#Papyrus could also be TOTALLY chill with Undyne wanting to do that while also protecting humans from her idk it just seems like that one is
illdothehotvoice · 5 months
I was about to make a post about how much I love the ending where Undyne overthrows Toriel but specifically the version where Papyrus is still alive because I find the dynamic between Undyne hating humans and planning to enact another war and Papyrus staying behind in the Ruins when Toriel goes out to watch for humans and it being something he is genuinely very happy to do it VERY interesting because something something parallels between Toriel and Asgore and Papyrus and Undyne and continuing that cycle and all that but then I realized I was misreading the ending this entire time and Sans and Papyrus don't live with her they just visit her frequently 😭
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forgivemeimmafloof · 6 years
Hi Mun and boys! Names Chris! So I’m 7 months preggers, stuck on bed rest and I stumble upon your absolutely amazing blog. I’m obsessed and pretty much creeped your whole page! Your art is absolutely amazing! Can I ask for something like how would the boys deal with a very pregnant momma stuck on bed rest? You can choice whoever! And take your time, I know how life can be 💕
Sorry for the very late reply my friend, I don’t even know if you're still pregnant, but I hope you’re feeling well and I hope your baby is too!
But let's begin with your ask (I decided to go with UT, US, UF and HT bros :D)
Sans: Sans has had absolutely no understanding of human anatomy. Sure he knows blood is normally a bad thing, sneezing is not a sign of dying so he shouldn’t worry, and that the reason we have to wash our clothes so much is that of dead skin (Which he finds really disturbing) But how monsters have kids is very very different than humans. Being the more curious of the skeletons and a protective one to be sure, Sansy will probably be lingering at your bedside. He’ll ask questions, and get so caught up in your answers that if you ask him to do some task he’s often ‘too lazy’ to do, he’ll do it without thinking. Of course, being that he’s caught on every single word you say; expect him to trip or tumble or spill water on himself due to his focus on your answers. And forgive him, but he doesn’t know how often humans ask mothers to touch their stomach, he’s definitely going to ask… More than once.
Papyrus: Who are you kidding? Telling Papyrus has spurred some level of motherly instinct in him that you had seen a few times but never to this degree. He’s in and out, checking your temperature (with a steak thermometer… He has no idea how to take care of humans), asking if you’re alright. He’s brought in puzzles and snacks, spoiling you with all of your favorites, pickles and ice cream and anything you might crave. He’s literally been running to the store and buying gallons of your favored snacks - taking pretty much all your fridge and cabinet space. You’ve been spoiled often, but it's very surprising to find him absolutely throwing his and your exercise regimes out the window in order to keep you and your baby happy and comfortable. Don’t be surprised to see him lugging in some of his old toys from when he was a kid, though he refuses to hand over all his action figures, he’ll sacrifice a few and some of his fluffy bunny books if it means he can give something to your kid.
Uf Sans/Chops: Chops isn’t one to hang around up close and personal, despite he’d probably be worried and protective like the other Sanses. He’ll probably be in and out, accompanying his brother when he visits, or simply walking past your open door to check on you with the hopes you don’t notice him. When the boys have work or sleep, he’s the one who’s probably posted outside your door like some personal guard. He won’t tell you that he’s there, or that if you need anything all you have to do is call… Instead its more likely that you’ll find yourself stepping out of your bedroom only to incur his wrath. “back in bed! you shouldn’t be running around dumbass!” he’s not one for kind words when it comes down to it. He’ll usher you back into your room, growling and scolding you to the point you might be too distracted to notice him tucking you into bed and refilling your water. When he leaves, which will be after he gruffly says “Don’t be stupid and just fucking call me if ya need somethin’” … It’ll be when you say that you had gotten up to go to the bathroom, and the red that washes over his face followed by the slurring curses of anger will probably make you laugh more than Sans’s stupid puns will.
UF Papyrus and HT papyrus/Vic and Sugar: The minute you say that there's a bun in the oven, the two creative skeletons are always thinking it. It's no secret one is a fashionista, and the others a seemster. The collaboration takes a couple of days, and during the time they aren’t designing and putting together their gift for you and the baby they are bringing food to your bedside. Vic brings every sort of dish you can imagine, all tasting like they are straight from Paris, the palace of food. On the other hand Sugar… Well, He tries his best. His sugar cookies turn out right, and a few of his other deserts end up being favorites of yours. Unfortunately, he really needs to work on not getting things mixed up in the kitchen, even if a few of the desserts he makes end up satisfying one of the odd pregnancy cravings. When the two end up finishing their projects, you wake one morning to find your bedroom filled with sweets and snacks made or bought by the two, along with baby clothes of every color and design. You can tell who worked on what designs, clearly shown by the patches on one onesie and the edgy holes in the other.
US! Papyrus/Mac: Mac is going to be like snasy in that he doesn’t leave your bedside. After all, your his friend and no way does he leave his friends by themselves where they could get bored or hurt by their lonesome. He’s probably the easiest to get along with. He’s not necessarily fawning or fussing over you, holding in his curiosity because you probably are getting questioned by your monster friends at all angles. Instead, he’s the one who is laying beside you on your bed, his arms behind his head and his legs outstretched. He’s willing to help out here and there, but only if you ask for it; Yeah, your pregnant but it must be tiring to be treated like glass all the time! But even if you aren’t asking for it, he’s still lingering around making sure you’re not falling or struggling. While the others panic, no doubt he’ll be cool and collected, telling everyone to chill out and help you relax during the stress. Out of pretty much everyone he’ll also be the most understanding of your mood swings when they come and go. Though he doesn’t have too much experience with pregnant women, he’s spent plenty of time around Vic… So he can handle the switch between happiness and anger.
US Sans/Jukes: Jukes is unusually quiet when he first gets told your pregnant, most of the skeletons seem to get a loose understanding of what it means to be pregnant, but with jukes? He’s swimming with open water on this one. So you settle down and explain it, and he’s still a little quiet. That is till he gets his hand on a computer and swiftly discovers WebMD. Then, well, you thought Papyrus was motherly - you really didn’t expect a full-blown overprotective worry filled mom from Jukes. He’s hovering, a total puppy guard. The only thing is… Rather than feeding you snacks that you would well want, he’s instead a health mom. Every meal he prepares is made with the knowledge it’ll help get your protein up, that it’ll ensure the safety and health of your baby. He removes all alcohol from the apartment, burns his brothers cigarettes a block away from your house in order to save you from the risk. He buys books and movies about pregnancy, unfortunately picking up some mislabeled parenting movies and incidentally watching a horror movie called “It's Alive”. The weeks following Jukes baby proofs your house… you decide not to question why he’s wearing Undyne’s armor and keeps assuring you that your set is being made as you speak.
Ht!sans/Jaws: The aloof and skeleton may seem like he wouldn’t, but upon you telling him you’re preggers the skeleton becomes your at-home-physician. With his knowledge of the human body, he pretty much takes up the job of actually helping you. Sure Jukes and Papyrus think their helping, but let's face it: One is going off of internet articles and a scary movie for parental guidance and the other is spoiling you to bits. Jaws steps in and actually helps out in the areas you so need it! Good rubs for your sore soles, heat pads and a good back massages… Can’t really help with hair maintenance because of those cursed fingers of his, but he’s more than willing to help out when it comes to anything else. Oh, but don’t think just because he’s being a total sweetheart with the taking care of you that he’s going to neglect that you still have to get exercise. Even if he doesn’t want to do it, he’ll walk alongside you to show that if his lazy pelvis can do it, then so can you. When it comes to the end of the day, he knows a little more about pregnancy than everyone else… But he’s just as curious as the other Sanses, and definitely wants to know what it feels like when a baby kicks… But unlike Sansy, he’ll never get up the nerve to ask.
(okay so I’m wicked tired, I got uh…. Caught up in some uh stuff, and basically, the art I had planned to be tied with this won’t be up till tomorrow. So, for now, have this, tomorrow, I’ll have the drawings all done :D)
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Anon Asked: UT UF Bros react to their SO being a vampire
Okay there's so many different styles of vampires. Classic 'Dracula' type, the hyper sexualized 'True Blood' type, the red drinkers (actual color red not just blood) from Adventure Time, the 'snowflake' type from Twilight, and many others. So to keep everything to a standard I'll stick with having this s/o as being a kind of vampire from the True Blood universe. Meaning they burn in sunlight, are harmed by silver, can die from a stake to the chest, and drink human blood. They also have super speed, super strength, need blood, and have retractable fangs. Pretty standard I guess. UT!Sans: -Shock.png -He thinks you're joking at first, but then he sees you're 100% serious. Now he's concerned for your mental health. But then he nervously jokes that he's gonna need some proof. So you try to give him some quick proof. You let your fangs out and he jumps almost off the couch. please don't do that again. -His eye lights go out and he gets kinda quiet for a few minutes after that as he tries to mentally process the bomb you just dropped on him. He has so many questions! How did you become a vampire? How long have you been a vampire? How old are you?? Do vampires really drink blood? What abut garlic and crosses!? Do vampires really need permission to enter someone's home?? -You answer everything you asks you. You tell him who your maker was/is, how long you've been a 'creature of the night~', how old you were, and how you did have to drink blood. He seemed unsettled by that. But took solace in knowing you didn't kill for the blood. -Also you talked about how garlic didn't hurt you but it did make your eyes water (from how strong it is to your heightened sense of smell), and that crosses (crucifix or just regular kinds) don't hurt you at all. But the stake thing...that was real. Sans looked a little ill knowing that a stake to the heart would make you explode into a pile of blood and gore. -And thankfully he's too curious to be mad at the moment, but late when his science side is sated he'll get a little pissy that you waited so long to tell him something so important. But his anger won't be too hot. He can kinda see why you were scared to let anyone (even him) find out. Vampire lore isn't exactly glittering with positive representation. -Honestly he's actually fine with it. You're still you. You just have a weird diet and some extra abilities. Just don't starting raising your LV and he'll be fine. UT!Pap: -He's excited! But then he admits that he doesn't really...know what vampires are? Papyrus hasn't watched too many vampire tv shows or movies. He's more interested in comedy and drama than any type of horror. Meaning he's not very familiar with the lore. So you have to explain to him what vampires are, and what they can do. What you can do. You explain your enhanced speed, your super strength, your thirst for blood, everything. You don't lie to him. That wouldn't do either of you any good, and plus it would make him sad to know you kept things from him. But... -He's excited again! But now because he understands. He really doesn't see a problem with you not technically being human. If he, as a monster, were fine with dating a human then he'd also be fine dating a vampire. He's not even mad you waited so long to tell him! He knows you were just nervous. And that's alright. He's just glad you finally felt comfortable enough to tell him. If anything this will make your relationship stronger! -That being said...he is a tad concerned about your diet. The idea that in theory you have to hurt someone just to feed makes him uncomfortable. So when he finds out you've never hurt anyone he's beyond relieved. You tell him that you pay some people and in return they give you a few pints of their blood every week. It's all a very business like and totally legal. (if this is true is up to you. you could just be saying it to ease his mind. ignorance is bliss after all~) -Once all that is out of the way HE IS SUPER EXCITED TO TRAIN WITH YOU! He wants to see just what you can do! Just how strong and fast are you?? You've got to come with him next time he trains with Undyne! She'll be thrilled to know that someone else will be able to handle her rigorous training regimen! You better tell him to keep the vampire bit to himself for now. Don't want too many folks in your business after all. UF!Sans: -Truthfully, he's not even mad. He knows some personal secrets take time to share and expecting your new datemate to spill everything about themselves during the first week together isn't just unrealistic, it's kind of entitled in a dickish way. Like who the fuck are you to demand to know every secret of another living being? Nobody gets to force this kinda shit. So yeah, Red isn't mad. If anything he thinks it's cool as fuck. And he's also secretly happy you trust him enough to let him in on the secret. <3 -But like holy shit you're so fast it LOOKS like you can teleport. And you can straight up throw a CAR almost the length of a football field! (don't ask how you were able to demonstrate these things for him.) He's pretty sure even Undyne isn't strong enough to pull that shit off. Also knowing you're badass enough to not need him hawking over you all day is a weight off his shoulders. He'll never tell but he was so worried that some bullheaded monster would see you as an easy LV boost and try to kill you. -Also, the blood drinking thing is metal as fuck, like you've become at least 79% cooler to this edge boy. He even wants to see you drink some time. This boy has a biting kink lol and maybe a blood kink from hell and he'd looooove to watch you bite someone and drink them like they were nothing more than a glass of wine. He's getting turned on just thinking about it. And he likes your fangs. You two match now. And all he can think of asking you is "if you're a vampire does that mean you can hold your breath forever?" but he thinks it might be too soon to dive into askin that. Maybe he'll bring it up on his birthday. -But he is worried about the whole 'vampire weaknesses' shit. He's not too bummed about not getting to go out during the day with you. He's kind of a night owl anyway, so at least if he can't sleep he'll have you to talk or chill with. Hell, he might even switch around his sleeping schedule to make more time at night with you. But he's not thrilled with how apparently silver burns you?? He'd be more concerned that you'd get burnt at his and Boss's house but thankfully Boss has always been a fan of gold and not silver. So yay for the little shit. He didn't like how you said vampires apparently pop like a damn gore filled balloon if stabbed in the chest???? He'd totally think that was cool if it wasn't you he was worried was gonna pop. He at least can be relieved that you're fast enough to dodge just about anything. Again, yay for the little shit. UF!Pap: -He swells with pride. Of course HIS mate is even better and cooler than he'd originally thought! So cool he's both proud and vaguely threatened. He's still the scariest though, make no mistake. Just because you drink blood and can move faster than a cobra doesn't mean you're suddenly the cooler than THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS! So don't get any funny ideas. -And as for your speed, agility, strength; he's both relieved and upset. On the one hand he's comforted by the fact that you're tough enough to look after yourself. He was worried he'd have to watch you at all hours of the day to prevent some fool from attacking you for easy LV. But on the other hand...he's bummed that he can't be your protector. He liked the idea of being the one to keep you safe and secure and out of harms way. He liked feeling needed. Just let him continue to pretend you need his protection, to keep him happy~ -But it seems that while his fear that you'd be easy to kill have fled, a whole new set of worries have cropped up in its place. Before he was scared that you'd be 'dusted' with ease since you were a human. But now he's worried you'll get stuck outside during sunrise! Or somehow you'll have silver forced on you just to cause you pain. Or worse yet you'll get attacked unaware and a stake will get driven through your heart! The Edge King is very worried but hides it well. And he's pleased he doesn't have to replace any key metals in the house. His love for gold and indifference to silver really was lucky. -As for your diet, it actually makes a lot of sense now that he looks back. You'd never seemed too thrilled to go out to eat for your dates together. You'd preferred to go take midnight trips to the abandoned beach, or concoct trap ideas together. Things that never involved consuming food. But now that he knows you're a vampire he supposes sitting and eating food wouldn't equal fun to you. And he has no problem with you drinking blood. He won't ask to watch you feed, and he refuses to let you bring any 'food' home with you. He knows how hard it is to get blood out of material and doesn't want stains anywhere. Also secretly he knows seeing you bury your face into someone else's neck in even a vaguely sensual way will make him so fucking jealous but shhhh it's a secret lmao -But if you pull any of that 'hungry creature of the night' stuff on him he will lock up. Like he will totally freeze and turn as red as a tomato he was not prepared to find you stalking towards him like YOU were the predator so fucking HOT WTF STOP. Why does he find this all so alluring he's getting too flustered! Also, pro tip: if you want to really make this edgy skellie weak in the knees then gently scrape your fangs against his bones. Any bones. Arm bones, neck bones, ribs! But heads up, he will go hard as fuck and raw you into the bed like a man possessed if you do it to his pelvic bone. ;o)
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