sweetlittlestarbursts · 7 months
looking for a Lord Seungho roleplayer so I can satisfy my needs and rp as Baek Nakyum. I can rp on insta, tumblr, and MAYBE twitter. That's it. Pleaseeeee let me know! I'm fine with anything 18+ also. Thx, byee!
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multixmuse · 5 years
drink away || open to m and futa
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The stress of living daily with the guilt of his past got too much for Nakyum nowadays. Most days he found himseld holed up in whatever tavern he could find to drink his sorrows away. Today was no different- the young man had drank too much sake and fallen asleep on the spot once again.
((go nuts with him 😚))
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catcomixzstudios · 7 years
Tabletop campaigns/roleplays I hope to run in the future
Be aware that I probably won’t be able to run any of these until maybe the last quarter of the 2018 or so. I just wanna try and gauge interest ahead of time for which campaigns/roleplays would be most likely to get attention.
My GMing style tends to lean towards narrative/character-driven campaigns. I don’t mind house-ruling (especially to make things quicker, simpler, and/or cooler).
(Note that I’m also considering recording any of the tabletops as a podcast, but only if ALL of the players would be comfortable with that!)
(One-off. Sci-fi story. Most likely a roleplay or Starfinder session. The group gets to design the aliens for it!)
Eco, the main energy source of the [alien] race, is in short supply. The crystals it is harvested from regrow, but they’re being used at a much faster rate than they’re being replaced.
Thankfully, a small group of [aliens] have come across coordinates to their lost home planet. It’s been abandoned for over 1000 years; more than enough time for the crystals there to grow back… though who knows what else they’ll find…
(One-off. A Pokemon Mystery Dungeon story. A test for the PMD tabletop system I’m developing)
The players all awaken in a mountain, and a friendly Shuppet begs for their help defeating the Pokemon at the top of the mountain. Supposedly, all of their questions will be answered by doing so…
(Singular campaign. A comedy-focused fantasy or modern fantasy adventure. I’m up for running this as an RP or a tabletop using whatever system)
A small group of adventurers, feeling that the Gods are doing a shit job running the world, decide to go out and challenge them all for their positions.
This is a terrible idea, but you’ve gotta admire their spirit.
(Singular campaign. PMD story. Will most likely use a homebrew system I’m working on)
A group of humans are pulled into the world of Nexus, where they are kept as prisoners for damages they don’t recall causing.
To repay the world for those damages, they’re forced to explore dangerous dungeons for the grand treasures within… but some clues begin pointing towards what is really going on…
(Singular campaign. Fantasy setting? Tabletop, though the system is undecided; I’m up to using pretty much whatever, though I’d lean towards Pathfinder or Dungeon World)
A world of black and white is changed forever when two beings of light and darkness appear. Beautiful, never before seen colors begin spreading through the world… but the being of darkness is trying to steal that color away…
(Three arcs long. Planet-hopping sci-fi story. Most likely using Fate or GURPS. This is the most major one I want to run and hopefully record!)
The story of a scientist’s efforts to make the current cycle of the universe last forever... and all of the trouble that causes in the universe.
Travel to awesome worlds, interact with the various diverse aliens, and be prepared to make choices that will change the universe for eternity...
(Three arcs long. This one foregoes the “transformed humans” motif and has a more modern world. Will almost certainly use my homebrew system)
A reoccurring plague sweeps the continent that the PCs call home. When they all go to see if they’ve been infected, they learn that they’re immune to the plague… something that hasn’t ever happened before… 
The party is sent to speak with the Gods of the continent and, hopefully, convince them to lend their aid to spreading the immunity the party has to everyone else... and maybe learn more about the plague in the process...
[An Avatar Campaign]
(Singular campaign? Most likely an RP or a tabletop using Fate or GURPS)
(I currently don’t have much in mind for what exactly this campaign would entail - hell, I don’t even know if it’d be before Last Airbender or after Legend of Korra - but I really wanna run a story in this world.)
[A robot Campaign]
(Singular campaign? Takes place on a planet totally inhabited by robots. Willing to run as an RP or any tabletop that accommodates sci-fi settings)
(I have a concept for this: The robots were meant to act as custodians for a human society while they went into hiding during a great disaster, but started molding the world to fit them while waiting for the humans to come back.
When the meager population of remaining humans does return, there is great friction... But I’m also down for developing a completely different story with the players too, since the campaign idea is so relatively new)
[VR One-Off or Campaign]
(I was inspired to work on my own VR-centric story after being so disappointed with stuff like SAO and RPO. Could be an RP or tabletop in a system that accommodates sci-fi)
(The basic concept I have so far is: The real world is barely habitable. Most people intentionally put their consciousness into a virtual reality setting... 
and beyond that I’m willing to get ideas from interested potential players for ideas)
Let me know if any of these sound interesting to you! Remember, I won’t be running any of these until maybe late this year, but it’s never too early to throw ideas around for them!
I’d also appreciate people helping to spread this around to other tabletop/RP fans!
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