phrasalcards · 4 months
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"Talk up" = promote someone or something enthusiastically. ⠀ Example: He talked his idea up with as many friends as he could. ⠀ Example: They talked up the tourist attractions to encourage more visitors. ⠀ Learn phrasal verbs in our app - https://onelink.to/7y3btw
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Phrasal Verbs Decoded: Language Hacks for Quick Learning Success!
Language Learning Unleashed: A Phrasal Verb Extravaganza
Are you ready to embark on a linguistic adventure that will propel your language skills to new heights? Brace yourself for the exciting journey of unraveling the secrets behind phrasal verbs—a game-changer in the realm of language learning. In this article, we'll dive deep into the intricacies of these linguistic gems, unlocking the door to quick and efficient language acquisition.
The Symphony of Words: Breaking Down Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verbs, those enigmatic combinations of words, are the unsung heroes of language mastery. Picture this: you encounter a verb, and it suddenly morphs into a dynamic duo, dancing with prepositions and adverbs, creating a harmonious symphony of meaning. This linguistic transformation adds a burst of flavor to your expressions, making your communication vivid and compelling.
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Riding the Rollercoaster of Language Complexity As we delve into the world of phrasal verbs, be prepared for a rollercoaster ride of linguistic complexity. Picture yourself navigating through sentences that twist and turn, seamlessly blending simplicity with intricacy. This intricate dance of words is the key to keeping your audience engaged and ensuring that your linguistic journey is anything but mundane.
Embracing the Ebb and Flow: The Burstiness of Phrasal Verbs Now, let's talk about the burstiness that sets phrasal verbs apart. Imagine a river flowing with sentences, some serene, while others rush with the intensity of a waterfall. This ebb and flow of linguistic expression creates a magnetic pull, captivating your audience's attention and keeping them hooked on every word.
Mastering the Art of Variation Humans inherently crave variety, and the same holds for language. Phrasal verbs effortlessly inject bursts of diversity into your sentences. A short, crisp statement followed by a more elaborate phrasal verb-laden sentence creates a dynamic rhythm, making your content not just informative but also captivating.
Language Hacks for Quick Learning Success As we conclude our exploration of the mesmerizing world of phrasal verbs, it's time to reflect on the language hacks that guarantee quick learning success. Embrace the perplexity of phrasal verbs, let them challenge your linguistic boundaries, and revel in the burstiness that adds flair to your expressions.
Unlock Your Linguistic Potential Incorporating phrasal verbs into your language arsenal is akin to unlocking a treasure trove of linguistic potential. Embrace the challenge, savor the complexity, and let the burstiness of phrasal verbs be your guide to quick and effective language learning success! Unlock Your Language Hacks and Learn Phrasal Verbs!
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deliasamed · 7 months
Preposition - "Without"
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Preposition “Without”
The preposition without has several meanings and can be used in various contexts. Here are some of its common meanings:         Lack of Something: Without is often used to indicate the absence or lack of something.   I can't make coffee without water.   She went to the party without her phone.   He couldn't sleep without his favorite teddy bear.             Not Using or Excluding: It can also indicate that something is not being used or is excluded.   She solved the puzzle without any hints.   I'll eat my salad without dressing.   They played the game without rules.               Outside or Beyond: Without can imply being outside of a particular range or limit.   The temperature dropped to ten degrees without warning.   He left the room without saying a word.   The car ran for miles without any issues.             In Spite of: It can indicate that something happens in spite of an obstacle or condition.   She finished the marathon without training.   He succeeded without any formal education.   They survived without any help.                 Free from: Without can mean being free from a particular quality or characteristic.   The painting was beautiful without a flaw.   He was without fear in the face of danger.   The garden was without weeds.                   Outside of: It can imply being outside a certain period or range.   The package arrived without the expected delivery time.   He can't work without his usual office hours.   The store is closed without notice.                 Not Having: It can indicate not possessing something.   She managed to succeed without any special skills.   I can't imagine life without you.   They lived happily without wealth.                 Exemption or Exception: In some legal contexts, without can signify an exemption or exception from a rule or requirement.   The defendant was released without bail.   The contract is null and void without proper signatures.   You can't enter the restricted area without proper authorization.       These are some of the common meanings of the preposition without. The specific meaning can vary depending on the context in which it is used.                
Preposition without in combination with gerund
(the absence of an action): 
  When the preposition without is used with gerund, it is often used to indicate the negation or absence of an action. Here are some examples:   Without studying, I won't pass the exam. (Negation of studying as a necessary action for passing the exam.)   He left the party without saying goodbye to anyone. (Negation of saying goodbye as an action when leaving the party.)   She managed to complete the project without asking for help. (Negation of asking for help as an action during the project.)   They enjoyed the concert without clapping at the end. (Negation of clapping as an action at the end of the concert.)   I can't imagine my day without drinking coffee in the morning. (Negation of drinking coffee as an action in the morning.)   He went on a hike without bringing any supplies. (Negation of bringing supplies as an action for the hike.)   She cooked a delicious meal without using any recipes. (Negation of using recipes as an action during cooking.)   They decided to go on a road trip without making any plans in advance. (Negation of making plans as an action before the road trip.)   I managed to solve the puzzle without looking at the answer key. (Negation of looking at the answer key as an action during solving the puzzle.)   He often falls asleep without watching television. (Negation of watching television as an action before falling asleep.)              
Without as an adverb (outside, out of):
  When without is used as an adverb to mean outside or outdoors, it can describe a location or situation. Here are some examples:   They decided to dine without, enjoying their meal in the garden. (They chose to eat outdoors in the garden.)   We spent the evening sitting without, gazing at the stars. (We sat outdoors, looking at the stars.)   The children played without until the sun went down. (The children played outside until it got dark.)   She prefers to work without, finding inspiration in nature. (She likes to work outdoors, drawing inspiration from the natural surroundings.)   They had a picnic without by the river. (They had a picnic beside the river, in an outdoor setting.)   He read his book without on the porch swing. (He read his book outdoors while sitting on the porch swing.)   The wedding ceremony was held without under a beautiful oak tree. (The wedding took place outdoors, beneath a lovely oak tree.)   The campfire crackled without as they roasted marshmallows. (The campfire burned outside as they toasted marshmallows.)   They set up a tent without and spent the night in the wilderness. (They pitched a tent outdoors and camped in the wild.)   The concert was so popular that people stood without to listen. (The concert was crowded, and some people stood outside to listen.)   In these examples, without is used as an adverb to describe activities or situations that occur in an outdoor or open-air setting.              
Preposition without in phrasal verbs:
  Without is used in various phrasal verbs to convey different meanings. Here are some examples of phrasal verbs with without:   Do Without: This means to manage or get by without something that is usually considered necessary or desirable.   We had to do without electricity for several hours during the storm.   He can do without a car in the city because of the excellent public transportation.       Go Without: Similar to do without, this phrasal verb means to endure or survive without something.   She's decided to go without sugar in her diet.   The soldiers went without sleep for days during the mission.       Reckon Without: This means to fail to consider or anticipate something or someone in your plans or calculations.   They reckoned without the possibility of bad weather on their camping trip.   The team reckoned without the opponent's strong defense during the game.       Live Without: This phrasal verb means to exist or continue one's life without a particular thing or person.   I can't live without my morning coffee.   She couldn't imagine living without her best friend.       Run Without: In a business or organizational context, run without can mean to function or operate without a particular element.   The company had to run without its CEO for a month due to illness.   The computer program can run without an internet connection.   These phrasal verbs add different nuances to the use of without, indicating various actions, conditions, or situations in which the absence or presence of something is significant.              
Word expressions with without:
Here are some word expressions and idiomatic phrases with without:   Without Doubt: This expression is used to emphasize certainty or the absence of doubt.   Without a doubt, she is the best candidate for the job.         Without Fail: This phrase means consistently or invariably, without exceptions.   He visits his grandmother every Sunday without fail.   The alarm clock wakes me up at 6 AM without fail.         Without Notice: This indicates that something happens suddenly or unexpectedly, often with little or no prior warning.   The company laid off employees without notice.   The landlord entered the apartment without notice.         Without the Knowledge (Of): This phrase is used when someone does something without the awareness or consent of others.   He took the cookies without the knowledge of his siblings.   The decision was made without the knowledge of the board members.         It Goes Without Saying: This means that something is so obvious that it doesn't need to be mentioned explicitly.   It goes without saying that safety should be a top priority.   It goes without saying that honesty is important.         To Do Without (Somebody/Something): This phrase means to manage or survive without a particular person or thing, often implying difficulty or sacrifice.   She had to do without her car for a week while it was being repaired.   He can't do without his morning coffee.         Without Prejudice: This legal term is used to indicate that a statement or action is made without affecting one's legal rights or claims.   The settlement offer was made without prejudice to our future legal actions.   We can discuss this issue without prejudice to any existing agreements.         Without Regard (To): This means without taking into consideration or ignoring a particular factor or aspect.   They made decisions without regard to the cost.   The policy was implemented without regard to its impact on the environment.         Without Further Ado: This phrase is used to suggest that something should happen or be done immediately, without delay.   Let's start the meeting without further ado.   The chef presented the dish without further ado.         Without a Trace: This means that something or someone has disappeared completely, leaving no evidence or indication.   The missing documents vanished without a trace.   He left the party without a trace, and no one knew where he went.     These expressions and phrases with without provide additional context and meaning to the use of the word and are commonly used in both formal and informal language.                 Preposition – “Without” Preposition – “Within” Preposition – “Up” Preposition – “Up” Preposition – “Towards” Prepositions – “Round” and Around” Preposition – “To" Preposition – “Off” Read the full article
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amishablogs · 1 year
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englishtalkindia · 1 year
In this video, we'll take a deep dive into phrasal verbs, an essential aspect of English language learning. We'll explore the most common phrasal verbs that use the verb "make" and provide practical examples for using them in everyday conversation.
From "making a phone call" to "making a decision" and "making a good impression," we'll cover a range of phrasal verbs that you can use in your daily life. We'll also break down the meanings of each phrasal verb and give you tips on how to use them correctly.
Whether you're a beginner or an advanced English learner, this video will help you expand your vocabulary and improve your conversational skills. By the end of the video, you'll have a solid understanding of the most common phrasal verbs that use the verb "make," and you'll be equipped with the knowledge to use them with confidence.
So join us as we "dive into" the world of phrasal verbs and "break down" the meaning of "making" in everyday English. Don't "miss out on" this opportunity to "level up" your English language skills and "take advantage of" phrasal verbs!
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myenglishpages · 1 year
Phrasal Verbs Explained: The Difference Between Speak and Speak Up, Thro...
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aviratacademy · 1 year
Avirat Spoken English Academy is a top and well-known English Speaking class in Hadapsar, Pune, and is also known for Language Classes and Online Language Classes For English Conversation. Get access to the address, contact number, photos, directions, working hours, and services of Avirat Spoken English Academy, Hadapsar, Pune.
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tfl-teacherthais · 2 years
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Hello guys 👋🏻 #agoraeuaprendoingles Phrasal Verbs podem parecer assunto de tirar o sono. Afinal verbos que mudam completamente de sentido com o acréscimo de outro termo? Parece mesmo complicado. No entanto, mesmo na língua portuguesa, lidamos com verbos frasais o tempo todo. A ideia dos phrasal verbs é justamente uma ação composta por uma frase. Ou seja: duas (ou mais) palavras. No nosso idioma, temos, por exemplo, o “tomar conta”. “Tomar conta” são duas palavras. Porém a ideia só toma sentido com as duas juntas. O mesmo vale para “cair em si”, “dormir no ponto”, etc. Essas expressões surgem naturalmente, e são assimiladas por todos os falantes. Para não gerar confusão, os Phrasal Verbs não nascem de qualquer junção. Pois é totalmente comum que verbos estejam unidos a outros termos: os complementos. O que faz de uma união um verbo frasal é a natureza sintática do termo acrescido. Ou seja, é necessário que haja um verbo + uma preposição ou um advérbio. Observe, sabendo que “pick up” (pegar ou buscar em algum lugar) é um dos Phrasal Verbs, veja essa construção: ‘May you, please, pick it up for me? — Você pode, por favor, pegar isso para mim?’ Outro exemplo, ‘I will get rid of those spiders — Vou me livrar daquelas aranhas’. Aqui, temos “get rid of” como um dos Phrasal Verbs. Seu significado é “exterminar”, “dar fim”. Porém nenhum dos três termos pode ser separado ou invertido. A estrutura é estática. Portanto torna-se tão importante estudar esses verbos. Eles estarão presentes em tudo com o que tivermos contato. Conforme praticamos o Inglês com constância, estudando, lendo, ouvindo músicas, assistindo séries e filmes e até conversando, vamos nos familiarizando com os Phrasal Verbs. E para que seu estudo se intensifique eu tenho um material base completo para você. Gostou? ❤️ Vem estudar comigo! #phrasalverbs #verbosfrasaisemingles #cursodeingles #cursodeinglesonline #aulasparticularesdeingles #aprenderingles #english #ingles https://www.instagram.com/p/CiP0aYsuwEb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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phrasalcards · 6 months
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"Take in" = understand and remember something. ⠀ Example: The lecture was rather boring and I didn't take in much of what the lecturer said. ⠀ Example: I'm not sure how much of his explanation she took in. ⠀ Learn phrasal verbs in our app - https://onelink.to/7y3btw
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creativenglishsblog · 2 years
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#miq #yds #ingilizceöğreniyorum #ingilisdilidanisiq #englishgrammar #english #grammar #phrasalverbs #englishteacher #ingilisdili #MIQ #creativenglish #miq2021 #miqingilis #ingilisdilikursu #ingilisdilimiq #online #onlineingilisce #onlinehazırlıq #miqhazırlıq #sertifikasiya #miqenglish #ingilisdilihazırlıq❤ #englishlearning #idioms #miq #yds #ingilizceöğreniyorum #ingilisdilidanisiq #englishgrammar #English #grammar #phrasalverbs #englishteacher #MIQ #creativenglish #miq2022 #abituryent (at Baku, Azerbaijan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiAA9BIs-pQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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universeswithyou · 2 years
Te solté en una noche.
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stairsofwisdom · 2 years
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Vocabulary #english #englishteacher #ieltspreparation #ieltsvocabulary #ieltsvocabulary #ielts_exam #ieltsspeaking #ielts #ssc #ssccgl #ssc_cpo #sscchsl #banking #upsc #upscaspirants #upscexam #adjectives #adjective #noun #verb #phrasalverbs #verbs #adverbclauses #adverb #adverbs #clauses (at Amritsar, Punjab) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgo-AvXJUr_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cyntita28 · 2 years
Hoy me despertó con un bonito "buenos días, amor" 📚🤩
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wevzlans · 2 years
Hi followers! 💖 Let's try this again! I posted an 'alternatives to wait' video a while back, and it wasn't well received 😅🥺 Here's a new and improved version! 😎 Which one do you like the most? Reposted from @tikateachesenglish #englishidioms #easyenglish #phrasalverb #englishlanguage #languagelearning #영어공부 #englishexpressions #englishvocab #britishenglish #englishlearners #learnenglish #tikateachesenglish #영어회화 (en Caracas, D.F., Venezuela) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg7mLaOgfLz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lingolabs · 10 months
💙 Action Verbs Which one's new for you?! . . cc : esl_daniela #actionverbs #verb #verbsinenglish #words#phrasalverb #phrasalverbs
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aviratacademy · 1 year
Our academy has become a household name for hosting the best English Language classes in Pune. our goal is to impart superior information in the areas of personality and communication skills. The main motive is that everyone's language should not be a barrier to their progress. We offer training in all modes ranging from classroom training to on-site training and you can find out which exactly suits your needs by visiting our website.
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