#Pixal saw Jay has no idea who the Ninja are and just went “I need to keep a eye on him”
localaceken · 1 year
If Administration is really a business corp and Jay has been stuck in there for like 5 years I'm pretty sure he has lost it in the middle of year one of working there because he's Jay Walker.
He has given over a hundred 2 weeks notices "a man can fix one coffee machine too many times before snapping rebacca" he never heard back from his boss so he just kept.
Showing up at the office because he had nothing else to do.
Everyone else in the office is thankful for their boss who never fired him because for some reason Jay from Accounting is the only one who can fix the machines in the entire goddamn office.
Meanwhile Pixal throws away the 101st 2 weeks notice sent by Jay in the trash and continues searching for the rest of the gang.
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criolla-star · 9 months
Redemption (Cyrus x Acronix part 4)
(You should check out parts 1-3 if you haven’t already )I honestly don’t have much ideas for this chapter but I’ll try my best mainly because Acronix is gonna be hiding away though I hope you enjoy❤️)
“So what did you need help with?”Cyrus asked the group. “We need vehicles like terrain vehicles we were planning on making it on our own but we don’t have anytime especially since Pixal has been busy with things”Nya said, Cyrus nodded, “Pixal, Zane and Nya you 3 come with me we’ll design the blueprints and I’ll make it”He added. They nodded and Cyrus left Cole, Kai, Lloyd and Jay to wonder around.
“Sooooo…what should we do?”Cole asked earning silent stares from the others as they thought. “We should go check out those old arcade machines Cyrus had around”Jay suggested the others agreed, “I feel like we should do something else first mainly because we’ll probably go play on the arcade machines and stay there”Lloyd said, “Then let’s just go walk around maybe see what Cyrus is up to”Kai said and they all agreed, sure they weren’t minding their own business but it was fun and it’s not like Cyrus is hiding anything or anyone…
The group of four went in room after room trying to find something interesting after awhile they searched the entire floor. “We should start going down floors”Jay said the others agreeing. They went down a floor they honestly had no idea Cyrus truely lived inside the tower they just thought he was always to busy to go home. Meaning they had no idea they were going to enter his bedroom with a certain someone in it.There was a few different rooms some just containing basic needs so the ninja thought it was a floor that Cyrus could have a break at. “How can a building this big be so boring”Kai whined out earning a laugh from the others though it wasn’t only heard by just his friends Acronix heard it and carefully limped over to the doorway and saw the ninja.
“Shit shit shit…”Acronix began thinking to himself he took another look back and realised they were searching rooms. “I’ll just hide in a closet or something or well somewhere”He thought as he began panicking he really didn’t want to get caught he enjoyed being around Cyrus and wasn’t even doing anything wrong it was just like being roommates with someone that has a criminal record. He heard the voices get closer and the sound of doors opening and closing. “They’ll probably check the closets and pretty much everywhere where do I hide…”Acronix thought looking around the only place he could think of was the beanbag. “I mean it has a zipper…I guess I can fit in it”He thought. He let out a sigh before positioning the bean bag towards himself opening it, sliding in it and pulling a blanket over the zipper he ain’t fucking closing that shit to suffocate (I ain’t letting my baby die of suffocation)he pulled a blanket over the zipper and waited it was honestly uncomfortable mainly because of his leg eventually he heard them come in and went dead silent.
“Nah he has a bed here as well maybe he does live here”Lloyd laughed at that point Acronix could hope they didn’t sit on the beanbag. “Cool there’s snacks”Cole said as he grabbed a packet and opened it. “I swear there’s nothing interesting in here” Kai said. “Yea we shoulda just went and found those arcade cabinet”Jay added. They were gonna leave when Lloyd looked around and noticed something, a piece of fabric, he picked it up and stared at it, it looked familiar. “Lloyd!you coming!?”Kai shouted out. “Yea coming”Lloyd replied as he dropped the fabric on the ground and ran to the other. Acronix heard the voices fade away and knocked off the blanket and struggled to get out of the beanbag. “My back..”He mumbled as he stretched who could blame him he was sitting in a shitty position with a broken leg he had a right to complain.
Zipping the beanbag back up he collapsed on it before going back on the borgpad. What else was he meant to do? He wasn’t going to go through stuff that wasn’t his. Cyrus was gone for around 3hours and when he came back he found Acronix sitting there playing games. “See I told that would keep you occupied”Cyrus chuckled out. “The ninja almost found me, I had to hide in the beanbag…”Acronix replied earning a surprised look from Cyrus, “They were looking for anything interesting”Acronix added. “How?And why the beanbag”Cyrus asked. Acronix is obviously explained the whole situation to Cyrus which made Cyrus laugh along with himself just thinking about it.
(Holy shit sorry I was gonna release this earlier but I couldn’t think and I have a bad headache sorry if it isn’t much)
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
There's Sand Everywhere!
(quick shoutout to @fires-of-ninjago for the title idea and inspiration for this- you remember that ask game where people suggested titles for fics and you had to come up with a story to go along with it? Well, he sent in this title, and I came up with this, and liked it so much that I screenshotted it and- here we are!)
Prompts: Summer and Heist
Word Count: 7,922
Characters: The whole gang (including Pixal) :)
Timeline: Between seasons 12 and 13
Trigger Warnings: none (holy shit that's never happened before-)
Summary: It was just supposed to be a day off. A simple beach day. But when your family consists of six ninja and a samurai, including a nindroid convinced he’s a detective, his reluctant sidekick, an aquaphobe, a girl who can command the sea, an unassuming teen who seems to attract every animal he crosses paths with, and a bunch of argumentative idiots, nothing is ever that easy.
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“We,” Kai proclaimed, surveying the room, “Need a day off.”
Lloyd shrieked at the fire ninja’s sudden outburst, falling out of his chair. Jay broke into snickers, and Lloyd shot him a glare.
“Kai,” Zane sighed, “get off the table.”
Kai stuck his tongue out at the nindroid, but hopped down, anyway. “Look at you guys!” Kai waved his hands at the group for emphasis. Papers fluttered to the ground where Lloyd had knocked them in his fall, Jay and Nya were sitting on the ground, surrounded by stacks of books tall enough to be mistaken for some kind of fort, Pixal was gathering some of the papers that had gone everywhere, while Cole and Zane had only just paused in their task of boxing up and carrying crates to the far side of the room. “Filing documents and organizing? Boooring.”
“Tasks which you’ve been a big help with, by the way,” Lloyd grumbled, as Cole offered him a hand and pulled him to his feet. He turned back to the desk, shuffling papers off of the keyboard of his laptop, the screen filled with lines of script and dozens of files that made Kai's brain hurt just to look at.
Nya pushed her reading glasses up her nose. “Jay and I technically aren’t working. We chose to do this of our own free will.”
Kai rolled his eyes at her. “What kind of psychopaths read for fun?”
Jay kicked his leg out, aiming for Kai’s ankle, but Cole quickly stepped between them, stopping the conflict before it could escalate into anything worse.
“We’re not reading them, we’re sorting them in order from most potentially useful to least so. They’re mechanics and engineering books. You never know when they might come in handy in a pinch.”
“Oh, because that’s so much more interesting. If you guys wanna spend all your free time geeking out, fine, what do I care. But what about the rest of you? C’mon, Lloydster. You don’t really wanna spend your entire day doing this,” he gestured at the laptop and paper-strewn desk- “do you?”
“It’s not about whether or not I want to. This stuff is important, Kai.”
“Lloyd’s right,” Zane agreed. “With all the crazy missions we’ve been on lately, we’ve neglected all our paperwork, and taking care of the Monastery.”
“It’s because we’ve been gone so long that we need a break!” Kai argued. “We just got done saving the entire city from an evil video game AI! If that’s not worth celebrating, I don’t know what is.”
“Technically,” Nya remarked, not even glancing up from the book she was skimming, “That was Jay who did that.”
Kai spluttered, ignoring the smug look on Jay’s face. “Okay, yeah, but we helped! And what about Aspheera? Or the Never Realm? That was all of us. And we didn’t have time to properly recuperate from that before we got launched right into Prime Empire!”
Pixal’s brow furrowed. “Y’know, he has a point…”
A frown flitted across Zane’s face. “I suppose we have been working for a long time…”
“That’s what I’ve been saying! Come on, let’s do something fun.”
“Not video games,” Cole groaned. “Jay and I spent the last three days playing a Lava Zombies tournament, and I’m all gamed-out.”
“No, let’s actually go somewhere. Like the-”
“The library!” Jay pitched.
“Or the museum!” Zane suggested.
“No!” Kai snapped. “Man, you guys are so lame. I meant somewhere fun. We should go to-”
“The beach!” Nya cried suddenly, standing up so quickly that she sent a pile of books toppling over. “Brilliant idea, Kai!”
“Wait, no,” he yelped. “That’s not what I was going to-”
But no one heard him. They were already scrambling to their feet, murmuring excitedly to one another.
“Guys, wait!” he cried. “Why would you want to go to the beach? It’s all sandy, and wet, and-”
“Don’t worry, Kai,” Nya giggled, “we won’t let the ocean hurt you.”
“That’s not-” he felt himself turning red as the others laughed. “That’s not what I meant! I just thought… wouldn’t laser tag or something be a lot more fun?”
The others glanced at each other, uncertain. Zane stepped forward. “Let’s take a vote. All in favor of laser tag, raise your hands.”
Kai lifted his hand, but no one else did. He scowled at them.
“And all in favor of the beach?”
Six hands went up.
“Seems like we have a clear winner. Let’s get going, shall we?”
“Do you have the towels?”
“All here!”
“What about the sunscreen?”
“Hold on- Jay, did you grab the sunscreen?”
Lloyd cupped his hands around his mouth, yelling louder. “Did you grab the sunscreen?”
“Oh yeah, it’s here! Wait, do you have my-”
“Your what?” Lloyd called, walking over to him, passing Pixal and Zane as they came out of the kitchen. The female nindroid sighed.
“Can’t anything get done around here without everyone making such a racket?”
“Nope,” Nya elbowed her playfully. “When you’ve been with these idiots as long as I have, you get used to it.”
Pixal’s eyes widened. “I can’t imagine ever being used to all this.”
Nya smiled. “Did I mention I’m slightly deaf?”
“We finished making the picnic,” Zane told her, holding out the basket he was carrying. “Is everyone ready to go?”
Nya eyed the guys, who were running around the Monastery, barely avoiding tripping over one another. “‘Ready’ is an overstatement.”
“Hold your horses, we’re almost done,” Cole grunted, heaving the large beach bag over to them. “Have a little faith in us, Nya.”
Nya put her hand on her hip, waiting- and a second later, there was a crashing sound followed by an angry chorus of yells from Kai, Lloyd, and Jay.
Cole grimaced, rubbing the back of his head. “Okay, maybe you’re right to not have any faith in us.”
After an intense, fifteen-minute argument about what mode of transportation they would take, they ended up deciding on the city bus, and finally, finally got out the door. The bus ride went off without a hitch, for once, (except for a brief panic about not having the proper change for the bus fare, but luckily Zane had a few extra dollars on him), and before Nya knew it, they were staking out an area on Ninjago City beach. She was beginning to think this could actually work out.
“Check out my abs, dude.”
“They’re the same as last time.”
“Are not! I’m way more shredded than last time we went swimming.”
“Okay, that’s just a straight-up lie. I saw you sneak that extra piece of pie last night.”
“You better not be disrespecting my muscles, Flat Stanley.”
“Hey! I’m way more muscly than I used to be.”
“Are you kidding? We call you ‘green bean’ for a reason, and it’s not just because you’re the green ninja. You’re a twig!”
“I’m a twig? Have you seen Jay?”
“Hey, don’t rope me into this, green machine, and, for your information, I weigh a whole fifteen pounds more than you!”
“Yeah, well, you’re also two years older than me!”
“I think the lesson we need to learn here is that neither of you have abs anywhere near as pronounced as mine-”
Zane sighed, rolling his eyes. “Here, guys,” he held out a pouch to the group, “this is a waterproof pouch, you can store all your valuables in here.”
They quickly filled the pouch with phones, watches, and wallets. However, as Lloyd pulled back, he tripped over Jay’s foot, and half the guys collapsed into a pile, groaning.
“Jay! Get your foot out of my face!”
“Right after you get your elbow out of my ribs!”
Nya turned away from them, shaking her head. Glancing at Pixal, she asked, “Wanna help me get set up?”
The nindroid nodded, and they pulled the large picnic blanket out of the bag, unfolding it to lay it across the sand.
“Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon,” Kai cried, “You get back here right this instant!”
Nya looked up from the blanket to see Kai running through the sand after Lloyd, his feet sinking into the sand with each step, making it difficult for him to retain his balance. He waved a bottle of sunscreen at the green ninja. “It’s sunny out today! And you know how easily you burn!”
“No way!” Lloyd whined. “You always make me stay out of the water for at least twenty minutes to let it set, and it’s way too hot for me to wait that long! I wanna go swimming now.”
Kai lunged for him, and Lloyd yelped, barely dodging out of the way.
“Over here, Lloyd!” Jay cried, already wading into the shallows of the ocean. “He won’t follow you into the water!”
Lloyd hurried after him, splashing up water as he went, accidentally splattering Kai and causing the red ninja to flinch back with a yelp. Sure enough, he froze at the water’s edge, glaring at Jay and Lloyd, where they stood, only about ten feet away, laughing at him.
Zane rubbed a hand over his face, sighing. “They’re both going to get skin cancer, aren’t they?”
“At the very least, they’re going to be bright red tomatoes,” Cole laughed. “Oh, it’s going to be a blast when they take showers.”
Zane stared at him, horrified. “Please don’t let Jay do that again. He had the worst blisters, last time-”
Cole held up his hands. “It was a joke, Zane! A joke!”
Zane narrowed his eyes and didn’t reply.
Nya laughed, grabbing Pixal’s hand. “Come on. Wanna go bodyboarding with me?”
Pixal glanced at her. “I don’t know how.”
“That’s fine.” Nya stepped on the board, flipping it up into her hand and handing it to Pixal, before grabbing a second one for herself. “I can teach you!”
“Thanks, Nya.”
As they walked down towards the shore, they passed Kai and Cole, who had finally managed to get Jay and Lloyd out of the water. Cole had his arms locked around Jay, preventing him from running away as Kai slathered sunscreen across his face. Lloyd was sitting in the sand beside him, pouting, his face already smeared in white.
Nya grinned at him. “Can you guys handle yourselves for twenty minutes if Pix and I go out bodyboarding?”
Lloyd stuck his tongue out at her, and Kai rolled his eyes. “We’ll be fine, Nya. I think you’re forgetting we save the city on a regular basis? We’re perfectly capable.”
Nya put a hand near Pixal’s ear, whispering loudly into it. “Betcha anything the beach will be on fire by the time we get back.”
The two ran off, giggling at the sight of Kai’s smoldering glare, before he could set them on fire.
To Kai’s credit, he did not set the beach on fire, or anything, for that matter, but when Nya and Pixal returned, they found him and Cole shoveling sand onto Zane, who was chest-deep by this point.
“Zane!” Pixal exclaimed. “Are you alright?”
“When Kai told me he had something fun to show me, this wasn’t quite what I had imagined.”
“Aww, come on Zane!” Kai grinned. “I’m having a great time.”
Pixal shook her head, and stepped forward, grabbing Zane’s hand and pulling him up, sending sand cascading down everywhere. Cole and Kai groaned.
“Aww, come on, Pix, that took forever!” Cole muttered.
“Yeah, we were gonna shape it into a mermaid tail. Don’t you know how funny that would’ve been?”
“Humor is subjective.” Zane rubbed at his wrists. “Augh, now I’m going to have sand in my gears for weeks.” Shooting a glare at Kai, he added, “I’ll remember this the next time you ditch your swimming lessons.”
“Hey!” Kai yelped. “That’s totally different! Sand is warm, and solid, and most importantly, not dangerous!”
“You could suffocate,” Zane pointed out.
Kai scowled. “You’re a nindroid, you wouldn’t have suffocated.”
“You’re related to an elemental master of water. You won’t drown.”
“Being related to a master of water and being a master of water are two very different things! I control fire, not water, I can’t do anything to protect myself.”
Cole rolled his eyes. “You’re so lame. Remind me again why we brought our friend with aquaphobia to the beach?”
“Technically,” Zane said, raising a finger, “the word you’re looking for is thalassophobia. Kai doesn’t fear water in general, only large bodies, such as-”
“It was his idea,” Nya interrupted. “If it weren’t for him, we’d still be at the Monastery, filing papers.”
“I never suggested the beach!” Kai snapped. “That was your idea!”
“Yeah, well, your suggestions were lame. The beach was the obvious choice.”
“Hey,” Pixal interjected, suddenly realizing they were missing a couple of people. “Where are Jay and Lloyd?”
Cole sighed, pointing up towards their stuff, where Jay and Lloyd were struggling with a large, yellow duck inflatable that was very much not inflated at the moment. Jay had his lips around the mouthpiece, his face red.
“Blow harder, Jay,” Lloyd insisted, hovering by his side. “You’re hardly doing anything!”
Jay pulled his head back, breathing out heavily as the redness faded from his cheeks. “I’d like to see you do better! You’d probably pass out after a minute.”
“Would not!” Lloyd snatched the floaty away from him, blowing hard into the mouthpiece, putting even less air into the floaty than Jay had. His face reddened as he huffed desperately, although he still wasn’t making much progress. After a few moments, Jay pulled it away from him.
“Okay, that’s enough. I don’t want you to actually pass out.”
Lloyd glared at him, panting. “I wasn’t… going to… pass out.”
Jay sighed, grabbing the inflatable and staring at what looked to be the eyes and a very flat, crumpled-looking beak. “At this rate, we’re never going to get Mr. Quackington blown up.”
Lloyd’s nose wrinkled. “Mr. Quackington?”
Jay blinked at him. “Yeah, that’s his name.”
“No, it’s not! His name is Mr. Waddles!”
“Mr. Waddles? What kind of juvenile name is that?”
“Oh, like Mr. Quackington is any better!”
“It is! It’s loads better!”
“Is so!”
“It’s not!” Lloyd snapped, green energy sparking between his fingers. Jay glanced down at them thoughtfully. “Hey, what if…”
Lloyd was evidently catching on to Jay’s train of thought, his eyes lighting up. “We can use my powers to inflate Mr. Waddles!”
Jay narrowed his eyes. “Quackington.”
Lloyd bared his teeth, the small fangs glinting. “Waddles.”
Jay sighed. “Okay, whatever. We can use your powers to inflate Mr. Waddles.”
Lloyd grinned widely, whether about the promise of getting his inflated duck or having won the name debate with Jay, Pixal couldn’t tell. He held up a hand and formed a basketball-sized sphere of green energy. Jay’s eyes widened, and he held the mouthpiece up to the energy. Lloyd channeled it inside, watching with glee as the duck puffed up, the yellow plastic slowly tinging green, making the duck look like he was about to be sick.
Zane took a step forward, holding his hand out. “Lloyd, wait-”
There was a sharp snapping noise as the floaty popped, and Lloyd and Jay cried out in horror as the yellow pieces of plastic fluttered to the ground. Lloyd fell to his knees, gripping the busted plastic and wailing, and Jay landed next to him, crying, “No! Mr. Waddles, you were so young!”
“I can’t believe he’s really gone,” Lloyd sniffed. “He was my best friend in the whole world.”
Kai threw up his hands. “Great. You spend the last several years of your life looking out for him only to get replaced by his inflatable plastic duck.”
“Oookay,” Nya said, walking over to Jay and Lloyd and ushering them towards the picnic blanket. “Someone’s obviously been out in the sun too long. Go sit under the umbrella and let’s have something to eat.”
“Good idea,” Zane agreed. “I’m sure we’re all getting hungry. Jay, could you grab the picnic basket? It’s right behind you.”
The lightning ninja grabbed the basket, peering inside briefly as he carried it towards them. “I hope you brought the Pringles. I could really go for some of those right now- augh!”
Before anyone could stop him, Jay was falling to the ground, the basket flying out of his hands and landing sideways in the sand.
“Jay!” Kai cried. “Look what you’ve done to our picnic!”
“Hey! That was totally your fault! Why did you leave your shoes right in the middle of the sand, perfectly positioned for someone to trip over?”
“Why were you clumsy enough to get in the way of my shoes?”
“Guys, guys, it’s okay,” Zane assured. Walking over, he carefully lifted the basket out of the sand. “I’m sure it’s still salvageable.”
“Yeah, but now all our food is going to taste like sand,” Lloyd moaned.
“Lloyd, the food barely touched the sand,” Nya pointed out.
“Doesn’t matter. Every time you go to the beach, if the food gets even remotely close to the sand, it always gets sand in it. Every time. It’s one of the great mysteries of the universe.”
“Well, I think you’ll survive,” she said, passing Lloyd a sandwich and a bag of pretzels. Lloyd took them, but narrowed his eyes.
“Brings a whole new meaning to the word ‘sandwich.’”
“Just eat your food, mister.”
Lloyd shot her a glare, but grudgingly obliged. As Pixal bit into her own sandwich, she realized Lloyd was right, she could feel granules of sand between her teeth as she chewed.
“Hey… at least it adds a little crunch, right?” Cole grinned.
Kai grimaced. “Next time, I elect we don’t let Jay anywhere near the picnic basket.”
Jay chucked a grape at him, but Kai turned at the last second, catching it in his mouth. “Ha!” His gleeful expression faded as he caught sight of something behind Jay. “Um, Lloyd, you have someone you wanna introduce us to?”
The group turned to see a seagull had approached them, tilting its head where it stood only a couple feet away from Lloyd. The green ninja was staring at the bird with wide eyes, an awed expression on his face.
“Lloyd,” Nya sighed, “please don’t tell me you fed it.”
“He’s not an it,” Lloyd snapped. “His name is Scully.”
“Great.” Nya rubbed her hands over her face. “We’re already into name territory.”
“Scully?” Kai’s nose wrinkled. “Isn’t that the name of the seagull from The Little Mermaid?”
“No, that’s Scuttle,” Lloyd sniffed. “They’re completely different.”
“Lloyd,” Pixal scolded, reaching for Lloyd’s wrist just as he tossed another chunk of his sandwich at the seagull, “Feeding wildlife is not a good idea, it can be dangerous-”
Lloyd shrieked suddenly as the bird launched itself at Lloyd’s face. He scrambled to his feet, screaming, and Kai lunged forward, pushing the others out of the way. “Move, move!”
“Get it off me, get it off me!” Lloyd shrieked as the bird’s wings flapped in his face, sending feathers everywhere.
“Blast it with your powers!” Kai called, looking worried but keeping a respectable distance.
“I can’t! He’s on my face!”
“Well, I can’t do it, I’ll set you on fire! Nya, you do it!”
“I’m trying, I’m trying,” the water ninja spat through gritted teeth, globes of water already forming in her hands. “I just need to get a clear shot! For the love of… Lloyd, stop moving so much!”
Lloyd hardly seemed to hear her. “He’s going to claw my eyes out,” he wailed, batting weakly at the creature.
Nya quickly thrust her hands forward, sending a large ball of water at Lloyd’s head, drenching him and the seagull. The bird squawked angrily, falling to the ground.
“Oh my gosh, are you okay?” Nya and Kai darted over to him, Nya taking his face in her hands as Kai peered over her shoulder. A small red scratch stretched across his left cheek, but apart from that, he appeared unharmed, just frazzled.
“Dude!” Kai cried. “You just got attacked. By a seagull!”
“It owned you!”
Lloyd shot Jay a glare. “Did not.”
“You should have seen your face!” Jay laughed. “Oh wait, you couldn’t- there was a bird in the way!”
Lloyd crossed his arms. “I’d like to remind you how you reacted that time when my uncle set that berserk chicken on us.”
“The chicken had lightning powers. Hardly comparable to a simple seafowl, bud.”
“Ugh, I hope this doesn’t get infected,” Nya muttered, running her finger along the scratch. “We should probably get you checked for rabies when we get home.”
“Nya, I’m fine,” Lloyd groaned, pushing her off. “A seagull isn’t going to give me rabies.”
Nya shrugged. “With your luck, I can never be sure.”
“This is why you don’t give food to wild animals, Lloyd, it makes them bolder-”
“Watch out, Lloyd!” Jay shrieked suddenly, and they whipped around to see the seagull had caught its second wind, squawking as it charged at Lloyd.
Lloyd shrieked, taking off down the beach with the seagull in pursuit. Nya sighed, putting a hand on her head. Kai grinned, walking over to her and putting a hand on her shoulder. “Do you think he’ll learn his lesson?”
“No,” Nya said without hesitation. “Absolutely not. That’s the sad part.”
“Hey,” Cole said, pointing a finger down the beach. “The volleyball court’s just opened up. You guys wanna play?”
“Sure. Tell Lloyd he can join us when he gets that seagull taken care of.”
Nya glanced towards the green ninja, who was currently lobbing balls of energy at the bird and missing by an embarrassingly wide berth. “Looks like it could be a while.”
“Great job, team!” Nya cheered, high-fiving Pixal and shooting a grin at Cole. “Although, if I’m being honest, the rest of you didn’t put up much of a competition.”
“Hey, don’t look at me!” Kai snapped. “I was carrying the team! Jay, Lloyd, were you planning on helping me anytime soon?”
“I was trying!” Jay insisted. “But you kept getting in my way!”
“Because every time I let you get the ball, you dropped it!”
“Hey! I never said I was good at volleyball, okay? Why are you attacking me, Lloyd sucked too!”
“It’s not like I ever had time to fit in volleyball practice between all my green ninja training! It wasn’t exactly a top priority!” “Are you telling me you’ve never played before?” Kai spluttered.
“I’ve played!” Lloyd insisted. “Uh… once or twice.”
Kai facepalmed. “Why did I let you come on my team?”
Lloyd grinned widely. “‘Cause you love me.”
Cole elbowed him. “It’s because he lost the coin toss and Nya got to pick first.”
“Hey!” Jay yelped. “Are you telling me you would have picked me last?”
“After I saw you play, yeah,” Cole snorted.
“I’m still not convinced on some of those calls, Zane,” Kai said, walking over to the nindriod. “I don’t think that one play near the third point was a foul.”
“Hey, the ref’s call is law,” Nya smirked. “Stop trying to cheat your way to victory, Kai.”
“I’m not cheating! Zane’s girlfriend is on your team! He’s obviously biased!”
“I’m a nindriod, Kai. I cannot be biased.”
“Stop being a sore loser, Kai.” Behind her, a wave swelled up. She raised her hand- then pointed it forward at Kai.
Her brother shrieked as the seawater drenched him.
“Nya! What’d you do that for?”
“You deserved it, with all the whining you were doing. Besides, you looked hot. I was just doing you a favor.”
“It’s alright,” Lloyd laughed. “You can share my towel, don’t worry.” As he handed Kai the towel, the fire ninja eyed it shrewdly.
“It’s got ducks on it. Of course it does.”
“Hey, you want the towel or not?”
“No, I’m taking the towel.” Kai wrapped the towel around himself, shivering, unfurling the ducks for all to see. Cole snickered, and Kai shot him a glare.
“Should we pack up, then?”
Zane nodded. “If we want to be back in time for dinner, probably.”
The team trudged back to their blanket, wet and sandy, but chatting amiably. They had nearly packed up all their things when Lloyd cried out suddenly.
“Where’s my wallet?”
Zane frowned. “Didn’t you put it in the valuables pouch?”
“I thought I did, but…” he paused. “Oh, wait. I tripped over Jay. I must’ve forgotten to put it in after that.”
“Well, then, it’s gotta be around here somewhere. What color is it, Lloyd?”
“What do you think? Green.”
They spent a good ten minutes searching through their entire bag and the surrounding sand, to no avail. It quickly became clear that if Lloyd’s wallet had ever fallen around here in the first place, it wasn’t here now.
Kai shrugged. “Oh well. It’s not that big of a deal. You don’t have any cards, and I don’t think you were carrying any of the cash. We can get you a new one.”
“No, but I had the things in there!”
Cole frowned. “The things?”
“You know.” Lloyd lowered his voice. “The things. That the mayor gave us?”
“What?!” Jay yelped. “Those were in there?” “You lost them?” Kai cried. “Lloyd, how could you?”
“It’s not like I did it on purpose!” Kai groaned, rubbing his face. “We should’ve never trusted you with them. Or at least split them up, so they weren’t all together.”
“I still do not understand.” Pixal frowned. “What are these things that are so important?”
“They’re a top-secret gift from the mayor,” Jay whispered. “We’re not supposed to tell anyone we have them. Not that telling anyone now would matter anyway, because we don’t have them anymore.”
“It’s not my fault!” Lloyd insisted. “It’s that stupid seagull’s, he’s the one who distracted me-” Lloyd paused, his eyes widening. “That’s it! The seagull must’ve swiped my wallet when it was chasing me!”
“Looks like we have a lead,” Kai growled.
“Wait a minute, does anyone else hear that mysterious music-”
“Oh no,” Pixal muttered, putting a hand on her forehead. “Zane, please don’t tell me you’re going to do this again.”
“It seemed that, after only a few weeks, it was time for me to crack yet another case.” The odd, deep voice rang out, and they turned to see Zane slipping on a fedora.
“Where did that even come from,” Pixal despaired. “I’m positive you didn’t bring that with you. Positive.”
“Again, I was to be accompanied by my trusty assistant, but this time, my highly trained ninja associates would also be coming along, all determined to reclaim what someone had stolen in the heist.”
Jay glanced between Pixal and Zane. “What is happening right now? Am I supposed to know what’s happening?”
Pixal shook her head. “It’s a long story. Just go with it.”
Zane tipped his hat down. “Already, we were off with a very promising lead. I suspected the culprit to be the feathered fiend that had been spotted lurking around at the scene of the crime only an hour prior.”
Kai snorted, placing a hand on Jay’s shoulder. “Oh, this is gold! Did you mess with his voice again, Jay?”
“No, I didn’t touch him! Pixal, you didn’t…”
She shook her head. “Believe me, I wouldn’t do this if you paid me. It was all him.”
Jay grinned. “What do we do next… detective Zane?” He and Kai simultaneously burst into laughter, leaning against each other for support.
Zane side-eyed them. “The primary suspect was as clear as a black bear in a snowstorm, yet the whereabouts of the creature were still unknown. It had vanished into thin air, without leaving so much as a trace in its stead.”
“Hey,” Lloyd said suddenly, leaning down to pick something up off of the sand, “What about this?”
“It appeared to be part of the plumage of a species of avian native to these shores. Could it belong to the specimen we were looking for?”
Kai plucked the feather from Lloyd’s fingers, examining it. “The feather was white with a dark tip, definitely having originated from a seagull- although the spiked, disturbed edges implied that this was from no ordinary gull- it was from one who had recently been in a fight.”
Jay grinned. “It seemed like we had hit the jackpot. Already, we were one step closer to tracking down this culprit.”
Pixal groaned. “Don’t you two start, too. It was bad enough with just Zane.”
Nya grimaced. “Yeah, this is already getting annoying.”
“How is a feather going to tell us where the seagull is now?” Cole asked.
“I could sense the wind was blowing in from the northwest,” Zane narrated. “If we wanted to find the culprit of the caper, we would have to walk upwind, hopefully leading us to the source of the feather.”
“Alright,” Pixal sighed, “let’s get this over with.”
“And so,” Zane grinned, “The Great Gull Caper began.”
The team trudged up the beach for about twenty minutes, to no avail. They passed many other beachgoers, pointing and staring as the ninja passed, but no seagulls were in sight.
“Are you sure about this, Zane?” Pixal asked.
“The feathered suspect had gained an hour’s head start in its escape from the scene, meaning we would have to hasten our pace if we ever hoped to catch up.”
“Oh, I am not walking an hour just to find this thing. Are we sure it’s that important?”
“Yes!” the guys yelped in unison.
“It’s a very important gift from the mayor! It would be rude to lose it,” Jay said. “We have to get it back!”
“Couldn’t you just ask for another… whatever they are?”
“No! They’re one of a kind!” “Well, can we at least hurry this up? Frankly, I’m getting quite tired of Zane’s shenanigans.”
Zane grinned at her. “Although she voiced her disapproval, my assistant knew the efficiency of my methods, as they had gotten us out of a pinch the last time things had been amok.”
“First of all, I was the one who successfully found Dyer last time. You just ended up getting caught.”
“Perhaps, but you used my techniques.”
Pixal huffed. “Second, I don’t appreciate that you keep calling me your assistant. If anything, we’re partners!”
Zane adjusted his fedora. “So it was a promotion she was after, eh? Well, if my assistant could prove her worth by properly complying with my techniques in this case, she may find herself with a loftier position in the future.”
Pixal sighed. “Whatever. Let’s just find the stupid bird, and go.”
The group trekked after Zane again, and Pixal wondered how long they would be here, when Zane suddenly stopped, causing half of the gang to crash into him.
“What?” Jay yelped. “What’s wrong? Why’d we stop?”
Zane pointed near his feet. “It seemed like the culprit had been careless enough to leave behind tracks in the sand.”
Pixal peered over his shoulder. Sure enough, the tracks of some avian species left a trail in the sand- and after consulting her database, it appeared to match the foot of a seagull.
“We’re getting closer!” Cole said. “It has to be around here somewhere.”
Nya’s eyes went wide, and she pointed towards something in the distance. “Look!”
Down the beach, a large group of seagulls was flocking around a half-eaten pretzel, flapping their wings and squawking as they tried to push past each other.
“It could be any of them,” Lloyd despaired. “How are we going to know which one was the one who stole my wallet?”
Jay smirked. “There’s only one way to find out.”
Lloyd eyed him nervously. “How?”
“One seagull, in particular, has come to associate you with food. One seagull has been known to chase you down.”
“Oh,” Lloyd paled, taking a step back and waving his hands. “Oh, no, I do not like where this is heading…”
“Come on, Lloyd, do it for the team,” Cole pleaded.
“You are the one who lost them in the first place,” Kai agreed. “It’s only fair.”
Lloyd groaned. “Why do I let you bully me into these things?”
“Go on,” Nya gave him a gentle shove. “We don’t have all day!”
Sticking his tongue out at her, Lloyd stepped forward, towards the seagulls. Several of them looked his way, a few flapping their wings anxiously and squawking in warning. Lloyd stopped, swallowing.
“Um. Hey. I don’t suppose any of you have seen a green wallet around here?”
Jay rolled his eyes. “They can’t understand you. Get closer!”
“Okay! I’m going, jeez-” he broke off with a yelp as a seagull darted in front of him, nearly tripping him as he stepped on its tail.
The seagull shrieked, and, in a flurry of feathers, the flock broke into a frenzied panic. Lloyd’s eyes widened, and he cried out, running away and frantically ducking swooping seagulls.
He darted behind Kai as a last nervy seagull hopped after him. Kai held up a fist, which burst into flame, scaring the bird off. Kai glanced back at Lloyd, amusement sparkling in his dark eyes. “You okay, bud?”
Lloyd glared. “Don’t look at me like that. These birds are vicious!”
“Look!” Pixal pointed at a gull that had remained behind. With the others out of the way, she could see the small, green wallet between its beak.
“That’s the one!” Cole cried. “After it!”
For ninja, the group was embarrassingly unstealthy as they clamored after the bird, shooting elemental powers at it and screaming as they narrowly avoided each other’s blasts, so that by the time the seagull reached the water, the beach was a mess of crystalized sand, crevices in the ground, and various burn marks from fire, lightning, and energy.
“It’s a seagull!” Nya cried. “We’ve faced giant snakes, lords of darkness, elemental masters, Oni, more criminals and gangsters than I can count, and an evil video game AI, yet we can’t catch one measly seagull? It shouldn’t be this hard, you guys!”
“It’s getting away,” Jay cried, pointing at the bird, who had finally taken flight and was heading out over the ocean.
“No!” Lloyd moaned. “Now we’re never going to get it back!”
“Not on my watch,” Nya growled, racing past them towards the docks. “Come on!” “Oh no,” Kai groaned. “Nya Smith, whatever you are thinking, stop it right now, because I’m not doing it.” “Come on, Kai,” Lloyd insisted, grabbing his wrist and yanking him along. “We have to hurry!”
They raced after Nya, who was running down the dock towards a man who was examining the boats. Kai followed them more slowly, taking careful steps.
“Sir, we need to use a boat, right away! We’ll pay for it, we promise!”
The man shook his head. “Sorry, ma’am, but these are all private boats. The only one we have is that one,” he pointed to a small, worn-looking fishing boat, “and the motor’s broken, so it’s of no use to anyone.”
“It doesn’t matter, I can take care of that. Everyone, get in!”
“W-wait,” the man stuttered, looking flustered.
“We’ll bring it right back, I promise! Now, come on, we don’t have much time!”
“No!” Kai insisted, as everyone else piled in. “Nuh-uh. No way. Not in a million years. You are not bringing me out into the middle of the ocean in a tiny, crowded boat with a busted engine!”
“You don’t need an engine when you’ve got me!” Nya raised her hand, and the water swirled under the boat, rocking it slightly. “Now, come on, we don’t have time for this!” “Y’know what.” Kai took a couple of steps back from the boat. “I’m good. I’ll stay here. You guys have fun finding the wallet. I’ll cheer you on from the beach. The dry, dry beach.”
“Nope.” Cole reached forward, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him in. “This is your gift we’re saving, too. If you want to get part of it, you’re coming with.”
“Finally!” Nya huffed. The water rippled beneath them, and suddenly, it was propelling their boat, and they were off.
“Where’s the bird?” Nya asked. “Does anyone see it?” “Over there!” Cole pointed slightly towards their left, where the seagull was gliding away with surprising speed. Getting into the boat had slowed them down, and it had gotten a large head start.
Nya gritted her teeth. “Hold on.”
“Don’t go faster!” Kai yelped from where he huddled near the middle of the boat, protectively sandwiched between Lloyd and Cole. “If you tip this boat, I will never forgive you.”
“I know what I’m doing,” Nya growled, although the boat slowed slightly as they continued.
“Our team continued to chase the thief, determined to put an end to the Great Gull Caper and put the culprit to justice. Even when our path took us across the raging waters of the ocean, with nothing but a rusty, broken old boat, and deep, swirling waters around us, filled with the dark abyss and the creatures that lurked there…”
“You mean like sharks?” Lloyd perked, peering over the edge. “Did you see any? I wanna see one!”
“Nope,” Kai yelped, pulling himself into a ball as he sat down on the floor of the boat. “Nopety nope nope nope. I’m done. I’m outta here.”
“The prospect of sharks was a dire one, but one we were willing to take. We would get that wallet back, no matter the cost- even if it meant competition from this fierce predator of the sea.”
Kai screamed into his hands. “Just end me now!”
“What Zane means to say,” Pixal said, elbowing Zane sharply, “is that sharks are actually very off-put by the taste of human flesh, and do not go after humans on purpose.”
Kai stared at her. “Oh joy, now a shark can devour my flesh by accident, what a relief.”
“Do not worry, Kai,” she told him. “There is only one estimated death by shark per year in the greater Ninjago City area.”
“Knowing my luck,” Kai grumbled, “I’ll be that one.”
“Did anyone bring their phone with?” Lloyd asked. “I wanna get a good picture when the sharks come for Kai.”
“I call dibs on his katana,” Jay exclaimed. “Y’know, the super flashy one with the flaming dragon carved into the handle?”
Lloyd wrinkled his nose at him. “Why would you want a fire dragon on your katana? You’re the lightning ninja!”
“Hey, just because my element is lightning, doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a super dope fire design when I see one-”
“Guys,” Cole sighed, pushing his way between the two arguing boys. “No one is getting eaten. We’re perfectly safe here, on this boat.”
“Cole’s right,” Pixal agreed. “The sharks around this area are smaller, reef dwellers, and won’t come after us. They may, however, come after our seagull friend if he gets too close to the water.”
Kai made a noise in the back of his throat, and Cole scowled at her. “Thanks for the help, Pix.”
“Nya,” Jay whined, “the seagull’s getting further away! We have to go faster!”
“Don’t!” Pixal cried. “This boat has not been manufactured to withstand a lot of weight. With seven people, especially when two of them are titanium, going too fast would be sure to capsize us.”
“I told you I should’ve stayed behind on the shore,” Kai wailed.
Lloyd leaned further over the edge, raising a hand to his forehead to keep the glare off of his face as he peered intently into the water. “Is… is that a shark?”
Kai stared at him. “Shut up. You’re just baiting.”
Lloyd shook his head, his eyes lighting up in a way that was not reassuring in the slightest. “I’m not! It’s a shark! It’s a real, live shark! I’ve never seen one this close before! Except at like, an aquarium!”
Kai closed his eyes, rocking himself gently. “You’re lying. You stupid liar, I hate you.”
Cole peered over, following Lloyd’s gaze, and promptly bit his lip. “You have got to be kidding me.”
“This is a dumb prank, you guys!” Kai was half-yelling by this point.
“Stop being so loud,” Lloyd hissed. “You’ll scare it!”
Kai blinked at him. “I’ll scare it?”
Lloyd crossed his arms. “A scared shark is an aggressive shark.”
Kai’s mouth snapped shut.
“I can’t believe this,” Cole muttered. “Did we really not bring any weapons?”
“No!” Lloyd yelped. “Cole, you wouldn’t!”
“I would if it kept us from being eaten.”
“For the last time, sharks don’t eat humans!”
Cole ignored him. “Well? Did we?”
Nya snorted. “Why would we bring weapons to the beach?”
“Hey, with how often this city gets attacked, I wouldn’t be surprised.”
Nya rolled her eyes. “It was supposed to be our day off.”
“It’s fine,” Pixal reported, keeping a careful eye on the shark. “It’s swimming away now. As long as we leave it alone, we’re safe.”
Kai frowned. “Looks like the gull isn’t so convinced, though.”
Pixal glanced up. Sure enough, the seagull was eyeing the shark nervously, pumping its wings as it flew higher and higher above the surface of the water.
“Do something!” Jay shrieked. “If we don’t stop it now, it’s going to get away for good!”
“Lloyd!” Nya cried. “Is your wallet waterproof?”
“Just answer the question!” “Yes! Yes, it is!”
Nya gritted her teeth. “Hold on, everyone!”
Suddenly, a vast wave rose out of the water, looming over the seagull.
Kai’s eyes widened. “Nya, be careful, you’ll hit us too-”
But it was already too late, the wave crashing down, downing the seagull, and soaking them in saltwater. The team cried out, and Kai screamed, throwing his arms over his head in a futile attempt to protect himself. As they all tried to lurch away from the spray, the boat rocked precariously, and, for a horrifying moment, they were suspended there, on the point between balance and capsize.
And then that moment was over, and they were all falling into the ocean.
Pixal’s world immediately dimmed as she plunged into the water, quietness enveloping her like a blanket. For a moment, she was too shocked to do anything, until a foot thrashed past her face, snapping her out of her trance as she swam towards the surface.
A couple of feet before she reached it, a metal hand snatched her wrist and pulled her the rest of the way up.
“Pixal!” Zane cried, his detective voice dropped. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine. What about everyone else? Are we all here?”
Zane nodded his head behind her, and she turned to see the others all within a couple of feet. Cole had his hands on the now upside-down boat, trying to use his strength to push it over, but it was hard for him to get a good grip and stay afloat at the same time. Just behind him, Jay was spitting out a mouthful of seawater, sending ripples across the surface of the ocean as he treaded water. Lloyd was doing the same a couple of feet away, only the green ninja was struggling a lot more because of the arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
“Don’t let me go, Lloyd!” Kai yelped, although the feat would’ve been impossible even if Lloyd had wanted to- the fire ninja was clinging to him like a barnacle. “I can’t swim!”
Lloyd sighed. “I know that, Kai. It’s the only reason I’m letting you hold on to me like this.”
“I can’t believe this happened,” Kai cried. “We’re going to die out here. This is the worst day off ever.”
“Hey!” Lloyd snapped. “It’s not my fault this happened!”
Nya shot them all a sharp glare from where she was drifting alongside the boat. She didn’t even bother to tread water like the rest of them, instead using her powers to keep herself afloat. “It was going to work until you guys made such a big fuss about getting a little wet and tipped the boat.”
Cole sighed. “We’re not going to die. As soon as I get this right side up again, we’ll climb up and get out of here. Can you give me a hand, Zane?”
As the nindriod moved to help him, Kai suddenly went rigid.
“Lloyd,” he whispered.
“What, Kai?”
“Something just bumped my foot.”
“It’s probably just seaweed, Kai,” Lloyd sighed, looking down- and promptly froze.
“No one. Move.”
Jay squeezed his eyes shut. “Oh no, oh gosh, don’t tell me that’s what I think it is, this is not happening-”
“Jay, shut up,” Nya whispered, her face pale as she watched the dark shape lurking below them in the water.
“Everyone, stay calm,” Pixal murmured. “Don’t make any sudden movements and try to look it in the eyes.”
“Please, the last thing I’m gonna do is look at it,” Kai breathed, burying his face in Lloyd’s hair.
After a moment, the shark slowly swam past, losing interest.
“It doesn’t care about us,” Zane realized. “It wants the seagull.”
Several yards away, the gull was floating on the water, still trying to shake off the moisture from Nya’s wave. Suddenly realizing the danger it was in, the bird raised its wings- and launched itself into the air, just as fierce jaws snapped against empty air where the seagull had been less than a second ago.
Kai’s fingers dug tighter into Lloyd’s shoulders, and Pixal caught Jay biting his lip as he swallowed back a scream, but, its prey lost, the shark was already swimming away.
“Gotcha,” Nya murmured, reaching a hand out and snatching up the wallet, which the seagull had dropped in all the commotion, before it could sink to the bottom of the ocean.
“Okay. That’s great. We got it. Now can we get out of here?” Kai pleaded.
After a minute, they finally got the boat flipped over, and Cole hauled himself aboard before helping to lift the others. Ten minutes later, they were all safely out of the water and on their way back to the dock, and Pixal had never felt more relieved by the fact.
“So,” Jay asked, as the boat glided through the water, leaning closer to Nya. “Did they survive all that?”
“Let’s see,” Nya murmured, opening up Lloyd’s wallet. Pixal leaned forward, anxious to see what all the fuss had been about.
“Yes!” Jay cried, pulling out seven slips of paper. “They’re all here!”
“Wait.” Pixal snatched one from his hand, quickly scanning it. “A summer pass for free all-you-can-eat ice cream from the Dairy Dragon?”
“Yup,” Jay smiled, passing them out to the others. “The mayor gave them to us as a gift after we saved the city from Prime Empire. That’s what we were going to do today, after the beach, actually.”
“You’re telling me,” Pixal deadpanned. “That we just risked our lives. For free ice cream.”
“Free ice cream is free ice cream, Pix.”
“You’ll understand once you’ve tried their butter pecan,” Nya told her. “It’s to die for.”
“Butter pecan?” Jay spluttered. “No way, the Ninjapolitan is best.”
“You heathen, chocolate fudge is obviously the best flavor-”
“What are you guys talking about, mint chocolate chip is superior!”
“You just like it because it’s green.”
“Do not!”
“Do so!” Nya sighed, putting her head in her hands. “Here we go again.”
“Calm down, all of you,” Pixal said. “You can get whatever flavor of ice cream you want. Just do me a favor and try not to end up capsizing us in the middle of the ocean this time.”
Jay hummed. “No promises.”
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (1/4)
Finally Nya's season! Our queen, our water goddess, our amazing girl gets what she deserves! 😍😍😍
What I know about the season beforehand is that Nya's powers apparently are getting problematic for some reasons? Which is a pretty common topic in other shows but it's a first in Ninjago, usually the elemental powers don't have focus and I LOVE that we now get to see stuff like that 💕💕💕
I know there should be Wojira involved, trusting The Island to deliver that little foreshadowing at the end of the episode 🤷‍♀️ Also Maya is back... MAYA IS FINALLY BACK AFTER SEVEN SEASONS YES!!! 😭😭😭
I have nothing else to say, I have no idea what this will bring, hopefully something as good as Master of the Mountain! 🖤
Alright, here we go!
Warning reader, I might be fangirling to an extreme because I love mah girl Nya and I've been wanting Kai and Nya's parents to be back ever since Hands of Time ended. So yeah... screaming alert 😅
At this point I don't doubt that the intro is great, we reached such a level of animation and we got The Fold 😍😍 Love the marine vibe and how it's similar to The Island, because it's a great intro 👌
NOW I like the writing! Maybe they rushed the dialogue's quality for The Island to get here? It's just fun and in character, maybe it's just me but I'm enjoying it a lot for now
How many episodes are in this? Wiki says ten, then I checked again and it's sixteen like with Master of Mountain... eh, it looks good so far so it's fine whatever happens 🤷‍♀️
Oohhh, new villain! One that uses... flames... huh, does she know there's literally a master of fire in the ninja team? Eh whatever she looks cute, give it up for Miss Demeanor!! 👏👏
Whoa, we're finding out where did the order of the vengestone from season 13 come from?? YAS! CONTINUITY!
Yep, there it is, Nya lost control... her attacks look so cool 😍
Lol that kid trying to be a nindroid and Zane being offended 😂😂 Sorry hun, you're that popular
Aaahhh, thank you Ninjago! You gave me back Nya the perfectionist 😂 I was worried her reaction to her powers wasn't going to be in character but it looks fair so far. Brings me back to Possession, my favorite season 💙💙💙
WE GOT BACK THE FACT THAT SHE CAN MAKE IT RAIN!!! YAS!!! I might be easy to please but I love these details 🤩
🤯🤯🤯 Okay they are definitely going somewhere this time and I LOVE IT, because wow. WOW. Are we actually addressing the forever questioned fact that wind and water weren't elements that Chen needed at the Tournament? Are we giving a reason for them to exist outside the main set of elements and the elemental masters?? Duuuude, season 15 don't let me stop you, keep going 😍
Mm, so water and wind are connected to Wojira (now I see the connection with the special). Are we setting the ground for a new master of wind? 😏😏 It's risky going for a Morro replacement but it's a super intriguing idea! Oooor Edgy Boy TM might come back? WHO KNOWS I'M CURIOUS ANYWAY 🤩
Love how it is universal knowledge that Nya is super indipendent 👌
YES YES FINALLY WE'RE TALKING ABOUT MAYA!!! 😍😍😍 Is it too much hoping into a Ray cameo as well?? Pleaaaase? Also addressing Krux after so many seasons, this feels exciting!! 😊
This is what I'm talking about, training, fighting scenes, show me everything that water goddess can do! 🌊🌊🌊
Aaahhh, Nya flexing her mightiness through anger, just to remind us that she is the descendant of a water master as much as of a fire master 😅
RAY IS THERE TOO HECK YES!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I shouldn't get this excited at only the first episode... WHO CARES RAY IS BAAAAACK!!! ❤❤❤
Omg Maya is definitely different from what I expected, turns out Kai's enthusiasm came from her 😂
Oh look at my flame babe 😍
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He's so happy his parents are here, he's a total family man ❤❤❤
Nya is maaaaad... 😅
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WELCOME BACK JILLIAN I MISSED YOU 💚💚💚 Would it be too much having a "Your voice sounds familiar" moment with Maya and Lloyd? 😂
I'm so stoked for this! I want all the interactions I've missed for all of this time, asap!! HECK yes!! 😍😍😍😍
Oh, are we looking over the Miss Demeanor, vengestone situation? Mm... for now at least... WHO CARES FIRE WATER PARENTS!! 🔥🌊🔥🌊🔥🌊
Imma just slow clap for The Fold because this is another amazing intro, one of those things in this show that stays awesome no matter what happens 👍👍
So Maya gave Nya her discipline and perfectionism, but not the passion behind it 😂 I like this, it's not your conventional master of water, although I'd say it's different from the impression she gave me back in HoT. Maybe this is how she is when she's not trapped for fifty years? 😅😅
Is it too much asking for Kai and Ray bonding while the water women get the work done? 😅😅
Is this the sequel of Green Eggs and Ham?
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Green Pancakes and Ham? 😂
Oh it's seaweed nevermind... at breakfast? I'm all for sushi rolls but this is a little 😅 Although since Maya missed their childhood she probably never cooked meals for them... how did I get myself sad 😢
Whoa, Maya is a strict teacher! I got flashbacks from my first and only dance lesson, teachers nitpicking every single pose, uuurrrggg I feel ya waterlily 😡
Again, not a fan of Misako, but coming from her the whole speech about wanting to be there for her child makes a lot of sense
Yes. YES.
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Lol with Kai's new hair they look even more related 🤣
Ray also sounds so happy he gets to have his moment with his son 😢 I feel so blessed in this moment 👍
Also this scene makes a lot of sense. Nya grew up to be indipendent, one that succeed in most of stuff without problems, she built her life without any help and doesn't look for it. Kai grew up more insecure, he got some walls up but loves to take care of others and be taken care of. With a childhood lost he looks forward to a bit of softness ❤❤
Did Maya make real bacon for that sandwich? Do I smell some favoritism? 😅 Or maybe she really wants Nya to get onto the water mind setting idk 🤷‍♀️
Little tiny complain, why isn't Jay doing the fixing? Did he give up mechanics completely? It feels like we haven't seen him do tech stuff in so long, I miss techy boy in action 😞
And no, having to check on the bathroom doesn't count 😅
Aww robot date 💜🤍💜🤍
Oh that was weird, weird magic purple wave thingie?
"Well this is troubling." I love this samurai so freaking much 💜💜💜
Okay Nya admitting that something's wrong looking so apologetic, girl you don't need to do that you already own my heart 😭
Alright, I'm guessing this is Wojira's power or something, and they will have to go down below and find out why... just throwing this in, maybe Maya did something? Because she wanted to finally be with her family and needed an excuse? JUST A THEORY WITH NO BASE I REALLY HOPE I'M WRONG!!!
Okay, two episodes and I'm BEYOND engaged, let's keep it up! 😍
Getting an idea how this episode might end already 😂😂
Look, I love best girl Pixal, but I'm kinda sad that she seems to be the only one tinkering at this point. Like, I saw Nya fix little stuff, while Jay dropped engineering altogether, I miss my engineers team 😭
Aww, the guys didn't want to crush Pixal's dream of an unsinkable boat 💜 But honestly yeah, I agree with Cole, this might end badly 😅😅
Thank goodness
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I was worried they forgot about Jaya ❤💙❤💙 Jay is such a cutie omg
Nya: Mm, going on a potentially dangerous mission with unstable powers in the heart of my element or... mom's tofu pancakes... *yeets herself over the ship*
I'm making too many screenshots of the Smith family... WHO CARES THEY ARE BACK AND THEY ALL LOOK SO GOOD!!! 😍😍😍😍
Aww Ray wants to play with his son and his friends so CUTE ❤❤❤ Still can't believe they play Prime Empire after everything that went down 😂😂
Whoa whoa whoa, Kai and Cole are sitting this one out? That's actually interesting, I'm pretty sure I saw Cole's scuba suit in the sets though so I didn't expect it... lol it's actually kinda fair that the two that used to be afraid of water aren't going 😂😂
Bet Kai is happy to stay behind because he gets to spend time with his dad 😭
Also studying the fire elementals?? Uhm, yes please?? TELL ME EVERYTHING ABOUT MY FLAME BABE!!! 😍😍😍😍
I'm sure this one scene...
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... made so many lavashippers happy ❤🖤❤🖤 Cole you got Ray's blessing
Ninja team acting cool while Jay is being Jay, it's how it always goes, it's the entire show's description and I absolutely love it 😂 That wink though 💙
PIRATE ZANE IS BACK 😂😂😂 Haven't seen him since Possession, and this time he's not even malfunctioning 👌 Pixal is so done with his dorky boyfriend 😝
Of course Jay already has a ghost butler theory going on 😂
To be honest muffins would sold me too 😅 Not sure if she will make them out of tofu again though...
It's actually really interesting that we still haven't met the actual enemies, it does build up excitment! Very curious about these squid guys 👍
Well what do you know, the Unsinkable sank. Who would have thought?
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... yeah same, sorry Pix 😅
Aaaahhh, Nya fixing stuff! That's more like it!! 😍😍
Oww, that one speech, I've been waiting for so long for that! Maya just wants to catch up with her daughter and it's not her fault she was separated from her children, but Nya did everything on her own with Kai. Only fair she isn't seeking for her help right now... still sad 😢
Pff, with this ninja team there's not a moment of privacy 😂😂
Maya cleaning his future son-in-law's laundry what the HECK 😂😂😂 To be fair Jay has a bit of a history of having to change underwears during sea travels 😝
Zane was attached to a battery? When?... are you talking about that one scene in Prime Empire? Cause that's not really a flashback I wanna ha- whoops never mind got the flashback 😱
Maya looks more calm now, I think she's trying to act more reasonable and she's got good points 👍 I know people were a little weirded out by how more cheerful she looks in comparison to Hands of Time, but I think she gets the most serious and rational when time needs. That's actually fascinating of her 🤔
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THIS GIRL IS TOO GORGEOUS MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT 🤩🤩🤩 Like my gosh that smirk, what the heck Pix 💜💜💜
Okay but Jay looking at Nya until the doors are completely closed?? CAN YOU FEEL MY JAYA HEART BEATING?? ❤💙❤💙
Whoa green gas I thought this was Nya's season 😂
I really REALLY like the atmosphere of the entrante of the temple! Super sealike and ancient! 🌊🌊🌊
Maya: off we go, into the spooky old temple! (Why does it feel like something Kai would say? 😂)
Oh gee, someone sleeping in the deep, who could that be? Coff Wojira coff
Whoa the jellyfishes look pretty lifelike!
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WELCOME BACK GILES!!! ONCE AGAIN ON A LEGO SHOW I MISSED YOU SO MUCH YOU AND YOUR GODLIKE VOICE!!! 😍😍😍😍 Gosh he's a villain but he's got Clay's voice, how can I even try to hate him?? 😅
Alright, knocking down my water girls, that is pretty hateful material... BUT CLAAAYYY 💙💙💙
So they need the two amulets to wake up Wojira? Isn't one on the island? Fire dad and son coming to the rescue? WHO KNOWS BUT I'M ENJOYING THIS A LOT SO FAR KEEP GOING SEABOUND 😍😍😍
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aweebwrites · 5 years
Side-Effects (The Fic)
“Lloyd. Let Kai know that breakfast will be ready in a moment.” Sensei Wu says, sipping his tea as Zane attended to breakfast with Nya watching him idly nearby.
While Zane couldn't be trusted with fire, he was the only one who could cook meals without forgetting about it, being too impatient or making it taste like fresh garbage. They never pressure him however. They were just as fine taking turns heading out to Ninjago City to pick something up but Zane had those days where he wanted to do more than hole himself up in his room under dozens of blankets for hours- or even days- and today was one of those days.
“Sure thing Uncle.” Lloyd says, glad for something to get him moving.
He headed upstairs to where the rooms were, taking the stairs three at a time.
The Desert Bounty had 4 floors with their rooms being on either the fourth or third floor. The second floor was the living space, dining area and kitchen while the ground floor was the training area. Kai's room was on the fourth floor along with his, Nya's and Sensei Garmadon’s. Sensei Wu, Zane's, Jay's and Cole's were on the third floor. While the Monastery was still a work in progress, they would most likely spend a lot of their time here. After all, the had to share rooms in the Monastery and that didn't play out well as far as Lloyd heard from the others.
“Hey Kai.” He says, knocking at Kai's door before opening it. “Breakfast is ready.” He says to the fire ninja who was laying in bed and staring at the ceiling.
“Ok.” He sighs after a moment, getting up.
“If it's one of those days, I can bring breakfast up instead.” Lloyd suggested, shifting from one leg to another repeatedly.
“No, it's fine.” Kai says, stepping out and closing his door before heading down with Lloyd. “I haven't eaten with you guys in almost a week. I can suck it up today.”
“Alright.” Lloyd nods, knowing better to try and persuade him otherwise or tell him take it easy.
“Yo Kai!” Nya says with a grin once they walked into the dining/kitchen space before snorting, realising that she made a funny. “Get it? Yokai? Demon?” She says as Kai sat in his usual seat, pointedly ignoring her.
Due to all of their issues, their seating arrangements are fixed. At the head of the kitchen island they ate all meals at was Sensei Garmadon who was currently out, Kai to the right then Lloyd, Cole, Sensei Wu, Zane, Jay and Nya. While Nya is mostly tolerable, she gets under his skin sometimes. Kai just wants to make it through a day without flaming up.
“Very funny Nya.” Lloyd says with a smile to deter her.
“Isn't it?! Because yokai are demons and demons are usually seen with fire and he's the elemental master of fire so it will works out it's so weird kinda like this weird scorpion I saw yesterday that had two stingers like how does that even work plus the desert sand is so hot but underneath the top layer is much cooler I went digging around to see if I'd find anything interesting yesterday but I got sidetracked when I remembered that….” As Jay went on and on, Zane set down breakfast on the table before taking his seat and pulled the scarf he had on closer to his mouth.
He didn't need to eat anymore with his new shiny body but he was fine with just sitting and watching the others. Yes, he missed it sometimes, being able to eat but not for long.
“Thank you for the meal Zane.” Sensei Wu says and all but Cole echoed the same.
He only huffed and begrudgingly began eating. He still hasn't forgotten that argument they had 6 months back and while he couldn't remember the details, he remembered he was still mad at him.
I don't want to be.
His food was great however, not that he'd tell him that.
But I want to.
“What are we doing today Sensei?” Nya asked him, cutting random shapes into her eggs.
“Today is meditation Monday.” Wu announced.
“Meditation?! I hate meditation! It's always sit still and clear your mind but I can never clear my mind not even for a few seconds I just have to keep going like a solar powered scooter in a place where there's no night time speaking of I have to finish the schematics for that or ask my dad for some help he shouldn't be too busy since he's planning on coming in for a visit soon maybe I can get him to bring more copper wirings but I don't think I need much more of that I should ask for that diskjumpsprangle socket instead I could make 10,000- no 100,000 things with it like…”
“Ugh…” Kai groaned, rubbing his temples at Jay's endless chatter.
He loved his friend and he understood that he couldn't control it but it got to him sometimes. Everything has gotten to him at some point if he's being honest with himself. At least he's grown used to it enough that it was rarely a trigger.
“Jay, you don't do actual meditation, remember?” Cole pointed out.
“Oh yeah! I totally forgot like that time I forgot my own name! That was funny though I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the fact that I hadn't slept on 4 days because I had this cool idea that wasn't as cool as I thought but…”
“Shouldn't Dad be back now?” Lloyd asked his uncle, fiddling with his fork, his legs bouncing with his excess energy.
“He decided to pick up a few things in Ninjago City first. He should be back in time for meditation however.” Wu told him as Jay chatted off a no longer listening Zane's ears.
He hadn't been at the table for long and he's already had enough social interaction with the others. He sighs and stood, tucking his mitten covered hands into his pockets.
“Where are you headed?” Nya asked him, a beach ball sized water bubble in hand as he passed her by.
“My room.” Was his only answer as he left.
“Nya, you know the rule. No powers at the table.” Wu reminded her, pouring Kai a cup of ClariTea and sliding it over to him.
“Totally forgot.” Nya says with a grin, taking her focus off the water orb- and of course dousing the entire table in water, filling everyone's lap with it.
“Nya what the hell?!” Kai snapped, bolting to his feet and turning over his cup of ClariTea in the process but he was already soaked.
“Whoopsie.” She grinned as the others stood as well.
“Whoopsie?” Kai says through gritted teeth as his clothes began to steam.
"Oh boy." Lloyd sighed to himself.
“WHOOPSIE?! You soaked everyone and my breakfast with your stupid WATER!” He yelled, pounding burning fists on the table and evaporating the water there and rapidly burning into the granite countertop of the kitching island.
“She did. And she's very sorry about it.” Lloyd says, quickly covering Nya's mouth. “Say Nya, Zane hasn't watered his garden today.” He says, pushing her towards the stairs.
"Oh yeah..." She says then headed downstairs.
“Arrrg! She's such a child!” Kai yelled, flaming up even more.
“Hey Kai-”
“One day! Just one day is all I wanted without THIS happening!” He yelled, skin going orange as his flames reddened further.
“Um, Kai-”
“I’M SICK AND TIRED OF THIS STUPID FU-” Kai's furious ranting was cut off by the reinforced metal that made up the floor melting under his feet, sending him plummeting to the ground floor.
“I tried to warn you.” Jay says, peering over into the hole.
Jay barely managed to jump back quick enough for red hot flames to come blazing up.
"Nya?!" Lloyd yelled, rushing over to the window to see if she got out in time.
"Yeah?" She says, looking up at him from Zane's garden, water bubble in hand.
Lloyd only sighed in relief.
“Holy hot tamale! That was epic! Well not epic as in good but like epic epic like that was super cool to see but not super cool that it happened though it kind was but not-”
“Jay.” Cole says, cutting him off as he took off and wrung out his shirt. “Your eyebrows.” He says and Jay reached up to touch them.
“Oh man! This is the second time this month! My mom is gonna make me wear makeup again and drawn in eyebrows aren't a good look on me it makes me look like some kind of drag queen not that anything is wrong with them hut how do they even walk in those heels it should be…” Jay went on, forgetting about his eyebrows already.
“Before you get back brother, I'll need you to tap into our savings...” Wu says to Garmadon over the phone, looking at the large hole in the kitchen area.
Not to mention the damage downstairs...
(Heya! So you remember that Side-Effects AU I came up with a while back? Here's a small fic to show you an idea of how things are for the main 7! And for reference, almost everything up to rebooted actually happened but after Zane rebuilt himself only to still feel cold, he kinda snapped and froze over the whole factory- including PIXAL and the cultists that came to kidnap them. Long story short, season 4 and after never happens. I hope it wasn't too bad!)
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justsomerandomweebo · 6 years
Just A Dream
"You know, if we could all just stop dying or almost dying, that'll be great." Kai sighed as he looked at their most recent addition to the murals.
All of their hand prints to symbolize the ultimate tornado of creation to defeat the One. It was simple yet... Powerful.
"Well, considering that the Oni are done for and Ninjago is busy recovering, we should all be good for now." Jay says with a smile as he held Nya's hand.
"Key word is 'for now'. Ninjago is almost always in danger and it's not like they have anyone else aside from us to protect them." Cole pointed out from Kai's right. "Sure we'll be more careful but who knows, you know?" He shrugged.
"Can we not focus on dying right now? I don't know about you but I've had enough of the topic to last a lifetime." Nya says with a grimace.
"She's right. We should be glad we all survived that mess." Kai says with a grin, turning to them. "I don't know about all of you but I could use a vacation!"
"Sign me up- Ooh! What about a beach wedding?!" Jay says eagerly to Nya who smiles fondly.
"It sounds like a good idea now but when all that sand gets in your shoes, you'll think otherwise." She says, patting his shoulder as he grimaced at the thought.
"I still think you guys should just do it here at the Monastery." Cole says as he headed inside, the rest of the following.
"Cole's right. The Monastery is the best place. I mean, it may not be the original but we have a lot of memories here." Kai says with a smile, recalling training with Cole and the others, even competing to see who the green ninja would be.
"Plus, it's easier to keep private. The whole city would probably show up if we do it in a public setting." Nya adds, nudging Jay.
"I don't mind having it here. I just want the best wedding for you, you know?" Jay says and Nya awed.
"You're so thoughtful Jay..." She says, kissing his cheek and Jay blushed.
"How about we ditch the couple and hit breakfast?" Kai whispered to Cole who smirked.
"I thought you'd never ask." He says and both ninja slipped away from the sappy couple.
Once they got to the dining area, they found a tired looking Lloyd already seated, drinking a cup of tea as Zane bustled around the kitchen near by.
"Hey squirt." Cole says in greeting and Lloyd only grunts.
"You looked like you hardly slept." Kai says as he sat next to the green ninja who remained quiet. "Nightmares?" He asked quietly as Cole went into the kitchen.
"Yeah." Lloyd sighed and Kai patted his shoulder. "But it wasn't too bad. I just... Couldn't fall asleep after." He shrugged.
"Hey, it's OK. It gets better." Kai says eothban encouraging smile. "And if falling back asleep is the problem, Sensei Wu has a wicked chamomile tea blend that'll knock you out faster than you can say tea."
"It works, believe me." Cole says as he walked out of the kitchen, catching the last of their conversation. "Drank it on accident once and slept for 10 solid hours. I felt great afterwards." He grinned as he sat down on Lloyd's other side.
"10 hours? I can't sleep that long. What if-"
"What if, what ifs are just that?" Kai countered. "You've been through enough to earn the right to sleep in. We're here too you know. We'll handle whatever comes and if we really need you, well, we can always wake you up." He says, ruffling his hair and Lloyd laughed, batting his hand away.
"Haha, I guess you're-"
"Kai." They all looked towards Zane who was looking at them all with a stony expression.
"Woah, why so serious?" Kai joked, hoping to lift the sudden tension in the room-but failing. "Did something happen?" He asked, serious now.
Surely something villain sized must have happened for Zane to be so serious.
"Who were you talking to Kai?" Zane asked, ignoring his question.
"What do you mean? I was just talking to..." Kai's voice trailed off once he looked at the two empty seats next to him. "Woah, where'd they go?" He whispered, wondering how that got so stealthy to leave the room without him noticing.
"Answer the question Kai." Zane prompts again and Kai frowned.
"Lloyd and Cole of course. I mean, Cole literally just came out of the kitchen with you!" Kai yelled, upset and confused at his weird questions.
Zane pressed his lips firmly together as Nya and Jay stepped in- only to back out slowly.
"You two." He says and the couple froze before looking guilty as they walked back in.
"Nya, great. Could you get Lloyd and Cole and calm Zane here down? I don't know what his deal is but-"
"Why didn't you tell him?" Zane spoke, looking to Nya and Jay and Kai glared at them all, realising that he was being ignored.
Rude much?
"I couldn't. He looked so calm for once and I-I..." Nya broke off as tears streamed down her cheeks, hiding her quiet sobs into Jay's shoulder.
"Nya..." Kai says as he stood then scowled once Zane stopped him from approaching by holding his hand up in his direction.
"We just thought this once wouldn't matter, you know? He always slips by tomorrow anyway. I mean-"
"Could someone stop ignoring me and tell me what the hell is going on?!" Kai yelled, interrupting Jay.
Both lightning and ice ninja looked at him Nya keeping her face hidden in Jay's shoulder.
"No, I'll tell him." Nya spoke up, cutting Zane off as she pulled away from Jay.
"Nya..." He says, heartbroken as he looked at her red face and teary eyes.
"Kai..." She whispered, wiping her eyes. "I should have told you earlier but I was just being selfish." She says and Kai shook his head.
"No way." He says with a reassuring smile as he walked over. "Nya-"
"No Kai. I have to say this." She says, cutting him off and he frowned. "Kai... Lloyd and Cole are dead." She says firmly, despite the tears rolling down her cheeks.
"What?" He whispered, wide eyed as he stepped back.
He shook his head.
"They can't be. I just spoke with them-"
"They aren't real Kai." Nya says, walking up to him. "It's all on your head. Cole never survived that fall and Lloyd died from a head injury after we did the tornado of creation. You know this Kai. You were there." She says, cupping his cheeks as he stood there, conflicted.
On one hand, he saw Cole come back in the storm raider during the battle and he saw when Lloyd woke up after he had hit his head but on the other, more painful hand, he recalled them using Wu and Garmadon to take Cole's place in the tornado of creation and checking Lloyd's pulse after, finding none. He recalled Misako crying over Lloyd's body and recalled them pulling him away from his body. Even worse, he recalled being called to ninjago City with the others to collect Cole's cold, lifeless body.
"No." Kai whispered as he stepped back.
He couldn't have imagined it all... Could he?
"I'm sorry Kai." Zane says quietly, placing a hand on his shoulder as Jay swiped at his eyes.
"No, it can't be." Kai says, drying it all, backing away from them all.
"It's not true!" He yelled at his sister, flames ignighting in his hands.
He jerked awake with a gasp, gripping scorched sheets in his fists and drenched with sweat. He panted heavily, looking at the blackened sheets in his hand as his heart pounded against his chest.
"OK, deep breaths Kai. Just a Dream. It was all just a dream." He whispered to himself, pushing his sweat slick bangs back.
He breathed out a sigh of relief.
"Sorry to tell you pal." Kai jerked his head up, looking owlishly at the two ghosts at the end of his bed.
Cole was seated on the edge, looking nonchalant while Lloyd looked remorseful.
"It really did happen." Lloyd finished Cole's sentence and Kai yelled, jolting awake yet again.
"Ow!" He hissed once he hit his forehead on something.
He blinked then reached up and touched the wood over us head. What? Why was he- He blinked, noticing his hand had blood on it.
"What the hell?" Kai whispered, patting himself over in the tiny box to see where the blood was coming from.
Was it even his? He paled once he felt something off. Not just off. Something was missing. His chest had a hole in it his hand went through. Wait. He... He was in a coffin. He was dead!
"Kai." Said ninja jolted awake at the sound of Zane's voice, looking around wide eyed.
"What? Where are we?" He asked as he looked around the Earth Driller at the unfamiliar surroundings.
"You'll remember in a sec. Come on." Nya says, helping him out.
He looked around and froze at the sight of the weeping willow tree ahead. He remembered now. He numbly walked over, Nya, Zane, Jay, Pixal, Sensei Wu and Misako falling just behind. He gritted his teeth as he looked down at the two gravestones before him, for Cole and Lloyd. Tears dripped down his chin as he dug his nails deep into his palms until blood dripped from them. This was the reality of things. Lloyd and Cole did die. Why couldn't this be the dream and one of his other dreams be a reality? Even if it was in his head or if they were ghosts, he would still had them with him. If he was the one who was dead then... Then he wouldn't have to feel this... Nya placed a hand on his shoulder then took his hand, uncoiling it before holding it, blood and all. Why? Why couldn't this be the dream?
Not gonna lie, I had fun playing with Kai's mentality. I might just write more dark stuff like this because why not torture the Ninja? I wrote this spontaneously in like 20 minutes so it might not be the best either. Cheers!
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ahrifoxtailgoddess · 7 years
Ninjago: Guardian of Space Ch1
So, what I'm doing here, I'm doing a story line for my own Ninjago story based on my oc Sonya. She is a guardian of Space. This will take up to a new story after the new Season for Ninjago! So, that being said, let's start out with how this will start for the story now!
The characters that will be in this, I'll list them down for each chapter that I will put into. But I can't promise to not make any sad scenes, but I will do it for dem tears now!
-Kai -Lloyd -Cole -Zane -Nya -Jay -Sensei Wu(Still a baby!) -Pixal  -Sonya -Star Phoenix
Alright! Here goes nothing! 
Chapter 1: Mysterious Star
Down to where Ninjago is, everyone was doing their daily things when it was night time. The Ninjas were partying at the place where they hang out and sing. After they finished singing their son, the blue ninja, Jay decided to go outside to grab some snacks from the store he was planning on going. Until he heard some sounds that made him feel unsafe around him. He looked everywhere to find where the sound was coming from. He found nothing and then heard the sound stopped. He sigh in relief that he thought he was imagining things, but that's proven him very wrong for that he was suddenly snatched from the air and was gone at the sight. Kai, the red ninja, was feeling concerned about Jay's return with the snacks. Cole, the black ninja, he thought Jay was just taking his sweet time to grab the snacks. Lloyd, the green ninja, disagree to this and decided to go outside to see if he was going to come back. Nya, the grey ninja(Okay I don't know what her color is, so help me out!), was worried for Jay. She and him were together so that got her to the point of what has happened along Jay's return. Maybe some traffic problems that he is going to help on. For Zane, the white ninja, he decided to call Pixal to scan the entire Ninjago map to see if Jay was anywhere. Pixal scanned, but no trace or sight of him anywhere on the map that Jay may be on. That's brought them the feeling of worry. They all got ready and set off to go find Jay anywhere in Ninjago city. Zane searched in the glacier mountains, Cole searched in each stores that Jay may have gone into, Kai searched at the docks to see if the ships that left might have taken Jay, Lloyd checked the forests of each places that he can go to to find if he was in there, Nya was at the Bounty, flying it while checking where Jay may be at in the air. Pixal was with her, too to help navigate where the next destination they will be heading to next. For their searches, they found nothing at all. They were highly concerned that someone or something may have taken Jay right when he left to go to the store. Maybe he was taken right when he was about to leave outside, or it may be before he was taken, or after he bought the snacks. Lloyd thought about the store keeper that may have seen what happened to Jay. They all followed that idea to talk to the people who may have spotted for what happened to Jay. They spoken to each landlords, neighbors, store keepers, and almost all of them never seen Jay. But, the same store keeper and a hotel customer may have spotted something they wish they hadn't seen. The customer was the first to say. Hotel Customer: Listen, this may sound crazier that what I said to my friends. But what I heard, it was like a sound of a beast, or something that was on the street. I thought it was the neighbor's dog that may have ran out and stayed at the front, so I had a go to check it out. Turns out, there were no dogs outside, but Jay. Whatever was following him, it made him feel afraid around his surroundings. I kept a watchful eye, and thought maybe he's got this. So, I headed off to bed, but before I could do that, I heard his screams. I ran back to see what happened, but he was already gone in a second! That was the last time I saw him walking towards the store. That's pretty all I got so far. Kai: He felt worried and dismissed the Hotel Customer back outside, and then he saw the Store Keeper come in to speak to them Alright, your turn. Store Keeper: She went in and sat on the chair, trying to calm down for a bit and then was ready to speak This...This is going to probably not make any sense for what happened to your friend. But believe me, this will sound crazy. Cole: He built up confidence to hoping what she will be talking about Try us. We'll listen to whatever you have to say so that we can find our friend. Store Keeper: Her expression changed to a scared look O-Okay. So, I was about to wrap up and close everything, but I saw Jay coming over and I had to wait. I grabbed my phone and texted my family that I'll be late a bit. After I finished that, I saw him looking around as if he was trying to see who was following him. I thought to myself that he may be just hallucinating, but...I wish I was the one to hallucinate all this. Lloyd: He motioned his hand to let her continue We're listening. Store Keeper: She gathered her confidence Well, from what I saw that happened...something grabbed him from the air and Jay was just...gone. It looked like a ghost snatched him up in the air and then was just...gone in a second! Well, I wish I can show you proof about it, but sadly I didn't. I hope you can find your friend. Thank you for your time. She gets up and leaves the room
Everyone was in the room, trying to think of what may have taken him. Nya: Thinks You know, it may be a ghost, but it's not possible for a ghost to just grab and go like that. Kai: We've been searching for two days and nothing has ever come up at all. We got the answers, but they are just when Jay vanished into thin air. Cole: He was agitated so he had to punch his hand into his palm When I find out who it was, either a ghost or whatever, I'll punch it right in the spot were it hurts! Lloyd: He places his hand on Cole's shoulder to keep him calm Calm down, Cole. Even of Jay has been kidnapped, he'll find a way back to us. No matter what, I believe in him. Also, Zane is on a look out for Jay just in case if Jay has returned. -At Zane's POV- He looks around still, but where he went to, he was at the exact spot where Jay was taken. Zane: He looks around the alley way and goes in there to see if Jay was around there. Still nothing at all. He sighs and begins to walk away There's nothing here at all. Guess I'll be head ba- He was cut off by the sound that Jay heard Zane looked around quickly, trying to see where it was coming from. As he remembered, he was pulled upwards into the air, so he looked up, trying to see where it's coming from. A portal suddenly opened and from the exact spot where Jay was taken from that night. Then out came was Jay! Zane saw him landed on the cement, and terror filled his expression to see his friend beaten almost to death. There we cuts around him, bruises, and blood were spilling out from the injuries that were weakening Jay. Zane ran over to help him while he called for backup. Zane: Calls them Kai! Cole! Anyone!? I just found Jay! Kai: He responded REALLY!? WHERE IS HE!? Cole: IS HE ALRIGHT?! Nya: WHERE ARE YOU AT RIGHT NOW?! Zane: I'm where Jay was taken from the night when he was going to the store, but we'll need to fix his critical condition quickly! For I fear, this torture is worse than like any other! Nya: Can we see him!? Zane: He hesitated, but he did it anyway and showed the current state Jay was in, and everyone gasped in horror We need to get him to a hospital now!! Time passed for the Ninjas, for they were completely scared for his recovery of whoever inflicted those injuries on their friend. Nya saw the doctor and got up first before the boys did. Nya: How is he? Is he alive?! Doctor: He'll be fine. There are some injuries that may have pierced through him, but it didn't aim for any organ parts of him. There is something weird though. He goes over to bring a silver bowl with a strange looking needles, but then it was shaped as a feather. These are some weird ninja weapons that are shaped like some sort of bird's feather. Maybe I can let you guys find out what material it is made of and where it came from. I'll be with others if you need me, but for now, go see your friend. They nodded and walked to the room Jay was in. His eyes were half open, at the same time, he was really hurt with a broken arm, and he had some cuts that were on his arms, legs, and his body. When they went inside, Nya sat beside him. She wanted to see how he was doing. Everyone else circled around him to see how he was doing as well. Nya: Hey Jay. How are you doing? Jay: He groaned a bit from the pain, but he managed to gather his strength to speak. I'm doing fine. Really. But, it still hurts. Kai: Did you get a good look of who it was? Jay: Kai, I was grabbed from the air and got knocked out! It felt like hours for us fighting! I couldn't even get a good look at them since they just warped and hid behind some pillars not being seen at all. He stops talking for a bit and relaxes his voice Anyway, I saw those daggers that were just homing onto me. I tried to hit them away, but the more I hit them, then more comes back to cut and stab me. Cole: Sort of like a hydra but instead it's these. *holds one of the feather daggers and studies it* Zane, can you find out what materials this feather dagger is made out of? Zane: I'll get right onto it. He takes the dagger and goes to the lab to melt down the materials off of it. Lloyd: Jay, you were gone about 2 days. How long were you there for? Jay: I don't know. It felt like almost about 5 hours. But, then it did felt like for a day or night. I don't know. Lloyd: Okay then. Then, can you remember anything that the kidnapper did or say anything? Jay: was silent trying to remember, and all he remembered were the cold dark aqua green eyes staring down at him and then the daggers form and about to attack him, he screamed and lashed out in fear I CAN'T REMEMBER! I CAN'T REMEMBER! I CAN'T REMEMBER!! He repeated that over and over, and his voice became from loud to low tone and he passed out
Everyone was shocked to see what just happened. Kai was upset and left the room, the rest stayed with Jay. Kai couldn't wait any longer, so he decided to go to the same spot that Jay was taken and brought back. He waited there for a day, waiting for something to happen, but never did happen. He gave up, heading back home when it was dark. As he was about to get to the Bounty, suddenly without warning, he was grabbed from underneath and pulled down, and was never seen again.
I hope you Ninjago fans enjoyed this!
If you have any questions, please ask in inbox!~
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kayyeh1 · 7 years
Happy Glacier week everybody! Thank you so much for organizing this @impulsivekiddo and @mariakoshi! I will be doing all art after this but I was writing this anyway and thought it would be perfect.
A Day Off
05/07/17 Glacier week first prompt (firsts/meeting)
After all the craziness that had happened recently, the ninja decided they needed a break, and though evil never rests, the ninja thought they could at least have a game night.
“So what’ll it be ladies and gents? Monopoly? Spit tournament? Chess?” Jay asked, looking around the room. As his eyes layed on his titanium friend Jay quickly amended, “Er, actually maybe NOT chess"  as their scattered laughter died down Nya spoke up,
” how about we get something to eat first? Then we can decide on what to play with a full stomach.“
“Actually”, Zane began “I recently did an inventory on our pantry, and while there are some ingredients, there isn’t much I can use to make a substantial meal with, and a grocery trip is imminent.”
“Ok, noodles it is!” piped Kai cheerily. “You just want to see your new girlfriend” Lloyd teased. “She’s not my girlfriend!” Kai insisted, stamping his foot, he quickly muttered half to himself “not yet anyway…”
As Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Nya, Wu, Misako, and Lloyd all made their way down to the ‘Chen’s Noodle House’ where Skylor worked, laughing and talking, Zane saw a shadow move from the corner of his eye into an alleyway.  Zane suddenly stopped and put his hand up for quiet, and the talking ceased. The others got into their ready stances, and Pixal spoke to Zane so only he could hear, “chances of hostile opponent, 78.3 percent. This isn’t exactly the safest are to be in at precisely 9:55 at night.“ 
Zane nodded at the others, who donned their masks, and snuck into the shadows. Flashes of black moved in and out of the alley way, slipping in and out of the ninjas vision. Like a snake. As they reached a dead end, they all quickly realized was only one hiding place left for their culprit to go. Cole slowly moved toward the  refrigerator box, while thinking to himself if anyone had the decency to recycle anymore, or even put the garbage where it belonged, instead of an alleyway. As he lifted the lid, he heard a building hiss, and something black leaped out at him and clawed his face! 
"Awww, how cute,” Nya exclaimed, “it’s just a cat!” While Zane helped pry the black and white alley cat off Cole, he commented “I’m not sure how ‘cute’ Cole thinks this cat is right now, but I’m pretty sure she is low on his list for the time being"  
"Darn right it’s low on my list! That thing just attacked me for no good reason!” Cole said in a huff.
“That’s not entirely true Cole, Pixal just did a scan, though I’m not sure it was needed to tell that the feline is pregnant. She was just protecting herself, and is very moody at this stage. And to be fair we were sneaking around.” As Zane finished his synopsis, he started to stroke the cat which slowly calmed down. “Pixal also told me that this cat has no diseases but has not checked for fleas. So unless you are made of metal, or do night mind a bit of itching, I suggest your all refrain from petting her quite yet.” As the ninja moved slightly more away from Zane and the cat Nya suggested they take her with them and go to a rescue center or clinic after they all ate.
The bell ringed as the door to ‘Chen’s Noodle House’ opened  and a friendly face greeted them all. “Hey guys! Long time no see, what to busy saving the world to visit?” Skylor teased. “so what can I get you all?” She went down the line and everyone ordered, and when she got to Zane, she saw the expecting cat asleep in his arms. “ Awww, what a cutie! But why would you bring your cat with you to a restaurant Zane?"  Skylor asked.   "Oh, she’s not mine, we followed her into a nearby alley thinking she was a person sneaking around at night. We were going to take her to a clinic or rescue center after we all ate”
“heh, you guys are real softies aren’t you? Even on your night off you all still are out doing the right thing. Hey, you know I could take her there for you if you want. I know it’s not often you guys get a night off and you should spend all your time wisely. Besides, I’ve been looking for a roommate, maybe I might keep her or one of her kittens.” As Skylor finished speaking she headed into the kitchen to give the orders to the chef, the only other staff at that point of night.
“That’s so sweet of you Skylor, thanks so much” Nya exclaimed, “but I suggest your wrap her in a towel, or carry her in a crate or something, Zane scanned her for diseases before, but she may have fleas and is pretty moody as Cole knows”
“is that what happened to your face?”
As everyone laughed and ate their food Skylor agreed to come over to hang out after she dropped of the cat at a shelter and play some games with them. The idea was from Kai (of course), and as they all finished up their meal, Zane helped skylor wrap the cat in an old towel, and put her in a crate to transport the cat in- which had been dubbed Oreo- after Skylor closed up for the night. By the time Skylor got to the ninja’s place, they had already played some board games, checkers (not chess, though Jay lost anyway), and an arm wrestling contest (Nya almost beat Cole in the last round, but he wasn’t the ninja of earth for nothing) 
“So what do you want to play?” Kai asked Skylor as she set her things down. “How about…. Spin the bottle!” As cheers went around the room (especially from Kai and Jay),  Cole explained the game to Zane who, while a little uncomfortable, agreed to play. Pixal however, decided to go elsewhere on the ship’s data until the game was over.
Nya went first, and spun the bottle hard. “Come on, come on” Jay chanted, hoping to be landed on, and get a smooch from his girlfriend. But it landed on….. her brother! As everyone laughed at Jay getting huffy, Nya gave her brother a quick kiss on the cheek. Kai spun next, and hoping for an excuse to kiss Skylor, he crossed is finger as and closed his eyes. Luckily for him, it DID land on Skylor.
“ok hot stuff close your eyes and pucker up” as Kai did what he was asked, Skylor gave him a long, slow, kiss on the lips.
“wOW” Kai exclaimed in a daze. Skylor spun and landed on Cole
After she pecked his cheek, Cole spun, around and around the bottle went. And landed right. On. Zane.Cole blushed furiously.
“So um, how exactly do I proceed with this?” Zane asked embarrassedly.
“Wait, you mean you’ve never kissed anyone before?” Cole asked. Zane shook his head.
Cole was becoming increasingly nervous that he was about to be Zane’s first kiss, but started to explain. “Um OK, uh, you kinda like, purse your lips. And then you just touch them to the other persons lips. But you don’t have to do it like that you can just kiss me on the cheek-mffff!!!” Cole was cut if as Zane gently kissed Cole straight on the mouth. And cole wrapped his arms around Zane’s head in reply. When the two finally broke apart, Cole asked,
“you sure you never kissed anyone before?”
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eyeofthewolfe · 8 years
Evil Zane Chapter 11 & Epilogue
Can the ninja save Zane AND themselves? Find out in the conclusion of the Evil Zane Fanfiction!
All other Chapters plus The Story Of Echo Zane: here
Chapter 11
Before Titanium Kai could douse Nya in a wave of flames, she projected her own wave of water to surround the fire blaster, and then with a flick of her wrist and intense concentration, she willed the water to engulf all of the robot and conceal it in a sphere of water.
The robot tried to use its blaster, but the only thing that came out of the hole were bubbles.
The water ninja pushed her hands towards each other, and the water particles began to apply pressure onto the titanium ninja. There were loud crunches as the metal strained under the pressure. Nya narrowed her eyes and focused on crushing the robot.
Suddenly, the robot began to glow. Nya blinked in surprise but kept adding more and more pressure. Titanium Kai’s metal was turning more orange-yellow by the second, and the pressurized water did not enjoy touching the robot. A hiss grew from the sphere as the water began to forcefully evaporate around the glowing robot. Soon, the water couldn’t physically be a liquid around the immensely heated metal of the robot’s body. With exasperation, Nya released her element and the steam broke apart, clouding the robot from Nya. Taking in breaths, she watched in horror as Titanium Kai walked through the cloud of steam, his body now a fire yellow and deadly hot to touch. Nya grabbed her sword, but she knew she didn’t stand a chance against an enemy she couldn’t touch.
Kai was fighting valiantly, somehow still brimming with energy, but his disadvantage of two swords against one was starting to take its toll. His red suit was turning scarlet with blood oozing from cuts he earned when Titanium Lloyd outsmarted his defense. Kai pushed forward, though, ignoring the wounds and the dreaded thought that he couldn’t beat something with more offense than him that also couldn’t tire.
In the midst of their swords clanging against each other, Kai leapt into the air and used Titanuim Lloyd’s chest as a backboard to backflip away from the robot. Mid-flip, he kicked the robot in the face and it stumbled a few paces backwards. Kai landed and swung his sword out to get balanced.
The robot evened itself out as well. Kai lifted his sword, and prepared to charge, but the robot lifted its swords and suddenly a surge of green electric energy filled the lining of the sword. “Nice decoration, roboto!” Kai mouthed off to the robot before rushed forward and swinging his blade. The robot easily deflected it, but Kai screamed in pain.
When the two swords collided, the lightning ripped from the sword through Kai’s sword and into his body. The pain was instantaneous and excruciating. The fire ninja stumbled backward and the shock stopped, but his energy felt drained and his body was sore.
Titanium Lloyd raised his duel swords, each sparking with the green lightning, and Kai felt powerless against the robot.
Each punch landed, and every move was performed perfectly, but Lloyd knew deep down that his strength and agility were no match against a robot that was practically built physically twice his size and also couldn’t grow tired. It wasn’t looking good for the green ninja.
In a desperate move to destroy the robot, Lloyd released a huge surge of green energy that exploded on and in Titanium Cole. For a moment, the robot froze, and Lloyd thought he had shut it down.
Lloyd was hilariously wrong. Everything metallic surrounding the two fighters jolted towards Titanium Cole and pieces of scrap metal landed on the robot, creating a suit of sharp scraps that made hand to hand combat seem impossible. Lloyd stepped back and hoped his hands and feet were going to survive this fight.
“So is this what a girlfriend going ghost feels like?” Jay snorted to himself as he waited for the invisible Titanium Nya to attack his electrified body.
The large fingers delicately tapped the button PIXAL instructed to press, and a dark red glow shone on Cole’s face as the power source and motive chip drive opened up and the chip ejected itself from Zane’s hardware. Cole extracted the piece and replaced it with the new one and tapped the same button as it closed up. Cole turned to PIXAL and showed her the corrupted power source. “Do we need this?” he asked.
“No,” the robot responded. “Good,” Cole remarked as his fist lit up and he crushed the motive chip. “That was for the Overlord,” he growled at the dust that made up the old corrupted chip.
Cole turned his attention back to the nindroid. “Please work, please work, please work..” Cole pleaded to the robot as he could hear Zane’s systems get rebooted.
Sensei Wu, Misako, PIXAL, and Cole all stared at the nindroid as his eyes shot open.
“- I get corrupted by the Overlord!” Zane yelled as he sat up, his blue eyes shining full and bright. The four onlookers flinched, and Zane, sitting straight up, began to blink and look around. He turned and looked at the group tensed a few feet away, and Zane’s gaze landed on Cole. “Cole, why am I on the counter of the main console in the bridge?”
Cole almost broke the main computer when he lunged on the robot, his eyes filling with happy tears. “ZANE!” He grabbed the robot and easily lifted him and placed him on the ground, all awhile giving him the biggest hug of all time.
“I don’t understand,” Zane went on as Cole released him. “I was just talking with Jay about deactivating me, what just happened?”
Cole laughed. “Oh, you’ve missed a lot. But we need to explain later- we need to go help out our team so they don’t get destroyed by Titanium versions of us.” Zane’s mechanical eyes widened.
Every spurt of water Nya shot at Titanium Kai was no match for the heat its metal stayed constant at. She tried whacking the robot with her sword, but now the blade was melted and attached to its right arm. She was backing up, desperately looking for something to help her, but found nothing. The robot approached and she heard the click as it activated its fire blaster. Nya shielded the blast with her water, but the strength of the flames pushed Nya to the ground. Nya tried to create a water force field, but the robot was smarter. It lifted its red hot hand and brought it down for a killing blow. Nya squeezed her eyes shut and sent a silent prayer to her parents.
There were loud crackles and pops and an unexpected cool breeze brushed Nya’s sweating face. With a gasp, Nya shot open her eyes and saw Titanium Kai frozen solid, a temperature so cold that even its metal heat couldn’t melt. Nya gasped and turned to see none other than Zane reaching his hand down to help her up. “Looked like you were in a heated fight, so I decided to cool it off,” he said with a smile.
Nya grabbed his hand and pulled herself up and she dashed into Zane for a hug. “I thought we lost you!” she cried with a broad smile.
“He has no idea what you are talking about,” Cole said over Zane’s shoulder to Nya, who released the nindroid. “But we need to deal with more evil robots before we recap Zane’s evil phase to him.”
“My evil phase?” Zane questioned, his voice shooting up in nervous fear.
“We’ll explain later,” Cole waved off the subject. “Don’t sweat it.”
“I can’t physically sweat-“ Zane started, but was cut off when Lloyd went flying backwards just in front of them.
“Now is not for explaining or sweating!” Nya said as Cole tossed her two hand blades and he unsheathed a scythe of his own. “Now, we fight!”
Lloyd painfully used his casts to push his aching and cut body off the ground as Titanium Cole approached the fallen ninja with huge fists of metal. Lloyd lifted his cast to protect himself, but a shadow over head caught his attention.
A similarly shaped figure landed in front of the green ninja. “Hey Titanium Me! Nice fists, mind if I show off mine?” Cole grinned as his fist exploded in the orange glow. The robot raised its huge fist of scrap metal and brought it down on Cole, who stopped it with his own fist.
The metal shattered on impact. The robot sauntered backwards, clearly shaken with the unexpected contact. Cole cracked his neck, clearly not phased. “Oh, do you want more?” Cole asked, lifting his energy filled fists. The robot stuck its hands out and its magnets swung two cars, one on each side, to slam on to Cole. “Cole, look out!” Lloyd yelled at the black ninja.
Cole stuck his fists out, and the cars shattered and broke into pieces on impact. Lloyd shielded his face from debris, but his heart skipped a beat. There had be a reason why Cole was this powerful- it was insane what he could do with those new fists.
“Alright, games are over!” Cole yelled as he sprung into the air and slammed his fists on the robot from above. The impact was so strong that Cole slammed the robot into the pavement.
Cole back tracked and helped Lloyd to his feet. The green ninja cautiously glanced at Cole’s fists, for he never wanted to be at the other end of those in action.
Kai knew he was about to die. Every time his sword made contact with one of the two swords extending from the arms of Titanium Lloyd, a jolt of incredibly painful shocks surged through his body. His entire body was sore and hard to move, but he had to keep defending himself from the robot’s constant swings and thrusts. Just when he thought Evil Robot Lloyd was going to get him for good, his sister materialized next to him with two blades.
“Are you crazy?” Kai spurted out, as Titanium Lloyd turned to her. “Not as crazy as you!” Nya laughed as she deflected the two electrified swords. Kai waited for her to scream in pain, but she didn’t even mutter a squeak. She kicked the robot and broke into combat, two swords versus two knives. Kai watched fascinated with his sister’s skill. Her knives made contact with the swords multiple times, and Kai could see the green electricity surge into her, but she didn’t even flinch. Instead, she pressed on, determined to defeat the robot.
The robot still held its ground, but Nya was fighting up a storm. The energy seemed to increase, but Nya didn’t falter. In a sudden move, Nya flipped backwards to give space before shooting a powerful spurt of water to cover the robot.
The electrified swords short-circuited and fried, and the robot went with it. The robot was overcome with its own shock, and it dropped like a stone. Nya lowered her twin blades and turned to her brother. “Sorry, it looked like you were struggling.” Nya said while cutely cocking her head to the side.
Kai shook his head, confused and amazed. “I mean…I was doing okay…but- how did you not react to the lightning shocks?!” he asked in bewilderment.
Nya’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “Well, I am dating the Master of Lightning…” Nya answered slowly, and with a wink, she turned to check on the others, leaving Kai in a state of more shock than Titanium Lloyd could have given him.
Every once in a while, Jay would feel a tug somewhere on his body and he would hear a loud popping sound as Titanium Nya blinked into sight. Jay would try to attack, but the robot was so nimble and quick that she would duck and return to being invisible. Jay was starting to get frustrated, and his elemental energy was tiring fast. He kept glancing over his shoulder, looking desperately for signs of the cloaked robot.
As he turned, he heard a crunching sound from behind him. With a loud shout, Jay spun around and shot a powerful blast of lightning toward the source of the noise.
His lightning was absorbed into a huge block of ice where Titanium Nya was trapped. Jay felt his heart skip a few beats as he turned to see Zane, whose face was struck with fear and amazement.
“Zane!!!” Jay bellowed and he raced to the recovered friend. Zane put his hands up and yelled for Jay to stop. Jay froze, and looked down at his body, which was still covered in electricity. With a giggle, Jay stopped the shield of lightning and embraced Zane. “Man, am I glad to see you!” Jay giddily told the nindroid.
“As all of us!” Lloyd said as the team ran up to Zane and Jay. Lloyd and Zane shared a hug, followed quickly by Kai.
Zane looked around at the damage of the main square of Ninjago City. Smoke from the destroyed Techno Dragon climbed into the sky, and metallic scraps decorated the ground everywhere. Titanium Kai and Nya were entrapped in ice, Titanium Cole was beaten literally into the ground, Titanium Lloyd was short-circuited, and Titanium Jay had a huge dent in its face. “So, what just happened?” Zane asked the team. “And why are there evil versions of you all built and loose in Ninjago City?”
Jay laughed and clapped Zane’s back. “Oh man, where do we start? It’s a long story-“
“Then you better make it quick!” A new voice spoke up from across the ruins. The team turned and saw the Mechanic lean down and pick up Zane’s old armor. “Did you really think I didn’t plan for you pesky ninja to somehow fix Zane? I made sure I was ready to finish this once and for all, even if Zane were to betray me!”
“Betray you?!” Zane almost screamed in shock. The Mechanic slid on the armored chest plate and placed a little earpiece on his left ear and a blue screen activated in front of his face.
“You may have won round one, ninjas! But you are not prepared for round two!” The mechanic tapped something on his mechanical arm, and the Titanium Ninja around them stirred.
“That’s impossible!” Kai gasped as they watched the robots rise from the ground, break through ice, and raise their weapons, no matter how damaged they appeared.
The Mechanic cackled and hit another button. The Titanium Ninjas all put away their martial arts weaponry and each activated ray guns on their arms, all aiming toward the ninja group.
“This doesn’t look good for us,” Cole murmured as the robots moved closer.
“Wait!” Jay whispered harshly. “Zane, they were programmed to obey commands from you!”
“What?!” Zane gasped, staring at the robots.
“That’s right!” Nya agreed. “You said you were the one with the override command! Stop them!”
Zane looked around nervously. “I don’t remember a thing about what I did! How am I supposed to stop them?”
“Use your mind, Zane!” Lloyd said as he braced for a painful impact of a ray gun blast.
“Uhh-“ Zane murmured as he faced the robot’s and their deadly blasters. “Stop.”
The robots continued to move forward.
“More force Zane!” Kai demanded. “Say it like you mean it!”
Zane nodded and turned back to the Titanium Ninjas. “You all, stop at once!” he ordered with a bit more confidence.
Titanium Cole faltered, but continued to approach like the others.
“Maybe it doesn’t work anymore.” Zane spoke, but Cole grabbed Zane’s shoulder. “Titanium Me heard you and it listened for a second. You need to force them to stop, or else we all are about to be fried!”
“You can do it, Zane!” the blue ninja called out in support.
The Titanium Ninja all stopped, their weapons raised and ready to fire.
“We are all going to die,” Kai murmured to himself.
“Titanium Ninja-“ the Mechanic ordered, smiling at his victory. “FIRE!”
The robotic ninjas all instantly lowered their weapons and stood at the ready. The real ninjas all gasped and turned to Zane, who was staring confidently at the five nindroids.
The Mechanic’s jaw dropped. “How….?”
Zane pointed a finger at the Mechanic. “Titanium Ninja- arrest this man!”
“What?!” The Mechanic screamed as the five robots turned and rushed toward the cyborg. “No! Nooooo!”
The robots grabbed a hold of him, ripped off the armor plate, and dragged him toward Titanium Zane. “Let go of me! I order you to release me!” the crook screamed at the robots, but they didn’t even flinch. They threw him at the feet of the first nindroid.
“You!” The mechanic spat. “You ruined everything! You nasty piece of hardware! You tricked me into trusting you and then you turned on me and made my creations turn to scrap or against me!” The Mechanic cried. A few police officers who were hiding during the fight rushed over and grabbed the criminal and handcuffed him. “Don’t think this is the end, you ninja! You haven’t seen the last of me! You can’t get rid of me that easily!” He was pushed into a cop car and his shouts of anger were now muffled.
The team all burst out into laughter. “I swear,” Jay laughed. “All villains practice the same defeat speech!”
“At least he’s going back to join all the other prisoners at Kryptarium.” Nya said with a sigh of relief.
Lloyd walked up to his robotic version. “What are we going to do with these guys?” he asked, tapping on Titanium Lloyd’s forehead.
“Yeah, if you’d ask me, it’s kind of creepy having robotic versions of ourselves somewhere in the city.” Kai snorted, glaring uneasily towards his robot clone.
Jay walked up to Titanium Jay and gasped. “Why is there a huge dent on the left side of my face?!” Behind him, Cole chuckled.
Zane stepped forward. “I don’t think Ninjago has room for more nindroids. Especially when the real versions of these robots are already in existence.”
“So what are you going to do?” Cole asked.
Zane turned to the robots. “Titanium Ninja, enact order code 1021129514. Engage immediately.”
The robots all configured their feet to form rocket blaster and one by one, they shot into the sky.
“What’s order code 102…blah blah blah?” Jay asked.
Zane smiled weakly. “It’s the code of self-destruction. They are going to fly into space and then explode, to ensure no harm is done.”
Nya cocked her head. “How did you know that order code existed?”
“Because,” Zane said as he turned back to the team. “That code exists for me.” The team all shared a shocked look, for they never knew Zane had a self-destruct code.
“And we will never need to use it.” Cole smiled as he patted Zane’s shoulder. “It’s good to have you back, you shiny tin can.” Zane smiled at Cole in response.  
The ninja turned to the destruction. “Well,” Lloyd said, clapping his hands together. “Looks like we have some picking up to do! Jay, can we bring this scrap metal to your parent’s junkyard?”
Jay grinned. “Oh, it will be an awesome early birthday gift!” Jay squealed with happiness as the team went to clean up.
Zane had a different plan. He made his way through the piles of scrap until he reached the armored chest plate that apparently he wore while he was evil. He stared at the black metal and red décor, trying to remember what occurred, but his memory drew a blank.
“What are you doing?” Cole asked Zane as he looked over his shoulder.
“I want to remember,” Zane said, almost painfully. Cole was taken aback. “What? Why?”
Zane turned to the Master of Earth, but kept his gaze on the metal armor. “I feel like I should be punished for my behavior, and the memories of what I did should be enough of a consequence to prevent me from any other similar actions in the future.”
Cole grabbed the armor and his hands lit up like magma. He tore the armor in half, shooting out red sparks as the décor shattered. He tossed the metal pieces behind him and turned to Zane.
“What you don’t remember wasn’t you.” Cole told the robot. “The Overlord is the one who needs to be punished. He took you and made your motive his motive, so don’t blame yourself. Blame the Overlord.”
Zane nodded. “If I ever see his face again, he’ll be sorry he messed with me for the third time!”
Cole laughed, an action he hadn’t of done in a while. “That’s sounds more like my brother.”
The two ninja smiled as they looked across the smoking destruction, ready to clean up the mess and return to normalcy. Zane may not remember any moments of his brief time as Ninjago’s greatest villain, but he knew something in him has changed. He felt more willing to help, more motivated to help his friends- his brothers and sisters- in protecting those who cannot protect themselves.
 “You were built to protect those who cannot protect themselves.” -Dr. Julien
 Lloyd stretched his arms out as the nurse returned to his bed. “Well, Lloyd, I still don’t understand how your arms healed completely in a fourth of a time it should have, but I guess I’ll just hand it to being an elemental master of energy.” She smiled at him warmly. “You are good to go!”
“Thank you,” Lloyd answered politely as he slid out of his bed. He was about to leave the room when the nurse called his name again. He turned back.
“Down the hallway, room 213, someone has been talking about you all week. He checks out in about an hour.” She said with a warm smile and then returned to her paperwork.
Lloyd smiled and walked down the hallway and stopped at the door marked 213. The door was cracked open, and he could hear the muffled voices of adults mixed with a very familiar kid. Lloyd cracked the door open some more and peered into the room.
“…I promise! I was the first one to sign the Green Ninja’s casts!” the little brown haired boy said to what Lloyd assumed was his parents.
“That’s great, Nelson!” a warm, motherly voice spoke.
“I can’t imagine the Green Ninja breaking both of his wrists though,” the father said as he ruffled the boy’s hair.
“He said it was an accident, and those happen. But he also told me to help others, and you can be like a ninja! Without their cool moves, of course!” Nelson began to punch and kick the air while making stereotypical ninja sounds. Lloyd chuckled softly.
“Nelson, that all sounds great. Now, are you all packed? You are? Amazing. Let’s see if we can check out a bit early.”
Nelson looked over to where Lloyd couldn’t see. “Mom, let me help..” Lloyd saw Nelson disappear past the crack. Lloyd smiled to himself and backed away towards the staircase. He was about to disappear through the stairway door when Nelson’s door swung open. Nelson was pushing a wheelchair that held his mom, and the entire family had a huge grin on their face, Nelson with the largest.
The little boy instantly recognized the teenage ninja. “Lloyd! Mom, Dad, it’s Lloyd!”
Lloyd smiled and waved, and the family did the same. Nelson pointed at his legs and mouthed, Look! No casts! before wheeling his mom over to the elevator. Lloyd paused when turning to go down the stairs before changing his mind and joining Nelson’s family for a trip down the elevator.
“THAT’S SO UNFAIR!” Jay wailed as he desperately slammed his fingers on buttons of his controller. “You said you didn’t know that fight combo- you lied to me!”
Kai laughed out loud. “The best element is the element of surprise!” The fire ninja cackled as he fiercely attacked his controller with his fingers. “You are about to get Kai’d!!”
“In your dreams Fireboy!” Jay teased as he pressed his favorite fight combo in the game, but his character was slammed by a third character. Jay watched as his character lost his last life. “What?! I WAS ABOUT TO DESTROY YOU ALL!!!!”
With a laugh, Nya tapped on her controller and her character attacked Kai’s character so quickly that his fingers couldn’t react in time.
“Player 3 wins!” The announcer called out as Kai fell backwards with an angry groan. “When did you get so good at this game?” Kai asked his sister as he stared at the ceiling.
“I dunno Kai,” Nya raised an eyebrow and winked at Jay. “When did you get so bad?”
Jay snorted as Kai sat up instantly with his jaw dropped. “This is Fist 2 Face 2!” Kai gasped. “This is my best game!”
The blue ninja shrugged. “Not any more, your sister just stole that title! And didn’t we decide that the loser of best out of 5 would go get more snacks?” Jay taunted while lifting up his chip bowl.
With an aggravated groan, Kai snatched the bowl and stomped out of the room. He paused at the door. “Nya, you better watch out, I’m still warming up! And you both know what I’m like when I’m on fire!” With that, he vanished down the hallway.
Nya and Jay bust out into laughter and Nya fell into Jay’s lap. They laughed for a good bit at Kai’s temper, but when they stopped laughing, Nya gazed up at the bruised teenager. “How are you feeling?” She asked, eyeing the cuts and bruises on his face.
Jay smiled. “Oh I dunno, I could be still contagious.”
The girl ninja instantly sat up. “Oh my gosh, I forgot about your flu! Are you all better?”
Jay laughed as he took her bruised hands.  Nya smiled and gazed up at the young Master of Lightning. “Well, I sure hope so, for your sake,” he said a bit quieter. They both leaned in, eyes slowly shutting, when-
“Loser of best out of 9 gets drink refills!” Kai declared as he barged into the room. Nya and Jay flinched and shot apart, but Kai didn’t see it. He plopped down in his spot next to Jay and placed the full bowl of chips on the ground. He stuffed a handful into his mouth and picked up his controller and turned to a shaken Jay and Nya. “Well? Are you playing or not?”
Misako approached Sensei Wu as he closed his pocket watch and slipped it into his robes. “Dr. Saunders has called in and he wants the ninja’s help to set up the new Elemental Master exhibit.” Misako noticed Wu’s look as he peered up at her from under his hat. “Is it time?” She asked softly. Sensei nodded as he took his walking staff from leaning against the wall of his quarters. “Do not tell the ninja where I am headed, this is something for me to deal with and me alone.” Misako nodded. “I am meeting up with Ronin and Dareth to move our belongings into the Temple of Airjitzu. I’m actually headed there right now.” Misako told Wu, and then they both fell into an awkward silence.
Sensei tightened his robes and fixed his hat. “I best be going. I can’t be late.” He turned to the door, but Misako softly took his arm. Wu turned to the older woman, whose eyes were soft. “Be careful. Last time you faced this enemy, it almost killed you. Please come back in one piece.”
Wu nodded, his gaze soft as well. She lightly kissed his cheek and they both exited his quarters.
Wu made his way off the landed boat and began his journey to the old monastery, not realizing he was kicking off the ninja’s next huge adventure and battle of good versus evil.
It had been about a week after Zane had been fixed. The nindroid had restored PIXAL into his mind, and they spent hours just talking to each other. The ninja had all taken turns telling Zane about his short-lived evil phase (“You totally went emo!” Jay said). The only one who hadn’t of spoken was Cole, whose face was always shrouded in pain when asked to share, and couldn’t even say five words about the experience. That scared Zane, for he felt like his evil alter ego had done something that really hurt Cole.
However, life had returned completely back to normal. Lloyd was getting his casts off, while Jay, Nya, and Kai were gaming. Wu was taking a mini vacation somewhere classified in Ninjago, and Cole was chilling in the ninja’s quarters. Zane was wandering the halls, talking with PIXAL. He paused when he saw Cole lying in bed from the doorway. He tapped the doorframe.
The Master of Earth leaned his head back and saw the robot. “Ah, Zane. Just the guy I want to see.”
Zane towards Cole’s bed. “Really?” he asked.
Cole nodded and sat up. “Look, I’ve been struggling telling you my experience with you being evil because…” Cole tried to speak, but Zane could hear Cole’s throat tighten. “Because…”
“Because you were the one who was supposed to destroy me.”
Cole gaped at the robot. “How…how did you know?”
“Well, based on that new power you discovered that allows you to break anything you hit, I would assume it would have been your duty to destroy me if all else fails.”
Cole looked down at his hands. Zane sat down next to the hurt ninja. “Did it ever come close to it?” he asked softly.
The black ninja nodded. “Twice. I had you in my grasp and I was about to punch your face in… but I couldn’t. How could I hurt you, you are my brother. You’re more of a family I’ve ever had in my whole life. I couldn’t just destroy you with my bare hands.”
As he said this, his voice cracked and rose. Zane has never seen Cole cry-he was always tougher than it- but now he seemed broken on the inside.
Zane didn’t know what to say in response, but instead pulled him into a hug. For a long moment, the two brothers embraced each other as tightly as they could.
“Oh!” Cole suddenly exclaimed and reached into a drawer. “Lloyd found this and decided that you should have it. I keep forgetting to give it to you.” He pulled out a familiar picture frame and handed it to Zane. With gentle hands, Zane accepted it and gazed at the picture.
With a gasp, he saw the image of his father, standing side by side with the Original Zane and the Falcon in the middle. Zane smiled and looked back at Cole. “Thank you Cole. This means a lot.”
Cole smiled as Zane looked back at the picture. Suddenly, the nindroid had a thought. “When you all were talking about saving me, there was a mention of another….” Zane looked up and his speech faded off. Cole was holding another picture frame, rustic brown, that held a picture of someone he never had seen before.
“Zane,” Cole said as he presented the frame to his brother. “Meet Echo Zane, your actual brother.”
Zane took the frame a stared at it. “He is the one that sacrificed his individual life to save yours.” Cole continued. “He’s the hero that rescued you.”
The robot delicately touched the glass that encased the photo. “He looks just like me…” he murmured.
Cole tapped on his back where the new motive chip was kept. “It’s because he is you. Your memories mixed with his heart. You are now stronger than ever before.”
Zane held the two photo frames next to each other. “I’m not really original Zane, and I’m not Titanium Zane anymore, but I’m also not Echo Zane. What does that make me?” he asked Cole.
“Simple,” Cole said with a smile. “You are Zane.” Zane smiled, satisfied with that answer.
“So, Zane, where do you want to put those?” Cole asked, looking at the pictures. Zane smiled and looked over at Cole. “I have the perfect place.”
As the ninja got into their new suits to go help Dr. Saunders with the museum, Zane situated his newest pictures on his small bedside table, so that every time he would go to sleep and wake up, he would remind himself of who he is -and what purpose he has. With that, he would never become corrupt again.
Miles off of the western coast of Ninjago, the Lighthouse sits seemingly untouched for years, yet there is no sign of dust or cobwebs. TAI-D, the cleaning robot, still completes its job everyday as it cleans the tall home from top to bottom whenever and wherever it is needed. The lighthouse is uninhabited except for that small cleaning robot, that is, save one other.
If someone were to stumble upon this tucked away lighthouse in the ocean, they would find the door unlocked, beckoning strangers, almost, and they would enter a spotless yet empty home. The basement is sealed for good so all of the blueprints of the past owner for scary and monstrous vehicles and inventions for the future that had already come would be locked down there forever.
But the real treasure is in the top room, at the highest floor, where a rusted robot sits at the window, as if waiting for something. His rusted brown eyes stare blankly out towards the horizon so he will forever see every sunset and all the beauty that comes in day and night. But the incomer will notice that unlike TAI-D the cleaning robot, this robot is unmoving, non-reactive, and maybe even useless.
However, scripted on the wall next to the window reads out the truth of the special robot who will forever keep watch his lighthouse home. Even though the robot is forever disabled from returning to life, deep within his software the rusted android knows that he too, is a hero.
 “Here lies Zane, a robot who gave his life to serving and saving Ninjago. Though he never could complete his motive in his physical form, he lives it out in spirit, and will continue to do so not only as an echo, but as a source of the life that protects the people of Ninjago who cannot protect themselves.”
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