#It’s really disgusting and disappointing
danieldrivesfast · 2 days
It's also really disappointing to see so many Lando fans being nasty about Daniel. Do you not know anything about the guy you claim to support?
Lando loves Daniel. That's not hyperbole or some "ship" thing. Lando celebrated Daniel's return the loudest of anyone. Lando was having a rough time and spontaneously went to Daniel's farm for comfort. Lando posts that he's "Team Daniel" on what turned out to be an awful, emotional weekend for him. Lando dominated a race and made a point to go to be with Daniel privately as soon as he could. Lando has never been quiet about how important Daniel is to him.
Lando would think you're disgusting for being so hateful to someone he cares about this much.
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mysteriousauthor448 · 23 hours
What if Class of 09 Flipside was made by a Woman?
I liked Class of 09. I liked it's snappy dialogue, I liked it's social commentary of high school and women's experiences with creepy men and adulthood, I liked how it gave such a compelling main character where you know she's awful yet acknowledge that she has her reasons without justification. I like Class of 09, both the original and re-up. What I don't like though, is Class of 09: The Flipside.
Setting my personal disgust with the feet routes and the 'Palestinian slave trade' comment aside, the writing in Flipside just is completely different from the last 2. Instead of focusing on the biting social commentary of the woman experience, it instead prioritizes shock value with only some form of substance (e.g, jecka seeing nicole's suicide, jeffrey's death, the ending messages apart from the creator) And you know what else sucks? We never actually got to explore Jecka properly of who she is as a character, her relationships with her family, friends, former friends...Sure, we get doses of her life like her dad which does do what the game promised: Change how we saw the Class of 09 story before. We now understand why Jecka was terrified of the cop's yelling, not only because an powerful authority abusing his power but also experienced it before. See, this was the stuff I expected from Flipside. This was what the game should've prioritised in. Instead, it seemed like the creator would rather showcase his fetishes and spite people that don't like him or the game. From that there on, I keep thinking to myself: 'you know, this game would've been better had a woman wrote this.' But can they?
I'm a woman experienced high school before, even tried to fit the class of 09 writing style on my characters in my own personal time. Given how a lot of class of 09 fans are disappointed with the new game and I want to get into writing publically, I figure that I be the one to rewrite Class of 09 The Flipside in hopes of re-capturing the essence of the first two games alongside the game's intentions itself. Even though it's still in development, I've already outlined the routes/endings so far for you all to get a peek:
Route 1/Ending 1 - Invasion of MySpace: The foot route will be replaced by Jecka taking and making videos/pictures in order to make money after being fired from her job. Think of it like a late 2000s or early 2010s version of OnlyFans. This would help remain the social commentaries of men’s creepy behaviour to women alongside how their safety is affected. There’ll be an option of whether to go to the creepy man’s house or go home. If she goes home, she finds Nicole giving her dad a handjob with a dead expression. It ends with Jecka killing herself and implies that Nicole followed her too (not half naked though, just in regular clothes cuz I'm not a freak unlike someone)
Ending 2 - MurderSpace: If Jecka chose to go to the creepy man’s home, she gets murdered and placed like a doll in the man’s basement. 
Route 2/Ending 6 - Breaking the Wounded Heart: Jecka finds herself to work with Karen and Ari at Dominos. Overtime, they start to form a bond and Jecka herself starts to mature and finds Nicole to be unbearable. Jecka finally breaks off her friendship with Nicole and cuts forward to the future where Jecka currently lives a peaceful yet boring life, reflecting on the past with Nicole, wondering if she’s really better off without Nicole because while she’s now in a stable life without the chaos, it's the chaos that entertained her: Nicole entertained her. And now it’s all gone. But in the end, it suggests that things are much better with Nicole gone as it cuts to a phone beeping and Jecka looking down at it with a smile while Ari is by her side. Yes, this is the route where Jeckari is canon. I know this sounds too sweet for Class of 09 but I want it to still match the vibe with it being less shocking but more real in a way. Something too realistically depressing but still mundane. This is what I planned to be the saddest but best outcome of the game. The most real I should say. 
Ending 5 - Was it all worth it?: If Jecka chooses Nicole over her new friends, it ends with her and Nicole being homeless smoking drugs in an abandoned forest with Jecka reflecting on whether or not she made a good choice with Nicole before commenting on needing a Xanax to distract her from the regret and pain. 
Route 3/Ending 3 - Fuck Men!: Jecka gets into a relationship with a presumably kind-hearted gentleman. Nicole tries to warn her but Jecka won’t listen. She then is coerced by the man into doing sexual favours for his economic gain, making her become a sex trafficked victim.
Route 4/Ending 4 - Drunk Drive Delivery: Same route where Ari dies but instead the ending changed to Jecka being arrested for 6 months where the ending monologue would showcase her conflicted in anger and regret. Plus, it plays more to the idea of Jecka ‘dying at 21’ logic with being forced to work: adult party culture: that kind of thing. 
I'd be happy to hear any feedback or/and ideas for this rewrite.
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ckret2 · 2 days
I know that this is probably because you don't render Bill's body hair (you specifically mentioned his unshaved legs in the text!), but for some reason I'm disappointed that we don't see any fuzz poking from the bikini. Not, like, for sexual or scandal reasons, it just... feels like he'd be showing fuzz. It's so hard not to if you don't shave. Possibly intentionally, if it let him put another yellow triangle on his body.
Yeah, that's a detail I specifically thought about. I assume that Gravity Falls is much like the rest of the US, in that the women shave/wax their legs, pits, and bikini lines, and the vast majority of the men don't.
So, since Bill doesn't shave either, I figure that (after excluding beards & chest hair) he looks exactly as hairy as the average man in Gravity Falls. Such as the hair on the pits, groins, and legs of all these men:
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Notice that (minotaur fur aside), all their pits, legs, and happy trails are baby-smooth.
When Gravity Falls wants to indicate EXCESSIVE hairiness, they do it through chest hair and, rarely, arm hair, on occasion making that hair look as thick as fur:
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And that's it. (Notice that in the fire hydrant scene, which was used specifically as a "Dipper Wishes He Was This Grown Up & Masculine" scene: still no pit hair.)
Manotaurs aside, I was only able to find two examples of men depicted with leg hair. (And, in Sprott's case, maybe pit hair, though it's ambiguous.)
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In both of these cases, the leg (and pit) hair are drawn on as jokes about how disgusting these men's near-naked bodies are.
I doubt that every male resident & tourist in a rural Oregon town waxes his pits & legs. Stan, the Manotaurs, America guy, the cops, Old Man McGucket who lives in a junkyard?? They are not shaving their pits. All the men pictured above probably have normal quantities of body hair; they just aren't illustrated in the show, because that's a detail the show decided wasn't significant to illustrate—like irises, or fingernails, or half the characters' ear folds.
The only time men's body hair is illustrated is to indicate that it's excessive and the only time it's added to pits or legs is to indicate that it's disgusting.
I did my research before deciding how to draw Bill! Based on the visual language that the show uses, if I had drawn his body hair—pits, legs, bikini line in any combination—I would have indicated that he's hairier than everyone else in town, and that it's disgusting enough to warrant rendering in greater detail than anybody else's body hair.
... is the exact opposite of what I want to do.
And I offer that as free advice to other artists, because this is something I keep seeing artists do: if you're giving a character a detail that isn't usually depicted in your chosen art style—body hair's a really common example—ask yourself if you're adding that detail on to every character that has that detail. If you are, great! But if you aren't, and if it turns out it's only one or two characters whose body hair you've fixated on... maaaybe ask yourself why, and what signal you're sending by highlighting that detail with them and only them.
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kenjaku · 2 days
Taking a brief moment to enjoy a piece of petty happiness as a Kenjaku fan.
To start, I don't think Gege is going to elaborate in the slightest on exactly what is going on with Takaba and the mystery person he's talking to in ch. 270. And it's sort of a meta comedy bit that uses the reader's engagement with the media for the joke that we just will never know the full uncensored truth (As in, the joke is on US). Even 'Kenjaku's' shirt has "lol" on it. It's fully conceivable that Takaba's technique could have played a role in Kenjaku returning. Perhaps reviving him as someone who is incapable of causing harm (no CE or CT). Maybe it really is a Kenjaku Tulpa. And I'm not fully discounting the idea that it's just as feasible that he could have gotten someone who looked similar/had them do their hair like that (although I feel it defeats the purpose of Takaba finding the perfect comedy partner in Kenjaku only to use a lookalike, but it's still possible.) What this brings me to is the absolute petty satisfaction that for annoying Geto fans who have plagued the timeline/mentions of just about any person who wanted to talk anything about Kenjaku, the "end" for Kenjaku might literally be that he gets to go on and live a normal mundane chill life with his perfect comedy partner and above all still, at the very least, looking like Geto Suguru.
After all the editing out stitches (including from people's fanart which is disgusting), attributing Kenjaku's pregnancy imagery to Suguru who is wholeass just a man, constantly pushing Kenjaku's accomplishments onto "actually being Geto", stinking up people's fanart with complaints that "it would've been better as Geto not Kenjaku", etc. This is what Kenjaku potentially gets, living out the rest of his life in a fulfilling way with someone important to him.
(Mind you I do think the merger plotline being dropped the way it was is disappointing as a person who thinks Kenjaku is objectively the most compelling villain in jjk, but I'm also not mad at the end result we get for him.) Anyway, if you were ever the kind of Geto fan who did all that annoying shit. Get wrecked lmao.
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chippedshake · 17 hours
14 and I'm thinkin' 'bout God again
Ponyboy had never gone to church before. He’d never seen the point in it. No one in his family was a believer, and if he was going to spend a couple hours watching someone talk, he would rather have it be a movie than a sermon. 
But now that his parents were gone, he started wondering where they were. They would’ve made their way into heaven, he was sure of that. But did it even exist? Was someone else right? Was there another sort of afterlife? Were they sent to hell for being non-believers?
Was there nothing? Had their souls just disappeared? Were they really sleeping forever, unconscious? If that was what was waiting for everyone, what was even the point of being alive? The sun would explode and consume everything and they would be gone and all that would be left would be a void. No life. No thoughts. No memories. 
He slipped into the church with Johnny right before the service began, trying to be quiet so no one would notice them and their not-so-clean clothes.  
In the back of our car, everyone is so far from me
Marcia wanted to phase through the backseat and reappear in her bed. Bob and Randy had been drinking and Cherry was glaring holes into the back of their heads and Marcia was exhausted and couldn't garner the energy to join in.
She was tired for everything these days. Too tired for rallies and protests. Too tired to play with her little sister. Too tired to care about Randy and Bob drinking until they threw up. Too tired to pay attention in class. Too tired to care about how Bob being behind the wheel was illegal and about how it was illegal because it could kill them.
She just wanted things to be easy. Why did everything have to be a fight?
Maybe it’d be easier if she just stayed in her room alone and did nothing. Staring at the ceiling, laying on her bed, fading in and out of sleep. Maybe it’d be easier if she just stopped existing. 
17 and I'm feelin' so out of place, I've been movin' too much
Dally slept where he could. Buck said he didn’t need the rent money, but Dally knew better than that and tried to stay away for as long as he could because there was no way Buck would accept any form of payment from him. Not even helping around the bar or cleaning up after they closed. 
He stayed at Tim’s a couple times, but he was definitely an outsider there. Angela always gave him the stink eye – she was friends with Sylvia – and Curly gave him a wide berth. Tim was nice enough, but clearly didn’t want his bad influence around his kid brother and sister. A bit hypocritical, maybe, but imagining Tim palling around with Johnny made Dally understand why Tim seemed three seconds away from strangling him when he told Curly a dirty joke.  
There was Sylvia’s, sure, but they were always fighting and didn't get along too well even when they weren't. The Curtises’ couch was taken by someone else – usually Johnny – most of the time and Dally would rather die cold and alone on the street than force Johnny out of the only place he could call home. 
(Nevermind that it was his, too)
And lately, I've been runnin' 'round in circles every day
Johnny paced the lot for the third time. He couldn’t sleep. Not so soon after. Everytime he closed his eyes, he swore he could hear the low rumble of a Mustang coming around the corner to finish the job. 
To follow through with all those threats. 
He knew he should go to the Curtises’, but he didn’t want to bother them. Darry had enough to worry about without having to pick up charity cases.  
Fourth lap. It was nearing midnight. He wasn’t getting any sleep tonight. 
19 and I'm gettin' too drunk again
It was noon on a Wednesday and Two-Bit was nursing his third beer.
He thought about Steve’s face curling in disgust whenever he smelled alcohol on Two-Bit’s breath. Susie looking at him in disappointment with those big, brown eyes whenever he came home drunk. Sodapop’s pitying looks whenever he had beer for breakfast and Darry telling him about AA meetings and Ponyboy reciting statistics in an attempt to get him to stop. 
He thought about visiting the hospital and seeing Johnny, laying there, useless and in pain. Being useless and watching, helpless, as he died slowly and painfully. He thought about Dally crumpling under a streetlight, seventeen and hopeless. He thought about how he was never going to leave their neighborhood, how he was never going to graduate from highschool, how Ponyboy and Darry would leave and find someplace better and Steve and Soda would open their own gas station and he would be left there alone, still nursing his third beer on a Wednesday morning when he was thirty. 
He took another swig. 
And I'm fallin' in love with everyone just for a minute
She was pretty. A brunette, not a blonde, and brown eyes, not blue, but she was pretty. And she was funny and smart and really liked Soda. 
They’d had fun that evening and she was a bit older than him so she lived alone and they were at her place. He should be happy. He should be enjoying himself. But all he could think about was blond hair and someone else’s kid. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmured as he stepped away, buttoning his shirt back up, “I can’t.”
20 and I'm runnin' away from everythin', I dropped out of school
Whenever Darry had a problem as a kid – homework he couldn’t figure out, a fight with some friends, someone being rude to him –, his dad would always remind him he played football, not track. He didn’t run away from things, he tackled them. He would force him to face the problem head-on and figure it out and not let it rest until it was solved. 
Lately, he’d been thinking that maybe he could replace Ponyboy as the track star in the family. 
Sure, he paid the bills and got custody and made half-hearted apologies when he was too out of line with Ponyboy, but the moment sadness poked its head out, tentatively asking if it could heal his wounds now, he shoved it down twice as hard as last time. He hadn’t let himself cry once in the last seven months, no matter how many times he wanted to. That wasn’t about to change any time soon. 
(It changed a month later as he hugged his brothers in a hospital waiting room when it finally came to be too much.)
To end up wakin' on another cold park bench
Steve’s father was kicking him out more often. It used to be once a month, for maybe two or three days. Now it was practically every week. 
It almost wasn’t worth going back. 
He couldn’t go over to the Curtises’ that often. Not just because it wasn’t fair for them to have to put up with him for so long, but also because it was humiliating. If he wasn’t even good enough for his own father to want him around, then who would?
Johnny would see him at the lot and Dally would see him at Buck’s so he went to the park. It was deserted at night and was on their turf so he could sleep undisturbed. 
He tried to ignore the shame rolling around in his chest when he woke up at sunrise to clean himself up with the fountain’s icy water. 
And I've turned off a part of me 
Soda wasn’t allowed to have feelings anymore, apparently. He wasn’t a person anymore, just a rope. A rope for his brothers to tug back and forth until he tore right down the middle. 
He’d never been all that good at following rules, but this was one he could follow. No feelings? He could do that. He could make himself a smiling, steady presence for his brothers. He could stretch himself thin enough to cover everyone. 
He could keep his family together.  
that I can't find anymore
He’d tried. Ponyboy swore that he’d tried.
But he couldn’t finish Gone with the Wind. He couldn’t. He couldn’t bring himself to concentrate on a sentence for more than a couple seconds before his mind started to wander. Johnny had been better than him at finding meaning in things. There was probably something there that he couldn’t see. 
Why even read if he couldn’t know what Johnny would have thought? What he would have felt? Why should Ponyboy get to read words that Johnny never would?
How was he supposed to stay gold when the golden part of himself was rotting underground?
I'm sick of always questionin' myself
Cherry walked home alone from the drive-in for the fourth time this month. Every time. He got drunk every single time, no matter what she did. 
Was she doing something wrong? Did being a good girlfriend mean turning a blind eye and pretending like she didn’t care? Was it all her fault? Maybe if she was better in some way – not as annoying, more obedient, nicer – he wouldn’t have to drink himself stupid every Friday. 
It’s not your fault, she told herself. It was not her fault. It was Bob’s. She didn’t have to be more submissive, he had to stop drinking. 
But it wasn’t his fault either. He didn’t conjure up alcohol out of nowhere. Store clerks and older kids and adults, they turned a blind eye. They let a boy, a child, get something that was almost a drug so they could put some money in their pockets and he would have the courage to beat up other children.  
And what I'm doin' wrong
Randy watched as Bob swung another punch. He was wearing rings. That was going to scar. The kid was almost crying. 
What were they even doing? Why were they here? What did they want to prove? The kid hadn’t even done anything wrong, he was just wandering around. 
Randy’d seen the guy around school. He was quiet, kept to himself. Had bruises sometimes and always told teachers – the few that cared – that he’d fallen. It was obvious he hadn’t. Who falls into hands around their neck? 
Why were they beating on someone who already had it so rough? It wasn’t the kid’s fault he was a greaser, just like it wasn’t Bob’s fault his parents let him get away with murder and it wasn’t Randy’s fault his parents didn’t let him take a breath without telling them about it.  
It was wrong, it was all so wrong, the way they all thrived on violence, acting like it made some sort of a difference to anyone. Who was watching them and deciding the winner? Who would make the rules change if they just beat on one more innocent kid, made one more little boy scared to walk around at night?
I've been fightin' with who I am inside my head
Sylvia collapsed onto the couch with a sigh, half expecting her mother to come out to scold her for being unladylike.  
Not like that was going to happen anytime soon. She’d chosen herself over her children when she’d up and left with no warning. So now there was no one around to tell Sylvia to wear longer skirts or less makeup or tie her hair back or go back to school. 
School. It was four. Remmy'd finished an hour ago. She had to pick him up. Fuck. She’d let Evie drag her along to a rally and lost track of time. 
The teacher rolled her eyes when Sylvia showed up half an hour later, muttering about whores and how it wasn’t her job to take care of accidents. Sylvia figured she could have nicely corrected her and told her Remmy was her baby brother and she was late because she’d been trying to get equal rights, actually, but she didn’t really feel like it. Saying that bitch’s boyfriend was the father was much more satisfying.  
It wasn’t worth it, though, when Remmy stormed off alone down the street and she had to run after him. He was mad. Of course he was mad. She’d been an hour and a half late picking him up and instead of apologizing and taking him home quietly, she’d picked a fight with his teacher. 
She really was useless, wasn’t she? Every day she told herself today would be the day she changed for the better, but she never really did. 
And I don't know me anymore
Maybe a label was supposed to be enough. Drunk. Brother. Dreamer. Useless. Girlfriend. Greaser. Soc. 
Why wasn’t it?
And I wish I was somebody else
Just to feel like I'm enough for myself
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atzjieun · 2 days
tying loose ends
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summary | in which wooyoung tries to fix things
circa | august 5, 2024
contains | 1.9k words, angst, fluff, jongho is tired, happy ending…?
notes | surprise! part two to the jieun fight is here!! part one can be found here
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Wooyoung paced back and forth in his room, his phone placed face-up on the table. Maybe it was the coffee running through his veins, but he couldn’t stand still.
He’d kept his promise from the night before and texted Jieun earlier that morning, but she’d yet to respond. He told himself it was because she was out and probably not checking her phone, but the thought that she was purposefully ignoring him lived strong in his mind. 
He jumped as his phone dinged, immediately picking it up to read the notification, only to sigh in disappointment when he saw who it was from.
Jongho: have you talked to her yet?  Me: … Jongho: mf  Me: i texted her this morning but she hasn’t responded yet Jongho: ok 
Wooyoung snorted, shaking his head as he put his phone down on the table before walking back to his bed. He let out a long, drawn out groan as he laid down and stared up at the ceiling. 
He couldn’t blame her for avoiding him. After all, he’d spent weeks brushing her off and ignoring any attempts she’d made to talk to him. When he thought back on it, all those times he’d purposefully disregarded her concerns and pushed her away, he’d never truly thought about how much pain he was causing her. 
He felt horrible. 
Wooyoung remembered how he’d felt during each of those interactions, the crippling fear that looking at her for too long would reveal how he truly felt. She’d always been good at telling how he was feeling. 
Maybe she’d already figured it out. Maybe Jieun realized the reason why he started avoiding her in the first place and was so disgusted that she was avoiding him. He couldn’t stop his mind from coming up with the endless list of what if’s, only causing him to spiral more as he waited in fear of when, or if she would respond.  
A knock sounded at his door, five light taps in a slow, melodic rhythm that Wooyoung recognized immediately. 
He shot up from bed, about to run to the door when he caught himself and forced himself to walk normally. Once at the door, he looked through the peephole to see someone standing there. They were staring at the ground, only allowing Wooyoung to see the top of their head, but he instantly knew who it was.
Taking in a deep breath, Wooyoung unlatched the lock before slowly opening the door. In front of him stood Jieun, eyes still glued to the ground with her arms hanging limp at her sides. 
“You can come in,” he said, stepping out to the side to allow Jieun to walk into the room. Closing the door behind her, Wooyoung followed the girl as she walked a bit further, stopping when she was in the middle of the room. 
The longer Wooyoung watched her, the more his heart sank as Jieun continued to stare at the ground, shoulders slumped and her hair half-covering the tired expression on her face. He’d never seen her so…exhausted. The tour had been taking a toll on all of them, but it was like she was carrying hundreds of pounds on her shoulders. It broke his heart. 
“Jieun,” Wooyoung spoke softly, voice growing thick. “I’m so sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong.” She didn’t respond as words continued to tumble out of his mouth. “You were actually completely right. There is something that I’m going through right now, but it wasn’t fair for me to take my emotions out on you, and I’m sorry.” 
She nodded slowly, though still kept her gaze low. “I can understand not wanting to talk about your feelings, but it really hurt when you started ignoring me out of nowhere.”
“I know… and I’m sorry.” His head hung low as he stared at his feet in shame. “You didn’t deserve how I treated you, and I completely understand if you can’t forgive me yet, but I hope that one day you’ll be able to.” 
A silence fell over the two as Wooyoung waited for her response, hearing the blood rushing in his ears. 
“I forgive you,” she whispered, a small sigh escaping her lips. “Are you still going through something? Do you wanna talk about it?” 
Although a small burden was lifted off of him, his heart still sat heavy in his chest. He’d hurt her, and she still wanted to make sure he was ok. Even after all he’d put her through, she still cared. He didn’t deserve it. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I’m ready yet.” 
Jieun only nodded, the slightest smile spread across her face as she looked up at him, taking his hand in hers. 
“It’s ok. I’ll be here when you are.” 
This only added to the pit of guilt that Wooyoung found himself falling into, but he forced himself to swallow his feelings as he squeezed her hand. He hid his pain behind a small chuckle.
“I feel like I should be the one comforting you. I hurt you the most.” 
Jieun let out a soft sigh. “It’s ok, oppa,” she said. “Well, your actions weren’t ok, but I know you feel bad about it and won’t do it again. I won’t make you feel any worse than you already do.” 
Wooyoung nodded, the slightest tremble in his gaze as he met her eyes. “I do- and I won’t.”
“Just promise me that if you’re going through something, you’ll tell me?” Jieun asked. “You don’t have to go into detail if you don’t want to, but you don’t have to carry the burden alone. I’m here for you.”
Without thinking, Wooyoung pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around the girl. He buried his head into the crook of her neck, holding her tightly. 
“I promise,” he whispered. “I’m so sorry, Jieun.” 
Initially caught off-guard, Jieun took a moment to process before wrapping her own arms around him, nodding.
“I know you are, oppa.” 
Neither was sure how long they stood there, but Wooyoung felt his stress slowly fade away with every second that passed. When they eventually let go, he immediately missed the warmth of her embrace, but Wooyoung straightened up, shaking off any fleeting thoughts he had as he looked down at her. 
“Sorry I didn’t respond to your message, by the way,” Jieun said with a sheepish laugh. “My phone’s been acting up all day. I’m gonna get it checked out tomorrow.” 
Wooyoung shook his head. “Just get a new one already! You’ve had that phone for as long as I can remember. It’s on its last life, Eunnie.” 
“I don’t wanna have to go through the process of setting everything up and transferring all my data,” she reasoned. “Plus, it still works perfectly fine most of the time.” 
“Most of the time,” he snorted, chuckling. “But anyways, do you have any more plans tonight?” 
She shook her head. “I went out with Hongjoong-oppa this morning, did some errands, and went to the gym. I think I’m done for the day.” Jieun tilted her head curiously. “Why?”
“Wanna watch a movie or something?” Wooyoung asked, raising his eyebrows. “We can hook up my laptop to the TV and watch something.” 
Jieun tapped her cheek as she pretended to contemplate, clearly fighting off a smile. “Do I get to choose the movie?” 
“Of course! It’s the least I could do after everything.” 
A grin broke out across the girl’s face as she nodded. “Alright, let’s watch something.” 
Without wasting another second, Wooyoung walked over to his backpack and pulled out his laptop while Jieun took a seat on the bed. After he finished setting everything up, he joined her and took a seat beside her, gesturing to the computer. 
Jieun leaned forward and began scrolling through the catalogue of movies, smiling as she came across a particular movie that caused Wooyoung to groan. 
“Mamma Mia? Again?” 
She looked over her shoulder, raising her eyebrow at him. “You said I could choose the movie.” 
“Alright, alright.” Wooyoung held his hands up in surrender. “Put it on.” He pushed himself further back on the bed, moving some of his pillows into place for both of them to lay comfortably. Jieun started the movie before crawling over, laying down beside him. One of his arms snaked around her and pulled her closer as she leaned into his chest.
Wooyoung glanced down at the girl, her eyes fixated on the screen as she hummed along to the first song. It wasn’t like it was their first time watching a movie together, yet he couldn’t stop his pulse from starting to rise. 
His mind went back to his conversation with Jongho from the night before. 
“She wants to be there for you and for things to go back to how they used to be.”
“They won’t. I can’t go back to how things were before.”
“Can you at least try? For Jieun’s sake?”
“Ok, I’ll do it.”
Wooyoung let out the softest sigh, one that Jieun luckily didn’t seem to pick up on. He’d promised to Jongho that he’d try to get things back to normal, and though he’d try as hard as he could, there was one thing that he knew for certain: 
Things couldn’t go back to how they used to be.
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taglist: @teezingsiyeon @moonkyeom [send an ask to be added to or removed from the the taglist]
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demodraws0606 · 3 months
I'm starting to think the training arc with WxS is to just peel off all the unfaithful unworthy WxS fans so that only true WxS fans can enjoy what they're building towards. /hj
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ticklepinions · 3 months
Just wanted to say that being able to see past someone's views and ideologies (which is usually a euphemism for bigotry, hate and ultimately harmful to the marginalized), is not the flex you think it is. It's not mature, it comes from a place of sheer privilege and is actually pretty ignorant.
To be able to ignore ones hateful views is to be able to say this doesn't impact me so why should I care.
And I'm tired of trying to educate people while being gaslit to believe I'm wrong for wanting my circle to have views that, idk won't cause harm to people that are oppressed??? Apparently that doesn't make me a free thinker, aw shucks.
And it's funny that most, if not all, people who say they can "look past" different view points tend to be cishet white people.
If someone calls you a racist, homophobe, transphobe, fatphobic, ageist, misogynist, bigot, etc. Maybe your first response should be listening. Maybe it shouldn't be rushing to defend yourself because you think someone is overreacting or you can't see the harm you've caused (no shit sherlock you're not the one being impacted). Like seriously... We have grown adults pretending to hold this "maturity" when it couldn't be further from the truth.
I'd love to say anything the tickle community should be inclusive. But it shouldn't. Some people just don't belong here. And that includes anyone who supports this narrative of being able to "look past" things and those who actively promote hate and ignorance.
I mean you can choose to be friends with these people, that's your prerogative. But to go as far as calling those who have less of a tolerance for those types of people, immature and close minded, is going too far.
If I had a non-black friend saying the n-word all the time, I would drop the friendship; others might try to educate them. There's some naunce of course but to continue to be friends with that person is a privileged position to be in.
Let's go back to when differing views were more about if pineapple should belong on pizza rather than should oppressed people have rights good fuck
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thissmycomingofage · 1 month
All the vienna swifties' testimonies on their sadness, disappointment and hurt really makes me feel for them, especially to see them being shut down again and again by the fandom
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skylarbee · 1 year
the day am fans realise that miles/milex shippers are less problematic and harmful to the fandom than lv/her supporters will be one of the best days of my life
rant incoming because I'm going insane:
i will never ever understand why am fans have so much beef with milex shippers.
i have been in SO many fandoms throughout my life, I've been obsessed with SO many bands whose members are shipped to the point of insanity, and it was never a problem. sure, some people didn't like the ships, but why are so many am fans acting like this is something unique? bts, mcr, dan and phil, harry potter, I've seen fucking everything. every other fandom in the world are just this obsessed with their ships, trying to prove that two men are fucking, posting theories and so on. shipping was always a thing in fandoms and always will be, especially if we're talking about male celebrities and teenage girls.
having said this, the kind of fandom i have never been in is one where grown ass women bring this much toxicity to the community and behave like children. there are hundreds of celebrities whose girlfriends are not liked by the fans, but no girlfriend ever engaged this much with the haters, probably because they realised that it would only make things worse, and the fans would hate them even more.
we could've had some peaceful end of the tour content, but no, we have this instead. every few months something has to be done by a certain someone in order for people to pay attention to her, and so that in the end fans will forget the reason they're fans and engage in stupid shit like this, defeating the whole purpose of being a music fan.
all this drama is slowly making me not want to have anything to do with am or the fandom anymore. if not for miles and him being connected to am, i would've stopped giving a fuck about alex years ago (technically not through his fault, but then also because of him). this whole thing just makes me sad because miles does not deserve to be associated with these people and the fact that he will never be able to get rid of them is so not it.
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aziraphales-lawyer · 3 months
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Literally no other way I could describe it right now.
#there are some serious feelings attached to all thats happening#im saddened. im mad. at the end of the day this is how i cope so im sorry if you dont feel like humor is your way out#im disappointed and digusted#personally#neil gaiman#is innocent until proven guilty and my heart goes out to the victims of this whole situation.#i know. i KNOW the right is gonna make it about trans rights and the left is gonna make this about zionism and how these results are#unsurprising due to him being 'either' of these (which im not going into)#because its NOT about those. its the disgusting behaviors he did w those women. consent or not he actively sought out rlly young women.#i hold out a tiny bit of hope but if all things go to shit I dont rlly have anything to fall back on in terms of fandom.#good omens got me through shit. it got me through hell and some my worst times ever.#ive made irreplaceable IRL friends#idk#just some feelings im putting out here. im still gonna 100% support all GO creators (unless they outright excuse NG's actions esp when hes#not yet proven innocent)#but yeah#i havent spoken about this in my other accs and I think this is the only coherent thought I can manage from all of that.#again. really upset. but we got this. were all in this together yk? theres no one side or another to SA but to support the victims.#thats all im rlly gonna say. just remember that Im sending uou guys lots of love. lets get through this <3#[EDIT: I MEANT TO SAY NEIL IS GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT FOR ME !!!!]
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kentopedia · 8 months
it takes less effort to keep your mouth shut than it does to be a horrible person, and i hope people are aware that cruelty gets you nowhere.
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werebutch · 4 months
My mom getting a new place is kinda making me anxious I think she thinks I’m gonna move in w her instead of my dad 😭 and I’m not sure why I don’t want to. Cuz she’s way better. But I don’t. And I feel responsible I think and plus my sisters will never favor my mom over my dad… so we’d live apart. but I’m 20 years old I can live whatever I want. But. But but but
#idk I really like our house too. it’s great. it’s exactly my style. I would miss it LMAO#but again my mom is just.. she’s so much more organized and she and my stepdad actually get stuff done#and take care of themselves. living w her would be more like we’re roommates and not how it is w my dad#who needs to be taken care of and doted on like a child. my sisters too but I don’t think they’d survive living without me at my dads 💀#or they’d be really pissed at me. at the least#my dads house is constantly horrible so messy so so so bad no free counterspace anywhere can barely walk thru the house and cat vomit#everywhere. unless I take care of all of it. I can’t have company over unless I know a week in advance so I can make it look like a normal#house. and at my moms it’s never like that. it’s messier than average sure but it’s never disgusting like that#people are always telling me not to do anything and let my family learn to clean up after themselves but if I don’t it will just get worse#and worse. they’ll wait weeks before doing anything. it’s embarrassing. and depressing. if I let it go long enough I am miserable every day#after being homeless or on the verge of homelessness for 10 years my dad can’t even appreciate the fantastic house we have 😭#he has to fuck it all up. it’s not 100% his fault bc my sisters do fuck all but he DID teach them to be this way. the only reason I do#anything is because I snapped out of planning to kill myself and realized that I needed to be there for my sisters. so I started being like#their parent more and more. but they still never learned to unload the dishwasher or take out the trash without screaming about it.#I’m just very overwhelmed and nervous about this move. I also feel horrible as if I’m disappointing my mom if I don’t move in. I don’t want#to disappoint her any more than I already have..#she is soooo excited about giving me a room the basement so I can have my bunnies there..
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jewishbarbies · 4 months
I don't understand how people don't understand that Hamas is a terrorist organization. They don't care about Palestinians. They're using them as a scapegoat. They're killing both sides and then blaming Israel. They would oppress Palestinians. As you say, rape is not resistance. Fuck them. Sorry. I'm upset.
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james-is-nasqueer · 1 month
anyone else seeing some distasteful kurt busch dwi takes or is it just me
#like don't get me wrong... it's bad. he had a LOT in his system and he shouldn't have been driving#but oh my god...#calling him disgusting?#when (if you take like 5 minutes to look) a lot of his fans seem to think he might have a drinking problem...?#I don't know anything about the guy honestly. he could be the worst person in nascar or a literal saint. it doesn't matter#I just think it's weird for people to hop on their soap boxes to publicly decry him worthless for this#like you don't have to like him to not be condescending to addicts??#holy shittt#it's truly awful#and it's coming from a LOT of ''left leaning'' accounts I follow too. sad.#like sure you want to help alcoholics/addicts but do you show compassion.#instead of ''this is disgusting I am repulsed by [man I don't know]'s actions''#how about you try ''wow this is disappointing but I really hope he seeks help for both the community and his sake''#otherwise your comments are just performative bullshit#addicts shouldn't have to read your garbage and shame themselves into healing.#cause yknow that doesn't always fucking work. sometimes it makes them want to harm themselves MORE.#because if they're already so terrible how can they live sober/clean?!#so maybe shut the fuck up.#anyway. you can socially condemn things without trying to humiliate addicts and potential addicts who are ultimately#victims of their condition.#sincerely. the son and grandson of several addicts.#P.S. THIS POST IS NOT SAYING ADDICTS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS. NOWHERE DO I SAY THAT.#ok bye
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momokatzetzgo · 3 months
Unfortunately Genshin posting! but I am never going to play that game again!! Natlan preview looked so bad I actually can’t believe in the year 2024 this is normalized!!
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