#POC homeless people people in jail disabled people
halalgirlmeg · 6 months
Also something that I've been thinking about in regards to masking is like...no matter your preference masks cost money and there are people who can mask and choose not to. But like there are people who can't mask consistently like, can homeless people mask all the time? And like what if they want to like go get something to eat or go indoors somewhere when it's really cold or raining? Or what about people in prison/jail? Like are masks available and knowing how prison works they're not free, nor is testing readily available. Like these are 2 groups of ppl who probably have a hard time getting access to good Healthcare for one reason or another they're actually more at risk
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thedisablednaturalist · 3 months
This isn't meant in a judgemental way, just a thought I had after seeing your tags on that post about mandatory voting. Right now there are disabled people who need accessible housing to survive. Many disabled people are homeless because of a lack of accessible housing. Lots of cities criminalize homelessness. Making homelessness illegal has never forced cities to make accessible or affordable housing to exist, it's just given people tickets and jail time. I think if we made it illegal not to vote, there may be some mild expansion of voter assistance, but I think it would do the same. The US has 4% of the world population and 25% of the prison population. There are lawmakers that jump at any chance to increase the number of people in prison, especially if those people are POC. I think many lawmakers would see making it illegal not to vote as a great reason to make it extra difficult for certain people to vote, and now instead of just not voting, those people will also go to jail. Prisons can pull in a lot of profit from in prison people, by leasing them out as labor to private corporations. We should fight for all of those voters support programs, and I mean really snacks and water and everything should be free to anyone who needs it anyway, but the solution to voter suppression can't be giving the US government permission to literally enslave more people, just because other people in the government made it hard for them to vote. We need big support programs, combined with the government that people feel represented by enough their willing to spend a couple hours of their day on them. I don't think tickets and prison are going to be an answer that works out the way you want it to.
I think you are taking my advocacy in bad faith by assuming I want non-voters to be fined and jailed. This is not true, but I can see why you may think that.
This is one of the biggest issues people have with mandatory voting. Yes, implemented incorrectly (such as not providing resources to help people vote and not making election day a mandatory holiday) this law would be harmful, as with most laws.
Countries implement compulsory voting in different ways, but the most effective and least harmful ways seem to implement that people who are unable to vote would go unpunished. Having the law without actual enforcement has been found to still be effective
"For example, in Austria voting is compulsory in only two regions, with sanctions being weakly enforced. However, these regions tend to have a higher turnout average than the national average." - via
There are countries that DO have harsh punishments for non voters, such as Bolivia not allowing people to receive paychecks until they provide the card they receive when they do vote. Some countries will, yes, put you in jail for non-payment of fines that are accumulated from not voting.
However there have been few to no cases of this happening. "The non-voter may face imprisonment as a sanction, however, we do not know of any documented cases" - International Idea
I am not advocating for those methods, rather methods like the ones detailed here:
My preference is that people with conditions that may make it an undue burden and/or impossible to vote can be opted out from these laws. If these persons DO want to vote, everything must be done by the government to make sure they get to vote, whether that be free accessible transport, mail in ballots, virtual voting, or even an official traveling to the place of residence to collect the vote in person.
In some places, it is only mandatory for registered voters to vote, and if registration requires a physical address, then homeless people would be automatically exempt (honestly tho I dislike this as homeless people should still be able to vote if they want to)
I want to be clear, I do not advocate for any system that would put disenfranchised or disabled people in tough financial or legal positions. I am very aware of how laws can harm poc and those with disabilities. My advocacy does not end with voting, and includes prison reform and abolishment of fines for those who cannot afford them.
Btw, I do advocate for ranked choice voting and abolishment of the electoral college though!
I would check out the sources listed as well as
for an example of how this works in practice. They explain this concept way better than I can with a lot more statistics and detail. If anyone else has more context to add, feel free to add on!
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teapartysystem · 3 years
This blog is a Safe Space for ~
💙DID/OSDD-1 Systems, Trauma & Abuse Survivors, Mental Health Awareness, Psychotic & Neurodivergent Peeps, People with OCD, People with Depression and/or Anxiety. (Feel free to ask to vent. We wont always be able to help so make sure to definitely ask)
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yearningsaphic · 4 years
What does being a leftist and not a liberal mean to you?
well, liberals support gun control or even gun bans, which in many cases specifically target low-income or poc communities and in many countries that banned guns, such as Canada, the United Kingdom, France, parts of the EU, owning pepper spray is a crime with a consequence of either a fine or jail time and considered a concealed weapon, even it is for self defense, when a lot of people, typically women use pepper spray or own pepper spray as a form of self-defense. in many US states, such as my own, it is also illegal to own a knuckle duster, anything resembling a knuckle duster or even a knife, while laws regarding gun ownership are pretty lax, if there even are any laws regarding gun ownership. but as a leftist, i support responsible gun and ownership and stricter background checks (to prevent domestic abusers and the mentally disturbed from owning a gun). also liberals support a more "fair" form of capitalism, as if that's possible when capitalism causes homelessness, starvation, forced labor, forced poverty for the disabled, increased amounts of depression and anxiety, even suicide. racism, sexism and ableism in the workplace and employment opportunities are also all problems brought on by capitalism.
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just had a long argument with my roommate about how “violence doesn’t solve anything”,  “violence is never the answer, if we kill we’re just as bad as them, look at gandhi”, and “everyone has the right to live/no one deserves to die, even murderers/rapists/fascists/etc”, “if a woman’s being abused she can just walk out the door while the abuser is sleeping”, and how “there’s always jobs available nearby for everyone if you work hard enough, that don’t require transportation and are sustainable for you and your family and you magically qualify for and don’t require any luck”. she’s absolutely a good person, and generally well-informed, but this is where white, middle class privilege shows.
1. self defense IS NOT EQUAL to assault. there is no moral comparison, and those who argue this are brainwashing their victims into allowing themselves to be victimized, to not fight back, to roll over and make things easier for them. if it’s kill or be killed, the aggressors should absolutely be the ones to die.
2. no, i do not value the lives of murderers/rapists/fascists/etc as equal to that of their victims. if it’s kill or be killed, they should absolutely be the ones to die.  it’s not about the morality of the death penalty; in the USA, the ‘justice’ system is blatantly broken: prisons are for profit, black kids who smoke weed go to prison for 6 years while white rapists get 1 week of jail time, sexual predators and offenders become president. when the system not only fails to protect you, but is part of the oppression against you and your loved ones, fighting back is self-defense, and you should and must fight back with all the means at your disposal, including violence.
3. india rebelled violently against britain, there was violent armed conflict between indians and british, gandhi just became the figurehead of the movement, and there were other factors such as economics at play; it is total bullshit myth that india achieved independence solely through pacific protest. resisting and fighting against the depredation of a colonizing aggressor is self-defense.
4. sexism, classism, racism, fascism - there is a war going on. people, lots of people, especially the poor and POC, are dying every day, murdered deliberately and though the negligence of the government and the society that is supposed to serve and protect them. you cannot “vote them out” because a) in the USA, the popular vote DOES NOT MATTER, the electoral college chooses the president and most americans don’t vote enough at the lower levels of government to claim any measure of democratic power (not to mention the US has been an oligarchy since Reagan), b) the system is designed by the people in power so that they remain in power. the system literally CANNOT be fought from within. ex: a good number of dictators were originally democratically elected; then once in power they change the laws so the presidency becomes a lifetime office. corrupt governments - and all governments become corrupt over time because enough/too many humans are selfish, greedy, stupid creatures - are self-sustaining and will legalize evil and corruption. bribing officials and buying elections? legal in the USA. under the trump administration, getting rid of the EPA means legalizing known dangers to public health and safety such as toxic waste dumping. the water crisis in flint? perfectly legal for the government to do nothing for 5 years and let an entire city suffer without clean water and get lead poisoning (the citizens are suing the government for damages, but this will not undo their suffering or restore their health). this is why revolution is the only means of destroying corrupt government and restoring power to the people, and revolution is self-defense.
5. the rights we have today - women’s rights, equal rights, LGBT rights, children’s rights, human rights - our grandparents and parents absolutely fought and died for them, they did not wait around pacifically waiting for those in power to give them some, and too many of us today are still fighting for ourselves and others. suffragettes were imprisoned, assaulted, and had their lives ruined; martin luther king jr. was assassinated by the FBI only 50 years ago when my mother was a teenager (don’t let those black and white photos fool you into thinking it was further away than it really is), and countless others died protesting and fighting; the LGBT at stonewall rioted and physically fought the police for 5 days. so many of the LGBT+ community are still fighting today, and being harassed, physically and sexually assaulted, and murdered, and teenagers are especially vulnerable and often are kicked out of their homes and forced into homelessness. those in power never voluntarily relinquish, share, or give power, because it doesn’t benefit them; they have to be forced to do so, including through violent means, and this is self-defense.
6. no there aren’t magically convenient jobs for everyone everywhere, and it is nearly impossible to climb out of poverty. when you’re living paycheck to paycheck, losing a job for even a week can be enough to force you and your family into homelessness, and from there it’s nearly impossible to find work without a permanent address, a phone number, access to regular showers and food, and god forbid you need healthcare in america, etc. you’re disabled or it’s freezing winter outside? financial insecurity and homelessness is a death sentence. in france the gilets jaunes movement began to protest a tax on cars that would have crippled the working poor, because while it’s good in theory to reduce carbon emissions and save the environment, there is not the infrastructure necessary to replace those cars. in north america, you can’t go anywhere without a car; if you live outside the city or in certain neighborhoods there’s no public transportation or it’s unreliable, or what would be a 10min trip from my house to the grocery store would take >2h30 by bus because there’s a highway to go around, which is simply not doable: the more time i spend commuting, the less time i can spend working, sleeping, feeding myself, taking care of dependents, etc. in contrast, you could live without a car in most of Japan because they have amazing public transportation. fighting to maintain the means of self-subsistence is self-defense.
7. i asked her: have you ever had to worry about where you were going to sleep tonight, or whether you could eat? no, she hasn’t. how many homeless people do you know, when you’re talking about how you and your friends all managed to find work within bicycle distance of your house? none. when is the last time you or your loved ones were threatened and endangered, harassed, discriminated against, or killed by neo-nazis, mass shooters, the police, etc? never. (ironically, she agreed that World War II needed to be fought) . when confronted with bigots whose proudly self-professed goal is mass genocide of you and your people, fighting back and killing them to prevent them from killing you is self-defense.
8. nazis, school shooters, domestic abusers, ARE NOT MENTALLY ILL. the majority of them, and this is proven by many, many studies, don’t have mental illness, and ALL of them have VALUE PROBLEMS. as in, they don’t value the lives of POC and women, they hold as a core belief that they are less and deserve to be killed and treated poorly. “if a woman’s being abused she can just walk out the door while the abuser is sleeping”: even discounting the psychological effects of abuse (hopelessness, feeling of being trapped, dependence, fear of repercussions and punishment, etc) abused women usually don’t have any money or means of earning money; if they have children it’s even harder. women’s shelters will only let people stay for a limited amount of time, and an abuser can easily find out the address. i used to live by the only women’s shelter in the area, the gate was dented from all the men who would come and beat it, with their hands, baseball bats, ramming their cars into it, shouting and threatening; i’m sure that more than one woman was caught leaving and beaten even worse for the attempt, and they are often too afraid to ask the police for help, or the police refuse to help because they’re poor/uneducated/POC/don’t give a fuck/don’t believe them because the abuser is an upstanding pillar of the community/etc, or in the USA the abuser is often a cop. and if the police do show up, the abuser might not go to court or serve jail time, meaning he’ll be free to retaliate against the woman and children, and in many cases abusers retain parental rights over their children; even if a restraining order is issued, that doesn’t guarantee it will be enforced, and it will not prevent an abuser from harming the woman and children, only punish him for it after it’s too late. for the woman and her potential children, leaving means homelessness, starvation, immense psychological stress, and huge risk of retaliation up unto being murdered. so if, since she cannot resist or escape her abuser while he’s beating the shit out of her, she decides to take a kitchen knife and kill him while he’s passed out drunk, that’s self-defense.
yes, we can and must educate people, especially children, and yes this is the only way to bring lasting change on a societal level. but in the meantime, my roommate and her loved ones aren’t the ones suffering from chronic poverty, threatened and degraded by discrimination, being denied job opportunities and basic rights, or dying from completely preventable lack of food, shelter, and medical care, or being murdered because they and their lives are considered trash. no violence is not always the only solution, but sometimes it is, and sometimes it is the best solution.
obviously her understanding of the world is going to be heavily influenced by her experience of it. and the reality is, she’s blonde, thin and conventionally attractive, from an educated financially secure family, can afford to be vegetarian and buy high-quality food every day, and she can single-handedly pay her own university tuition (in canada) with her part-time job. but it’s easy for her to say that “violence is never the answer” when she has never, and likely will never, have to fight for her life, her rights, or those of people like her, will never have to defend her inherent worth to people who genuinely don’t care. and this is a good thing, because no one should have to do any of this, but it needs to be true for everyone. so repeat after me,
CAPITALISM IS FAKE AND NON-SUSTAINABLE, IT IS A VIOLENT, SYSTEMATIC, MURDEROUS ATTACK AGAINST THE 99%. there is no reason other than the greed of the 1% for the way our society is currently structured or how resources are being distributed. jeff bezos is currently worth 165 billion USD. if you divided that equally among all 7 billion people on this planet right now, we would each have over 22 billion, can you wrap your heads around that? or let’s convert that into time, $1 for 1 second: if i earn 50k/year, i get to live for not even 14 hours; jeff over there will live for 5232 years. so yes, EAT THE RICH. it is horrifyingly evil to have that much money, knowing the only way to have that much is to make it at the expense of the vulnerable, off of slave labor and the exploitation of human suffering, and even worse to choose not to use it to improve the world around you and help your fellow man.
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relativelyfvcked · 8 years
replied to your
kurtbrussels replied to your post: ...
bruh i could go on forever. anyone that thinks they can enlist and single handedly change something that runs as deep as police corruption is an idiot its a system that breaks anyone. 'good cops' are forced to stay quiet or lose their job. instead of focusing on the needs and safety of civilians, its a system that runs off needing to reach a certain amount of tickets or else ur punished. cops are bullshittin 💁
pulls out a 500 foot long list about corruption in the armed forces Here We Go
nvm ppl get put in jail for that im out 🏃
n good cops just straight up dont exist bc if you stay in that system you’re just further upholding the protectors of the oppressors, whether or not u want to believe it
and i went on a rant at my neighbors about how police constantly target homeless people, and instead of offering to help them get out of those situations, they throw em in jail and put them even further in debt, and jus throw em back out on the streets. especially if theyre a poc or mentally ill or queer or disabled or any combination of that like??? have u considered the fact that any of those things might contribute to them being very low-income??? and then you get mad at them for drinking and using drugs instead of trying to get out of debt when the system has made it impossible for them to get out of it?????? and you call the police when someone asks for money or a fucking blanket or sleeps in a park because they have nowhere else to go and no one is offering help?
fuck everyone im Angery™
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mylifesablur-blog1 · 8 years
This is a big deal that needs to be brought up.
What I find highly amusing is when radical feminist or some feminist in general , (not going to stereotype a whole group on a selected few even though feminist want to do that to men) think that dying there armpit hair blue or free bleeding is going to promote and “ abolish the patriarchy” . Well Its been playing on my mind that whilst a lot of these feminist are doing crazy shit like this and are not bothering to
1.Count there privileges
2.support any charity's
For example the guardian reported that in York each jail cell houses 2 female inmates and they have 5 pads to split between them each week and only aloud one change a day ,  or the thousands of women and transgender men who are homeless and having to use dirty public toilet paper which is stored in alleys or dirty open backrooms . In places like Africa and Asia or places similar to them they have to make do with what they have , for example using bits of dirty cloth or mattress foam . A lot of you radical feminist claim you want to take down the patriarchy and claim all men are pigs , which is just stereotyping men as malicious animals , but wont put your hand in your pocket to make a change to those who cant afford it.
I would like to also point out that if your idea of feminism does not include
1. Woc
3.men and moc
4.People with disability's
5. Trans men and women
Then I'm sorry to say that your idea of feminism isn't feminism , feminism is about women being equal to men and men being equal to women no matter there size , skin tone , gender or if they have disability's or not.
Here are some charity's you can donate too-
I hope that some people can read this and help girls and women in need out
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