#Petit Brabancon tour in September
yridenergyridenergy · 6 months
May I ask, do you know if there’s anything planned for Dir En Grey after the European tour? Did they share any plans?
Hi! They have Tour24 Psychonnect spanning from April to June in Japan. It will in part serve to debut their next single, "The Devil In Me", at the end of April. Then, Kyo will be busy with sukekiyo in July and August, followed by his third band Petit Brabancon in September.
Not guaranteed, but it would be reasonable to expect another Dir en grey tour in Japan at the end of the year!
(By the way, if you are interested in seeing Dir en grey in Japan, do keep in mind that the World Expo will significantly increase traffic in that country between mid-April to mid-October 2025. I would personally avoid Japan during that period.)
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kyotakumrau · 3 years
Assuming that the border should be open by the time Petit Brabancon tour has started, the best way for an overseas fan to get tickets would be use a service since e+ doesn't accept overseas customers? I really want to go see this band!!!
Besides the fact it's hard to tell what will be the border situation next September (and before tourists there are workers and students waiting as well)
you also have to consider the fact that they use スマチケ・Smart ticket app (app from eplus) that you need to access the ticket. So if everything goes well you still need to find a way to register with eplus and install the app when you come to Japan.
And there's also this point from terms and conditions you need to agree to before you can apply for the ticket:
◆以下の5項目に該当する方は当日ご入場をお断りさせていただきます。① 公演2週間以内に海外渡航歴のある方で陰性証明が不可能な方
They can refuse entry to people who traveled/came from abroad and can't provide a negative PCR test result.
Last, you need to have COCOA app (govt's infection tracking app, pretty useless but required at some events) installed on your phone before the concert day - at MUCC shows they actually made us open it and check the status.
So if you choose to apply for the tickets it's at your own risk (I'd make sure your shopping service would be okay with helping you sell the tickets if things are still not good travel wise).
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yridenergyridenergy · 2 years
*sukekiyo releasing something new* me looking at my bankaccount, "saa shjiitt here we go again"
No kidding...
August - Fetish album by Petit Brabancon
September - The Final Days DVD by Dir en grey
October - AMOR music+video collection by sukekiyo
And shipping increased exponentially so it makes almost no sense to pay $100+ for shipping three months in a row...
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