#Peter Hoffer
huariqueje · 10 months
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Russian Pine ‐ Peter Hoffer , 2015.
Canadian, b. 1965 ‐
Acrylic, oil and resin on panel , 72 x 40 in. 182.9 x 101.6 cm.
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polkadotmotmot · 7 months
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Peter Hoffer - Prince, 2023
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9 people you’d like to get to know better
Thanks for tagging me @dirtbag-linecook-kyloren!
1. Three ships: Kylux, Geralt/Jaskier, Sokka/Zuko. These are the ones most bookmarked, but I definitely have more
2. First ever ship: Lance/Keith from Voltron. Yes, I was in that fandom. Yes, it was hell.
3. Last song: Dreamers by AWOLNATION. I fucking love the RUN playlist, it is amazing for getting my writing brain to actually produce stuff.
4. Last film: Five Nights at Freddy’s. I really liked it! The person I saw it with, however, did recently break things off with me 😭 but I would see the movie again!!
5. Currently reading: The Supreme Court: An Essential History by Peter and William Hoffer. It’s actually a very interesting book if you’re looking to learn more about government history or law.
6. Currently watching: Formula 1, Drive to Survive. It’s very faced paced and it is actually really captivating even though I’m not personally a big fan of the sport.
7. Currently consuming: WATER. LOTS OF WATER. Just got back from dance practice, so I am drinking a lot of it.
8. Currently craving: Ramen. It’s gonna start snowing up here soon and I just want some Ramen Noodles to warm me up.
Tags! No pressure to respond. @gingersnappish @kyluxtrashpit @kylorensl @dragonflies-draw-flame @calicosjinx @nylon-rabbit @need-more-meta @cosleia @cloudyfacewithjam
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(035) Die drei ??? und der Höhlenmensch
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Das Skelett eines Urzeitmenschen lockt Justus, Bob und Peter in den kleinen Ort Citrus Grove. Kaum sind sie dort, als es auch schon zu rätselhaften Zwischenfällen kommt. Erwacht der Urmensch zu geheimnisvollem Leben? Und wieso legen sich plötzlich alle Bewohner von Citrus Grove zum Schlafen in den Park … ?
Buch (Random House): 034, 1982, M. V. Carey, The Mystery of the Wandering Caveman Buch (Kosmos): 034, 1984, Leonore Puschert (aus dem Amerikanischen übertragen) Hörspiel (Europa): 035, 1984
⁉️ Allgemein
Citrus Grove
Spuk, Betrug
Justus Jonas
Peter Shaw
Bob Andrews
Dr. Birkensteen, arbeitet in der Spicer-Stiftung
Eleonor Hess, pflegt Tiere im Spicer-Stiftung
Dr. Teriano/Tereano, arbeitet in der Spicer-Stiftung
Mr. Wolfe, LKW-Fahrer
Ned McGhee, Onkel von Eleonor
Dr. Brandon, arbeitet in der Spicer-Stiftung
Frank DiStefano, Gehilfe von Dr. Brandon (😈)
Dr. Elwood Hoffer, arbeitet in der Spicer-Stiftung (😈)
Thalia McGee, Frau von Ned McGhee
🏖 Rocky Beach Universum
Harbor View Lane, scheint in der Nähe vom Schrottplatz zu sein
Sunset Boulevard
Gebrauchtwarencenter T. Jonas
Spicer-Stiftung, liegt in Citrus Grove
Citrus Grove, kleine Gemeine im kalifornischem Bergland in der Nähe von San Diego
Dr. Childers, Narkosearzt, wohnt in der Harbour View Lane und kannte Dr. Birkensteen
🛼 Sonstiges
Lustige Dialoge
DiStefano: "Oppladi-opplada McGee, sie hören das Geld schon im Kasten klingeln, wie?"
DiStefano: "Oppladi-opplada, die drei Freunde sind da."
DiStefano: "Na und? Dabbeldiding-dabbeldidang, der Tag ist noch lang. Wir sehen uns."
DiStefano: "Tritratrum, die Detektive gehen um."
Justus: "Straftaten sind unser Hobby!"
Fat shaming Justus wird beleidigt
🏳️‍🌈 Queer/diversity read
Shippy moments
Peter: "Unverschämter Lümmel!" Bob: "Ein Faulpelz obendrein!" DiStefano: "Wir sehen uns noch." Peter: "Fährt während der Arbeitszeit einfach an den Strand."
Diversity, Political Correctness and Feminism
Z*geuner-John ...
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Randy Quaid, John Hurt, and Brad Davis in Midnight Express (Alan Parker, 1978) Cast: Brad Davis, Irene Miracle, Bo Hopkins, Paolo Bonicelli, Paul L. Smith, Randy Quaid, Norbert Weisser, John Hurt, Mike Kellin, Franco Diogene, Michael Ensign, Gigi Ballista, Kevork Malikyan, Peter Jeffrey. Screenplay: Oliver Stone, based on a book by William Hayes and William Hoffer. Cinematography: Michael Seresin. Production design: Geoffrey Kirkland. Film editing: Gerry Hambling. Music: Giorgio Moroder. Late in Midnight Express there's a line that suggests the reason Billy Hayes was confined so long in Turkish prisons is that he became a pawn in the negotiations between the Nixon administration and the government of Turkey over the cultivation of opium poppies. If true, that's a much more interesting story than the one the film tells, which is hardly a story at all, but just a grim sadomasochistic slog through the degrading experiences of Hayes, tinged with a bit of homoeroticism. Oliver Stone won an Oscar for his screenplay, which was only a foreshadowing of more of the same to come from Stone as he worked out his darker impulses on screen. The absence of anything more than a hint of what was going on to try to extract Hayes (Brad Davis) from his predicament, even to explain how he got into it (who, for example, is the shadowy American called Tex (Bo Hopkins), who is "something like" a consular official?) turns the film into one long wallow in misery and a rather devastating one-sided portrait of the country of Turkey.
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fabioperes · 2 months
Intros de Caricaturas en Vivo - GNX (Dibujos Animados 80's y 90's) PRIMERA PARTE GNX CONTACTOS El Salvador: +503 77903095 [email protected] https://ift.tt/Yt9eWnF Director General: Joshua Rod Productor Ejecutivo: Angie Rod VOCES LÍDERES Gilber Cáceres Joshua Rod Angie Rod (Angie Fashion) Víctor Rodríguez (Sol Nocturno) BANDA ROCK Batería: Alex Cordero Sintetizadores 1: Pablo Orellana Guitarra Eléctrica: José Luis Jiménez Bajo: Guillermo Damas CUERDAS Violín Principal: Azalea Ruano (OCFA) Violines: Carlos Rosales (Fundación ANCALMO), Diana Alvarenga (Fundación ANCALMO), Verónica Urbina (Fundación ANCALMO), Alejandra Rivera (Fundación ANCALMO) VIENTO METAL Corno Francés: Jaime Fuentes Flauta: Ángel Portillo Trompeta: Aníbal Castro Trombón: Jonatan Martinez PERSONAJES Robot: MGLX (Stellar Souls) Ninja: NEON (Luces Visual Poi) (Stellar Souls) Inspector Gadget: Norman Hernández León O: Romeo Iván Hernández Pantro: Luis Aldana Palacios Cheetara: Michelle Kastillo Tigro: William Alberto Mumm Ra (Momia): Roberto Linares Mumm Ra: Douglas Ascencio Mandrilo: Luizmi Aldana Production Manager: Aby Rod Road Manager: Boris Martines Trajes y Accesorios: ANGIE FASHION Body Paint: Jaime Castro Filme durante el 6° aniversario del programa de TV PICANTE SABROSO de El Salvador, Teatro Presidente, 8 de septiembre de 2016, Especial (Temas de Caricaturas) por la Orquesta de Rock Sinfónico formada por músicos cantantes y artistas Salvadoreños desde el julio del 2015, dedicada a los covers de algunos Intros de caricaturas de los 80's y 90's transmitidos en latino-américa. GNX nace con el objetivo de llevar emoción y nostalgia a la generación "X" (personas que nacieron entre los años 1965 a 1995) al recordar sus series y caricaturas favoritas, y en homenaje a grandes compositores, autores, creadores e interpretes Americanos y Latinoamericanos de esa época tales como: Rankin/Bass Animated Entertainmen Bernie Hoffer, Heart (SilverHawks)(Thunder Cats) Intertrack Studios Mexico Ricardo Silva (voz oficial en español de mas de 500 Intros) -(Teddy Ruxpin)Ken Forsse, Andrew Huggett -(Chip and Dale)Walt Disney Animation Studios -(Dragon Ball Z)Akira Toriyama, Shunsuke Kikuchi, Hironobu Kageyama Ray Parker Jr. (Ghostbusters) Mazinger Z D. ALFREDO GARRIDO GARCIA, autor de la letra de Mazinger Z en español (Ichiro Mizuki) Capitán Memo (voz oficial en español) -(Pequeña Lulú) Nippon Animation -(Ulises 31)Jean Chalopin, Nina Wolmark -(He Man) Roger Sweet, Mattel Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird, David Wise (Tortugas Ninja) Jean Chalopin, Andy Heyward, Bruno Bianchi (Inspector Gadget) Johanna Spyri Hoyt Curtin Hanna-Barbera (Heidi) Playlist! Teddy Ruxpin 1:04 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Las Tortugas Ninja) 2:02 Mazinger Z 2:58 Ghostbusters (Los Cazafantasmas) 4:43 Ulises 31 5:57 Pequeña Lulú 9:07 Heidi 10:38 Inspector Gadget 13:03 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (He-Man y los Amos del Universo) 14:16 Chip n' Dale - Rescue Rangers (Los rescatadores) 16:17 Dragon Ball Z 18:19 Thundercats 20:12 SIlverhawks (Los Halcones Galácticos) 22:35 via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iBwDOBouBo
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ivegottale · 1 year
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, 💵Bribery💰 , or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. The Federalist No. 65 (Alexander Hamilton); Peter Hoffer & N.E.H.
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In political philosophy, the right of revolution (or right of rebellion) is the right or duty of a people to "alter or abolish" a government that acts against their common interests or threatens the safety of the people without cause.
Note: The right to bear arms was established in case "we the people" need to defend against the government.
(Public schools deserve armed police officers on campus to protect our children against ill willed individuals.)
I predict Dogma is the end of the world.
Dogma 1. : something considered as an established opinion. 2.: a belief or body of beliefs concerning faith or morals laid down by a church.
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leadertripcoaching · 1 year
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Leadership is one of the most important skills that a person can possess. A great leader can inspire people to achieve great things, and help them grow as individuals. In order to be a successful leader, you need to have a set of guiding principles that you live by. Here are 20 quotes that will help you become a better leader!
“Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.” – Sheryl Sandberg
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams
“Leaders think and talk about the solutions. Followers think and talk about the problems.” – Brian Tracy
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell
“The best leaders are those most interested in surrounding themselves with assistants and associates smarter than they are. They are frank in admitting this and are willing to pay for such talents.” – Colin Powell
“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.” – Dwight Eisenhower
“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” – Warren Bennis
“The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been.” – Henry Kissinger
“Leadership does not always wear the harness of compromise.” – Woodrow Wilson
“The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.” – Jim Rohn
“The leader has to be practical and a realist, yet must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist.” – Eric Hoffer
“Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.” – John C. Maxwell
“Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.” – Peter Drucker
“The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.” – Max DePree
“To do great things is difficult; but to command great things is more difficult.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
16. “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.” – Dwight Eisenhower
“A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” – Lao Tzu
“Leadership is the ability to get extraordinary achievement from ordinary people.” – Brian Tracy
“The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.” – Kenneth Blanchard
“Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.” – George S. Patton
Leaders should always strive to live by these words of wisdom in order to become better leaders. By taking the time to reflect on these quotes, they can grow and develop in their leadership roles. Hopefully, these quotes will help you become the best leader you can be!
Website : https://leadertrip-coaching.com/blogs-/20-quotes-every-leader-needs-live-by/
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Marius Kociejowski reflects on the Soul of the Book Trade
What's not to like here? Marius Kociejowski is charming, erudite and funny. Why should you listen to him? He's just written a memoir about the soul of the book trade. What happens in bookstores doesn't happen elsewhere​ he says. The multifariousness of human nature is more on show​ here​ ​t​han anywhere else, he says, and ​"​I think it’s because of books, what they are, what they release in ourselves, and what they become when we make them magnets to our desires.”​
  The ​memoir is called A Factotum in the Book Trade.  We talk about it and the lives of the booksellers​, collectors and characters ​Marius has​​ lived ​with for close to five decades​. He reveals secrets and describes feuds. He gives us a wonderful feel for the workings of the London Antiquarian book trade over the past fifty years. Bertram and Anthony Rota, Bernard and Martin Stone, Bill Hoffer, Peter Ellis. They're all here. Have a listen. 
  (speaking of which, listening that is, thank you so much to all of you who have so loyally listened to my podcast over the years. Your attention, feedback, and friendship, has meant a great deal to me. No, I'm not quitting. Just want to express my gratitude). 
Check out this episode!
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thunderstruck9 · 7 years
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Peter Hoffer (Canadian, b. 1965), Sleeping Pine, 2017. Oil on canvas, 60 x 40 in.
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huariqueje · 10 months
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August ‐ Peter Hoffer , 2023.
Canadian, b. 1965 ‐
Acrylic, oil and resin on panel , 60 x 48 in.
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polkadotmotmot · 17 days
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Peter Hoffer - Twilight Pomme, 2024 - Acrylic and epoxy on board
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marywoodartdept · 4 years
Alumni Stories: Kat Bondi
In this month's Alumni Stories, we introduce you to design alum extraordinaire, Kat Bondi, who shares great advice with our current and future students. https://wherecreativityworks.com/alumni-stories:-kat-bondi/ #MarywoodArt
Kathryn Bondi is a Marywood alum with a stellar career. In addition to working full time as a Digital Design Manager at Posture Interactive in Scranton, PA, she’s the current President of AAF-NEPA, and one of our beloved adjunct design professors at Marywood. Meet Kat Bondi!
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Kathryn Bondi
Graduation Year & Degree: 2010, BFA 
Major: Graphic Design
Minor(s): Art History
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nacholib · 5 years
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Check out Peter Hoffer, Charlemagne (2012), From Kathryn Markel Fine Arts
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sexypinkon · 5 years
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fabioperes · 5 months
He Man COVER Orquesta GNX en Vivo GNX [email protected] https://ift.tt/Yt9eWnF Director General: Joshua Rod Productor Ejecutivo: Angie Rod VOCES LÍDERES Gilber Cáceres Bethania Ingles (Rapsodia SV) Joshua Rod (Frontera Azul) Angie Rod (Angie Fashion) Víctor Rodríguez (Sol Nocturno) BANDA ROCK Batería: Alex Cordero (Frontera Azul) Sintetizadores 1: Pablo Orellana (Frontera Azul) Guitarra Eléctrica: José Luis Jiménez (Frontera Azul) Bajo: Guillermo Damas (Frontera Azul) Sintetizadores 2: Roberto Alfaro (Rapsodia SV) CUERDAS Violín Principal: Azalea Ruano (OCFA) Violines: Carlos Rosales (Fundación ANCALMO), Diana Alvarenga (Fundación ANCALMO), Verónica Urbina (Fundación ANCALMO), Alejandra Rivera (Fundación ANCALMO) VIENTO METAL Corno Francés: Jaime Fuentes Flauta: Ángel Portillo Trompeta: Aníbal Castro Trombón: Jonatan Martinez PERSONAJES Robot: MGLX (Stellar Souls) Ninja: NEON (Luces Visual Poi) (Stellar Souls) Inspector Gadget: Norman Hernández León O: Romeo Iván Hernández Pantro: Luis Aldana Palacios Cheetara: Michelle Kastillo Tigro: William Alberto Mumm Ra (Momia): Roberto Linares Mumm Ra: Douglas Ascencio Mandrilo: Luizmi Aldana Production Manager: Aby Rod Road Manager: Boris Martines Trajes y Accesorios: ANGIE FASHION Body Paint: Jaime Castro Filme durante el 6° aniversario del programa de TV PICANTE SABROSO de El Salvador, Teatro Presidente, 8 de septiembre de 2016, Especial (Temas de Caricaturas) por la Orquesta de Rock Sinfónico formada por músicos cantantes y artistas Salvadoreños desde el julio del 2015, dedicada a los covers de algunos Intros de caricaturas de los 80's y 90's transmitidos en latino-américa. GNX nace con el objetivo de llevar emoción y nostalgia a la generación "X" (personas que nacieron entre los años 1965 a 1995) al recordar sus series y caricaturas favoritas, y en homenaje a grandes compositores, autores, creadores e interpretes Americanos y Latinoamericanos de esa época tales como: Rankin/Bass Animated Entertainmen Bernie Hoffer, Heart (SilverHawks)(Thunder Cats) Intertrack Studios Mexico Ricardo Silva (voz oficial en español de mas de 500 Intros) -(Teddy Ruxpin)Ken Forsse, Andrew Huggett -(Chip and Dale)Walt Disney Animation Studios -(Dragon Ball Z)Akira Toriyama, Shunsuke Kikuchi, Hironobu Kageyama Ray Parker Jr. (Ghostbusters) Mazinger Z (Ichiro Mizuki) Capitán Memo (voz oficial en español) -(Pequeña Lulú) Nippon Animation -(Ulises 31)Jean Chalopin, Nina Wolmark -(He Man) Roger Sweet, Mattel Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird, David Wise (Tortugas Ninja) Jean Chalopin, Andy Heyward, Bruno Bianchi (Inspector Gadget) Johanna Spyri Hoyt Curtin Hanna-Barbera (Heidi) via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOCw7bWVJsI
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