#imagine being in Japan and being able to go to all those shows
foone · 3 months
AAA games? Pfft. Indie games? Double pfft.
I only play games from the alternate history where Hillary Clinton was elected in 2008 and banned all video games. You can only imagine how weird their underground gaming scene is. People like to call unlicensed games "bootlegs" but they've got actual bootlegged games! I've played games about helping your grandmother in hospice care realize she's a lesbian by reading Sappho to her, at 2am in a speakeasy in Baltimore. The cops raided it the next night, hundreds of Gamers were arrested. They posted pictures all over Friendster of the Baltimore PD destroying the arcades with axes.
I nearly got busted once because I was imaging old disks from a 386 and someone tipped off the gaming cops that there was a copy of Commander Keen in there. I had to prove that I didn't know it, I was imaging the disks blind and then indexing them later, and I would of course turn over any contraband to the proper authorities.
I was already on a watch list because I'd been known to have some gamedev-related activities pre-ban. They can't arrest me for making games back in 2007 when it was still legal, but they do want to keep an eye on me since I have the skills to break the law.
Anyway that universe's bootlegs are mainly PC games. Can't really have console games if there hasn't been a console release since the Wii/PS3/360 era. At one point Nintendo threatened to release the Wii SDK so game devs in the US could make unlicensed games, but that didn't happen as there were quickly no functional Wiis left in the US, except for very rare holdouts that never move. PC games are easy to distribute samizdat and hide on a USB stick or CD-R labeled "nickelback".
Japan's games industry is still going, so the later Nintendo and Sony consoles still exist, but Microsoft got out of the business of course. They sold the franchise to Sega who were hoping to release the 360 successor (the Xbox One in our universe) as the Sega Phoenix but it never materialized, either through their own financial incompetence or because of pressure from the US. There's a lot of international treaties that the US has pushed "and this aid only goes through if you ban games" clauses into. That would have been an official UN resolution if the USSR hadn't vetoed it. For once, thank God for the security council, eh?
I mainly get my gaming news through Japanese gaming sites (through a set of VPNs, since they're blocked at the border firewall), and some tor onion site run by a weird guy in Minnesota who is obsessed with documenting all the underground US games.
There's a lot being worked on, but it's always a tricky trade off. Too much attention and the police might be able to track down the creators, and it's basically impossible to fund underground games, as the VISA/PayPal etc funds get seized immediately. There's a whole task force for that.
Anyway one of the weirdest differences between our two time lines is that they've gone back and edited out gaming from a bunch of movies. Those that they can, of course. War games was just banned because they couldn't remove the tic tac toe ending. The Net just removed the scene at the beginning where she's playing Wolfenstein 3D, by recording some new screen footage and a new voice over. She's fixing a spreadsheet in the new edition.
(Yes, I've seen The Net from this alternate timeline. On Laserdisc, of course. I'm just that kind of person!)
They even edited Star Wars. You know that scene where R2-D2 is playing holochess with Chewie? They edited it to be a board game instead of holograms, because that made it too "video gamey".
Technically it's not illegal to show gaming in a movie, but it needs to be an 18+ film and you have to show the deleterious effects of gaming and/or the gamesters coming to a bad end.
This has affected films less than you'd think, to be honest. They were never great about showing video games even before they banned them.
Anyway, go have fun playing your AAA games with hundred-million-dollar budgets. I only play indie games made by people under a constant threat of arrest for their art.
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earthtooz · 2 years
rin ACCIDENTALLY publicizing ur relationship bec mf got jealous as hell when ur face appeared in the kiss cam IN HIS GAME??????? WITH A RANDOM GUY AND WAS HE FUMING??? YOU AND I KNOW HE WAS THROWIN HANDS
thats all
I'M HEARING YOU OUT. warning for unrealistic scenario, i wrote this in like 20 minutes so it's unedited :p apologies for any mistakes.
imagine being rin's secret partner, the one he keeps behind closed doors because he values you too much to let the invasive eyes of the internet see. he values your relationship too much to let it get tarnished by social media, so he hides any affiliation with you like his life depends on it, only to come home and shower you with the adoration and affection he wishes he could show to the rest of the world.
in the spotlight, he is itoshi rin, japan's prized striker, their golden player, but when he's out of the spotlight, he is your lover. the man who drapes himself over you when things get too rough and he needs a breather. he is yours to cherish, where you have to change your phone wallpaper every other week because there's so many good photos of you two. he is yours to love, he is yours to go to when you feel too lonely, he is yours.
but also imagine, itoshi rin's jealousy and possessiveness no longer being able to rest at bay. it'd been accumulating for the past few weeks, this desire to show you off and boast that it's him who gets to know you like no other.
then the cup overfills, his jealousy tearing him by the seams that he loosely stitched together to withhold this carnal beast resting within him.
all because of a damn kiss cam.
you had been sitting in the vip section of the stadium- where special members are granted tickets, and even though you tell rin that it's fine for you to just sit in the general area, he refuses and tells you that he's bought you the ticket anyway. leaving you with no room for arguments. well. not that there was any to begin with.
anyways, you'd just so happen to sit next to someone who bought vip tickets with no affiliation with any blue lock members. you think he's just a die hard fan, so when he asks you if you like them, you lie and say that you won these tickets at a raffle.
the guy wasn't the most favourable person ever, in fact, you found yourself awkwardly responding to what he was saying, sometimes giving him short and succinct replies because of how... weird... he was. not to be disrespectful but you did not like his vibes. you just hope these 90 minutes can be over quickly.
yeah well, how funny is it that the kiss cam lands on you and the insufferable guy beside you?
you're mortified when you see it on the screen but the person beside you doesn't warrant the same reaction. immediately, he turns to face you, anticipation heavy on his features. in fact, he looks rather... excited...
"no, no, i have a boyfriend, i-" you begin abruptly as he leans in and you have no choice but to helplessly lean back, evading his lips and delaying it as much as you can. you even try rejecting him by frantically waving your hands, panicked and unsure of what to do.
until you hear him.
"back. the. fuck. off!" comes a shout from the pitch; the voice very familiar to your ears that you can't help but instantly relax from hearing it.
your seat was relatively close to the field which meant that those around you could hear the distinct voice of itoshi rin ripping through the air, fury evident and baring its fangs as he all but punches the barrier with each word.
however, everyone in the stadium could see itoshi rin as all cameras pan to him, witnessing his wrath as he shouts from the top of his voice. everyone around you is silent and you don't know whether you want to shrivel up into the ground or run to him and embrace him as tightly as you can. to find sanctuary in his warmth, away from the pushy guy who can't wrap his head around the idea that no means no.
itoshi rin decides for you, effortlessly jumping over the (considerably high???) barrier and making a beeline for you, skipping some stairs. thank goodness for a side seat because he comes to a stop before you, adrenaline still coursing through his veins as he looks at you with heated passion, huffing and puffing.
"rin?" you whisper. he doesn't hear it, looking up at the various stadium screens to see if the kiss cams were still on you. smirking in satisfaction when he realises they are, rin all but pulls you up from your seat and kisses you with so much intensity and fervour that you feel lightheaded. very much so.
the stadium is cheering but you can't focus on it, not when rin's holding you to him so closely, practically trying to meld you to him. not even trying to push him away is enough to snap him out of whatever primal instinct has taken over him, so you grab his face and jerk away from him, not wanting to get too carried away.
before you can utter a word, rin looks behind you, and the coldness in his expression says everything you need to know.
he doesn’t care about dignity at this point. he just needed the world to know that you were his.
"you're dead if you try that again, you lukewarm fuckface," he then turns to you. you shiver from the intensity of his gaze. "i'll kill him next time," he promises before hugging you close to him once again, practically glaring at the cameras. "i'll kill anyone who tries to get to close."
THANK YOU FOR THIS ANON would u believe me if i said i'd been waiting for an opportunity like this? well i'm speaking the truth and i'm so glad u gave me the opportunity i've been waiting for AYEEEEEEE COME BACK ANY TIME YOU ARE SO WELCOME ON THE EARTHTOOZ BLOG, PRETTY <33
© EARTHTOOZ 2023, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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kanmom51 · 2 months
Are you sure? 1st trailer
Well well well.
1st trailer for our most anticipated show of the year just landed.
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We got a super wholesome, what looks to be chaos filled trailer, with what has most likely become a full on continuous banter between those two of "are you sure?".🤣
39 seconds trailer and so much to break down. And to take it all in you have to watch it time after time after time, every time noticing something new. Can you imagine what we'll be going through when the actual show comes out? Lmao. This is going to be absolute torture for the cult (already creating an alternate reality where Tae was there, and even showed up in the trailer - the umbrella shot). I might even feel sorry for them. Nope. I really don't.🤣
Ok, so let's start to break this down. What did we get?
They both look so happy. This is them. Together. Freedom looks so good on them. Can you imagine? Being able to travel just the two of them, experience the things they love.
For JM it's travelling and sight seeing, for JK it's being with JM and the experiences, not to mention the randomness of it:
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(And while they didn't go to 130911 - funny how the 13-10 and 9-1 are there, eh? - they got to do the random part of it, as much as their circumstances allowed it).
All with minimum interference from staff and fans that might recognize them. Freedom to do this just the two of them, all in the guise of work. This show, you have to understand, gave them a once in a lifetime opportunity to do this out in the open without all those unnecessary questions that would follow otherwise. This gives them the option to be together, be themselves, without having to cross that line that they still might want to, but have the choice of deciding if and when that will happen.
And we will see that in the editing. What we are allowed to see and what we aren't allowed to see (out of hours and hours of footage not to mention the hours and hours that weren't filmed). Just how far they will go. And that is also why I am positive that the two were fully involved in the editing of the show, them giving the final word.
This here:
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It's not for nothing that JM brings this up. This is how they felt. Especially there and then. July 2023. In CT. Following a grueling year. With JK's full on promotions and crazy stressful schedule to come. Feeling free in the moment is what they felt indeed.
Can you even imagine how they were feeling during their Japan trip?😭😭
Let's unfold a little more of what this trailer gave us.
We got JK's JM smile. You just cannot fake it.
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We already recognize it.
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And talking about faking it, another blow for all the antis. Cry, scream, have a tantrum. None of them will change the FACT that both JK and JM wanted this and were having the time of their lives.
The way JK looks in the mirror to check out his bae.💜
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Check on/check out same same. He wanted to see that cute ass face JM was making, cause no one loves cutie goofy dorky JM as much as JK does. NO ONE!!! Fight me on this!!
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But it's not a one timer. As mentioned JK is smiling all of the time. They both are so happy, and it makes me happy to see how happy they were.
We have a sunset 'date'.
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They do like those.
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Golden hour and all.
And the moon gazing too. I wonder if we will be getting that as well...
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*Side note - that moment is such an underrated oh so very intimate moment.
And talking about dates and romance and intimacy, this moment here:
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Although the trailer is very innocent, just two bros on trips together having fun together, especially to those that don't know JM and JK, those that are unaware of just how close those two are, those that haven't seen RB or Hickeygate or Melon 2018 or even watched JK's 2023 lives. Those that just don't see. This moment here is anything but a 'bro' moment. Sorry. It just ain't.
Watching the clouds. Drawing the clouds.
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We have them sharing a hat. Nothing new them sharing clothes and accessories.
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We also got the black and white couple once again.
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Is this one more of those Jikook in their own world moments?
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And this moment here:
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This is so Jikook. In the rain. Messing around. Can't wait to see this in context.
This is but a drop in the sea of what we will be getting.
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And just before I wrap things up, let's get back to my fave word -
It was definitely a choice to have both SGMB and SNTY as sound tracks to this 39 second teaser.
Using 2 songs for such a short trailer. Basically bookending (again?) the trailer with those two songs.
Using their 2 songs, not surprising.
Using those specific 2 songs, well, that was a choice indeed.
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Crazy thoughts incoming, so feel free to skip.
But having SGMB at the start - a song about confessing your love and being open about your love for each other - even more so playing during those not so 'bro' moments on the yacht (sunset and cloud watching together), and then playing SNTY at the end - the song about fighting for your love, not letting those that don't approve of it separate you, weathering through hardships - seeing them still together and giggly and happy, they have overcome it, they are committed and happy.
This is going to be friggin amazing, and I just cannot wait for it.
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corrupted-nightshade · 5 months
List of things that point towards Gojo Satoru & Geto Suguru being kissers of boys with connections to eachother
(If they did kiss though is another story)
Note: the list will be divided into different sections with space in between. So don't go speed scrolling through if you don't want spoilers. :"3
Some of these are less serious, but are still included because all the more content for these two sillies.
--- Last updated: April 26th, 2024 Note: Make sure to check the original post if viewing a reblog version in case Tumblr does not update things under the "read more" like it used to be able to.
572. This number is used frequently as a ship number for the two as "GoGe" the ship name can also be produced as "GoNatsu". Go means 5 and the rest sound similar to 72. These numbers ironically show up accross the series a few times and also in official merch. (Some examples being a clock in season 2 episode 1 stopped at 5 hours 7 minutes 20 seconds or a Gojo teddy bear priced at ¥57,200)
JJK official fanbook
"Q: Please tell us his first impression when he first met Geto. A: Bangs."
"Q: He seems to be aware that he is handsome, but doesn't he want a lover? A: I can't imagine Gojo being faithful to a particular woman."
"Q: Is there anything you are particular about Geto's character design? A: Bangs"
One of Gojo's songs & one of Geto's songs given to them. "Shame on you" by "Avicii" (a break up song) for Gojo and "Come back Home" by "Two door cinema club" for Geto. Stated in volume 3 chapter 24.
The sheer amount of times Geto shows up in MMVs for Gojo and how they display the impact Geto had on Gojo (For example, the latest MMV for volume 26's release)
Their birthday's solar terms tying in with parts. (Geto being "Risshun" beginning of spring & Gojo being "Taisetsu" heavy snow.)
Rings for them that were released on August 8th, which is "Pairing day" in Japan
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Jujutsu Kaisen 0
Geto's kesa is specifically a Gojo kesa
Gojo stating in 0 that
"I've always believed... ...Love manifests the most distorted curses." / "This is my personal theory, but there's no curse more twisted than love."
Even after 10 years, Gojo recognized Geto's smell. (The mall scene after Yuta & Toge fought the curse)
Geto renaming someone to "Sato" because
"That's what I've decided, so Sato is better."
This sunset scene
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Gojo's veil is black & Geto's veil is white. Gojo's veil causes darkness, Geto's does not. [Peep who reminded me]
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The song "This is pure love" not only plays over Yuta & Rika vs Geto, but also plays over Geto & Gojo's conversation
The way that Geto looks at Gojo & says his name, and how Gojo looks at Geto & says his name
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Geto's blushing face at Gojo that we were robbed of in the anime
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Some of the lines from the JJK 0 light novel lines
"Yet Gojo's bandage-covered eyes kept watching, kept following the shape of Geto's soul."
"But to Gojo Satoru, he was —— '————, ————' '...ha.' When he heard the words Gojo blurted out, Geto couldn't help but laugh. Such embarrassing [...] words. Even why they were students, those words had never been said before. 'You should've at least cursed me a little before the end.' December 24, 2017. The curse called Geto had been well and truly exorcised."
Season 1
JJK Juju stroll
"Q: What kind of person is your type?" Gojo: "[...]The one who seemed nice. With the notable bangs."
yes, i know who he stated but the way he answered was so half arsed as he struggled to come up with an answer as an example of his type. 💀
Season 2
Again, the way they look at each other and say each other's names (There's another picture with Gojo looking at Geto, but I'm missing it right now)
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They literally even have a themed honeymoon place???
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Geto makes sure Gojo has his favorite soda. :3
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Part 1 / volume 8 - 9
The intro for season 2 part 1
"Even after I got to know the smell of you, different from mine"
"In such a color as if it were a silent love"
"I've got a curse word for you stuck in the back of my throat"
The outro for season 2 part 1:
"Even trivial conversations are fine Show me your blushing face once more"
"It only exists here I want to touch you"
The fish in the outro
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The flowers in the intro & outro. [Peep who reminded me]
The purple ones (Located on table in the part where older Gojo is sitting in a chair by a window) are possibly Primula/Primrose flowers. They can represent young love, beauty, desire, desperate, and can be a symbol of spring and renewal/new beginnings. etc.
The yellow ones (Located in the part where Gojo & Geto are sitting together with their hands & cans of soda surrounded by the flowers) are possibly osmanthus flowers. They can represent love, passion, happiness, beauty, etc.
[See here , here, here , here , here , here ]
Geto not answering Tsukumo Yuki's question of what kind of woman is his type more than once
When Geto is asked by Haibara if he would like a sweet or savory souvenir, Geto says
"Satoru will probably have some too, so maybe something sweet."
Part 2 / volume 11
This whole image (Geto in the glasses on the left, and Kenjaku's silhouette on Gojo's face on the right)
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Season 2 part 2's "Specialz" intro hidden meaning
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Despite the following about Geto's state, Geto's body still instinctively reacted to stop Kenjaku from hurting Gojo.
"Q: Fake Geto's arm was moving during the Shibuya Incident, but how much of Geto's consciousness remains in the body? A: Not much. He was moving like how a dragonfly whose neck was torn off can move."
Fun fact: Some owls pair/bond for life (Whether the owl is supposed to be Geto's because Kenjaku is using Geto at the time or it's not Geto's animal because that is Kenjaku is up to you)
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Volume 26
The Camilla flowers with snow. Not only do they represent Gojo well with their meaning, including one meaning being unchanging/strong love alongside modest love / beauty for pink, but flowers are given to different dates. The birth flower of February is this flower, said to bloom on the 3rd of this month. Aka Geto's birthday.
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Chapter 236
Gojo actively chose to fight on December 24th (a day considered romantic for Japan) which is now the day both Geto and him have died on. Even Kenjaku acknowledges the days significance with
"Ha ha! How romantic. Isn't it gross to make plans with each other on Christmas eve?"
These lines
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Both Gojo & Geto's volumes' numbers can have bad meanings in Japan. 4 can mean death & 9 can mean to suffer/agony. (I put this under volume 26's section because of the spoiler)
There's likely more, but this is what we could think of right now. XD If you have anything you want to add on, feel free to send it my way because the more help the better & easier this is. (^w^ ) Same for any corrections to the list (as it's just me writing up this post and I may make slip ups)
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nartml · 3 months
Should Oikawa have gone to Shiratorizawa?
It's a well known fact that Oikawa, soon after graduation, left off to join the Argentinian Volleyball League.
Now, Oikawa was never able to beat Ushijima, which probably played a bigger role in his decision to immigrate to the other side of the world than you might think.
He was never able to go to Nationals and leave Miyagi, therefore never made his brilliance as a player known, and consequently was overshadowed by the other two 'genius' setters, Kageyama and Atsumu.
Something that would've been a huge hindrance to his career if he were to stay in Japan.
His reputation, or lack thereof, might have actually held him down for years, especially when there were two other setters who were arguably even better than him and already established their presence in the big leagues.
Ushijima knew this, and was certain that Seijoh was dragging Oikawa down, which is why he was so confident that Oikawa shot himself in the foot when he refused to go to Shiratorizawa.
Had he chosen otherwise, he would've gone to Nationals, where he'd also have his debut in the big leagues.
Scouts would undoubtedly take notice of this other brilliant setter who played everyone on both sides of the net like a fiddle—
Wait. What?
Would they have taken notice? Would there be something to take notice of?
Since when did Shiratorizawa rely on gimmicks, tricky strategies, and versatile attacks? Since when was there room for mind games?
Since when did coach Washijo allow anyone other than Ushijima to take the lead?
Didn't Semi get benched because he didn't prioritize Ushijima? Didn't he take the boot for not sucking up to him?
Oikawa shines, but that's only when he's actually allowed to do his thing.
His playing style is the exact opposite of what Shiratorizawa wants.
It was kind of stated by coach Ukai too.
"If Aoba Johsai is the most complete team in the prefecture, then Shiratorizawa is the most incomplete."
Shiratorizawa's playing style centers around individual strengths, raw power, and Ushijima.
Oikawa prefers a united front, plays connecting with one another, making room for proper adjustments and adaptation. He's down for the occasional mind game too.
But most of all, he prefers to take the damn lead.
Yes, cohesion is imperative for his playing style, but that's also the case for many of the strong teams we see in the show.
The difference is, Oikawa is clearly the one in the driving seat. We see it most of all in their team huddles.
Oikawa flawlessly communicates with his team, knows where, who, when, and how much to push, and while everyone participates in the discussions, he's clearly the leader.
He does the thinking, the planning, the strategizing. He keeps track of everyone on both teams.
He reminds me a bit of Kenma in that regard.
But apart from being the brain, he also has the athletic prowess, the technical skills, the passion, the people skills, and it's safe to assume, countless more hours of practice too.
Seijoh's coaches know that, and have let him cultivate all those skills through the years.
By contrast, we see coach Washijo usually butt in during the time-outs, and insist that his players just hold proper form to put in even more power, to be more dynamic on account of their physical stature.
Imagine how little of a say Oikawa would have, especially if he attended Shiratorizawa from the get-go.
The only first year we actually know is Goshiki. The rest are near entirely unknown.
I highly doubt he'd be half as devious a player as he is, had he had Washijo for a coach.
The chances that old guy would let him do even a fraction of his thing are next to zero.
At the end of the day, Oikawa is tricky, and Shiratorizawa just isn't.
So then, did Seijoh hold him back? I'm not sure.
We're not gonna talk about year-long friendships, bonds, and good chemistry, which were undoubtedly huge factors, both in his decision to attend Seijoh, and in everyone trusting him to do his stuff.
Let's just take a quick look at their capabilities as a bunch.
Objectively, they're strong. Skilled. But not strong enough, and not skilled enough either.
I mean, look at that first practice match. They didn't have Oikawa, and Karasuno, which kinda sucked at the time, beat them in straight sets.
Yes, it was a practice match. Yes, they got stronger later on.
But that loss highlighted, more than anything, just how much of an effect Oikawa had as the leader, and how much he elevated his teammates.
Without him, they would've been a lot weaker.
And that might just be exactly why Oikawa shone the way he did.
His judgement was trusted, and he learned how to take advantage of everyone's abilities and maximize them.
No, I'm not sure if Seijoh actually held him back, or if he partially owes his polished brilliance to them. Could be a bit of both.
I am sure, however, that Shiratorizawa would've actually done a hell of a lot more damage than Seijoh ever did.
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devildomwriter · 10 months
Satan & Cats Vol 1-4
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Satan: “…The cleanup is going to be a nightmare.”
The floor is now littered with books which all seem to be about cats
Satan: *blushing* “Hey, why are you looking at me like that?”
MC: “Have you been cheating on me? …With cats?”
Satan: “If looking at pictures of cats in books counts as cheating on you, then…I guess? Heheh, are you actually jealous of the cats?”
MC: “Do you like cats that much?”
Satan: “Well, I wouldn’t collect books about something unless I like it, obviously.”
Satan: “Come on, it’s okay. Come here. If you get all angry like that, you’ll end up opening up that wound and making it worse, you know?”
Cat: *growl*…
Asmodeus: “Is that Satan with…a cat?”
MC: “What’s going on, Satan?”
Satan: “…! …Nothing. I just happened to spot a cat over here, that’s all.”
MC: “What’re you doing here?”
Satan: “What, is there some problem with me being here? I just happened to spot a cat over here, that’s all.”
Satan: “Go ahead, see if you can seduce me.”
MC: “Meow?”
Satan: *blushing* “…! …You pass.”
Satan: “That’s not MC. That’s a cat. It’s a newborn kitten that can’t find its mother, I’m sure of it. And it’s crying out, desperate for help…”
Satan: “No, I didn’t imagine it. I definitely heard something. It was the sound of a cat meowing.”
Satan: “I mean, think about it! If a tiny kitten who’s just opened it’s eyes started meowing at you in a weak, fragile voice, hungry and trembling with fear… Would you be able to resist the urge to scoop it up in your arms? Hm?”
Lucifer: “The rule here is “Do not touch.””
Satan: “I take responsibility for my actions. And I regret nothing I did…nothing.”
35-16 Hard
Lucifer: “Satan, when it comes to anything having to do with cats, you’re incapable of thinking rationally. That’s a problem, and it needs to change.
Satan: “…I regret nothing. I just like to help cats in need. That’s all.”
Lucifer: “You may not have regrets, but you still need to consider the consequences of your actions. First of all, anytime you happen upon a cat, you immediately decide to bring it home with you, which…”
Satan: “Oh, right. I heard you’ve got this place in your world known as “Cat Island.” …In Japan, I think. Have you hear of it? Because I’d really like to go check it out sometime. With you, naturally.”
MC: “Cat documentaries.”
Satan: *blushing* “Wait, what? You have documentaries about cats in the human world…? Oh, I want to see these documentaries. No, I have to see them. Actually, let’s watch them right now.”
42-16 Hard
Satan: “I don’t believe it…”
Asmodeus: “Satan, do you recognize this thing?”
Satan: “I do. I’ve seen one of these on DevilTube. There was a cat riding on it.”
MC: *Put on the cat ears*
Lucifer: “The cat ears? How exactly are those supposed to help…”
Satan: *gasp*…!
Satan takes 222 damage.
Beelzebub: “The cat ears actually worked…”
Lucifer: “…Huh?”
Solomon: “Still, they barely did any damage at all. The Demon Lord Satan has 870,000 HP total.”
Lucifer: “Damn…! Someone get us a real cat, and fast!”
Satan: “I was planning to spend the day thinking up new cat video hashtags to search on Devilgram…”
Satan: “I also want to get home soon…so I can watch more cat videos… I can’t wait to watch my cat videos…”
Satan: “I’d like to head back soon, too. I want to watch cat videos on Devilgram. …So bad it’s killing me.”
Lucifer: “Uh oh, the TV screen… It’s showing video footage of cats now! Be strong, Satan! Don’t give in to them!”
Satan: “…!”
Leviathan: “Oh no, we’re really in trouble now! It’s a group of sleepy kittens…and they’re starting to doze off!” *gasp* “…look! They’re all nestled up against each other and are falling asleep…!”
Satan: “They’re… They’re so cute…”
Asmodeus: “What are you looking at, Satan? …What am I saying? As if I even need to ask. You’re watching cat videos, aren’t you?”
Satan: “I’ve never thought of searching the hashtag “FrolickingWithADuck” before. Wow, have I been missing out… And don’t you just love this one too, Asmo? “FriendsWithAHamster.””
Satan: “What I wouldn’t give to be able to watch a nice, soothing cat video right now…”
Satan: “And a Pretty Kitty special to go with that.”
Simeon: “…Wait. What did you just say? They want a Pretty Kitty Special…?”
Satan: “Yeah. It’s a new menu item I came up with. They’re pancakes in the shape of a cat’s paw. They’re soft, fluffy, and flavored with maple syrup. These are guaranteed to become the café’s signature dish.”
Simeon: “Ahaha… They really are cute…”
Mammon: “Man, he’s sure is crazy about cats.”
Luke: “Aha… Looks like we found Satan. Hmm, he’s staring at his tablet with a really serious look on his face. I wonder what he’s doing… Trying to understand the current economic conditions in the human world? Or studying a foreign language, maybe? Wow, he really is committed to the pursuit of knowledge…”
Mammon: “Nope, wrong. That’s the face he makes when he’s watchin’ cat videos.”
Luke: “Watching cat videos…?”
Satan: “As you can see, I’m busy.”
Mammon: “Busy?! You’re just sittin’ here watching cat videos!”
Luke: “…! Right! Right, exactly. Simeon’s totally obsessed with the cat cafes they have here in the human world! He’s now seriously considering turning the Angel’s Halo into a cat café as well…!”
Mammon: “For real?”
Luke: “Shhh! Quiet, Mammon! Which is why we’ve come to you. As a cat lover, we were really hoping you could advise Simeon… And you know…to do that, you’d need to understand how the business is run, right? And what better way than by working there part-time?!”
Satan: “Why didn’t you say that to begin with? In that case, I’m glad to help.”
MC: “You know, every day cats show up at the café…”
Satan: “Cats…?”
Luke: “…! Right! Right, exactly. Really, really cute cats…kittens, in fact!”
Satan: “Did you say kittens?”
Luke: “Mmhm. Three of them…actually, wait. Maybe it was five?”
Satan: “Five kittens…”
Luke: “They always show up as soon as they get hungry, and we feed them! Wow, they’re just adorable! They like to hang out in front of the café and play. When they wrestle, it’s like little balls of fur rolling around!”
Satan: “Let’s go. Now.”
Luke: “…Huh?”
Satan: “You said you needed someone to work at the café, right? I want to let Simeon know I’m interested before he gives someone else the job.”
Satan: “Looking forward to working with you.”
Simeon: “Likewise! I have to say, you’re a lifesaver. I feel much better knowing you’ll be here.”
Satan: “Okay, so…let’s talk cats.”
Simeon: “…Excuse me? Cats?”
???: *meooow*
Satan: “Just a second, all right? I’m on the phone. Calm down.”
???: *meooooow*
???: *mrooowr*
Satan: “Ow! …Hey, don’t climb onto my shoulder. Quit digging into me with your claws!”
???: *rrraaaar*
???: *hiss*
Satan: “Whoa, hey! Da Vinci…Michelangelo! No fighting!”
Satan: “You see, I was in the middle of testing out a new flavor to add to our drinks…That’s when the cats started going crazy…and long story short, I ended up wearing the flavoring instead of tasting it.”
Simeon: “You know, that wouldn’t have happened it you hadn’t let them into the café to begin with…”
Satan: “Well, can you blame me? They’re such an improvement. I mean, what’s a café without cats?”
Simeon: “Right. That’s my first point of confusion, actually. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Simeon: “Anyway, don’t blame me when Barbatos makes you pay for this later. He looked QUITE angry about being forced into filling in for you at the café.”
Satan: “I mean, he should be happy, right? He’s surrounded by cats, after all. Sounds great to me.”
Satan: “I do like cats, sure. But you know I don’t have a pet cat, right?”
Leviathan: “Well, apparently he was in charge of yesterday’s cleanup, which was a total nightmare. Something about there being cats everywhere? I don’t really know what the deal was.”
Lucifer: “So this was another one of Satan’s messes, then…”
Satan: “They’re gone! I don’t see them anywhere! Where’d they go?! My little Monet! Da Vinci! Munch! Rembrandt! Vermeer…!”
Barbatos: “Ah, looking for that group of cats with the fancy names? I returned them to the various witches and sorcerers that owned them. They’re back home now.”
Satan: “Wh…what…?!”
Solomon: “Satan, get ahold of yourself. This is no time to be standing there in a stupor because the cats are gone.”
Satan: “…Yeah…yeah, I know.”
52-16 Hard
Satan: “But I’m waiting on a little friend of mine, a cat, who’s going to show up outside on the terrace soon. They’re looking forward to some tasty kitty treats courtesy of Satan.”
52-16 Hard
Satan: “…MC. If a white cat shows up on the terrace outside, do you think you could feed them a few treats in my place?”
…a movie about three adorable cats who set off on a journey together starts playing…
Satan: *blushing* “Wh…! …It’s a black and white bicolor, a tortoiseshell, and a tabby… and they’re relaxing in the sun, all curled up against each other. That’s so…so cute!”
Satan: “Those cats are so cute…”
Lucifer: “My hobby is music, whereas you prefer reading, don’t you? And you love cats, but if I had to pick one or the other, I’d go with dogs.”
58-16 Hard
Lucifer: “…I just got a call from Barbatos. From what he says, Diavolo suddenly transformed into a cat just now.”
Leviathan: “C…come again…?!”
Belphegor: “You say Lord Diavolo…turned into a cat…?”
Leviathan: “Ooh…not that… That’s treading on the most sacred of sacred ground…”
Satan: “Okay, what type of cat did he turn into exactly? I’m curious to know the breed and color of its fur. Are there pictures?”
Satan: “I was trying to say it can ALSO be used as a vehicle for cats, even though it was designed to be a vacuum cleaner.”
Leviathan: “Oh no…uh-uh! That’s a lie, and you know it. You were totally convinced it was a thing cats ride on!”
Satan: “Crowe, play the theme song to “Another Purrrfect Day for Kitties in the Devildom.” At max volume, please.”
Satan: “…There are several cats who come by the manor for food each day. Make sure to take care of them for me. If you’re on the job, I feel like I can rest easy knowing they’ll be okay. But keep in touch. Let me know how the cats are doing every day. Got it? Every day.”
Satan: “…Anytime you want to give me a ring, do it. It doesn’t have to be about cats.”
Satan: “You told me to come, so here I am. But I don’t see any cat—“
Mammon: “MEOW!”
Satan: “…?!”
Mammon: “Meoooow!”
Satan: “What the…? What’s going on?”
Satan: “…He looks like Mammon, but he sounds like a cat…”
Mammon: “Meow meow meow!”
Satan: “…Come here, you. Who’s a good kitty, hm?”
Mammon: *hiss*!
Satan: “Aww, there’s no need to be frightened. Come here, it’s okay.”
Mammon: *HISSSSSS!*
Belphegor: “…I guess Satan just loves all cats no matter what?”
Belphegor: “Satan said he’s going to hang out with Mammon for a while. Apparently he enjoys watching cat-Mammon play with cat toys.”
Satan: “Because the truth is that I don’t want to be stuck here with cat-Mammon, either.”
Mammon: “Meow?!”
Satan: *blushing* “But every time he starts meowing at me, I feel this urge to keep playing with him. I can’t help myself.”
Mammon: “Meow meow meow meow meoow!”
Satan: “…!”
Mammon: *purr* “mrrooow.”
Satan: *blushing* “Gr…so cute. I know it’s Mammon, but he’s just too cute…!”
MC: “Cats, books, number four.”
Luke: “Cats, books, number four? That has to be Satan!”
Lucifer: “By the way, Satan…you forgot your “cat cookies” back at the house. You know, those cat treats you normally carry around with you everywhere. I grabbed them and brought them with me. Here.”
Satan: “Oh, thanks.”
The sorcerer MC commands you…Come forth, feline… Satan: “What the…?!”
Cat: “Meooow!”
Satan: *gasp* “You’re… YOU’RE SO CUTE! Come here, kitty! How’d you like some cat treats?”
MC: “A cat!”
Leviathan: “Can you summon a cat here, MC?”
MC: “The sorcerer MC commands you! Come forth, feline…
Cat: “Meooow.”
Satan: “…! What’s going on? Where’d you come from, little guy?”
Luke: “Satan, are you planning on drinking that milk off of a plate? Wouldn’t you prefer a cup?”
Satan: “Oh, um. Yeah, I find it’s easier this way.”
Luke: “Aha… …What do you think, MC?”
MC: “I’m thinking that’s for a cat.”
Luke: “Yep, my thoughts exactly.”
MC: “He’s taking that to a cat, isn’t he…”
Luke: “So you were thinking the same thing I was, huh?”
MC: “That has to be for a cat!”
Luke: “You wouldn’t think that Satan would be so easy to read, but sometimes he is…”
Satan: “Wh…what? Why are you two looking at me like that?”
Satan: “On the way home from school, a kitten came up and started rubbing up against me! So I took it home! And I’m secretly keeping it in my room!”
Asmodeus: “MC showed us the pictures of you as a puppy. You were just adorable!”
Mammon: “Wh…! MC! I told ya to keep that a secret!”
Asmodeus: “That was the result of a failed potions experiment on your part, right?”
Beelzebub: “Mammon looked pretty cute in that picture.”
Satan: “Yeah. So much so that I started thinking a dog might actually make a good pet. You know what a cat demon I am. I thought I was going insane.”
Leviathan: “A cat bookmark? Aww, Satan, isn’t that cute…” *nudge* Satan: “MC and I bought a matching pair of them when I went up to the human world that one time.”
Satan: “That was a really nice gift shop, they had all sorts of cat-themed stuff. We should go there again the next time we get a chance, MC.”
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lgcrp · 2 months
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hi everyone ! as we approach our fifth anniversary, we're so grateful to still have muses around since (almost) the beginning, and since our initial opening, lgc has grown in a way none of us have ever imagined before. we think it's a testament to not only ours, but also our members' hard work that we've been able to ic-debut five idol groups (with a sixth on the way !) within the almost-five years we've been open as a roleplay, and we've always operated in a way to reward our members' commitment and dedication to their groups with new, fun ideas for activities and gigs that keeps the excitement for writing for your muses going, even after debuting. however, we at lgc also like to maintain a certain level of realism in our directory, while also being considerate that both admods and members alike all have real lives that take precedent to roleplaying. hence, we've made a conscious effort to diversify as much as possible for our idol groups in terms of ooc-missions and writing requirements that correlate with ic-career development. it's come to our attention, however, that there's speculation of favoritism amongst the idol groups in terms of what the admod team 'gives them'. to address it bluntly, we have never and will never 'play favorites', and to make that clear, we'd like to clarify as much as we've deemed necessary to finally put the topic to rest.
firstly, we want to address the culture of comparison that's been happening around lgc. as it stands right now, a person could have two muses in the idol career path, in two separate idol groups regardless of gender, and would have two completely different experiences ooc and ic. we intentionally operate this way because we think that one of lgc's charms is the variety we provide our members as writers here. we all know how monotonous and boring idol roleplays can get, which is why we've made a conscious effort to diversify as much as we can as we've expanded. however despite these efforts, it's disheartening, to say the least, to hear talks of comparison more than anything whenever we post new events. we understand that, to some extent, comparison is inevitable, especially when we ourselves simulate an environment of competition with future dreams, awards, and other marks of popularity. but it seems that lately, more often than not, these comparisons and even criticisms are done without the consideration that we purposely give our idol groups their own unique flair, and that what we write out in missions (and even sometimes what we don't write out in missions) is not done because we supposedly favor one group over the other.
we've never planned to release this information publicly, but to cease all debate on the topic, just in terms of music releases, we can break our idol groups down simply:
crystallis is the group with subunits and their own solo shows;
v&a is a self-producing group with their own reactions;
nova gets 6 songs constantly;
type zero gets prereleases; and
nknd releases often but mostly digitally, then will compile in physical releases.
everybody gets two korean comebacks + one other comeback in a targeted market in the original calendar we plan out at the beginning of the year:
crystallis and agito target the japanese market;
type zero targets the chinese market;
fabula and versus target the western market;
nova targets the domestic market; and
nknd currently just targets domestic but will likely also target japan.
these are just two factors that come into play when we plan out an idol group's activities for a quarter. not to mention that agito, crystallis and fabula all have members that regularly act for their notoriety tiers gigs, and as acting career gigs are the most time-consuming along with idol career gigs, we have to also take those into account when writing out missions.
and on the topic of notoriety tiers, we want to provide some context: the Great Revamp of 2021™ really solidified a lot of what we wanted to do for the idol groups early on here at lgc. as the years went on and muses gained more points and notoriety, though, we implemented our notoriety tiers system mainly as a way for our members to provide input into their career trajectories for the first time, but also as a great resource for us as admods to figure out the 'reputation' each group has.
needing to have all this information in place is partially why notoriety tiers gigs happened so frequently in the beginning, but as muses started reaching higher tier levels and claiming activities that required more time and effort for us to plan out, we've had to adapt the way members submit their notoriety tiers forms.
it's now explicitly denoted how busy muses actually are in the forms so that everyone has an idea of the amount of additional work they're putting on their muses through the notoriety tiers vs. the work they already have through their career missions. additionally, this change was done to better reflect just how much a muse's solo activities do impact their group activities, both ic and ooc.
as stated before, realism is important here at lgc, and it's not unrealistic to see idols miss out on comeback promotions because of their individual activities. for us as admods, the choice has either been between (1) planning comeback/group promotions for certain idol groups to accommodate their members' acting gigs or (2) to exclude certain members from comeback/group promotions if their schedules don't permit them. we haven't started the latter, and we don't intend to, but with growing complaints amidst all the comparison, we wonder if taking it to the extent of excluding certain members is necessary to reach a compromise.
for instance, it's unrealistic to give a 12-track full album to a group whose main vocalist is also an actor and busy with acting gigs, but right now, we could give the group a two-track single album instead and only let the main vocalist be on the title track with minimal promotions to still include them in the comeback if that's preferred.
from our perspective, though, it's always been more realistic that during that first seven-year period when an idol signs their contract and debuts, their priority is always the group first and foremost. there's always exception to the rule, and idols do typically have to make that big decision of solo vs. group career eventually. but our most senior muses are at-most three years into their careers, and in the fictional entertainment company that we run, it doesn't make sense for us to let an idol prioritize their solo career over their group's at this point in time.
relatedly, the notoriety tiers have also been a great way for us to see which muses actually aren't eligible for any notoriety tier gigs and as such, we're able to give additional gigs to certain muses as part of their career missions. this is part of our constant struggle of balancing older muses with newer muses, especially when it comes to our idol groups.
as is the natural course of things in roleplay, members and their muses come and go, and that unfortunately means that muses in idol groups do drop and throw a wrench in our plans. along with future dreams, that's part of why we've also introduced team unknown – we'll be honest and say that we had different plans for team unknown, but had to change said plans because of members leaving the roleplay.
again, that's just one of the many factors that we have to take into consideration as we keep the machine going that is lgc. we don't want to over-explain ourselves but at the same time, we hope people can start understanding our reasonings better through this post.
and that's not to say that we aren't open to any criticism nor suggestions. if anything, we always to strive to make ourselves as available as possible to our members either individually on our personal accounts or as a group through the main to consult with us about anything. we have no desires to close those lines of communication, but as much as we want to reiterate that we're always open to discussion as our roleplay continues to evolve, we also hope we won't have to make another statement on the matter.
lgc has always had a long-standing issue of being too events-focused, and we've tried as best as we can to alleviate the stress and dissatisfaction that comes with such a culture by taking in feedback, implementing new systems, and keeping things fresh and fun for everyone as k-pop fans.
however, it's only natural that most people focus on their own muses in idol roleplays and can view other muses getting certain things as missing out on something when, in reality, we hope people can start seeing that they also have things that no other muse (or group) has in lgc. no one has ever gotten less or more, just different, and different is okay.
at the end of the day, we hope everyone doesn't focus too much on the comparison or competition-side of things. lgc is what it is today partly because of what we've curated for you all as an admod team, but mostly because of the unique experiences our members have crafted for themselves as writers and roleplayers.
thank you all for your understanding. please like this post to indicate you've read this announcement.
– lgc admod team
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graciereyy · 9 months
The Siren And The Samurai Chapter: 1
Happens after events of last episode! POSSIBLE SPOILERS.
*warning! This will have alot of possibly triggering stuff just like the actual show so be advised.*
Mizu awoke from the yell of the boaters.
She moaned in complaint from the loss of comfort in her sleep. “Sir, we are close to London and getting closer by the second. Im sorry to wake you, but you need to be up here.”She deeply exhaled.
“Oh alright.” She gathered her things and went outside, the cool breeze made her calm. They were right, London was close-by. A rush of excitement filled her, she could just imagine killing those men already . “are you guys going to stay here? Because i need that irish fuck here, so i can go to him when i need him.” One of the boaters grinned.
“Yeah, we’re going to stay a while. We have quite some business to do here, you dont need to worry about a thing.” She hummed in confirmation then fixed her bangs. “What are you doing here anyway?”
“Business.” She looked behind her and sighed in relief. “Oh look we’re here.” She was happy to get off this damn boat after so long, it felt like she was stuck in a hole forever, but not anymore, more subtle excitement rushed into her body, She was so ready to leave and get off the water and go back on her way. “Hm, its still dark out..” she mumbled to herself. She turned back to the men “so can i just explore? I need some direction.”
“Hell yeah, have at it boy.” One of them said as the other ran to tie the boat to the port. “Just make sure your able to get back.”
“I will.” She mumbled. She took a deep breath then turned around to leave the boat for a while. When her foot touched the port she felt a release in herself. She slowly made her way into the smaller downtown part of the city, it wasn’t like japan at all and she wasn’t used everything being so different, especially when it came to clothes. The women wore these restrictive looking things on their torsos, elegant looking but also looked kind of uncomfortable; With long layered skirts.
While the men wore vests and ugly looking pants. She felt kind of judged just wearing her kimono, the townspeople probably never seen clothes like hers just like she hasn’t seen clothes like theirs but she didn’t really care about that, as long as she wasn’t being looked to as inferior unlike a certain almost bald samurai she was fine.
While she did think about him she didn’t really know how to feel about him. She doesn’t have the time to find out right now, not like he ever actually liked her anyway. She sighed as she made her way to what the townspeople call “The Plaza” its a circular part of town with a stage in the middle, the golden lanterns lit it up beautifully. it looked like the main place a festival would be, which piqued her interest only by a little. Well not until the guy on stage announced one of the singers.
“ Unfortunately theres someone going to be performing in the morning that isn’t very expected or wanted, tomorrow morning THE SIREN is going to perform..” most of the crowd booed while some didn’t even know how to react themselves. Mizu was one of them, she was so confused by it. Why were they called the siren and why weren’t they liked? She just decided to go back to the port.
When she was pretty close to port she saw a strange looking girl with long brown hair, even longer than her own with it getting lighter at the very ends, but also short; reminding her of a tiny mouse. But something else caught her eye about the girl, her clothes looked promiscuous compared to both hers and the the townspeople, her skirt was layered but shorter, a few inches above her knees. her corset had a floral pattern with transparent puffy sleeves. She noticed her staring and their eyes locked, her brown eyes just engraved into Mizus head.
She just ran away and back into the boat. She cleared her throat and deepened her voice “im going to check on, Abijah.” One of the boaters nodded in response. She made her way to the cell while tapping on the wood of the boat, trying to annoy him. Out came a sinister chuckle as she was noticed.
“Ah, little miss Mizu. Ive been waiting for you…” he cooed.
“Ah huh. Okay.”
He grabbed the metal of the cell and twirled his hair sarcastically, as he said “ I’ve been so very lonely down here by myself Mizu.. cant you let me out now?.” He cooed in the tone of an innocent girl.
“Yeah no, you can stay down here for now. You’re going to be here as long as i need you then im going to kill you.”
he growled quietly. “Just gonna use me like im a common whore? Okay fine have your own way then.”
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kurayami-no-ko · 1 year
Translation of Sannan short story from the Tsukikage Stellaworth booklet
Note: This short story is from the Stellaworth tokuten shousasshi for Hakuouki Tsukikage no Shou. I don't own a copy of this booklet.
Spoiler for Sannan's route.
Sannan Keisuke
“If one brings a woman along, I think that it is best to somewhat show her to an inn but…that was outside of my expectation.”
Opening the door and looking at the room we would be sheltering in tonight, I could not help letting out a sigh of disappointment.
Inside the room there were only two shabbily built bed. The room smelled faintly of mold and if one stayed long enough here, it was probable one would start to feel down.
After the battles in Japan had ended, in order to learn more about rasetsu and ochimizu – and also about the race of demons living in the West, Chizuru and I journeyed to Europe.
At the beginning, because of the very different climate and lifestyle from Japan, and also because of the languages we could not understand very well, we were extremely bewildered but somehow, we could say that they got used to it.
Because I had the body of a rasetsu, Chizuru had the body of a pure-blooded demon, we would only be fine if we received injuries that were not severe. In foreign countries, if we succumbed to illnesses, it was possible that just like that, we could lose our lives.
“I am sorry. Tonight, please endure. From tomorrow, I will try to make sure it will not be like this.”
However, Chizuru…
“I am fine. As long as there are a mattress and a blanket, I am okay.”
“Because we are travelling in a foreign country with no place to go to, from now on, money is important, right? I think that it is best if we should avoid wasting money as much as possible.”
She did not voice out a single word of complaint and accepted everything.
I let out a sigh.
“I would rather you condemned this kind of situation.”
Not being able to understand the meaning of my words immediately, her eyes rounded up.
After fixing my glasses, I leaned my face towards her left ear.
Then, when I lightly used my fingers to brush away the hair falling over her ear, she was slightly surprised and with a twitch, her shoulders leaped up.
While thinking that acting like this, she was so cute, I whispered.
“If you are able to accept everything in such a manner…I will take advantage of you without limitation.”
The moment I said those words, a bright red spread all over her skin until her ears were also of that color.
I kissed her red cheek.
The kiss was not even on the lips but was a trivial kiss on the cheek, but she became embarrassed to the point of being miserable. It was like she understood how to awaken my desire to tease her.
However, she continued shrinking, moving her lips and looked like she wanted to say something.
Thinking that this was strange, I moved my ears towards her mouth…
“I…think I don’t mind being taken advantage of more and more.”
The moment I heard those words, my mind literally became blank, and I was unable to follow up with anything else.
(Chizuru, you…)
She probably was able to guess only a little bit of what I was feeling after hearing those words.
No, she definitely was not able to imagine anything.
His young lover definitely could not imagine the effect of such defenseless words on the heart of a man.
“…Tonight, I planned to study the language of this country from the usual book but…”
When he spoke to that point and stopped, Chizuru leaned her head to one’s side, looking doubtful.
I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into an embrace.
When we were close enough to the point that our breaths mingled, her face approached me.
I saw that because of surprise and confusion, her black irises were trembling.
“I have changed my mind. I think that I am going to take advantage of you to my heart’s contents. If I don’t do such a thing, I will not be able to concentrate.”
“Ehh? Ehh, eh…?”
There was no need to explain about Chizuru’s confused expression in more words.
I grabbed her small and slender chin and tilted it upwards. And just like that, following the course of the momentum, I stole her lips.
(Because I am much older than you, I want to show the moderation of an older man but…)
When they were alone together, especially if I heard such words as she said beforehand, no matter what, I became unable to do that.
As I kept giving her little kisses, it felt like my head was submerged in water, dulling me to the core of my brain
It was so strange that no matter how much I had fully tasted the lips of my charming beloved, I could not become satiated of them. Instead, I felt that the more time passed, the more I would become fully absorbed in them.
(I cannot count how many times that I used to think that it was so foolish when I saw the degrading forms of men of the world as they became weak because of women…Now I fully understand those feelings.”
Just like that, I supported her body and led her towards the bed.
And just like that, I pinned her body onto the bed.
I could feel what kind of expression that she was making from her breaths and from how her limbs were trembling slightly.
Though she expressed a little anxiety, in truth, the gaze looking up at me expressed trust in me.
And then…
“The Keisuke-san of this moment, seems…somewhat like a different person from the normal you.”
“This me, do you dislike it?”
She shook her head in response to that question.
“…I cannot ever grow to dislike Keisuke-san. No matter what happens.”
Listening to her whispering voice which reverberated in the dark, his reason was submerged in sweet nectar.
(A person such as yourself is, truly…)
Listening to such a phrase from his beloved, was there any man that could still keep his reason in such a circumstance?
“By such words, you allow me to take advantage of you. Today, it is likely that I will not hold back myself but…the person who made it happen is you, isn’t it?”
After saying that, I resumed kissing her intensely.
When the night deepened, while watching Chizuru breathing in her sleep from her side, I flipped through the dictionary of the language of this country.
(At this age, it is very hard for me to learn new things…)
Though I had knowledge of Chinese classical writing, the languages of Europe were different in their own ways.
However, I would definitely not resign only because of this much difficulty.
(In this strange country, I will definitely not abandon you.)
Until the day I could solve the riddle of rasetsu and ochimizu, cure my body of the poisonous effect of ochimizu and become a human once again, I definitely could not die.
In truth, it would not be strange if I had lost his life earlier on but, for some cause or effect, until this point when both the shogunate and the Shinsengumi had gone, I was still able to hold onto my life.
(Surely, this is also a coincidence of fate.)
Looking at the innocent sleeping form of the person I loved, unintentionally, a smile appeared on my face. Just having her by my side gave me unlimited strength.
(Some time, when I can solve the riddle of the ochimizu…let’s go back to Japan. Until that point, I cannot allow myself to die.)
While only gazing at the stars, inside my heart, I made a speech to my dearest lover.
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vaval3ntin · 1 year
Prompt : You were sure your girlfriend knew your secret identity, so you were happy to flirt with her both in and out of costume. But today she confessed to cheating on you. With you.
!! All Might X (Gender Neutral) Civilian Reader !!
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All might, known to one of the top heroes in all of Japan. With his heroic stature along with his dashing smile he brought countless villains to justice. Before he met you, he never thought of even considering a relationship with anyone. To be fair, he never had time for those kinds of things. So meeting you changed his mind after he bumped into you while he was shopping at the grocery store. He couldn’t help but notice the warm feeling he had when you smiled at him. Of course people have done this many times but yours felt different. You guys started meeting up more than once after that as you just happen to run into each other while he was out on patrol as small might. Everything changed overtime, you made feel less stressed about everything by simply giving a home he could come back to everyday without worrying so much.
After a while you both realized your feelings for each other you decided to wait until he said anything as you were to nervous to even say anything about it, Toshinori confessed first surprisingly. It was actually cheesy, he thought it was best to confess on Valentine’s Day showing up at your doorstep with a bouquet of flowers. During these times he just simply kept his smaller form as he never showed his hero form due to the possibility of danger. Imagine he showed at your home one day with his hero form, villains could see him then target you to get to him. Many villains were infatuated on ending him as he always seemed to be there for whatever crime they were committing at the time. It was a risk he wasn’t willing to take. Seriously, if you got hurt or even worse than that because of him he wouldn’t be able to handle it. The thought was quite painful to him. As many times as he went out he knew he couldn’t really hide it anymore surely you would’ve gotten suspicious by now. He would always come up with bruises on him blaming it on the fact he was just a clumsy guy after all. So flirting with you whenever he saw didn’t seem much of an issue to him. Every time he would you’d go as red as a tomato, he found it amusing. Though, he wasn’t the best at it he just wanted to see you in a good mood.
One day, to his surprise he got a sinking feeling in chest as you told told you needed to talk to him about something. He gave a nod ready to hear the worst but to his surprise you said you had been cheating on him with All Might, the number one.. aka himself. Suddenly, he let out a small chuckle leaving you confused as he finally straight told you that was him. You blushed in embarrassment as well as slight excitement knowing you’re dating the number hero himself. It He had been your favorite growing up, being a fan before he was even at the top of leader board. Knowing him, he would never let this down knowing how adorable you are when you’re like this in his words.
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Author’s Note : This might be updated further in the future as I’m always going back to fix things when I write something but I hope you enjoy anyways as this is my first ever fanfic published here!! Anyways, hope you have a wonderful day dear reader. Requests are currently open, nsfw is allowed before anymore asks!
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Credits : Headers - cafekitsune //
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tigreblvnc · 8 days
Your match is...
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— Karasu Tabito
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✦ I'm not going to beat around the bush: I had a lot, A LOT of trouble picking someone for you!
✦ I find that you're looking for a set of qualities and the absence of flaws that very few characters in Blue Lock possess.
✦ ... Is it the natural high standards of INFJs? :D
✦ Because when one had the qualities, they also had the flaws. And when one didn't have the flaws, they lacked the qualities as well.
✦ This is kind of the story of making a manga based on competition and learning to sacrifice things to achieve your goal; it naturally leads to characters with dark and less glorious aspects.
✦ Fiction is also conducive to amplifying traits, giving rise to sometimes very stereotyped characters. Even though I think Blue Lock manages to add nuance by giving unexpected and somewhat realistic backstories to its characters.
✦ SO.
✦ I chose to assign you Karasu, who I think is the best compromise between what you're looking for and what you dislike in someone: he's clever, quick-witted, persistent… And he has that little unique twist thanks to his childhood that makes him a character with more layers of depth than it seems. Like many players, arrogance is one of his flaws, but honestly, you don't watch Blue Lock if you don't enjoy seeing a bit of cheekiness on screen.
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✦ "I'm good with deciphering and reading people" is very Karasu-coded :D He learned this before playing football. It was his way of coping with his situation at school; analyzing people allowed him to anticipate reactions and thus play on his opponent's weaknesses before they could discover Karasu's own. To support this, here's a quote from his Wiki: "His hobby is observing, analyzing, and assessing humans." As they say: attack before being attacked. It's a strategy often adopted by those who have been mistreated.
✦ So, I would say that Karasu isn't inherently bad, but it's a layer you have to break through to reach the less brutal aspects of him.
✦ I think you'd be quite skilled at detecting this defense mechanism. It's probably something you've observed a lot. We already see it in nature: a wounded wild animal will try to defend itself by attacking those who try to approach it.
✦ "So I don't see myself being able to communicate for long periods of time without tiring out." The ability to communicate is the reason why I eliminated so many contenders for your matchup because those with the qualities you seek often suffer from a lack of communication. I'll revisit this at the end of the post to explain my thinking.
✦ And that's why I chose Karasu: I don't think he's the most excited or extroverted character in the roster, but I find him communicative enough to initiate conversations and seek out dialogue. Just as much as he knows when someone needs silence and peace. After all, he's good at analyzing people.
✦ "I'm an emotional person, but I tend to hide it in order to not be taken advantage of." Again, Karasu coded.
✦ "Even if I barely know the person, if I feel a connection or an urge to make them feel better, why not? This world already has too much misery, there's no need to add more to it." This statement makes me smile because I imagine this trait would be a source of great discomfort for Karasu, who I don't see as someone used to people caring about his well-being. In fact, this is a flaw that many characters in this manga share, and the fact that they all want to prove their worth through victory shows that most are trying to fill a void. But I digress.
✦ Someone pointed this out in a matchup, and it's true: the theme of loneliness is very present in Blue Lock. On a larger scale, and going a bit off-topic so I won't go further here, it's also a theme very present in Japan. So, it's only natural that it is reflected in the work of a mangaka.
✦ "I'm not proud to say this, but I give more than I receive, which makes me feel like I'm not doing enough or if the other person is sick of me, I need reassurance quite a bit if I were to be in a relationship." This is a common issue with MBTI types who have Extraverted Feeling (Fe) in their top two functions. For the INFJ, this function occupies the second place, the Auxiliary, which makes the INFJ highly focused on maintaining external harmony, even at the expense of their own feelings. And the fact that the INFJ is not very communicative about their true emotions doesn't help their situation, leading them to be exploited by others, as they'd rather remain silent than risk ruining the atmosphere by complaining.
✦ I think one of Karasu's love languages is words of affirmation. Since he spends most of his time taunting his opponents on the field and boasting about his abilities, his way of showing that he cares about someone is when he takes the time to reassure them about their skills, plain and simple. To me, a love language is a natural ability of someone, but turned toward a positive purpose.
✦ "Dealing with negative emotions and feelings is a bit hard for me. And more often than not, they come out bursting after bottling everything up in the form of tears." Oh my. I read this part after explaining the INFJ's workings earlier and: yes, it's a consequence of never saying anything. I honestly think that a behavior like this would catch Karasu off guard, and at the same time… well… he'd wonder what he did wrong to make you feel that way. Once he genuinely cares about you, he won't just stand idly by; he'll rethink every situation before the critical moment to understand the problem. Fortunately, the guy is more talkative and knows where to find you to start a conversation. In those moments, his voice is calm, and he doesn't have that mocking expression on his face at all. On the contrary, there's something very inviting in his tone that makes you feel comfortable opening up.
✦ Yes, I can totally see him being good at this and reserving those moments only for the person he loves.
✦ YOU.
✦ "I'm trying to work on processing and communicating my feelings, but when you're surrounded by a toxic environment, it's a bit hard. But I'm managing." I had the image of you retreating to your room, where Karasu simply joins you after knocking on the door. Honestly, he's even capable of waiting outside, sitting down and maybe falling asleep against the door, until you give a sign of life. It's okay if you're not ready to talk now. You'll talk later. And if you tell him, "I need to be alone," he'll leave and wait for you to come to him. It's really that simple, as long as you tell him.
✦ "I've been raised as an overachiever and tend to get lost to the point I neglect my health, so I need someone who can pull me out of such unending loops of forgetting that I'm a human with needs." I headcanon Karasu as a man with the financial means since we saw him well-dressed in public and interested in business and commerce. Even though the crow is goal-oriented, I can totally see him loving expensive vacations, luxury items, and fun trips, especially during the summer.
✦ "I feel guilty when I ask for help, like I'm not competent enough if I need guidance. I'm being helped with understanding this concept, but still." This is something many characters in this manga deal with, but not only; in real life, too. So, it will be a common topic of conversation between the two of you. You'll work on it together at your own pace since Karasu also struggles with this issue, so he understands even more how hard it is to "admit your vulnerabilities." After all, we only ask for help when it gets to that point, right? That's what he thinks, but over time, with patience and trust, you both learn that it's not about admitting your vulnerabilities. It's about accepting that others also have skills and can teach you things.
✦ "I'm a little hesitant about publishing them, so I printed them in a small number for my friends." You might think the ideal partner pushes you to publish your books because they're worth it, but I don't think that's true: the ideal partner accompanies you on your journey to build self-confidence, until YOU are the one who decides to publish your work. Which, in my opinion, could be yet another unexpected facet of Karasu that he only reveals to a select few people.
✦ "I'm into fantasy, cyberpunk, futuristic, action, and slice of life games." If Karasu played video games, it would have been mostly during his childhood, though I can also see him as a kid fascinated by observing nature. We see it a bit in the manga; in reality, many things fascinate him. A butterfly caught in a web, for example. I think this ties into his love of observing and understanding. I know some video games are about making choices, sometimes difficult ones. It makes you reflect, critique the world around you, a system, morality. These are things I’m sure would interest Karasu. In fact, anything that sheds light on human nature.
✦ So yes, it’s likely that if choices need to be made during a game, he’ll think it through with you, weighing the pros and cons. In the end, your debates are so intense that they pull you into the game as if it were the movie of your life.
✦ "I'm into anything that is connected with the stars and sky. So watching the stars above and relaxing on the roof is my ideal thought for a moment of relaxation. I've also been learning about constellations lately too." I'm sure there's a character in the roster who has this as their favorite activity (unless I'm confusing it with Isagi, who loves walks), but I can't remember who. So I'm going to give this trait to Karasu :) I think it makes sense with his interest in observing the environment, not just people but nature too. He really loves birds, and I'm sure he'd be the first to point to the sky when spotting a hawk. He knows the names of so many species that the man is a walking encyclopedia.
✦ Anything to do with night walks and endless late-night talks: he's your guy. And it’s going to sound weird, but I think his chara design really matches the night, doesn’t it?
✦ "Sports: running, yoga, and I know how to play football a bit." Well, of course, this was the little cherry on top. A footballer with a companion who loves his sport can only be thrilled. Some might prefer to find a new rival, but others, like Karasu, just enjoy making someone proud who understands the game he’s made his career.
✦ "I like being alone, but I don't like feeling lonely." A major flaw of our current screen-obsessed society! I think Karasu is good at being that silent presence in the room that makes you feel accompanied. The kind of person you can read with without needing to talk, just appreciating being in the same space. Classic quality time.
✦ … I'm reading your love languages, and OH MY GOD, I'm so happy I hit the nail on the head!!! You have exactly the love languages that suit Karasu, and he has exactly what you need!!!
✦ *erm*
✦ I headcanon Karasu as someone who’s very sensitive to positive remarks about who he is, more than about his football technique. Because his technique is directly tied to the arrogant image he’s built and wants to project; someone who truly understands his personality and fears, and compliments him on his qualities, really has the power to shake him in the best possible way.
✦ Now we get to the part about "traits I like in a person" and also the reason why I eliminated so many contenders lol.
✦ "I love ambitious and purposeful people who are set on their goals and burning for what they want." Honestly, Blue Lock is the best manga for this kind of search lol.
✦ But the rest…
✦ "If said person can make a joke, whether it's sarcasm or an unexpected pun- you have my heart." / "I tend to get along with traumatized people who are seeking salvation and reflection" / "I also find myself drifting more to people who can express themselves better than me in any aspect" / "Traits I absolutely hate in a person: liars and manipulators [...] And most of all, disloyalty" / "characters with too much stubbornness"...
✦ So the characters who had the skills you were looking for also had the flaws you didn’t like. And those who didn’t have those flaws were missing the qualities you sought.
✦ I did think of other characters, but as I said earlier, we’ll talk about them at the end of the post.
✦ Lastly, two appearance traits caught my attention:
✦ "a mole on the left side of my chin" Karasu has his under his left eye :)
✦ "I'm 157cm" -> 183cm for the crow, so hello to big cuddles.
✦ Now let's move on to the headcanons!
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✦ Those moments when you’re both working from home, and you're starting to crack because of too much work; you go make yourself some tea in the kitchen and spot Karasu sitting on the couch in the living room, typing away on his laptop. You ask him what he's doing, and he gestures for you to come over; with your steaming cup in hand, you walk over and notice he’s on an airline’s website. The crow looks up at you and says, "I booked us tickets to the ski resort for this winter."
✦ He always double-checks that everything is packed and nothing’s been forgotten. He’s the one who drives, handles the logistics and organization so you can fully relax. He’s seen how hard you’ve been working this past month. Now it’s your turn to rest!
✦ When you arrive at the resort, you unload your stuff at the chalet. It's warm inside because, of course, he even thought to have the heating turned on an hour before your arrival.
✦ He tries out winter dishes with you. Honestly, he’s pretty good at it, and his favorites are the ones that need to simmer for a long time to be enjoyed.
✦ He’s brought along a few books you bought a while ago but never had time to read because of work. Now it’s time for long reading sessions with a good cup in hand, while gazing at the snowy scenery outside.
✦ Speaking of outside, you’ve chosen a few walking paths along the mountain to explore. With or without a guide; you're there to observe nature and the winter wildlife hidden in the white landscape. Sometimes a bird flies overhead, and Karasu always knows how to identify the species.
✦ Lots of couple photos.
✦ Matching ugly Christmas sweaters, but it’s a secret only you two know.
✦ It’s also your time to write and put your thoughts on paper. Sometimes you read a passage to Karasu before blushing because you're not sure why you did that. And it always makes him silently laugh because he knows it means you're getting more comfortable. He comments on the aspects of your writing that evoke analyses in him, the depth of your characters and the worlds you imagine. It’s actually a skill he doesn’t have—creating a whole world and integrating characters into it coherently. He mostly compares it to a football team thrown into an unknown world, and that comparison makes you laugh, genuinely.
✦ And it makes you think back to how you met.
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He was probably the football player who caught your attention on the field among the 22 players.
Because there was something extra about him. You thought about it for a long time and decided there was something in his strategy, his way of always being in the right place at the best moment to block the opponent, something so formidable that it reminded you a little of a predator carefully positioning itself to surprise its prey at the perfect moment.
You know a bit about football, and you definitely know the rules, but you had never imagined an approach like Karasu’s. Because the guy made a good impression on you (anything that makes you think and that you take the time to understand is a good impression for you), you often returned to watch his games from the stands.
Without ever announcing yourself.
It happened one afternoon when you came to see him as usual. Some of his acquaintances had come to see him and sat a few seats away from you.
When halftime came, Karasu climbed the stairs, a towel draped around his sweat-soaked neck. At first, he raised his hand in a wave, and you honestly thought it was for you.
Nope: he climbed the steps and went over to join his friends, sitting right next to you. He talked with them, and although you didn’t understand everything because the excitement of seeing the player who fascinated you being so close was getting a little too much for your emotions, you still overheard what he thought of his performance:
"It wasn’t bad, but I could’ve positioned myself better. If it weren’t for number 9, I could’ve pulled off a feint."
And at that moment, you smiled before adding:
"Actually, even if number 9 hadn’t been there, you wouldn’t have gotten the ball because of number 11 tailing him."
Karasu immediately turned to look at you, mouth slightly open, not knowing what to say.
It was the truth, and none of the guys he was talking to had noticed it.
"… What else did you see?" He asked, one eyebrow raised, the other furrowed.
And that’s how it all started. A single detail you had noticed managed to capture the raven’s attention until the very end.
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A word about your match: Honestly, I really enjoyed writing this matchup—the snow, the fireplace, Karasu with a scarf you knitted for him, sitting on the couch together with his arm slid down your back to your hip... Also, for the other contenders I thought about: Barou, but way too stubborn for you. Chigiri, I think with his quick wit and the trauma of his knee, could have made for a good combination, but there was something missing—something aggressive and positive to elevate your duo. Finally, I also considered the following bunch: Rin, Kaiser, Reo, Sae, but eliminated them all because one was too uncommunicative, another too manipulative, one too clingy, the other incapable of humor… So for me, Karasu is the best possible match for you.
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How would a double date go between—
a) Spike/Gojo 🤝 Katsuki/Victor
b) Spike/Gojo 🤝 Kobayashi/Tooru
c) all three of those pairings together 😂
all three of them + Saiki’s parents
*cackles at the pure potential of chaotic energy*
I chose C, final answer
It may not be what you had in mind, but I hope you enjoy!
And Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳
Victor took in a deep breath and shook out his limbs to loosen himself up. Today was it, he was going on another date with his dear Yuuri! Oh, it felt like ages since he last saw his darling angel!
(He literally just talked to him 3 minutes ago.)
But not only that, he was going on a triple date! A triple date with Yuuri's friends! That latter was actually the one to suggest it!
Last Week
"Hey, Victor?"
Victor looked up from the TV and gave a pearly, white smile to the gorgeous creature of a boyfriend, "Yes Yuuri?"
"I was wondering," Yuuri's cheeks went red under his glasses, and Victor just wanted to squeal at the sight, "um, you know about my friends? The ones I meet when traveling outside of Hasetsu?"
"I do." He was able to recall those times because Yuuri was so animated when telling Victor about these wonderful friends of his that meet when traveling around Japan.
"Well, some of them just so happened to travel here, apparently to surprise me," Yuuri let out an embarrassed chuckle as he ducked his head, "One thing lead to another, and I was wondering if you… wantedtogoonatripledatewiththem?!"
Victor had to take a mental pause at the sudden word vomit, "What?"
Yuuri peeked at him, producing such an adorable expression, and started again, "Do you want to go on a triple date with them? They want to be able to meet you and they have brought their own significant others with them, and, well…"
Victor didn't even let him finish that sentence as he lunged over and trapped Yuuri in a bear hug, pulling him down with him into the couch with a thump. His darling yelped in shock with his face turning into a deeper shade of red. The silver haired man buried his nose into the crook of his boyfriend's neck and just squeezed tightly.
"Of course I would want to!" He exclaimed happily after he pulled back a gaze in Yuuri's warm, brown eyes.
Said eyes widened, "Really?!"
"Yes Yuuri! We get to go on a date and I get to meet some of your friends you've been telling me about, it's a win-win!"
He watched as the surprise on Yuuri's face melted into pure joy, one that he wished would stay on his boyfriend's beautiful and handsome face, "Thank you! I promise you'll love them!"
"Can't wait!" The two embraced again, but of being at such a weird angle on the couch, they both fell off, causing both of them to laugh.
Present Day
And so here he was, adjusting his white turtleneck that complimented his brown dress pants and dress shoes. Once done with that, Victor also made sure his hair was at top performance.
"These are Yuuri's friends! First impressions are always important! And tonight I'll show them that Yuuri means the world to me!" Victor triumphantly thought to himself, already imagining how tonight will play out.
But that was going to have to wait as the doorbell rang, pulling Victor out of his fantasies.
"Ah! They're here already?! I swear Gojo!" From the bathroom Victor could hear Yuuri grumble under his breath before shouting out, "Victor! Can you get the door please?"
"As you wish." The flustered groan that came after that was worth it as he flew out of the room with his boyfriend calling out, "I should have never shown you that movie!"
Letting out a laugh, Victor strutted his way to the door, making sure he was still presentable.
"Alright Victor, show time!" He smiled to himself as he straightened up, twisted the knob, and opened the door wide.
"Hello! You must be Yuuri's friends!" Is what he is saying with his TV smile, but it almost faltered at the sight of a singular man.
Victor suddenly felt inadequate.
Standing in front of him was a man that was clearly five centimeters taller than him. But that wasn't the issue. The issue was that this man was good-looking, making Victor confused in more ways than one. The man black dress shoes, dark purple dress pants, a light blue collar shirt with the first two buttons undone showing off some of his chest, and dark sunglasses. And his skin? It was flawless! And the hair that was on top of his head, was that natural?! The spikey locks fell down softly, framing his dazzling face and was pure white as the snow back home.
Victor was still, and always will be, fiercely loyal to Yuuri. But at that moment, the air in his lungs had left the building.
"Ah! And you must be Victor!  one that managed to capture our dear friend's heart!" That captivating man exclaimed jovially.
His voice… no fair.
But Victor managed to collect himself and look at the man directly in his sunglasses-covered eyes, "Ah, but if anything, he had captured mine! I don't know how I got so lucky!"
A smirk played on the other man's lips, "To be happily snared away, that I can relate to."
He suddenly stepped to the side to reveal a man at his own one hundred and eighty-five centimeter height with messy black hair*, a blue leisure suit with a yellow shirt and blue boots. He had such a lanky frame that Victor wondered if this man had eaten before coming here. But it worked well with the sharp features of his face and olive skin, especially with the nonchalant expression he was sporting.
The taller man then draped his arm upon his shoulder and then pointed to himself, "I'm Satoru Gojo! But please do call me Gojo as it makes it easier to discern my twin and I. And this lovely lean bean of mine is Spike Spiegel!"
The man, Gojo, then reached down with his free hand, grasped Spike's closest hand, and kissed the top of it.
The latter didn't react beyond a small smile before patting the former's cheek with it, "Come on now, save that for later."
The deep, yet light tone of his voice was definitely not something of this world. That's what Victor at least thought.
The white haired man pouted, "But how am I supposed to express my love to you?!"
"With words."
Gojo gave a mock gasp as he turned back to Victor, "Did you hear him?! Words?! How can words even begin to cover how wonderful he is? They can't!"
Victor felt himself relating to that sentence, but watched in fascination at the dramatic display of Gojo poking Spike's cheek, who did nothing more than hum. They… are an interesting duo for sure. Yuuri told him how these two love to play up the dramatics, Gojo mostly, and both love to get on people's nerves. But the way they were looking at each other, it was as though they were lost souls who found solidarity in each other and would do anything to stay together. A love as strong as that was comparable to his and Yuuri's love.
(Unless Victor had anything to say about it.)
"So you're Gojo and Spike! Yuuri has told me so much about you!" Victor said, deciding to make small talk.
"Good things I hope!"
"Gojo, that's setting the bar pretty high, don't you think?"
"Oh my milky way, you never cease to carve into my heart with that blunt knife of yours."
"I aim to please."
Victor was about to comment again when he heard a growl coming from behind the two men. All three looked to see a woman with long blonde hair with faded tips of orange and pink tied up into twin tails and sharp brown eyes. He said sharp because the woman clad in a pink, short sleeve dress with elevated white sandals was staring at all of them as if she was trying to set them on fire and had another, woman he was guessing, in a death bear hug.
"Tohru, I know you love me and I love you too, but I would like to be able to breathe please." The trapped woman in a white collar shirt underneath a light beige sweater with green pants and flats, stated that so calmly, this must be a daily occurrence.
"Oh, sorry!" The other woman, Tohru, released her quickly, clasping her hands in front of her, "But you know that if anyone is the best partner, it's you Kobayashi!"
The now named Kobayashi, who wore round frame glasses and had light brown hair tied into a ponytail, shook her head, "While I am flattered, please refrain from strangling me to death again."
"But what if I wanna hug you?!"
"We've gone over this, just ask me."
Kobayashi's raised an eyebrow as Tohru gave her the puppy dog eyes.
"...Can I hug you? Please?
The spectacled woman sighed, but held her arms out wide. Tohru immediately clinged to her like no tomorrow. Victor took note of their interaction too. Tohru was easily excited, and educationally guessing overprotective. While on the surface it seems that Kobayashi just tolerates her, it was clear that she loved the eccentric woman in her own way, even if it's not so obvious to the naked eye.
"I'm pretty sure you have already guessed but that's Kobayashi and Tohru." Spike stated calmly.
"Sorry about dropping in so soon." Kobayashi stated with Tohru's arms encircled around her, "We thought Gojo texted Yuuri saying we'll be here at 5:30. Imagine our surprise when we found out he "accidentally" sent him the wrong time." She hissed the last part through her teeth, to which Gojo gave an innocent grin.
"You put Gojo in charge of a task, this shouldn't be surprising in the slightest." Spike shrugged.
"Said the enabler."
"Hey, I'm not an enabler! I'm his partner in crime, which is a big difference!"
"Why did the universe allow you two to meet?"
"Because it was bored and wanted us to bring havoc upon the world!" Gojo cheered.
"...Ugh, I give up."
Gojo and Spike high five each other as Kobayashi looked so done and Tohru was once again trying to burn the duo with her eyes. Victor, while pleasantly surprised that none of them were Celebrity Struck at the sight of him, could only look back and forth between the two pairs and wonder how did Yuuri fit into all of this?
"Won't you come inside?" He sidesteps to make way for them.
"Ah, yes! Thank you!" Gojo pulled Spike into the Katsuki residence as Tohru did the same with Kobayashi.
As he closed the door, Victor found himself face to face with Spike, who was regarding him carefully. Gojo was apparently talking to Tohru and Kobayashi, leaving the other man free.
He didn't say anything for a good minute before leaning up against a nearby wall, "Victor Nikiforov, right?"
The Russian skater nodded, felt his heart beat faster under the scrutinizing gaze.
"You've been taking care of Yuuri?"
He nodded faster this time, "I have."
"And he's been taking care of you?"
Victor felt the heat rise to his cheeks, "The other skaters like to joke that Yuuri is dating and babysitting me at the same time."
He scratched his cheek in embarrassment as Spike just blinked at him.
"And what you risk to may sure that he's not only safe, but also happy?"
Such a deep question coming from such a blase man caught Victor off guard, but he remedied that by stating a single word without thinking.
Spike still didn't make any sudden moves or emotions at first, but he then gave a small nod and said, "Good."
Victor willed himself to slow his heart rate, feeling slightly better after passing that test. Though he knew there were still more to come. Just then, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching closer at the end of the hall. He walked over to get a good look and he was not disappointed in the slightest.
Yuuri's raven hair was slicked back, the warm lights of the house glinting off it radiantly, but he still wore his glasses, making him look both professional and adorable. His skin was also beautiful as it was fair and unblemish almost making Victor have bedroom thoughts. Yuuri also had on a white collar shirt with a blue tie and black dress pants. He felt himself fall for Yuuri all over again as he got to gaze into his warm eyes again. The smile that was given to him made Victor melt.
But then when Yuuri's eyes landed on the rest of the party, a bigger grin broke out on his face.
Kobayashi smiled, Spike gave a two finger salute, and Gojo only lifted his arms up in front of him in silence. And then with speeds that Victor had only seen him execute on the ice, Yuuri ran towards them, only to suddenly LEAP OFF FROM THE GROUND AT THEM?!?!
Thank god that Gojo was there to catch him and Victor went on to watch the tall man spin Yuuri around in a tight hug before setting him down, with both Spike and Kobayashi following close behind. The former didn't hug him, but patted Yuuri on the back while Kobayashi embraced the ice skater from the front.
They all started talking animatedly to each other, asking the usual 'How have you been?' questions and what not, with Yuuri jokingly punching Gojo's shoulder saying, "You should have given me the right time! I was barely ready!"
"But then that ruins the whole point of this being a surprise!" The taller man sang, making Yuuri jokingly punch his shoulder again.
Victor watched in awe how seamlessly Yuuri was brought out of his shell and slotted into the group like a perfect puzzle piece. The witty banter, inside jokes, and overall ease of the atmosphere between the four of them was startling. The Russian skater had never seen his boyfriend this hyper before. Even when Yuuri got excited, there was always a mellow aura about him. But now? Now Victor was watching his boyfriend pretending to be a knight protecting the damsel-in-distress Kobayashi from the wicked king and queen Spike and Gojo.
"I was surprised too." Victor almost leapt back in shock to see Tohru standing next to him with a soft expression, "I saw that look on your face. I had a similar experience too. Back when I met them for the first time, Kobayashi also became a totally different version of herself, and to be honest, I got jealous."
Victor could imagine, but he still asked, "Really?"
"I… may or may not have threatened to rip off one of their faces if they try to steal Kobayashi from me. Fujinuma, if I recall correctly." Tohru had the decency to look ashamed.
"But when I actually got to know them, I realized that these people are important to her, and they make her happy," Tohru smiled quietly at her significant other, "And when she's happy, then I'm happy. Plus now that I got to see her from another angle, they're good for her, aren't they?"
Victor turned back to the group, watching Yuuri laugh at something Kobayashi said. He felt a natural smile grace his lips as the light around his boyfriend truly made him look like an angel.
"But look at my Kobayashi funny and you have a whole problem to deal with, got it?" She suddenly growled and bared her teeth like they were fangs.
Victor did feel slightly threatened, so he nodded quickly, "Loud and clear."
"Guess I was right about the overprotective part."
"But of course my Kobayashi is the most wonderful one out of all of them." She declared boldly.
Victor took a pause, before chuckling, "I'm afraid that's where you're wrong my dear, my Yuuri is the most wonderful one."
She side eyed him, "Is that a challenge?"
The two then made full eye contact as they stared down each, not backing down in the name of their loved one.
"I believe so." Victor said lowly as there was a crackle of lightning between them.
"Hold up!" The two suddenly pulled from their staring contest and found Gojo to be looking at them as if they lost it, "I don't mean this in any offense, seeing that Kobayashi and Yuuri are both my friends. However, this is where I have to counterpoint that… both of you are wrong and my stardust is the most wonderful one!"
When Gojo made a grand and dramatic gesture to his own boyfriend, Victor knew that he and Tohru had the same thought.
"Oh, it's on!"
"Gojo, don't go making things in a competition."
"What Kobayashi said, I don't think we can handle another one of those."
"Even I have to agree, let's just enjoy the night, okay?" Spike came up to his boyfriend and gave a lazy grin.
"Even in your honor?"
"Even in my honor skylight." The lanky man then gave Gojo a peck on the cheek and then led him through the door, "Now come on, there's a reservation and hot pot with our names on it!"
"That's not until 6, so we might as well sightsee since we have the time."
"Which is why you should be thanking me!" Gojo crowed to Kobayashi, who linked arms with Tohru.
"Never going to happen."
As the white haired man groaned in fake disappointment, Victor and Yuuri, who was still getting his shoes on, were the only ones left inside.
"So?" Yuuri asked nervously, glancing at between him and the door of where the group had exited, "I know they can be a bit much when meeting them for the first time, but what's your opinion on them?"
Victor had only taken a second to really think about it before giving his boyfriend a side hug and giving his own kiss on the cheek, "They're good for you. All of them are keepers."
Yuuri lit up like a roman candle and gave a kiss back in return, "Thanks, that means the world to me."
Victor felt the whole room warm up at the sight and sound of Yuuri being full of joy. He knew he was an aspect of Yuuri's life, one that he hoped would last forever, but now seeing the laughter and smiles Yuuri gained when he was around his friends, then Victor wasn't going to complain in the slightest.
"Though Kobayashi does sound awfully a lot like your sister."
"Oh she knows. She uses it to her advantage."
Even though Victor felt like there was some kind of hidden meaning behind those words, he couldn't help but chuckle alongside Yuuri.
"Now come on, if we don't leave now, Gojo and Spike will get into trouble."
Victor laughed louder this time, "Oh come on, they can't be that bad."
Yuuri paused through the doorway, turned back to him, and said point blank, "You know those two accidentally robbed a bank, right?"
His smile faltered, "Wait, what?"
"Kidding!" Yuuri smirked and Victor reminded himself to breathe, almost having an aneurysm at the idea of Yuuri being friends with a pair of criminals, "But no, seriously, we have to go otherwise they will get into trouble. Accidentally or otherwise."
Victor couldn't tell if his boyfriend was joking or not this time but he threw on his jacket and held Yuuri's hand as they stepped outside. The rest of the group was waiting for them, though it seems that Gojo and Tohru were ready to go toe to toe with each other.
As Victor watched Yuuri join Kobayashi and Spike to play mediator,  with the warmth from his hand and the light radiating from the fond smile that the former wore on his face, he thought, "Yeah, they're good for you Yuuri. And it seems that you're good for them too."
Victor wasn't sure what sort of memories would be created on this night, but at this moment, he was going to treasure every bit of it.
*The reason why some of they have different hair and or eye colors is because they would be considered abnormal in Yuuri's world and they don't want people to ask questions/draw attention to themselves.
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the-tubort · 11 hours
1, 2, and 5 for the toku asks!
1. How did I get into Toku?
I watched a lot of Power Rangers as a kid and just in general a lot of shows that were made first in Japan and then came to America which I think was super common for people my age and older to do given the general boom in anime and Japanese shows being translated and brought over to expand markets. But like a lot of people I imagine, found a bunch of toy review channels with cool toys that weren't brought to America yet with music and songs and even full episodes and movies that were subbed by TVN and just available super easily. I watched a lot of episode previews and the boukenger sentai history sections like an addict and even watched the Boukenger vs movies with like no context just because it was awesome and in a way I think toku helped me to read. I dont remember how I learned how to read but I remember toku being the reason I ended up reading more and could read faster cause I needed to be in time with the subtitles. I still remember sitting down and basically drawing out a terrible comic strip explaining everything that happened in Geki vs Bouken for a first grade assignment or something. I watched Shinkenger and Goseiger week to week in elementary school along with stuff like Digimon Xros Wars and Hunters. Definitely a ridiculously long answer but I don't think the last time I answered this I was as thorough as I wanted to be. I can still remember waiting ages for shinken vs go on and gosei vs shinken and even the shinken summer movie even if I didn't fully understand it then, it was definitely something that I think I dont want to forget
2. First show I watched
This is a bit of a hard answer cause I can't fully remember what show was technically first for me. Excluding Power Rangers, I think Shinkenger was the season I watched first that was week to week but I can't remember if I watched all of it week to week or if I forgot and dropped it. I know I did start goseiger from the beginning but stopped halfway through. It was the episode Eri was making her own cards as a wish I believe. Then I took a break and then Toqger was the first sentai I do truly remember watching front to back week to week with no stops. There were a lot of seasons I also watched in between and overall its kind of all over the place for me but yeah. Anything from bouken-gosei is a fairly good answer tbh. I remember watching clips from those the most.
5. Favorite main hero
I'll give three for sentai and rider
Toqgers cast is impeccable and strike a chord deep inside of me that I haven't been able to ever shake off which has made me so happy.
King Ohger for all its flaws made a cast of six that made me so sick in the head that I actually could not stop crying the last three episodes of the show and for that I need to put them on this list
There's a lot of teams so it's hard to choose a third when SO MANY mean a lot to me and this does not mean I love any team I didn't mention any less its just hard for me to choose. But megarangers leads are all so sweet and genuine to me and I want to see more of them so bad and usually think a lot about them in my own silly little headcannons
This is kind of easier I think so yeah
Finding a third is once again difficult cause I love so many of them but most likely my goat my king my absolute bestie who reminds me to follow my dreams and keep dreaming ICHINOSE HOUTAROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOO MUCHHHHH
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demonfox38 · 1 month
Completed: Final Fantasy III (Pixel Remaster)
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You know what? Yeah, it was.
Most of the time, when I start these evaluations, I go through what lead me to playing the game. It usually falls under the category of "life is complicated; played a video game to cope." This evaluation's edition is…uniquely spicy, in that regard. And by spicy, I mean soppy. You see, my parents have been living with me for several weeks as a result of a flood wiping out half of their house and town, as well as most of the vehicles. (The verdict's still out on whether or not my dad's Astro van will come back to life.) I also lost my car in the flood, as I was there when it hit. Luckily, no creature died! But, it's been a rough recovery period. Lots of mud-slopped possessions to wash—if they can be recovered at all.
So, I went from a house of 2 dogs, 1 human to 4 dogs, 3 humans, and 1 bird. "Life is complicated."
Not to say my summer was completely ruined! I was able to visit @jeannettegray for a few days, so that was a good reprieve! It's just mostly been me putting in my 40 hours at work, then putting in an additional 8-16 while I either babysit animals or clean possessions. When I haven't been working, I've mostly been sitting around with my parents, watching whatever they put on TV. 15+ year old sitcoms, crafting videos, and corpse shows, baby.
I finally reached the point where I didn't care if they were snooping on me while I was on the computer or a game console. I had to do something to keep myself sane while yet another re-run spooled itself out. My first attempt to get back to my 12 games beaten goal for this year was actually with a mushy-graphiced version of "Final Fantasy VI" that is no longer available on Steam for purchase. That lasted all of 5 minutes due to poor input mapping issues with the game. "Fine," I thought. "There's a deal on a Pixel Master set for 1-6. I would play at least half of these again."
And then I pivoted to "Final Fantasy III." The other "Final Fantasy III." The actual "Final Fantasy III."
Coping happened!
Now, it's never fun to acknowledge when you're a stereotype. But, on occasion, one must come clean. I am one of those insufferable bastards who is much more likely to play pre-"Final Fantasy VII" games and claim them to be among my favorites of the series. Like, I'm pro "Final Fantasy II" and willing to run a new "Final Fantasy I" file at any time. That kind of bastard. Having said that, I actually haven't been able to play an iteration of "Final Fantasy III" before! It was one of those games that got locked in Japan, only having a release in terms of a Nintendo DS remake in the late 2000s.
Could I have hunted down a fan translation of this game? Sure. It is nice to have this game handed over on a platter, though. Especially, such a well-polished platter!
"Final Fantasy III" focuses on the story of four dink-ass orphans who drop into a hole and accidentally get jobs from a hidden magic crystal. They are then tasked with defending the other crystals, fixing elements from going out of whack, and eventually stuffing encroaching darkness back into the void from whence it came. Ya know. Your average "Final Fantasy" experience.
While the plot feels a lot like "Final Fantasy 1 2.0," the interesting portions of it come more from the beat-to-beat moments. Like, discovering that the land you are on is actually a floating continent being propelled by ancient machinery, for one. Finding out the world is flooded and almost every living being is turned to stone? Woof. That was a punch in the gut. So was the bit in Saronia, when you have the misfortune of being shot down and dragged into its town-wide civil war. From a 30,000-foot elevation, yeah, this game can look average. But, you do miss out on some cool looking critters from that high up. You definitely don't see into the cave depths that this runs, either!
Coming to this game so late, I imagine a lot of people are going to be thrown by how simple the game itself really is. There is a job system here, so veterans of "Final Fantasy V" may expect some value in multi-classing and maxing out experience in as many jobs as possible. Honestly? There's not a lot of reason to do that. You have options, sure. But, it's more about sticking to your guns and maxing out your job level to get the most value out of the class as possible. If you miss out on grinding out Bards and Evokers, well…are you really missing that much? Just stick to what you like, and problems will work themselves out.
The game does try to force players into shifting roles around, depending on what's going on at the time. I don't think you really have to force a player to carry a White Mage in the party, but the game does throttle progress until you use one to shrink characters or transform them into toads. Similar attempts are made to force the Scholar, Thief, Black Mage, and Dark Knight classes, although some can be worked around with the right toolset (or just a stubborn "don't give a damn" attitude.)
Additionally, the game enjoys being a little shithead about hidden passageways. You'd better get used to looking for cracks in the walls and pushing yourself through gaps. First, for better items. Then, to actually beat the game! If you have a shred of Metroidvania skills, it's not the worst to deal with. It does require some level of concentration, though. Maybe slowing down and not being on mach speed 24/7.
Speaking of which—the "Pixel Remaster" version of "Final Fantasy III" may be the easiest version of this game released to date. Particularly, with its speed modifiers, experience multipliers, and even the ability to just. Turn the monster encounters off. Like, okay! I know what speed runners are abusing for this one! Additional fun features include the ability to switch between music types and plopping filters on to make your computer look more like an old CRT television set. Which, hey. I'm crusty enough to put the original music back on, but that filter might be a bit too much.
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You tell me.
It's very clear that a lot of people put hard work into this game. Like, if the several studios listed at the end weren't evidence enough. But, yes. Someone clearly put work into shining these sprites up. At first, I was wondering if they were for some WonderSwan remake that never made it to the United States. But, these seem to be new for the release itself. That, and the rescored, live-recorded soundtrack that I immediately turned off in favor of old bleep-bloops.
I know. You'd think someone who had played flute and bassoon would have more respect for that sort of thing. It is a bit excessive for what I'm visually seeing, though. Nothing wrong in appreciating what's older, either!
About the only accessibility issue I noticed was some minor flashing with the game towards the latter half. (It wasn't too overwhelming, but it's better to mention it happening than not say anything at all.) Otherwise, hell. Between controls over monster spawning, EXP/gold multipliers, and a glut of language options, this is probably about the most accessible this game is ever going to get. Shit, it even has a tracker for seeing what treasures are available for you to pick up, as well as what hidden items you may have missed!
I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a better version of this game. I mean, sure, there's the DS remake if you wanted your characters to have character or whatever. (Although, frankly, I'm one of those insufferable bastards that is happier having their characters shut up, if the characters are just going to spend the next 30+ hours being mopey, whiny, or over-caffeinated.) But, honestly? This is what I wanted. Famicom base code and square waves. A gentle coat of paint. A few accessibility options to make treasure/monster/achievement hunting less of a pain in the ass. Excellent. The only design choice I would have made differently is somehow augmenting the palette for each sprite to match the default Onion Knight color of each character. Like, pink guy always having pink highlights or base colors, green for green, etc. But, hey. It's not like the original game was doing that, either.
Well, someone could have polished up the NPC following code, too. Poor stuttery little guys just can't keep up!
Individually, "Final Fantasy III" is currently around $18.00 USD on Steam. However, there is a bundle to get all "Pixel Remaster" games for a discount as well that you may wish to consider. I'd wait for it to dip under $60.00 USD if you wanted to go that route, as that bundle does tend to get discounted more often than not. But, if there's three of the games that you'd be into from that set, you might as well scoop them all up. I've certainly enjoyed them in rougher states than this!
Again, though. You're reading something written by a person that is pro-"Final Fantasy II" and indifferent to "VII." Someone who habitually and gleefully plays "Quest 64." My sense of "good" may be much different than yours.
I suppose we all cope differently, don't we?
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basicallyblank · 2 months
Paris Olympics MD4; France vs Brazil Quarter final
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Quarter finals of the Olympics, Brazil, a fairly young team that have a lot of fight. They're an attacking team that look for the counter attack and focus on wingplay. They played a 4-4-2 formation today, as they have in every game apart from against Japan. They have never beaten France.
France are the hosts of the tournament, They've ever quite managed to get over the line in tournaments, but they have one of the best attacking lines in the world and can build up play very quickly. They like to play attacking flowing football and like to press.
France started off very quick, as they always like to do, they always look to start strong to display their dominance early on. Brazil showed off their physicality early, trying to win those battles in midfield.
Brazil's players were making good runs forward down the wings, they love getting their fullbacks forward as support. Gabi Nunes showed some excellent skill on the wings, dribbled passed her player and puts a good cross in, Brazil start to look more confident in attack, and aren't afraid to put a tackle in.
France get awarded the penalty in the 12th minute, Cascerino was brought down in the box after a challenge from Tarciane, too much contact and Cascerino knows that if she goes down she wins a pen. Her pace was too much for Tarciane and Rafaelle and they were left scrambling.
Karchaoui steps up to take, she's left waiting for 4 minutes whilst the ref sorts everyone out, you can see her routinely taking deep breaths throughout to reassure herself but her penalty ends up being saved.
France would be looking even more to get forward now, trying to turn the momentum of the game in their favour, they start building out from the back, their usual style.
Both teams rely heavily on players coming down the wings and being able to shoot crosses into the box, Brazil players attemping to dribble their way into the box but unable to beat Renard.
France were easily getting bodies forward in attack whereas Brazil were struggling to get bodies back to defend, France progress up the pitch as a unit and make sure they always have options available, they were able to cut Brazil open a few times in the first half but nothing ever came as a result.
Brazil defenders doubling up on French attackers, I imagine a big defensive point was to mak sure they have no room to cross, this is an area France ose the biggest threat, Baltimore was ruthless, always looking for that inch of space to try get the cross off, France always have options in the box and their players are quite good on scoring headers.
Both teams were wasteful on set pieces today, France had more clear chances off freekicks but failed to make anything happen, and corners for both teams were easily headed away.
Brazil constantly trying to get France on the counter attack, quickly turning and driving up the field, trying to catch them out and get attacking players up the pitch. France lost majority of aerial duels today, long balls just weren't coming right and Brazilian players are fantastic in the air, France cheaply gave away posession a few times.
Both teams were eager to get ahead before half time, France have scored early on in all of their previous games in the tournament, they haven't scored a goal after the 49th minute.
Brazil started the second half on the attacking foot, they will be looking to assert themselves more, it took them too long in the first half and didn't really generate that many chances, they have no shots on target and struggled to get out of their half due to the pressure France was applying.
France hadn't been attacking centrally often, but it was a route they started going down in the second half, when they had done it previously, they cut Brazil open, but just struggle in the final third. Brazil will be looking to try something new in attack, they just can't beat Frances defence.
In the 54th minute, after making a last ditch tackle, Rafaelle has to be stretchered off due to injury. She's a massive loss for Brazil, she's a brick wall in defence and is also a target for corners. She dealt with everything that came her way and has a good partnership with Tarciane.
France's defence starts getting sloppy, a mistake from Renard gifts Brazil a golden opportunity, Polinho just drags it wide and is unable to find the right angle.
On the other side of the pitch, French attack is attempting to inject some pace, Brazillian defenders not being given much time on the ball, having to think fast as there's always an opposition player over their shoulder.
France quickly trying to create something, building up from the back and using Cascerino's pace to drive towards the box, Brazil try to slow the game down, gaining back possession and passing the ball around, calming themselves on the ball. France know that if they aply the right amout of pressure, Brazil will crack, their attacking players are ready to fire from all angles.
It all goes wrong very quickly for France, a huge defensive mistake in the 82nd minute, a misplaces pass that was going nowhere, Polinho comes off the back of De Almeida's shoulder and easily slots it in the back of the net, Brazils first shot on target.
France are exerting themselves trying to get a goal, Brazil will be happy to overload on defence and see the game out. It starts getting sloppy and physical from both teams, France make silly mistakes as they're playing frantic, a mistake from Picaud almost see Brazil capitalize again.
In the final minutes of the game, it becoes obvious France let their emotions overpower them, they made foolish mistakes, wasted set pieces and just weren't able to get the upper hand. It's the same tale as it's always been for te French, a great team that just can't get themselves over the line, you start to wonder when it will eventually happen for them. For now, World Champion's Spain await Brazil in the Semi Final.
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 2 months
still think its extremely clever (despite my qualms bc im a professional hater) the ways the interactions the elves have w the rest of the world mirror the dynamics in the nakamoto household. Theres this fantasy element of the elves being more in touch w nature (and the plant motif the nakamotos got going on) long lived magical beings w spider armor who think they know better than everyone else so they treat others like children. N with the nakamoto house, everyones considered part of this family. W the idealization of the lord vassal relationship being one of informal mutual agreement (tho ofc the idea of it being entirely voluntary cannot be like. Materially true. But theres ways the relationship of a knight n his king, the king n his subjects r romanticized n theres elements of this in dm for sure so who knows where dm falls on this ) Which makes the head of the house a father of sort to everyone in the house (tho i imagine the exact distinction to like paternalism of a household and like being someones father in the modern sense is not completely translatable). Like the plot w the canaries is so long reaching, of this army sailing to the other side of the world to conquer this dungeon but their parallels w the nakamotos and the close, familial violence that is happening just in this snapshot of this rando house (tho part of its focus on just them is probs bc the japanese audience is more familiar w what ideas its drawing from. ) really shows like. The banal shittiness of it. The elves arent even exceptional in their brutality this is just what ppl w outsized power over others do.
+ in feudal japan everything is viewed as being collectively owned by the house itself rather than individuals + the individuals having to act for the good of the house rather than for themselves vis a vis how both nobles and prisoners are conscripted into the canaries for what is seen as for da good of the world. The connection of family n how degals father adopted thistle as his own son even tho he was taken from his home to be a servant (and at this point i can feel ms kui going dont think too hard abt the ethics of this. The love was real #feudalism). + the connection w the toudens (closest we get to like a “nuclear family “) and how their father could send falin away against the shock of every other member of the family (tho falin eventually understood i think..?) in the ways his flaws as a human being become bigger bc of the outsized amt of power he had in his own family. that his relatively banal flaw of not explaining himself could break the family apart. As an aside, do u think maybe laios was able to understand the actions of his father just a little more when seeing chilchucks relationship w his family? Probably not enough to forgive his own father. But maybe a first step to understanding it and also himself.
Just like how the entire fall of the golden kingdom rests upon the interpersonal failures between the melinis and the ways they viewed each other as family and held each other to it even as their roles changed. W the complications of falin n marcilles relationship as falin started to outrun her. Kabru n milsirils relationship as a smaller version of whats happening w the elves and the rest of the world.
Like the relationship of a parent and child n all it reflects w ppl w power and those who do not in dungeon meshis really interesting. That having power is a difficult thing interpersonally, which is why holding it requires extra sensitivity to others bc all ur flaws will get magnified in the harms it causes. Like i respect how the internal logic of it. checks out. i think dm has sufficiently justified its ending even tho im personally like after all that… u still think there should be a king…? Like i respect the scope of the work n what its trying to convey. tho more than that i respect the most how it conveys it (bc i dont think a lot of the themes themselves are particularly groundbreaking)
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