#Pahi craft
pahicraft · 2 years
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pahi-world · 2 years
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choursiyabloger · 11 months
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sam011232531 · 2 years
Handmade Emboss Design Leather notebook
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Sea of Thieves: Legend of the Glacial Dragons
“I have to finish what she started.”
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The Sea of Thieves is the place where pirates go to escape the rules of the outside world, plunder and pillage to their hearts content, and maybe even engrave their names into legends. Stella Icewind only has one goal: find out what happened to her mother - the former captain of the Glacial Dragons - and finish what her mother started. But life in the Sea of Thieves might not be as easy as she thought...
’Legend of the Glacial Dragons’ is a SoT fanfic series currently in the works. It follows the adventures of the new Glacial Dragons...
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Stella Icewind
Nickname: The Dragon of Ice Occupation: Captain Age: 21 Gender: Female (She/her) Nationality: Cuban Crew: The Glacial Dragons Ship: The Snow Splitter (Sloop), The Icebreaker (Galleon) Likes: Snow, sweet foods, adventure Dislikes: Fighting dirty, not being free, spicy food Goal: Learn the truth behind her mother's disappearance and find the Shores of Gold
Stella is a free and adventurous soul whose first love is the open sea. From a young age, she had always looked up to her mother, Captain Azura Icewind of the original Glacial Dragons, and wanted to follow in her footsteps by sailing the Sea of Thieves with her own crew. After learning of her mother's apparent death, she immediately set out to search for the Sea of Thieves in hopes of finding answers and finish what her mother started: her search for Athena's Fortune. Stella can be a little sassy and has little-no-no verbal filter, often speaking her mind, but she has a heart of gold and believes everyone should follow their heart's desire without being held back by the expectations or oppression of others.
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Alicia ‘Ali’ Kart
Nickname: The Arctic Atlas Occupation: Navigator and cartographer Age: 19 Gender: Female (She/her, they/them) Nationality: Italian Crew: The Glacial Dragons Ship: The Snow Splitter (Sloop), The Icebreaker (Galleon) Likes: Sketching maps, reading, tea Dislikes: Large crowds, sea monsters, fighting Goal: Map out every inch of the Sea of Thieves
Shy and soft-spoken, Ali is the Glacial Dragons' navigator. Having a knack for map making, Ali is very precise in her work, often mapping out islands to their most precise detail and even adding notes on hidden areas and points of interest. Ali is very reserved and gets anxious easily in social situations, often trying to avoid them entirely, especially if conflict arises. While she wouldn't go near an unarmed cowardly skeleton with a ten-foot pole, she's no slouch when it comes to fighting. Able to throw daggers with near pinpoint accuracy, Ali is more than capable to protect herself. She just gets overly anxious sometimes.
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Koa Pahi
Nickname: Reaper's Bane Occupation: Quartermaster and Weapon's Expert Age: 27 Gender: Male (He/him) Nationality: Hawaiian Crew: The Glacial Dragons Ship: The Snow Splitter (Sloop), The Icebreaker (Galleon) Likes: Sparring, sailing, warm weather Dislikes: Hurting innocent people, Reaper's Bones, being asked to read something Goal: Stop the Reaper's Bones from hurting innocent crews
Koa is the oldest of the crew as well as the most experienced, growing up on a ship around the Hawaiian islands since he was born and sailing on the Sea of Thieves since he was 18. He once was allied with the Reaper's Bones but betrayed his former crew when they attacked an innocent, newly arrived sailor who was exploring a nearby island. This sailor would turn out to be Hǔnluàn Zhen and would accompany Koa on future exploits. Despite his stern nature, Koa cares deeply for those close to him and would defend his friend to the bitter end...which he swears will come soon due to him having to constantly bail Zhen out of bad situations. He will never outright admit it due to pride, but he can't read. He's secretly learning how to and tries to avoid having to read things aloud to people.
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Hǔnluàn Zhen
Nickname: The Explosive Artisan Occupation: Powder Monkey and Weaponsmith Age: 25 Gender: Non-binary (He/him, they/them) Nationality: Chinese Crew: The Glacial Dragons Ship: The Snow Splitter (Sloop), The Icebreaker (Galleon) Likes: Making bombs, spicy food, fireworks Dislikes: Being bored, rainy weather, bland foods Goal: Become a famed explosives expert
If you want explosives, weapons, or even chaos in general, Hǔnluàn Zhen is your pirate. Known for being skilled at crafting weapons, bombs, and even fireworks, Zhen is chaos incarnate and will always jump at the opportunity to test a new invention. On his first day in the Sea of Thieves, he was attacked by Reaper's Bones but was saved by one of their own members betraying them: Koa. Out of sheer gratefulness, Zhen was attached at the hip to his savior and the two would collaborate on ideas for weapons (with Koa being there to make sure Zhen wouldn't go overboard). Zhen is hyperactive, friendly, loud, and loves to spice things up (literally. He will add the spiciest spices to already spicy food. Stella once watched him down a bowl of ghost peppers with the only comment from him being "Whoo! Now that had a bit of a kick!" before going back to working on a bomb). Due to his lack of self-preservation, his crewmates (usually Koa) end up having to save him from whatever has gotten him in over his head (and occasionally himself). But you can always count on Zhen be a loyal friend and lend an ear if you have a problem. Fair warning though: his solution will more than likely involve explosions.
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Aisling ‘Ais’ ???
Nickname: The Bane of the Seas Occupation: Captain, Bounty Hunter Age: 29 Gender: Female (She/her) Nationality: Irish/English Crew: The Nightstalkers Ship: The Nightstalker Likes: Bounty Hunting, nighttime, dogs Dislikes: Fighting with an unfair advantage, being woken up, a certain skeleton lord... Goal: ???
A mysterious Irish bounty hunter, Ais is said to have appeared from seemingly out of nowhere on the Sea of Thieves one day and made a name for herself as a hunter of skeletons and pirates alike, and is said to be one of the few pirates who have taken on a skeleton lord by herself. Upon a first meeting, she is serious, a little on the hot-headed side, and is quick to put someone in their place. But after opening up, she is a fair, wise and kind soul who can take a joke if the mood calls for it, and only wants peace on the Sea of Thieves, trying to avoid fighting other pirates unless she feels like she absolutely has to. For some unknown reason, she always keeps her right arm completely covered by a shoulder-length black glove. Not even her crew knows why as she never takes it off. Speaking of unknown things, Ais has never revealed her surname to anyone, not even her own crew. Whenever asked about her arm or her surname, she simply replies with "Not important" and changes the subject. She also seems to have vast knowledge on Stella's crystal and something known as 'the Legendary Beasts'.
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pahicraft · 11 months
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pahicraft · 11 months
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pahicraft · 11 months
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pahicraft · 1 year
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pahicraft · 1 year
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pahicraft · 1 year
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pahicraft · 1 year
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pahicraft · 1 year
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pahicraft · 1 year
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pahicraft · 1 year
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Handmade Paper Making in India: A Comprehensive Guide
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pahicraft · 1 year
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