#Papagayo I
kawaiijay · 2 years
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Margaritas 😜
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saintmeghanmarkle · 4 months
Moochers Par ExcellenceA Deep Dive into the Carparkles' Visit to Costa Rica in December 2023. by u/BuildtheHerd
Moochers Par Excellence…A Deep Dive into the Carparkles' Visit to Costa Rica in December 2023. Photos and video of H&M and their rarely-seen child Lilibet on a family holiday in Costa Rica started appearing in the media on December 21, 2023 …just in time to compete for media attention with the Princess of Wales, whose Royal Carols: Together at Christmas was scheduled to air on Christmas Eve.Given that the Carparkles are known to regularly take advantage of the generosity of others by wrangling free stays at mansions and transportation on private jets, I've been curious about who financed this family trip to Costa Rica. After some internet sleuthing, I've figured out where the Carparkles stayed and who provided them with free accommodations and possibly private jet transportation, too.The resort where they stayed is Zapotal Golf and Beach Club, located in Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. The company's website provides the following description of the resort, "Spanning miles of untouched coastline and thousands of acres of pristine tropical forest, Zapotal is a true retreat with 240 residences on the edge of one of the world’s five National Geographic Blue Zones where residents are quantifiably happy, healthy and enjoy an increased lifespan. Enjoy adventures on sea and land or a leisurely round on the 18-hole Tom Fazio golf course. Delight in a tasty locally sourced organic meal. Indulge in a spa treatment or a heart pounding workout. Ground yourself in the lush rainforest for an escape from the day-to-day. At Zapotal, your days are yours- and only yours." "Zapotal is one of Discovery Land Company’s more than 35 exclusive, members-only international communities. Discovery properties are uniquely designed to capture the spirit of the land and local culture, providing members with endless opportunities to curate their most authentic lifestyle." (It sounds like Meg might have advised the resort's marketing team on their word choice, doesn't it!) Here's the link to the website where you'll find photos, videos, and additional descriptions of the resort: https://ift.tt/HoU1M9b might recognize the name of Zapotal Golf and Beach Club's parent company: "Discovery Land Company." It's Jack Brooksbank's employer (Jack Brooksbank is Princess Eugenie's husband). BTW, the Harkles visited another Discovery Land Company property in Portugal called CostaTerra Golf and Ocean Club after attending the Invictus Games in Dusseldorf in September 2023. Here's an article from the Daily Mail about that visit (archived and unarchived): https://ift.tt/1sqNIQm Founder of "Discovery Land Company" is Michael Meldman, who also was partners with George Clooney and Rande Gerber in Casamigos, the tequila company that they sold for approximately $1billion. Sinners might remember that Casamigos tequila was served at the H&M's wedding after party and that Jack Brooksbanks was previously a Brand Ambassador for Casamigos.Perhaps Michael Meldman even flew the Carparkles down to Liberia Airport in Costa Rica on the corporate jet, a 2001 Dassault Falcon 2000 (tail number N250DL). On the tail of the jet is the Discovery Land Company logo and on the side is the Casamigos logo (see attached photo).***The Carparkles MUST have planned to be photographed at this resort.**\* Zapotal Beach Club is a very private property that caters to uber wealthy people, so you can imagine that security is tight. Tourism is the main source of income in Costa Rica (Source: Embassy of Costa Rica in Washington, D.C. website); therefore, keeping tourists safe is taken extremely seriously. I've stayed at a similar resort on nearby Papagayo Peninsula, which required passing through two security checkpoints to enter…I would expect that Zapotal Beach Club is similar. It is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that paparazzi just sneaked onto this property. This all fits the Carparkles' modus operandi.Discovery Land Company - Casamigos Corporate Jet​ post link: https://ift.tt/4pHB7lg author: BuildtheHerd submitted: March 04, 2024 at 07:06AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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have-you-been-here · 6 months
Papagayo Beach, Lanzarote (Spain)
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lostxcloud · 25 days
2024 Lanzarote Spring Sun
Friday 12th April
Today we decided to seize the day.
All of us were up fairly early. My sister decided to stay home and revise. My dad however had found a walking route on AllTrails, so we drove out to Tahiche, a nearby town, maybe 20 mins inland from our villa. Once there we started walking up their dormant/inactive volcano (don't know which one, I just know there wasn't any lava or magma...)
On the way up we came across a circle of rocks, surrounding a hole in the ground. Overcome by curiousity (and knowing from Google maps that it was a permanent fixture) my brother and I entered the hole and found it was a pretty sizable cave. We didn't explore particularly far (hiking shoes, shorts and phone torches aren't exactly spelunker gear) but our dad joined us for a few pictures before we left and continued on our hike up the Volcan de Tahiche. Once at the top, we saw a bird of prey and my mother decided to wait at the top of the trail. Dad, my brother and myself decided to loop the crater. I set off first, because my dad and brother have a wonderful habit of dicking about. I made it to the peak about 5 minutes before they did. We sat for a few minutes up there, and then dad got a call. He was on a business call for like 15 minutes at the top of a volcano, whilst my brother and I sniggered and tried to track a lizard that we'd seen crawl under a rock. Eventually we continued around the crater. Again I set off ahead of them, because they are slower. So I got to rest with mum whilst waiting for them to catch up.
Once together we headed down the volcano and drove back to the villa to get my sister and head to the Marina for lunch. She got to pick the restaurant and picked a nice spot with marina views and a pretty interesting menu. I believe my dad had a goat stew special.
After lunch we set off for a beach called Playa Mujeres, a beach near papagayo, a southern beach. Once there we were vaguely comfortable snorkelling and playing catch. There were a lot of women sunbathing topless, but that's kinda normal on European beaches, so we just ignored it. The one thing that was hard to ignore was the nude man walking along the beachfront. This beach had a lot of kids, but this nudist was just enjoying his time on the beach. I accidentally missed my throw to my brother and it ended up at his feet, which my little brother had to turn and face him to catch his throw. He's been all stroppy about it since (lol), and so it was actually a perfect throw.
After the beach we headed back along the dirt track that was the only way in or out (hire car abuse!!) and went to playa Blanca town. Its a premier resort town for tourists, so it's all kinda... Shit. Which was perfect for my little sister who had a compulsion, nay, a requirement! To go to the tat shops for tourists. So we spent some time walking around those shops...
We then headed back to the black sand salt marsh to watch the sunset. It was pretty again, and we were there as a family. After seeing the sunset we headed to Villa, cooked and ate a pasta dinner, and discussed the tomorrow plan.
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taxibrussels-com · 2 months
Exploring Lanzarote in Style: Why You Should Hire a Motorhome
Are you dreaming of an unforgettable adventure on the captivating island of Lanzarote? Picture yourself cruising along winding coastal roads, immersing in the island's diverse landscapes, and camping under the starry skies. What if I told you that you can experience all of this and more with the ultimate freedom and flexibility? Yes, you heard it right – by hiring a motorhome in Lanzarote!
Lanzarote, with its volcanic terrain, golden beaches, and charming villages, is a paradise waiting to be explored. But to truly uncover its hidden gems and embark on a journey of discovery, nothing beats the convenience and comfort of a motorhome. Here's why you should consider hiring one for your next island getaway:
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Flexibility: One of the biggest advantages of hiring a motorhome is the freedom it offers. Say goodbye to rigid itineraries and hello to spontaneity! With a motorhome at your disposal, you can chart your own course, deciding where to go and how long to stay. Whether you want to linger on a secluded beach, explore a remote mountain village, or chase the sunset along the rugged coastline, the choice is yours.
Comfort: Forget cramped hotel rooms and restrictive schedules. When you hire a motorhome, you're bringing your accommodations with you wherever you go. Modern motorhomes are equipped with all the amenities you need for a comfortable stay, including cozy beds, a kitchenette, bathroom facilities, and even entertainment systems. It's like having a home on wheels, allowing you to relax and recharge after a day of adventure.
Cost-Effectiveness: Contrary to popular belief, hiring a motorhome can be a cost-effective way to travel, especially for families or groups. Instead of shelling out money for multiple hotel rooms and dining out every meal, you can save by cooking your meals onboard and staying in campsites, which are often more budget-friendly than hotels. Plus, many motorhome rental companies offer competitive rates and discounts for longer rentals, making it an affordable option for extended trips.
Unparalleled Views: Lanzarote is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, from the otherworldly landscapes of Timanfaya National Park to the pristine beaches of Papagayo. And what better way to soak in these breathtaking views than from the comfort of your own motorhome? With panoramic windows and outdoor seating areas, you'll have front-row seats to some of the most scenic vistas the island has to offer, making every journey a feast for the eyes.
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Adventure: Last but not least, hiring a motorhome is all about embracing the spirit of adventure. It's about setting off into the unknown, following your wanderlust wherever it may lead. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a first-time explorer, there's something undeniably exhilarating about hitting the open road and seeing where it takes you. With a motorhome as your trusty steed, the possibilities are endless.
So, if you're planning a trip to Lanzarote and want to experience the island in a whole new way, why not consider hiring a motorhome? With its flexibility, comfort, cost-effectiveness, and sense of adventure, it's the perfect way to make your vacation truly unforgettable. Get ready to embark on the road trip of a lifetime – the open road awaits!
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acapulcopress · 7 months
Aendió Gobernadora seguimiento diario de reconstrucción de Coyuca y Acapulco
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ACAPULCO * Diciembre 1, 2023. ) Gobierno de Guerrero  Para evaluar los avances del Plan Integral de Reconstrucción en municipios afectados por el
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huracán "Otis", la gobernadora Evelyn Salgado Pineda encabezó la reunión diaria para dar seguimiento a las acciones de atención en materia de recolección de basura y desechos sólidos, así como los trabajos para la rehabilitación integral de la distribución de agua potable. En este esfuerzo conjunto de los tres niveles de gobierno, la mandataria estatal informó que se han redoblado los esfuerzos para la recolección de desechos en zonas como Tuncingo, Renacimiento, Paseo de la Sabana, Fraccionamiento Marroquín, avenida Cuauhtémoc y Plan de los Amates. "Lo de la basura sigue siendo uno de los temas muy importantes. Es importante no bajar la guardia con lo de la basura", dijo la gobernadora durante esta reunión de balance de las
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acciones coordinadas que se realizan en favor de la población damnificada. En cuanto el tema de agua potable, el titular de la Comisión de Agua Potable, Alcantarillado y Saneamiento del Estado de Guerrero (Capaseg), Facundo Gastélum Félix informó que la administración estatal ha logrado realizar 38 acciones inmediatas, de las cuales 35 están en Acapulco y llevan un avance del 71 por ciento y 3 se desarrollan en Coyuca de Benítez, con progreso del 77 por ciento. Además, dijo que hay un avance significativo en el fortalecimiento del sistema de agua potable con nuevos equipos de bombeo en las captaciones Papagayo I y Lomas de Chapultepec, lo cual permitirá incrementar en los próximos días la capacidad de producción
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en el suministro, al tiempo de trabajar en la reparación de fugas. En lo que respecta al Programa de Pipas, hasta el momento se han repartido 27 millones 850 mil litros, informó el funcionario estatal. Por último la gobernadora informó que se tienen registrados 314 casos confirmados de dengue en el estado; de los cuales 138 son en Acapulco y dos en Coyuca de Benítez. Por parte del Programa de Búsqueda de Personas, se han localizado a mil 615 ciudadanos. ) Facebook.com/acapulcopress.news ) Facebook.com/angelblanco.press ) acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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giancarlonicoli · 10 months
23 ago 2023 18:09
Estratto dell’articolo di Giangiacomo Schiavi per il Corriere della Sera
Venivano da mondi diversi e diverso era lo stile, la classe e l’eleganza, ma se c’è qualcosa che li accomuna oltre al fatto di piacere alle donne e di scambiare la notte con il giorno, è l’uso di una parola superata, quasi del tutto in disuso, triturata dal femminismo e dal Me Too: playboy.
Se Zanza da Rimini ne è la parodia nostrana, popolar romagnola, il modello che contabilizza come un flipper le conquiste e diventa, a detta della madre, «un richiamo turistico nelle spiagge dell’Adriatico» per le bellezze nordiche degli anni Ottanta, fino allo schianto nell’ultimo fatale rendez-vous , a 63 anni, nel letto con una ventitreenne, un altro è stato in Italia il titolare per antonomasia del marchio, il prototipo del seduttore che negli anni Sessanta era chiamato anche tombeur des femmes : Gigi Rizzi, uno con le stimmate dell’impresa galante e non dell’arrembaggio alle turiste per caso, tardivo e fuggevole eroe di una generazione uscita dalla guerra, ha scritto Massimo Fini, che il suo ’68 l’ha vissuto senza molotov o barricate nell’estate godereccia di Saint Tropez, alzando il tricolore sulla Madrague, la villa della più bella e desiderata donna del mondo: Brigitte Bardot.
Il sostegno di Gianni Agnelli
Nel secolo scorso playboy era un titolo impegnativo e non ancora politicamente scorretto. Quelli veri erano pochi e con caratteristiche diverse da uno come Zanza, che mai sarebbe stato ammesso nel gruppo d’assalto in Costa Azzurra, «les italiens», Rizzi, Piroddi, Rapetti e Parisi, il quartetto più ambito dal Papagayo all’Esquinade, tappe obbligate dei viveurs di tutto il mondo: non solo per il nome, ma per lo stile che vietava di mettere in piazza «la contabilità delle mutande sfilate»: loro le conquiste non le contavano, le pesavano. Solo così potevano vantare il sostegno di Gianni Agnelli, che del riserbo faceva un codice d’onore: l’Avvocato ogni tanto si univa al quartetto che spopolava sulla Croisette e domandava all’invidiatissimo Gigi: «Caro, che c’è di pepato stasera...».
Le «scuole» e gli stili di conquista
Se a Zanza dedicheranno una targa, servirebbe un albo alla memoria per quanti, come Gigi Rizzi, hanno intaccato con giovanile esuberanza il mito di Porfirio Rubirosa rilanciando quello, made in Italy, dell’ineguagliabile Rodolfo Valentino. Non erano tanti e si dividevano in piccole squadre, i milanesi, i genovesi e i romani, ricchissimi i primi, scatenati i secondi, fascinosi i terzi.
I locali giusti
Milano era la scuola più selettiva: negli anni Sessanta la città del boom, dei cumenda e del lavoro aveva in Brera e nel caraibico Giamaica il luogo simbolico da onorare e i playboy navigavano tra Cova e il Baretto, prima del tuffo al Bang Bang o al Charlie Max, dove suonava Augusto Righetti. Mina era la voce nuova, la Vanoni quella sensuale, il regno del cheek to cheek era lo Stork di piazza Diaz, amato da quelli della vecchia guardia come Gigi Perez. I playboy si chiamavano Cesare e Marco Spadaccini, che viaggiavano in Miura o in Ferrari, grande successo riscuoteva il gioielliere surfista Pederzani, new entry era un politico di destra, il barone nero Tomaso Staiti di Cuddia, che vantava cultura e storie galanti con Rosa Fumetto, Marisa Allasio e Capucine. Da Genova a Milano si erano trasferiti anche Rizzi e Beppe Piroddi, dopo le precoci incursioni al Carillon di Portofino e al Pirate di Cap Martin: avevano il tavolo fisso tra le modelle alla Torre di Pisa dove ogni tanto si affacciava anche un giovane Silvio Berlusconi («ma non era ammesso», ricorderà perfidamente il barone Staiti).
Gigi Rizzi e la storia d’amore con BB
A ventidue anni Gigi Rizzi era già un top di gamma, accoppiato a bellezze che pietrificavano: Patrizia Gallieni, Anna Mucci, Isa Stoppi, la modella che il fotografo Avedon definì più bella del modo, «con due laghi al posto degli occhi»... Nel ’67 inaugurò con Piroddi il Number One , con i primi disc jokey e il giovane Teo Teocoli ad aprire le danze. A Parigi aveva il lasciapassare da Regine Zilberger, la signora del New Jimmi’s, dove fece il debutto in compagnia di Natalie Delon: ai tavoli accanto a lui c’erano Aristotele Onassis con la Callas e Porfirio Rubirosa con Odile Rodin. Se andava a Londra le tappe erano Annabel’s e il Dolly’s: serate con Polansky e Sharon Tate, compagna del momento Fiona Lewis, mentre Piroddi stava con Jaqueline Bisset. Poi tra un Cristal e un Dom Perignon il giovanotto si giocava una fortuna nelle infernali puntate di chemin de fer.
Regine di bellezza
Com’era e cos’era la vita da playboy è possibile che qualcuno ancora lo ricordi, da Liuba Rizzoli a Marisa Berenson, monumenti di bellezza insieme a Elsa Martinelli, una delle regine di Saint Tropez. Di sicuro il fascino, l’esibizionismo, il narcisismo, la folle illusione che tutto fosse possibile per Gigi Rizzi toccò la vetta una sera di giugno, in quel ‘68 che annunciava la fine di un’epoca.
L’uomo più invidiato del mondo
La love story con Brigitte Bardot fu qualcosa di pazzesco, una bomba: un giovane italiano si sostituiva a Gunther Sachs, playboy miliardario erede della dinastia Von Opel, l’uomo che lanciava rose rosse dall’elicottero per annunciare alla Bardot il suo arrivo. Gigi ballava il flamenco sul tavolo con sfacciata esuberanza, girava a piedi nudi, giocava con le carte e con le donne. Quando la Bardot lo invitò alla Madrague e mandò una Rolls Royce nel suo albergo a ritirare gli abiti di ricambio, aveva appena 24 anni. Per tre mesi diventò l’uomo più invidiato del mondo.
Tra vizi, fragilità ed errori
«È stato detto che Gigi è sempre e solo l’ex di Brigitte», ha scritto Olghina di Robilant, musa dolcevitiera di quel gruppo. «La deformazione giornalistica va capovolta. Direi che la Bardot fu solo una ex di Gigi. Una fra tante, famose quanto lei...». 
La sua storia, diversamente da quella di Zanza, è una metafora sulla vita e anche sul destino del playboy. Rivela vizi, fragilità, errori, il senso dell’onnipotenza e del vuoto, che finisce spesso in solitudini da affogare nell’alcol o nella cocaina: Gigi Rizzi ha avuto tutto, ha perso tutto, si è eclissato, ha cercato di cambiar vita, si è riconvertito agricoltore in Argentina, si è sposato e risposato, è caduto ed è riemerso, è stato in una comunità per tossici e alcolisti e non si è vergognato di dirlo.
(...) Dieci anni fa è morto durante la sua festa di compleanno, proprio a Saint Tropez, dove tutto era cominciato. Quasi un segno del destino. Di quel quartetto che si onorava del titolo di «les italiens» non è rimasto nessuno. Game over, anche per i playboy. Oggi contano gli influencer. Forse aveva ragione Franco Califano: se ti volti indietro, tutto il resto è noia.
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costaricadmc · 1 year
Guanacaste Attractions I Costa Rica DMC
Guanacaste is Costa Rica’s most culturally rich region located on the North Pacific coast of the country. It boasts centuries of vibrant culture and authentic tradition, brought to life today with food, music, art, and colors. Guanacaste International Airport (LIR) is conveniently located in the city of Liberia from where travelers flock to the incomparable natural beauty and magnificence of some of the world’s most beautiful beaches, home to some of the most spectacular five-star hotels in the Papagayo and Tamarindo regions.
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January 07
[1325] Afonso IV succeeds Denis as King of Portugal.
[1430] Duke Philip the Good (33) formally celebrate marriage to Isabella of Portugal (32) in Sluys, Burgundy.
[1598] Boris Godunov seizes Russian throne on death of Feodor I.
[1601] Robert, Earl of Essex, leads revolt in London against Queen Elizabeth I.
[1610] Galileo Galilei discovers the first three moons of Jupiter: Io, Europa & Ganymede.
[1611] Trial of Hungarian aristocrat Elizabeth Bàthory for killing and torturing hundreds of young women, later sentenced to house arrest for the rest of her life.
[1698] Russian Tsar Peter the Great departs Netherlands for England.
[1790] French Revolution: A major riot breaks out in Versailles as people demand lower bread prices.
[1879] Dutch King William II weds Emma von Waldeck-Pyrmont.
[1892] A massive mine explosion leaves nearly 100 dead in Krebs, Oklahoma; blacks trying to help rescue white survivors, driven away with guns.
[1901] "Colorado Cannibal" Alfred Packer is paroled.
[1923] Baltimore Sun warns of the Ku Klux Klan.
[1934] Dutch Princess Juliana weds German Prince Bernhard von Lippe-Biesterfeld.
[1950] "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" is the #1 song on the U.S. pop charts.
[1971] American horror, sci-fi and fantasy author Stephen King weds Tabitha Spruce, author and activist.
[1989] Akihito becomes the 125th Emperor of Japan after the death of his father Emperor Shōwa (Hirohito).
[1994] United Express commuter plane crashed in Ohio, killing 5.
[2006] Punky pop singer P!nk (26) weds motocross daredevil and "The Surreal Life" actor Carey Hart (30) at the Four Seasons Resort at Peninsula Papagayo in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.
[2012] Lady A (formerly Antebellum) singer-songwriter Hillary Scott (26) weds drummer Chris Tyrrell (25) at the Appel Inn near Albany, New York.
[2015] 12 people die and 11 injured in shooting at French satirical magazine "Charlie Hebdo" offices.
[2018] It snows in the Sahara desert - 15 inches reported in Aïn Séfra, Northwest Algeria.
[2019] Amazon overtakes Microsoft to become the world's most valuable listed company for the first time, worth $797B.
[2021] Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg blocks President Donald Trump from Facebook and Instagram till Jan. 20, following suspension of his other social media accounts the previous day.
[2021] Elon Musk, co-founder of Tesla, becomes the world's richest man, worth $186B, overtaking Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.
[2022] Three men convicted of murdering black jogger Ahmaud Arbery in Feb. 2020, sentenced to life in prison in Georgia court.
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trentandmeredith · 2 years
Day 1:
-American Memorial Cemetery in Manila
-Drive to Subic Bay with a stop at Mang Inasal - learned that Unli Rice is unlimited rice! (Later learned that Polynesian missionaries were limited to ten scoops of Unli rice at the spot near my parents!)
Day 2
-Church - taglish is the language of choice! I had no idea any language speaker could switch between languages so easily
-Drive to Lake Mapu and my first carabao sighting!
-Dinner at playa papagayo (mom’s favorite spot) with the best mango salsa!!
Day 3
-Fruits of the market, clockwise: mango, chico(tasted like rotting brown sugar to me but my parents loved), longan (pretty good, like lychee), green oranges, and soursop (very sour but good!)
-Boat ride to San Antonio islands - beautiful with plastic strewn all over beach
-Desserts if the trip 1. babinka - warm rice pudding concoction baked in coconut husks - delicious! 2. Icylicious mango and graham cracker smoothie - amazing!! 3. Mango Melona popsicle, like a mango creamsicle!
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shohagbmd · 2 years
Lanzarote from Oliver Astrologo on Vimeo.
Walking through the moon like landscape to surfer treats, I have found myself immersed in the local life of Lanzarote where fisherman carry out their daily routine, winemakers nurture their grapevines and aspiring Iron Men train as hard as ever to become the next World Champion.
Directed by Oliver Astrologo & Nils Astrologo - fb.com/oliver.astrologo
Flickr album: flic.kr/s/aHskF83rq9
Filmed by Oliver Astrologo Nils | Astrologo Drone footage by Nils Astrologo
Locations Playa de Papagayo Salinas de Janubio Parque Nacional de Timanfaya Arrecife La Geria Mirador del Rio La Graciosa Orzola La caleta
Watch my other works: Cuba: vimeo.com/224883799 Venezia: vimeo.com/181612110 Reverie of Vietnam: vimeo.com/126747807 Roma: vimeo.com/137925379 Moments of Puglia: vimeo.com/165102515 Malta: vimeo.com/202709486
Geek Stuff I have received so many messages asking for details on how I produce my videos. I put down this short piece: oliverastrologo.com/videotips this explains few techniques I have been using and includes a list of equipment. Don't hesitate to write to me if you need further details or have any recommendation.
Gear (Find a comprensive list of my equipment here: oliverastrologo.com/gear)
Sony A7Rii @ 4K 25p PP7 (Exposed in S-Log2)
 DJI Phantom 4 @ 4K 25p GoPro Hero 4 @ 4K 25p iPhone 6s @ 4K 30p
Video Stabilization: Beholder DS1
Used Lenses
Zeiss 35mm 2.8
Zeiss 55mm 1.8
 Color Correction:
ImpulZ LUTs with some tweaks
This project has been produced in partnership with AirBerlin & Turismo Lanzarote.
Supported by Air Berlin Turismo Lanzarote Oliver Schrott Kommunikation
Special Thanks Alessandro Baklouti André Josselin Bodegas Rubicón Daniel Weissleder Hanna Fischer Javier Asiain Museo Agricola el Patio Sands Beach Resort Siri Baehner Stephen Bayliss (Triathlon athlete)
And everyone who helped in the making of this video.
** Important ** All video, music and sounds effects are rights reserved. Please only use and share this embed code of the original video. Third party downloads and distribution is not permitted.
If you are interested in buying footage or any inquiry please contact: [email protected]
****************************************************** Instagram: instagram.com/oliverhl Twitter twitter.com/oliverastrologo Facebook fb.com/oliver.astrologo
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foundtheworl · 2 years
New Post has been published on Found The World
New Post has been published on https://foundtheworld.com/hotel-debuts-in-costa-rica-andaz-peninsula-papagayo/
Hotel Debuts in Costa Rica: Andaz Peninsula Papagayo
Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That’s what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren’t the terrifying monsters we think they are.
But we’ve all seen the movie ‘Jaws’ and Hollywood doesn’t lie. It’s why thousands of people around the world suffer from Selachophobia. Fear of sharks.
But who can blame them? Why on earth would any rational person swim in the ocean
As for those who purposefully seek out the company of sharks they clearly have a death wish. Because shark attacks on humans around the world are exceedingly rare despite popular belief to the contrary.
Seeking The Company Of Sharks
As an adrenaline junkie, my tolerance level these days is high. Luckily Fiji delivered the goods. They have a Shark Reef Marine Reserve located off the coast of the island of Beqa, where you can go swimming with up to 8 species of shark.
Shark Reserve is because of the money flowing in from these dive trips.
To help finance shark research and compensate local villagers for their lost fishing grounds, Beqa Adventure Divers offers scuba diving trips into the marine reserve’s shark-infested waters.
They let you get face-to-face with these underwater killers.
Because shark attacks on humans around the world are exceedingly rare despite popular belief to the contrary.
Shark Attack Odds
They have a Shark Reef Marine Reserve located off the coast of the island of Beqa.
Let’s look at some examples. How likely is a shark attack in the United States? Odds are greater that one of these will happen to you first:
You will die from a dog attack.
You will die from a lightning strike.
You will get killed by bees or wasps.
You will be executed for a crime.
You will be bitten by a human.
You will die falling down in your home.
Dick Cheney will shoot you on a hunting trip.
As for actual death by shark attack, that’s even rarer. Like 1 in 3,748,067 to be exact. You are more likely to die while digging a sand hole on the beach.
So stop digging those stupid things. They’re dangerous!
My First Shark Dive
Knowing these statistics made it a bit easier to join the professionals at Beqa Adventure for my first ever shark dive. They’ve been doing this for over 10 years with no problems.
Beqa Adventure Divers teamed up.
I’ve been scuba diving in caves before, but diving with large Bull and possibly Tiger sharks was a big deal. These massive animals can grow 8 to 15 feet long and weigh hundreds of pounds.
Both have a history (however rare) of attacks on humans. But, as I’ve learned over & over again on my travels, breaking out of your comfort zone is a healthy thing to do.
Now if you didn’t already know, feeding sharks like this is a bit controversial. Some say that it trains them to associate humans with food, increasing the odds of an attack.
These diving trips pour much needed money into shark conservation & research projects. Without that money, shark populations around the world will continue to rapidly decline. If dive operators don’t pay to help save the sharks, who will? You? The government?
That’s wishful thinking in my opinion. It won’t happen.
The ONLY reason marine life is protected at Fiji’s Shark Reserve is because of the money flowing in from these dive trips. Beqa Adventure Divers teamed up with local villages to ban all fishing here in 2004. The result? A once dying reef is thriving and full of life again.
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notimundo · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://notimundo.com.mx/acapulco/suspenderan-el-agua-en-zonas-de-acapulco-por-reparacion-de-fugas/
Suspenderán el agua en zonas de Acapulco por reparación de fugas
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Por reparación de fugas, Capama suspenderá el servicio de agua potable en varias zonas de Acapulco.
Acapulco, Gro, 22 de marzo del 2022.- La Comisión de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado del Municipio de Acapulco (Capama), informa que, este martes 22 de marzo iniciará la reparación de dos fugas de agua potable ubicadas en la línea principal del sistema de captación Papagayo I, por lo que se interrumpirá el servicio del vital líquido en varias zonas de la ciudad durante aproximadamente 72 horas.
Localizaron los desperfectos sobre la carretera federal Acapulco – Pinotepa Nacional, frente al centro Cristo de la Misericordia en la comunidad de Tres Palos perteneciente a la zona rural del puerto.
Las zonas que se quedarán sin agua potable por los próximos tres días, son:
La Costera Miguel Alemán desde Icacos hasta Caleta, Unidad Habitacional El Coloso en todas sus etapas, así como sectores de la ruta Bulevar Puerto Marques – Cayaco y La Colosio.
También no contarán con el servicio la colonia Emiliano Zapata y sus seis sectores, además de La Progreso y Hogar Moderno, así como las colonias Miguel Alemán, Bella Vista y Bora Bora.
Una vez que, se concluyan las reparaciones el jueves próximo, se llevarán a cabo las pruebas necesarias en la tubería para asegurarse que no existan fallas técnicas y después se reactivarán los equipos de bombeo del sistema Papagayo I para restablecer el suministro de agua potable en las zonas antes mencionadas.
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giorgiogiangiulio · 2 years
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"Dear Brigitte, I am Gigi and I am writing to you from another world, another city and another life. If I look back I see the nights of Saint-Tropez, the confusion of the Esquinade, the magical and endless nights between the Escale and the Papagayo, and that night when we saw each other for the first time. Happy birthday, happy birthday. I still remember where you live, because I was there a long time ago, too, when we were full of joy, we kids with a big dream." Gigi Rizzi In the mid-sixties, a group of charming young men made their way into the nightlife of the French Riviera, they were” Les Italiens” led by Gigi Rizzi and Beppe Piroddi. They were used to conquer the beautiful girls of the French Riviera with exclusive parties and extravagant outfits. Brigitte Bardot, the most loved and desired woman in the world fell in love with the prince of Les Italiens. She was unattainable, capricious, mysterious and sensual. For months the Italian newspapers talked of nothing else: Italy had won its match against France. Here’s a story inspired by that period and those people who lived their life free and carefree chasing “La joie de vivre”. The Rake Travel Journal: Amalfi Read the full story on TheRake.com Creative Director and Stylist: @melissajanetarling Photographer: @brandonhinton_jpeg Talent: @brigitamb & @giorgiogiangiulio #TheRake #TheRakeTravelJournal (presso Amalfi Coast) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd7mdvNoQ10/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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acapulcopress · 1 year
Playas locales, aptas para uso recreativo: Cofepris
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CHILPANCINGO * 23 de diciembre de 2022. ) Gobierno de Guerrero La Secretaría de Salud Guerrero (SSG) y la Comisión para la Protección Contra Riesgos Sanitarios del Estado de Guerrero (Copriseg) informaron que las playas del Estado son
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aptas para uso recreativo, de acuerdo con el monitoreo de la Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (Cofepris). La Cofepris en coordinación con las autoridades estatales de Salud y la Red Nacional de Laboratorios de Salud Pública, realizó la toma de muestras de agua de mar durante las semanas previas al actual periodo vacacional, con la finalidad de poder señalar si una playa representa o no un riesgo para la salud. Los análisis de laboratorio realizados en 2 mil 246 muestras de agua de las 290 playas de mayor afluencia pública de los principales destinos turísticos del país, arrojaron como resultado que 289 playas son aptas para uso recreativo. En Guerrero se analizaron las playas de Acapulco: Caletilla, Caleta, La Roqueta, Hornos, Tlacopanocha, Suave, Carabalí, Papagayo, El Morro, Condesa, Copacabana, Icacos, Puerto Marqués, Revolcadero I, Revolcadero II, Revolcadero III, Revolcadero IV, Manzanillo y Pie de la Cuesta; en Ixtapa: Isla Ixtapa/Playa Varadero, Linda, Quieta y El Palmar; en Zihuatanejo: Las Gatas, La Ropa I, La Ropa II, La Madera, Principal; en Copala: Ventura; y en Marquelia: Las Peñitas, las cuales presentaron resultados dentro de parámetros, por lo que son aptas para uso recreativo. ) Síguenos en Facebook | @AcapulcoPress Read the full article
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gatabella · 3 years
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"And at that moment I saw Gunter Sachs! He was sitting at a table in the company of lovely girls and handsome guys. They laughed, drank, had fun, flirted. Philip introduced us to each other. He arranged an explosive meeting of two sacred monsters. After leaving his table, leaving friends, girls, Gunter sat down with us with a glass of whiskey in his hands. His steely blue eyes were fixed on me. A strange mesmerizing power emanated from him. He was the overlord! His gray-streaked temples, magnificent unruly hair, although a little long, a strong-willed tanned face, an impressive figure and an indefinable accent with which he played, expressing himself in rich and subtle French, quickly dispelled all my possible doubts. Love at first sight was born instantly and mutually. I have known many men, loved, experienced passion, but that evening I grew wings. This night belonged to us. I no longer felt tired, ready to follow this man to the end of the world. He took me to the end of the world later, but in the meantime we decided to go dancing at the Papagayo. Gunter had the same Rolls as me! The same shape, the same color, everything the same! A strange coincidence. We fell in love on equal terms. I had to live the craziest part of my life, its most extravagant retreat. My most illusory happiness and deepest sorrow. We returned to the Madrague at the hour when respectable people go to work."
- Brigitte Bardot on her third husband Gunter Sachs, autobiography
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