#pride and prejudice sequel
How Do I Even Begin to Explain Regina Jeffers...
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When I was growing up, my hometown had a local bookstore called Gulliver's Books. The ground floor was a standard bookstore with new books and tchotchkes and book paraphernalia. Pretty bog standard. What made Gulliver's magical was the entire second floor--everything was donated used books. One of my favorite things to do as a stressed teenager and early 20-something was to grab a hot chocolate and spend an hour reading the shelves to see what I could find. There was always a gem or two, and you could even usually find schoolbooks for a hell of a price reduction, so this place was a win. And it smelled like books and coffee... *drifts away on sensory memory*
RIGHT. SORRY. We're talking about a specific book here. I found The Phantom of Pemberley during one of my Gulliver's book trawls, and this absolute delight of a Pride and Prejudice murder mystery was captivating, fluffy fun from start to finish. Let's talk Pride and Prejudice spinoffs!
Regina Jeffers's book is, as you can likely tell from the title, a combination of an Agatha Christie-esque cosy house murder mystery with some Phantom of the Opera overtones. Taking place about a year after Lizzie and Darcy marry, the premise is that a winter storm forces Lydia Wickham, Anne de Bourgh, and a passle of various, loosely acquainted hangers-on to shelter at Pemberely for a few days until the weather clears up.
This book is absolutely delightful cozy house, winter fun fluff, including sugared icicles, sledding, hot chocolate for DAYS, and performing scenes from Shakespeare in the parlor. The tooth-rotting fluff is balanced beautifully with issues of romance and murder centered on Anne de Bourgh, Lydia Wickham, and Georgiana Darcy. Our young ladies are firmly under Lizzie's wing, and unlike her mother, Lizzie might actually be something of a social genius because she is manging the social restrictions/expectations and the girls' wants and needs like a freaking champ.
Meanwhile, Darcy and the other gentlemen are trying to figure out why on earth people are dying in Pemberley, why there seems to be a ghost flitting around the halls, and why Lizzie is drinking abormally high amounts of hot chocolate.
I don't have much to say about this book other than that it is delightful fluff; it's what it says on the tin, and it's very much a comfort book for me. So if you're an Austen stan and want a little bit more of Lizzie and Darcy, I can't recommend this book enough.
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eliza49-7190 · 6 months
The Trials and Triumphs of the Unmarried Sister
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Recently for fun, I’ve been creating/ updating cover ‘art’ for my fanfiction pages on tumblr (lots of my fics were written and posted on AO3 before I actually joined tumblr in 2022.) I’ve realised though that probably no one is actually going to see the covers unless I blog/ reblog the stories, so I am going to be doing this periodically over the coming months.
If this story is new to you, I hope you enjoy it. 😀
In which the author invites the reader to consider the plight of Caroline Bingley.
Chapter One: (Prologue) Friendships formed in Bath (in which Miss Caroline Bingley and Miss Elizabeth Elliot become acquainted.)
Chapter Two: Theatricals in London (in which Miss Bingley meets Mr Elliot and calls on the Darcys.)
Chapter Three: An Intimate Gathering of Dear Friends (in which Mrs Hurst has a birthday and Lucy Ferrars gives offence.)
Chapter Four: The Mortifications of a Morning’s Tête-à-tête (in which Miss Darcy speaks with good intentions and Miss Bingley listens with reluctance.)
Chapter Five: A Tale of Two Widows (in which Miss Bingley and the reader learn the history of a paid companion.)
Chapter Six: Reputations in Peril (in which an engagement is announced and a daughter runs away).
Chapter Seven: (Epilogue) The Heir to Kellynch Hall (in which all is well that ends not so very ill.)
16523 words; complete &
Available on AO3 here
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wh3at · 20 days
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Debated about posting this cuz I don’t like how I drew Hux all that much but ah I did say I’d draw up some Pride and Prejudice au
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Bridget Jones's Diary (2001, Sharon Maguire)
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lands-of-fantasy · 1 year
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Death Comes to Pemberley (2013)
Six years after Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy have prevailed over pride, prejudice, the caddish Mr. Wickam and the frivolous Mrs. Bennet, a coach races up to Pemberley, Darcy’s palatial estate, with an hysterical Lydia screaming of murder. With the investigation into Pemberley’s woods, a nightmare ensues and a scandal mounts, threatening Pemberley and the Darcys’ reputation and place in society.
This miniseries is an adaption of crime-writer P.D. James’ 2011 murder mystery novel of the same name, a sequel to Jane Austen’s 1813 timeless classic, Pride and Prejudice.
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I sometimes lose hope that I'll ever read a book that will affect me the way my favorites have.
I so love being proved wrong.
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howlingmoonrise · 7 months
this one podcast talking about my drarbie fic got me in the mood to work on that fuckass-huge p&p drarbie wip again but i NEED to work on my yuletide one first and dear gods i don't want to
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ottoline-otter · 2 years
i think if they were going to make a modernised "relatable" adaptation of a jane austen novel like they did with the netflix adaptation of persuasion, they should have gone the extra mile and just made a spinoff about a minor character. like one of the other sisters from pride and prejudice maybe - it would at least have been interesting, and i feel like that style would have worked out so much better for a character like lydia or kitty
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Kind of want to do (or read) a Bridget Jones's Diary AU. Buck would clearly be Bridget and Eddie would be Darcy.
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asteriskemily · 1 year
⚒️🌞 🎃🤩💔!
⚒️-What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
I literally just use the notes app that came pre-downloaded on my phone. If I’m using my laptop (which I rarely do, idk why not) I’ll use google docs, but I’ll usually only use that for loose planning.
🌞-Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
I usually write in the evening since that’s really the only time I have, but whenever I get a chance I like to go on a walk in the early afternoon and sit down somewhere outside to write.
🎃-Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
I don’t think I’ve ever written anything for a holiday. Dates tend to sneak up on me, so by the time I realize that it’s a holiday, it’s probably too late for me to write anything for it.
🤩-Who is your favorite character to write?
I’ve only actually written him once in a fic I posted, but I love writing Damian Wayne. All the proper grammar and formal speech matches really well with my tendency to write a very ridiculous situation as seriously as possible. I really liked writing Ghoulia Yelps for the same reason.
💔-Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
I have a pretty long abandoned fic called Beware the Class in Room 37. It was a TMA teacher Jon fic, and even though I lost interest in the source material, it breaks my heart that that meant abandoning all the OCs I made for that fic. I’ve been thinking about revisiting them and using them as background characters in some other fics.
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biromanticbookbabe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo 2022: Day 13
I did my writing when I first got up this morning. I have an idea for tomorrow’s session already which I’m glad about. This was a chores/rest day mostly because I’ve been working on both school and on sales this week. 
Day 13 Word Count:1,703 words
November Total so far: 43,213 words
"Tilly! Tilly!" Mama shrieked when she saw Papa hugging me. 
She barreled over to us and threw herself into my arms. She kissed me several times all over my face in a frantic sort of way. I was slapped in the face with her high strung energy. 
I cried too, overwhelmed that they were happy to see me again. I thought they wouldn't want to see me. 
Clara came up to me, clutching two dolls to her closely. One was Annabelle, one of Rosie's fine dolls from childhood and the other was my Miss Sampson, still in her uniform- her confident smirk still visible on her face. 
"It's okay, Auntie Matilda, don't cry." She said with such concern. 
The little girl was now nearing thirteen, but Rosie did not rush her into adulthood. She was very much still a little girl and I agreed with Rosie- that might protect her from the world. She was always with Rosie or our parents. Ashby did dote on his only living child. He never pushed Rosie to have another baby again though she admitted to me that she wouldn't have minded maybe another one or two more. She had wanted a son, but Clara was all she would ever have.  
Clara sat between Rosie and me on one couch while our parents sat across from us on another. Tea and snacks were carried in. 
Gerry let me borrow one of her suits: we were close to the same size. I was a bit wider where she was about two inches taller but the tailoring had been loose so I could wear her clothes and she could wear mine. Gerry had great taste in clothes too; I was used to farmer and work man's clothes because they were functional. It had been ages since I wore a suit.
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fic-over-cannon · 5 months
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Movie Magic
jason todd x gn!reader
summary: a cozy movie marathon date with jason todd
tags: fluff, kissing, minor reference to canonical character death
rated teen | wc: 1k
a/n: inspired by an ask from the lovely @orchidsangel
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It’s a Saturday morning, and the weekend is stretching wide in front of you. It’s been a long week, so you and Jason have decided to do a movie marathon together instead of going out. The morning starts with breakfast, fresh fruit and real maple syrup drizzled over French toast. Dishes done side by side in the sink, winter sun coming in pale through the window. A few days earlier, when you’d done the grocery shopping, you’d picked up snacks specifically for this day. There’s popcorn and chips, pretzels and M&Ms, licorice and skittles. Each gets put out in their own bowls, ready to be eaten. Then would come building the blanket fort. Moving cushions and the duvet from the bed out into the living room, pulling bedsheets out of the linen closet. While Jason rolls an empty clothing rack out to hold up the blankets, you get the idea to take down some of your fairy lights and put them up in the fort, little pinpricks of light to stop Jason’s fear of small dark spaces from creeping in. It takes all of your decorative throw pillows you had insisted on and Jason had affectionately rolled his eyes at for you both to get comfortable. But it is comfortable, tucked up under Jason’s arm and swaddled in blankets, snack bowls tucked between your hip and the side of the couch.
Jason puts on the first movie, something you both loved as children. You laugh at the same moments, point out your favourite characters and scenes. His ribs knock into yours when he snorts, warm and solid beside you. Jason puts on the sequel, which you both agree is nowhere near as good as the first. Offhandedly you mention that at least the third was better since they brought back the scriptwriter from the first movie and Jason has to press pause. Turns to you jaw slightly open and asks if you’re serious, that there’s a third one, that they made more. The thing is, there was a third movie, only Jason wouldn’t have known. Resurrection and revenge doesn’t really leave a lot of time for catching up on pop culture. You wrap your arms around him tighter, navigate to the next movie and press play. For this one, the two of you are silent. Jason’s eyes are wide and attentive, lips parted in awe. You watch him as much as the movie, drink in his reactions eagerly and the way his arm tightens around your shoulder at the tense moments. The credits start to roll, and still Jason doesn’t say anything.
“So… what did you think?” You ask. He runs his fingers through his hair, looks you in the eye, and goes on one of the most impassioned rants you’ve ever heard him give, and you’ve heard him rant about everything they got wrong in the newest Sense and Sensibility adaptation. He barely stops to breathe between discussing the casting and how surprisingly good the stunts were. He talks himself hoarse until you pass him your soda. That manages to interrupt his flow of thought, and he apologizes sheepishly for getting too caught up in the movie. “S’okay, I like hearing you be passionate. What did you think of the cinematography?” and he’s off again, hands flying through the air as he tries to describe just what parts excited him the most.
It’s his stomach rumbling that interrupts him a second time, causing the two of you to laugh. Lunch gets eaten on the couch, plates carefully balanced on laps. You convince Jason to watch Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and the look on his face when he gets torn between getting a version of his favourite book with added death jokes and wanting to point out how inaccurate a Regency society faced with the zombie apocalypse is, makes you have to constantly stifle giggles. You take turns after that, introducing each other to different movies as the pale sun slowly moves across the sky. Jason chooses a movie Damian made him watch, which despite the scary moments that have you burying your head in his shoulder, has some of the most beautifully shot scenes you’ve seen in a while. You get into a heated debate over Howl’s Moving Castle, eventually having to agree that book Sophie is more interesting but movie Howl is more dreamy. Jason has to dive for the popcorn bowl when you start yelling at the tv screen for the characters in the next movie to just talk to each other goddamn it! He indulges you when you rant about how most of the time the miscommunication trope is just lazy writing, that if the scriptwriters wanted to get the audience actually invested in the characters then they needed to stop making the climax something so easily fixable. You get so excited when something happens onscreen that you know a behind-the-scenes story about. Poking Jason in the side to make sure he’s listening before launching into an anecdote about how they’re actually only filming on horseback for the long shots, all of the closeups done on fake platforms to make filming easier. Or how the censorship rules of the time meant the director had to find a way for the characters to metaphorically kiss, and that’s why they’re always sharing cigarettes.
It’s beyond time for dinner, but full on snacks and treats, neither of you are feeling hungry yet. You’d introduced Jason to the magic of peanut M&Ms mixed into butter popcorn and you can tell that he’s going to be obsessed for the next while. The credits on the latest movie are rolling, there’s dishes to do and a couch to put back together, but all those things can wait. You look up from where you’re curled up beside him, cozy under the blanket and the weight of his arm, and he’s smiling down at you fondly. It doesn’t take much to stretch up and press your lips to his. He tastes like chocolate and salt and a long lazy afternoon. You can feel the edges of his lips turning up into a smile against yours.
“What was that for?” He murmurs.
“For listening to me ramble. And for introducing me to your favourite things.”
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yourheartonfire · 1 year
The first sign something was wrong was when the hero opened the door without bothering to check the peephole. Or maybe that was the seventh or eighth sign, after the way the hero had disappeared and the terrible rumors going around and the silence from the Agency and - oh yeah - that dreadful beating they’d taken a month ago from Supervillain that was still being meme-ed and clipped and posted and reposted and -
All right. There were a lot of signs something was wrong, but the hero opening their door first and then their eyes going wide to see who was on their doorstep was the first sign that villain had personally witnessed that something was wrong.
“Nope,” the villain snapped. “Don’t like it.”
“What-” the hero managed to say before the villain’s hand closed around their throat and drove their nemesis backwards into their home, kicking the door shut behind them.
“Don’t like this look you’re giving me,” the villain said and slammed the hero into the wall.
The hero grabbed for their forearm, eyes dim in the gloomy dark. “And what look is that?” they hissed. 
“You should be looking at me with fear. Like, oh no! My death is coming!” the villain snarled back. They snapped one cuff around the hero’s wrist, spun them around. The hero staggered. Staggered! The villain huffed and shoved them into the wall again, this time face first, so they didn’t have to see those terrible sunken eyes in hero’s face. “Instead,” they murmured, clamping the second cuff on, “you look at me with relief. Like, oh yay! My death is coming!”
The hero let out a strangled noise not quite a laugh, half-muffled by the wallpaper. “Go on then,” they said. “Guess you won’t get what you want out of me.”
“Oh yes, I will.” The villain dragged the hero down the hall, shoved them onto the couch of their living room. It was a nice low couch, perfect for looming over. “I want you to suffer, hero. And if death is a release, well. I can work with that. Princess Bride or Pride or Prejudice?”
The hero blue screened - their weary defiance smashed into confusion. And, for the first time, a spark of the real hero’s curiosity. “Uh...”
“You want to die? Tough.” The villain grabbed the remote. Luckily the hero was a Luddite, it only took a few seconds to get the TV turned on and streaming services fired up. “Not only will you not be dying, tonight you’ll be subjected to the treacliest of manipulative schlock that Hollywood has to offer. Or are you more of a comedy...” They trailed as off as they opened the hero’s watch history. The hero winced. “I’m sorry. This seems to indicate your most watched movie over the past five years is Planes 2: Fire and Rescue?” 
“It’s actually really good,” the hero muttered.
“The sequel to the spin off of Pixar’s worst-?” The villain cut themselves off, jammed the play button. “Right. The instrument of your suffering has been chosen. And apparently my suffering too,” they muttered under their breath, plopping down on the couch next to the hero. “You got snacks?”
The hero was staring at them. Slowly they shook their head. “You’re a liar,” the villain grumbled and reached over them to grab their phone. “I’m ordering pizza and you’re paying for it. Why the hell is that airplane wearing literally a corn costume?”
“Watch the movie and find out,” the hero said. “Can you uncuff me now?”
“No,” the villain said, pulling the hero closer as they searched for the most expensive pizzeria in the neighborhood. “You’re being tortured. Shut up.”
The hero did. And if the villain noticed as the tension slowly left their nemesis’s shoulders, well, there was a terrible movie to distract them both.
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Bridget Jones's Diary (2001, Sharon Maguire)
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artist-issues · 1 year
Can we talk about how neat it was that The Lion Guard, a Disney Junior series, didn’t just skip over or write out the characters from The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride, which in many ways was darker and more mature than the first Lion King film?  I mean. They just said “‘Oh, you want us to make a series about Simba’s never-before-seen son, even though there’s already a canon sequel where it seems like Kiara is an only child? And that sequel also includes elements of betrayal and prejudice, and assassinations? And that sequel ends with one young son’s death and a mother who attacks her own children and would rather die than forgive and forget? Challenge accepted.”
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They COULD HAVE just sent the main characters away to the Tree of Life and never brought them back. They could have left it with the one episode we got during Kiara and Kion’s cubhood where the Guard encounters Zira. Just throw the fandom a bone and carry on with their children’s show targeting 8 year-olds. But no. They really went for it and tried to wrap everything up neatly. I respect the effort at problem-solving. 
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meraki-yao · 2 months
RWRB Thoughts: The Deadline Contender Panel
Quick list of very direct, subjective, random and spontaneous thoughts I had while listening/watching the panel:
I absolutely understand that Taylor probably doesn't remember every detail of the movie off the top of his head, especially with nerves, but Sweetheart really didn't describe the played DNC scene correctly😅
That being said Taylor calling Henry Alex's boyfriend made me SO FUCKING HAPPY???? I was squealing and kicking my legs because of all the feels. On top of that, intentional or not, Taylor takes a breath so it goes "wanted to bring his... boyfriend!" and there's this subtle emphasis on the word, I am screaming
I do question why this scene though? I don't know much about this whole process, but just an educated guess, if we're trying to get an emmy nom via this panel, shouldn't we be showing a scene that's more representative of the movie's core? Like, say the New Year's scene, or Kensington Palace, or the Lake scene. If we have to include the comedy aspect, then show the freaking Red Room. I love this scene of course, but if the purpose is to nominate ourselves and show ourselves then I feel like another scene should have been picked
Why can't people freaking pronounce Nick's surname correctly? It's phonic! Ga - Lit- Zine
"Orange Guy was still president" I snorted
I heard there's stupid discourse over this minor, harmless thing, but because people are stupid, here to clarify "especially Taylor since he's here" is CLEARLY A JOKE BETWEEN FRIENDS and if you didn't pick that up then that's kind of sad :P
I'm wondering if there's still recordings of the zoom auditions/chem read. I can also imagine zoom chem read being much harder. Honestly I think zoom auditions only work with monologues.
He did the chem read in his sister's apartment lmao
THEIR CHEM READ WAS KENXINGTON????!!! WHAT THE FUCK???!!! THE MOMENT THAT MADE MATTHEW GO "there's the one" WAS THIS FREAKING SCENE??? This also implies they had to say "I love you" upon the first time meeting each other oh my god I wanna see that so bad
Also I cannot freaking imagine this intense of a scene via zoom, God I really want to see it (don't think we'll ever get it but still)
Someone ask Matthew or Nick what the other scene in the chem read is
The notebook, pride and prejudice and 10 things i hate about you mention made me happy :D
The speech thing... Kinda feel like should be a Matthew question? It's cool to hear that Taylor referenced President Obama but this is still ultimately him being Alex? Plus Taylor's a great public speaker to begin with
Did he dabble in political science? Did he ever mention that? I know he did Spanish and Community but political science?
I think the only really bad gay movie in recent years was Bros and that has a myriad of issues internally and externally, but I think it's just this one?
Why is TikTok the metric? Might write something longer in the future when I have time but the thing is with this
Speaking of Taylor and queer roles, I think I saw somewhere that Noah Torres was bi?
I talked to @pippin-katz about this but dear God, I have heard the question "What is your favourite scene" being asked to the boys at least three times now, and they always answer the cake scene. Why don't they ever expand on the question, especially since Taylor affed the Kensington scene this time, and why don't they ever ask other questions or ask about specifics? Between me and my friends, we came up with at least 40 questions that could be asked to the boys and haven't been asked yet.
Nick how the fuck did cream stay in/ behind your ear for two days and Taylor how did you spot it
I'm honestly getting really tired of the sequel question, it's always phrased the same way, and of course, the answer is gonna be the same. Even if they knew, they contractually can't tell us, the first announcement of a sequel will have to come from a bigger source like Amazon themselves.
I understand being nervous but this interviewer felt too timid and unsure of herself
Overall still very enjoyable, always more than happy to hear Taylor speak about his baby that we all love, but the question are so freaking repetitive. I said it clearer in my discussion with Pippin so here's a screenshot of that part
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