Imagine kicking Sir Crocodile into a well as you gained the upperhand in public as bystanders watched in horror. But Crocodile is not intimidated nor he is fully angry - how dare this upstart not only bold enough to challenge him but also stole his already shrunken heart as well? As you kept trying to drown him (”WHY WON’T YOU DIE?!”), Sir Crocodile just make all the water dry, laughing at your pathetic attempt to do so. 
And lastly...
Imagine getting strapped into Law’s operation room, the guy smiling at you menancingly as you tried to keep your composure strait. He is sin incarnate, unwilling to take any nonsense. Yet, here you are, a very challenging patient that gnashes around him, promising that he will live a thousand deaths while Law smirked to himself that he will definitely going to have LOTS of fun playing doctor with you...
If anyone has a request for this sort of scenario with other One Piece character or you want me to make a small one-shot of this, please let me know in asks or comments!
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ledbulkheadd · 4 years
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Besides rich game types, Bigo also boasts amass of streamers with various broadcasting styles. You can find streamers who aregame guru and watching their shows will raise your game level; streamers whoare good at developing strategies and their videos will catch your eyes; andstreamers with comedy traits and their talk shows will make your day.
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Showbiz is like a hotpot where tons of livevideos are grouped in this place. You will surprise by how diverse the liveshows are if you take a while to browse through. You can see gyming, cooking,singing, dancing, storytelling and all kinds of broadcast-able contents in thisarea.
Due to its hotpot trait, the quality ismixed. However, spending time to look for interesting contents is worth andmaybe in some corners, you will find something unexpected. Of course, you canfilter live by countries and exotic live shows are waiting for you.
Part 2: How to Download and Use BIGO LIVE Connector on PC
With BIGO LIVE Connector, you can broadcast your games on PC. It just takes you 4 steps to begin your game show on PC. Follow the instruction and share your life to the world!
Step 1. Scan QA code of Bigo Live Connector (40MB)
Note: At present, BIGO LIVE Connector is only available for Windows7/8/10.
Step 2. Setup the live mode and generate the BIGO code.
Step 3. Scan the code from your BIGO LIVE app.
Step 4. Now you have already begun your live game show.
Bottom Line
By following the guide, you can watch BIGOLIVE’s videos on web/PC or broadcast live games from your computer easily. Adobe illustrator mac os catalina download.
Download Bigo live for Pc/Laptop: Hello Friends, Today I’m here with another latest video broadcasting and streaming app where worldwide broadcasters broadcast their daily interest. Bigo Live application raises it’s demand slowly over different platforms its downloads on google play store and iOS store are increasing day-to-day. This is an awesome platform to showcase your interests such as cooking, dancing, singing etc through broadcasts. Bigo live Pc app is similar to Periscope app. It is the most popular live video streaming social network where most active young & fashion people together share their interests.
Bigo Live has a unique feature PRIVATE BROADCASTING which allows you to choose who can watch your video broadcasts, streams etc… Bigo live is available for both Android and iOS devices. Hit here to download official Bigo Live Android version andBigo Live iOS version for smart devices. Recent days Bigo live for Pc term also getting popularized receiving huge hits all over the internet. If you are looking to Download Bigo Live for Pc or procedure to Install Bigo Live Pc app on Windows 10, Windows 7/8/8.1/Xp computers, Mac Os stay connected with us down the tutorial.
Free Download Bigo Live for Pc/Laptop on Windows 10, Windows 7/8/8.1/Xp, Mac Os-Install Bigo live Pc App
A Simple app to broadcasts your life events, talents etc…. You can watch and follow famous broadcasters talents and their shares. Within less time turned as a cool network video broadcast app. To use Bigo Live on Pc follow our below guide How to Download Bigo Live for Pc/Laptop on Windows 10/7/8/8.1/Xp, Mac OS Computer. But before all this let me give you a brief intro about Bigo live Pc app and its features and broadcasts.
Download and Install Bigo Live for Pc on Windows 10/7/8/8.1/Xp
Features of Bigo Live Pc App :
Real-time Interaction: Engage with your audience on your live sessions. Have a chat with your favorite broadcasters.
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Live Broadcasting: Sing. Dance. Cook. Give make-up and fashion tutorials. Talk about movies or broadcast.
Follow Broadcasters: Follow interesting broadcasters. You can receive notifications when they broadcast.
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Get lots of audiences. Keep your followers. We’ll give you interesting offers!
Bigo Live Connector Mac Download
Download Bigo Live For PC or Laptop-Install Bigo live Pc on Windows 10,8.1,8,7 & Mac Computer
Bigo Live Mac Download
Now lets back to the tutorial. As bigo live was developed for mobile phones only there is no official Bigo live Pc version available for Pc or Desktops. To use bigo live app on pc you need to look for alternative methods for using this app on computers. The best alternative way to Download and Use Bigo live for Pc with Windows 10/7/8/8.1/XP is by using an android emulator. Among all existing best android emulators, Bluestacks is the most comparable to use on Pc.
If you don’t have bluestacks read our article on how to download bluestacks for pc. To download bigo live for Pc or Computer follow below simple steps of bigo live for windows/mac download using bluestacks app player.
First, open bluestacks in your pc and then click on the search icon.
Type bigo live in the search box then you will see search play for bigo live right below the search box click on it.
Once you click you will be redirected to the Play Store on bluestacks app player.
Select Bigo live app and wait for few seconds as it takes some time to install Bigo App.
Download Bigo Live for Pc
After completing the installation navigate to bluestacks Home page-> All apps-> find bigo live app and start using the app to make free calls.
Best Browsers to Use on Pc:Uc Browser for Pc, CM browser for Pc, Opera Mini Pc Browser
Download Bigo Live For Pc/Laptop-Install Bigo Live Pc App with Bigo live Apk
If you find any problems while installing the app using the above method, you can also install bigo live app on Pc using bigo apk file. For this simply download bigo live apk file for pc and then install using bluestacks app. We are providing a direct link for you to get official bigo live apk file, get it now on the following link.
This all about Bigo Live for Pc Download and Install on Windows 10/7/8/8.1/Xp Laptop, Mac OS Computers. If you are troubled with any issues in downloading or installing bigo App, don’t hesitate to contact us by commenting below. Also, share this article with your friends on social media and let them also use this app to make free calls. Thank you.
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Weed, marijuana, persistent, dope, ganja, grass, maryjane, whichever folks may contact pot or it, is a non-synthetic product that hails from the place cannabis sativa along with cannabis indica. Its particular colours and colleges change dependent wherever it's formulated but its regular coloration is novice. Within the delayed-1800s acquire along with Marijuana's utilization were controlled local regulators in the USA sufficient reason for a volume of states. In 1906, the medicine was managed by many statements by noticing it like a fantastic. The twenties registered within the composition, also it was consequently repealed within the 1930s. Since, box employ ongoing to illegal within the Usa.The box place is supposed such as a psychoactive medicine. they and so ones ancestors use them-and it, respectively for religious cultures aswell. The usage of box might be compared by way of example liquor misuse, heroin along with other medicine exploitations, to every other behavior fumes.If you would like to learn more about this, please check out bmwo reviews.
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They've undesireable effects to the wellness of person. Normal undesirable effects has mental instabilities, memory-loss, slow comprehending, inadequate concentrate, loss of manage, fear, terrible perception or view.Lots of people whoare totally hooked on cannabis are linked because of the product termed THC or delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol, which will be the main dynamic element of box to its consequences. This product is popular to seriously have a driver or hallucinogen result. THC permits an its dopamine is released by your brain, a materials often called satisfaction element, providing a high to the buyer. Euphoric feeling could be the important reason why folks are presently acquiring linked-up with pot.Marijuana dependency is considered as an illness in a number of neighborhoods. Numerous groups deemed box shoppers. Hence, it lessens comfort and their confidence towards home. Signs of behavior susceptibility to prevent whatever the endeavours so are lack of manage within the medicine and applied.
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samanthasroberts · 6 years
What A Guy’s Go-To Drink Says About What He’s Like In Bed
He was running late.
I hate waiting at a bar by myself. Its a surefire way to get unwanted attention.
Bella? From Bumble?” I hear a voice call out.
He was standing behind me, all six feet of him. He had the jawline of a Disney prince, cool blue eyes and rumpled dark brown hair.
He was probably out of my league and I was totally willing to take advantage of his oversight.
He sat down next to me, placing his jacket on the seat behind him. He briefly glanced at the drink menu before ordering a wait for it mojito.
Dont get me wrong, I have nothing against mojitos. You just dont order them on dates.
Mojitos are the classic douche boy drink of the early ’00s. Not only are they entirely dated, but they’realso just weird.
My mind jumped to how hed be later that night, if we ended up going back to his place.
Because he’d been living under a rock since 2001, he probably thought 69 was still a mutually satisfyingposition.
Needless to say, his drink of choice wasnt making him look good.
Sorry, dudes, but ladies watch what you order at the bar.
For us, it’s an indicator for how you’ll treat us during the real happy hour.
If hes into whiskey sours, hes all talk.
Its one thing to order a whiskey neat or on the rocks, but a guy whohas to mix the good stuff is probably just a p*ssy.
This kind of gent orders whiskey to look cool, not just because he likes the taste.
Hell try to pick you up at the bar by talking about his ritzy apartment and making not-so-veiled comments about his massive junk.
When you eventually go home with him, you see he actually lives on the sixth floor of awalk-up apartment he shared with four roommates. His so-called “massive” dick also resembles a pig in a blanket.
Ladies, run and keep running.
If he orders scotch neat, he knows his way around downtown.
Guys who drink Glenlivet are old souls.
They can handle a grown up drink. They can also handle you in the bedroom.
Aman whos sipping at his scotch isnt looking to get drunk, so hell be pleasantly buzzed by the time you get back to his apartment.
He is also refined enough to know the difference between each brand of scotch, which means he’s well-read. He’s learned the importance of pleasing you at some point down the road.
Open up for this dude, ladies. It’s worth it.
If hes a gin and tonic man, hes about as adventurous as a doorknob.
Guys whoare still on the gin and tonic vibe havent grown upmuch since college.
Hell say hes all about getting wild between the sheets, but his two favorite positions are missionary and girl-on-top.
Doggy? Hell spend 20 minutes trying to position himself into the right hole. Anything else is simply too next level for the poor guy.
If hes into tequila, hes probably a total jackrabbit.
Fact: Tequila exists with the sole purpose of getting you plastered. If hes downing Don Julio, his signature move is wham, bam, thank you maam.”
If youre into getting drilled, hes the guy for you. If it takes a little more work for you to get your just desserts, all this guy will do is make your bed creak and your vagina hate you forever.
If he’s a vodka soda dude, he cares more about how his abs look than if youre satisfied.
Vodka sodas are the drink of choice for dieters.
If he opts for one, it’s not because he genuinely loves vodka. Its because hes concerned with how his arms look flexing over your head.
There’s nothing wrong with theguy,really. Besides, if youre on top, hell be too transfixed by the sight of you bouncing around to worry about whether or not his abs lookairbrushed.
Long Island iced tea man? Hes probably a virgin.
What guy drinks Long Island iced teas after graduating high school? They were the drink to get when your fake ID actually workedbecause theysounded fancy enough to not raise brows.
Now, hes an adult. His drink probably means he’s only had sex with his right hand.
If hes into his Corona and Heineken, he’s probably never givenan orgasm.
Your cooch is as mysterious as Atlantis for this guy.
You’ll have an average time, but theres nothing adventurous about him. He wont flip you over, nor will he be fast or slow enough for you to feel good.
Going down on you? Yeah, okay.
If hes into small microbreweries, hell stop at nothing to please you.
Guys who prefer niche beer made by breweries you’ve never heard of pay attention to detail.
They also love women. They’ll work you in a way that will always leave you coming back for more.
This type of guy wont rest until he gave you eight orgasms in a row. He will eat you out when youre on your period. No matter what your sexual fantasy is, hell make you believe it’s worth fulfilling.
Dont be creeped out by this guys eagerness. Its so worth it.
If hes a high-class red wine kind of lad, hes bossy in a good way.
If hes ordering the $300 bottle of Pinot Noir, hes suave as sh*t. He knows how he likes his wine, just like he knows how he likes his women.
In bed, hell tell you exactly what he wants. You wont even realize hes being a dominant asshole until hes f*cked you seven ways to Sunday. And youll love it.
If hes into white wine, hes probably a serial killer. Or married. Or both.
Just dont.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/what-a-guys-go-to-drink-says-about-what-hes-like-in-bed/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/06/22/what-a-guys-go-to-drink-says-about-what-hes-like-in-bed/
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viralhottopics · 8 years
10 Things You Never Knew About Lefties
If you grew up left-handed, you know that it comes with some challenges.
For example, those desks at school were clearly made for righties you know the ones I’m talking about, with the little ledge for the right arm to rest while writing the answers to pop quizzes. Those were the worst! But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Fromscissors to can openers and musical instruments, and even the smudging of pencil lead all over your hand, the left-handed strife never seems to end!
But, as it turns out, there is more to being left-handed than inconvenient school supplies. It correlates with which side of the brain is dominant, which dictates what your personality is going to be like.
These 10 things about left-handedness may take you by surprise. I didn’t know that the trait came along with such a vast array of other factors.
Are you left-handed? Have you noticed anything else about your personality or your fellow lefties that we missed?
Thumbnail Sources: Flickr / PJ Faere, Nate Steiner
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1. Lefties Make Up Only 10 Percent Of The Population
Grace Eire
That’s right, only one out of every 10people is left-handed. That makes them pretty special!
2. They Get A Whole Day To Themselves
Flickr / Mickey Destro
August 13 is the official day to celebrate having a dominant left hand, so you better start planning that big Left-Hander’s Day bash right now.
3. They Associate “Left” With “Good”
Grace Eire
While right-handed people associate the right side with being good, lefties think the exact opposite. In a world dominated by phrases like “right-hand man,” lefties get a slightly filtered view of the world, even if they don’t realize it. This all happens subconsciously.
4. They Are More Easily Afraid
Flickr / thewebprincess
A study out of Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, Scotland, showed that those who are left-handed are more likely to show signs of post-traumatic stress after watching scary movie clips. The reactions to fear that stem from the right side of the brain (which is dominant in left-handed people), were more prevalent in left-handers, as reported by The Telegraph.
5. They May Have Higher IQs
Wikimedia Commons / Orren Jack Turner
There are more left-handed people with IQs over 140 than there are righties. Also, Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklinwere both lefties, so if you are a southpaw, you’re in good company!
6. They Can Get More Embarrassed
Wikimedia Commons / Michael
As reported by the BBC, lefties are more likely to succumb to their inhibitions or get embarrassed. This is due to the right side of the brain (which they associate closely with) being in charge of theseemotions.
7. Being Lefty Could Correlate With Mom’s State During Pregnancy
Wikimedia Commons / Schwangerschaft
According to ABC News, moms whoare more stressed during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to a left-handed person, while moms over 40 at the time of birth are 128 percent more likely to birth a leftie than women in their 20s.
8. Creativity Comes Easily To Them
Wikimedia Commons / AuthorMarkBurnett
Lefties are better at divergent thinking, according to Business Insider, which means they’re able to come to multiple conclusions based on a certain set of information. This makes for great artists and creative types, that’s for sure.
9. There Are Plenty Of Royal Lefties
Wikimedia Commons / Auspic / Commonwealth of Australia
Prince William and his son, Prince George, are bothleft-handed. The royal family has had a string of other left-handed members, including Queen Victoria and King George VI, as well as the Queen Mother.
10. There Have Been Eight Known Left-Handed Presidents
Wikimedia Commons / Raul654
James A. Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Harry S. Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama are all of the known left-handed presidentsfrom our country’s past. This number could be much higher, though, as in past generations, being left-handed was frowned upon.
Did you know any of this about being lefty? PleaseSHAREwith your family and friends on Facebook!
Read more: http://ift.tt/2na6izV
from 10 Things You Never Knew About Lefties
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
mercenaries 2 world in flames ps3
mercenaries 2 world in flames ps3
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames cheats & more for PlayStation 3 (PS3)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Mercenaries 2: World in Flames cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, trophies, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 3 (PS3). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PlayStation 3 cheats we have available for Mercenaries 2: World in Flames.
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Genre: Shooter, First-Person Shooter Developer: Pandemic Publisher: Electronic Arts ESRB Rating: Teen Release Date: August 26, 2008
Stealing Fuel Without Upsetting A Faction
This is most useful when used with factions whoare already hostile (to keep them from shootingyou down), but can also be used to keep friendlyfactions from becoming upset with you. Get one ofthe helicopters used by the faction you want tosteal from (or one of its allies), and allow yourdisguise to finish. Fly to the location of thefuel you want to get, and lower your winch. Grabthe fuel tank, and lift off before the enemysoldiers recognize you, then fly to a securelocation (either the PMC or a remote, openlocation). Once out of sight, call Ewan in for thepick-up. Note: Using a heavier helicopter isrecommended, as the Rogue and Gunney classchoppers are extremely difficult to control whencarrying a heavy fuel tank. Also, there are atleast half a dozen fuel tanks relatively close tothe PMC, most of which are controlled by UniversalPetroleum. Spending the fuel for an AmbassadorGunship (an Allied helicopter, who are allies withUP) is well worth it if you are going to use yourPMC as a fuel depot.Use the following trick to steal fuel from afriendly faction without having to worry aboutaffecting their status towards you. Go to anoutpost that has fuel tanks, and tag them. Then,call in Ewan for the extraction. If a soldierhappens to call in a report about your hostileact, go inside the outpost to cancel the call. Bydoing this you will get fuel and the faction willstill be friendly with you.This trick requires a fast vehicle (for example, asports motorcycle). Find an outpost that has afuel tank. Look for an easy way out before youattempt to steal the fuel. Once your vehicle ispositioned facing the fast exit, and after makingsure no one sees you, tag the fuel tank, and callEwan for extraction. Run to your vehicle, anddrive as fast as you can until you are far enoughfrom the place so that no one can report you.Note: This also works with a helicopter as yourvehicle when you are in the jungle area, butrequires more time because you must wait a fewseconds before you can lift off.
Easy Sniper Challenge
Use R1 and not the scope for the Sniper challenge.Take out the drums next to the cars first, then goto the two statues for some extra time.
Easy Challenges
Bet the maximum money for the level 1 and 2challenges, then save and reload the game untilyou win. Bet the minimum money for the level 3challenge.
Easy Money
After completing the first UP mission andrecruiting Ewan, talk to him about the Winchchallenge. After completing level 3 on thischallenge, bet the maximum amount of money. Eventhough you have already done this, the height doesnot raise. Therefore you can continue betting atthe maximum amount. After approximately four times(depending on how much you start with), you shouldhave about $7.0 million. Continue from here to getthe maximum wager amount to $5.0 million (when youhave about $14.0 million in funds). Repeat this asmany times as desired. Additionally, when you getthe maximum betting level on the Winch challenge,keep going until you get to approximately $100million. The minimum bet will now also be $5million. If you continue from there, the minimumwill actually grow higher than the maximum andallow for even more money. However, once theminimum goes beyond $5 million, there is no wayyou can raise or lower the bet because it ishigher than the maximum, but it is still theminimum. Note: To save time in the Winchchallenge, use stackable items from outside ofyour stronghold. For example, try the gascanisters across the road (or for something lessvolatile, use the shipping containers directlyacross the lake behind your house). Items usedfrom outside of your stronghold stay in the exactlocation you put them until you quit your game,giving you a prepared stack height the next timearound. Two or three attempts may be required togather the items, but it is well worth it, as oncedone it requires only seconds to win the challenge.
Easy Vehicle Repair
Park your vehicle outside of a building you canenter, then enter the building and exit. Yourvehicle should now be completely repaired withfull ammunition.
Cheat Mode
Go to PDA then press, L2,R2,R2,L2,R2,L2,L2,R2,R2,R2,L2
All Costumes
At the PDA screen, press Up, Right, Down, Left, Upto unlock all costumes.
At the PDA, press Up(3), Down(3), Left, Right, Up, Down.
Grappling Hook
At the PDA screen, press Up, Left, Down, Right, Upto unlock the grappling hook. This code willaffect both players if enabled in Co-op mode.
All Airstrikes
At the PDA screen, press Right, Left, Down, Up,Right, Left, Down, Up to unlock all airstrikesexcept the Nuke.
At the PDA screen, press Up(2), Down(2), Left,Right, Left to unlock the Nuke.
All Supplies
At the PDA screen, press Left, Right(2), Left,Up(2), Left, Up to unlock all supplies.
All Vehicles
At the PDA screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right(2),Left to unlock all vehicles.
Refill Fuel
At the PDA screen, press Up(3), Down(3).
Infinite Ammunition
At the PDA screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right,Left(2).
At the PDA screen, press Up, Down, Left, Down,Right(2). This code will affect both players ifenabled in Co-op mode.
Unlock Everything
While playing the game enter Up, Down, Left, Left, Left, Right, X, Square, Right, Lleft, Left, Right. If entered correctly you will hear a horn honk.
Getting 100% Completion
Successfully complete all outpost missions beforeyou initiate the final mission in Story mode. Theoutpost missions can no longer be accessed afterthe game is completed, which will also prevent afaction’s shop items from being unlocked.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Mercenaries 2: World in Flames yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Mercenaries 2: World in Flames yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Mercenaries 2: World in Flames yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Trophy List
Eat the Heat (Bronze) You performed a burnout Shoot to Thrill (Bronze) You got 25 headshots Armageddon It (Bronze) You destroyed 25 buildings Hail and Kill (Bronze) You destroyed 50 objects using melee Holy Smoke (Bronze) You destroyed 50 Objects With a Grenade Little Savage (Bronze) You destroyed 50 Objects with an RPG Launcher Gone Shootin’ (Bronze) You completed one of Fiona’s challenges Heavy Metal Thunder (Bronze) You successfully completed 10 action hijacks Tattooed Millionaire (Bronze) Be connected to EA Servers and earn $1 million Highway to Hell (Bronze) You completed 3 races Partners in Crime (Bronze) You’ve experienced co-op Wheels of Steel (Bronze) You came in first during a co-op race Pipeline (Silver) You captured all outposts for a single faction Be Quick or Be Dead (Silver) You sniped 50 enemy vehicle drivers No More Mr. Nice Guy (Silver) You pissed off everyone in Venezuela .And Justice For All (Silver) You verified all high value targets Digital Man (Silver) You unlocked all shop items We’ll Burn the Sky (Silver) You unlocked all landing zones Damage, Inc. (Silver) You used 20 airstrikes in co-op Nothin’ But a Good Time (Silver) You destroyed 200 objects from the gunnerseat in co-op The Hero and the Madman (Gold) You completed Mercenaries 2 Balls to the Wall (Gold) You mastered the Winching Challenge Billion Dollar Babies (Gold) Be connected to EA Servers and earn $1 billion World in Flames (Platinum) You earned all trophies in Mercenaries 2 School’s Out (Bronze) You completed the tutorial The Rage (Bronze) You completed “Rescue Carmona” Hello, Hooray (Bronze) You acquired the PMC Wild One (Bronze) You recruited Ewan The Analog Kid (Bronze) You recruited Misha Oil and Gasoline (Bronze) You recruited Eva Ride the Dragon (Bronze) You hijacked the tank in the villa Stand Up and Shout (Bronze) You achieved maximum mood with the Allies Forever Free (Bronze) You achieved maximum P.L.A.V. mood Island of Domination (Bronze) You achieved maximum Pirate mood Longing For Fire (Bronze) You achieved maximum Chinese mood Dirty Deeds (Bronze) You achieved maximum Universal Petroleum mood Runnin’ with the Devil (Silver) You verified Blanco You Better Run (Silver) You verified Carmona No Compromise, No Regrets (Silver) You battled for Caracas Aces High (Gold) You captured all high value targets
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