roysexton · 4 months
“Thoughtful, strategic adoption of AI rather than chasing trends.” The Professionals: Inside Professional Services Marketing magazine covers launch of BD Ladder’s book “The Impact of AI on Business Development & Marketing in Professional Services” (with contribution from yours truly) #lmamkt #lma24 #AI
Thank you, The Professionals: Inside Professional Services Marketing magazine, for this feature and shout out. EXCERPT: “AI is certainly not a new phenomenon, and many firms and individuals within professional services firms are experimenting and even using it to save time. However, for many firms, its full potential to deliver and enhance their business development and marketing efforts has so…
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flatstarcarcosa · 2 years
everyone else is like omg i can’t wait for the infants update we’re gonna do sooooo much with the kids
and i’m over here like
is being a shitty parent gonna carry over now or-
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voller-ehrgeiz · 4 months
Snake appreciation month [XXVIII]:
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Lord Cedric himself (since passlings can't be trusted to fetch self-care and cosmetic products), braving a snowstorm to return from a shopping trip via portal that inconveniently opened right under the Heatherfield railroad bridge.
By the way, he'll have to make that epic journey again because Phobos is too picky about the eyeliners.
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Sister!reader baby looks like Bruce? Oh nooo poor Clark
how did he meet his nephew for the first time? he would be so smug😂😭 clark would never hear the end of it
It felt weird, meeting his nephew before his nephew had met his father. But. He needed to know you were okay. That you were safe. And waiting for you to be released from the hospital was hard enough.
He didn't doubt you were still too tired to entertain but- he didn't want you to entertain. Alfred certainly didn't want you to either. And Dick had been given explicit instructions to be very quiet and very gentle- meaning he'd probably only be a little rambunctious instead of his usual canon ball self.
The house was quiet, but for the low volume of the TV when they let themselves in through the kitchen door, wincing when the wind caught it and it slammed. Startling the baby in the other room into a wail. "Sorry-" Bruce started wincing.
"I just got them both to sleep," Martha scolded without any real heat as she handed Dick a cookie and ruffled his hair.
"I wasn't asleep," you tell her, appearing in the kitchen doorway, holding your son, trying to soothe him.
"You look like a mess," Dick observed around a mouthful of cookie.
"Hush," Alfred said, crossing the floor to kiss your forehead. Relieved that you were on the mend- even if he didn't doubt you were miserable and heartsore right now. He should let Bruce do the honors but he looked down at the bundle in your arms and smiled a little. Thomas looked like Bruce as a baby. Positively cherubic with a shock of dark hair and a stubborn jaw that would only get more pronounced as his face lost the puppy fat. You were in for it. "Young Man," Alfred said, gently taking the baby from you, "that racket is very unseemly." He tapped the end of his nose tenderly with an index finger. "I must insist you stop."
And when he did you smile a little. Alfred was a baby whisperer- which was hardly surprising. He'd had a passle of neices and nephews and you didn't have hardly a single early memory without Alfred in it. "Sit," he said, nodding for Bruce to help you back into the livingroom.
"I'm okay-"
"Humor me," Alfred said.
"I'll bring coffee in in a minute," Martha called cheerfully. More than happy to share baby snuggles with Thomas' other grandparent. And to have more people there to fuss... She didn't know where her son was but she was more than willing to forget her promise to you not to shout at him and give him a hearty and well-deserved lecture about his responsibilities to you and to his son.
She listened from the other room to Bruce helping you back into your chair and shook her head. Hopefully, this would raise your spirits a little. Even if you didn't say, you were worried. And hurt. Despite the joy of having Thomas here healthy and safe. Like she'd done so many times before, she said a little prayer to anyone who might be listening that Clark would be home soon.
When Martha bustled back in with coffee, Alfred quickly handed Thomas to Bruce- forcing him to hold his nephew and chuckled internally at the little squeak of panic from you when he fumbled for a moment to hold him properly. And contented himself with serving coffee.
Bruce looked down at the now sleeping baby and smiled a little. Clark was gonna be so annoyed- it was almost worth bugging your house just to hear what he said when he realized his son looked nothing like him... Serves him right, leaving you alone right now.
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shnu-rock-san · 11 months
Happy Halloween!
Yesterday we had an interesting interactive flashmob in the form of a visual novel in WITCH drawing ASK. The idea is that Caleb collects Halloween decorations, and the audience decides by voting whether the character will agree or refuse to help him. The audience chose to agree, but I find the refusal more interesting: Caleb would be left without both the web and the jar of flies he offered Miranda.
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Art agree: "Suppose you managed to bribe me. Is that enough for you, rebel?"
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Art refusal: "Get out of here! And if you come to me again with such a request, you insolent bastard, I'll eat you and your appetising passling for dessert! And I think I'll take this one."
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How Do I Even Begin to Explain Regina Jeffers...
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When I was growing up, my hometown had a local bookstore called Gulliver's Books. The ground floor was a standard bookstore with new books and tchotchkes and book paraphernalia. Pretty bog standard. What made Gulliver's magical was the entire second floor--everything was donated used books. One of my favorite things to do as a stressed teenager and early 20-something was to grab a hot chocolate and spend an hour reading the shelves to see what I could find. There was always a gem or two, and you could even usually find schoolbooks for a hell of a price reduction, so this place was a win. And it smelled like books and coffee... *drifts away on sensory memory*
RIGHT. SORRY. We're talking about a specific book here. I found The Phantom of Pemberley during one of my Gulliver's book trawls, and this absolute delight of a Pride and Prejudice murder mystery was captivating, fluffy fun from start to finish. Let's talk Pride and Prejudice spinoffs!
Regina Jeffers's book is, as you can likely tell from the title, a combination of an Agatha Christie-esque cosy house murder mystery with some Phantom of the Opera overtones. Taking place about a year after Lizzie and Darcy marry, the premise is that a winter storm forces Lydia Wickham, Anne de Bourgh, and a passle of various, loosely acquainted hangers-on to shelter at Pemberely for a few days until the weather clears up.
This book is absolutely delightful cozy house, winter fun fluff, including sugared icicles, sledding, hot chocolate for DAYS, and performing scenes from Shakespeare in the parlor. The tooth-rotting fluff is balanced beautifully with issues of romance and murder centered on Anne de Bourgh, Lydia Wickham, and Georgiana Darcy. Our young ladies are firmly under Lizzie's wing, and unlike her mother, Lizzie might actually be something of a social genius because she is manging the social restrictions/expectations and the girls' wants and needs like a freaking champ.
Meanwhile, Darcy and the other gentlemen are trying to figure out why on earth people are dying in Pemberley, why there seems to be a ghost flitting around the halls, and why Lizzie is drinking abormally high amounts of hot chocolate.
I don't have much to say about this book other than that it is delightful fluff; it's what it says on the tin, and it's very much a comfort book for me. So if you're an Austen stan and want a little bit more of Lizzie and Darcy, I can't recommend this book enough.
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ladyofspringcourt · 10 months
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🌻 When the Princess of Vallahan, Ingrid Aesir, was taken to Prythian as a hostage to force her father to negotiate for peace, she did not expect to return home alive.
But the Mother has other plans.
Burdened by bonds she did not want, Ingrid must claw her way out or Prince Diarmuid, her captor and the second son of the Spring Lord, will devour her alive. And she will rather die with her dignity as Princess of Vallahan in tact before she is cowed into marrying Prythian's warmongering Spring prince.
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The Ladies of the Ruling House of Cynara by Aurea Rosid.
IN THE WEST OF SPRING COURT, there is a small house on a cliff that overlooks the Red Sea. The people of Fionna called it the Tulip Castle, an ambitious name that caused a few laughter for those who have seen it upclose. It wasn't anything grand. Just a simple two story house with a wooden upper floor and a stone foundation, lined with a grand staircase leading to a small garden with what used to be a gilded fountain and a gazebo. It was a vacation house for the Cynara Family before the Siege of Aithne more than a millenium ago—now it lay abandoned, ivy growing on the stone walls.
However, as ancient-looking and enigmatic the castle might be, what many do not know was that the castle was only built after High Lord Diarmuid ascended the throne. Before, the cliff was a barren land. No trees grow on nor around it. The soil was dry and pale, too harsh for any form of life to thrive on. It was the only part of Spring that cannot nurture life—that small cliff overlooking the Red Sea, a bald patch of dirt that was completely useless.
For that, many saw the cliff as a sign of hope. Against the invading armada. Against the stark gray of the never-ending wars.
But legends have it that after Ingrid of Vallahan, the future Lady of Spring, bled on the barren soil while defending the borders of Spring from the Summer Armada, soul-trapping flowers grew around it.
That legend alone has fascinated the entire court for centuries. Lady Ingrid, or Princess Ingrid as she was formally styled before her marriage to the High Lord, was a foreigner with no Spring Fae blood in her veins. The people from Vallahan did no favor magic either. They are a conquering class, who wielded swords and shields a thousand times better than their Prythian counterparts.
And yet her blood gave birth to the same rare soul-trapping flowers, Spring's most scared fauna, which grew only in the gardens of Rosehall. The same flowers that can gather pillars of sunlight and sow it back into the soil. Many found it mysterious and chalked it up to her mating bond that inevitably tied her to the lands.
Evergreen trees soon grew after the battle, slowly filling the foot of the cliff until it towered over every new shrub, every new plant—until its steady shade covered the near Village of Fionna.
But now, it is a symbol of death.
They say that when the Lady Ingrid died in Rosehall Manor in the Village of Lachlan, a strange light appeared in the castle's garden, shooting into the night sky until it devoured fge moon. A solar eclipse that threatened to devour the moon entirely. Many believe that her soul was trapped in that house—and that is why the her son never visited Fionna when he became High Lord. Why he stayed far away in his Manor on the other side of the Court.
They say Lady Ingrid's haunted castle is the reason why the Beast of Spring never ventured too far west, even when the King of Hybern demanded a welcome during the Second War. She wanders in its hallowed halls like a ghost, still in her blood-stained clothes, unable to passl.
If you are a fae of Spring, you might be familiar with this story already. Lady Ingrid is famous among Spring Faeries when she was alive—for her grace and her benevolence—that the countless analects from her youth had been the topic of numerous ballads and stories up until today.
That said, I'd like to argue that everything you have read above may just be an sanitized version of a far more interesting tale.
Remember that our history, the history of Spring Court, is never formally written. Unlike the other courts of Prythian, we kept our folklores and stories alive through words of mouth; through ballads, poetries, and bedtime stories. Such recollections, which got more and more dramatized at every retelling, did not preserve the integrity of the characters and their personal history.
It never explained why Ingrid of Vallahan, of surprising mixed descent, was mated to the then most powerful of the seven High Lords. Why her blood gave life to a dead cliff. Why her closetest son, the Bronze Prince, the High Lord Tamas Lin, never visited the west of his territory in his three-hundred years of Lordship.
We made theories about it, romanticized the bits and pieces we were given until we have a mangled fairy tale in our hands.
But now, as I embark on this journey to put our history in ink, as per the order of the High Lord as part of our rebuilding efforts, let me dedicate the following chapters to the story that unfolded more than 500 years ago. The story of the promising Prince of Spring who would later become one of Prythian's tyrannts, and his mate whose name and identity I will attempt to give back.
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Hello, Ran here!
So this is an fanfic idea that I have been playing with for a very long time (if you scroll through my profile, you'll know). Anyway, I wrote the intial draft a long time ago but decided not to publish it because Diarmuid and Ingrid have a canonically toxic relationship and I was scared that the fic will be taken the wrong way.
But you kmow what, SJM never fleshed the characters so I'll do whatever the fuck I want with them. Just remember to take the story with a grain of salt—it is afterall inspired by the Story of Kunning Palace and the Medici. Xie Wei and Lorenzo are not exactly prince charmings so...yeah, enjoy ig?
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widespot · 8 months
Powers and Sharpe
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"Good morning, Pollyhymnia!"
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Seth has to keep checking to make sure this is real. He's getting on the schoolbus by himself, not in a passle of other shelter kids, and in a nice neighborhood, too. He's got to do everything right and not blow this.
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"Wow. Our kid just left for school." "Don't get any ideas. He's a good kid but he's not Ours ours and nobody ever will be." "S'cool. I know that. But all the same, you've gotta admit, it's a little wow."
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bitchesgetriches · 2 years
How to Get DIRT CHEAP Pet Medication, Without a Prescription
NEW POST! How to Get DIRT CHEAP Pet Medication, Without a Prescription
Coming at you today with a life hack for getting cheap pet medication without a prescription. We rarely do these kinds of “one neat trick” articles—but when we do, they’re bangers. This one’s no exception. I have a whole passle o’ hounds. My budget for routine flea, tick, and heartworm preventative medication used to be $360.00 per dog, per year. And that didn’t include fees for the annual vet…
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percivalias · 11 months
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I will be exhibiting at this year's annual Art Walk with Inglewood Open Studios, along with a whole passle of other cool artists! Come find me with the Youth Art Exhibition at the Miracle Theater. If you're in the Los Angeles area this weekend, I hope to see you there!
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roysexton · 9 months
Thank you, Passle! CMO Series Podcast Top Picks of 2023
Thank you, Passle! You do so much good for our industry and our profession. Love you all! Deeply honored to be included here among such wonderful luminaries. Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3Bhc3NsZS9mZWVkLnhtbA Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-passle-podcast-cmo-series/id1591064715 Spotify Podcasts:…
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birchbees · 1 year
y'all, you work with kids for 6 years and you develop an immune system of steel. then you gracefully exit that workplace to pursue your dream career and are away from constant kid germs for 5 months? then when you're around a passle of kids again for your clinical rotations, you immediately get sick, like i m m e d i a t e l y. first with upper respiratory junk. then as you're getting over that, another adorable little human-shaped colony of germs gives you some horrific GI mega-virus that knocks you on your ass for 3 days. this has been my last 2.5 weeks thank you
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voller-ehrgeiz · 4 months
Snake appreciation month [XIX]:
Okay, we all know for a fact that TV adaptation totally did Cedric and Vathek dirty by making them enemies right from the start. In the original comics, they had those brief but glorious moments working together, and the dynamics (like many have already noticed) could have been absolute gold. Sure, Cedric was still kinda haughty and patronizing, but there was this weirdly friendly and chill vibe you wouldn't expect considering their positions. These two definitely have known eachother for a long time, and Vathek really seems like the closest thing Cedric has to a friend; he even seemed genuinely hurt and distraught when Vathek switched sides and turned against him.
By the way, a side story with them exploring Earth while preparing for their mission would be cool. It’s a world Cedric knows pretty well and Vathek hasn't seen before, just imagine the shenanigans as the poor man tries to understand modern culture and technology! And I've always had a weird feeling that Vathek would be fond of those early 2000s mobile games; too bad his physique means he'd probably break Cedric's ridiculuos pink slide phone (complete with an obscene amount of charms and definitely not stolen from some little girl by a random Passling). Oh, and speaking of games, does anyone else remember that Game Boy Advance thing? Here’s a doodle of these two idiots loosely inspired by its general vibe.
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evasionsrebelles · 8 months
Alternative au JR Pass : Les pass régionaux
L'alternative au JR PASS, les pass régionaux pour voyager en toute sérénité dans une ou plusieurs régions du Japon
Découvrez le Japon à travers les Pass Régionaux Japan Rail PassLe Japon est une destination riche en diversité, allant des montagnes enneigées de Hokkaido aux côtes animées de Kyushu. Pour les voyageurs avides de découvrir différentes régions du pays, les Pass Régionaux Japan Rail Pass offrent une solution pratique et économique. Avant de plonger dans les détails de ces passes, assurez-vous que…
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monstresansmerci · 2 years
a starter for @moonymuses - Rose
There was a murmur of voices in the library, noise enough to broadcast others were there, but not so loud as to attract the attention of the harridan of a librarian. Vic was in the history section, looking through the shelves for anything on Joan of Arc. She already had two, but Ms Alfredson wanted at least three sources for her assignment.
A passle of giggles caught her attention, and she turned slightly to see a table of girls gossiping together. They seemed to be focused on another table, and Vic leaned over to see who it was. It was another girl, alone, absorbed in what appeared to be a well-loved version of The Return of the King. The giggling harpies said something unpleasant about the other girl, and Vic scowled.
She sauntered over to the girl’s table and dropped down into a chair, setting her books on the table. “Honestly, I always thought Aragorn should have gone after Eowyn. Like, she killed the Witch-King of Angmar, what did Arwen do? Sew?”
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