aeschylus · 2 months
anyone else remember phlochte summer we were writing smutty poolside drabbles for those olympic white boys and it ended as soon as the summer ended i feel like i hallucinated it
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agapeeternal · 1 year
I wish phlochte was more active cuz I miss talking about them to somebody
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kennyomegasweave · 7 months
Shipper Tag Game
I was tagged by @foralleternityidiot! Thank you!
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore? Christian/Sean from Nip/Tuck. Letting them go was the first step in me trying to free myself from the demon that is Ryan Murphy and his shows.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one? Eric/Jack from Boy Meets World. I shipped them before I even knew what shipping was. You couldn't tell me shit about them and you still can't. They were, are, and always will be in love. You will never change my mind.
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple? So I didn't get into fic until WAY late, like 2008. Which is weird cause I was on message boards and in so many LJ comms, but I just didn't read it. Keeping that in mind, it was Phlochte. I'm not proud but I'm not as embarrassed as I should be. If you knew anything about those two back then, you'd get it okay. lol
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over? I don't actually. I still don't seek out fanart, so I'm not surprised I don't remember the first one I saw.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse? I still have anti-delena and anti-stydia tags on old posts on this account sooo...lol. But I was never in the inbox, messages, comments, or posts of people who actually liked those ships! People just came to me to fight when I would post my hate posts on my own account.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently? The previous answer answers that, lol. But I don't have any currently. I've hit the point where if I love a ship that's not happening and/or I hate the main pairing, I tend to just peace out. I only ever had NOTPs cause I wouldn't quit shows, but now I'll drop them. I keep up with my faves through gifsets with no need to actually watch the show.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read? WangXian. I finished the show in four days and read all five books in five days. I have been OBSESSED for like a month.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs? I will never not have OTPs, lol. Current: CaptainKeen, CharlieBabe, NorthSonic, KhemThongthai, WangXian, Buddie All time favorites: Stelena, Scallison, Matt/Elektra, Amy/Rory, Ian/Mickey, Spashley, TeamWin, PalmNueng, PrapaiSky, Brittana, Pacey/Joey, DeanCas, Graham/Megan, Amy/Lucy Diamond, Webgott
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together? Of course. I have more noncanon ships than canon since gay ships really just weren't happening back in the day. I also have several ships that got together but broke up, which I think also answers this question. The biggest will always be Shane/Carmen. It's been 18 years since Shane left Carmen at the altar and I'm still mad.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting? I'm watching Playboyy and I didn't give a shit about AobPuen and I didn't really care about PromNont but now I'm invested in them both. AobPuen got me in literally one episode. PromNont became intriguing when Prom gave Nont the gun and then it's just built from there.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over? I watched and loved Love Syndrome III in 2023 so obviously I have hella ships from the past that would get me cancelled. I regret nothing.
12. What was your favorite crack ship? I honestly think I've only ever had one crack ship and that was ChanBig and it went from laughing online to "I am fully pretending this was actually happening and Chan and Big are fucking in the sky now, thank you, god bless" in record time.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of? This isn't a fair question since a lot of my ships just don't have fic written about them. But I'm currently all up in WangXian fic.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common? I tend to like ships that are ~unhealthy~ ~toxic~ and ~problematic~. No regerts.
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship? Just not talking to each other. I don't need them to agree, sometimes even on anything, but they have to talk. I don't care if they yell, fight, punch each other, whatever, as long as they talk. I don't like miscommunication because of that either. Because if you're actually talking, there's not miscommunication.
Tagging the last five people in my notifications: @theflagscene, @loudspeakeer, @beaucadeau, @bunnakit, @deepbutdazzlingdarkness Feel free to do it or not, no pressure! It's all for fun! <3
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elfynevans · 2 years
just thinking about how at one point i had read every single michael phelps/ryan lochte (phlochte lol) fic on ao3
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jeahwriting · 29 days
so happy you’re still active because i have ZOOMED thru almost the entire phlochte tag on ao3 in the last few weeks and can’t stop thinking about them 😔
Forever coming back to them 😭
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mfphelps · 5 years
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phlochte appreciation post :P
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Thanks, Anon! :-)
Which one sexts like a straight white boy?: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?! Both of them!!
Which one cried during a fucking disney movie?: Ryan.
Who put a goddamned fork in the microwave?: Ryan. He did it once and MP won’t ever let him forget it, LOL!
Who does the silly hands-over-the-eyes “Guess who” thing?: Ryan.
Who puts their cold hands/feet on their partner?: Ryan. Michael pretends to hate it, but he honestly doesn’t mind it. Except for when Ryan’s feet are super cold after getting out of the pool or shower.
Who had that embarrassing Reality TV marathon?: These idiots watch shitty reality TV together, LOL.
Who laughs more during sex?: It’s a tie. They’re always making each other laugh.
Send Me A Ship For This Meme
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the-lovely-leo · 7 years
Anyone (yes, I'm sure you have) find it interesting that both boys were monkeys!?! 🐒
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contemnitefortunam · 3 years
Detti in the stands to support Paltrinieri ❤️
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guessmysoul · 7 years
It feels weird that this is the first Fina without Phelps and Lochte
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agapeeternal · 1 year
Michael's speech at the hall of fame event, mentioning how Ryan pushed him to be the best just 🥹😩😭
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yessoupy · 3 years
got kudos on my old phlochte mpreg IT'S* HAPPENING
*the olympics
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jeahwriting · 1 month
I haven’t thought of phlochte in what feels like years, but I just looked at this blog on a whim and accidentally reread some fic and now I’m feeling so many feelings
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mfphelps · 5 years
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Lochte helps Phelps zip up
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I’m so tired of seeing this Michael Phelps Colgate commercial.
But only because it makes me miss Phlochte!
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