#Park Jincheol
eatsbop · 1 year
Dad trio and kids doodle?
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razypie · 1 year
what to do when your friend does/is about to do something stupid:
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renzuke · 1 year
I think we should talk more about young park jincheol
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his hot rockstar shit era
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skboba-stars · 2 years
Their Daughters - Part I
[a small series of drabbles I wrote about the Manager Kim - Park Jincheol - Hansu Seong trio and their kids' dynamics]
[Tahoon is female in this. It'll be about Hansu reflecting on how Taehyun is and have some spoilers from the latest chapters.]
Despite Taehyun being how she usually was, Seong Hansu had never truly been worried for his daughter. He'd never had to even consider that she could get hurt. After all, Seong Taehyun was his daughter and he'd taught her well.
Even if the two of them haven't realized it yet, Hansu thought fondly on his friends. Jincheol and Kim were absolute demons to fight against and most likely stronger than the 'pre-generation' that Kim's boss liked to harp on about - he would know, being one of those 'demons' himself.
However, when he'd announced his firstborn had arrived and that the name him and So-hyun ah had picked out was Taehyun, Jincheol had laughed boisterously at how Hansu was the only one out of the three of them to have a son, Hansu had decided it would be fun to keep it a secret.
Taehoon had also decided to keep it up solely because it was incredibly amusing for her.
So-hyun had only laughed at the two of them and Haru had joined his mom in laughing at his big sister and dad.
(Honestly, Hansu was impressed that they'd guessed that Haru was a girl. Haru hadn't minded it so much back then - he only seemed to get offended when others outside of their family misgendered him. However, with how Haru had seemed to act as of late, Hansu suspected his son was trying to figure himself out.)
As Hansu relaxed as he knocked on the door to the Park residency, he chuckled as Sohyun clicked her tongue and fixed his shirt.
"At least try to dress up more neatly - even Haru got dressed well."
"Hey!" his son disagreed. Haru fidgeted with his cropped shirt as leaned back on his heels. "I'm not that badly dressed. Besides - Taehyun isn't even here. Why are you getting on my case?" He grumbled the last part and Hansu sighed and shook his head.
"Your sister's busy right now - so she'll come later. She told me she'd come a bit later." Sohyun turned to him, a question in her eyes, but as the door opened, Hansu motioned that he'd answer her question of where their daughter was later.
(Thinking back on it, he really should have picked up the damned phone.
Son or daughter, it didn't matter - Taehyun had needed his help and he hadn't been there.)
However, all Hansu did was chuckle as little Dabn opened the door and slung an arm around Haru as the family entered, Mrs. Park grinning as she saw her old friend and greeted her, Hansu himself greeting Jincheol and ignoring the vibrating of his phone.
"Shouldn't you pick that up?" Jincheol questioned as Kim came along with Minji, the two of them staring at Haru showing off their capoeira progress to the other two. Hansu sighed and shrugged.
"It's Taehyun - she'll be fine." Jincheol chuckled at that as he put away the dishes and Kim nodded as he approached them.
"Jincheol is right. It's not like Taehyun doesnt know her way through a fight. Speaking of - she called me too," Kim frowned at that and Hansu felt a sense of dread settle on him.
His daughter had called Kim and--.
No. No. She'd be fin. He knew Taehyun. He knew just how strong his daughter was - he'd seen her comfort Haru every time that So-hyun had to leave for work and how she would always assume the responsibility that had fallen on her shoulders.
He remembered how she'd brokenly pieced herself together after Dowoon's death and how he hadn't seen her actual roots in so long.
He renenberd how she'd cried when she'd been reunited with the Taesan Head's twins - how Ravi and Hwa had held onto her as the three of them were on the way to becoming legends in their own right.
And it wasn't that Hansu didn't want to pamper her like he did Haru - it wasn't like he didn't think of Taehyun as his dear daughter - but seeing other girls with their fathers, it never fit for him. It really didn't
As the evening wen't on, dread began to build up in Hansu until finally, he took out his phone to check what had happened.
Hansu's blood ran cold as he took in the multitude of messages that he could see - not from Taehyun, but from Ravi and Hwa. One twin was panicking about Taehyun going undercover (undercover? Since when had Taehyun done that... He really hadn't seen much of her recently, had he?) and the other was angry at him because apparently Hobin and Taehyun were trying to get in contact with him.
There was also a call from the kid that Taehyun had taken under her wing. Seong Yohan, if Hansu remembered properly.
Groaning, he massaged his forehead and was about to call back on one of the missed calls as he heard from near the door,
"Taehyun-ie, I'm surprised you came. And you brought - friends." The way Mrs. Park's voice became stilted, Hansu could tell it was definitely someone Taehyun had either (a) befriended, (b) beat up, (c) done both to, or (d) decided she was a better guardian figure for as compared to their most likely trashy parents - or even all of them. That happened at times as well. Worriedly, he made his way to next to So-hyun, who only stared at their daughter in shock. Well, it was to be expected - the last time she'd seen Taehyun in person was her 12th birthday and the last time she'd seen her online was a few days before Dowoon's death.
Now, Taehyun stood at about a couple of centimeters taller than his wife - whose height was at 186 centimeters herself, so nothing to scoff at. Taehyun's - no, the jacket she'd probably borrowed from Ravi - hooded leather jacket was tied around around her waist. dressed in a half-sleeved white shirt and blue jeans, her musculature on display was easily close to - and maybe even more defined than - Mrs. Park's and So-hyun's.
Pairing all of that with the black nail polish and eyeliner she'd taken to wearing and Converses that seemed to pair with her newly cut hair (it was back to black again, Hansu noted albeit the light brown highlights Taehyun had kept) , she wouldn't have even looked that different.
No, what looked odd was the tattooed boy who came up to Hansu's height that looked at Taehyun with confusion in his eyes as he supported her subtly (if anyone recognized the supporting your injured, crazy friend who somehow could fake being fine very well, it would be him and Kim).
On the other side, stood Yohan, who wore that admittedly well-designed God Dog hoodie he'd made and bent down to take off his shoes. Behind the three of them was a relatively tall young woman who seemed to be around that Yoo Hobin's height with red lip gloss and a black wolf cut, dressed in a white hoodie and black cargo pants. Hansu ignored the hint of Yamazaki tattoos on her arms as he turned to Taehyun.
Hansu didn't notice how Yohan quickly loosened the laces on Tahyun's shoes, but he definitely noticed the slight wince she did as she made her way to the couch.
With a grin, Taehyun was about to greet them as she transferred the bags she held to another hand, saying,
"Sorry I'm late, Abba - there were some things I needed to take care of. I picked up Haru's capoiera uniform on the way and that cake you asked me to pick up and-." She froze as she looked down and met her mother's eyes - So-hyun ah frozen as she stared at her daughter.
Well, this really wasn't the way Hansu had planned on breaking the news, but -.
"Taehyun, your mom will be in Korea for a few months."
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plasticbaggo · 2 years
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abs anatomy practice. i think its pretty decent, just that i changed my coloring style so this sucks
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seongseong05 · 4 months
Just here to remind you taehoon did used to be adorable
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lychee-drinks · 2 years
NSFW Headcanons for the Dad Trio of the PTJverse
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Minors DNI
Warnings obviously for NSFW
Jincheol Park
Jincheol’s got the highest sex drive out of the three.
Man’s is STRONG and he’s the biggest one out of the three. So if you and him do it, you are gonna be sore for DAYS.
But Jincheol tries to be careful and will apologize.
Jincheol’s definitely experienced. He’s hooked up a ton in his youth during his days as a rock fan.
Jincheol’s favorite positions include doggy, missionary, cowgirl and other positions where he feels he has the most control.
Jincheol is really good at fingering. I mean really good. It’s good enough that sometimes you don’t even need his dick in you, all you need are his fingers and you’re a shaking mess.
Jincheol would definitely unintentionally bruise you. He doesn’t mean to and when he sees them he panics. But you assure him that it’s fine and you that you still had fun.
Senior Manager Kim
Out of all the dads, he’s got the lowest sex drive.
Manager Kim likes to be fast, but since he’s getting older it’s harder for him to do so.
His favorite positions are missionary, face off and cowgirl. He likes to be able to face you while having sex because there’ll be a better connection that way.
I’d say Manager Kim’s the least experienced. After Minji’s mom died, he probably hooked up like once, but he was way more focused on raising Minji and didn’t want to distract himself with anything else.
Manager Kim is best at oral and loves to eat you out.
He’s very heavy on consent. So are the other two, but not to the extent Manager Kim is. He gets worried if he’s being too rough or if you’re really okay with what the two of you are doing.
He’s also the type to join you in the shower after sex and enjoy intimate time with you.
Hansu Seong
His sex drive is pretty low too, but it’s definitely higher than Manager Kim’s.
Out of the three, he’s definitely the most passionate and prefers to go slower paced.
But behind all that passion, he talks very dirty.
Whispering in your ear telling you all the ways he’ll make you feel.
Hansu tries to be pretty careful. Even though he’s old, he’s still very strong and could have the strength to leave you pretty sore.
Hansu’s very big on foreplay and aftercare. He’s keeping you in his arms, talking and cuddling with you after sex.
He’s the middle ground between Jincheol and Manager Kim when it comes to experience. He most definitely got people’s attention in his youth as an Olympic star. After he got divorced to his wife (I’m pretty sure that’s canon), he slept around a little here and there.
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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Manager Kim as a dad would be insanely protective of you and a literal definition of a helicopter parent and rightfully so considering all that he's been through in his life with crackheaded mafia bosses and North and South Korean gangsters chase after him and the military and whatnot. Needless to say, he's lived a really rough life and he'll be damned if he let anything happen to you and Minji because of his past. He'll do his best to shield you from the horrors of his past and make sure you only have happy memories and things to think about
He's a bit sad that Minji seems to dislike him but takes comfort and solace in the fact that you like him. You cannot have friends till he runs a full background check on them and after rounds and rounds of interrogation to find out their intentions with you, only then will he allow you to hang out with him, of course, you'll have to call him every 10 minutes and he'll know about your location anyway because of the GPS tracker he's installed on your phone. Plus, you have your older sister Minji looking out for you too so everything will be fine
Everything else is secondary, you're important to him, more than you know and can imagine. He would literally murder and kill anyone who dares to have the thought of harming you and Minji. In fact he has. A few weeks ago a new bookstore opened up near your house and you were pretty excited to check it out since you had a fondness for books. He allowed you to explore it only if Minji could accompany you as well, which she would have done in the first place, she's equally overprotective of you as well with the overwhelming and constant urge to protect her younger sibling from danger and guide them in the time of their need
The bookstore was a quaint little place and you loved the cozy aura and warmth it radiated. While you were busy checking the books out, a few men who appeared to be members of the Yakuza entered the store. Minji instinctively rushed in front of you and threatened them to leave as they simply sneered at her. One of them leered at you with a wide grin on his face as he spoke "Boss will be happy to have a cutie like you in bed with him... or if he doesn't want you, don't worry, I'll take care of you and show you a good time... we can share among my pals too if you want~" Minji got livid at the garbage they spewed as you felt disgusted and slightly scared about what these men might do to you. You didn't have fighting lessons as a kid and you definitely didn't know how to fight a full grown man from the Yakuza
A few seconds later, you heard a few men groaning in agony as you noticed two people move with lightning speed, disarming the men and tactically fighting them. You took a closer look and couldn't believe your eyes when you saw your dad and his friend, Hansu Seong just dodging their punches with ease and delivering punches and kicks like it was nothing. Your dad had a chain with him as he wrapped it around the neck of someone and chocked him with it till he passed out cold. You stared in admiration as Hansu leaped at a great height and kicked his opponents, rendering them with agony and brutal pain
After they ensured you were all right, Manager Kim got you out of that damned bookstore immediately. It turned out they belonged to one of the most prominent yakuza gangs of the country and were sent since your dad had a tiff with their boss. After this incident, you weren't allowed to go anywhere without him or Hansu anymore. He kept a strict eye and monitored your electronic usage as well, limiting you to only an hour on your phone or laptop while he's in the same room with you. There are reports of hackers installing malware into computer systems, he just wants to keep you safe from harm
You'll soon grow weary and fed up with this lifestyle of not being able to do your own thing anymore. You can reason, argue or even cry for that matter with your dad but he won't budge from his decision. As much as it pains him when you're upset, he can't risk your safety. Your safety is more important to him than anything else. It's not like you can exactly ask your dear older sister Minji for help anyway, she'll know what you're planning and instantly report it to her dad and the two of them will shut down whatever idea was forming in that head of yours without even getting to execute it. If you have a diary you can bet your allowance she WILL read it, every page and every word
It's not like she wants to invade your privacy or anything, she just wants to know more about you and keep a protective watchful eye over you like any good older sibling does. If you have a crush or someone broke your heart, she'll inform your dad about it immediately and before you know it that particular family will leave the country as soon as possible. Your dad and your sister like spoiling you with whatever you ask for, anything you ask, you receive except for your freedom of course
You can't really go ask Hansu or Jincheol for help either, Jincheol will just egg Manager Kim on with how risky things are outside for a young little thing like yourself and you need protection. You can't trust Taehun and Dabin either, they'll snitch on you anyway to their dads and their dads will inform yours and before you know it, you'll have a whole squad looking for you if you ever thought about running away or escaping. Surprisingly not even Taehun will assist you in running away, he'll just swat you on the head and tell you to forget the idea and go back to your dad. You clearly aren't meant to be alone in a cruel world
I guarantee you, it won't even be 5 minutes before your dad finds you and will just carry you like a sack of flour with a stoic expression. However his heart is bleeding with pain and regret, not because of his parenting but because you felt the need to run away since you obviously thought he wasn't showering you with more attention. "I recommend some nice hot dinner and a good night's sleep to forget about the night you've had... it's dangerous what you've done" said Hansu, his voice a bit stern as he adjusted his glasses. "As much as I'm all for having fun, you did give your old man a damn heart attack running away like that, don't do that kid..." said Jincheol as you were carried back home. You sighed in defeat and realized dejectedly that there really was no way out for you. Might as well just give up. No one would help you anyway, not even the police officers who know all too well about your dad's records with the government. No one wants to mess with an ex war veteran after all, not unless they have a death wish...
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seong-r · 7 months
jincheol park and seong taehoon both being 6'2 feels wrong. I feel like jincheol should be taller than him.
Jincheol: "hahaha, look at all these short people."
Taehoon, "hehehe, should we get them a step stool?"
Hansoo and kim: ....😒
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giyuu-is-lonely7 · 1 year
Little thought on the Manager Kim trio's family
Okay so while I was reading the latest chapter of Manger Kim, I had a thought. I don't know why but can you see Mr. Kim with Minji. Hansoo with Taehoon. Jincheol with Dabin sitting around Hansoo's dining room table having like a seasonal(winter, summer etc) dinner. I had this thought like surely they would have dinner together maybe once every three months. I could see the scene play out. Like none of the trios kids talking to each other and being on their phones, and then the trio just casually chatting about who's got a better kid while Jincheol and Mr. Kim gang up on Hansoo for having a son, and they like kinda bicker and stuff. Please tell me I'm not the only one who could see this happening.
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eatsbop · 8 months
Dabin, watching the news and quickly making a call when she saw Hansoo headlining as a UFO sighting in front of a hotel: "Taehoon, your dad is so embarrassing lmao!!!!!"
Taehoon, watching a random stream online and seeing Jincheol half naked on top of a car: "Have I got news for you, Park Dabin.."
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
This just pop out of my mind, lookism character and taehoon reacting to their s/o revealing that they are pregnant (They are still in the senior high/maybe college student if you pair with Gun or other older characters)
I can imagine the chaos of Taehoon's dad reaction lol.
Sam, I am forever sorry for taking ages with this and again - another shitty list 🥹
Lookism + HTF reacts to "Surprise! You're having a baby!"
Ok, let's just age everyone up in canon. Also ties in with some Lookism boys as a dad + kid personality hc (another @slimesam special)
Oh shit
Johan Seong, Gun Park, Eli Jang, DG/James Lee, Jihan Kwak
Oh shit, Dad is going to kill me
Seong Taehoon (spoiler: Hansu doesn't kill him. He's worried but over the moon to be gramps.)
Oh shit, Dad will acknowledge and love me again
Jay Hong
Maybe I should think about that therapy
Samuel Seo, Baek Seongjun
Tears of joy
Daniel Park, Zack Lee, Vasco Tabasco, Jace Park, Jake Kim, Sinu Han, All the Big Deal boys tbh, Warren Chae, Jibeom Kwak, Ji Yeonwoo, Han Wangguk, Kim Munseong
Indistinguishable tears
Could be tears of joy, could be tears of sadness. Who knows. These idiots lived in the moment and forgot about consequences.
Goo Kim, Vin Jin, Ryuhei Kuroda
Eugene, Hudson Ahn, Lee Jinho, Seo Haesu
It's not mine
Bonus: "Surprise! You're going to be a grandad!"
Park Jincheol/Samdak: Brain breaks completely. Will forever see Dabin/Gaeul as their lil girl and furious that someone has gotten close to them. Equally excited to be gramps. That's the only thing stopping them from killing you.
Hansu Seong: Wants a grandson so they can put Taehoon through hell. Wants a granddaughter so they won't put you or Hansu through hell.
Another spoiler: It doesn't matter. The grandkid will inherit the famous Seong personality anyway.
Manager Kim: The most level headed of these four, and that's something. Tears of joy, torrential downpour, absolute rivers.
Charles Choi: [scribbles list of ideas for 11th genius. Genius of crying. Genius of energy sapping. Genius of cuteness.]
Steve Hong: [scribbles list of reasons to potentially disown grandkid.]
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Lookism Chapter 437 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
Sorry guys, late once again because I had a test today. But damn… Jihan ambitious? 👀
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Damn. So, my question is... are they all brothers or something? And how are they even family related? Is he their uncle? Am I missing something here? 😭😭 Can one of y'all let me know who this Jichang mf is to them? *am confusion* (Update: I forgot "Hyungnim" is a term for older brother. My dumbass... ignore me. I haven't been watching k-dramas anymore so I forgot. My bad.)
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YEEEESSSSSS JAYYYYY!!! ATTACK HIMMMM!!! BEAT HIM WITH SYSTEMA!!! 😤👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Omg, I can't wait to see him use Kali Arnis. represent 🇵🇭
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Oh, sorry. Those were my boobs, my bad. It caught you off guard tho, right? 👁👁
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Um... B O I. Your picture would appear under the word "ignorant" because you have no idea who you're messing with. 💀💀💀 YOU'RE LITERALLY, FIGHTING WITH H GROUP CHAIRMAN'S SON. WDYM? You have no idea how much power this kid has, let alone his own PROWESS. 🤡 Also, if this boy Jihan doesn't stop wrecking Jay...
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Get it? Since, Jay is already HARMED... then Jihan is about to catch these MF HANDS EITHER WAYYYYY!!!! 👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽
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Oh great, it's the smartass twink again...
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Has anyone noticed how big Mandeok's hair is? That it's even protruding out of the panel? PTJ you comedic genius...
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Oh, wouldn't you like to know? Eugene...
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Damon Goh's rubber duck must know some secrets. I bet it even knows the secret to the two bodies AND stuff about Charles Choi. You never know where it might have gone off to. Ooooouuu, it said, "I'm a detective." 😎 And I love how goofy Mandeok can be, even when he's unintentionally funny. Like, man's got the humor and all without him even knowing. (For instance, there's a panel in Ep. 373, which was the chapter when Daniel moves into the Workers' Casino and both Eugene & Mandeok welcome him. Then all of a sudden, Mandeok just grabs onto Daniel then physically shakes him upside-down because Eugene said it's for security purposes. 😂)
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"To think you'd look for a woman late at night, Jay Hong." ... hmmm. That line really stuck with me. I've been rereading that over and over again to the point that I lost count. So... does Alexander Sophia know or had a feeling that Jay is...? 😳
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YEEEEEEESSSSSSSS JAYYYYYYY!!! YOU DID ITTTT!!!! I love how Jay has such a big heart. Even though Jihan is an enemy, he still considers his health. He even knows his own POWER TOO AND WHAT HE'S CAPABLE OF. ALSO, HE ISN'T AS WEAK AS HE WAS BACK THEN. LIKE DAAAAAAAAMN JAY, YOU GOT SO STRONG!!! AM PROUD. 😩😩💖💖💖💖💖
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Yeah bro, it's some sexy pervy illiterate demonic Enemy of the State Japanese Yakuza mf named Jong Gun Park.
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AHHHHHHH SHIIIIII. NOW IT'S DANIEL'S TURN FOR THE SPOTLIGHT. What if Hudson and Jay come to the rescue when Daniel is at his lowest while fighting Jichang? Well, that's one of my guesses on what'll happen in the future. But, I have faith in Daniel. I hope he'll knock Jichang down a peg, next chapter. Well, until next week! 👋🏽
God, I hate how I'm busy on Thursdays now. Almost every week, I be posting my reviews super late now. Smh me. Sorry guys. 😓
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lovehypegirl · 5 months
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In his opinion, you were easier to handle as a child since you were very predictable
He knew when you were hungry, when you were tired, when you were sick, when you were thirsty, when you wanted to play
But now you're a teenager, you weren't as vocal and a little more closed off
Until he got used to your new teenage mannerisms, he would have to ask you how you were feeling
Also, he did not put up with your attitude. He was a rather firm father and he had no problem with telling you when your attitude was out of line
"(name)" he said in a firm manner. "I'm not sure if my absence has caused you to think that you could act out of line but that is not what's going on" he looked you in the eye
You looked to the side trying to avoid his firm gaze "'m sorry". Your fifteen-year old self felt like a soldier under his disciplining gaze
"I know you are, so you need to change your behavior from now on, do you understand me?" he placed his hands on your shoulders
"Yes, dad" you nodded "I understand"
He had placed you in martial arts from childhood and here you were in your teenage years competing
Whenever you stood in the center fighting against another teen your age he would always be giving you a critical eye and criticisms after your matches
But as always, he praised you. You were his daughter. The daughter of A.R.E.S' 'world class' fighter. His genes went strongly. No wonder you always won first place.
"Your arm could have been higher for your third block"
"Dad, this ain't a battleground...it's a martial arts match" you pointed your first place trophy at him
He ruffled your head messing up your hair "I know, I know. You did good, as always kiddo"
After Minjis kidnapping arc, his first idea was to make sure you never ran into Manager Kim, Jincheol Park, and Hansu Seong
Okay, so that didn't work
Apparently, you attended the same school as Dabin so Jincheol got a hold of you and told you that your father was in the hospital (he also included that he was the one who beat your father up)
Jincheol pulled him into the 'dad's-with-daughters-club' which Nam did not want to be in but really didn't have a choice since you don't exactly oppose Jincheol
You easily got along with Jincheol who was going on and on about how Nam had raised an amazing daughter who was mature and well-behaved and such and such and how he wished how that you were friends with Dabin and Jesus Christ his smile probably stretched over his face and around the world when you told him that you and Dabin had your duo
He went on and on about how much you looked like your father and how Nam should be proud of having a daughter like you
(They did apologize for beating up your father)
And GOD FORBID you date Taehun Seong, Nam would NOT be happy
I'm sure he'd live with it but would not like it. Like at all
"Really? Him?"
You blinked a few times "Were you expecting me to bring Choi San in through the door?"
"With how much you talk about him? Yes"
"Well- okay fair"
He doesn't really understand k-pop but he'll buy you albums whenever you ask, he'll get you everything you need for your photocards, he'll buy you concert tickets and whatnot
Anything to keep you from running your mouth about all the concepts he doesn't understand, granted he's an ex-mercenary
He loves you dearly, but he doesn't care about Wonyoungism. But he'll buy your skincare
Does he know what salicylic acid is and what it does? No, but he trusts you to know what you're buying
And although he loves you dearly, he DESPISES parent-teacher conferences (he's had a few of your female elementary school teachers hit on him before)
When he gifts you things for christmas it's gifts like vinyl, kpop albums, makeup (that you make a list for), new shoes, clothes, ect
But for your birthday, he gifts more precious items, as he sees your birthday to be of highest importance. He's gifted you Cartier, Van Cleef, and would have you
He encourages you to do what you want but there are some jobs he's restricted you from. Like the military. But he did allow you to join the JROTC since he thought it would push you towards ideas of valor and loyalty. He doesn't want you to end up like him, stuck in a mercenary group with killing everyone being the only way out. Doesn't matter if naval aviation is different from the AKL
"C'mon, I wanna be a pilot!" you said as you lifted yourself up and down on the counter in a vertical press-up fashion
"Then fly an airplane" he said nonchalantly
"I don't wanna fly a commercial plane! I wanna fly a fighter jet!" you leaned on the kitchen counter as he cut up the vegetables in precise pieces
"Doesn't matter, it's not happening pet"
Imagine you're someone who enjoys true crime and you're sitting on the couch watching a particular gruesome episode of your favorite show while you're waiting for your dad to come home
You sat on the couch with your knees drawn to your chest as Chicago PD played on the screen. Your heard your father come in through the front door
You heard your fathers footsteps stop behind the couch as the tv screen showed the cops pulling a decapitated body out of the water and cutting to a scene of the decapitated head
"What on Earth are you watching" he said
"Chicago PD. It's getting good" you replied, not even turning around but keeping your eyes glued to the screen as they gave a close-up of the body
"Jesus. Whatever happened to Bluey or Kipper the Dog?" he asked as he tossed his suit jacket onto a nearby chair
"Dad quiet, they're examining the body" you held up your pointer finger to 'shush' him
He usually doesn't fuss too much over your grades (I don't think he did that well in school) but he just cares about the effort that you put in towards your grades more so than the result
When you were younger, you got a really bad grade on a certain subject so when you got out of school, you ran home and dug through your mailbox to find your report card and tuck it into your pants and you shuffled through the house heading through barricade "Dad" giving him robotic one worded response
You tucked the report card under your mattress and hid in your room the rest of the evening and shuffled downstairs for dinner
The entire meal you avoided his eyes and he had to bribe it out of you with cake and a trip to the zoo
He wasn't mad at you for the bad grade but he was disappointed that you hid the report card
You stopped hiding your report cards since your grades got better and in your teen years, you had no reason to hide report cards since your school had a website for parents to check on grades
Additionally, when you were little, he didn't know anything about what clothes little girls liked to wear so he bought what you pointed your finger at
You ended up with a leather aviator hat with goggles that you begged your dad for at the Intrepid in New York City, a baseball shirt, cargo shorts with a water gun tucked into your waistband
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like this (You were also the pinnacle of Yotsuba from Yotsuba&! when you were a child)
or you would wear a tutu instead of shorts with knee-high socks with stripes and hot pink sneakers and it was fashion
In your teen years, he would just give you his card to shop with for all your clothes
Messy pigtails with bows that would be crazy lopsided at the end of the day turned into long hair pulled back neatly into a claw clip
Dirty fingernails from catching cicadas turned into perfectly manicured fingers wrapping your knuckles in tape after a match
Wet t-shirts from spending afternoons catching frogs turned into feet in the water while fishing with Nam in the summer
A portrait of you and him stood proudly on his nightstand. Him in his military uniform and you in your JROTC uniform. He looks at it every day and brought it with him to the A.R.E.S base
And cause you learn to fight, you've gotten into a few fights with girls at school who've tried to pour milk on you but you pulled a pocket knife on them
The car ride home was silent as Nam drove you back from school. Early pick up and a four day suspension. You poked at the leather of the BMW car seat mentally preparing for whatever lecture your father was going to give you He slowed the car down at a red light and let out a sigh The signature dad 'I'm gonna say something to scold you' sigh. Nam could swear up and down that he's never sighed like that until you came along "y/n" he began and you slowly looked over at him "If you were going to fight then you should've kept it under wraps. I thought that I had taught you to plan for damage control" "Um" how were you supposed to respond to that? "Now, I don't know what this girl did to make you lash out - so much so as you pulled a knife on her-" Nam said as the light turned green and he began to drive again "Oh please, it was a Swiss Army Knife. Those are lousy weapons" "Do you think the school board cares about that? Especially since "Her father is on the school board" "Her father is on the school board" You said as the same time "Yeah yeah" you waved it off. "He can't expell me I'm the best student AND! The school won't release this to keep their image good" you looked over at him "The only issue is shutting up the dad" you said as you pointed your finger at him "First of all, put your finger down. Secondly, don't change the subject - I'll deal with you at home. And thirdly, leave her father to me"
Tbh, he never understood half of what you did (or said) but you were his only daughter and he loves you so much
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misakisakuya · 2 years
Sophia Alexander stopped the war with who now?!?!
Wait does Eugene knows our Manager kim holy trinity???
Maybe he does wouldn't be suprised honestly
And how dare that CEO bastard abandon our precious boy jay? He is no better than Choi in this sense.
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spaceyflowers · 2 years
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the holy trinity of extreme dads
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