#Peter Dulay
purplebex · 10 months
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It's good to be home
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herdeardiaryy · 1 year
devotion 48
"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
2 Peter 3:9
Our time is not the Lord's time. I remember when my Mom has a preaching with regards to God's promises, she said that when we pray to God, He has 3 answers: (1) Yes, (2) No, (3) Wait. I will elaborate these three.
I. "Yes" answer.
If we pray to God for the things we needed and wanted, and the Lord's time will come to collide, the Lord will immediately say yes to it. Not only because we deserve it, but because it is already planned for us to have. You will know if it is coming right away if the process of having the blessings become smooth (as for my experiences).
II. "No" answer.
God never say "No" directly when we asked. You will know when God didn't give what you've prayed for when He give something that is not according to your plan and it works. Sometimes, our ways are not God's ways, and not all our prayers are good for us and to Him.
III. "Wait" answer.
This is one of God's best answer, is for us to wait for His perfect timing. God wanted us to wait for that blessings because it is most special. God is testing our patience on waiting for the perfect time and place, this is the best. When God wanted us to wait, in my experienced, He gave me a thinking to forsee things that made me excite, and will wait for it to come, and that is God's perfect timing.
And this is why we should trust God in all ways of our life. God's love for us is unconditional and perfect, we fail Him so many times, but He is still here beside us, welcoming us back when we got lost, because He knew that in His perfect time, His child will come back to Him.
Also, let us not think that God's promises are slow. It will never be slow, we are just so excited and expecting too much that we forget about God's schedule. Sometimes, after we pray to the Lord, we are pushing Him or commanding Him to give it to us right away, but we shouldn't do that. God knows what He is doing, and He wanted something special for us, that's how precious we are to Him.
This is my prayer:
"Father God, I thank You for this day that you have given to my family and to myself. Lord, before I continue to honor and praise You, I would like to apologized first, for skipping my devotions for 2 days. I do not have a reason why I did that, Lord, but please, forgive me. I also wanted to apologized Lord for doing things that aren't good for Your glory. I said things negatively or unholy, I think unnormal like I was before or thinking bad for someone else, I acted unworthy or unrespectful, everything that I did, Lord, I apologized. I'm so sorry, Lord, please clean my heart and mind to see goodness in all aspects. Help me to be worthy for Your greatness.
Lord, thank You so much. For being so forgiving and caring. Thank You Lord for showering us Your blessings that we cannot count because it's so many. Thank You Lord for protecting my family in every part of the Philippines and international countries. Lord, we are not what we are now if it is not because of You, that's why we thank You so much. Thank You, Lord for a peaceful day, thank You so much.
Lord, as I close this prayer, I would like to pray first for the continuation of healing for my Father. I lift up all his pain in the heart and diabetes, Lord, in the Name of Jesus, we declare healing upon my Father, give him strength and big faith for him to be healed perfectly, give him long life even my Mother. Please Lord, give back his strength and strong body before. Secondly, Lord, I pray for the strength and protection for my Mama, as she take care of my Father, siblings, grandchild and brethrens. You are the one who gave her important tasks, Lord, same with my Father, give them all things that they deserve, Lord. Thirdly, Father I pray for the Dulay family (My Sister Ronah, Brother-in-law Kuya Jhune, and Baby Rohan), Lord, you know what's going to happen on the next weeks and years of their lives, but continue to guide them Lord. It is really hard to left the country without their baby but help them Lord to be stronger, for their future and Rohan's future. Give them strength and great knowledge to hold on to Your promises, Lord, we believe in Your great plans. I pray for Baby Rohan's growing, I pray that in a very young age, he understands why his parents needs to go abroad again, and after years, they will be together again. Give our Baby Rohan knowledge and quick, and smart mind that comes from You, Lord. Continue to bless this family, Lord, from their generation to generations, in the Name of Jesus. Fourth, I pray for my little brother, Reneld John. Lord, I rebuke negative thoughts to my brother, in Jesus Name. Give him signs and guidance to know that You are always beside him. Protect my brother, Lord. I pray for the strength and knowledge upon my brother, help him finish his studies in time, Lord. Do not leave my brother, Lord. Continue to bless him as he give back praises to You, Lord, by showing his talents to You.
Also, I pray for my friends: Judy Lyn, give her peace of mind, Lord, you know things that I did not do, but give her clear mind. To Jace, Lord, if there's something wrong between him and Judy Lyn, please be the center of their relationship. Do whatever you wanted them to do, Lord. To Rose Ann, I thank You, Lord for giving her another opportunity, I pray that You give her lots of strength to her works as a teacher and as a virtual assistant, and guide her to her masteral. I know you have plans to her and her family, Lord, and have Your way. For Cecil, Father God, you know her heart and mind, keep her in peace and love, protect her from the things that may not be good to her career. Protect her family. For Angel, Alner, and Azi, guide this family, O Lord. Give everything they need especially in providing for Azi's growing. I pray for a blessed family and help them conquer problems that they are facing. Lastly, to Wewe, I pray for his safety, everywhere he goes, Lord, protect him and his girlfriend. Give them strength to face problems in life together, let your will be done, Lord. Continue to protect their families in health, places they go to, and in everyday lives.
To all my family and friends, Lord, I lift up everything to Your Name, all of their problems, struggles, physically, mentally, financially. I declare overflowing blessings upon them, in Jesus Name.
To the people in our church, Lord, I pray for their maturity and generosity upon Your Name. I rebuke evil things, in the Name of Jesus. Help them know You deeper, better, and with true intentions, Lord. I pray for my parents as the Head and Associate Pastors, and the four Deacons, Lord. Give them blessings upon blessings, deeper devotion to You, Lord. Give them knowledge in leadership.
Lastly, I pray for myself, Lord. Please help me to finish my mission here abroad, Lord. Give me strength and knowledge that is according to Your will. I am believing in Your promises and timing, Lord, I will hold on to Your words in Jeremiah 29:11. Continue to give me peace in all aspects Lord, always teach me to be someone You wanted me to be. Provide me all the things and people that are good for my health and in Your Glory. I pray for my future, Lord, I will wait for You. I pray for my financial stability, for my work environment, for my at peace boss, my new manager, people that I interact with, for my future family, and for my stronger spiritual life. Protect me from harm, Lord, always.
Thank You, Lord for everything you've done in my life, Lord. I give to You all the praises and thanksgiving, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, our Lord,
260823 | 21:50
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jwillgoose · 7 years
Further reading..
I’ve had a few requests via social media / email to recommend some books or documentaries that might help shed a bit more background light on the recent album, so I thought I’d compile here some of the things I most enjoyed reading, watching or listening to, in case you’re interested in following up on any of the materials or subjects the album deals with. This is in random order, too - please don’t ascribe any value judgements to the way my brain remembers things.
(You’ll also have to forgive me for linking to Amazon occasionally - I don’t recommend buying from there, but it does sometimes seem the easiest way to get hold of some of these things.)
It might be wisest to cover the broadest bases first though, and the most accessible way in is probably through film and documentary. At the most populist end of things, the film Pride is fantastic - it could easily have been formulaic and poorly scripted, but it really had a great heart to it and it’s a fantastic story. (As a side note, Hywel Francis, whom I had the fortune to meet and speak to while I was at the South Wales Miners’ Library, told me how interesting it was that the other common link - besides persecution - between the miners and the LGBT community was a high level of Communist Party membership, which was left out of the film for, one presumes, commercial reasons.) And if you’ve already seen Pride, have a look at Dancing In Dulais, the film which helped inspire it.
Although it was set in the north-east and for some people might seem a little hackneyed, I certainly wouldn’t rule out Billy Elliott as an easy way in; similarly, Brassed Off is a great film.
A film with more direct links to the Valleys is Paul Robeson’s Proud Valley. Robeson is - to put it mildly - a fascinating character and his story and part in the Welsh mining community is an extremely moving one and shows, I think, how artists and activists from all eras and backgrounds have been moved by the particular communities and geography that make up the Welsh Valleys.
On the documentary front I also used large portions of the BFI’s fantastic Portrait Of A Miner collection. As ever with BFI releases, it contains a wide range of interesting material and a thorough and detailed booklet helps give context and extra background.
Another important film, which I accessed through the South Wales Miners’ Library, is Smiling And Splendid Women. We used some clips from this for All Out, and it also forms the basis of the live video for They Gave Me A Lamp.
At the more obscure and hard-to-find end is a documentary kindly loaned to me by Glyn at the Ebbw Vale Institute, The Welsh Miner. We were lucky enough to be able to license some clips from this film for use on All Out, Go To The Road, Mother Of The Village and more on the album. Similarly, the British Transport Film Every Valley, clips from which bookend the start and finish of the album, is a fascinating snapshot of Valleys life, although I can’t seem to find an online version (we acquired ours through the BFI).
I also greatly enjoyed Still The Enemy Within - an excellent documentary looking back on the miners’ strike, and featuring Ron Stoate, who I subsequently interviewed and whose voice appears on Mother Of The Village - and while I can’t say I enjoyed it as such, as the subject matter is too harrowing for words, I thought the BBC’s The Green Hollow was an extremely moving and well-made reflection on the tragedy at Aberfan. It doesn’t seem available on the BBC at the moment, though, yet it was when I checked a few days ago. Odd. (As a side note, Michael Sheen’s excellent documentary on Port Talbot’s steel industry appears to have suffered the same fate, but perhaps more resourceful (ahem) searchers may be able to find both films online.)
Anyway, that’s a few of the many films and documentaries I watched - on the written front, I can recommend the following (amongst many others, which I’m sure I’ll forget!):
Hywel Francis’ excellent History On Our Side (which now contains a new chapter, following the film Pride, and which postdates the edition I own) is an excellent, personal history of the times; on a more small-scale publishing level, Deborah Price’s How Black Were Our Valleys is a really illuminating read and Deborah helped put me in touch with some ex-miners and the NUM in South Wales. Ron Stoate again features in her book. The title is obviously a play on How Green Was My Valley, which I had naively assumed to be a bit clichéd and trite just based on various jokes made down the ages, but I found the book to be very moving and apt for the project I was working on (not least because it appears it was written by an Englishman after extensive conversation with local miners, although at least I made that clear!).
Along similar lines but in verse form, Idris Davies’ poetry - and Gwalia Deserta in particular - is incredible. It’s rich, striking and very evocative of Eliot (who nurtured Davies as a protegé). We were kindly allowed permission to use the poem for the basis of our collaboration with James Dean Bradfield, Turn No More. I’ve been struck by a few people mentioning online that the album doesn’t seem to deal with the environmental issues caused by coal - presumably they either skipped that song or failed to listen to the lyrics particularly closely. It is a searing indictment of a landscape and a people exploited by outsiders for their personal gain, and a defiant shout for those who live in the shadows of the ‘ransacked’ hillsides and static pitwheels.
Perhaps the most comprehensive account of the South Wales miners is that put together by Dr Ben Curtis, in his exhaustively researched (and still very readable, despite its academic origins) history, The South Wales Miners: 1964-85. Ben is thanked on the album sleeve for his assistance in the research of the album and, in particular, for introducing me to the team at the South Wales Miners’ Library and their oral history collection (interviews mostly recorded by Hywel Francis - it’s like a big virtuous circle), but I’d like to thank him again for his particularly kind words on the release of the album. Coming from an authority on the subject like him, it’s especially gratifying and humbling.
It was a privilege to be granted permission to use the title of Phyllis Jones’ excellent memoir, They Gave Me A Lamp, as one of our own songs - thanks once again to Patricia Mee for allowing us to do so. The book is a fine read and a reminder that it wasn’t just men working a dangerous and dirty job underground.
I also read more widely, further afield; at one time I’d toyed with the idea of including Gresford, or The Miners’ Hymn, in some form on the album, but I moved away from that idea as I thought it really wasn’t our place to use it, the piece being so closely associated with miners and their ability to face up to, and overcome, tragedy. The Pitmen’s Requiem is an excellent account of the writing of this incredible piece of music - at the very least I urge you to listen to it.
I also read Seumas Milne’s The Enemy Within - Mr Milne is certainly no stranger to controversy, and I don’t share some of his political ideas, but the book was nevertheless an interesting account of the lengths the government went to at the time to use (some might say subvert) the machinery of the state to attempt to crush the miners and their cause.
In terms of artwork, I was drawn to the abstract landscapes of Hannah Benkwitz, whose piece ‘Viaduct’ we used as the album cover. I found her artwork by browsing through a cupboard of books at the South Wales Mining Museum in the Afan Valley - her work was amongst a list of publicly-owned and displayed oil paintings. I love her use of colour and texture. The colours reminded me of some of Sir Kyffin Williams’ work, which I also loved. A more frenzied variation on the same theme is that presented by Peter Prendergast, whose incredible, vivid, often violent landscapes are very striking indeed. I also enjoyed Valerie Ganz’s (less abstract) works and toyed with using something more literal for the album, but I found Hannah Benkwitz’s abstraction really suited the way I’d tried to put the album together.
That’s just a brief list of some of the research and materials that went in to the making of the album - there were many others, some of which may be egregious omissions for which I apologise in advance. Whether or not you want to delve into some of this background reading / watching / other, I hope you’re enjoying the album and the story we tried to tell.
Yours warmly,
J. Willgoose, Esq.
EDIT - Arghgh. I forgot the single most important piece of writing, for me, related to the album: Down the Mine by George Orwell. [NB this version is incorrectly transcribed and riddled with errors - please do read the proper version from The Road To Wigan Pier if you can.] I’m more than aware that putting yourself up alongside Orwell is just asking to be shot down, but it says so many of the things that I was hoping to say with Every Valley - the debt that we all, in our country, owe the miners for the tough and terrifying job which they carried out. That makes what was to come - the false promises, the betrayal, the persecution, the abandonment, the neglect, living in the ruins of previous (relative) prosperity - so much the worse.
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flxblog · 5 years
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Misters of Filipinas 2019 Swimwear Pics
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Isabela | Ruben Segundo,
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opmb · 5 years
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TWENTY-TWO HUNKS VIE FOR MMISTER OF FILIPINAS 2019 By Noli A. Berioso From more than hundred of applicants, twenty-two hurdled the final screening for Misters of Filipinas 2019 a month ago. They were presented to the members of the press last September 4 at Fernwood Gardens in Quezon City. The search, now on its 7th year is considered one of the most prestigious male pageants in the country today. President of PEPPS (Prime Event Productions Philippines, Inc.) Carlo Morris Galang says the this year’s crop of candidates is another tough batch in the history of the male pageant. He is thankful to all the support from sponsors, members of the press and friends of PEPPS who made Misters of Filipinas 2019 edition a guaranteed success. There will be five titles and two runners-up at stake this year. Mister International Philippines, Man of the World Philippines, Mister Model Worldwide Philippines and the two new titles Mister of Filipinas Tourism and Culture Universe and Mister Model Universe Philippines. The candidates will embark on a provincial tour in Davao, Kapalong Davao Del Norte ans in Bataan for the various preliminary events of the pageant. House Manila in Pasay City will be the venue for the Gala Night and Fashion Show. Misters of Filipinas 2019 is a joint production of PEPPs Foundations, Inc. and Profiles Entertainment Productions, Inc. The search will culminates in a grand finale on September 21 at the Flying V Arena in San Juan. Three lucky candidates were chosen as Darlings of the Press voted by the media who attended the edia presentation. They are Misters Filipinas Cebu - Kevin Joy Secoya, Misters of Filipinas Tarlac - Levin Arguelles and Misters of Filipinas Bataan - Tommy Penaflor, Jr. The Official Candidates for Misters of Filipinas 2019 are: 1. BONJOUR VELOSO ADAZA JR - MISAMIS ORIENTAL | 20 5'8" 2. PETER MENDIJAR - BAGONG SILANG, CALOOCAN | 26 5'8" 3. RAMIL PALAJE - GUINOBATAN, ALBAY | 22 5'10" 4. GIANLUCA LANTA - FILIPINO COMMUNITY OF ITALY | 21 5'10" 5. VANDAVE - PASIG CITY | 20 5'11' 6. LOUIE LAPENAS - MANDALUYONG CITY | 29 5'10" 7. TOMMY PEÑAFLOR II - BATAAN | 25 5'11'' 8. JOY JEROME GARCIA EVANGELISTA HAGONOY, BULACAN | 26 5'11" 9. ARJUN GANGE - CALOOCAN CITY |28 5'11" 10. MATTHEW LOUIE ARBOLE - PANGANTUCAN, BUKIDNON | 25 5'11" 11. JOSHUA FELIMINIANO - CASTILLEJOS, ZAMBALES | 24 6'3" 12. YAS PANGANDAMAN - ILIGAN CITY | 23 6'0 13. JESUS NORBERT MACARAEG - MALASIQUI, PANGASINAN | 23 6'1" 14. JULIUS CHRISTIAN DAVID BUENAFE - PROVINCE OF BILIRAN | 28 6'1" 15. RUBEN SEGUNDO - ISABELA | 26 5'10" 16. KEVIN JAY SECOYA - CEBU CITY | 22 5'10" 17. AIN JAMES VEGA - FILIPINO COMMUNITY OF USA | 23 5'11" 18. JOSEPH XAVIER PILI - TABACO CITY , ALBAY | 24 5'9" 19. KYLE SEAN SALLIDAO - BAGUIO CITY | 20 5'9" 20. LEVIN ARGUELLES - TARLAC | 22 5'9" 21. JADE ANTHONY DULAY - ANGELES CITY, PAMPANGA | 25 5'8" 22. LEX AKIHIRO JULIAN 24 5'11" PROVINCE OF LAGUNA # 24 5'11"
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biofunmy · 5 years
LGBTQ Creators Are Suing YouTube For Discrimination
The creators — who are all queer or trans and make LGBTQ content — say the platform is unfairly targeting their content for demonetization and restriction.
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Lauren Strapagiel BuzzFeed News Reporter
Posted on August 14, 2019, at 3:07 p.m. ET
After years of complaints that YouTube is unfairly censoring LGBTQ content on its platform, a group of creators has filed a lawsuit against YouTube and its parent company, Google.
Five LGBTQ channels have joined together for the suit, which alleges that YouTube has discriminated against them by hiding their videos, removing subscribers, and denying advertising. They say the platform unfairly targets any video tagged with words like “gay,” “transgender,” or “bisexual,” even when the videos have no mature content.
The creators say YouTube’s censorship — which violates the platform’s own policies — has negatively impacted their viewership and their income. The plaintiffs are seeking class-action status for the suit.
“The policy that YouTube has is meant to be neutral. They say they’re not going to flag us because we’re an LGBT show,” Celso Dulay told BuzzFeed News. Dulay runs the channel Glitter Bomb TV with his husband, Chris Knight.
“But it seems to be flagging us just because we’re LGBT.”
For the couple, issues came up in 2016 when they had their ads for a holiday show denied over and over. It culminated in a call to a Google Ads customer service representative who said they were flagged for sexually explicit content and “the gay thing,” Dulay said.
“There’s nothing sexual about the show. It’s a news show,” said Knight.
Dulay said all the plaintiffs have experienced different issues, some overlapping, but the common denominator is that they’re all LGBTQ creators creating LGBTQ content. The other plaintiffs include Queer Kid Stuff, an LGBTQ education channel; Watts the Safeword, which covers sex ed; Chase Ross, a transgender man known for his Trans 101 series; and BriaAndChrissy, a lesbian couple who make music and lifestyle content.
The group’s lawyer, Peter Obstler, told BuzzFeed News that although Google is a private company, YouTube supposedly operates according to the four values in its mission statement, including freedom of expression and freedom of opportunity. He said what these creators have experienced amounts to “discriminatory application of their guidelines” and a breach of contract.
“If they want to be a private company they should tell people, ‘we discriminate,'” he said.
In a statement, a YouTube spokesperson told BuzzFeed News their policies do not target LGBTQ content.
“We’re proud that so many LGBTQ creators have chosen YouTube as a place to share their stories and build community. All content on our site is subject to the same policies,” said Alex Joseph, a YouTube representative.
Joseph added, “Our policies have no notion of sexual orientation or gender identity and our systems do not restrict or demonetize videos based on these factors or the inclusion of terms like ‘gay’ or ‘transgender.’ In addition, we have strong policies prohibiting hate speech, and we quickly remove content that violates our policies and terminate accounts that do so repeatedly.”
The suit alleges that YouTube, which controls an estimated 95% of online videos, “used their monopoly power over content regulation to selectively apply their rules and restrictions in a manner that allowed them to gain an unfair advantage to profit from their own content to the detriment of its consumers.”
That’s what BriaAndChrissy channel stars Bria Kam and Chrissy Chambers believe happened to them. They told BuzzFeed News that several years ago they pitched a LGBTQ travel series to YouTube Red but it was rejected. Then, later, YouTube created a similar series which was given front-page promotion. Meanwhile, their popular videos (their channel has 850,000 subscribers) started getting restricted and demonetized.
One of those videos, a music video called “Face Your Fears,” was demonetized and age-restricted years after it was first posted. The raciest thing that happens in it is a kiss.
Despite continuing to pull in millions of views a month, the pair said their monthly revenue from YouTube has dropped from $3,500 to just $500.
“They are removing our thumbnails, they are not sending our videos out to our subscribers, they are removing subscribers. We are age-gated. We are age-restricted.” said Kam.
“They just keep coming up with new ways.”
Another common theme is that when these creators are able to reach YouTube with their complaints, it’s often only after a social media campaign. At that point, YouTube may reinstate ads and say there had simply been an error.
That’s what the suit says happened to Chase Ross.
According to the complaint, Ross’s videos are routinely placed in restricted mode by YouTube, even such benign videos as one of him drinking tea and talking about self-care. In other instances, the complaint says that Ross had videos removed or his account suspended, only for YouTube to reinstate him and say it was an error after he complained on social media.
“Many videos are restricted regardless of content merely because of Mr. Ross’ identity as a transgender individual,” the complaint says.
For the creators BuzzFeed News spoke with, this lawsuit comes as a last ditch effort to make YouTube address what they’ve been complaining about for years with no remedy.
“We’re kind of at the end of our rope,” said Chambers.
“We knew we had been unfairly silenced and persecuted for all these years and we didn’t know what we could do about it. Then this lawsuit came up and we knew this was the action we had to take.”
The firm representing the group, Browne George Ross, is also involved in another suit filed against YouTube, alleging that it unfairly discriminates against right-wing creators.
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keyouone · 5 years
LGBTQ VS Google\Youtube
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Eight queer YouTube creators filed a class action lawsuit against Google/YouTube Wednesday to “stop discriminatory and unlawful content-based regulation, restraint, monetization, false advertising, and anti-competitive distribution of LGBTQ+ speech and video content.”
“Rainbow Coalition” made a protecting LGBTQ rights video. This group include lesbian duo who run the YouTube channel BriaAndChrissy; Chase Ross, a trans activist who educates on trans issues, a queer educator who makes kid-friendly educational videos like “T Is For TRANS!” and “What Does GAY Mean?!?” on their YouTube channel QueerKidStuff; Amp Somers, a kinky sex educator; Celso Dulay and Chris Knight, who running LGBTQ news and entertainment and has a YouTube channel and others among them. The suit was filed in federal court in San Jose, California. 
 “Our LGBTQ+ content is getting demonetized, restricted, and not sent out to viewers, which has highly affected our ability to reach the community we strongly want to help,” Chambers says in the video explaining the lawsuit.
“I found YouTube at 15 and it saved my life. I hear from people every day that they want to make a channel, but they’re afraid of getting their content restricted. It really breaks my heart”, - Chase Ross said (the trans activist from “Rainbow Coalition”).
Lindsay Amer, a non-binary YouTuber who runs the channel Queer Kids Stuff, said that YouTube allowed their comments to become filled with anti-LGBT+ hate.
Amer said they were eventually forced to disable comments entirely, which they say contributed to a fall in income.
The group’s lawyer Peter Obstler said that while Google is a private company, YouTube’s mission statement says it is run on the freedoms of expression, of information and of opportunity, as well as the freedom to belong.
In addition to monetary compensation, the lawsuit is also asking the court to order an injunction that would stop YouTube from "censoring, restricting, restraining, or regulating speech based on the discretionary use or application of discriminatory, animus-based, arbitrary, capricious, vague, unspecified, or subjective criteria, rules, guidelines, and/or practices”.
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leyuwera · 7 years
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#Repost @nativphotograph proud to be here ! ・・・ Congratulations to the mentees selected for the inaugural Native Agency and The Everyday Projects Mentorship Program! ⠀ ⠀ They are: ⠀ Johis Alarkon, Enayat Asadi, Cynthia Santos Barrios, Girma Berta, Amrita Chandradas, Chef Marissa, Barry Christianson, Daouda Corera, Víctor Zea, Yagazie Emezi, Thana Faroq, Fabiola Ferrero, Néha Hirve, Heba Khamis, Àngela Ponce, Miora Rajaonary, Christina Rizk, Zied Ben Romdhane, Tom Saater, Manuel Edmundo, Ley Uwera, and Biko Wesa.⠀ ⠀ The Native and Everyday Projects Mentorship Program offers mentees a cost-free learning opportunity to develop skills that will help them foster a unique visual language and build their career. Our ultimate goal is to help create an industry that more accurately reflects the diversity of the world and the people whose stories we document.⠀ ⠀ Mentors in the program are:⠀ Adriana Zehbrauskas, Alice Gabriner, Allison Shelley, Andrew Esiebo, Andrew Katz, Brent Lewis, Donald Weber, Edward Soyinka Echwalu, James Estrin, Jennifer Samuel, John Stanmeyer, Michael Robinson Chavez, Nick Kirkpatrick, Olivier Laurent, Oscar B. Castillo, Peter DiCampo, Ricci Shryock, Shahidul Alam, Shaminder Dulai, Stephen Mayes, Tanya Habjouqa, and Walter Astrada.⠀ ⠀ To learn more about our program, please check out our website: https://buff.ly/2mPc0Wo⠀ ▪⠀⠀ #nativephoto #nativephotographers #middleeast #africa #asia #latinamerica #documentary #regionaltalent #fotografiadocumental #mentorshipprogram @everydayeverywhere
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phgq · 5 years
PH bans deployment of new domestic workers to Kuwait
#PHnews: PH bans deployment of new domestic workers to Kuwait
MANILA -- The government on Friday announced the ban on the deployment of newly-hired household service workers (HSWs) to Kuwait.
Based on Governing Board Resolution 01, series of 2020, the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) declared a partial ban on the sending of Filipino workers, particularly newly hired HSWs, effectively immediately.
“Now, therefore, the POEA Governing Board, in a meeting duly convened, resolves as it is hereby resolved, to adopt the said memorandum and effect a deployment ban for newly-hired domestic workers to Kuwait effective immediately,” the order said.
“Reloaded that a moratorium on the verification, accreditation and processing for individual contracts and additional Job Orders (JO) for the same category of workers shall be effected,” it added.
On the other hand, the Governing Board clarified that those workers with overseas employment certificates (OECs) issued on or before 5 p.m. of January 3 will be allowed to depart for Kuwait.
After consulting Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. and Undersecretary Brigido Dulay on Thursday, Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III, who also chairs the POEA Governing Board, issued a memorandum to POEA to immediately convene the Board for the immediate issuance of a partial deployment ban involving Visa 20 (domestic workers) new hires and “balik-manggagawa”.
The memo also instructed the POEA to include a moratorium on the processing and verification of individual contracts and additional job orders for the same category of workers.
Bello issued the memorandum amid reported cases of maltreatment and deaths involving OFWs in Kuwait, specifically the death of Jeanelyn Padernal Villavende.
On Feb. 12, 2018, the Philippine government imposed a total deployment ban on the sending of OFWs to Kuwait due to the series of reports of abuse and deaths of OFWs in the host country, including the death of Joanna Daniela Demafelis.
The ban was lifted in May 2018 after then Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano and officials of the Gulf state signed an agreement on the employment of domestic workers. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "PH bans deployment of new domestic workers to Kuwait." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1089963 (accessed January 04, 2020 at 01:01AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "PH bans deployment of new domestic workers to Kuwait." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1089963 (archived).
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t-baba · 6 years
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4 Ways to Improve Your B2B Facebook Ads
Does your company target other businesses? Wondering how to use Facebook ads to connect with prospects? In this article, you’ll find four ways to use Facebook ads to reach B2B customers. #1: Target Specific Job Titles and Companies With Facebook Ads More than likely, you already have a good idea whom your target audience is. [...]
The post 4 Ways to Improve Your B2B Facebook Ads appeared first on Social Media Examiner.
by Peter Dulay via Social Media Examiner https://ift.tt/2MoIhyt
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purplebex · 10 months
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thesocialmediahat · 7 years
How To Create Facebook Ads That Convert
See on Scoop.it - The Content Marketing Hat
Placing Facebook ads with the intent to convert requires a unique approach, one that is much different than trying to get more Page likes or build brand awareness. Make sure you're not wasting ad dollars!
Mike Allton's insight:
New on the blog this week... a play-by-play from Peter Dulay​ on how to execute better Facebook Ads!
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purplebex · 10 months
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Day 1 of the slopes was a rough one.
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purplebex · 2 years
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This mod could not come at a more opportune time for me.
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purplebex · 10 months
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Peter's whole family came on the trip too
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purplebex · 2 years
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First night sleeping in a real bed. Doggo included.
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