#PLEASE dont repost im not putting watermarks
honeydew-sillies · 2 years
So I got bored. Have a dump of stupid fucking memes I've made in the past hour
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toplines · 2 years
“bu…bubu- but they’re just wittle pixels and digital images rwight 🥺” no. we spend hours on gifs or even one singular gif to make edits for FREE on tumblr dot com. name a person who asked us to do this. no one!! exactly!! we make gifs bc its enjoyable and fun but people like reposters suck the fun out of it!!! and do NOT go and tell us that “gifs aren’t that hard to make” baby girl what do u think we do? go online and search for a video downloader and download it at like a crappy 720p and go to like literal ezgif dot com and all the gifs just MAGICALLY have their effects, typography, colouring, blending, animation, quality all up and ready? why dont u try and make a gif. hm.
and also, @ all of you “gif collectors” or some fanfic writers. lemme tell u a secret. an itty bitty secret. did u know… theres this really cool thing called PROPERLY CREDITING? im not talking about a stupid “credits to the owners” no. it isn’t that hard to properly source the creators or accounts.
that wasn’t so hard, hm?
also oh my god, do NOT go around saying you made these gifs when it is so obvious you didn’t. no bff, it isn’t a coincidence we have the same sharpening AND colouring settings.
and hey, i’ll stop my angry typing for a minute and just say that if you wanna learn how to make gifs there are plenty of amazing accounts and tutorials that are incredibly detailed. here are a few i recommend:
how to: make high quality gifs by sith-maul
giffing 101 by cillianmurphy
giffing and colouring tutorial by sashafierce
how to fix and avoid orangewashing characters by maxchapman
how to fix and avoid white/pink/yellowwashing by jeonwonwoo
how to: colouring east & southeast asians by blueshelp
pastel gifs: a tutorial by completeresources
how to fix and avoid whitewashing in pastel gifs by fadenet
and for those who don’t want to pay/ t*rr*nt photoshop:
free giffing tutorial by ashleysolsen
photopea gif tutorial by lacebird
and @usergif has a bunch of directories and navigation for tutorials and inspiration!
again, there are so many useful tutorials if you’d just look.
i know this probably won’t stop all reposters (unfortunately) but i hope those reposters that are reading this realise how messed up stealing gifs are. it isn’t funny or cool to see gifs that you’ve spent so much time on only to be reposted here or on other sites without credit or being claimed as someone elses.
we’re just asking for a proper credit on your post or maybe even stop reposting in whole. im sure you had good intentions in making those posts, but you have to understand how much it hurts. at this point, we have to put our watermarks in the middle of our gifs to avoid people cropping them out.
and please, PLEASE reblog edits. you have no idea how diminishing it is to see such a crappy like to reblog ratio. remember this hellsite has such a crappy algorithm so reblogging is essentially one of the only ways to give posts more traction
AGAIN. dont repost gifs. dont steal gifs without credit. dont belittle gifmakers. just stop being so disrespectful and rude and have a brain for once. thank you for reading.
edit: ive noticed ppl asking why i kinda like insulted those who use 720p and ezgif, im really sorry if i made it sound like a bad thing !! i was just very angry writing this aaaadjskdks gifmaking, HQ or not is valid and nobody deserves to get their creations stolen !
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zeraphiimm · 11 months
Not to come out of nowhere and say it, but if youre gonna repost my art As In. Take my art and post it somewhere else (includes edits). Please credit me... you dont have to credit me if its for a profile picture or something small like that. i had a huge problem two years ago with someone reposting ALL of my art to pintrest. Every single one of my drawings, didnt matter if it was a 2 second shitty doodle or a lovely piece i put all my heart into, they took it and put it onto their own account. I dont care if you do it IF you just let people know SOMEwhere that its my art. Last time i checked, everything is still there... im so scared to go onto pintrest nowadays because of that LOL. I dont want to have to watermark my art but umm yeah. Just please ☹️
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searsage · 6 months
KI: Duke [Open OTA!]
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A ex military dog now living out his days as a bounty hunter, though they do instinctively gravitate towards jobs involving protecting others, they are not picky.
While they are a vary pessimistic person, They do often become attached to their wards fairly easy.
They are considered a rather intense person and suffer ptsd, a fauly that tends to make them unsavoury for many jobs as they have been known to become vindictive after failed jobs, often persuing abd eliminating targets out of contract.
They are, cunning and arrogant, and tend to be very possesive, and can be considered emotionally dependent to a select few or/ unstable.
Alignment: Chaotic good, Chaotic bad, Lawful Good
As always any OC adopt's bios are able to be wiped by buyer and are not mandatory to to keep. ´Г`
Slap an offer if ye like.
AB: $150 usd ( bonus waist up! + punk outfit)
[Bic]please respond to the comment with the highest offer when placing an offer!
[BIC]No OC offers please !
This is not First come first serve!
No holds Auction closed only once payment is received ✔.
Dont offer what you dont have.
Dont remove watermark No refunds Low ball offers are instantly declined.
[Bic]In the event of auto buy the buyer can will receive waist up within 2-3 weeks of payment
🙏😤 AND PLEASE USE YOUR CHARACTER!😱 THERE IS NOTHING MORE GRATIFYING TO AN ARTIST THEN SEEING THEIR ART PUT TO USE!!!😰😨😳😣 ! Please do not use/trace/reference of/repost my art without my permission. Do not use this art unless you buy it, this is not Free to use, for rpg, oc, refs, ect DO NOT USE MY ADOPTS UNLESS YOU PURCHASE THEM!
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avocadoraisin · 1 year
hey anon, thanks for the notice!
I just tried to take the repost down but it turns out tumblr complicated their takedown request system and now its a lot more official. I cant do anything because its fanart :/// and if I do, my name and contact information will be sent to the user who reposted and I really dont want that ://///// yay
& since asking OP to take it down personally is a 50/50 chance of either an apology or vitriolic hostility and it doesnt even remove the post from reblog circulation, im not going to bother and just block them
sigh. its always the work that i dont watermark because it is "just a stupid doodle" and i feel silly putting an artist's signature on something so dumb. i really ought to get in the habit of doing it for everything anyway, even if it means it gets cropped. damned if you do, damned if you dont.
anyway. reminder, please dont repost artists art without asking :(
i could get really into it right now but i wont. long story short: it just makes us sad & demotivated & some people flat out stop posting art because of it. we just want to post our art for people to enjoy, you obviously want to see the art, please dont do things that ruin it for both of us. its so easy to just hit the reblog/retweet button.
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magalinrafaela · 10 months
Welcome to my account
Hello everyone! Is me, Magalin! I have now a Tumblr account!
First i want to everyone know i will slowly put my older post from X and Instagram. I will try to put in order and i maybe i will skip 1 or 2 post from it. Some of this post are over a year old. I know is a bit annoying but i promise has soon im done with those i will try to put only new ones. I hope everyone have fun here!
Edit: Some stuff will not be in order. I have a paste for my drawings and stuff but some off them are not. (Honestly im to lazy to search for it lol.) I hope you guys dont mind it.
Edit 2: FINALLY! I already put all my old drawings here! I will try put my other stuff that i didnt put here occasionally. It might take sometime but i hope to put the rest here soon.
Edit 3: I forgot to put it here. In case you didnt read the Barnaby photo post i put, from now on all my stuff will be watermark becouse of the Ai. I might change the watermark in the future but for now please bear with it.
Here's other links for my others accounts:
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spartalabouche · 1 year
spartas guide to ordering a commission
as a preface, this is all stuff that i personally appreciate when being commissioned, other artists may or may not also appreciate these things!
i personally find commissioning people a little intimidating, and to me it seems like people who commission me feel a little intimidated or unsure of what is or isnt helpful, so i thought i would make a 'small', non exhaustive guide of tips and things that i appreciate in a customer :3
pre commission information i need:
size (bust/half body/full body/reference sheet/etc) level of completion (sketch/lined/flat/full shade) references for the character (more on this below!) a pose idea, reference, or a quick rundown on the characters personality (if you dont have a pose in mind, knowing their personality will help me pose them in a way that fits them!) background, if applicable (if you dont specify a background i will assume you dont want one)
regarding references:
i LOVE references. please please please do not feel like you have too many references, this includes photos of clothing, poses, tattoos, accessories, facial features, hair styles, anything that you feel like would be communicated easier with an image, please feel free to find one and include it as a reference drawn reference sheets or other art of fictional characters are preferred, but not mandatory. reference sheets make it easier for drawing pre existing fictional characters, but again, a good collection of photos will do the trick i will not copy another artists work 1:1, but i can take inspiration if theres a drawing that you think captures the idea/vibe youre looking for please be responsive with feedback, especially if im drawing a character from scratch based off of a collection of photos! i want to be sure im drawing what youre looking for! (more on this below!)
regarding feedback:
typically i try to send an update for feedback after every step of the commission, which means i will send you the sketch for approval, then i send you the lineart, then the flats, then the shading, before sending a link to a high quality version of the commission. please let me know if you would rather i dont wait for your approval between each step, otherwise i WILL wait for you to give me the go ahead before continuing any further. please please do not be afraid to ask me to change something. the sooner you tell me you want something changed, the easier it is for me to change it! i wont be offended or annoyed, YOU are paying me, so i want the commission to be what youre looking for! that being said, please be reasonable with changes. this just means, please dont ask me to change the entire pose around once im halfway through coloring it, any alterations to the pose or large additions like entire props or huge outfit changes ideally should be made during the lineart stage at the latest. past the lineart stage i am still happy to make smaller edits, like changing the expression or altering clothes in small ways, but i will not redraw entire portions of the character, thats the reason i send updates between steps. if you really want something large changed later in the commission, i can change it for an additional fee
and finally post commission:
please feel free to repost your commission anywhere you want and use it for any purpose! crop it for icons, use it on a blog theme, post it to every social media known to man, all i ask is that you dont remove my watermark and link back to my tumblr if youre reposting it! if you commissioned me for a sketch or lineart, feel free to line it and/or color it yourself like a coloring book! i can do this for reference sheets as well, with blank turn arounds that i can send over transparents of for you to color in! just make sure to credit me for the original sketch/lineart i can also remove any backgrounds or crop your commission for an icon free of charge! i can also put a flag or flat color in the background of a cropped icon if you so desire! and finally, you are totally welcome to edit and draw over any commission i do for you as well, or contact me again and i might still have the original files to do some edits for you for free or, depending on complexity, a low price! this could be anything such as adding accessories, tattoos, outfit changes, or removing/editing things like cutting hair shorter, removing piercings, or alterations to expressions.
i may edit this to add things as i remember them, but this generally has the information i feel like will be most helpful.
.......so check out my commissions if youre interested!
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eiichiro · 4 years
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@ tumblr user frailuta i have evidence LMFAO i cant tag u bc u have me blocked cause of what happened between us back in 2018? i thought you’ve changed but nope. 
anyway here’s the old document.
i’m fucking done with this shit. dont you dare play the victim card. also non-content creators dont interact especially since you guys don’t know how much work we put into this. you don’t understand. you would never understand unless you’re a content creator yourself.
currently im making a new document with all the evidence but i cant stand this anymore. the AUDACITY. i cant believe it.
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“ I have to vent on my blog for a moment again, sorry. This person stole my work and put their name/watermark on my stuff and now it has over 200k notes. They were asked nicely to delete it but they keep refusing. This is so frustrating. ;-; “
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“You did nothing wrong. Even if you copy someone’s work but give them the credit it isn’t stealing at all. Other people need to stop being so offended when their stuff gets redistributed (with properly citing them and if their blog doesn’t say not to repost it), especially if it’s a GIF. Like, what? Don’t you worry about them and if they block you then all the better. You don’t need toxic/ insecure people in your life.” Please tell this to frailuta too. LMAO she also complains about that. tumblr user frailuta stop getting offended when ur stuff gets reposted on twitter dot com THE ANIME ISNT URS!!! (note: im being sarcastic)
BTW if anyone wants to block her, her blogs are: theunrequitedlover, gaeillis, frailuta, frailrice, ikechai, frailutas
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chihirolovebot · 2 years
hey venus, i hope you're doing okay, and if not, i hope you feel better soon. reminder to hydrate and eat something if you haven't already!
honestly the reposting thing really gets on my nerves because. let me tell you, as someone who's more experienced in art than writing, art is HARD. people who do it for a living deserve so much more credit than they get, because there is a lot more that goes into art than just "heehee cool colors and shapes". even for people like me where it's like a comforting hobby, it is definitely a process of practice makes progress, especially for digital art ( even though i do more sketch art myself ) it seems to be a big issue on instagram and twitter especially, from what i've seen
for me writing is harder because i just. generally struggle with finding the words and capturing feelings and imagery well and overthinking the characterization and prose and such ( which is why writing is also an art form, just like visual art, and writers deserve credit for the work they do as well! like, my god "sleep awake" has so much time, dedication, and love put into it and it really shows in how much it resonates with people )
apologies for the rant i am just. very passionate about the arts and writing, hskrnsjs ( and if i've been sending you too many asks lately, please let me know and i can back off )
take care of yourself, my friend. <3
-☀️ sunshine
REI!!! you can NEVER send too many asks im sorry i dont get around to answering them all :(( always always u are invited to show up in my inbox it makes my day 10x better truly.
and yes, art is incredibly difficult. i did it for my gcse and it honest to god sucked the life out of me. i mostly do digital now and only do it for fun, and i still mostly suck at it but it's okay i enjoy doing it for myself!! and it's INCREDIBLY difficult 100 percent. i'm in absolute awe of people who do it like... frequently.
i struggle with the same stuff when it comes to writing, i truly do. i ALWAYS worry about characterisation most of all, especially with my own characters because it can be difficult to remember all the little quirks and habits i've afforded them, y'know? but as i said, writing definitely isn't as difficult for me anymore. i can basically do it without even thinking too hard at this point. i don't think i could write such a mammoth of a fic if i couldnt.
imho people take plagiarism of writing way more seriously than art and it baffles me. how can you see two pieces of work beside each other and decide one is worth more than the other? everyone goes into a frenzy when written work is stolen, but as soon as it's a piece of art it's all 'oh, you should take it as a compliment' or 'oh, should've watermarked it better' etc. artists deserve far more respect than the internet ever deigns to afford them. it's sickening.
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magesup · 4 years
Hello! Hope u are having a good day! :D
Umm just want to ask of your opinion... As someone who does art, if someone use your picture for things like making a collage or something related without giving you credit- either they know the picture is yours or they don’t know it’s yours -will you, let them? Like, will it be consider an insult and make you feel unappreciated? Just had something in mind...
What if instead of putting your name, they simply say “credits to the owners”, due to not knowing exactly are the owner of the drawing?
Will you feel offended, in any way?
Sorry for taking your precious time! > . <
hello, i hope you are having a nice day as well! 
tldr: if youre doing it for your own personal use (meaning you are the only one who sees it, and wont post online) then please feel free to do so. if you are posting this collage online, you can do so but please give credit, cause i drew the original image in the first place. please dont confuse this with me allowing reposts. i only allow my work to be used in collages, amvs, etc. because its someone turning my work into something new. theres creativity behind it. and dont even say “credit to the original owners” to me, it lights a raging fire in me that can compare to no other
and here is the longwinded explanation :D
for me, it all depends on whether the collage is for personal use or if its going to be reshared online. personal use means only you or some select friends/family  will see it. i know some people like to do collages for fun as a personal hobby and i think thats really cool and i would definitely allow my art to be used for something like that ^^! something like this will fall under personal use. using art as phone wallpapers also falls under this category (which is why you dont have to ask for my permission to use my stuff as wallpapers ^v^) because youre the only one seeing/using it!
of course, there are some people who use art for edits/amvs/collages that they post online like you said and i think thats great. i know i have no reposting in my bio, but for people who make these edits using others art, they are using their own creativity to make something new, with a work that i drew!!! i think thats super cool so of course i allow it. with. credit. im very thankful to the people who asked me for my permission first though, because it shows they care about the original artist ;v;. online, multiple eyes are seeing it and artists should be given credit when credit is due. reposting tho? no creativity at all. the laziest thing you can do to a piece of work. download image, upload to another site, post.
and i absolutely hate whenever i see “credits to the owner” because to me its the laziest and most disrespectful thing you can do to an artist. just the phrasing...irks me. like the person recognizes that they dont own the piece, the artist is the owner, and yet they are still reposting without permission. even a repost with no caption fills me with less rage than a “credits to the owner” so yes, i will be offended. please dont do that
please join me under the cut if you would like to see my explanation that has turned into a rant about reposting
and in some cases there is a watermark on the piece itself!!! clearly written!!! in plain view!!!! and yet people still write “credits to the owner”. like no, the owners name is clearly written on the watermark. plus it takes not even 5 minutes to put an image into a reverse image searcher and find the original artist. i have done this multiple times because yes, reposting without credit is really that common unfortunately and troublesome for people (me) who want to follow and support the original artists :/// my art has gotten reposted COUNTLESS of times with and without credit, and at this point ive given up on keeping track of and reporting them all cause theres just so many. im convinced i am aware of only 5% of all my art thats gotten reposted. 
so to me, as a person who has gotten my art reposted countless of times, saying “credit to the owner”, even though i have written in both of my account descriptions NO REPOSTING in all capital letters, and have watermarked most of my work, is very disrespectful. i remember when my work started getting reposted A LOT for the first time, and i would get super angry every time it happened, and that rage has fizzled out now but it still remains. i still hate reposting with a burning passion.
i understand theres the innocent kind of reposting where the person is like “this art is so cool! i want to share this with everyone i know!!” (i know cause i did this in the past when i was a stupid kid) and then theres the kind of reposting that tries to gain likes and followers...off of someone elses work. off of something that they have not even made or own. how do you tell the difference between these kinds of reposting? the second one will probably have 100 something tags in the description :/...how lazy could that be? to use someone elses work for your own personal gain. my work is my work alone. if you want to get big on social media, do it with your own work. period.
i know im not alone on this because there is not a single artist i have seen who allows reposts with no credit. (and some reposters have the gall to say theyve done nothing wronggg oooooooo how inconsiderate can they possibly be ooooo im gonna kick them) theres some artists who dont allow reposts at all, no matter what condition, and i completely understand because someones art is their intellectual property, im done.
in conclusion please be considerate to artists, we already got it rough as it is ;-; (sorry for the super long answer ;;;;)
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jjuuppiter · 4 years
life updates, a story about anxiety attacks, cat tower, sketches
since this tumblr is also my blog i will actually write about my life for once. my gemini needs to overshare is tingling right now hahaha but i can see myself the next morning being too afraid to open tumblr because i said some dumb stuffs that will embarrass me.
anyway it’s kinda long so i’ll put a keep reading here so you dont need to see my long ranting about my life in your timeline haha
oh someone edited the parody i made! that’s something new. no one ever reposted or edited my stuff before so i never thought my stuff are worth reposted/edited. it irked me that they put watermark on the video with my parody on it (can’t they like put my name too on the watermark? hahaha) but dealing with it and starting a commotion asking to be credited on the video too is such a work T_T they did put my twitter handle name on the post description tho so... i’ll let it slide i guess. tbh im okay if you wanted to edit/repost/use my work but please let me know haha (also huge thanks to anon and two other people on twitter for letting me know)
okay back to personal life report... covid is still happening (and worsening) here, im still working from home, havent been outside since march, okay well i did go out but the amount can be count with one hand. since wfh ive been healthier, commuting to work everyday (it took 1,5-2hours), work related problems, personal life problems really stressed me out before and i guess little by little it fucked up my body. i remember for the first time in my life getting an anxiety attack while waiting in line for the bus home, okay i dont know for sure it's an anxiety attack but i was spinning, out of breath, feeling like i was going to faint. so i decided to order a taxi bike (it's faster!) and on the ride i kept holding on the helmet so it didnt fully cover my neck cos the feel of the helmet squeezing my head made me feel like im gonna faint, thankfully arrived safely at home and literally flopped down on the floor after my mom opened the door. it was so weird. the next day i told my coworker and they told me it was an anxiety attack and told me to try hypnotherapy? so i guess it really is a mental thing? but never thought it can affect my body like that... im good now since being at home means i can manage my stress better
and after 6 months of wfh i finally bought some expensive stuffs to help me work like a monitor (it can be rotated 180 deg! i really wanted this kind of monitor the first time i saw it at the office!) and a chair massager. i dont really like spending my money honestly so it was an achievement to buy these stuffs. in college i was really into the minimalist lifestyle and learned that if you wanna buy something, delay it for 2 weeks and if you still want to buy it after that you can buy it but if you forget about it then you dont need to buy it. i guess that trick sticks with me even after my minimalist phase had pass. i also bought a cat tower for my cat!! she was super afraid of it the first time (weird), but i forced her to sit on top of it and brushed her so she will get use to it faster, and now every time i come into her room (yes she has her own room cos my mom is kinda a clean freak) she'll jump on the tower, it's really cute ❤️
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my real life work is kinda monotonous but falling in love for the second time with miraculous ladybug is such a gift (for my right brain and my mental health). it got me back into drawing streak! before this i didnt even know that ml have terms like lovesquare, marichat, adrienette, ladrien, ladynoir. i only know adrien x marinette🙈 i love ladybug and chat too but i want them to end up together as adrien and marinette. but knowing there’s marichat trope changed my life and how i viewed these two. also all of the wonderful fanfics! every one say thank you fanfic authors!
anyway some of my real life friend asked me about what i did at home, i told them i usually draw and they asked me what kind of stuff that i draw and if they can see them. lol im sorry friends you cant, im not going to out myself as a sappy hopeless romantic okay. if you knew me in real life, i was that type of person who "what the fuck is this. really in front of my face? *pukes*" when i see real life pda. so im worried that if they see im this sappy they might think i wanna be in relationship or something. some of my real life friends dont understand shipping or fandom so they might not understand that everything that i draw does not describe what i want for myself. i told them to find my art account themselves and gave them a hint that my acc name is one of the planets (but they never guess jupiter lol it’s the biggest planet cmon, okay but that’s not why i picked jupiter as my online nickname)
these past week ive been slowly reading this fanfic called the rejects club by Mikauzoran and it's so so so gooodddd and i dont want it to end so i read them super sloooowww. i love reading the author's note about their life too haha. anyway this is one of the bazillion part that i like from the fic
“So, you’re saying that I only get a hug if I almost die?” Chat hums sadly, laying it on a little thick. “You’re going to make me do desperate things, Princess.”
it's marichat adrienette centric and mari has this rivalvy feeling with her alter ego (which is something ive been wantingggggg to read and explore, mari being eclipsed by ladybug even tho it's also her) so because of it i keep sketching marichats lately haha (+ old adrientte sketch that i post on twitter). these are the cleanest sketches i have and they still look super messy haha
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this was a post about my life but as usual i cant not sprinkle some mlb stuff hahaha. anyway im trying to avoid any mlb salt because it affects the way i enjoy the show. it happened to me before for another shipping fandom, i was exposed to too much salt and ended up falling out of love. i still like the ship but i just cant enjoy them as intensely as before since it tires me out and im really afraid it'll happen again 😖
im off to bed~ im living in the UTC+07:00 zone so bonne nuit everyone~
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searsage · 9 months
[LFG] Voulien [OTA Open!]
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Bio: Nega for hire, more often then not gets dragged around as the local knight's wing man…err snake.
Has accrued many bounties on his head for pilfering people's shiny possessions predominantly invaluable things like silverware, pitchforks, goblets and clothes pins.
Can be found by sleeping anywhere warm and dry, vary poisonous but often docile.
Totally not a socially starved snek that deliberately makes himself accessible to be dragged along with any crazy party that will hire him…nope not him.
Species: Naga -Blue malayan coral snake.
Temperament: Moody, cynical, perpetually done with everyones s*it.
Travia: Is a kleotomaniac, will curl up and play did if startled enough, cold blooded. Max rank monster poising as a lv two newbie. Likes dragons. Needs friends.
Whew, last adopt of 2023! Been sitting on this guy for a while and im glad this brooding snec is finally out.
As always any OC adopt's bios are able to be wiped by buyer and are not mandatory to to keep. ´Г`
Slap an offer if ye like.
AB: $135 usd + Bonus drawn waist up included ❤*
[Bic]please respond to the comment with the highest offer when placing an offer!
[BIC]No OC offers please!
This is not First come first serve!
No holds
Auction closed only once payment is received ✔.
Dont offer what you dont have.
Dont remove watermark
No refunds
Low ball offers are instantly declined.
[Bic]In the event of auto buy the buyer can will receive waist up within 2-3 weeks of payment🙏😤
Please do not use/trace/reference of/repost my art without my permission. Do not use this art unless you buy it, this is not Free to use, for rpg, oc, refs, ect DO NOT USE MY ADOPTS UNLESS YOU PURCHASE THEM!!
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babbity-draws · 3 years
Hi, I absolutely love your artwork!! Especially the Francis Abernathy one!
I had a quick question, and possibly a stupid one, When you want to sell a piece specifically and put it online, how do you ensure someone doesn't just download and print it?? Or sending them a final click of their commision and they just download that?
Hi!! Thanku for liking my artwork!!! 🥺💖💖 I won't lie, I may not be the best person to be asked this question bc i dont sell my work online or do commissions (i usually just sell physical prints at conventions!), but I'll try my best to answer w/ what i know!!
Unfortunately there's no way to guarantee that someone online won't just download and use ur art at their own will, there are some ppl who are just mean and cant be reasoned with 😖😖
What you can do is watermark everything u post online! either ur signature, name, url/internet handle, whatver u choose, just place it somewhere hard to crop, like near the main subject matter or even at like a 50% opacity over a detailed section of ur art so its hard for reposters/art thieves to edit out! There's an artist I love that has their url just watermark overlayed from end to end of their piece so its just Huge! I'd also recommend never posting high-res versions of ur pieces online. there's a save option in most programs thats "save for web" where u have the option of choosing the resolution of your final piece. This will just make it harder for ppl to resell ur stuff bc if they try to enlarge it, it'll be quite blurry!
As for commissions, i'd recommend asking for full payment upfront (or 50% payment first and the 50% payment just before u send the final product) and making it clear to ur commissioner ur terms and conditions (i.e. personal use only, that u as the artist still maintain all copyrights, not to be used for profit, etc.). you can also watermark all the WIPs u send ur commissioner until ur ready to send them the final finished product once payment has been settled! Make sure u get everything in writing too, whether its in emails or creating a "Commission Form" for the commissioner to fill out and sign with what they want + making sure they're aware and agree to ur terms and conditions!
if worse comes to worse, most social media platforms allow you to report someone for copyright infringement! Its a rough process but ive deffs heard of times when it's worked! I'd also say familiarise urself w/ the copyright laws of where you live, i'm not sure abt outside of australia (where i live) but here it's that as soon as someone creates a piece of art, they immediately own the copyrights to it, u dont even have to register it anywhere (u can even have this in ur watermark! e.i. [ur name]  © 2021 [or yr of creation])!
the only reason why i havent done any of these things is bc im incredibly lazy ahaha im a really really small time/obscure artist with a tiny, yet wonderful, following so i haven't really had to worry abt reposters/art thieves (if ive been reposted, i have no idea but i 100% do NOT give permission!!). But that being said, even if youre a small time artist and haven't had to deal w/ these things, its still a good idea to put these things into practice! dont be like me lol
sorry, i know this got very long winded, but i hope it all makes sense and helps u some! please feel free to hit me up w/ more questions, and i'll try to answer them the best i can!!! best of luck to u 🤞💖💖
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dreamypastel · 4 years
PayPal Commissions In Need
Im in need for some money!! Please browse through my artwork Ive posted here on Tumblr as a reference and PM me if you want to commission me!! I really need a quick buck or two so please consider and share this around would be nice too! Its not a emergency, dont worry, I just need a few dollars to last me for the rest of the month!
Sketch: 1$
Lined: 1.50$
Colored: 2$
Shaded: 3$
Special Effects: 5$
Sketch: 3$
Lined: 3.50$
Colored: 4$
Shaded: 5$
Special Effects: 7$
-Waist Up-
Sketch: 5$
Lineart: 5.50$
Colored: 6$
Shaded: 7$
Special Effects: 10$
-Full Body-
Sketch: 7$
Lineart: 7.50$
Colored: 8$
Shaded: 9$
Special Effects: 15$
Simple Background: 10$
Complex Background: 25$
Chibi Sketch: 2$
Full Chibi: 5$
Meme: 2$
100 x 100 Icon: 5$
2 Frame 100 x 100 Icon: 8$
Wiggly Icon (3-5 Frames): 8$
Small Animation: 15$
Emote: 2.50$
Emoji 6 Pack: 10$
Simple Reference Sheet: 20$
Complex Reference Sheet: 50$
Customs: 15$ - 50$ (Depending on the Complexity)
Custom Closed Species Lizardbug: 10$ - 100$
EXTRA CHARACTERS ARE 50% OF THE PRICE! (on the same type of Commission)
Some Additional Rules(TOS): - I have the right to put my Watermark on my artwork, Dont commission me if you dont like where I place it - Do not remove or edit my Watermark in any way or I will claim being stolen artwork - Do not repost my artwork. Toyhouse is the only exception! Credit me @ DreamyPastel - I have the right to put my watermark where I please - I only take proper References!! I have the right to say I wont draw your character if there isnt a proper Ref!
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almguav · 5 years
starspangledscarf replied to your post “[[MOR] do i need to start putting that “please dont repost my art...”
Absolutely Put Your Watermark On Everything!!! Your art is worth protecting. If it makes you feel unhappy that people are disrespecting it, then Defend It!!
Thank you man _;w;__ even tho im thinking about this, i hate the look of big noticeable watermarks on my art so aaaaaa Like i always try to make my watermarks small/transparent enough so it’s a natural afterthought after you already took in whatever the art is. I think for the time being, i’ll just put the caption disclaimer on all my art posts instead of only on the ones i think would get reposted lmao
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chrisbangs · 5 years
wait im sorry but like if we like a gif.... and you madr it and watermarked it.... you dont want us to repost it on like twitter or something even if we give credit? can we save it? im trying to understand sorrysorry
it’s different for every content creator angel, like it depends on each person preference. some ppl will watermark and say it’s ok to repost. some ppl don’t watermark and say it’s not ok to repost. some ppl don’t watermark and say it’s fine u can repost. every gif maker feels differently so i can’t tell you want anyone else wants or asks.
personally, i do not allow it. it takes me close to an hour to make 1 set usually and some days it takes me even longer... that is my own colouring that i’ve spent ages figuring out and making. that is my HARD WORK and my TIME. i do not allow reposting. i don’t like it. it’s a personal preference and maybe it’s selfish and whiny to tell you guys not to repost my stuff but that is my effort and my hard work so i don’t appreciate seeing my shit being put somewhere else- BY SOMEONE ELSE.
you can save it idrc about that but ✋🏼😭 please don’t repost my gifs...
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