Gossiping at The Lonely Isle -----------------------------------
It's a late night at Phaegate's number one bar, the Lonely Isle, but it's full of gossip and the laid back hustle and bustle of locals and the occasional trader stopping in at the capital before leaving the next day. The bartenders a big bubbly gal named Sherly. You're a trader passing by but you decide to take a bit to rest at the Lonely Isle, plus you're good friends with Sherley and she makes your favorite so so perfectly. Sliding inside, you sit at the bar and rest your feet on the bottom of the stool beneath you.
Sherly notices you settle down and instantly shuffles over to you. As she does this you notice a little more waddle in her step since the last time you stopped in.
"Heeeeeeeeeey! Long time since I've seen you in here, cutie. I'll get you the usual if that's fine."
As soon as you give her a warm smile and nod, she leans under the counter and brings out the shaker to mix your drink, "Since you haven't been around a lot want to hear some things going about?"
Shrugging and nodding you accept the offer, it's always good to know what's going on around Phaegate. Even if it's the capital of Solcera it's generally smaller than most cities in the other realms and it is good to hear about the recent happenings and gossip. Sherly starts pouring and you watch as she does this one handed while rubbing her fingers across her chin, thinking.
"Hmmmmm...oh! I know what you've missed! New shop moved in, the tall, slightly crooked one on the outskirts of Phaegate's shopping district. Got filled in by that Sherwood girl. She's a gorgeous gal too, used to be a fighter!"
You give a side smile and a nod. Lottie's been known around the city for awhile now. She used to be a part of one of the more well known adventuring parties. Hell, you've even run into her a few times through your connections in trading, nearly every party has to run through the market scene for supplies eventually. You wonder if her party struck it big if Lotts' is settling down finally.
"Suuuper cozy, called Lotts-of-Potions, built out of old wood painted a light blue and filled with that wonderful smell of baked goods. Don't know how she does it but she's a baker and a potion maker. Crazy craft but she makes it work, I'll tell ya! You should visit."
You tell Sherly you don't really have the time, work's been bombarding you with orders and you've got a huge shipment going out tomorrow via airship you have to oversee.
Sherly finishes up her mixing and hands you your drink, "Oh, well. Do so when you can, honey. I know the commerce business has been busy lately."
Sherly leans her arms against the counter and continues on. "Did go to Sena's the other day to get my blouse resized," The stout bartender let out a deep chuckle at the kind look you give her, "Yeah, hubbie's been treating me well lately. Though you've probably noticed," she says with a smile.
"But yeah! That new girl's shop's straight across from Sena's." She squeezes her belly with her palms beneath her apron and sighs with content, "tried one of her potions and gods, was it filling and soooo good. Nearly made me bust out of a dress, thought I heard some seams ripping."
Maybe you'll take a visit there after all. You need some more time off from work anyways, time that isn't dropping into a bar for a few minutes.
Considering this you spend a good hour at the bar. It's nice catching up with Sherly and it's been a long day. Sometimes you've gotta take some time to sit back and meet old friends. And tomorrow, maybe get some delicious pastries and potions.
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dymonddigital · 6 years
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Don’t call her Birdman she prefers to be called... Mrs. Pigeon #birdlady #pigeons #phaegate #thailand #photography #travel #travelphotography #chiangmai #chiangmaithailand #photojournalism #naturalgeographic #people #asia #myfeatureshoot #photoeditor
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thislifeunwritten · 8 years
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V. Awkward Chinese dragon selfie 😂 #chinesenewyear #chiangmai #phaegate (at Tha Phae Gate,chiang Mai)
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I don’t want to leave off on a note like that, so in other news, have a sneak peak at a drawing I’ve had in the works for awhile! vvv
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When you see the institute towering over all of Phaegate, you know why the city was built.
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where is lottie's shop, i NEED that potion
Well, if you’re in the material plane that contains Earth and it’s universe…
You’ll take a left at the lava plane, keep going until you enter the air elemental plane, don’t enter limbo, stay away from there, and pass the faewild. After that you go straight for about 5 more planes until you see an interplanar plasma station, stop there if you need a snack on the way, it’s not as great as the food in Soelcera, but it works for traveling. Finally, enter the plane of plains, there should be a portal there that’ll bring you smack dab in the middle of Phaegate. Lottie’s shop is on the eastern edge of town, not quite by the edge of the abyss. Small one story building, outside it looks like a rustic cafe, inside’s a potion shop.
Eh…you may also want to head off to Sena’s shop as well, she does tailoring work. After you drink that potion you’ll be needing new clothes. She’s right across the street, works and lives in a big three story building, looks like a library. Can’t really miss it.
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Headcannon about Soelcera
The main reason Sena, the one tailor lady that lives across from my character Lottie's shop, started sewing and tailoring clothes is because of the god awful crap that goes on with women's clothing. Like, flip that ship. Sizes are all over the place, pockets are non-existent, don't even get me started on finding any actually comfortable bra for the size you need.
Sena's clothing will have pocket options. Do you want pockets? I got ya, the whole thing has pockets. Left hip pocket is a bag of holding, a literal pocket dimension. You can fit literal pounds of candy in that thing. Bra size? They're all custom fitted, baby! Can't find anything in your size? Like I said, custom made fore the individual with love. Need a rough and tough outfit that can take a beating, I've got tons of adventurers coming through here, that's right up my alley. Need a stunning dress to impress your special someone? Oh honey, you'll be even more beautiful. If you ever need to fight in said dress (there's always that one formal fight scene), I've got ya covered. Team up with one of Phaegate's blacksmiths and you can get blades hidden in the heels of your shoes.
With Soelcera's tendency to fatten up/enlarge/expand it's inhabitants, it's only fitting to have a tailor that can make clothes as big as she needs. Up the size a little, alter the top or bottom in the outwards direction, let out a seam or two, or three, or four, or create a whole new outfit created around your new weight.
From this, Sena decided to make her shop, and would eventually go on to tailor to all genders, sizes, species, and forms of being. Her motto is "everyone deserves to have decent clothing, jeez".
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Yee. Little g-nomes.
Soelcera is after all one of the many planes in its world. There’s multiple portals from all over the place that connect to the one at the center of the city of Phaegate, so you get species and people traveling from all over the planar universe!
This mixture has created a culture that’s pretty diverse in the main city of Phaegate. It’s both of it’s own and a combination of ones found throughout the other planes.
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Who’s fatter: the king or the queen? who fattens the other up more?
First off, you’ve gotta know that the Queen was the one who was originally part of the royalty. The King was the one who worked for the Institute and then became part of the royalty after marrying the Queen.
On one hand you’ve got the Queen who’s, y’know, the Queen, and gets to eat huge extravagant feasts, and has servants that can bring plates of food to her whenever she wants. But then you’ve got the King who, though still now part of the royalty, is mostly into the researching part of it. This doesn’t change the fact that he’d be spoiled beyond belief, after all, the Queen would take good care of him and keep him well fed!
So, the fattest one out of the two is probably the King. Big Queen has so much love for her King that she spoils him every second she gets, usually with food…lots of food…
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Consider: the king hitting immobility/blobhood with the queen doing the same right after him?
The King gained weight pretty quickly after marrying the Queen. It didn't take long for him to start having trouble fitting into his office chair in the institute. He then started to notice he was having trouble on field missions, walking down the long halls of the institute was tiring, and even the walk from the observatory to his lab, which were not far away, left him sweating. He began to realize how he waddled around his lab, his enormous belly jiggling beneath his lab coat, which of course had to be resized multiple times. His office chair was soon switched out with a two person couch, which he filled out a few months later.
The whole time the Queen kept paying him visits during the day, getting away from all the hustle bustle of being the head leader of Phaegate. She's fascinated with his work for the institute and loves hearing him talk for hours about it while she hand feeds him. When the Queen has other matters to attend to, she makes sure her husband is left with enough food to keep him fed until he's done for the day (enough for her is five to ten boxes of doughnuts).
Before he knows it, with the Queen's help, the King can barely move. He overflows the couch, has to have someone push him through doorways, and it takes him forever to walk anywhere. The Queen keeps paying him visits, showing her love with food. This finally leads to him not even being able to move, leading to his studying of new methods of mobility (which I will touch on later).
Both of them enjoy the free time they have together. The King loves how the Queen adores his new weight gain, the Queen loves cuddling against her big hubby.
After this, the Queen mentions how she'd love to gain some extra pudge as well, to which the King agrees and encourages her. They both love the idea. The already huge feasts for the two of them grew even bigger, the Queen and King feeding each other more and more.
The Queen started to notice how her ceremonial outfit for banquets got tighter. The breastplate squeezing against her chest, the corset and belt dug deep into her middle, the leggings strained to fit her thighs, buttons started bursting off during meals with visiting diplomats, seams tore apart whenever she sat down. She had to get multiple resizes on her more formal outfits, though she kept a lot of her lounge wear, it being baggy already. Time would soon show that even her baggiest clothes would get tight.
Whenever the Queen went to visit the King when he was working, she too began to have a hard time climbing the stairs to reach the Institute. Luckily the doors to his office were already widened to fit the King's size, so she didn't have a hard time there. The Queen grew fatter rounder, the cuddles got softer, the food got more plentiful, and their love grew more and more.
It doesn't take long for the Queen to follow suit behind her husband. A new throne was installed, many times bigger. Their bed was enlarged as well, alongside everything in their mansion to accommodate both their sizes. The Queen decided it was best not to move around a bunch during banquets, deciding to stay put at the dinner table. She waddled through the hallways of the noble mansion, servants helping her along the way.
By this time the cooking staff had tripled, feasts at the royal palace became expansive and exquisite. The palace became known for their extravagant dinners, guests seemed to grow just a bit more paunchy after every visit to the royalty.
They have a hard time getting around, but the Queen still manages to visit the King at the institute, be it with a little help. And the King still manages the Institute's work, despite his enormous size. And they still both enjoy feeding each other, showing their affection, and love seeing each other's fatty forms rolled down the hallways, enjoying each step of their journey.
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Personally, I think that the king had queen should be tube fed/force fed so they’re massive blobs with him taking he charge in size... then they’ll be perfect for ruling, y’know?
The bigger the royals, the better.
I get ya.
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Are the King and Queen all pudgy and soft too!
Pudgy royalty indeed
I haven't talked much about the King and Queen of Soelcera on here yet, just mentioned them a few times T-T
But they are indeed pudgy! One of them heads the institute of Soelcera research in the heart of Phaegate (haven't decided which one yet, need to dedicate writing to just them sometime) and it's also where they met!
I was thinking the King or Queen had to work alongside the Institute on one of it's many projects (some of those including astronomy and Soelcera magic. Y'know, the expanding/ inflating/ fattening kind of magic?). So the King/Queen hit it off pretty well over this project, fall in love, and became King and Queen!
And oh yeah, since they're the rulers, leaders, and head of Phaegate and its institute of research, they are most definitely big time pudgy.
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Name: Sena Xiomara
Species: City Half-Elf
Age: 31
Height: 5'6"
Gender: Female
Single Demi-Bisexual
Friends / Relationships (subject to additions):
Lottie - (Potion Brewer across the street) best friend, business partner, also beeg crush.
If you need a tailor (which if you live in Soelcera, you most likely will) Sena's the lady to see. She may not seem like it, but Sena's the most skilled outfitter in Phaegate. She's known for her wide range of designs, the passion she has towards her creations, her love for comfy clothes, and her snappy attitude. She took up creating clothing after get fed up over how dumb actual big companies sold their outfits. At first, Sena's business was extremely small, and most of her customers were close friends, friends of friends, and relatives. It wasn't until the King and Queen came to her services after wanting a more personal and "quaint" tailoring service. They were so impressed that they continued using her services until she gained the title of official royal couturier! Nowadays Sena is continuously swamped with work and BUSTling around the shop. As of late, She's been frequenting the shop across from her's, Lotts-O-Potions", on her off time. She's struck up quite a friendship with it's owner too, Lottie Sherwood! You can find products from each of their shops at on the other's shelves.
Sena is, simply put, a very irritable person trapped inside of a somewhat reserved body. Maybe it's her work load, maybe it's her stubborn outlook on life, maybe it's maybelline. She loves reading and lounging around, but never seems to be doing any of it, only when she's at Lottie's place does she loosen up and kick back her feet. All around, Sena's a great person, she's just tired to the point where she's almost always annoyed.
--Body Shape--
Sena has a very padded hourglass shape, hence why any relatively tight outfit gets stretched out around her weighty bottom and thighs and her almost equal sized breasts. Because of her elven roots, Sena's skin still retains a few leafy scales here and there (though they mostly blend into her skin).
--Kink Stuff--
Feedee/Feeder, Mutual gainer.
- Wine aunt
- Stress eats (eats when stressed)
- Comfort eats (eats when not stressed)
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What would it be like it Sena was a full elf?
OOOOOOO info dump about Soelcera Evles and climates droppin' in!
First you've gotta know a few things. Elves of Soelcera usually have a few distinguishing features:
- Pointy ears
- Leafy scaled skin bits
bits of skin that feel more like a thicker scalier leaf, usually formed around arms, necks, the sides of faces, chest, hips, legs, and pretty much anywhere else.
- and sometimes horns (usually animal like horns, deer, elk, ect. Only some elves have these and they usually one in the family)
One of the main things with elves is that they derive from nature, so they've kept some natural aspects.
In short, they can photosynthesize...
In Soelcera, elves get most of their energy from the Sun, so sunbathing and soaking in its rays is pretty important to them. Depending on how elven a half elf is, they don't have to worry about this much. But when you're fully elf, most of the energy and "food" you need must be obtained from sunlight or some related light source. If an elf is starving they can lay in the sun and essentially photosynthesize!
This method of "eating" does have its downsides, most importantly in the winter months when the sun is seldom seen.
Seasons in Soelcera are kind of wacky. Just as you can have two distinctly different biomes on neighboring floating islands, there are what's been called "season zones". Phaegate just so happens to be in a zone where the seasons are relatively normal, not too much off from the seasons on Earth. It's once you start travelling to the other seasonal zones that you begin to see their strange magic at work.
Imagine time zones, but with varying seasonal times and types. One seasonal zone, such as Phaegate's, can be perfectly normal to our standards, yet if you travel several islands out, you could find a seasonal zone that keeps an island in eternal summer. Though this would be a great vacation spot, it's the perfect representation of season zones!
Anyways, back to elves. Elven colonies and towns usually settle around seasonal zones that tend to be warm, bright, or full of plants, since that's where they can get the most sun. This is why most Soelceran Elven groups usually live in and around beaches, forests, and jungles, places where the seasons fit their needs.
Then you've got city elves and city half-elves who find other ways to combat this. Phaegate has a relatively warm and sunny spring and summer, but the fall and winter seasons begin to get below an elves' comfort level. UV lights help a lot, so it's not uncommon to find city elves with them in they're homes. Half elves can usually eat normal foods and they're fine (elves can do the same, they just have to eat A LOT more), though a lot of them also love to bathe under a UV light on some of the colder days.
Also, elves can eat normal food, it just doesn't get them as full as sunlight does and it gives them only a small portion of the nutrients it normally would. This makes them experts in eating competitions, but doesn't help them during times of less sunlight. Half elves on the other hand, can eat normal foods and it gives them the normal amount of nutrients.
Half-elves feel the effects of their elven heritage to different degrees. It all comes down to genetics, luck, and who in your family was elven.
Now we finally get to Sena!
Sena's Dad was fully elven, and genetics gave her a lot of the traits from him. So even though she is half-elf, Phaegate's winter is rough on her. If she doesn't get enough sun, Sena's often quite (more) grumpy, begins to lose some weight, and becomes sluggish from lack of vitamin D. So she has to eat more during the winter to compensate for the lack of sun. If she was fully elf, she'd feel these effects to a much greater degree and would instead have to eat tons upon tons of food or often go to one of the many UV hangouts around the city (bars and restaurants that cater to the elves in the city).
if Sena was fully elven, she'd likely also have more leafy scales over her body. Elves' scales usually look very similiar to leaves, even sometimes changing colors with the seasons, but half elven scales tend to blend more into their skin. Sena has a few around the back of her jawline, shoulders, and thighs. If she was more elven, these scales would probably cover the entire sides of her legs, all the way down her neck, and the entirety of both her shoulder blades, but they only make for some small skin toned scales here and there.
On the other hand, if she was a well fed, full of food elf! She'd be very happy and content.
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Would it really be uncommon if everyone and anyone (barring kids of course) in Lotte and Sena’s part of the city sudden ending up getting fat(ter)/inflated for some random reason?
Not at all. There’s always some weird happenings that occur around Phaegate, especially by Lottie and Sena’s. Whether those two things have any correlation is a mystery. It’d probably be reversible…probably.
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Look at her! It's Lottie, everyone's favorite big and squishy potions dealer! She's also the first OC in my new world I'm creating / writing about:
SOELCERA "The Shifting Sanctuary"
It's a plane of existence comprised of floating islands scattered throughout a sky like abyss. *squints at script* It also seems to be the dumping place for all the creatures and magic bent on expansion and weight gain, weird. The main city, Phaegate, is an outsider city, one built by the first non-natives to the plane. assembled around the first portal in and out of Soelcera, Phaegate is a city of immense proportions, built, sometimes precariously, onto one of the many wandering islands. It is home to people from all edges of the known planar system, valiant adventurers wanting a grand journey, citizens that wanted refuge or a nice place to settle down, foodies that came for the unique and filling dishes, shop keeps wanting to sell the magical goods found in the plane, etc. etc. And Lottie!
As for Lottie, her full name is Charlotte Shirwood and she's a retired adventurer who settled down and opened up her own potion shop, Lotts-O-Potions! Not only are most of her potions of her own creation, but she specializes in meal potions as well. Meal/food potions are just another one of Lottie's own creations, a magical potion and a full meal all in one!
Her more in depth bio is here, In my new, (very empty) OC list:
> Right Here, this is the OC list <
If you've got any questions/asks about Lottie, Soelcera, have any ideas for potions in her shop, or absolutely anything else, I'd absolutely enjoy answering them. She's got a lot of stories about her adventures and tons of various elixers she sells.
If you guys got any ideas for potions, I'd love to talk about them and draw what I imagine they'd look like.
Next OC I'll draw will probably be the one character mentioned in Lottie's bio, Sena, the tailor across the street from Lotts-O-Potion. I also feel like making a description for Soelcera and writing about the many stories it holds within.
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dymonddigital · 7 years
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“The Name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it are safe” -Proverbs 18:10 #scripture #morningmotivation #blackmentravel #blackmenstyle #behumble #vacation #chiangmai #thailand #phaegate (at Chiang Mai, Thailand)
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