#Pietro Ubaldi
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sonicjustbecause · 13 days
My opinion on voices (Sonic and Shadow mostly), both official and fan VA
Sonic - the official
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The voice I'm most fond on is the one of Ryan Drummond in the Adventure games, while I didn't appreciate much how he sounded in Heroes. It was the first time I head a convincing Sonic Voice, after years of hearing Pietro Ubaldi in Italy (Pietro Ubaldi is known to dub cat characters. All male cats in anime were dubbed by him in the '90s'. If Big the cat was in Sonic Satam, I think the Italian VA would have been Pietro Ubaldi. His voice didn't work much on Sonic, indeed right now Sonic Italian VA is Renato Novara, a lovely voice for him).
I was happy Sonic had his voice too, like Mario. Ryan's natural voice is very deep. Deeper than RCS', I was surprised hearing him talk naturally. But he made Sonic sound like a loud and cheerful teenager.
Jason Griffith was also a great Sonic. Not so great in Sonic X, but in videogames he had a strong reminescence of Ryan. Maybe he even sounded more natural. Unlike Ryan, Jason's natural voice is not so deep and i think his voice sounds cute at times. To be honest, I can't choose between the two.
My opinion on Roger Craig Smith's voice is not that great. I don't like how he sounds, not even in Frontiers, his voice is too deep and too serious for Sonic. Some suggested that he should dub Shadow, they even did videos with Shadow with RCS voice when he dubbed more mature characters. But, personally, I think he is a bad Sonic and would make a bad Shadow.
Hearing Deven Mack in Sonic Prime was a big relief. His voice is very goofy and lively, yet gentle and soft, I think it was perfect, it portrays Sonic's personality and emotions, is versatile and I hoped for him to became the new Sonic voice. Unfortunately we got RCS back.
Fan VA
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As for fan VA , the first that comes to my mind is Pixelrush. I was surprised that a goofy voice would sound so good on Sonic.
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LittleGameBoy5 sounds very dark. I can't say I hate his voice. He dubs the gloomy Sonic from Idol Amy, so it suits. He is also capable to be goofy when needed.
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PatchToons, (Sonic and Amy Squad) dubs all male Sonic Characters but Tails. And Mario who is the guest, making all of them sound recognizable as their own. For Sonic, it seems to me he is referring on RCS, because the voice he uses is quite low.
Shadow - The officials
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I've read more than once that Shadow's voice is supposed to sound beautiful.
Anyway, My favourite VA for Shadow is David Humphrey, and his interpretation is fairly different than the others that followed. He dubbed Shadow in his debut game and in Heroes. I think the first thing that I noticed is the low volume of his voice. This underlines a thoghful personality. He also spoke very clear. The voice sounded youthful and smooth and the range of emotion was large, Shadow was a grieving kid, but he was also mischievous, and you could clearly hear that. David sounded so good because that was his natural voice.
I also like Jason Griffith. He's not David and he makes Shadow sounds too mature at times, but he clearly captures his melancholy. Like for Sonic, he may sound cute. Many complain about Jason's voice being wispering/breathy when he does Shadow, but I like that. I think it underlines Shadow's quietness. Although I know some taciturn people who are loud talkers, usually when you aren't use to talk, your voice loses strenght.
Jason's Shadow can also sound playful. In Sonic Zero gravity Shadow is having fun and you can hear that.
There is not much from Ryan Drummond as Shadow. He had to imitate David, so I don't know what his take would have been, but unlike many I think he didn't sound like Kirk.
Now is better to restrict myself because what I think about Kirk Thornton's voice is... how to say? Kirk's voice is... uhmm, not very beautiful. I don't complain about the pitch but I can't stand the raspiness, he makes Shadow sounds always angry and murderous even when he is not supposed to sound like that. The famous 'You got this Sonic!' sounds angry when it shouldn't have had. The voicelines I heard on YT were at best embarrassing.
In first episodes of Sonic Prime, Ian Hanlin didn't made a good impression. He was so loud. But when Shadow had to talk for long (longer than he ever talked) in the episode 9 and when he appeared in the following episodes, I coul hear the voice I was used to, soft spoken and soothing. He shouted in the first episode for a good reason.
Fan VA
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The first that I think about is Crazy Greg. He dubs in Idol Amy and has his own Youtube channel and is active for a while. Clearly he bases his dubbing style on Jason Griffith, but his voice is very iconic, powerful and feels so Shadow-like, many think SEGA should hire him.
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Another VA I like has a unequivocal username... Shadow the Hedgehog. He is normally a loud talker and has a goofy voice. I was surprised when he started to write serious stories with Shadow as protagonist, played them in cinematic VRchat and dubbed him... his voice suddenly sounded so soft and sad... and still recognizable as his own.
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SimitarchVOs is interesting... his voice is quiet but also raspy and deep, certainly not beautiful... and yet is charming and fun, a bit sad, it sounds like somebody who went through a lot of tragedies in his life and is now trying to find peace. He mostly dubs with Pixelrush.
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Shadow759 and Vindo (Both dub for Sasso Studio, but Shadow759 has his own page with his own videos) sound natural. They just speak calmly but they don-t go too far from theri natural voices, a bit like David Humphrey. This make them sound really smooth. Shadow759 also makes a good Silver. He is alittle less convincing as Sonic though.
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Last, PatchToons from Sonic and Amy Squad, with his soothing, quiet and slightly breathy interpretation of Shadow. Interestingly, for Sonic he refers to RCS. But for Shadow he makes him sounds like a mix of David and Jason.
There are so many fan VA around, both good and bad. I choose to talk about those that i like most, but there are so many good fan VA around. Too many to be mentioned.
There is no point on talking about fan VA I don't like.
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genuine question: if you could cast anyone else as mario, who would it be? like i mean besides the OG voice actor Charles Martinet is my first choice, but who would YOU wanna see most?
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man nice question......... anyone but crispy mcbacon
BUT ALSO. since i wanna be self-indulgent a bit? and i wanna pick some good italian voice actors? Without having to go over the top with the accent?
Pietro Ubaldi for Mario and, if I may? Oreste Baldini for Luigi
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materiali-sonori · 1 year
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culturayortografia · 2 years
Examen de ortografía nivel extremo
Examen de ortografía nivel extremo
“El próximo gran salto evolutivo de la humanidad será el descubrimiento de que cooperar es mejor que competir”. -Pietro Ubaldi— Cultura & Ortografía (@culturayortogra) December 17, 2022
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songmyself · 3 years
7th Sea NAVIGAVIA S1 E1: "Tutto come previsto..."
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teatrogag · 2 years
Scuola di Doppiaggio a Genova
Il 22 maggio full immersion di 6 ore nella Scuola di doppiaggio di Genova del Teatro G.A.G.
Nuove figure professionali a Genova e in Liguria La nostra scuola di recitazione e media è nata nel 2013, da allora abbiamo formato studi di registrazione e doppiatori per una professione che non esisteva: il doppiaggio a Genova e in Liguria. Una scuola che coltiva il talento dei propri allievi. Il prossimo appuntamento è il 22 maggio 2022 con Pietro Ubaldi, voce ufficiale di Geoffrey Rush. Il…
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feartube2000 · 4 years
SpongeBob - Amici in fuga
SpongeBob – Amici in fuga
SpongeBob – Amici in fuga (The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run) è un film commedia animato del 2020 basato sulla serie televisiva animata SpongeBob SquarePants. Diretto e scritto dallo sviluppatore della serie ed ex scrittore della serie Tim Hill, che ha co-scritto la storia con Jonathan Aibel e Glenn Berger, è il primo film del franchise ad essere completamente animato in CGI stilizzato…
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october24th · 4 years
Resoconto Giorno 134
Ho sognato di avere una figlia. Era bellissima, adorabile, alta per la sua età, una risata carinissima. Mi sono svegliata benissimo.
In mattinata ho sistemato la cameretta e dopo mi sono allenata, oggi addominali. Carica e molto soddisfatta. Successivamente ho preparato il pranzo, mangiato, fatto il bagno e lo shampoo e asciugato i capelli con la spazzola rotonda. Ho intenzione di fare la piega mossa con la spazzola così da usare di meno la piastra. Dovrò prendere uno spray termo protettore in ogni caso. Già li immagino lunghi, ondulati e morbidissimi, che sogno.
Nel pomeriggio mi sono connessa in videochiamata con mio cugino per aiutarlo con i compiti, abbiamo fatto matematica e geometria per martedì, abbiamo terminato alle cinque. Dopo io e Imma abbiamo guardato a distanza il documento sulla carriera di Shawn Mendes da netflix. E con questo stiamo al terzo documentario sulle carriere di personaggi famosi, ci piace scoprire e venire a conoscenza di ciò che vediamo dietro ad un marchio, ad un album musicale, un concerto, un film. A visione conclusa l’abbiamo commentato su whatsapp con quei soooooliti messaggi vocali luuuunghi. Nel frattempo ho fatto una videocamera con papà per aiutarlo con alcune cose, l’ho invitato a mangiare qui questa sera e poi ho preparato la cena.
Rebbi è uscita e mangia fuori mentre mia sorella esce col fidanzato quindi a cena ci siamo solamente io, mamma e papà. Per mamma e papà ho preparato i maccheroni con panna, zucchine e salsicce e come secondo hamburger e patatine al forno. Per me solo il secondo. Dopo mangiato ho sparecchiato e mi sono messa sul divano con papà a guardare Deal with it, poi è andato via prima delle dieci. Io e mamma abbiamo mangiato un po’ di cioccolata con Lola che ci stava sotto al naso. Ho fatto una piccola videochiamata con Vitto, è stato molto carino. Ci siamo semplicemente guardati, entrambi a letto, sorridendo di tanto in tanto e scambiandoci qualche parolina. Starei per ore così a guardarlo.
Robb è un maestro nell’imitare voci strane di personaggi di cartoni animati oppure inventati. Dal suo talento siamo passati a canticchiare le sigle dei cartoni animati della nostra generazione. Topolino, Leone il cane fifone, Monster Allergy, Pretty Cure, Magica Melody. Lui è bravissimooooo mi fa ridere un sacco!! Dovreste sentirlo, altro che Cristina D’Avena e Pietro Ubaldi! Ah, ha detto che dobbiamo fare insieme la maratona di piccoli brividi.
Ho riso così tanto che mi è venuto il singhiozzo.
Sognare di avere una bambina: è segno di felicità, di prosperità e di fertilità; c’è una novità in arrivo, un cambiamento da mettere in atto, che si sente la necessità di proteggere un progetto o una persona. La parte interiore che vuole emergere è quella dell’accoglienza e della sensibilità, caratteristiche tipiche di una bambina.
08 Gennaio
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mundo-escrito · 3 years
O próximo grande salto evolutivo da humanidade será a descoberta de que cooperar é melhor que competir.
-Pietro Ubaldi
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federicodonati · 3 years
Versace Timeless · 3D Montage from SIC EST on Vimeo.
I had the pleasure of directing and animating the CGI for Versace Watches Campaign SS18 by Luca Finotti.
SS18 Campaign: vimeo.com/278522650
More here: sic-est.com/versace-timeless
Client: Versace Creative/Film Director & Photography: Luca Finotti Agent: Steven Pranica (CXA) Producer: Marga Schemm (MAI) Casting Director: Piergiorgio Del Moro DOP: Alessandro Ubaldi Video Editor: Federica Intelisano Video Colorist: Daniel Pallucca LF Creative Assistant: Lucas Possiede
Production: Production Assistant: Virginia De Renzis & Cico Filotico Video/EQ Coordinator: Ivano Grasso
Casting: Charlene (Fashion Models) Misa (I Love Models) Tommaso (Moda Moda Kids) Laura (B-Talent) Nastya (Fashion Models) Alessio P. (Fashion Models) Casting Senior Associate: Giulia Massullo
Film: 3D Artist: Domenico Tedone / Sic Est Watches 3D Modelling: Giorgio Galli Design Lab 1st AD: Edoardo Francesco Marini 1st AC: Niccolò di Guida 2nd AC: Andrea Pedrinelli Gaffer: Roberto Muratori Electrician: Jacopo Baretton Crane Operator: Guido Leonarduzzi Grip: Maurizio Miraglia 3D Montage Sound Design: Sic Est (based on Bach's Prelude in C minor)
Photo: 1st Photo Assistant: Lorenzo Formicola 2nd Photo Assistant: Jonathan Santoro Digital Tech: Arnaldo Abba
Set Design: Set Designer: Victoria Salomoni Set Design Assistants: Pietro Camacci, Soraja Cehic & Gianluca Re
Styling: Stylist: Diletta Ariano Stylist Assistants: Gianluca Francese & Anna Pastore Tailor: Rosangela Perucelli
Glam: Hair Stylist: Gabriele Trezzi Make up Artist: Luca Cianciolo Manicurist: Valentina Quadri & Maria Pia Saragnese
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sonicjustbecause · 10 months
Sonic Italian voices. What I think. What are my favourites:
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Nine doing the well known Italian hand gesture 🤌. I smiled when I saw it.
I'm Italian (for this my English sucks, at least, I hope it is readable). I tend to wathc shows in italian, English and Japanese. Usually I enjoy Italian and Japanese dubbing, English... not so much, I don't like the choices of VA usually. Sonic Prime is one of the few exceptions. I'm glad to not hear RCS as Sonic. Is voice is terrible for him. Kirk's Shadow also is bad. I can say is the only Shadow I prefer to avoid to listen.
In 30 years Sonic series changed the VA but for some voices only from Boom and in videogames we are finally getting there.
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Italian Sonic VA have been four as far as i remember: Pietro Ubaldi, Fabrizio Vidale, Daniele Raffaeli and Renato Novara.
Pietro Ubaldi is known to be the dubber of virtually all cats characters, both anthro and four legged such as Michael (What's Michael) to Giuliano (Love me Knight) to Artemis (Sailor Moon) to the blue scottish fold Doraemon but he also dubs funny villains. He dubbed Sonic in Sonic SatAM and AoStH. it sounded a bit weird in that role I must say.
Fabrizio Vidale dubbed also Shadow, going as far as making Shadow talk exaclty the same way Sonic talks, same speech pattern and inflection to underline their likeness. He was not much appreciated in that role and was also weird as Sonic though he managed to show his personality. Fabrizio Vidale was also the Italian VA of the inspector Gadget.
Daniele Raffaeli dubbed Sonic in Sonic Boom (serie). I think he has the cutest Italian voice for Sonic, I love that. He also dubbed Shadow (of course) but I have no idea about how he dealth with him, I only was able to watch about 10 episodes of Sonic Boom that were dubbed in italian. I was surprised to enjoy Sonic Boom, since I didn't give it credits. Shadow with a cute voice? Mmmh, I'm curious...
Renato Novara, the official Sonic VA (also in Videogames and in Sonic Movie) has a pleasant voice too. I think it sounds youthful and gives the impression of a strong yet funny character.
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Tails also had four VA in my country: Veronica Pivetti, Federica de Bortoli, Maura Cenciarelli and Benedetta Ponticelli.
Veronica Pivetti was for Sonic SatAM and AoStH. She has a versatile voice, shge dubbed Megara from Disney's Hercules making her sound like an adult woman (of course), but she also dubbed Dende from Dragon ball and Tails, giving them an innocent childish voice. One thing I like about Italian voices choice is that children are virtually always dubbed by women, never by men. I hate to hear a 8 years old child talking with the voice of a 30 years old man. Few men can dub a child in a convincing way (we had Paolo Torrisi, his voice sounded easily like the one of a 10 years old kid. Unfortunately he died few years ago)
Federica de Bortoli dubbed Tails in Sonic X. Is long i don't watch Sonic X but I remember a nice childish yet determined voice.
Maura Cenciarelli didn't give me a strong impression. If I can tell Sonic's voice was cute, I can't tell what i think about Tails, apart from 'its fine as a kid voice'.
Benedetta Ponticelli has a very cute voice for Tails. She is also the official VA for videogames, she dubbed Tails in the movies and Nine, Mangey, Sails. While keeping the cuteness, I can tell Nine is spot on and can be scary with a cute sounding voice.
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Knuckles had three VA here: Davide Garbolino, Oreste Baldini and Maurizio Merluzzo.
Davide Garbolino dubbed Sonic in Sonic Underground. He is one of the few men who is able to properly dub a kid (most of the character he dubbed were kids, indeed), but I never watched Sonic Underground so I have no idea about how he sounded as Knuckles.
Oreste Baldini dubbed Knuckles both in Sonic X and Sonic Boom. I kinda liked his voice but thinking about that, it didn't left me a strong impression, although i laugh when he i remember him screaming: 'Oh no! The curse of the moose' in Italian from Sonic Boom.
Maurizio Merluzzo is a GENIUS! I don't like, that's reductive, I LOVE his interpretation for Knuckles. Is a while he dubs Knuckles but he did his best in Sonic movie and following. he is also the VA in videogames.
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Amy only had two VA: Antonella Baldini and Serena Clerici.
Andonella Baldini dubbed Amy in Sonic X and sonic Boom, while Serena Clerici dubs Amy in videogames and in Sonic Prime. Both of them represent what I love about Italian dubbing. Most of the time, Italian dubbers try to keep the voices as close as possible to the original voices. In shows that they respect particularly (like the Simpson) they go as far as choosing VA wich voice are virtually identical to the originals.
Serena Clerici uses a high pitched voice for Black Rose and Amy, while she sound more adult while dubbing Rusty and Thorn. Maybe my favourite is her Thorn interpretation.
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For Shadow we got three VA, two of them shared with Sonic. Fabrizio Vidale, Daniele Raffaeli and Claudio Moneta.
I didn't hear Daniele Raffaeli yet, so I can't say how his voice sounds on him. But I can say, as far as I know, Shadow is not as soft spoken as in the English version. On the contrary, he talks loud and clear.
Fabrizio Vidale dubbed Shadow in Sonic X making him sound like Sonic. Terios, the reflection in short. I think this robbed some of Shadow's characterization. Shadow and Sonic shared the same voice in English version too, but Jason Griffith and Ryand Drummond were good to make them sound different. More like two identical twins who have also identical vocal folds, but due to their different personalities, they also have a different speech pattern and inflection. so they seem to have two different voices.
Claudio Moneta opted to show Shadow's emotions through his voice. he is an actor who prefer to put his personal twist on character he dubs rather than giving a perfect imitation, making him sound very strong, determined and no-nonsense but he sounded cheerful when he did steal all Sonic's regulators. Honestly I would have preferred to hear a soft voice in my language. He also dubbed Goku and Zarbon (the latter was dubbed as soft spoken).
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Eggman got six VA, but I didn't hear all of them: Toni Fuochi, Riccardo Lombardo, Dario Penne, Gerolamo Alchieri, Roberto Pedicini and Aldo Stella.
I like most of them but I would talk about two in particular: Roberto Pedicini is the VA for the movie. More than the VA of Eggman he is the VA of most Jim Carrey interpretation, and he sounded dangerous, although funny in the movie.
Aldo Stella is Eggman in the videogames and in Sonic Prime.He also dubbed Guldo from Dragon Ball. his voice sounds nasty, rasp and high pitched and I like it. It makes me think what Eggman is, a mad scientist.
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cartofolo · 5 years
Spiritismo come fonte di verità?
Molti considerano lo Spiritismo come una fonte di verità, tanto che Kardec addirittura lo ha codificato in una dottrina. Secondo quello che ho imparato, non è così semplice né scontato. Per quello che ho potuto capire, dopo la morte del corpo fisico non si trova nessuna verità che non sia quella che abbiamo elaborato e di cui ci siamo convinti, durante l'ultima incarnazione. I piani di coscienza, dopo la morte, esaltano e permettono di completare la nostra maturità emotiva e mentale, rendendo alla coscienza superiore il frutto di questa elaborazione, in un sentirsi di esistere sicuramente più ampio e più consapevole. Solo quest'ultimo è "la verità", ma non è trasmissibile a parole, perché è "sentire", cioè identificazione con quello spazio di Realtà, raggiunta ma non terminata.
Dunque, partendo dal presupposto (non certo, e del tutto discutibile) che un messaggio medianico sia frutto del rapporto con un trapassato, si capisce che questo esprimerà la convinzione di un individuo, il cui percorso materiale è stato di un certo tipo, ma non una verità più vera di quella che può venire da un'idea o da un'elaborazione filosofica di un incarnato. Sono pareri, punti di vista, descrizioni di un mondo relativo, derivato da specifiche esperienze terrene; morali e filosofie che continuano a risentire di questo, percorsi spirituali, emersi da queste specifiche esperienze, che appartengono solo a lui, e che sono condivisibili solo da coloro che ne colgono il valore, e si sentono affini, sia come percorso che come maturità mentale.
Da qui nascono tutte le contraddizioni che si riscontrano nei messaggi medianici, le quali (contraddizioni) diventano un problema solo per chi ha l'ingenuità di pensare allo spiritismo come fonte indiscutibile di verità.
Il lavoro di Kardec, è stato sicuramente positivo, come il lavoro della scienza del secolo passato con la meccanica classica, che ha posto le basi per un ulteriore passaggio nell'allargare la conoscenza della materia, con la meccanica quantistica. Così, Kardec ha posto le basi di una ricerca spiritica, che si è evoluta nell'approfondire i meccanismi di un rapporto col trascendente, il quale ha visto l'espressione di medianità e sensitività straordinarie, come quella di Roll (sensitivo torinese), di Pietro Ubaldi col suo straordinario dettato filosofico e mistico "La grande sintesi", di Corrado Piancastelli con le spiegazioni straordinarie dell'Entità A, di Roberto Setti con l'insegnamento del Cerchio Firenze 77, che ha evidenziato la ricerca di una verità che non può essere dettata da chicchessia, ma trovata nel proprio intimo, e di moltissimi altri personaggi, spesso anonimi, che  ho avuto l'opportunità conoscere e studiare nelle loro produzioni, completamente svincolate dalla loro personalità, la cui caratteristica principale era l'umiltà e la riservatezza (per cui mi dispiace non poterne parlare quanto vorrei).
Da questi studi e freguentazioni, ho imparato che ci vuole discernimento, e avere il coraggio di scegliere, tra le tante contraddizioni, quella via che si ritiene più rispondente alla propria sensibilità. Che siano i dettati del Cerchio Firenze 77 o altri, non ha importanza, perché la verità è come un fiore che nasce, e può essere coltivato solo nel proprio giardino; se viene donato dall'esterno, è destinato ad appassire presto.
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stefanoavvisati69 · 5 years
Nerd Show 2020: l'arte in diagonale
Nerd Show 2020: l’arte in diagonale
Giunto alla sua terza edizione, il Nerd Show di Bologna, si conferma una piacevole sorpresa per gli amanti dell’arte in ogni sua forma di creatività e di espressione estetica. Già, è proprio così. Non solo fumetti, videogiochi, giochi da tavolo e fenomeni del web.  Il Nerd Show Bologna, la fiera a tema comics e cultura pop organizzata da BolognaFiere è andata in scena il weekend dell’8 e 9…
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despertarcoletivo · 5 years
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"O homem mais dinâmico e revolucionário não é o que grita e ataca, mas o que pensa, penetra a verdade e a anuncia, sem agredir."⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (Pietro Ubaldi)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Arte de @alexgreycosm https://www.instagram.com/p/B1HZzRPh993/?igshid=1kbthnaepol2j
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teatrogag · 5 years
Online il Bando per partecipare a Portofino Dubbing Glamour Festival, Spin-off di ActorsPoetryFestival.  Lo Spin-off correrà in un binario parallelo allo storico Festival, ormai all’8° edizione. Il progetto sul mercato del lavoro dell’attore consta di due macro aree: attori e autori performers. Cinque le Sezioni dell’area dedicata agli attori: Esibizione dal vivo, doppiaggio, lettura di audiolibri, speakering e video acting. Portofino Dubbing Glamour Festival conterrà le Semifinali e Finali della Sezione doppiaggio. I premi in palio sono contratti con le Produzioni di doppiaggio, contratti per lettura di audiolibri, una serata di spettacolo e pubblicazione editoriale/digitale per gli autori performers. La Giuria, composta dal Gotha del doppiaggio nazionale, vedrà professionisti di fama internazionale impegnati nelle votazioni. Eccezionale la partecipazione di Giancarlo Giannini, quale presidente di Giuria nella prestigiosissima vetrina, con la collaborazione di Annalaura Carano (Warner Bros Entertainment), Christian Iansante (voce ufficiale di Bradley Cooper), Marco Mete (doppiatore storico di Daffy Duck e direttore di doppiaggio), Pietro Ubaldi (voce ufficiale di Boing TV, doppiatore di Barbosa in Pirati dei Caraibi), Marco Checchi (Booker di SDI Media), Gerardo Di Cola (critico e pluripremiato storico del doppiaggio). Direzione artistica Daniela Capurro, presente nelle due giurie. Al tavolo dei giurati di ActorsPoetryFestival 8° edizione ci saranno: Roberto Trovato (docente drammaturgia Università di Genova), Paola Ergi  (owner GOODmood audiolibri), Rosa Elisa Giangoia (presidente associazione Il Gatto certosino), Laura Garavaglia (poeta, giornalista, fondatrice festival internazionale Europa in versi), Marinella Armagni (doppiatrice, adattatrice), Paolo Linetti (curatore del Museo d’Arte Orientale di Brescia). Il programma delle due manifestazioni prodotte da Teatro G.A.G., che prevede anche mostre, prestigiosi workshop, interventi musicali a cura di Megumi Akanuma, speed date e incontri col pubblico, è disponibile online con la Scheda di iscrizione e il Regolamento su www.teatrogag.com. La partecipazione è consentita a concorrenti italiani e stranieri.
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