cinecritik · 5 months
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Une histoire peu connue des Français avec une Paula Beer inouïe, bouleversante et omniprésente dans un film au montage imparfait mais qui laisse le spectateur la liberté de ses choix. Un drame absolu et très sombre qui a rendez-vous avec l’Histoire.
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passion-of-arts · 7 months
ROTER HIMMEL | Trailer (German)
Ein Sommer ☀ an der Ostsee ⛵, eine Liebe ❤und viel Gefühl. Christian Petzolds Film #RoterHimmel ist ein einfühlsames Beziehungsdrama, das die Herzen der Zuschauer*innen bereits im #Kino im Schnellflug erobert hat. Ab dem 09.11.23 könnt ihr den #Film in euer #Heimkino holen und jederzeit genießen. 📀🎬🎥
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awardseasonblog · 1 year
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Se vi piace la talentuosa #PaulaBeer, #TheMatchFactory ha rivelato il primo #trailer del dramma #RoterHimmel (#Afire), l'ultimo film realizzato dall'acclamato regista tedesco Christian Petzold che sarà presentato in anteprima al prossimo Festival di Berlino. TRAMA: Al centro della vicenda un gruppo di amici che soggiornano in una casa per le vacanze sul Mar Baltico, dove le emozioni aumentano mentre la foresta arida intorno a loro prende fuoco. Non sono ancora state fissate date di uscita, restate sintonizzati! Così solo leggendo la trama mi è venuto in mente Wildlife di Paul Dano (2018). GUARDA: https://youtu.be/YHzpUE_FCeI https://www.instagram.com/p/Comp27GsKxz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Moving On
Welcome to Week 3 of my journey to better health.
I had lunch with my sisters on Friday, so getting on the scale on Monday was a real nail biter. Drumroll please... unfortunately, I only lost one pound for the week. Although I M.ade A.djustments D.aily following our delicious Mexican Food meal, my effort did not pay off as well. But I am not defeated. I am pressing on.
On my Health Management System I engage my cooking skills, and you can too, or enlist a willing cook.
My daughter introduced me to Red Lentil Spagetti and I bought a tray of vegetable kebobs which I cut into smaller bites, seasoned and sauteed'. After boiling the spaghetti, I simply topped it with the vegetables and sauteed' shrimp. It was delicious but next time I will boil the spaghetti in a broth and toss it in olive oil for added flavor. Here is a picture:
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This is an Eating Well dish. Any meat protein would work here, but it can be eaten alone as the spaghetti is high in protein and gluten-free. It also contains protein-rich mushrooms.
According to an online nutritionist I follow, real food contains enzymes that promote healthy metabolism. All our organs participate in burning energy so it is important that our liver, kidney, gallbladder and digestive system is healthy. Additionally, deep sleep, exercise and fasting also improve metabolism. And what more is metabolism than energy...the fuel that keeps our bodies running.
I imagine that if we think of our bodies more as machines, it will be easier to comprehend that it needs just enough fuel to get us from point A-Z per day simplistically speaking, rather that hoarding excess calories that weigh us down, right? Afterall, we cannot overfill a gas tank can we?
There is something to be said about a good man who happens to be your husband. I should be in good shape thanks to my wonderful husband. Many years ago he bought me a treadmill, a stationary bike and even resistence bands. Unfortunately they have become like 'against the wall' art. He even bought me a nice massage chair for days when my muscles are sore. He is really just that kind of guy. However, it is down to me to show my appreciation by taking advantage of all these resources.
When it is warm we walk 2-3 miles daily. Now, in the winter months, we tend to nest and I have not been using my exercise equipment; however, one night while watching TV, I felt like walking inside the house and so I do it one hour every night. It has been great. Because I am concerned about my balance and strength, I practice standing on one foot and have added countertop arm presses. The stronger we are in our older years the fewer falls, and therefore, the more stable we are. If you are young, start moving and keep moving right now.
I was reminded this week of a good resource to help me move and gain strength. She is a firecracker of a lady on YouTube named PaulaB. She does timed exercises for older adults. I plan to incorportate some exercises from PaulaB and start using my resistence bands this coming week. I will let you know how it goes.
Although it is difficult to choose to keep moving, it is a choice to take my thoughts captive and move on.
Did you know our brain has a drain system? A good night's sleep removes toxins from the brain into the venous sinuses. Imagine the focus we can have, memories we can retain! Gives a whole new meaning to brain drain. Reminder: Keep drinking...water or tea, that is.
Well that is it for this week. Thanks for joining me. If you missed them, you can catch up on the two previous blogs and remember to like, share and follow.
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movienized-com · 4 months
Roter Himmel (2023)
Roter Himmel (2023) #ChristianPetzold #ThomasSchubert #PaulaBeer #LangstonUibel #EnnoTrebs #MatthiasBrandt Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 (Februar) Genre: Comedy / Drama / Romantik Regie: Christian Petzold Hauptrollen: Thomas Schubert, Paula Beer, Langston Uibel, Enno Trebs, Matthias Brandt… Filmbeschreibung: Leon (Thomas Schubert) und Felix (Langston Uibel) sind schon lang befreundet und planen einen sommerlichen Urlaubstrip an der Ostsee. Nachdem sie in dem abgelegenen idyllischen Ferienhaus auf die fremde Nadja…
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regardezmoica · 4 years
Ondine - Berlinale/LFF 2020
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[Berlinale 2020] [BFI London Film Festival 2020]
Allemagne, 2020
90 Min
Réalisateur/Scénariste: Christian Petzold
Casting: Paula Beer, Franz Rogowski, Maryam Zaree, Jacob Matschenz
Ondine vit à Berlin, elle est historienne et donne des conférences sur la ville. Quand l’homme qu’elle aime la quitte, le mythe la rattrape...Ondine doit tuer celui qui la trahit et retourner sous les eaux…
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Ondine intrigue et déroute, Christian Petzold revient avec un film avec une tension dramatique mêlée à une tournure surnaturelle au coeur de la capitale allemande.
Ondine (Paula Beer), vivant à Berlin, est une historienne qui donne des conférences sur l'histoire de l'architecture de la ville. Seulement, elle mène également une liaison adultère malheureuse avec Johannes (Jacob Matschenz), qui se termine à l'ouverture du film - révélant des traits colériques et même violents chez Ondine. Au beau milieu de cet épisode traumatisant, Ondine va faire une rencontre avec un homme étrange qui a assisté à sa conférence et semble être très attiré et même amoureux d'elle. Il s'agit de Christoph, un plongeur sous-marin joué par Franz Rogowski.   
Bientôt, Ondine et Christoph ont une liaison passionnée, et il l’initie à son univers professionnel, sans se douter qu'elle y est peut-être beaucoup plus à l'aise que lui. Leur relation est passionnément sensuelle et au fil du temps, il est certain que leur lien émotionnel lui a remué quelque chose comme le bonheur, et a effacé le malheur fou de son ancienne histoire. Mais plus tard, elle va alors croiser Johannes par hasard et un terrible destin commence à s'agiter dans ces profondeurs aquatiques avec lesquelles Ondine ressent une empathie, la rendant vulnérable et en proie aux difficultés avec Christoph.
Franz Rogowski apporte quelque chose d'instable et de dangereux au rôle, tout comme, de manière plus contenue, en réserve, Paula Beer. Ondine, une transposition moderne d’un conte autour de la sirène amoureuse, entre les mains de Petzold charme tant le récit est inscrit dans le contemporain et d’un réalisme propre au réalisateur.
Paula Beer a décroché l’Ours d'argent pour son rôle lors de la 70ème édition de la Berlinale et le film a récemment récolté deux nominations aux Lola, l'équivalent allemand des Oscars.
Note: B+
Bande-annonce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_zoSehy9H4
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letontoncinephile · 3 years
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#letontoncinephile UNDINE (Christian Petzold, 2020) [Initialement publié le 27/09/2020] Ondine est une historienne berlinoise qui donne des conférences sur la ville. Quand son amoureux lui annonce qu'il la quitte, elle lui rappelle "Si tu me quittes, je dois te tuer. Tu le sais." Ils le savent, il n'y a que l'amour qui lui permette de vivre. Christian Petzold s'approprie le mythe d'Ondine et en fait une relecture moderne. Romance aquatique, un amour maudit entre l'envoûtante Paula Beer et le charismatique Franz Rogowski. Rythmé par un concerto de Jean Sebastien Bach, avec Berlin comme toile de fond, de longs (et hypnotiques) monologues sur la ville (qui m'ont rappelé ce bon "Um Filme Falado" de Manoel de Oliveira), de belles séquences poétiques sous-marines et une femme maladivement amoureuse. 5/5 #critiquecinema #moviereview #instacinema#filmaddict #movies #art #cinema #cinephile #film #cinemaallemand #christianpetzold #undine #paulabeer #franzrogowski #berlinale2020 #kino #germancinema #deutscheskino #berlin https://www.instagram.com/p/CJyVmgprkO8/?igshid=li3uqg5ui7nc
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pinthismovie · 3 years
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‘Undine’: German Auteur Christian Petzold’s Romance Thriller Will Cast You Under the Spell with Its Magical Realism In the past few years, writer/director Petzold’s masterworks brilliantly emerged the conflicts between personal and national interests while the characters were searching for their historical identity. His latest Berlinale competition “Undine”, on the surface, may disappoint his fans as it lightens the historical weight within, yet the film has a similar spirit. Excellently crafted by Petzold’s trademarked editing and visual style, the erotic thrilling romance surprises us with several unrealistic turns. “Undine” keeps its strong sense of Berlin’s past, present, and future. Compare to his recent historical drama, Petzold might lose some powers in the modern set, but there’s an unspoken feeling throughout the film. Dive deep into the surface like the siren here, and you will be rewarded, that I promise. Read the full review. Link in bio. ————————— 充滿魔幻寫實主義的浪漫驚悚片《水漾的女人》,將會讓你深深著魔。 無論是描繪二戰或是冷戰時期,將近十年來,德國作者導演克里斯汀佩佐 (Christian Petzold) 的歷史劇情片精彩地描繪個人利益與國家利益的衝突,同時讓作品中的角色們挖掘自己的歷史身份。他的最新柏林影展競賽片《水漾的女人》,表面上來看這部缺少歷史重量的新作可能會讓影迷有些失望,但電影仍貫徹著一脈相承的精神。 《水漾的女人》對於柏林的過去、今日、未來保有強烈的敏銳度,與導演克里斯汀佩佐過去幾部歷史片比起來,設定在當代時空的《水漾的女人》或許失去了一些力量,但這部電影仍散發著一股無法以肉眼看見的魔力。 #賈小米的影評 #水漾的女人 #Undine #christianpetzold #paulabeer #franzrogowski #maryamzaree #jacobmatschenz #annerattepolle #berlin #film #barbara #phoenix #transit #berlinale https://www.instagram.com/p/CJfgq76sTj0/?igshid=n5i23lswbkc3
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yanarchy072 · 4 years
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・ ・ #staysafe #socialdistancing #withコロナ #newnormal ・ 『ある画家の数奇な運命』観た。 189分全てが素晴らしい!物凄く観て良かった! “ドイツ最高峰の画家”と言われる「ゲルハルト・リヒター」の半生が基になっている。 どれが事実でどれが事実でないか?は伏せているらしい。 ・ 良くも悪くも巡り合わせは信じますか?自分は信じます! 二段オチ?三段オチ?兎に角、ラスト方面は鳥肌モノ! 良すぎたから多くは書きません。 189分、目をカッポジって観てください! ・ #ある画家の数奇な運命 #werkohneautor #neverlookaway #フローリアンヘンケルフォンドナースマルク #florianhenckelvondonnersmarck ・ #トムシリング #tomschilling #セバスチャンコッホ #sebastiankoch #パウラベーア #paulabeer ・ #ゲルハルトリヒター #gerhardrichter #ドイツ最高峰の画家 #germansupremepainter #現代美術 #contemporaryart ・ #ドイツ映画 #germancinema #映画 #movie #ビバムビ #instamovie #moviestagram #instagood #instapic (TOHOシネマズシャンテ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF9MIrQgeuV/?igshid=olhmy9k255r9
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3qmglueck · 4 years
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Schön wieder im Kino zu sein. Beeindruckender Film mit Paula Beer. #weisshauskinokoeln #supportyourlocals #koeln #kino #arthousekino #undine #paulabeer #franzrogowski (hier: Weisshaus Kino) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCDsPcBKcdkLwcvQlHjfXg9Fq9WB8qxjUr1g4Y0/?igshid=epb1rhdxsf7d
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cinema-neilton1962 · 4 years
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The Silver Bear for Best Actress of the 70th #Berlinale goes to #PaulaBeer in "Undine" by Christian Petzold. Fonte:@berlinale (em Tijuca, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9R5kHnFNtc/?igshid=14xvbqsdxx12z
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gxbymag · 6 years
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turkeycelebsagenda · 3 years
paula beer in undine she portrays a very enigmatic female role.
#undine #undinefilm #christianpetzold #film #cinema #comingsoon #ondine #berlinale #paulabeer #bestactress #independentafilm https://www.turkeycelebs.com/2020/12/paula-beer-in-undine-she-portrays-very.html
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baskabirgece · 3 years
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movienized-com · 4 months
Stella. Ein Leben. (2023)
Stella. Ein Leben. (2023) #KilianRiedhof #PaulaBeer #JannisNiewoehner #KatjaRiemann #DamianHardung #LukasMiko Mehr auf:
Stella. A Life. / Last Song for Stella Jahr: 2023 (November) Genre: Drama / Kriegsfilm Regie: Kilian Riedhof Hauptrollen: Paula Beer, Jannis Niewöhner, Katja Riemann, Damian Hardung, Lukas Miko, Joshua Seelenbinder, Rony Herman, Benjamin Morik, Daniel Holzberg, Nikolai Will, Robin Sondermann, Bekim Latifi, Ulrich Schmissat, Roland Silbernagl, Sebastian Barnstorf … Filmbeschreibung: Die junge…
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razanhamdy-blog · 4 years
Code book:
which his religion influences the respondent’s life and the importance of the religion in a person’s life.. A respondent who reports that he has no religion is skipped out of the section. 
The more important the religion in the person’s life the more it influences his lifestyle\ perspectives\ decisions..etc.
4. How important is religion to you? 
In Home Questionnaire Code Book, S.37 Public Use Sample 
Frequency        Code                     Response            
Variable name:  H1RE4                                    Variable Type: num1
                                                   very important
                                                  fairly important
                                             fairly unimportant
                                          not important at all
                                    legitimate skip [no religion]
                                              don’t know
Review of literature:
Studies and research demonstrate the Direct/indirect impact of the importance of religion in different aspects of life.
-Robert Joseph Taylor and Linda M. Chatters
The Journal of Negro Education
Vol. 79, No. 3, 
The Role of Spirituality, Religion and the African American Church on Educational Outcomes (Summer 2010), pp. 280-294
This study examined the importance of spirituality and religion in daily life among a nationally representative sample of  people .
     A majority in each group felt they were both important, suggesting the constructs are          largely congruent.
      These findings and others are discussed in relation to researches on spirituality and religiosity.
- Neharika Chawla, Clayton Neighbors, Melissa A. Lewis, Christine M. Lee, and Mary E. Larimer
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs,
 68(3), 410–418 
Attitudes and Perceived Approval of Drinking as Mediators of the Relationship Between the Importance of Religion and Alcohol Use.
Studies has consistently demonstrated that religiosity and personal importance of religion are associated with lower levels of alcohol use among both adolescents and college students. Results indicated that, consistent with the hypotheses, personal attitudes were the strongest mediator of the relationship between importance of religion and alcohol use, followed by the approval of close friends.
-  Charlotte Paulab, Julie Fitzjohna, Jason Eberhart-Phillipsa, Peter Herbisona, and Nigel Dickson
Journal of Social Science & Medicine
Volume 51, Issue 1
July 2000, Pages 1-10
Sexual abstinence at age 21 in New Zealand: the importance of religion
Examination of perceptions of an ideal lifestyle, sexual behaviour and religious involvement showed that religion was an important factor in decisions to delay sexual intercourse past age 20, especially for men. It would be helpful to examine further the features of moral decision making which are characteristic of religious experiences.
-Rudy Bowen,  Marilyn Baetz, and  Carl D’Arcy
 10 May 2006 through https://doi.org/10.1002/da.20157
Self‐rated importance of religion predicts one‐year outcome of patients with panic disorder.
This study suggests that one mechanism by which high importance of religion reduces psychiatric symptoms is through reducing perceived stress. Depression and Anxiety.
- AddHealth, Code Book, S.37 
by: Razan Mohamed Hamdy
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