#People are anonymously sending requests for ships like Morrigan x jack
neherandunasflor · 2 years
Imagine spending so much time of your life writing a story that you’re really proud of, even getting it published, and then seeing that the fandom wants to ship incest and sexualise children.
If that was me I would be so disgusted and disappointed in the world. Obviously the people sending these anonymous things know what Nevermoor is and I’d assume they enjoy it. Why would you do that to the author of an unproblematic book series you love.
I literally feel sick. Even if you’re gonna think these disgusting things you don’t have to share it with other people on the internet. There are children on here and children are easily manipulated and influenced, somebody could think this shit is ok and that could put them in SERIOUS danger from being groomed.
Nevermoor fandom, sort yourself out.
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