#Peter Rawlik
PERFECT STOCKING STUFFER! "Sea Legs" available in Lovecraftian Microfiction Vol. 8!
PERFECT STOCKING STUFFER! “Sea Legs” available in Lovecraftian Microfiction Vol. 8!
How CUTE is this tiny book on a Christmas tree? I’m thrilled to announce that my piece, “Sea Legs,” is now available in Lovecraftian Microfiction Volume 8! “Sea Legs” is one of thirteen winners in the 2022 H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival and CthulhuCon Microfiction Contest, and the collection makes the perfect stocking stuffer (tiny trim size is so cute too!!). It’s also two books in one, with Tales…
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bookwormsnook · 5 months
My review of the audiobook The Weird Company, The Secret History of H. P. Lovecraft’s Twentieth Century, by Peter Rawlik and narrated by Oliver Wyman.
My other reviews at Goodreads: https://tinyurl.com/3f2ru7n6
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theliterarywolf · 2 years
Cthulhu taking "Eau de Toilette" literally since billions before human existence. Stank boiiiiii. Also, isn't he the guy with the daughter Cthylla, who, if he dies, is going to give birth to him again? Just wanting to clarify.
Come on, we're talking about Elder gods and Old ones. You're really thinking that they don't have ancient means of keeping clean? Don't go sounding like the people who thought that just because one or two kingdoms in the older ages of Europe were kind of rank meant that NO ONE in that time period across the globe knew how to make soap.
Also, in regards to Cthylla: she wasn't part of Lovecraft's original mythos, she was created by Brian Lumly for his Titus Crow books. Other writers who incorporated her into their interpretations of the Mythos include Tina L. Jens (who really leaned into the 'Cthulhu sired Cthylla with Idh-yaa so, in case he was killed, he could be resurrected via Cthylla's womb' thing) and Peter Rawlik (who decided that Cthylla would actually be an arranged bride for Hastur, The King in Yellow)
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weirdletter · 4 years
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Weird Tails: A Fantastic Folio of Freakishly Feline Fables, edited by Robert Poyton, Innsmouth Gold, 2020. Cover art by Graveheart Designs, info: innsmouth-gold.myshopify.com.
Us humans have held a fascination with cats since the days of the Pharaohs. Within the breast of even the most domesticated moggy burns the heart of a tiger! Cats have featured heavily in weird and supernatural fiction, including Poe and, of course, that great lover of cats, HP Lovecraft. This 190 page anthology gathers 13 new works from the Innsmouth Writing Circle with a distinctly feline theme. Tales and poems from Ulthar, from ancient times, the modern day and even the far future. You may never look at that snoozing kitty in the same way again...
Contents: Of Sand and Dreams – Ian Delacroix Synchronicity – Russell Smeaton What Atal Saw – Miguel Fliguer Mouser – John Houlihan The Odysseus File – Robert Poyton Roadkill – Andy Joynes The Shadow of Xiom-Thogg – B. Harlan Crawford Children of the Night  – Lara Poyton The Last Days of Ulthar – Peter Rawlik The Cat and the Somnambulist – Luna Z. Mesvell Dreams in the Land Of – Mike Slater A Gorey Demise – Shelley De Cruz Lovecraft and Cats – J DeLaughter The Cats – H.P. Lovecraft Biographies
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johannesviii · 5 years
(...) The cover blurb lured me in with talk of new authors mingling with veterans of the Mythos, as well as the fact that lesser-known deities within the Mythos would be covered; while I can happily read about Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep and Tsathoggua for eons at a time, it is nice to see some different Great Old Ones and their hangers-on get some time in the limelight. However what made me want to review the collection more than anything was Johannes Chazot’s gorgeous piece of cover art, a wonderfully ethereal piece with a striking use of colour which perfectly evokes the dream-like realm of Carcosa, and its enigmatic patron entity The King in Yellow. (...)
I can’t stop crying guys I’m so happy
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skookworks · 4 years
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The Morgan Clan Cousins grew up. We’re kickstarting a collection of six novellas featuring them as adults.  Dreams and Nightmares by Peter Rawlik – Artist and gallery owner by day, secret paranormal investigator and spirit medium by night, Donald Sutton does his best to make sure these parts of his life are kept separate. After a particularly frightening investigation he decided to take a break from ghost hunting. He begins spending more and more time exploring the Dreamlands, a skill he learned as a child from his cousin Melba Sutton. However, when taking photographs at a Kingsport Congregational Hospital for their annual Christmas party, he encounters the beautiful and mysterious stranger, Ms. Aspinwall. Not only does she somehow know his secret work as a paranormal psychic but she desperately needs his help with a haunting in the hospital’s Mariner’s Ward. But the winter solstice is a dangerous time for spirit mediums, especially in Kingsport, because the veils between worlds and realities become perilously thin. The collection can be supported here -https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/golden-goblin-press/growing-up-overnight-two-horror-short-story-collections/description Thank you for checking it out!
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legendsoftabletop · 5 years
169 Pete Rawlik - Strange Company and Others
169 Pete Rawlik – Strange Company and Others
I am happy to have Pete Rawlik back on the show again!
One of the most prolific modern Lovecraftian authors, Peter Rawlik has established a catalog of horrific tales spanning numerous universes, often paying homage to the titans of horror fiction. With over fifty short stories to his name and several…
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robertwronski · 6 years
Darker Shades
I’m told that Darker Shades, the Dorian Gray anthology from Wild Hunt Press, is projected for a Halloween release.
This anthology has all authors who have been on the TVCU Podcast: Peter Rawlik, Micah Harris, T. Casey Brennan, Zahir Al Daoud (as David MacDowell Blue), Ivan Ronald Schablotski (as Kevin Heim), Christofer Nigroand Robyn Wronski (as Robert E. Wronski, Jr.)
And the stories are pat of…
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shoggothnet · 7 years
Review: Reanimatrix by Peter Rawlik
Review: Reanimatrix by Peter Rawlik
Reanimatrix by Peter Rawlik Reanimatrix is the third in a series of books written by Peter Rawlik that focuses on a world that Peter has built out of H.P. Lovecraft’s works focused around the story Herbert West: Reanimator. In the previous stories in Rawlik’s world, he’s introduced his own reanimators and several other characters, but weaves them into the Lovecraft mythos flawlessly so that you…
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mensan98th · 7 years
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Panel discussion on Dark Crimes: The Weird in Noir Fiction. Panelists: Paul Di Filippo, Cody Goodfellow, Lois Gresh, Peter Rawlik, Rory Raven (moderator), Sonya Taaffe. #Lovecraft #NecronomiConPVD #writing #noir (at Westin Providence Hotel)
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weirdletter · 4 years
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Skelos: The Journal of Weird Fiction and Dark Fantasy, Volume 1; Number 4, edited by Mark Finn, Chris Gruber, Jeffrey Shanks, and Frank Coffman, Skelos Press, Fall 2020.  Interior illustrations by Gustave Doré, Mike Dubish, Victor Hugo, Rachek Kahn, Allen Koszowski, Mark Maddox, Jim Pitts, Michael H. Prince, Andrea Rushing, Jeffrey Shanks, Timoty Truman, George E. Tyrner, Bill Willingham. Cover art by Edmond Dulac, back cover by Alfred Kubin, info: Facebook.
Skelos: The Journal of Weird Fiction and Dark Fantasy returns with its long-awaited fourth issue. And what a return it is! In a special tribute to legendary late Texas author Bill Crider we present one of his pulpiest and wildest adventure tales. Bill Willingham, award-winning creator of Fables, makes his Skelos debut with an illustrated fantasy yarn. Adrian Cole delves back into antediluvian times with a full-length novelette featuring Henry Kuttner’s Elak of Atlantis. Peter Rawlik takes us through the Gates of the Silver Key with a Lovecraftian sword-and-planet story. Charles R Rutledge’s occult detective Carter Decamp investigates the pages of Skelos for the first time. Milton Davis returns with the first installment of a multipart sword-and-soul novelette. Cynthia Ward invites us to dwell amidst wonder and glory for ever in the depths of the Pacific. Chris Gruber concludes his bloody, gripping weird western novelette. Issue 4 will feature many more dark tales and macabre verse that will test the limits of your sanity, with short fiction by Amanda DeWees, Darrell Grizzle, Mary Marshall Highet, and Cliff Biggers; poetry by Chad Hensley, Shannon Connor Winward, William Patrick Murray, Frank Coffman, and Darrell Schweitzer. Special features including an interview with Dracula expert and Bram Stoker descendent, Dacre Stoker; an illustrated classic gothic ballad by Michael H. Price and George Turner; non-fiction essays by Scott Connors, Karen Joan Kohoutek, and Weird Tales legend Donald Wandrei; reviews by Bobby Dee, Dave Brzeski, and Mike Hunter. And to top it off, amazing illustrations by Timothy Truman, Bill Willingham, Jim Pitts, Andrea Rushing, Mark Maddox, Allen Koszowski, Mike Dubisch, and others.
Short Fiction Among the Antropophagai – Bill Crider Corner Table in the Back – Bill Willingham The Ghost Stones of Mthura – Peter Rawlik Dreams of Salt – Cynthia Ward Born in Strange Shadow – Charles R. Rutledge The Most Frightening Story in the World – Amanda DeWees Under the Blood – Darrell Z. Grizzle Fetch – Marshall Highet Postcards from Lovecraft – Cliff Biggers
Novelettes Revenge of the Sorcerer – Adrian Cole Risen – Part 1 – Milton J. Davis Dead River Revenge – Part 2 – Chris Gruber
Poetry The White Trash Black Wizard – Chad Hensley Eve. Awakening. – Shannon Connor Winward The Night Angel – Will Murray Beyond the Veil – Frank Coffman Romance – Darrell Schweitzer
Essays Wieland: Charles Brockden Brown's American Horror Story – Karen Joan Kohoutek Wandrei on Clark Ashton Smith: An Introduction to "Emperor of Dreams" – Scott Connors Emperor of Dreams – Donald Wandrei
Special Features Innsmouth Bus Driver – Frontispiece by Mark Maddox Skull Session – Editorial by Mark Finn and Scott Cupp By Crom! – Rachel Kahn Curteous King Jamie – Matthew Gregory Lewis. Illustrated adaptation by George E. Turner and Scott Cupp Dracula's Descendant: An Interview with Dacre Stoker – Anthony Taylor Contributors
The Bone Yard – Reviews Dave Brzeski, Bobby Derie, Mike Hunter
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weirdletter · 4 years
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Children of Lovecraft Country: Six stories of growing up in Arkham, Kingsport, Dunwich and Innsmouth, edited by Brian M. Sammons and Oscar Rios, Golden Goblin Press, 2020. Cover art by David Lee Ingersoll, info: goldengoblinpress.com.
When the dark and malevolent forces of the Cthulhu Mythos gaze upon mankind’s inhumanity towards his fellow man, it casts a long and dark shadow from our own inner darkness. These seven stories explore such shadows, with tales of all-too-familiar evils further darkened by the corruption of the Cthulhu Mythos.
Contents: Ghosts & Monsters (Kingsport) by Peter Rawlik Dreams of Dunwich (Dunwich) by Glynn Owen Barrass Witchlights (Dunwich) by Christine Morgan Luck be With You (Arkham) by Brian M. Sammons George Weedon and The Mystery of Emily Keane (Arkham) by Lee Clark Zumpe Blood and the Deep Blue Sea (Innsmouth) by Oscar Rios
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weirdletter · 4 years
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Shadows of an Inner Darkness: Stories of the Struggle Against Eldritch Horrors & Our Own Inhumanity, edited by Brian Sammons, Golden Goblin Press, 2020. Cover art by Reuben Dodd, info: goldengoblinpress.com.
When the dark and malevolent forces of the Cthulhu Mythos gaze upon mankind’s inhumanity towards his fellow man, it casts a long and dark shadow from our own inner darkness. These seven stories explore such shadows, with tales of all-too-familiar evils further darkened by the corruption of the Cthulhu Mythos.
Contents: The Parkland Experiments by William Meikle Carrion Crows by Peter Rawlik By Unknown Hands by Edward M. Erdelac A Ghastly Industry by Lee Clark Zumpe The Last Appointment by Oscar Rios Man of the House by Christine Morgan Heart Mountain by Glynn Owen Barrass
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weirdletter · 5 years
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Ancestors & Descendants: Lovecraftian Prequels and Sequels, edited by Robert Poyton, Innsmouth Gold, 2019. Cover art and illustrations by Graveheart Designs, info: innsmouthgold.com.
Ancestors — we all have them. Family lines that extend deep into the past and, sometimes, into the future. The works of H.P. Lovecraft are full of references to twisted family trees, evil ancestors, and degenerate descendants. Inheritance and legacy, rebirth and decay. This anthology explores both prequels and sequels to Lovecraftian tales. Seventeen stories that tell of the descendants of Randolph Carter and of the aftermath of the fateful 1928 Innsmouth raid. You will discover the dark history of the de la Poers, read of the early days of the artist Pickman, and learn the secrets of Erich Zann. From downtown Arkham to distant Venus, from the dawn of time to the far flung future; this unique collection, by authors old and new, seeks to expand and explore the rich Mythos legacy left to us by the Father of the Weird Tale.
Contents: The Events at Exham Priory – Robert Poyton A Brief Delay on the Road to San Bernardino – B Harlan Crawford Sympathetic Vibrations – Lee Clark Zumpe His Last Summer – Russell Smeaton Portrait of the Artist – Frank Coffman The Acquisition of Mariah Lieberman – Peter Rawlik The Shadow Over America – John Houlihan Crepitus – Mark Jenkins Whatever Happened to Bobby Lee? – Eduardo Peret Bad Dream – Chris Halliday The Derelict in the Dock – John A DeLaughter The Lullaby of Erich Zann – GK Lomax Twilight of the Gods – Glynn Owen Barrass Memories – Tony Bradbury Nyarlathotep 2030 (or A Dark Carnival) – Ian Delacroix Beneath the Walls of Eryx – Dickon Springate The Nyarlathotep Experience – Miguel Fliguer
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weirdletter · 6 years
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The Chromatic Court, edited by Peter Rawlik, 18thWall Productions, 2019. Cover art and internal illustrations by Johannes Chazot, info: 18thwall.com.
Have you ever been haunted by a work of art? You may not be merely captured by the craft, but by something that lies in the work’s depths. Something admiring you as you admire it. Do you know the King in Yellow? The Sepia Prince? The Duke of Rust? Have you heard their whispers coming to you from dried up parchment and faded photographs? Maybe another member of the King’s court has lit upon your life, casting shadows and doubts. Do you worship them, fear them, revere them, or simply seek to understand them? These hallowed nobles who hold court around the King. Each noble holds an artform in their wavelength. For their color to shine, that art must practiced. There are no older or younger members of the court. Each has existed since before time was a concept they entertained. All of culture has evolved to suit their needs. Art is in the eye of the beholder, and color is only an abstract concept. The Chromatic Court is very real, you reading this has assured that...
A Lovecraftian dark fantasy collection from Peter Rawlik, featuring all new stories by: Glynn Owen Barass, David Bernard, Jon Black, Simon Butcher-Jones, John Linwood Grant, Micah S. Harris, Rick Lai, MaTT Loughlin, Paul StJohn Mackintosh, Christine Morgan, Logan Noble, & Joseph S. Pulver Sr.
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weirdletter · 6 years
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Caravans Awry, edited by Duane Pesice, Planet X Publications, 2018. Cover art by Yves Tourigny, info: amazon.com.
Tales of carnival knowledge imparted by ringmasters & roustabouts, wranglers & the restless dead. Hit the road and follow the circus down Route 66 where you'll meet con-artists, freaks, jugglers, & clowns; and while their antics aren't always nice, they never fail to entertain!
Contents: Introduction – Duane Pesice Caravans Awry – Maxwell Ian Gold Within in the Darkness of the Carnivále – Donald Armfield The Association – Duane Pesice An Autumnal Stain – Matthew St. Cyr A Circus of Crows – Russell Smeaton The Devil’s Circus – Adam Bolivar The Sundowners – Sarah Walker Nanosophobia – Alan Sessler My Summer Job – Ralph Rotten The Side Unshown – Frank Coffman The Tulsa Devil – TE Morgan Two Silver Dollars – Scott J. Couturier Sometimes We Come – Shayne Keen Carnival Siren – KA Opperman Ice – Jill Hand Calliope Comes Back – Peter Rawlik The Price of Admission – Maxwell Ian Gold Cannibal – Ashley Dioses A Day At The Circus – E.O. Daniels A Tale Of Two Mirrors – James Fallweather Pie Town – Sean M. Thompson Wires – John Linwood Grant LOOP – SL Edwards The Pumpkin Juggler – KA Opperman The Procurer – John Paul Fitch The Mother Road – Can Wiggins Red Right Hand – William Tea Carnivale ad Litteram – Frank Coffman An Afterword – Duane Pesice
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