(I'm still in pain but looking at ur art gives me strength. Thank u so much.) *i sigh with content* this feels nice... thank u for helping me, chesh. Altho the pain is still there, I'm slightly feeling better. *i stare softly at chesh & gently scratch behind his ears and pet his tail* with u, i can get thru this. ~PMS anon~
no need to thank me, love. i just want to make you feel better. i’m sorry it hurts, i know it can’t be easy. *he gently nuzzles your stomach, he’s so warm* i love you and we’ll get through this together. *he relaxes* if you keep up the petting though i’m going to end up asleep. *he chuckles*
((I’m so glad that I was able to help you. Chesh will be taking good care of you ^v^ -Mod J))
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# Chesh? I've been feeling apprehensive lately, due to some symtoms that i worried about and it's happening right now: pms. While i'm glad that all my courses are finished and i can fully relax now, i didn't pms last month and it's going to be really painful again. Last pms was less painful in comparison because it was happening every month, but now i skipped it last month so i'm worried it'll be so tiring and painful. I'm sorry, i'm rambling. Pls help me? Can u provide me comfort? ~PMS anon~
*he crosses the small amount of space between you and pulls you close* i am so sorry dear, i have been told that my purr is relaxing and i am very soft perhaps we can cuddle and i can keep you distracted? *he smiles playfully and takes your hand, leading you to the couch* sit down my dear, relax. *he kisses your cheek* what can i do to take care of you? i love you, and i would do anything to make you feel better. *he looks sincerely worried* i know that the human body is volatile, i will be with you every step of the way. 
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