#Paper Mache Easter Eggs
thedanesuk · 6 months
Shop Beatrix Potter Paper Mache Easter Egg Container
Discover the charm of Beatrix Potter with our delightful Paper Mache Easter Egg Container. Handcrafted with care, this charming container is perfect for storing treats or serving as a centerpiece. Explore our collection with us and elevate your holiday decor today!
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wildbeautifuldamned · 6 months
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Antique German Paper Mache Easter Chicks with Violets Egg Candy Container NICE! ebay Unicorn11111
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popculturebuffet · 10 months
Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space Retrospective: Chariot of the Dogs (Patreon Review for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy people! We're near the end of our Sam and Max: Beyond Time and Space Retrospective. After this we only have one more chapter till ....we take a bit of a telltale break for a bit.
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Well i'll tell you terry: Kev DID try a backup plan, giving me his old PS3. But despite trying EVERYTHING possible.. I couldn't get it or it's eventual replacement when it went to PS3 heaven to connect to my internet. I mean i'ts still damn neat to have but it dosen't really solve the problem and with my computer not having a completely 100% graphics card, the reason my brother gave it to me in the first place, I'm not sure it could take playing the Devil's Playhouse.
So for now my only option is to wait for the remaster, which at the time of this writing has nothing close to a release date after a year. This dosen't mean the project's canceled: there have been work in progress pics on Skunkapes Artist Formerly Known as Twitter account
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It just means it's taking a while in the oven and i'm fine with waiting till it's ready. I'd rather have a third awesome remaster to fix things instead of a glitchy mess rushed out to meet some sort of quota.
The good news is that Kev's keeping the sam and max reviews a coming, having me review stories from the comic and cartoon in the devil's playhouse's place till said remaster happens. And given i've only scratched the surrface of both, we've got PLENTY of sam and max stockpiled till the devil's playhouse or the inevitible apocalypse. which ever is first!
So with that we have Chariot of the Dogs... which not only neatly dethrones Moai Better Blues as the most bonkers these games, and this franchise has gotten, but is also just a joy to play with a unique setup: your time traveling which means a lot of familiar locations to reuse them assets, but most redressed to fit another time period. As a result there's a lot to unpack and i'll try my best. It runs into the usual issues of there being a brick wall you can't pass, but it helps that by being fun and only hvaing one puzzle i'd call "a giant list of menus wearing a hat. " So come travel in time so time as we travel to the end of all sam and max to find out where Bosco is.
We get a really awesome playable cold open following up from the last one: Sam, Max and Flint break into Bosco's to find him after he disappeared off the face of the earth. The puzzles are mostly one way but their fun from scanning a moai to undo the lasers to bosco's home office to all the fun jokes you get as you look at things. There's also some nice easter eggs like the items he had at the end of season 1 that would've made season 1 way easier.
Inside his sanctum unsanitorium, we find what you'd expect: a plunger that gave Sam nightmares when used on a delivery man, toilet wine, toilet wine that's become vinegar, and a LOT of paper mache volcano's. A lot. A LOTTTT. Like a whole rack of ones that just weren't big enoguh. As it turns out big explosions summon THEM
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So we need to summon THEM
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Too. So we need the world's biggest baking soda volcano made the old fashioned way... with a bullet hole, a lot of toilet vinegar and a prayer. This works as THEM
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Abduct you, kicking off the spaceship
ON TH...eir spaceship, we meet bosco, whose now a cow
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Gladly but you may never get the image out of your brain
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Turns out it isn't thanks to THose guys who run the ship, but Bosco himself. THEy have a time machine, and like most time traveler's , Bosco fucked up his own personal timeline, so now we need to unfuck it.
To unfuck that time cow, we have to use the time machine, and I love the design of this one. It's a wood paneled elevator, something really neat and unique. And how it operates is also a lot of fun: it hones in on specific people in time and space. Why we'll get to in a little bit , but while there's a printer for the cards, we can't really use it so instead we use Bosco's carbon dater he somehow got from sybil, and use it to create cards by scanning a person.
So our first is Bosco's own, which leads us to his oft talked about Mom right before he was born in the 1960's. And like her son she has a habit for being mildly disturbing, in this case outright asking Sam and Max to donate as the fathers to her unborn child. Bosco's mom is a feminist, the extreme kind that hates all men and thus wants to make a child the new fashiond way: SCIENCE. But since invetro is still a decade out she made her own setup. She just needs the dna of two parents, any kind.
We end up making a problem for this plan though as she falls in love.. with MAX.
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So Bosco's back to the futuring. Luckily we got a time card from Mama Bosco that sends us to the kennedy era white house.... and to a young but identical looking agent superball.
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He can't help us much for now, but he can give us a time card to our office, and scanning ourselves gives us time cards to 80s stinkys and our future office
So we get to meet the man, the myth, the legend himself Stinky. And we see why Sam and Max love him as he's a misanthrope who creates his dishes not to feed people but to cull the weak. Yeah I can see why Max loved him so much.
Their attempts to warn Stinky of his possible death at Girl Stinky's hands fall on deaf ear.. and the one that works tells them NOTHING CAN KILL STINKY PUNY MORTAL. Which honestly giving his cooking habits, general attitude and multiple attempted culinary murders for what's been decades, yeah i'm not convinced anything short of ten nuclear bombs in a row, an orbital laser strike, thirteen hulks, the entire nation of krakoa pre fall, and dropping the MOON ITSELF on him could kill stinky.. and even THEN it's not an easy bet.
At any rate while , like most locations we can't get everything we need NOW, but we can interact with our past selves. And it's here we get the jokes in this part that REALLY don't work for me, the only ones really.
See this chapter finally fully nails the black comedy as there's no one who gets hurt, physically or emotionally, you feel all that bad for for the most part. Bosco is back to the futured but it's both because Max is an accidental sex machine and because he mucked with time in the first place for no good reason, Mama Bosco is a raging misandrist who, while understandibly tired of men hitting on her, is also mad at a whole gender and later targets will make themselves clear.
The one exception is Past Sam and Past Max, who our heroes have to get intrested in girls. Yes really. This joke's problem isn't that it's rediculous enough, our heroes CHANGING THEIR OWN PERSONAL TIMELINE for petty self gain is pretty on the mark, it's just the joke is so lazy. GET IT NERDS DON'T GET WOMEN. GET IT. YA GET IT. YA GET IT. GETTTT IT. It's a lazy joke and like the sea monkey's thing is a relic of the times it was made. It also kinda misses the fact these games have enough gay subtext between the main two to fill a scrapbook. Or that the previous version of the franchise did this
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What i'm saying is Sam and Max are married and even if I didn't ship the two of them, this joke just dosen't fit. Sam and Max tends to punch higher than this.
But like I said.. after a whole season of grousing.. and I admit sometimes it was a tad overblown as I forget THIS IS A COMEDY, it's nice to see them nail a darker tone.. while still being hilaroius. The jokes here are still pretty dark, but their back to the wackier tone of things like torturing whizzer in the oval office. Ah that was a good day.
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Oh the memories. Anyways this subplot does have ONE thing going for it as the game Max is playing is Bluster Blaster. And that would be enough, seeing Bluster before our heroes give him a future ai set to grouchy.. which I was farwarned for by the guide i'd need to do. Which is good because it gave me the best runner of both games so far, a joke I just.. never got tired of. Anytime you alter the timeline the computer says "Timeline Altered, Jackass". It's funny every damn time, especially since 80% of your timeline alterations are screwing someone else over.
That's not the big takeaway.. no the big one is that Sam CREATED Bluster Blaster. And he didn't forget, to quoth the doggo himself "It just never seemed important." It's the best joke of the episode... just.. deciding that sam just never brought up he had an arcade cabinet son. And it's entirely in character for him to have just.. forgotten that.
Anyways onto our offices. The present one has Superball present in the present. He's guarding the trophy closet as suprisingly Max's disappearnce was actually looked into as the president instead of as seen as divine intervention before he destroys us all. We also find out Superball.. is still a shady guy as he gladly mindwipes us if we mention time travel.. despite being in the middle of something important. I'm hoping this pays off... I mean it does in this episode but i'm wondering what the hell.
Our final timeline, for now, is the future! Girl Stinky has become a paste magnet, the flying cars are finally here and sam.. is not doing so good. This is sad... and unlike previous dark bits, while they do JOKE about it, it's clear there's a hint of tragedy to what's going on. Sam.. has dimentia. THat's it. He has it, Max is taking care of him while wearing a geordi laforge visor. While it's clearly after a lifetime of adventure.. it's still pretty sad to see Sam like this.. evne if him wearing the cat's suit from red dwarf while his wheelchair is half a dalek, as of course max is the only thing in the universe that can kill a dalek easily, helps suck the pain out.. as does a brilliant gag where checking your trophy closet , since you can't check yours in the present, finds it just.. crammed full. Great
So now all the pieces are in order a LOT has to be done. Some of it later, some of it now. The shortest explination is you use Past Sam's screwdriver to steal a saucy letter from president kennedy. I love how Sam asking Max to distract stinky.. has max just tell him sam is stealing. And stinky.. still does nothing. We use that to suprise agent superball, get his dna and get president kennedy's. We use that to create bosco, Max is a sex monster now so mama bosco decides to make a kid, timeline restored... jackass.
Now we have a new issue though: THE...Y want to see us and we get the grand reveal that THEM
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Are the mariachis. Yes the random ones that show up any time someone says birthday... are the kidnappers.
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It's.. it's both. It's both hilaroius.. and a great payoff. Sadly I knew going in.. but I didn't know WHY they were doing this, or that they still had a UFO for it. As they explain in song, Pedro was an elderly mariachi from the future, the timeline we saw, and with the art nearly extinct he decided to assemble two younger versions of himself to form a marachi band to sing for people's birthdays whenever the word birthday is spoken. It's gloriously dumb and I love it.
We also find out how the moai an djurgen kidnappings and the mysterious triangle figure in: Turns out UFO's that have a time machine in them are expensive, so to pay for it the Pedros are working for a mysterious big bad to give them souls. They send them through the triangle after having the moais, who they built, crush the people then shrink their souls.. or in bosco's case just the soul part as he dies of fright.
So we need to Save Bosco and since talking to the three Moai only makes Bosco's soul go into the hole faster, we need to go with plan b: get the Marachi's to quit.
Thankfully Pedro, while you know, doing some murders, including Jurgen whose sadly not in this episode for wrong, is a nice and resonable guy: his backstory is sadly relatable, and he's genuinely only doing this because it's the only job he has and HATES doing it.. and agrees to quit if the guys can answer two questions for him: how does he dies and which came first, the chicken or the egg? Which given we've had an egg for some time we got from ourselves, I at least knew which thing woul dlikely solve it
We also have to get rid of the other two pedro's too. Luckily the one steering the ship wants to go solo and the other one is busy listening for birthdays, so ther'es easy ways to take care of them both. Well... easy for Sam and Max. In any other situation solving these four problems would be nigh imppossible. Thankfully this universe runs on nonsense.
So the first task is the easiest: get Perdo's death notice. Future Sam and Max have it on the board so jus go grab that, show Pedro and he agrees not to go near the printer anymore. This allows us to, and actually explains the ink ribbon from last episode: Max chucked it into the time stream.
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So with that we can print our own time card.... a BLANK one. This takes us to THE START OF TIME ITSELF.
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Where we find what you'd expect: a black void of nothingness, a small baby universe about to explode, mr. featherly.
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Yeah the Marachis chucked him to the start of time after kidnapping him during the filming of Midtown Cowboys The Movie. I don't know and I don't care as my boy is here and we need to take him with us. Problem is Mr. F is now the SOURCE OF ALL LIFE ON EARTH. So while the elevator will let us gleefully destroy history all the live long day, destroying EXISTANCE is a hard no.
So we simply leave the egg there instead and take Mr. F back in our inventory as a new item. He's not pleased. I however am delighted and showing him off gets Pedro to quit
Next is the youngest pedro and while the HOW is a bit obtuse, it's great: we simply use the calender from WAY back in episode 4 of the last game to change the date to the 9th, superball's birthday. Getting this.. requires a lot of talking and is obtuse as heck. It's why strategy guides exist. But the payoff is great as it summons the marachi.. and we just.. leave him there. In the Kennedy Whitehouse. Forever. That sure happened.
So with that we just have one last task to get to the end of this chapter and it's one of the funnest. Turns out the Marachi's next target is the soda poppers
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Yup. Thankfully their only in it for a minute..t his time as we go back to embarassing idol. We also don't hear Peepers sing so 10/10 chapter. We go back to get the recording contract from us, explaning what happened to that. Our past selves still need it though and upon hearing the words time machine steal it. I love this gag.. esepcailly since sam and max then have to relive the entreity of chapters 3-6 of save the world AND this game up to this point. I love it so much. I also love how when trying to question past sam and past max... past sam asks the questions instead.
To get our more annoying past selves to actually coperate we send them back to superball, who blanks their memories, allowing us to steal the contract in exchage for a screwdriver. We give it to pedro, he books it and now we can go savvvvveeee bosco's soullll.
Problem is not only does soul go down the hollleee.. but the self detruct activates. The marachis somehow appear in the time machine and use it to go do all the apperances we've seen this season, leaving us stuck. Thankfully using some goey cake from stinky's that we stole the copyright to, long subplot I genuinely forget that' snicely fucked up, we can stop the gears of time themselves, giving us time to put bosco on the platform before escaping into a hole. Sadly the Moai don't make it so I guess we stil lhaven't broken our streak of ruining one mostly innocent person's life a chapter, but it dosen't matter as anywhere's better than here.. and if not they'll see us in hell
Next Time: We wrap up beyond time and space as that's literal! Our heroes must face the most insideious, nightmarish, horrifying force they've ever encountered one last time to save Bosco's soul, and the world.. again. Thanks for reading
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shadowydazecg · 2 months
Anime Convention Post
I have never been to an anime convention. I've heard about them on social media, but I never actively tried to attend these events. Because I've never been to an anime convention, I'm watching the True Otaku Documentary that Professor Smith provided. As I watch the video, I realize how big these events are. In the readings and the anime shown in class, they all mentioned how big the community is. Seeing it in action and reading about it is totally different which is why I'm so shocked. I'm glad that the video provides a little history background of these conventions, it shows how far anime conventions have traveled (literally). Since the mid-1980s anime conventions have been popping up all over the United States. This gave American otaku a place to share their common interests with others, learn more about Japanese culture, and purchase merchandise.
When I think of an otaku, Katsuya's definition of it resembles my own. She defines otaku as someone who is extremely into anime, manga, and Japanese culture as a whole. Joe, another person who was asked what otaku means, said some things that I agreed with. In Japan, otaku was looked at as a derogatory word, but now it's sort of embraced due to how popular the fandom has gotten overseas. Lauren, another person who was asked what otaku means, brought up some interesting points that I think should be mentioned here. She said that otaku means something different to everyone. To her, otaku means anime fan, not just a fan. In Japan, her regarding herself as "otaku" will make Japanese people respond with "of what". While in the United States, she can refer to herself as "otaku" and the meaning would be associated with anime, manga, and video game fans. I thought that was pretty interesting how the two countries associate the word "otaku" with different meanings. There are different types of otaku in Japan while in the United States, there is one specific meaning to the word "otaku". Marlon made me laugh with the way he was describing himself as an otaku fan (timestamp 8:36). I loved how honest he was about the amount of money he's spending on something he's very passionate about! I love how the interviewer is asking them about their clothes and what they are made out of. It blew my mind with all the things that were used to create their costume. Mike was one of the cosplayers who surprised me with the things he used to create his staff. He used a paper mache, a shoehorn, a couple of dog toys, a lot of newspapers, and an Easter Egg. That's extremely creative of him to put that together and then paint it to create his magical staff!
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I've had some negative thoughts about the Lolita genre that didn't sit well with me. It reminded me of the movie Lolita. The main character, Lolita, was preyed upon and sexualized. Because of this thought, I stayed away from it. Melissa stated that it's really about maintaining modesty, and the clothing is a representation of the Victorian and Rococo styles. Hearing Melissa and Casie talk about Lolita fashion made me reconsider the topic itself. Maybe they are somehow not connected. It also seems that these conventions aren't just for anime. I seen some Star Wars cosplayers and some Super Mario cosplayers in the video.
I had a great time watching this documentary about anime conventions! It provided a fascinating glimpse into the inner workings of these events and highlighted the strong sense of community that anime fans share. It was wonderful to see everyone embracing their favorite characters and bonding with like-minded individuals. These anime conventions seem like such enjoyable and inclusive gatherings.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Easter Egg Paper Mache Vintage Nestler Made in Germany Girl With Wagon 7''X5''.
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grammymk · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Nesting Easter Eggs paper mache EUC East Germany Vintage.
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realpaperdragon · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Paper Mache' Giant EASTER egg OOAK ready 2 display.
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craftworkz · 1 year
MDF to Create Your Own Functional or Decorative Project
Since the introduction to a material like MDF, many craft enthusiasts have developed a special liking to the kinds of unique creations that can be made using it. MDF, also known as medium-density fiberboard, is a versatile material that can be utilized for a variety of crafts and projects. There are a number of readymade daily use objects available that are made out of MDF boards, it is widely used in the building industry for shelving, paneling and furniture manufacturing. MDF's smoothness and ease of use make it a perfect choice for a variety of projects. The material is composed of wood fibers that have been compressed and bonded together with a wax and resin binder, resulting in its strength and durability. 
Craftworkz, an online craft supplies company based in Sydney has various, interesting wood craft blanks made out of MDF material. Craft enthusiasts find MDF boards to be a popular choice because of their adaptability and reasonable prices. Craftworkz’s wood craft supplies Australia team says, “Our MDF wood craft cutouts come in many shapes and sizes. A craft lover can choose a cutout, which is easy to paint and decorate using a variety of techniques, straight off the website. Or, due to the fact that all of our MDF range is cut right here in our Sydney warehouse, we are also able to work with our customers should they require custom shapes for themed events, craft workshops, festivals etc.”
The Craftworkz website is a great resource for craft enthusiasts looking for the best DIY MDF boards, blanks and shapes. MDF shapes, plaques and cut outs can be decorated in many ways. They can be painted with acrylics, spray paint, oil colours. They are great as a base for glitter, collage materials or mosaics. 
Look out for their special Christmas range of MDF wood cutouts like MDF Christmas Stockings, MDF 3D Christmas Trees and star shapes. For Easter there are MDF cutouts of Bunny shapes, MDF Large Eggs, MDF cross shapes, Bunny masks and Egg-shaped door hangers. You can also find Halloween shapes like MDF cutout Large Monster 1, MDF cutout Large Monster 2 and MDF Skull and Crossbones. These are all available for ready shipping. Aside from these themed shapes, there are placemats and coasters, door hangers, dream catchers, letter and numbers in 3 sizes and many more items to explore for all the wood craft lovers. 
Visit us at https://www.craftworkz.com.au/ if you are looking for other craft supplies like polystyrene sheets and shapes, Paper Mache products, felt sheets, EVA foam products or glitters etc.
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loveandbuy · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 2.5” paper mache Easter 🐣 egg 🥚 ornament vintage.
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paincorpsrarefinds · 2 years
12Pcs Vintage Style Paper Mache Egg Hanging Ornaments Easter Decoration
COLLECTIBLES: Seller: smartchoice0000 (100.0% positive feedback) Location: US Condition: New Price: 15.99 USD Shipping cost: Free Buy It Now https://www.ebay.com/itm/115723951678?hash=item1af1af5e3e%3Ag%3Ap1oAAOSwG31kBgOL&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAA4GWcNnakpWx6U14vwPZg4t%2BETqSuNzLDOOQyCbtTOy0SbykCgmNV86VSPzSfcUKt8noMz4ML9Y3yPwsnqHHYL4nsbgcKnE65Xc4fnjJowV29lpNIPnie1dUfVvDmyti7JXWeLqGEEenqzRqjeu4VmJQM92E2qfv06JOyFafK7DjK2JCF%2FpIiVvMm%2B4BJozMIyvTsO7ngi0Kovb4ylK9vfEvi1WdxMfEqof36aTzMQ3IzR%2F%2BT2NUtuXaEhThtFM43uINMCr2pmRAsXXFSMv%2Fwndxyw%2F6Dv%2FZpWCHBCUkGdVbI&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=5338779482&customid=&toolid=10049&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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thebuzzedartist · 2 years
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zoo-packys · 5 years
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It was Easter not too long ago, & zoos generally like to celebrate this holiday by giving their animals eggs filled with treats & enrichment. The Cincinnati Zoo is no exception, & we see right here one of the packys from that zoo cracking open a big paper mache Easter egg left to her by the Easter Bunny!
Photo found here.
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wildbeautifuldamned · 4 months
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Vintage Paper Mache Easter Egg West Germany Candy Container ebay oscarmarks657
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prettyvintagehouse · 6 years
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teamunityetsy · 7 years
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sleepy-lil-guy · 2 years
small easter activities !!
Easter is next weekend and weather you celebrate for religious reasons, just for fun, or not at all, you can still take part in these fun activities !! :D Easter is one of the holidays that probably reminds me the most of my childhood and feel small !
🌸 activities + DIYs 🌸
I love doing a lot of traditional easter things, though some more than others. I’m not christian so I won’t be talking about any activities relating to that, but you live your best life friend !
🐰 talk to your cg or anyone else who you trust about putting together an easter egg hunt
🐥 plant flowers ! (or anything else but flowers are fun and spring-y !)
🐰 dye easter eggs  (you can use a kit too)
🐥 sponge painting !
🐰 paper mache easter baskets  :]
🐥  easter wreath 
🐰 decorate a birdhouse (here’s a kit)
🐥 lolly pop bunnies
🐰 paper roll chicks :]
🐥 pom-pom chicks
🐰 easter bunny slime jars
🐰items to buy🐰
It can be super fun to shop around and look at things for a holiday ! If you’re not sure where to start, this is the place !! Use these as basket stuffers or as a gift to yourself or someone in your life !! :D
🍬 dinosaur easter eggs
🍭 giant hershey’s kiss
🍬 crochet mini bunnies
🍭 tiny crochet chick
🍬 bunny plush
🍭 bunny slippers
🍭 journal prompts 🍭
i adore journaling in my smaller headspace it helps me slip into it easier and calm down a lot in my impure regression, so here are some prompts for easter !
🎉 the easter bunny comes to visit you, what do you guys do together ? draw or write about it !
🌸 draw some cool easter egg designs, maybe you can use them for egg dyeing ideas !
🎉 write about what you think the easter bunny does outside of easter !
🌸 what are your favorite things to do on easter ? what is your ideal easter day ?
🌸 activity sheets 🌸
🐥  word games + maze
🐰 crayola coloring sheets
🐥 coloring sheet
🐰 spot the difference
🐥 color by number
🐰 recipes 🐰
These recipes are rated from easiest 🍬  to hardest 🍬 🍬 🍬 🍬 
🍬🍬 birds nest
🍬 🍬 🍬 🍬 caramel apple bites
🍬 🍬 chocolate strawberry carrots
🍬 s’mores easter bunny burrow
🍬 🍬 🍬 deviled egg chicks
🍬 easter oreo bark
🍬 🍬  easter chick pops
🍬 🍬 🍬  3 ingredient easter cookies
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