#Pissa AU
coffegigi · 1 month
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Lo admito se me olvida que tengo Tumblr
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cupidl0vesy0u · 2 months
Pissa wedding! I’m trying to finish it but it hard-
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merao-mariposa · 3 months
Pretty headcanon.
crow Philza x mermaid Missa.
Philza's bird brain vibrates with satisfaction because he is surrounded by shinies. bright and pretty. Perfect for him. one day he arrives at the cave where he hides in stormy weather, so happy to have a new loot of shiny things to add to his shinies in his nest.
until he sees him, the mermaid that accompanies Phil in the cave looks so melancholic, Missa misses the open sea very much but he cannot leave the aquatic caverns without the risk of being swept away by the violent ties.
That's why he's taking refuge there with the crow.
Phil doesn't like to see Missa sad, his smile is so pretty and Phil likes pretty things! He also feels weird in his chest seeing his involuntarily roommate so sad, and he decides that he doesn't like it .
So one day he returns from his searches and just fills Missa with a lot of pearls, pearls are very important in the culture of the mermaids, a sign of status about the lunar goddess or about the exchange with a human, it does not matter, the pearls are appreciated and valuable.
Missa only thinks they are pretty
but suddenly he is being bathed without prior notice in pearls of all possible sizes and colors that pearls may have, some are even impossible for him to grant but there they are
When he raises his head he can see the crow that has been accompanying him in his forced retirement, he has in his arms everything from gold to some trinkets that only seem to shine with the right light, and from where he is now Missa can almost believe that he is not a crow but an angel.
“for u’!… pwetty- pretty for pretty one!” He murmurs hardly among enthusiastic caws, crows are not made to talk, maybe imitate voices if they practice but Philza is not like parrots
Missa, after many hours of anguish, smiles again with the most dazzling smile he has ever seen and when he opens his mouth it is like a spell.
“Thank you, cuervo”
And Phil is sure he's never heard anything more beautiful in his life
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gregorsinfonia · 2 months
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DEATH DUO EN EVANGELION (si tiene apoyo, lo dibujo más prolijo :v)
MISSA SUBE AL EVA! (Ehh, en mi cabeza si tiene 14 años, ok?)
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dramaticcrow · 5 months
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(Eng Prompt List)
Day 1: Moon and Sun | Space AU | Royal AU - “My Missa”
Day 2: Vampires | Mermaids | Gods - “I'll be here when you're ready”
Day 3: Mafia | Past lives | Cat Missa and Crow Philza - “As long as you are with me you will never feel alone”
Day 4: Confession | Emergency | Murder - “The sky is the limit”
Day 5: Language of flowers | Hanahaki | Spy X Family AU - “No one ever told me that love hurt”
Day 6: First times | Emergency room | Separation - “It's not goodbye, it's see you soon”
Day 7: Disease | Hot chocolate | Comfort - “The family is forever”
Extra prompts:
Red thread of destiny
“I love you, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner”
“I would never choose to love another”
New parents
DeathDuo/Pissa Week
Entonces eh decidido que haré este reto agradezco a mi amigo Irl y a los chicos de Discord por apoyarme y darme ideas para la lista! Así que aquí vamos…
Las dos primeras imágenes contienen los prompts para esta Pissa/DeathDuo Week, contiene dos prompts y un diálogo. Puedes elegir el prompt que más te guste o combinarlos para darle tu propio toque personal :D
Las reglas de este reto son las siguiente:
1. La escritura y el arte están permitidos, puede ser solo uno o ambos como más se le acomode a cada uno.
2. No @ a los cubitos irl, tanto en vuestro arte como en vuestros fics (en el caso de que lo suban a X o Insta)
3. El contenido Dark y sensible como; Yandere, Personajes posesivos, Daño a uno mismo, Sangre, Muerte, Etc… está permitido siempre cuando se etiquete correctamente. (En caso de que tengas una idea y no sabes si está permitido puedes enviarme un mensaje)
4. No es necesario hacer los siete días, puedes hacer cuantos quieres y con los que te sientas cómodo.
5. Este reto es tanto de Pissa (pareja romántica) como DeathDuo (pareja platónica) por lo que los prompts están hechos para que sean cómodos para los dos lados de la comunidad, solo por favor etiqueten debidamente si es Pissa o DeathDuo.
6. La semana que he escogido para este reto es del 1 de Junio al 7 de Junio, aunque pueden tener todo el mes de Junio para publicar su arte/escritura
7. Y la última regla pero no menos importante… no olviden divertirse!
So I've decided that I will do this challenge I thank my friend Irl and the guys on Discord for supporting me and giving me ideas for the list! So here we go...
The first two images contain the prompts for this Pissa/DeathDuo Week, it contains two prompts and a dialogue. You can choose the prompt you like the most or combine them to give it your own personal touch :D
Also, if one of the days doesn't suit you or you don't feel comfortable with that prompt there is a list of nine extra prompts that you can also choose from.
The rules of this challenge are this:
1. Writing and art are allowed, it can be just one or both as it suits you best.
2. no @ to the irl, in your art and in your fics (in case you upload it to X or Insta) 3.
3. Dark and sensitive content such as; Yandere, Possessive characters, Self harm, Blood, Death, Etc... is allowed as long as it is tagged correctly. (In case you have an idea and don't know if it is allowed you can message me).
4. You don't have to do all seven days, you can do as many as you want and as many as you feel comfortable with.
5. This challenge is both Pissa (romantic couple) and DeathDuo (platonic couple) so the prompts are made to be comfortable for both sides of the community, just please tag properly if it's Pissa or DeathDuo.
6. The week I have chosen for this challenge is from June 1 to June 7, although you can have the whole month of June to post your art/writing.
7. And last but not least rule... don't forget to have fun!
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zeinkblotpot · 5 months
My day 1: Moon and Sun
Mi día 1: Luna y Sol
(but Philza is the night sky instead of the sun/pero Philza es el cielo nocturno en lugar del sol)
Aka pissa x hades (videojuego >:D)
Philza es Nyx y Missa es Selene
(Yes I am doing it early because I can't do it the week planned)
Event being hosted by @dramaticcrow click here for event post!
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Interested in commissioning?
Please consider reblogging, likes don't do anything on tumblr and reblogging is the only way to keep traction on a post <3
Por favor, considere reblogging, gustos no hacen nada en tumblr y reblogging es la única manera de mantener la tracción en un post <3
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galaxynest · 5 months
"A rose?"
"Why are you giving me this?"
"I saw it and thought you'd like it."
"Well…it's not shiny but…thank you"
The cowboy only moved his hat forward a little, then adjusted it and walked away to continue working on his ship.
When he was barely out of the crow's sight, the hybrid let out a sigh as his cheeks began to turn a shade of crimson, squeezing the stem of the small rose a little.
Crowfather murmured, he didn't know if to Foragissa or to himself, finishing by arranging the rose in his hair.
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sakurakoneko28 · 5 months
Volví para compartir esto porque no me quedaré en paz hasta mostrarle esto a alguien 😗 en un server de discord estábamos soltando ideas random y salió una sobre Missa siendo una lechuza y Phil un cuervo.
Supongo que lo podría llamar un Pissa birds AU(? no soy buena con los nombres juasjuas son solo ideas sueltas que se me ocurrieron en el momento :3
Missa lechuza
Es una lechuza porque estas son nocturnas (luna) y al igual que su cubito solo están activas a esa hora jaja
En su mayoría es de plumas blancas pero tiene algunas en toques grises y negros en su espalda que forman una calavera, gracias a esto algunos humanos se asustan creyendo que es de mala suerte.
Cuando conoció a Phil no entendía porque este empezó a traerle piedritas, hojas, cosas brillosas y demás, ni mucho menos porque volaba de formas extrañas, eventualmente se acostumbró.
Ya estando siempre juntos es que encontraron un nido con dos pares de huevitos abandonados (no decido la especie aún) y decidieron cuidarlos.
Suele dormir dentro de troncos de árboles y lo primero que Phil ve al llegar son un par de ojos grises redondos como bienvenida.
Suele esponjar sus plumas para que Philza se acomode bien al dormir y esté calientito igual que él.
Philza cuervo
Es la contraparte, es activo durante el día (sol).
Entre su plumaje oscuro también posee unas plumas en tonalidad azul que suelen notarse más bajo la luz del sol.
En un principio solo se acercó a Missa para ver si podía molestarlo pero este permaneció tranquilo (en realidad tenía sueño), al final se rindió y empezó a visitarlo con frecuencia.
Como forma de cortejo le llevaba cosas bonitas, incluso le ponía florecitas en la cabeza o hacia trucos de vuelo para impresionarlo pero Missa no entendía la razón, Philza sigue creyendo que eso funcionó aunque la realidad era que simplemente le agradaba tener compañía.
Cuando encontraron los huevitos se volvió territorial con el sitio donde Missa se puso a cuidarlos, se aleja lo menos posible.
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Y es lo único que se me ocurrió por el momento, Missa lechuza mi nueva imagen mental favorita, todo bonito, todo esponjosito uwu
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Time to use the full power of nerd for this post.
Why couples you ask? Cause I'm lazy that's why. Also, I'm pretty sure people way more knowledgeable than me have done this before but this just for my own fun :)
-- (Part 2) (Part 3)
For this post in particular we're focusing on PISSA
Missa: Oh, our poor wet cat. You don't understand how much I debated making him a tabaxi but at the end of the day the skeleton iconography is too strong. So, Undead Missa! More specifically a Reborn, because it allows for him to be a full-on skeleton and they have a whole thing about losing long stretches of time from their memory and come on. As for class, Bard feels obvious but College of Satire gives it that "wet cat" feel we were missing by having their entire skill set based on dumb luck and stumbling around.
Philza: Now, THIS ONE was hard. Aarakocra and Kenku were both deeply tempting but nothing makes more sense for The Angel of Death than an Aasimar. More specifically a Protector Aasimar, what with their short-use divine wings and their labor to guard the weak and strike down evil. Makes sense, right? Class was also very hard to decide, but among many options, Paladin kind of makes the most sense. A Paladin with an Oath of the Ancients plays really well with q!Phil's connection to the higher beings of his HC4 world and Mumza.
Now please imagine this semi-divine man imbued with great power by his direct connection to higher beings, being hopelessly endeared by the silliest skeleton court jester and... well, yeah, that's basically them.
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lessiasya · 9 months
My little AU that I really like
"What is that?" black nails points at TV, black wings just hanging behind his back.
"Art is dead? Does it have some meaning?"
Missa confused mostly.... Okay, he is freaking out. There is someone, something in his house and he still didn't have his coffee.
"It's TV and it's technology... How did you not know this?" He looks at long blonde hair with couple small braids, two pairs of black feathered wings and very strange black clothing... His single day off was ruined.
"So, why are you summoned me? You mortals always want something from me" This guy looks bored, he keeps pointing at everything and smiling. And now he's looking at Missa, slowly turning his head like a bird.
"I didn't summone you! I don't or didn't believe in Gods! What's a shame, I was looking forward for my day off"
"So you really didn't do anything? Than you have strange luck, because in order to summon me, someone made a sacrifice"
Chaos picks up a red apple from fruit bowl, slowly looking at it. Honestly, he is beautiful. Missa wasn't interested, but he knows how to appreciate beauty.
"Sacrifice? Like blood sacrifice?" Chaos just nods his head. "You've made that up. I don't believe you. I don't believe that you're a god."
And something clicks in stranger's head. He pushes Missa against the fridge, squeezing his wrist. Calm blue eyes turn into almost black, like a void.
"You can careless say that you didn't do anything. You can say that you don't believe in Gods. You can say that you believe science and technology. But you're never question me. As long as I stay here, I don't want to hear something like that again."
"Or you'll be laying on this floor and no medicine will help you, mortal"
Missa had a normal life. Until fucking God decided to fall in his back yard and now he's stuck with him... That's totally wasn't his dream morning.
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coffegigi · 30 days
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Phil: Todo esto será suyo hijos
*puro monte*
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cupidl0vesy0u · 6 months
New members of family!
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merao-mariposa · 6 months
Chef Missa x Shapeshifter-Crow Phil AU.
(Just hear me out)
Missa is a single father looking to be a professional chef, moving to France to work in his idol's restaurant. He takes his daughter, takes his suitcases and moves to Paris, France to fulfill his dreams.
Phil is an ex-fighter who needs a change and get away from everything after a dramatic event (no spoiler) so when he receives an invitation from his brother in arms, Etoiles, to stay with him in France for a while he does not hesitate to accept.
His son Chayanne has trouble adjusting to his new life due to his selective mutism, fortunately Tallulah (Not tula) and Chayanne become friends at school.
Pissa basically know each other through their children.
Time skip to Tallulah finding out that Chayanne likes cooking, and it just so happens that his dad is el mejor chef del mundo! (She says) Missa starts giving cooking classes to Chayanne (it has nothing to do with him wanting to get closer to Phil, nope, absolutely not, he could never ever thought about that, he only does it because he cares about Chay//and his father)
Missa tries to play it cool and suave for Phil which leads to a lot of silly cartoon situations.
Missa and Phil get distracted by cooking, more smoke than normal starts coming out but they are so caught up in their flirting that they don't notice. Missa: Is it hotter here or is it just me?? Phil laughs, looks into his eyes, into his lips and back into his eyes, and slowly approaches, so slowly and Missa's heart almost sto- Until suddenly a blast of dry ice hits them rigth in their faces. Chayanne came back from whatever he was going to do, and found a tower of smoke! What happened!? …Neither Phil nor Missa can answer that. A bit because they are covered in dry ice and another bit because no mames, what a shame.
Jump to Missa, he's feeling homesick and unsure of his abilities. Tallulah has a fever and Missa is too worried.
The cooking classes stop for a few days.
Until a crow suddenly crosses through his window. That should scare him, his daughter is sick! And crows don't exactly prophesy health.
But he doesn't find himself able to chase away the creature that looks almost as worried as Missas feels. If crows had faces he would say that he frowns when he sees the girl. This crow seems to be really used to humans or something because he allows himself to be petted by Tallulah as if he were a cat, his feathers fluff up and rumble as if he were almost purring in his daughter's hands, her tired face lights up cuz of something that It's not the fever.
He decides to leave them alone.
Since that day the crow visits them more often almost like a family pet, he always comes and goes at night and always seems to be there when they need him most.
(Abajo esta en español, no worries my friends)
Missa es un padre soltero que busca ser chef profesional y se muda a Francia para trabajar en el restaurante de su ídolo. Toma a su hija, toma sus maletas y llega a París, Francia para cumplir su sueño.
Phil es un ex-peleador que necesita un cambio y alejarse de todo tras un susceso dramático (no spoiler) por lo que cuando recibe una invitado de su hermano de armas, Etoiles, para quedarse con el en Francia durante un tiempo no duda en aceptar.
Su hijo Chayanne tiene problemas para adaptarse al colegio y su nueva vida por su mutismo selectivo, afortunadamente Tallulah (no tula) y Chayanne se hacen amigos en la escuela.
Básicamente se conocen a través de sus hijos.
Salto de tiempo a que Tallulah se entere de que a Chayanne le gusta cocinar, y da la casualidad de que su papá es el mejor chef del mundo! (Dice ella) Missa empieza darle clases de cocina a Chayanne (no tiene nada que ver que quiera acercarse a su padre, nop, en definitiva y absolutamente nunca pensó en eso, solo lo hace porque le cae bien el niño //y su padre)
Missa trata de jugarlo cool y suave para Phil lo que lleva a un montón de situaciones tontas de caricatura. Missa y Phil se distraen cocinando, empieza salir más humo de lo normal pero ellos están tan atrapados en su coqueteo que no se dan cuenta. Missa: hace más calor aquí o soy solo yo? Phil se ríe, lo mira a los ojo, a los labios y devuelta a los ojos, y se va acercando lentamente, tan lento y el corazón de Missa casi se detien- Hasta que una ráfaga de hielo seco los golpea de lleno en la cara. Chayanne regresó de lo que sea que fue a hacer, volvió y encontró una enorme torre de humo! Qué pasó?! …Ni Phil ni Missa pueden responder a eso. Un poco porque están cubiertos de hielo seco y otro poco porque no mames que vergüenza.
Salto a Missa, tiempo despues, se siente nostálgico e inseguro de sus habilidades, para peor Tallulah tiene fiebre y Missa está demasiado preocupado.
Las clases de cocina paran durante algunos dias.
Hasta que un cuervo se mete por su ventana. Eso debería asustarlo, su hija está enferma! Y los cuervos no profetizan la salud exactamente.
Pero no se encuentra a si mismo capaz de echar a la criatura que se ve casi tan preocupado como el, si los cuervos tuvieran cara diría que tiene el ceño fruncido cuando ve a la niña. Este cuervo parece estar realmente acostumbrado a los humanos o algo así porque se deja acariciar por Tallulah como si fuera un gato, sus plumas se esponjan y retumba como si casi ronroneara y la cara cansada de su hija se ilumina por algo no es la fiebre.
Decide dejarlos solos.
Desde ese día el cuervo los visita más a menudo casi como una mascota de la familia, siempre va y viene por la noche y siempre aparece estar cuando mas lo necesitan.
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insanitybl00m · 6 months
Tales From Under The Wisteria Tree
Chapter 7 - Don't go near the water
When Missa woke up he noticed that it was still early hours of light. He didn’t want to wake Philza but if he could go get them fresh water from the stream he mentioned last night…
That would be helpful. And after everything Phil did for him he really wanted to do something nice in return. Even if it was just getting them fresh water. So he got up and grabbed their canteens. 
Yesterday Phil made his way west to the stream, so Missa would go west to find the same stream. Right? He sighed. He never was the best at navigation. 
Probably an hour later he stumbled upon the inlet. Where the stream he was looking for rushed into a loch. Or was it a lake? Missa was never good at telling the difference. But he filled up their canteens with the fresh water pouring into the lake.
When Missa looked up he was face to face with a horse. Not Cielo. If you could call her a horse since she was technically a unicorn.
No. This horse had a shimmery blue-black coat. Probably a magical horse. Missa was enthralled with its seemingly glowing eyes. 
“Hi there. Aren’t you pretty?”
It neighed. Showing off it’s mane a little. 
“Are you a water spirit? A water nymph maybe?”
No response, just the glowing eyes shining a bit brighter. But that was probably Missa’s imagination.
“Is there anything you want? I left my oats back at camp but otherwise I’d offer you some.” The horse bowed down, almost encouraging Missa to ride it. “Do you want–” A neigh, seemingly encouraging it. “Okay…” Missa sat on the horse’s back. It took off, straight into the river. What the hell was happening? He tried to get off to swim to the surface but he was stuck. He was stuck. Oh no. The horse was magical.
It was a Kelpie.
Phil woke up with a start. His chest was throbbing. Almost pulsing with pain. 
He looked to his left. Gone. Fuck.
“Missa!” He yelled. Nothing. No response. All his stuff was still there, he couldn’t have gone far. Where would he have gone?
The stream? It was the only thing he could think of. He tried to make sure there was nothing else off with camp. Where was his water? He needed water. Missa must have gone to the stream to fill up their water. That was the only reason both their water and Missa would be missing. He needed to go.
So he transformed into a crow. His wings still stung with the harsh pain of pulled muscles but he continued flying, faster, faster. 
When he transformed back he noticed the canteens, water spilling out onto the ground. No Missa. “Missa!”
Again no response. His chest felt like a thousand stabbing knives. Magic. Magic was what was hurting Missa. 
Water. Water spirits. There must be water spirits in this water. He looked down. A serpent whipped its tail in his face. And so he dived into the water. A serpent-like horse bared its sharp teeth. 
Kelpie. Of course it was. Missa was the kindest soul he knew, of course a Kelpie would trick him.
“Let him be.” Stabbing pain again. His charm wouldn’t keep Missa safe for much longer. 
Well. Phil should have assumed that would be the answer. He had no weapon. Everything was back at camp. He had to get Missa off the kelpie. Kelpies wouldn’t just let their prey go so easily. He spotted a shard of glass at the bottom of the river. Humans polluting the wild might just aid him for once.
He threw the shard of glass as hard as possible at the Kelpie. It stabbed it right in the eye, giving Phil enough time to grab Missa while the Kelpie was distracted. 
He swam as fast as possible up to the surface. Missa would live but how would he get the water out of his lungs? That would kill him right? He really should have learned more about how to save a human’s life. They were so easily killable, how was he supposed to know how to save a human from countless deaths? Luckily the charm he put on Missa yesterday would be enough. 
Human lungs were in the chest like fae’s, so if Phil was to push on his chest then maybe it would force the water out? 
He was rapidly trying to figure out how to get the water out of Missa’s lungs when all of a sudden he heard sputtering. Coughing. Missa was coughing up the water. 
Holy shit. Missa was safe.
He was safe.
Before he realized what he was doing he was kissing Missa. His anxiety rushed away as he felt Missa breathe before pulling him into another kiss.
Something happened. He fell unconscious in the water. And when he woke up he was on the surface. He took a gasp of air before soft lips were pressed against his. Desperate. He opened his eyes and saw Phil. Philza was kissing him. 
Philza was kissing him like he had nearly died, which I guess was true. He tried to sit up and Phil pulled away. That wasn’t happening. Missa pulled him back, continuing the kiss. 
A neigh distracted the two of them. Phil was ready to fight. Missa stared up at Cielo.
“Oh uh hi!”
Blood red poured over a deep blue flooded Missa’s brain.
“It will never stop being weird to see emotions, but is something wrong?”
More red. Phil had pulled himself off Missa and leaned against a tree.
“Danger?” A nod from the unicorn. “We’re fine. Trust me, Phil saved me.”
Green, sour green, mixed with the sweetness of a touch of pink. A mint green almost. Almost like…
“Concern? You’re concerned for me.”
“You’re getting better at reading her emotions.” Phil said, his voice was rough.
“I’m ok, Cielo. I promise you.” Missa stood up and reached out to pet her. He didn’t really notice Phil standing up behind him. 
So when Cielo nudged him hard enough to make him trip backwards he was not expecting to fall into Phil’s arms.
“Got you.” 
Despite the fact they were literally making out before Cielo showed up Missa’s face went red. If unicorns could laugh Cielo would be laughing. Instead it was just a neigh that mimicked a laughing sound. 
“Our clothes are soaking wet.” Missa said. Changing the subject when he was embarrassed was a habit of his.
“That does happen when you try to befriend a Kelpie.” Cielo whinnied and disappeared on the spot. “Huh, that’s weird. Did she say anything to you?”
“Nope, she must hate kelpies.”
“I do too, especially considering one tried to fucking kill you!” Missa looked away and scooped up the canteens. “Missa…”
“It’s fine.”
“I’m sorry I yelled, but I was terrified when I woke up and you were just gone. I could feel that something was wrong.”
“I was just trying to get us fresh water, do something simple to make up for the fact that you washed my hair yesterday.”
“I did it because I wanted to, not because I wanted something in return. Wisteria. I—“
“It was just meant to be something nice.”
“I know. I just want you to know that anything I do for you is never with any expectations of something in return.”
“We should probably get back to camp.”
Missa was silent the whole walk back. Man, Phil messed up. “Can you talk to me please?”
“Hi. Sorry. I was thinking.”
“You want to hear stories about my kids?”
“You have kids?”
“I never told you? I thought I did. I could have sworn I told you when you were telling me about your son.”
“I don’t remember that.”
“Oh. Well I have two kids. My son is probably about seven—“
“Probably?” Missa seemed horrified.
“He doesn’t really care about his birthday, if he did I’d start celebrating it the second he suggested it.”
“Oh, I guess that’s different.”
“My daughter is six. She really loves celebrating her birthday on the other hand. But she really only celebrates it for the gifts.” 
“You have a daughter as well? How do you manage?”
“Well my son is studying abroad right now so that makes it a bit easier for me.”
“Oh, but what about your daughter?”
“She’s staying with her godmother for a bit. She’s a witch and my daughter loves her garden. She’s always helping her grow flowers.”
“You know a witch?”
“She helped me out ages ago, got myself stuck in a situation with some creatures of the fae. She was nearby getting something for a potion she needed, got me to safety and we’ve been friends ever since.”
“Wow, I didn’t know witches were still around. I thought fae stopped blessing humans with magic after the war.”
“Fae still bless humans with magic. But to be a witch you have to be raised with magic infused in your blood from a young age, most new witches are still kids. And most older witches are gone. She’s the only living witch from before the war that I know.”
“Wow.” Missa paused as they were standing in the middle of their camp. “Should we pack up camp?”
“If you don’t mind then maybe we should stay here, our clothes are going to need to dry.”
Spending a whole day at camp with Phil. Oh boy. This was different. Phil was sketching something, leaning against a rock and letting his wings spread across it. He had changed to dry clothes but he said that he needed to wait for his wings to fully dry before putting on a shirt again. Which left Missa trying his hardest not to stare as he pretended to read the book on fae that Phil had left him.
Eventually Phil got up and made his way over to Missa. “What are you doing pretty boy?”
“Mhm.” He said, almost with a knowing laugh. “What’s one thing you learned about nymphs then?” Missa looked down, oh. The page on nymphs was open. Well obviously he had been reading it right? 
“Their life force is tied to an element, like dryads and trees.”
Phil sat down next to Missa. “Yep.” He leaned his head on Missa’s shoulder. “You didn’t read, did you?”
Missa sighed. “I didn’t.” 
“Distracted by something?” Stars above, Phil was a shameless flirt. 
“You’re a bad liar, you know that right?” He said with a laugh, leaning back so that he was spread out on the ground next to Missa.
He huffed before turning around to look at Phil. “You’re all grumpy.”
“I’m tired. Despite the fact I literally just woke up.”
“Yeah but you nearly drowned, that would make anyone tired.”
“I’m fine. I made a mistake again but it won’t happen again. I’m too trusting and it won’t happen again. I’m going to be stronger.”
“What do you mean M-Wisteria?”
“I wasn’t strong enough, I’ll be stronger.” Missa repeated the phrase in his brain, over and over.
“What makes you think you aren’t strong enough?” Phil had sat up and he took Missa’s hands into his own.
“I couldn’t fight off the Kelpie, I trusted it without a second thought. Without you I’d be dead at the bottom of the river. Actually scratch that I’d be dead in the dragon cave. I’m meant to be going on this elaborate quest but I’m really just doing nothing and you’re saving me every single time.”
“Oh Wisteria.” Phil pulled Missa into a tight hug. Missa wasn’t crying. He promised he’d be stronger. He had to be stronger. “You are so, so strong. You don’t need to change anything. Kelpies are notoriously good at tricking people and they aim for ones with pure souls. They aim for those who won’t doubt their intentions.”
“You keep telling me my soul is so pure but that’s bullshit. I’ve killed people phil. Hundreds. Not all by my own hand but nonetheless. I’ve killed people.”
“There’s a difference between killing people with malicious intent and killing those out of necessity.”
“People died.”
“And you lived. You kept those you loved safe, even the universe can’t fault you for that. It’s noble. And this quest? You’re risking your life to save your son. You doubt yourself but everyone around you can see that you are full of good. You are good.” Missa was officially crying at this point.
“Oh darling.” Phil murmured. He placed a light kiss on Missa's head. “It’s alright.” He couldn’t stop himself from crying a little bit too.
“Why are you crying?” Missa asked when he heard Phil sniffle. 
“God this is so cliche but seeing you sad makes me sad.”
“Clingy.” Missa muttered as he adjusted so he was still wrapped in Phil’s arms. 
“You should get some rest.”
“I’m not moving.” 
“Never said you had to, just that you should close your eyes and try to sleep.” 
“But then you’ll be stuck while I nap.”
“And get to hold you the whole time? Sounds great to me.”
“Of course you’d say that.” Phil kissed the top of his head again.
“Just sleep. When you wake up you’ll feel better.” Missa sighed but Phil could swear that he drifted to sleep in minutes. 
When Missa woke up he was groggy. He was warm though a soft blanket had been wrapped around him. Wait, those were wings. All the more reason to just go back to sleep.
“I know you’re awake Wisteria.”
“No I’m not.” Phil laughed. 
“Ok then, I’ll just go back to admiring you then.”
“Stop.” Missa hid his face in Phil’s shoulder. 
“So you are awake?”
“Yes idiot.” Phil started peppering him with little kisses.
Missa giggled and lightly shoved him away. He heard ruffling from a bush nearby. “What was that?”
“Probably a squirrel or something. Maybe Cielo.”
“No, I'd know if it was Cielo.”
Then like a blur a humanoid popped out of the bush. She pulled leaves out of her jet black hair before beaming at the pair. 
“Hi Papa Phil! Is he my new Apa?”
New Apa. 
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dramaticcrow · 4 months
Niños Craft + Chay!!!!💖💖
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(Me acabo de dar cuenta que dice muete en vez de muerte, lo arreglaré mañana Jsjsjsj)
La referencia de los chicos en My Amethyst! Estuve trabajando en esto durante un tiempo :33
Posiblemente les haga un dibujo más adecuado más adelante^^
Se nota que no hay favoritos en la casa jsjsjsj
Aunque adoro a todos los niños, no tengo favoritos ☺️ (mentira)
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galaxynest · 5 months
Continuing with crowfather and foragissa, I have this idea that originally the cowboy's ship ends up trapped in Origin Valley.
Where some hybrids welcome the foreigner, but warn him who he should really be careful of, an elytrian hybrid who seems to be more careful with those who do not look like hybrids and tends to hurt them.
He is someone who is very greedy, he likes shiny things.
And at least, in my Crowfather headcanon, he can use magic (I like those types of Au's), so he has earned the reputation of not only being very greedy, but also one of the most powerful sorcerers that It seeks to protect hybrids as long as they are useful to him.
Something that doesn't cause a problem for Foragissa, until parts of his ship start to disappear, and not only that, 2 of his henchmen end up disappearing.
(Yes, originally the crow and the alien hate each other too much because of the shocking personality they both have) That his henchmen disappear is the final nail in the coffin, so Foragissa confronts the Crowfather, not without the help of an avian hybrid who only enjoys watching the chaos (Wouldn't you like is Tommy singing it to Foragissa, in an attempt to help him. to beat the Elytrian and to have some fun in his "monotonous" life) [I will try to explain more in the next part, just have me patience ;; ]
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